blob: 7e15cb37de3af0a6d2f9f63d2cf49b7a6683d80a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library compiler.src.inferrer.list_tracer;
import '../common/names.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../native/behavior.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show Setlet;
import 'node_tracer.dart';
import 'type_graph_nodes.dart';
/// A set of selector names that [List] implements, that we know do not
/// change the element type of the list, or let the list escape to code
/// that might change the element type.
Set<String> elementTypePreservingSelectorNames =
Set<String>.from(const <String>[
// From Object.
// From Iterable.
// From List.
'length', // set:length is almost safe and handled specially
// From JSArray.
Set<String> lengthPreservingSelectorNames = Set<String>.from(const <String>[
// From Object.
// From Iterable.
// From List.
// From JSArray.
class ListTracerVisitor extends TracerVisitor {
// The [Set] of found assignments to the list.
Set<TypeInformation> inputs = Setlet<TypeInformation>();
bool callsGrowableMethod = false;
ListTracerVisitor(super.tracedType, super.inferrer);
/// Returns [true] if the analysis completed successfully, [false] if it
/// bailed out. In the former case, [inputs] holds a list of
/// [TypeInformation] nodes that flow into the element type of this list.
bool run() {
final list = tracedType as ListTypeInformation;
if (continueAnalyzing) {
if (!callsGrowableMethod && list.inferredLength == null) {
list.inferredLength = list.originalLength;
return true;
} else {
callsGrowableMethod = true;
return false;
void visitClosureCallSiteTypeInformation(
ClosureCallSiteTypeInformation info) {
bailout('Passed to a closure');
void visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(StaticCallSiteTypeInformation info) {
final commonElements = inferrer.closedWorld.commonElements;
MemberEntity called = info.calledElement;
if (commonElements.isForeign(called) && == Identifiers.JS) {
NativeBehavior nativeBehavior = inferrer.closedWorld.elementMap
// Assume side-effects means that the list has escaped to some unknown
// location.
if (nativeBehavior.sideEffects.hasSideEffects()) {
bailout('Used in JS ${info.debugName}');
void visitDynamicCallSiteTypeInformation(
DynamicCallSiteTypeInformation info) {
final selector = info.selector!;
String selectorName =;
final arguments = info.arguments;
if (currentUser == info.receiver) {
if (!elementTypePreservingSelectorNames.contains(selectorName)) {
if (selectorName == 'add' && selector.isCall) {
if (arguments!.positional.length == 1) {
} else if (selectorName == 'insert' && selector.isCall) {
if (arguments!.positional.length == 2) {
} else if (selectorName == 'first' || selectorName == 'last') {
if (selector.isSetter) {
if (arguments!.positional.length == 1) {
// 'first' and 'last' getter are safe.
} else if (selector.isIndexSet) {
} else if (selector.isIndex) {
// Index lookup is safe.
} else {
bailout('Used in a not-ok selector');
if (!lengthPreservingSelectorNames.contains(selectorName)) {
if (selectorName == 'length') {
if (selector.isSetter) {
callsGrowableMethod = true;
} else {
callsGrowableMethod = true;
} else if (selector.isCall &&
(info.hasClosureCallTargets || dynamicCallTargetsNonFunction(info))) {
bailout('Passed to a closure');