blob: 44f843bb32abf46947ae26d3d94e55738a298cf0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:_wasm';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
@pragma("wasm:import", "Object.create")
external WasmExternRef? createObject(WasmExternRef? prototype);
@pragma("wasm:import", "Array.of")
external WasmExternRef? singularArray(WasmExternRef? element);
@pragma("wasm:import", "Reflect.apply")
external WasmExternRef? apply(WasmFuncRef? target, WasmExternRef? thisArgument,
WasmExternRef? argumentsList);
WasmAnyRef? anyRef;
WasmEqRef? eqRef;
WasmStructRef? structRef;
int funCount = 0;
WasmVoid? fun(WasmEqRef arg) {
Expect.equals("Dart object", arg.toObject());
class WasmFields {
final WasmI32 i32;
final WasmI64 i64;
final WasmF32 f32;
final WasmF64 f64;
const WasmFields(this.i32, this.i64, this.f32, this.f64);
String toString() => "${i32.toIntSigned()} ${i64.toInt()} "
"${f32.toDouble()} ${f64.toDouble()}";
class A {
const A();
class B extends A {
const B();
test() {
// Some test objects
Object dartObject1 = "1";
Object dartObject2 = true;
Object dartObject3 = Object();
WasmAnyRef jsObject1 = createObject(WasmExternRef.nullRef)!.internalize();
// A JS object is not a Dart object.
// A Wasm ref can be null and can be checked for null.
WasmAnyRef? jsObject2 = null;
Expect.isTrue(jsObject2 == null);
// Upcast Dart objects to Wasm refs and put them in fields.
anyRef = WasmAnyRef.fromObject(dartObject1);
eqRef = WasmEqRef.fromObject(dartObject2);
structRef = WasmStructRef.fromObject(dartObject3);
// Dart objects are Dart objects.
// Casting back yields the original objects.
Expect.identical(dartObject1, anyRef!.toObject());
Expect.identical(dartObject2, eqRef!.toObject());
Expect.identical(dartObject3, structRef!.toObject());
// Casting a JS object to a Dart object throws.
Object o;
Expect.throws(() {
o = jsObject1.toObject();
}, (_) => true);
// Integer and float conversions
Expect.equals(1, 1.toWasmI32().toIntSigned());
Expect.equals(-2, (-2).toWasmI32().toIntSigned());
Expect.equals(3, 3.toWasmI32().toIntUnsigned());
Expect.notEquals(-4, (-4).toWasmI32().toIntUnsigned());
Expect.equals(5, 5.toWasmI64().toInt());
Expect.equals(6.0, 6.0.toWasmF32().toDouble());
Expect.notEquals(7.1, 7.1.toWasmF32().toDouble());
Expect.equals(8.0, 8.0.toWasmF64().toDouble());
const wasmConst = const WasmFields(
const WasmI32(2), const WasmI64(3), const WasmF32(4), const WasmF64(5));
Expect.isFalse(wasmConst.i32 == const WasmI32(1));
Expect.isFalse(wasmConst.i64 == const WasmI64(1));
Expect.isFalse(wasmConst.f32 == const WasmF32(1));
Expect.isFalse(wasmConst.f64 == const WasmF64(1));
Expect.isTrue(wasmConst.i32 == const WasmI32(2));
Expect.isTrue(wasmConst.i64 == const WasmI64(3));
Expect.isTrue(wasmConst.f32 == const WasmF32(4));
Expect.isTrue(wasmConst.f64 == const WasmF64(5));
Expect.equals("2 3 4.0 5.0", wasmConst.toString());
// Create a typed function reference for a Dart function and call it, both
// directly and from JS.
var dartObjectRef = WasmEqRef.fromObject("Dart object");
var ff = WasmFunction.fromFunction(fun);;
apply(ff, createObject(null), singularArray(dartObjectRef.externalize()));
// Cast a typed function reference to a `funcref` and back.
WasmFuncRef funcref = WasmFuncRef.fromWasmFunction(ff);
var ff2 = WasmFunction<WasmVoid? Function(WasmEqRef)>.fromFuncRef(funcref);;
// Create a typed function reference from an import and call it.
var createObjectFun = WasmFunction.fromFunction(createObject);
WasmAnyRef jsObject3 =!;
Expect.equals(3, funCount);
// Instantiate some Wasm arrays
final arrayAN = WasmArray<A?>(3);
final arrayA = WasmArray<A>.filled(3, A());
Expect.equals(3, arrayAN.length);
Expect.equals(3, arrayA.length);
Expect.equals(null, arrayAN[0]);
Expect.identical(arrayA[0], arrayA[2]);
// Instantiate some Wasm arrays as literals
final arrayAlit1 = WasmArray<A>.literal([A(), A(), A()]);
final arrayAlit2 = WasmArray<A>.literal([A(), B(), A()]);
final arrayAlit3 = const WasmArray<A>.literal([A(), B(), A()]);
final arrayAlit4 = const WasmArray<A>.literal([A(), B(), A()]);
Expect.notIdentical(arrayAlit1[0], arrayAlit1[2]);
Expect.notIdentical(arrayAlit2[0], arrayAlit2[1]);
Expect.notIdentical(arrayAlit2[0], arrayAlit2[2]);
Expect.notIdentical(arrayAlit3[0], arrayAlit3[1]);
Expect.identical(arrayAlit3[0], arrayAlit3[2]);
final int32Array = WasmArray<WasmI32>.literal([0, 1, 2, 3]);
final int32ArrayC = const WasmArray<WasmI32>.literal([0, 10, 20, 30]);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
Expect.equals(int32Array.readSigned(i), i);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
Expect.equals(int32ArrayC.readSigned(i), i * 10);
// Ensure we can obtain WasmI8 from arrays, use locals of WasmI8 type and
// store into arrays.
final i8Array = WasmArray<WasmI8>.literal([1, 0xff]);
final WasmI8 tmp = i8Array[0];
i8Array[0] = i8Array[1];
i8Array[1] = tmp;
Expect.equals(i8Array.readSigned(1), 1);
Expect.equals(i8Array.readSigned(0), -1);
Expect.equals(i8Array.readUnsigned(0), 0xff);
Expect.isFalse(arrayA == arrayAlit1);
Expect.isFalse(arrayAlit2 == arrayAlit3);
Expect.isTrue(arrayAlit3 == arrayAlit4);
main() {
try {
} catch (e, s) {