blob: 9a6d6f5aba1100809b9aeff5029dfe75cfabd919 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Test the rules for record literal type inference specified in
import '../static_type_helper.dart';
/// When invoked without explicit type parameters, causes its argument to be
/// analyzed with a context of `(_,)`.
void contextRecordUnknown<T>((T,) x) {}
/// When invoked without explicit type parameters, causes its argument to be
/// analyzed with a context of `({_ f1})`.
void contextRecordNamedUnknown<T>(({T f1}) x) {}
/// When invoked without explicit type parameters, causes its argument to be
/// analyzed with a context of `(List<_>,)`.
void contextRecordListOfUnknown<T>((List<T>,) x) {}
/// When invoked without explicit type parameters, causes its argument to be
/// analyzed with a context of `({List<_> f1})`.
void contextRecordNamedListOfUnknown<T>(({List<T> f1}) x) {}
/// When invoked without explicit type parameters, causes its argument to be
/// analyzed with a context of `(Iterable<_>,)`.
void contextRecordIterableOfUnknown<T>((Iterable<T>,) x) {}
/// When invoked without explicit type parameters, causes its argument to be
/// analyzed with a context of `({Iterable<_> f1})`.
void contextRecordNamedIterableOfUnknown<T>(({Iterable<T> f1}) x) {}
/// When invoked without explicit type parameters, causes its argument to be
/// analyzed with a context of `(_ Function(),)`.
void contextRecordFunctionReturningUnknown<T>((T Function(),) x) {}
/// When invoked without explicit type parameters, causes its argument to be
/// analyzed with a context of `({_ Function() f1})`.
void contextRecordNamedFunctionReturningUnknown<T>(({T Function() f1}) x) {}
class C {
int call() => 0;
main() {
// Given a type schema K and a record expression E of the general form (e1,
// ..., en, d1 : e{n+1}, ..., dm : e{n+m}) inference proceeds as follows.
// If K is a record type schema of the form (K1, ..., Kn, {d1 : K{n+1}, ....,
// dm : K{n+m}}) then:
// - Each ei is inferred with context type schema Ki to have type Si
// Ordinary contexts
context<(int, String, {double f1, num f2})>((
f1: contextType(1.0)..expectStaticType<Exactly<double>>(),
f2: contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<num>>()
// Check that unknown contexts are properly propagated down:
// - Positional field
([1, 2],)..expectStaticType<Exactly<(List<int>,)>>());
// - Named field
(f1: [1, 2])..expectStaticType<Exactly<({List<int> f1})>>());
// - Let Ri be the greatest closure of Ki
// - If Si is a subtype of Ri then let Ti be Si
// (The type of E is (T1, ..., Tn, {d1 : T{n+1}, ...., dm : T{n+m}}))
// - Ki=Iterable<_> and Si=List<int>, so Ri=Iterable<Object?> and Si <: Ri;
// thus Ti=Si=List<int>.
(f1: <int>[])..expectStaticType<Exactly<({List<int> f1})>>());
// - Ki=_ and Si=dynamic, so Ri=Object? and Si <: Ri; thus Ti=Si=dynamic.
var d = 0 as dynamic;
// Double check that it's truly `dynamic` (and not `Object?`) using a
// dynamic invocation.
contextRecordNamedUnknown((f1: d)
..expectStaticType<Exactly<({dynamic f1})>>()
// - Ki=_ and Si=Object?, so Ri=Object? and Si <: Ri; thus Ti=Si=Object?.
var objQ = 0 as Object?;
(f1: objQ)..expectStaticType<Exactly<({Object? f1})>>());
// - Ki=dynamic and Si=dynamic, so Ri=dynamic and Si <: Ri; thus
// Ti=Si=dynamic.
context<({dynamic f1})>((f1: d)
..expectStaticType<Exactly<({dynamic f1})>>()
// - Ki=dynamic and Si=Object?, so Ri=dynamic and Si <: Ri; thus
// Ti=Si=Object?.
context<({dynamic f1})>(
(f1: objQ)..expectStaticType<Exactly<({Object? f1})>>());
// - Ki=Object? and Si=dynamic, so Ri=Object? and Si <: Ri; thus
// Ti=Si=dynamic.
context<({Object? f1})>((f1: d)
..expectStaticType<Exactly<({dynamic f1})>>()
// - Ki=Object? and Si=Object?, so Ri=Object? and Si <: Ri; thus
// Ti=Si=Object?.
context<({Object? f1})>(
(f1: objQ)..expectStaticType<Exactly<({Object? f1})>>());
// - Otherwise, if Si is dynamic, then we insert an implicit cast on ei to
// Ri, and let Ti be Ri
// - Ki=List<_> and Si=dynamic, so Ri=List<Object?>; thus Ti=List<Object?>.
var d = [1] as dynamic;
(f1: d)..expectStaticType<Exactly<({List<Object?> f1})>>());
// - Otherwise, if Si is coercible to Ri (via some sequence of call method
// tearoff or implicit generic instantiation coercions), then we insert
// the appropriate implicit coercion(s) on ei. Let Ti be the type of the
// resulting coerced value (which must be a subtype of Ri, possibly
// proper).
// - Ki=_ Function() and Si=C, so Ri=Object? Function(); thus Ti=int
// Function().
(C(),)..expectStaticType<Exactly<(int Function(),)>>());
(f1: C())..expectStaticType<Exactly<({int Function() f1})>>());
// - Otherwise, let Ti be Si.
// - Ki=int and Si=String, so Ri=int; thus Ti=String.
var o = (1,) as Object;
if (o is (int,)) {
o = ('',)..expectStaticType<Exactly<(String,)>>();
o = (f1: 1) as Object;
if (o is ({int f1})) {
o = (f1: '')..expectStaticType<Exactly<({String f1})>>();
// If K is any other type schema:
// - Each ei is inferred with context type schema _ to have type Ti
// - The type of E is (T1, ..., Tn, {d1 : T{n+1}, ...., dm : T{n+m}})
var o = '' as Object;
var one = 1 as Object;
if (o is String) {
// Note: intuitively, it seems like this should be
// `contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<dynamic>>()`, to verify that
// the context is `_` (because `_` gets transformed to `dynamic` by
// generic method type inference). But that wouldn't work, because then
// `expectStaticType` would be dispatched dynamically (bypassing the
// extension method), causing a runtime error.
// So instead, we verify that the field has a context of `_` using
// `contextType(one)..abs()`. Using `one` instead of `1` ensures that
// there's no way for the static type of `contextType(one)` to be `int`
// (because none of the types involved in type inference is `int`);
// therefore the only way for `..abs()` to be allowed at compile-time is
// if `contextType` got inferred as `contextType<dynamic>`.
o = (contextType(one)..abs(),);
o = '' as Object;
if (o is String) {
o = (f1: contextType(one)..abs());
o = ('',) as Object;
if (o is (String,)) {
o = (f1: contextType(one)..abs());
o = (f1: '') as Object;
if (o is ({String f1})) {
o = (contextType(one)..abs(),);
o = (f1: '') as Object;
if (o is ({String f1})) {
o = (f2: contextType(one)..abs());
o = (f1: '', f2: '') as Object;
if (o is ({String f1, String f2})) {
o = (f1: contextType(one)..abs());
o = (f1: '') as Object;
if (o is ({String f1})) {
o = (f1: contextType(one)..abs(), f2: contextType(one)..abs());
o = ('', '') as Object;
if (o is (String, String)) {
o = (contextType(one)..abs(),);
o = ('',) as Object;
if (o is (String,)) {
o = (contextType(one)..abs(), contextType(one)..abs());