blob: 2ac4c0a5f420874a8f186ba614a9127a6aac863d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Adapted from:
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:reload_test/reload_test_utils.dart';
import 'b.dart';
import 'c.dart';
f() => "$line part2";
Future<void> main() async {
// Initial program is valid.
var last = f();
Expect.equals('part1 part2', last);
Expect.equals(0, hotReloadGeneration);
await hotReload();
// Reload after leaf library modification.
last = f();
Expect.equals('part3 part2', last);
Expect.equals(1, hotReloadGeneration);
await hotReload();
// Reload after non-leaf library modification.
last = f();
Expect.equals('part3 part4', last);
Expect.equals(2, hotReloadGeneration);
await hotReload();
// Reload after whole program modification.
last = f();
Expect.equals('part5 part6', last);
Expect.equals(3, hotReloadGeneration);
await hotReload();
// Reload top-level field.
last = f();
var topLevel = g();
Expect.equals('part4 part6', last);
Expect.equals('a', topLevel);
Expect.equals(4, hotReloadGeneration);
await hotReload();
// Reload top-level field.
last = f();
topLevel = g();
Expect.equals('part4 part6', last);
Expect.equals('ac', topLevel);
Expect.equals(5, hotReloadGeneration);