blob: dcf19e48f91a012e37317665bcd7d5697c274df6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cli_config/cli_config.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
class BisectionConfig {
/// A way to identify this bisection.
/// Used for log names etc.
final String name;
static const String _nameKey = 'name';
/// Hash of the first commit.
final String start;
static const String _startKey = 'start';
/// Hash of the last commit.
final String end;
static const String _endKey = 'end';
/// The commands to run.
/// Typically a `python3 tools/ --build [...]`.
/// Commands are run in [sdkPath] as working directory.
final List<String> testCommands;
static const String _testCommandsKey = 'test_command';
/// The pattern to recognize in the stdout or stderr of the last item in
/// [testCommands].
final String failureString;
static const String _failureStringKey = 'failure_string';
// This will likely be extended later to support regexes.
Pattern get failurePattern => failureString.toPattern();
/// The SDK checkout to use for bisecting.
/// This will modify the SDK checkout!
/// Will be created if it doesn't exist.
final Uri sdkPath;
static const _sdkPathKey = 'sdk_path';
required this.start,
required this.end,
required this.testCommands,
required this.sdkPath,
required this.failureString,
factory BisectionConfig.fromConfig(Config config) {
final testCommands = config.stringList(_testCommandsKey);
final name = config.optionalString(_nameKey) ??
'${testCommands.last.split(' ').last.split('/').last}';
final sdkPath = config.optionalPath(_sdkPathKey, mustExist: true) ??
return BisectionConfig(
name: name,
start: config.string(_startKey),
end: config.string(_endKey),
testCommands: testCommands,
sdkPath: sdkPath,
failureString: config.string(_failureStringKey),
Map<String, Object> asMap() => {
_startKey: start,
_endKey: end,
_testCommandsKey: testCommands,
_failureStringKey: failureString,
_sdkPathKey: sdkPath.toFilePath(),
_nameKey: name,
String toString() {
return 'BisectionConfig(${asMap()})';
static final BisectionConfig _example = BisectionConfig(
name: '20230712_package_resolve_test',
start: '23f41452',
end: '2c97bd78',
testCommands: [
'python3 tools/ --build -n dartk-linux-debug-x64 lib/isolate/package_resolve_test',
sdkPath: Directory.current.uri,
failureString: "Error: The argument type 'String' can't "
"be assigned to the parameter type 'Uri'.",
static const _argumentDescriptions = {
_startKey: 'The commit has at the start of the commit range.',
_endKey: 'The commit has at the end of the commit range.',
_testCommandsKey: '''The command(s) to run to reproduce the failure.
Typically this is "python3 tools/ --build [...]"
This should be within quotes when passed in terminal because of spaces.
This command can be supplied multiple times to run multiple commands to
reproduce a failure.
_failureStringKey: '''A string from the failing output.
Regexes are not yet supported.
This should be within quotes when passed in terminal when containing spaces.
_sdkPathKey: '''The SDK path is optional.
The SDK path defaults to the current working directory.
_nameKey: '''The name is optional.
The name defaults to the current date and the recognized test name.
The name is used for distinguishing logs.
static String helpMessage() {
final exampleArguments = _example.asMap() {
var value = e.value;
if (value is List) {
value = value.first as String;
if ((value as String).contains(' ')) {
value = '"$value"';
return '-D${e.key}=$value';
}).join(' ');
const padding = _failureStringKey.length;
final descriptions = {
final value = e.value
.map((l) => '${' ' * (padding + 3)}$l')
return '${e.key.padRight(padding)} : $value';
return '''
Usage: tools/bisect.dart $exampleArguments
This script starts a bisection in the provided SDK path.
It will write logs to .dart_tool/bisect_dart/.
extension on String {
RegExp toPattern() => RegExp(RegExp.escape(this));