blob: a14a31b16f408b6f39a11113268696b28cf0fb1c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines the configuration of RBE.
_dart_root = get_path_info("../..", "abspath")
declare_args() {
# Set to true to enable distributed compilation using RBE.
use_rbe = false
# Set to the operating system to use in the RBE pool
rbe_os = "linux"
# Set to the architecture used in the RBE pool.
rbe_cpu = "x64"
# Set to the docker image to use in the RBE.
rbe_image = "docker://"
# Do expensive RBE compilations both locally and remotely, whatever is faster.
rbe_expensive_exec_strategy = "racing"
rbe_exec_root = rebase_path("//", root_build_dir)
rbe_dir = rebase_path(_dart_root + "/buildtools/reclient", root_build_dir)
declare_args() {
if (rbe_os == "linux") {
rbe_os_family = "Linux"
} else if (rbe_os == "win") {
rbe_os_family = "Windows"
} else if (rbe_os == "mac") {
rbe_os_family = "Mac"
} else {
rbe_os_family = rbe_os
# Set to the desired fully qualified RBE platform.
rbe_platform = "container-image=$rbe_image,OSFamily=$rbe_os_family"
rewrapper_args = [