blob: 53bf1033eeb7884a2fc5ed6b418e5dbb55580ffd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// Tests that type inference supplies the proper context for the right hand
/// side of a property set that refers to an extension method.
import '../static_type_helper.dart';
extension E on Object? {
set s1(int i) {}
set s2(int? i) {}
class C {
set s3(int i) {}
set s4(int? i) {}
main() {
var string = '';
context<num>(string.s1 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>());
context<num>(E(string).s1 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>());
context<num?>(string.s2 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int?>>());
E(string).s2 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int?>>());
var nullableString = '' as String?;
nullableString?.s1 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>());
E(nullableString)?.s1 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>());
nullableString?.s2 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int?>>());
context<num?>(E(nullableString)?.s2 = contextType(1)
// And just to verify that the expectations above are reasonable, repeat the
// same thing with an ordinary class:
var c = C();
context<num>(c.s3 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>());
context<num?>(c.s4 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int?>>());
var nullableC = C() as C?;
nullableC?.s3 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int>>());
nullableC?.s4 = contextType(1)..expectStaticType<Exactly<int?>>());