blob: 73d25eaad29fe6de4d0464a235cc20024eef9b28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart' as ir;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/static_weak_references.dart' as ir
show StaticWeakReferences;
import '../closure.dart';
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/names.dart';
import '../constants/constant_system.dart' as constant_system;
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/jumps.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../inferrer/types.dart';
import '../ir/constants.dart';
import '../ir/util.dart';
import '../js_backend/field_analysis.dart';
import '../js_model/element_map.dart';
import '../js_model/elements.dart';
import '../js_model/locals.dart' show JumpVisitor;
import '../js_model/js_world.dart';
import '../native/behavior.dart';
import '../options.dart';
import '../universe/member_hierarchy.dart';
import '../universe/record_shape.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart';
import '../universe/side_effects.dart';
import '../util/util.dart';
import 'engine.dart';
import 'locals_handler.dart';
import 'type_graph_nodes.dart';
import 'type_system.dart';
/// [KernelTypeGraphBuilder] constructs a type-inference graph for a particular
/// element.
/// Calling [run] will start the work of visiting the body of the code to
/// construct a set of inference-nodes that abstractly represent what the code
/// is doing.
class KernelTypeGraphBuilder extends ir.VisitorDefault<TypeInformation?>
with ir.VisitorNullMixin<TypeInformation> {
final CompilerOptions _options;
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
final InferrerEngine _inferrer;
final TypeSystem _types;
final MemberEntity _analyzedMember;
final ir.Node? _analyzedNode;
final KernelToLocalsMap _localsMap;
final GlobalTypeInferenceElementData _memberData;
final MemberHierarchyBuilder _memberHierarchyBuilder;
final bool _inGenerativeConstructor;
DartTypes get _dartTypes => _closedWorld.dartTypes;
LocalState _stateInternal;
LocalState? _stateAfterWhenTrueInternal;
LocalState? _stateAfterWhenFalseInternal;
/// Returns the current local state for when the boolean value of the most
/// recently visited node is not taken into account
LocalState get _state {
return _stateInternal;
/// Sets the current local state for when the boolean value of the most
/// recently visited node is not taken into account
/// This used for when the most recently visited node is not a boolean
/// expression and there for also resets [_stateAfterWhenTrue] and
/// [_stateAfterWhenFalse] to the same value.
void set _state(LocalState value) {
_stateInternal = value;
_stateAfterWhenTrueInternal = _stateAfterWhenFalseInternal = null;
/// Returns the current local state for when the most recently visited node
/// has evaluated to `true`.
/// If the most recently visited node is not a boolean expression then this is
/// the same as [_state].
LocalState get _stateAfterWhenTrue =>
_stateAfterWhenTrueInternal ?? _stateInternal;
/// Returns the current local state for when the most recently visited node
/// has evaluated to `false`.
/// If the most recently visited node is not a boolean expression then this is
/// the same as [_state].
LocalState get _stateAfterWhenFalse =>
_stateAfterWhenFalseInternal ?? _stateInternal;
/// Sets the current local state. [base] is the local state for when the
/// boolean value of the most recently visited node is not taken into account.
/// [whenTrue] and [whenFalse] are the local state for when the boolean value
/// of the most recently visited node is `true` or `false`, respectively.
void _setStateAfter(
LocalState base, LocalState whenTrue, LocalState whenFalse) {
_stateInternal = base;
_stateAfterWhenTrueInternal = whenTrue;
_stateAfterWhenFalseInternal = whenFalse;
/// Removes from the current [_state] any data from the boolean value of the
/// most recently visited node.
void _clearConditionalStateAfter() {
_stateAfterWhenTrueInternal = _stateAfterWhenFalseInternal = null;
final SideEffectsBuilder _sideEffectsBuilder;
final Map<JumpTarget, List<LocalState>> _breaksFor =
<JumpTarget, List<LocalState>>{};
final Map<JumpTarget, List<LocalState>> _continuesFor =
<JumpTarget, List<LocalState>>{};
TypeInformation? _returnType;
final Set<Local> _capturedVariables = Set<Local>();
final Map<Local, FieldEntity> _capturedAndBoxed;
/// Whether we currently taken the boolean result of is-checks or null-checks
/// into account in the local state.
bool _accumulateIsChecks = false;
[LocalState? previousState,
Map<Local, FieldEntity>? capturedAndBoxed])
: this._types = _inferrer.types,
this._memberData = _inferrer.dataOfMember(_analyzedMember),
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should side effects also be tracked for field
// initializers?
this._sideEffectsBuilder = _analyzedMember is FunctionEntity
? _inferrer.inferredDataBuilder
this._inGenerativeConstructor = _analyzedNode is ir.Constructor,
this._capturedAndBoxed = capturedAndBoxed != null
? Map<Local, FieldEntity>.from(capturedAndBoxed)
: <Local, FieldEntity>{},
_stateInternal = previousState ??
inGenerativeConstructor: _analyzedNode is ir.Constructor);
JsToElementMap get _elementMap => _closedWorld.elementMap;
ClosureData get _closureDataLookup => _closedWorld.closureDataLookup;
// Null for members without an associated Kernel node. No static types should
// be queried for these members.
final ir.StaticTypeContext? _staticTypeContext;
DartType _getStaticType(ir.Expression node) {
return _elementMap.getDartType(node.getStaticType(_staticTypeContext!));
int _loopLevel = 0;
bool get inLoop => _loopLevel > 0;
/// Returns `true` if [member] is defined in a subclass of the current this
/// type.
bool _isInClassOrSubclass(MemberEntity member) {
final cls = _elementMap.getMemberThisType(_analyzedMember)?.element;
if (cls == null) return false;
return _closedWorld.classHierarchy
.isSubclassOf(member.enclosingClass!, cls);
/// Checks whether the access or update of [selector] on [mask] potentially
/// exposes `this`.
/// If all matching members are instance fields on the current `this`
/// class or subclasses, `this` is not considered to be exposed.
/// If an instance field matched with a [selector] that is _not_ a setter, the
/// field is considered to have been read before initialization and the field
/// is assumed to be potentially `null`.
void _checkIfExposesThis(Selector selector, AbstractValue? mask) {
if (_state.isThisExposed) {
// We already consider `this` to have been exposed.
if (_inferrer.closedWorld.includesClosureCall(selector, mask)) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
} else {
_inferrer.forEachElementMatching(selector, mask, (MemberEntity element) {
if (element is FieldEntity) {
final field = element;
if (!selector.isSetter &&
_isInClassOrSubclass(field) &&
field.isAssignable &&
_state.readField(field) == null &&
getFieldInitializer(_elementMap, field) == null) {
// If the field is being used before this constructor
// actually had a chance to initialize it, say it can be
// null.
_inferrer.recordTypeOfField(field, _types.nullType);
// Accessing a field does not expose `this`.
return true;
// TODO(ngeoffray): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
return false;
TypeInformation run() {
if (_analyzedMember is FieldEntity) {
if (_analyzedNode == null ||
isNullLiteral(_analyzedNode as ir.Expression)) {
// Eagerly bailout, because computing the closure data only
// works for functions and field assignments.
return _types.nullType;
// Update the locals that are boxed in [locals]. These locals will
// be handled specially, in that we are computing their LUB at
// each update, and reading them yields the type that was found in a
// previous analysis of [outermostElement].
if (!_analyzedMember.isAbstract) {
ScopeInfo scopeInfo = _closureDataLookup.getScopeInfo(_analyzedMember);
scopeInfo.forEachBoxedVariable(_localsMap, (variable, field) {
_capturedAndBoxed[variable] = field;
return visit(_analyzedNode)!;
void recordReturnType(TypeInformation type) {
final analyzedMethod = _analyzedMember as FunctionEntity;
_returnType = _inferrer.addReturnTypeForMethod(analyzedMethod, type);
late final TypeInformation thisType = () {
final cls = _elementMap.getMemberThisType(_analyzedMember)!.element;
if (_closedWorld.isUsedAsMixin(cls)) {
return _types.nonNullSubtype(cls);
} else {
return _types.nonNullSubclass(cls);
TypeInformation? visit(ir.Node? node, {bool conditionContext = false}) {
var oldAccumulateIsChecks = _accumulateIsChecks;
_accumulateIsChecks = conditionContext;
var result = node?.accept(this);
// Clear the conditional state to ensure we don't accidentally carry over
// conclusions from a nested condition into an outer condition. For example:
// if (methodCall(x is T && true)) { /* don't assume x is T here. */ }
if (!conditionContext) _clearConditionalStateAfter();
_accumulateIsChecks = oldAccumulateIsChecks;
return result;
void handleParameter(ir.VariableDeclaration node,
{required bool isOptional}) {
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(node);
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local, _inferrer.typeOfParameter(local));
if (isOptional) {
TypeInformation type;
if (node.initializer != null) {
type = visit(node.initializer)!;
} else {
type = _types.nullType;
_inferrer.setDefaultTypeOfParameter(local, type);
TypeInformation visitConstructor(ir.Constructor node) {
final cls = _analyzedMember.enclosingClass!;
if (!(node.initializers.isNotEmpty &&
node.initializers.first is ir.RedirectingInitializer)) {
// Iterate over all instance fields, and give a null type to
// fields that we haven't initialized for sure.
(MemberEntity member) {
if (member is FieldEntity &&
member.isInstanceMember &&
member.isAssignable) {
final type = _state.readField(member);
MemberDefinition definition = _elementMap.getMemberDefinition(member);
assert(definition.kind == MemberKind.regular);
final node = definition.node as ir.Field;
final initializer = node.initializer;
if (type == null &&
(initializer == null || isNullLiteral(initializer))) {
_inferrer.recordTypeOfField(member, _types.nullType);
_analyzedMember as ConstructorEntity, _state.isThisExposed);
if (cls.isAbstract) {
if (_closedWorld.classHierarchy.isInstantiated(cls)) {
_returnType = _types.nonNullSubclass(cls);
} else {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid analyzing [_analyzedMember] in this
// case; it's never called.
_returnType = _types.nonNullEmpty();
} else {
_returnType = _types.nonNullExact(cls);
return _returnType!;
Null visitFieldInitializer(ir.FieldInitializer node) {
final rhsType = visit(node.value)!;
FieldEntity field = _elementMap.getField(node.field);
_state.updateField(field, rhsType);
_inferrer.recordTypeOfField(field, rhsType);
return null;
Null visitSuperInitializer(ir.SuperInitializer node) {
ConstructorEntity constructor = _elementMap.getConstructor(;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
Selector selector = Selector(SelectorKind.CALL, constructor.memberName,
node, node.arguments, selector, constructor, arguments);
if (_inferrer.checkIfExposesThis(constructor)) {
return null;
Null visitRedirectingInitializer(ir.RedirectingInitializer node) {
ConstructorEntity constructor = _elementMap.getConstructor(;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
Selector selector = Selector(SelectorKind.CALL, constructor.memberName,
node, node.arguments, selector, constructor, arguments);
if (_inferrer.checkIfExposesThis(constructor)) {
return null;
Null visitLocalInitializer(ir.LocalInitializer node) {
return null;
void handleParameters(ir.FunctionNode node) {
int position = 0;
for (ir.VariableDeclaration parameter in node.positionalParameters) {
isOptional: position >= node.requiredParameterCount);
for (ir.VariableDeclaration parameter in node.namedParameters) {
handleParameter(parameter, isOptional: true);
TypeInformation visitFunctionNode(ir.FunctionNode node) {
if (_closedWorld.nativeData.isNativeMember(_analyzedMember)) {
// Native methods do not have a body, and we currently just say
// they return dynamic and may contain all side-effects.
NativeBehavior nativeBehavior = _closedWorld.nativeData
.getNativeMethodBehavior(_analyzedMember as FunctionEntity);
return _types.dynamicType;
switch (node.asyncMarker) {
case ir.AsyncMarker.Sync:
if (_returnType == null) {
// No return in the body.
_returnType = _state.seenReturnOrThrow
? _types.nonNullEmpty() // Body always throws.
: _types.nullType;
} else if (!_state.seenReturnOrThrow) {
// We haven'TypeInformation seen returns on all branches. So the
// method may also return null.
case ir.AsyncMarker.SyncStar:
// TODO(asgerf): Maybe make a ContainerTypeMask for these? The type
// contained is the method body's return type.
case ir.AsyncMarker.Async:
case ir.AsyncMarker.AsyncStar:
return _returnType!;
TypeInformation visitInstantiation(ir.Instantiation node) {
return createInstantiationTypeInformation(visit(node.expression)!);
TypeInformation createInstantiationTypeInformation(
TypeInformation expressionType) {
// TODO(sra): Add a TypeInformation for Instantiations. Instantiated
// generic methods will need to be traced separately, and have the
// information gathered in tracing reflected back to the generic method. For
// now, pass along the uninstantiated method.
return expressionType;
TypeInformation defaultExpression(ir.Expression node) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'Unhandled expression: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})');
Never defaultStatement(ir.Statement node) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'Unhandled statement: ${node} (${node.runtimeType})');
TypeInformation visitNullLiteral(ir.NullLiteral literal) {
return createNullTypeInformation();
TypeInformation createNullTypeInformation() {
return _types.nullType;
Null visitBlock(ir.Block block) {
for (ir.Statement statement in block.statements) {
if (_state.aborts) break;
return null;
Null visitExpressionStatement(ir.ExpressionStatement node) {
return null;
Null visitEmptyStatement(ir.EmptyStatement node) {
// Nothing to do.
return null;
void _handleAssertStatement(ir.AssertStatement node) {
// Avoid pollution from assert statement unless enabled.
if (!_options.enableUserAssertions) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Should assert be used with --trust-type-annotations?
// TODO(johnniwinther): Track reachable for assertions known to fail.
final stateBefore = _state;
final afterConditionWhenTrue = _stateAfterWhenTrue;
final afterConditionWhenFalse = _stateAfterWhenFalse;
_state = LocalState.childPath(afterConditionWhenFalse);
final stateAfterMessage = _state;
stateAfterMessage.seenReturnOrThrow = true;
_state = stateBefore.mergeDiamondFlow(
_inferrer, afterConditionWhenTrue, stateAfterMessage);
Null visitAssertInitializer(ir.AssertInitializer node) {
return null;
Null visitAssertStatement(ir.AssertStatement node) {
return null;
Null visitBreakStatement(ir.BreakStatement node) {
JumpTarget target = _localsMap.getJumpTargetForBreak(node);
_state.seenBreakOrContinue = true;
// Do a deep-copy of the locals, because the code following the
// break will change them.
if (_localsMap.generateContinueForBreak(node)) {
} else {
return null;
Null visitLabeledStatement(ir.LabeledStatement node) {
ir.Statement body = node.body;
if (JumpVisitor.canBeBreakTarget(body)) {
// Loops and switches handle their own labels.
} else {
final stateBefore = _state;
final jumpTarget = _localsMap.getJumpTargetForLabel(node);
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateBefore);
_state = stateBefore.mergeAfterBreaks(_inferrer, _getBreaks(jumpTarget),
keepOwnLocals: false);
return null;
Null visitSwitchStatement(ir.SwitchStatement node) {
final jumpTarget = _localsMap.getJumpTargetForSwitch(node);
List<JumpTarget> continueTargets = <JumpTarget>[];
bool hasDefaultCase = false;
for (ir.SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
final continueTarget = _localsMap.getJumpTargetForSwitchCase(switchCase);
if (continueTarget != null) {
if (switchCase.isDefault) {
hasDefaultCase = true;
final stateBefore = _state;
if (continueTargets.isNotEmpty) {
// If the switch statement has a continue, we conservatively
// visit all cases and update [locals] until we have reached a
// fixed point.
bool changed;
stateBefore.startLoop(_inferrer, node);
do {
changed = false;
// We first visit every case and collect the updated continue states.
// We must do a full pass as the jumps may be to earlier cases.
_visitCasesForSwitch(node, stateBefore);
// We then pass back over the cases and update the state of any continue
// targets with the states we collected in the last pass.
for (ir.SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
final continueTarget =
if (continueTarget != null) {
changed |= stateBefore.mergeAll(
_inferrer, _getLoopBackEdges(continueTarget));
} while (changed);
stateBefore.endLoop(_inferrer, node);
} else {
// Gather the termination states of each case by visiting all the breaks.
_visitCasesForSwitch(node, stateBefore);
// Combine all the termination states accumulated from all the visited
// breaks that target this switch.
_state = stateBefore.mergeAfterBreaks(_inferrer, _getBreaks(jumpTarget),
keepOwnLocals: !hasDefaultCase);
return null;
void _visitCasesForSwitch(ir.SwitchStatement node, LocalState stateBefore) {
for (ir.SwitchCase switchCase in node.cases) {
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateBefore);
Null visitSwitchCase(ir.SwitchCase node) {
return null;
Null visitContinueSwitchStatement(ir.ContinueSwitchStatement node) {
JumpTarget target = _localsMap.getJumpTargetForContinueSwitch(node);
_state.seenBreakOrContinue = true;
// Do a deep-copy of the locals, because the code following the
// break will change them.
return null;
TypeInformation visitListLiteral(ir.ListLiteral node) {
return createListTypeInformation(
node, => visit(e)!),
isConst: node.isConst);
TypeInformation createListTypeInformation(
ir.TreeNode node, Iterable<TypeInformation> elementTypes,
{required bool isConst}) {
// We only set the type once. We don't need to re-visit the children
// when re-analyzing the node.
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(node, () {
PhiElementTypeInformation? elementType;
int length = 0;
for (TypeInformation type in elementTypes) {
elementType = elementType == null
? _types.allocatePhi(null, null, type, isTry: false)
: _types.addPhiInput(null, elementType, type);
final simplifiedElementType = elementType == null
? _types.nonNullEmpty()
: _types.simplifyPhi(null, null, elementType);
TypeInformation containerType =
isConst ? _types.constListType : _types.growableListType;
return _types.allocateList(
containerType, node, _analyzedMember, simplifiedElementType, length);
TypeInformation visitSetLiteral(ir.SetLiteral node) {
return createSetTypeInformation(
node, => visit(e)!),
isConst: node.isConst);
TypeInformation createSetTypeInformation(
ir.TreeNode node, Iterable<TypeInformation> elementTypes,
{required bool isConst}) {
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(node, () {
PhiElementTypeInformation? elementType;
for (TypeInformation type in elementTypes) {
elementType = elementType == null
? _types.allocatePhi(null, null, type, isTry: false)
: _types.addPhiInput(null, elementType, type);
final simplifiedElementType = elementType == null
? _types.nonNullEmpty()
: _types.simplifyPhi(null, null, elementType);
TypeInformation containerType =
isConst ? _types.constSetType : _types.setType;
return _types.allocateSet(
containerType, node, _analyzedMember, simplifiedElementType);
TypeInformation visitMapLiteral(ir.MapLiteral node) {
return createMapTypeInformation(
node, => Pair(visit(e.key)!, visit(e.value)!)),
isConst: node.isConst,
keyStaticType: _elementMap.getDartType(node.keyType),
valueStaticType: _elementMap.getDartType(node.valueType));
TypeInformation createMapTypeInformation(ir.TreeNode node,
Iterable<Pair<TypeInformation, TypeInformation>> entryTypes,
{required bool isConst,
required DartType keyStaticType,
required DartType valueStaticType}) {
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(node, () {
List<TypeInformation> keyTypes = [];
List<TypeInformation> valueTypes = [];
for (Pair<TypeInformation, TypeInformation> entryType in entryTypes) {
final type = isConst ? _types.constMapType : _types.mapType;
return _types.allocateMap(type, node, _analyzedMember, keyTypes,
valueTypes, keyStaticType, valueStaticType);
TypeInformation visitRecordLiteral(ir.RecordLiteral node) {
final recordType = _elementMap.getDartType(node.recordType) as RecordType;
final fieldValues = [
for (final expression in node.positional) visit(expression)!,
for (final namedExpression in node.named) visit(namedExpression.value)!
return createRecordTypeInformation(node, recordType, fieldValues,
isConst: node.isConst);
TypeInformation createRecordTypeInformation(
ir.TreeNode node, RecordType recordType, List<TypeInformation> fieldTypes,
{required bool isConst}) {
return _types.allocateRecord(node, recordType, fieldTypes, isConst);
TypeInformation? visitReturnStatement(ir.ReturnStatement node) {
final expression = node.expression;
recordReturnType(expression == null ? _types.nullType : visit(expression)!);
_state.seenReturnOrThrow = true;
return null;
TypeInformation visitBoolLiteral(ir.BoolLiteral node) {
return createBoolTypeInformation(node.value);
TypeInformation createBoolTypeInformation(bool value) {
return _types.boolLiteralType(value);
TypeInformation visitIntLiteral(ir.IntLiteral node) {
return createIntTypeInformation(node.value);
TypeInformation createIntTypeInformation(int value) {
// The JavaScript backend may turn this literal into a double at
// runtime.
return _types.getConcreteTypeFor(_closedWorld.abstractValueDomain
TypeInformation visitDoubleLiteral(ir.DoubleLiteral node) {
return createDoubleTypeInformation(node.value);
TypeInformation createDoubleTypeInformation(double value) {
// The JavaScript backend may turn this literal into a double at
// runtime.
return _types.getConcreteTypeFor(_closedWorld.abstractValueDomain
TypeInformation visitStringLiteral(ir.StringLiteral node) {
return createStringTypeInformation(node.value);
TypeInformation createStringTypeInformation(String value) {
return _types.stringLiteralType(value);
TypeInformation visitStringConcatenation(ir.StringConcatenation node) {
// Interpolation could have any effects since it could call any toString()
// method.
// TODO(sra): This could be modelled by a call to toString() but with a
// guaranteed String return type. Interpolation of known types would get
// specialized effects. This would not currently be effective since the JS
// code in the toString methods for intercepted primitive types is assumed
// to have all effects. Effect annotations on JS code would be needed to
// get the benefit.
return _types.stringType;
TypeInformation visitSymbolLiteral(ir.SymbolLiteral node) {
return createSymbolLiteralTypeInformation();
TypeInformation createSymbolLiteralTypeInformation() {
return _types
TypeInformation visitTypeLiteral(ir.TypeLiteral node) {
return createTypeLiteralInformation();
TypeInformation createTypeLiteralInformation() {
return _types.typeType;
TypeInformation? visitVariableDeclaration(ir.VariableDeclaration node) {
node.parent is! ir.FunctionNode, "Unexpected parameter declaration.");
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(node);
DartType type = _localsMap.getLocalType(_elementMap, local);
if (node.initializer == null) {
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local, _types.nullType, type);
} else {
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local, visit(node.initializer)!, type);
if (node.initializer is ir.ThisExpression) {
return null;
TypeInformation? visitVariableGet(ir.VariableGet node) {
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(node.variable);
return _state.readLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local);
TypeInformation visitVariableSet(ir.VariableSet node) {
final rhsType = visit(node.value)!;
if (node.value is ir.ThisExpression) {
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(node.variable);
DartType type = _localsMap.getLocalType(_elementMap, local);
_state.updateLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local, rhsType, type);
return rhsType;
ArgumentsTypes analyzeArguments(ir.Arguments arguments) {
List<TypeInformation> positional = <TypeInformation>[];
Map<String, TypeInformation>? named;
for (ir.Expression argument in arguments.positional) {
// TODO(ngeoffray): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
if (argument is ir.ThisExpression) {
for (ir.NamedExpression argument in arguments.named) {
named ??= <String, TypeInformation>{};
ir.Expression value = argument.value;
// TODO(ngeoffray): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
if (value is ir.ThisExpression) {
named[] = visit(value)!;
return ArgumentsTypes(positional, named);
AbstractValue? _typeOfReceiver(ir.TreeNode node, ir.Expression receiver) {
final data = _memberData as KernelGlobalTypeInferenceElementData;
AbstractValue? mask = data.typeOfReceiver(node);
if (mask != null) return mask;
// TODO(sigmund): ensure that this is only called once per node.
DartType staticType = _getStaticType(receiver);
bool includeNull =
_dartTypes.useLegacySubtyping || staticType is NullableType;
staticType = staticType.withoutNullability;
if (staticType is InterfaceType) {
ClassEntity cls = staticType.element;
if (receiver is ir.ThisExpression && !_closedWorld.isUsedAsMixin(cls)) {
mask = _closedWorld.abstractValueDomain.createNonNullSubclass(cls);
} else if (includeNull) {
mask = _closedWorld.abstractValueDomain.createNullableSubtype(cls);
} else {
mask = _closedWorld.abstractValueDomain.createNonNullSubtype(cls);
data.setReceiverTypeMask(node, mask);
return mask;
// TODO(sigmund): consider also extracting the bound of type parameters.
return null;
TypeInformation _handleLocalFunctionInvocation(
ir.Expression node,
ir.FunctionDeclaration function,
ir.Arguments arguments,
Selector selector) {
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes = analyzeArguments(arguments);
ClosureRepresentationInfo info =
final callMethod = info.callMethod!;
TypeInformation type =
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, callMethod, argumentsTypes);
FunctionType functionType =
if (functionType.returnType.containsFreeTypeVariables) {
// The return type varies with the call site so we narrow the static
// return type.
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
return type;
TypeInformation visitLocalFunctionInvocation(
ir.LocalFunctionInvocation node) {
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
return _handleLocalFunctionInvocation(
node.variable.parent as ir.FunctionDeclaration,
TypeInformation visitEqualsNull(ir.EqualsNull node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther). This triggers the computation of the mask for the
// receiver of the call to `==`, which doesn't happen in this case. Remove
// this when the ssa builder recognizes `== null` directly.
_typeOfReceiver(node, node.expression);
return _types.boolType;
TypeInformation _handleMethodInvocation(
ir.Expression node,
ir.Expression receiver,
TypeInformation receiverType,
Selector selector,
ArgumentsTypes arguments,
ir.Member? interfaceTarget) {
final mask = _typeOfReceiver(node, receiver);
if (receiver is ir.ThisExpression) {
selector, _types.newTypedSelector(receiverType, mask));
TypeInformation type = handleDynamicInvoke(CallType.access, node, selector,
mask, receiverType, arguments, _getVariableDeclaration(receiver));
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
if (interfaceTarget is ir.Procedure &&
(interfaceTarget.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Method ||
interfaceTarget.kind == ir.ProcedureKind.Operator)) {
// Pull the type from kernel (instead of from the J-model) because the
// interface target might be abstract and therefore not part of the
// J-model.
ir.DartType returnType = interfaceTarget.function.returnType;
// The return type varies with the call site so we narrow the static
// return type.
if (containsFreeVariables(returnType)) {
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
} else {
// The return type is thrown away when using [TypeMask]s; narrow to the
// static return type.
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
} else {
// We don't have a known target but the static type hold some information
// if it is a function type.
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
return type;
TypeInformation _handleEqualsCall(
ir.Expression node,
ir.Expression left,
TypeInformation leftType,
ir.Expression right,
TypeInformation rightType) {
// TODO(johnniwinther). This triggers the computation of the mask for the
// receiver of the call to `==`, which might not happen in this case. Remove
// this when the ssa builder recognizes `== null` directly.
_typeOfReceiver(node, left);
bool leftIsNull = _types.isNull(leftType);
bool rightIsNull = _types.isNull(rightType);
if (leftIsNull) {
// [right] is `null` if [node] evaluates to `true`.
if (rightIsNull) {
// [left] is `null` if [node] evaluates to `true`.
if (leftIsNull || rightIsNull) {
// `left == right` where `left` and/or `right` is known to have type
// `Null` so we have no invocation to register.
return _types.boolType;
Selector selector = Selector.binaryOperator('==');
ArgumentsTypes arguments = ArgumentsTypes([rightType], null);
return _handleMethodInvocation(
node, left, leftType, selector, arguments, null);
TypeInformation visitEqualsCall(ir.EqualsCall node) {
final leftType = visit(node.left)!;
final rightType = visit(node.right)!;
return _handleEqualsCall(node, node.left, leftType, node.right, rightType);
TypeInformation visitInstanceInvocation(ir.InstanceInvocation node) {
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
ir.Expression receiver = node.receiver;
final receiverType = visit(receiver)!;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
return _handleMethodInvocation(node, node.receiver, receiverType, selector,
arguments, node.interfaceTarget);
TypeInformation visitInstanceGetterInvocation(
ir.InstanceGetterInvocation node) {
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
ir.Expression receiver = node.receiver;
final receiverType = visit(receiver)!;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
return _handleMethodInvocation(node, node.receiver, receiverType, selector,
arguments, node.interfaceTarget);
TypeInformation visitDynamicInvocation(ir.DynamicInvocation node) {
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
ir.Expression receiver = node.receiver;
final receiverType = visit(receiver)!;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
return _handleMethodInvocation(
node, node.receiver, receiverType, selector, arguments, null);
TypeInformation visitFunctionInvocation(ir.FunctionInvocation node) {
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
ir.Expression receiver = node.receiver;
final receiverType = visit(receiver)!;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
return _handleMethodInvocation(
node, node.receiver, receiverType, selector, arguments, null);
ir.VariableDeclaration? _getVariableDeclaration(ir.Expression node) {
return node is ir.VariableGet ? node.variable : null;
TypeInformation _handleDynamic(
CallType callType,
ir.TreeNode node,
Selector selector,
AbstractValue? mask,
TypeInformation receiverType,
ArgumentsTypes? arguments,
ir.VariableDeclaration? variable) {
if (_types.selectorNeedsUpdate(receiverType, mask)) {
mask = receiverType == _types.dynamicType
? null
: _types.newTypedSelector(receiverType, mask);
_analyzedMember, callType, node, selector, mask);
if (variable != null) {
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(variable);
if (!_capturedVariables.contains(local)) {
// Receiver strengthening to non-null.
DartType type = _localsMap.getLocalType(_elementMap, local);
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local, receiverType, type,
excludeNull: !selector.appliesToNullWithoutThrow());
return _inferrer.registerCalledSelector(callType, node, selector, mask,
receiverType, _analyzedMember, arguments, _sideEffectsBuilder,
inLoop: inLoop, isConditional: false);
TypeInformation handleDynamicGet(
ir.TreeNode node,
Selector selector,
AbstractValue? mask,
TypeInformation receiverType,
ir.VariableDeclaration? variable) {
return _handleDynamic(
CallType.access, node, selector, mask, receiverType, null, variable);
TypeInformation handleDynamicSet(
ir.TreeNode node,
Selector selector,
AbstractValue? mask,
TypeInformation receiverType,
TypeInformation rhsType,
ir.VariableDeclaration? variable) {
ArgumentsTypes arguments = ArgumentsTypes([rhsType], null);
return _handleDynamic(CallType.access, node, selector, mask, receiverType,
arguments, variable);
TypeInformation handleDynamicInvoke(
CallType callType,
ir.TreeNode node,
Selector selector,
AbstractValue? mask,
TypeInformation receiverType,
ArgumentsTypes arguments,
ir.VariableDeclaration? variable) {
return _handleDynamic(
callType, node, selector, mask, receiverType, arguments, variable);
TypeInformation? visitLet(ir.Let node) {
return visit(node.body);
TypeInformation? visitBlockExpression(ir.BlockExpression node) {
return visit(node.value);
TypeInformation? visitForInStatement(ir.ForInStatement node) {
if (node.iterable is ir.ThisExpression) {
// Any reasonable implementation of an iterator would expose
// this, so we play it safe and assume it will.
AbstractValue? currentMask;
AbstractValue? moveNextMask;
TypeInformation iteratorType;
if (node.isAsync) {
final expressionType = visit(node.iterable)!;
currentMask = _memberData.typeOfIteratorCurrent(node);
moveNextMask = _memberData.typeOfIteratorMoveNext(node);
ConstructorEntity constructor =
/// Synthesize a call to the [StreamIterator] constructor.
iteratorType = handleStaticInvoke(
node, null, constructor, ArgumentsTypes([expressionType], null));
} else {
final expressionType = visit(node.iterable)!;
Selector iteratorSelector = Selectors.iterator;
final iteratorMask = _memberData.typeOfIterator(node);
currentMask = _memberData.typeOfIteratorCurrent(node);
moveNextMask = _memberData.typeOfIteratorMoveNext(node);
iteratorType = handleDynamicInvoke(CallType.forIn, node, iteratorSelector,
iteratorMask, expressionType, ArgumentsTypes.empty(), null);
handleDynamicInvoke(CallType.forIn, node, Selectors.moveNext, moveNextMask,
iteratorType, ArgumentsTypes.empty(), null);
TypeInformation currentType = handleDynamicInvoke(
Local variable = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(node.variable);
DartType variableType = _localsMap.getLocalType(_elementMap, variable);
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, variable, currentType, variableType);
final target = _localsMap.getJumpTargetForForIn(node);
return handleLoop(node, target, () {
void _setupBreaksAndContinues(JumpTarget? target) {
if (target == null) return;
if (target.isContinueTarget) {
_continuesFor[target] = <LocalState>[];
if (target.isBreakTarget) {
_breaksFor[target] = <LocalState>[];
void _clearBreaksAndContinues(JumpTarget? element) {
if (element == null) return;
List<LocalState> _getBreaks(JumpTarget? target) {
List<LocalState> list = <LocalState>[_state];
if (target == null) return list;
if (!target.isBreakTarget) return list;
return list..addAll(_breaksFor[target]!);
List<LocalState> _getLoopBackEdges(JumpTarget? target) {
List<LocalState> list = <LocalState>[_state];
if (target == null) return list;
if (!target.isContinueTarget) return list;
return list..addAll(_continuesFor[target]!);
Null handleLoop(ir.Node node, JumpTarget? target, void logic()) {
bool changed = false;
final stateBefore = _state;
stateBefore.startLoop(_inferrer, node);
do {
// Setup (and clear in case of multiple iterations of the loop)
// the lists of breaks and continues seen in the loop.
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateBefore);
changed = stateBefore.mergeAll(_inferrer, _getLoopBackEdges(target));
} while (changed);
stateBefore.endLoop(_inferrer, node);
bool keepOwnLocals = node is! ir.DoStatement;
_state = stateBefore.mergeAfterBreaks(_inferrer, _getBreaks(target),
keepOwnLocals: keepOwnLocals);
return null;
TypeInformation visitConstructorInvocation(ir.ConstructorInvocation node) {
ConstructorEntity constructor = _elementMap.getConstructor(;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
return handleConstructorInvoke(
node, node.arguments, selector, constructor, arguments);
/// Try to find the length given to a fixed array constructor call.
int? _findLength(ir.Arguments arguments) {
int? finish(int length) {
// Filter out lengths that should not be tracked.
if (length < 0) return null;
// Serialization limit.
if (length >= (1 << 30)) return null;
return length;
ir.Expression firstArgument = arguments.positional.first;
if (firstArgument is ir.ConstantExpression &&
firstArgument.constant is ir.DoubleConstant) {
final constant = firstArgument.constant as ir.DoubleConstant;
double doubleValue = constant.value;
int truncatedValue = doubleValue.truncate();
if (doubleValue == truncatedValue) {
return finish(truncatedValue);
} else if (firstArgument is ir.IntLiteral) {
return finish(firstArgument.value);
} else if (firstArgument is ir.StaticGet) {
MemberEntity member = _elementMap.getMember(;
if (member is JField) {
FieldAnalysisData fieldData =
final constantValue = fieldData.constantValue;
if (fieldData.isEffectivelyConstant &&
constantValue is IntConstantValue) {
BigInt intValue = constantValue.intValue;
if (intValue.isValidInt) {
return finish(intValue.toInt());
return null;
/// Find the base type for a system List constructor from the value passed to
/// the 'growable' argument. [defaultGrowable] is the default value of the
/// 'growable' parameter.
TypeInformation _listBaseType(ir.Arguments arguments,
{required bool defaultGrowable}) {
TypeInformation finish(bool? growable) {
if (growable == true) return _types.growableListType;
if (growable == false) return _types.fixedListType;
return _types.mutableArrayType;
for (ir.NamedExpression named in arguments.named) {
if ( == 'growable') {
ir.Expression argument = named.value;
if (argument is ir.BoolLiteral) return finish(argument.value);
if (argument is ir.ConstantExpression) {
ir.Constant constant = argument.constant;
if (constant is ir.BoolConstant) return finish(constant.value);
// 'growable' is present, but indeterminate.
return finish(null);
// 'growable' is missing.
return finish(defaultGrowable);
/// Returns `true` for constructors of typed arrays.
bool _isConstructorOfTypedArraySubclass(ConstructorEntity constructor) {
ClassEntity cls = constructor.enclosingClass;
return cls.library.canonicalUri == Uris.dart__native_typed_data &&
_closedWorld.nativeData.isNativeClass(cls) &&
.isSubtypeOf(cls, _closedWorld.commonElements.typedDataClass) &&
.isSubtypeOf(cls, _closedWorld.commonElements.listClass) && == '';
TypeInformation handleConstructorInvoke(
ir.TreeNode node,
ir.Arguments arguments,
Selector selector,
ConstructorEntity constructor,
ArgumentsTypes argumentsTypes) {
TypeInformation returnType =
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, constructor, argumentsTypes);
// See if we can replace the returned type with one that better describes
// the operation. For system List constructors we can treat this as the
// allocation point of a new collection. The static invoke above ensures
// that the implementation of the constructor sees the arguments.
var commonElements = _elementMap.commonElements;
if (commonElements.isNamedListConstructor('filled', constructor)) {
// We have something like `List.filled(len, fill)`.
final length = _findLength(arguments);
TypeInformation elementType = argumentsTypes.positional[1];
TypeInformation baseType =
_listBaseType(arguments, defaultGrowable: false);
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(
() => _types.allocateList(
baseType, node, _analyzedMember, elementType, length));
if (commonElements.isNamedListConstructor('generate', constructor)) {
// We have something like `List.generate(len, generator)`.
final length = _findLength(arguments);
TypeInformation baseType =
_listBaseType(arguments, defaultGrowable: true);
TypeInformation closureArgumentInfo = argumentsTypes.positional[1];
// If the argument is an immediate closure, the element type is that
// returned by the closure.
TypeInformation? elementType;
if (closureArgumentInfo is ClosureTypeInformation) {
FunctionEntity closure = closureArgumentInfo.closure;
elementType = _types.getInferredTypeOfMember(closure);
elementType ??= _types.dynamicType;
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(
() => _types.allocateList(
baseType, node, _analyzedMember, elementType!, length));
if (commonElements.isNamedListConstructor('empty', constructor)) {
// We have something like `List.empty(growable: true)`.
TypeInformation baseType =
_listBaseType(arguments, defaultGrowable: false);
TypeInformation elementType = _types.nonNullEmpty(); // No elements!
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(
() => _types.allocateList(
baseType, node, _analyzedMember, elementType, 0));
if (commonElements.isNamedListConstructor('of', constructor) ||
commonElements.isNamedListConstructor('from', constructor)) {
// We have something like `List.of(elements)`.
TypeInformation baseType =
_listBaseType(arguments, defaultGrowable: true);
// TODO(sra): Use static type to bound the element type, preferably as a
// narrowing of all inputs.
TypeInformation elementType = _types.dynamicType;
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(
() => _types.allocateList(
baseType, node, _analyzedMember, elementType));
// `JSArray.fixed` corresponds to `new Array(length)`, which is a list
// filled with `null`.
if (commonElements.isNamedJSArrayConstructor('fixed', constructor)) {
final length = _findLength(arguments);
TypeInformation elementType = _types.nullType;
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(
() => _types.allocateList(_types.fixedListType, node, _analyzedMember,
elementType, length));
// `JSArray.allocateFixed` creates an array with 'no elements'. The contract
// is that the caller will assign a value to each member before any element
// is accessed. We can start tracking the element type as 'bottom'.
if (commonElements.isNamedJSArrayConstructor(
'allocateFixed', constructor)) {
final length = _findLength(arguments);
TypeInformation elementType = _types.nonNullEmpty();
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(
() => _types.allocateList(_types.fixedListType, node, _analyzedMember,
elementType, length));
// `JSArray.allocateGrowable` creates an array with 'no elements'. The
// contract is that the caller will assign a value to each member before any
// element is accessed. We can start tracking the element type as 'bottom'.
if (commonElements.isNamedJSArrayConstructor(
'allocateGrowable', constructor)) {
final length = _findLength(arguments);
TypeInformation elementType = _types.nonNullEmpty();
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(
() => _types.allocateList(_types.growableListType, node,
_analyzedMember, elementType, length));
if (_isConstructorOfTypedArraySubclass(constructor)) {
// We have something like `Uint32List(len)`.
final length = _findLength(arguments);
final member = _elementMap.elementEnvironment
.lookupClassMember(constructor.enclosingClass, Names.INDEX_NAME)!;
TypeInformation elementType = _inferrer.returnTypeOfMember(member);
return _inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(
() => _types.allocateList(
return returnType;
TypeInformation handleStaticInvoke(ir.Node node, Selector? selector,
MemberEntity element, ArgumentsTypes? arguments) {
return _inferrer.registerCalledMember(node, selector, _analyzedMember,
element, arguments, _sideEffectsBuilder, inLoop);
TypeInformation handleForeignInvoke(ir.StaticInvocation node,
FunctionEntity function, ArgumentsTypes arguments, Selector selector) {
final name =;
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, function, arguments);
if (name == Identifiers.JS) {
NativeBehavior nativeBehavior =
return _inferrer.typeOfNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior);
} else if (name == Identifiers.JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL) {
NativeBehavior nativeBehavior =
return _inferrer.typeOfNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior);
} else if (name == Identifiers.JS_BUILTIN) {
NativeBehavior nativeBehavior =
return _inferrer.typeOfNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior);
} else if (name == Identifiers.JS_STRING_CONCAT) {
return _types.stringType;
} else if (_closedWorld.commonElements.isCreateJsSentinel(function)) {
return _types.lateSentinelType;
} else if (_closedWorld.commonElements.isIsJsSentinel(function)) {
return _types.boolType;
} else {
return _types.dynamicType;
TypeInformation visitStaticInvocation(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (ir.StaticWeakReferences.isWeakReference(node)) {
final weakTarget = ir.StaticWeakReferences.getWeakReferenceTarget(node);
if (_elementMap.containsMethod(weakTarget)) {
return visit(ir.StaticWeakReferences.getWeakReferenceArgument(node))!;
return _types.nullType;
MemberEntity member = _elementMap.getMember(;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
if (_closedWorld.commonElements.isForeign(member)) {
return handleForeignInvoke(
node, member as FunctionEntity, arguments, selector);
} else if (_closedWorld.commonElements.isLateReadCheck(member)) {
// `_lateReadCheck` is essentially a narrowing to exclude the sentinel
// value. In order to avoid poor inference resulting from a large
// fan-in/fan-out, we perform the narrowing directly instead of creating a
// [TypeInformation] for this member.
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, member, arguments);
return _types.narrowType(arguments.positional[0],
excludeLateSentinel: true);
} else if (_closedWorld.commonElements.isCreateSentinel(member)) {
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, member, arguments);
return _types.lateSentinelType;
} else if (_closedWorld.commonElements.isIsSentinel(member)) {
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, member, arguments);
// Calls to `isSentinel` can only come from the late lowering kernel
// transformation.
final value = node.arguments.positional.single as ir.VariableGet;
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(value.variable);
DartType localType = _localsMap.getLocalType(_elementMap, local);
LocalState stateWhenSentinel = LocalState.childPath(_state);
LocalState stateWhenNotSentinel = LocalState.childPath(_state);
// Narrow tested variable to late sentinel on true branch.
stateWhenSentinel.updateLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local,
_types.lateSentinelType, localType);
// Narrow tested variable to not late sentinel on false branch.
final currentTypeInformation =
stateWhenNotSentinel.readLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local)!;
stateWhenNotSentinel.updateLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local,
currentTypeInformation, localType,
excludeLateSentinel: true);
_setStateAfter(_state, stateWhenSentinel, stateWhenNotSentinel);
return _types.boolType;
} else if (member is ConstructorEntity) {
return handleConstructorInvoke(
node, node.arguments, selector, member, arguments);
} else {
assert(member.isFunction, "Unexpected static invocation target: $member");
TypeInformation type =
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, member, arguments);
FunctionType functionType = _elementMap.elementEnvironment
.getFunctionType(member as FunctionEntity);
if (functionType.returnType.containsFreeTypeVariables) {
// The return type varies with the call site so we narrow the static
// return type.
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
return type;
TypeInformation visitLoadLibrary(ir.LoadLibrary node) {
return _types.asyncFutureType;
TypeInformation visitStaticGet(ir.StaticGet node) {
return createStaticGetTypeInformation(node,;
TypeInformation visitStaticTearOff(ir.StaticTearOff node) {
return createStaticGetTypeInformation(node,;
TypeInformation createStaticGetTypeInformation(
ir.Node node, ir.Member target) {
MemberEntity member = _elementMap.getMember(target);
return handleStaticInvoke(
node, Selector.getter(member.memberName), member, null);
TypeInformation visitStaticSet(ir.StaticSet node) {
final rhsType = visit(node.value)!;
if (node.value is ir.ThisExpression) {
MemberEntity member = _elementMap.getMember(;
handleStaticInvoke(node, Selector.setter(member.memberName), member,
ArgumentsTypes([rhsType], null));
return rhsType;
TypeInformation _handlePropertyGet(ir.Expression node, ir.Expression receiver,
{ir.Member? interfaceTarget}) {
final receiverType = visit(receiver)!;
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
final mask = _typeOfReceiver(node, receiver);
if (receiver is ir.ThisExpression) {
selector, _types.newTypedSelector(receiverType, mask));
TypeInformation type = handleDynamicGet(
node, selector, mask, receiverType, _getVariableDeclaration(receiver));
if (interfaceTarget != null) {
// Pull the type from kernel (instead of from the J-model) because the
// interface target might be abstract and therefore not part of the
// J-model.
ir.DartType resultType = interfaceTarget.getterType;
// The result type varies with the call site so we narrow the static
// result type.
if (containsFreeVariables(resultType)) {
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
return type;
TypeInformation visitInstanceGet(ir.InstanceGet node) {
return _handlePropertyGet(node, node.receiver,
interfaceTarget: node.interfaceTarget);
TypeInformation visitInstanceTearOff(ir.InstanceTearOff node) {
return _handlePropertyGet(node, node.receiver,
interfaceTarget: node.interfaceTarget);
TypeInformation visitDynamicGet(ir.DynamicGet node) {
return _handlePropertyGet(node, node.receiver);
TypeInformation _handleRecordFieldGet(
ir.Expression node, ir.Expression receiver, String fieldName) {
final receiverType = visit(receiver)!;
(_memberData as KernelGlobalTypeInferenceElementData)
.setReceiverTypeMask(node, receiverType.type);
return _types.allocateRecordFieldGet(node, fieldName, receiverType);
TypeInformation visitRecordIndexGet(ir.RecordIndexGet node) {
return _handleRecordFieldGet(node, node.receiver,
TypeInformation visitRecordNameGet(ir.RecordNameGet node) {
return _handleRecordFieldGet(node, node.receiver,;
TypeInformation visitFunctionTearOff(ir.FunctionTearOff node) {
return _handlePropertyGet(node, node.receiver);
TypeInformation _handlePropertySet(
ir.Expression node, ir.Expression receiver, ir.Expression value) {
final receiverType = visit(receiver)!;
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
final mask = _typeOfReceiver(node, receiver);
final rhsType = visit(value)!;
if (value is ir.ThisExpression) {
if (_inGenerativeConstructor && receiver is ir.ThisExpression) {
final typedMask = _types.newTypedSelector(receiverType, mask);
if (!_closedWorld.includesClosureCall(selector, typedMask)) {
Iterable<DynamicCallTarget> targets =
_memberHierarchyBuilder.rootsForCall(typedMask, selector);
// We just recognized a field initialization of the form:
// ` = 42`. If there is only one non-virtual target, we can
// update its type. If the target is virtual then technically overrides
// of the target are also valid targets and we cannot make this update.
if (targets.length == 1 && !targets.single.isVirtual) {
MemberEntity single = targets.single.member;
if (single is FieldEntity) {
final field = single;
_state.updateField(field, rhsType);
if (receiver is ir.ThisExpression) {
selector, _types.newTypedSelector(receiverType, mask));
handleDynamicSet(node, selector, mask, receiverType, rhsType,
return rhsType;
TypeInformation visitInstanceSet(ir.InstanceSet node) {
return _handlePropertySet(node, node.receiver, node.value);
TypeInformation visitDynamicSet(ir.DynamicSet node) {
return _handlePropertySet(node, node.receiver, node.value);
TypeInformation visitThisExpression(ir.ThisExpression node) {
return thisType;
TypeInformation? handleCondition(ir.Node? node) {
return visit(node, conditionContext: true);
void _potentiallyAddIsCheck(ir.IsExpression node) {
if (!_accumulateIsChecks) return;
ir.Expression operand = node.operand;
if (operand is ir.VariableGet) {
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(operand.variable);
DartType localType = _elementMap.getDartType(node.type);
LocalState stateAfterCheckWhenTrue = LocalState.childPath(_state);
LocalState stateAfterCheckWhenFalse = LocalState.childPath(_state);
// Narrow variable to tested type on true branch.
final currentTypeInformation = stateAfterCheckWhenTrue.readLocal(
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local)!;
stateAfterCheckWhenTrue.updateLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local,
currentTypeInformation, localType,
isCast: false);
_setStateAfter(_state, stateAfterCheckWhenTrue, stateAfterCheckWhenFalse);
void _potentiallyAddNullCheck(ir.Expression receiver) {
if (!_accumulateIsChecks) return;
if (receiver is ir.VariableGet) {
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(receiver.variable);
DartType localType = _localsMap.getLocalType(_elementMap, local);
LocalState stateAfterCheckWhenNull = LocalState.childPath(_state);
LocalState stateAfterCheckWhenNotNull = LocalState.childPath(_state);
// Narrow tested variable to 'Null' on true branch.
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local, _types.nullType, localType);
// Narrow tested variable to 'not null' on false branch.
TypeInformation currentTypeInformation = stateAfterCheckWhenNotNull
.readLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local)!;
stateAfterCheckWhenNotNull.updateLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed,
local, currentTypeInformation, _closedWorld.commonElements.objectType,
excludeNull: true);
_state, stateAfterCheckWhenNull, stateAfterCheckWhenNotNull);
TypeInformation? visitIfStatement(ir.IfStatement node) {
final stateBefore = _state;
final stateAfterConditionWhenTrue = _stateAfterWhenTrue;
final stateAfterConditionWhenFalse = _stateAfterWhenFalse;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateAfterConditionWhenTrue);
final stateAfterThen = _state;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateAfterConditionWhenFalse);
final stateAfterElse = _state;
_state =
stateBefore.mergeDiamondFlow(_inferrer, stateAfterThen, stateAfterElse);
return null;
TypeInformation visitIsExpression(ir.IsExpression node) {
return _types.boolType;
TypeInformation visitNot(ir.Not node) {
visit(node.operand, conditionContext: _accumulateIsChecks);
final stateAfterOperandWhenTrue = _stateAfterWhenTrue;
final stateAfterOperandWhenFalse = _stateAfterWhenFalse;
_state, stateAfterOperandWhenFalse, stateAfterOperandWhenTrue);
// TODO(sra): Improve precision on constant and bool-conversion-to-constant
// inputs.
return _types.boolType;
TypeInformation? visitLogicalExpression(ir.LogicalExpression node) {
if (node.operatorEnum == ir.LogicalExpressionOperator.AND) {
final stateBefore = _state;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateBefore);
final leftInfo = handleCondition(node.left)!;
final stateAfterLeftWhenTrue = _stateAfterWhenTrue;
final stateAfterLeftWhenFalse = _stateAfterWhenFalse;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateAfterLeftWhenTrue);
final rightInfo = handleCondition(node.right)!;
final stateAfterRightWhenTrue = _stateAfterWhenTrue;
final stateAfterRightWhenFalse = _stateAfterWhenFalse;
final stateAfterWhenTrue = stateAfterRightWhenTrue;
LocalState stateAfterWhenFalse = LocalState.childPath(stateBefore)
_inferrer, stateAfterLeftWhenFalse, stateAfterRightWhenFalse);
LocalState after = stateBefore.mergeDiamondFlow(
_inferrer, stateAfterWhenTrue, stateAfterWhenFalse);
_setStateAfter(after, stateAfterWhenTrue, stateAfterWhenFalse);
// Constant-fold result.
if (_types.isLiteralFalse(leftInfo)) return leftInfo;
if (_types.isLiteralTrue(leftInfo)) {
if (_types.isLiteralFalse(rightInfo)) return rightInfo;
if (_types.isLiteralTrue(rightInfo)) return rightInfo;
// TODO(sra): Add a selector/mux node to improve precision.
return _types.boolType;
} else if (node.operatorEnum == ir.LogicalExpressionOperator.OR) {
final stateBefore = _state;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateBefore);
final leftInfo = handleCondition(node.left)!;
final stateAfterLeftWhenTrue = _stateAfterWhenTrue;
final stateAfterLeftWhenFalse = _stateAfterWhenFalse;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateAfterLeftWhenFalse);
final rightInfo = handleCondition(node.right)!;
final stateAfterRightWhenTrue = _stateAfterWhenTrue;
final stateAfterRightWhenFalse = _stateAfterWhenFalse;
LocalState stateAfterWhenTrue = LocalState.childPath(stateBefore)
_inferrer, stateAfterLeftWhenTrue, stateAfterRightWhenTrue);
LocalState stateAfterWhenFalse = stateAfterRightWhenFalse;
LocalState stateAfter = stateBefore.mergeDiamondFlow(
_inferrer, stateAfterWhenTrue, stateAfterWhenFalse);
_setStateAfter(stateAfter, stateAfterWhenTrue, stateAfterWhenFalse);
// Constant-fold result.
if (_types.isLiteralTrue(leftInfo)) return leftInfo;
if (_types.isLiteralFalse(leftInfo)) {
if (_types.isLiteralTrue(rightInfo)) return rightInfo;
if (_types.isLiteralFalse(rightInfo)) return rightInfo;
// TODO(sra): Add a selector/mux node to improve precision.
return _types.boolType;
"Unexpected logical operator '${node.operatorEnum}'.");
TypeInformation visitConditionalExpression(ir.ConditionalExpression node) {
final stateBefore = _state;
final stateAfterWhenTrue = _stateAfterWhenTrue;
final stateAfterWhenFalse = _stateAfterWhenFalse;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateAfterWhenTrue);
final firstType = visit(node.then)!;
final stateAfterThen = _state;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateAfterWhenFalse);
final secondType = visit(node.otherwise)!;
final stateAfterElse = _state;
_state =
stateBefore.mergeDiamondFlow(_inferrer, stateAfterThen, stateAfterElse);
return _types.allocateDiamondPhi(firstType, secondType);
TypeInformation handleLocalFunction(
ir.LocalFunction node, ir.FunctionNode functionNode,
[ir.VariableDeclaration? variable]) {
// We loose track of [this] in closures (see issue 20840). To be on
// the safe side, we mark [this] as exposed here. We could do better by
// analyzing the closure.
// TODO(herhut): Analyze whether closure exposes this. Possibly using
// whether the created closure as a `thisLocal`.
ClosureRepresentationInfo info = _closureDataLookup.getClosureInfo(node);
final callMethod = info.callMethod!;
// Record the types of captured non-boxed variables. Types of
// these variables may already be there, because of an analysis of
// a previous closure.
info.forEachFreeVariable(_localsMap, (Local variable, FieldEntity field) {
if (!info.isBoxedVariable(_localsMap, variable)) {
if (variable == info.thisLocal) {
_inferrer.recordTypeOfField(field, thisType);
final localType =
_state.readLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, variable);
// The type is null for type parameters.
if (localType != null) {
_inferrer.recordTypeOfField(field, localType);
TypeInformation localFunctionType =
_inferrer.concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(node, () {
return _types.allocateClosure(callMethod);
if (variable != null) {
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(variable);
DartType type = _localsMap.getLocalType(_elementMap, local);
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local, localFunctionType, type,
excludeNull: true);
// We don't put the closure in the work queue of the
// inferrer, because it will share information with its enclosing
// method, like for example the types of local variables.
LocalState closureState = LocalState.closure(_state);
KernelTypeGraphBuilder visitor = KernelTypeGraphBuilder(
_inferrer.recordReturnType(callMethod, visitor._returnType!);
return localFunctionType;
TypeInformation visitFunctionDeclaration(ir.FunctionDeclaration node) {
return handleLocalFunction(node, node.function, node.variable);
TypeInformation visitFunctionExpression(ir.FunctionExpression node) {
return handleLocalFunction(node, node.function);
Null visitWhileStatement(ir.WhileStatement node) {
return handleLoop(node, _localsMap.getJumpTargetForWhile(node), () {
_state = LocalState.childPath(_stateAfterWhenTrue);
Null visitDoStatement(ir.DoStatement node) {
return handleLoop(node, _localsMap.getJumpTargetForDo(node), () {
// TODO(29309): This condition appears to strengthen both the back-edge
// and exit-edge. For now, avoid strengthening on the condition until the
// proper fix is found.
// _state = LocalState.childPath(_stateAfterWhenTrue, node.body);
Null visitForStatement(ir.ForStatement node) {
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in node.variables) {
return handleLoop(node, _localsMap.getJumpTargetForFor(node), () {
_state = LocalState.childPath(_stateAfterWhenTrue);
for (ir.Expression update in node.updates) {
Null visitTryCatch(ir.TryCatch node) {
final stateBefore = _state;
_state = LocalState.tryBlock(stateBefore, node);
final stateAfterTry = _state;
// If the try block contains a throw, then `stateAfterBody.aborts` will be
// true. The catch needs to be aware of the results of inference from the
// try block since we may get there via the abortive control flow:
// dynamic x = "bad";
// try {
// ...
// x = 0;
// throw ...;
// } catch (_) {
// print(x + 42); <-- x may be 0 here.
// }
// Note that this will also cause us to ignore aborts due to breaks,
// returns, and continues. Since these control flow constructs will not jump
// to a catch block, this may cause some types flowing into the catch block
// to be wider than necessary:
// dynamic x = "bad";
// try {
// x = 0;
// return;
// } catch (_) {
// print(x + 42); <-- x cannot be 0 here.
// }
_state = stateBefore.mergeTry(_inferrer, stateAfterTry);
for (ir.Catch catchBlock in node.catches) {
final stateBeforeCatch = _state;
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateBeforeCatch);
final stateAfterCatch = _state;
_state = stateBeforeCatch.mergeCatch(_inferrer, stateAfterCatch);
return null;
Null visitTryFinally(ir.TryFinally node) {
final stateBefore = _state;
_state = LocalState.tryBlock(stateBefore, node);
// Even if the try block contains abortive control flow, the finally block
// needs to be aware of the results of inference from the try block since we
// still reach the finally after abortive control flow:
// dynamic x = "bad";
// try {
// ...
// x = 0;
// return;
// } finally {
// print(x + 42); <-- x may be 0 here.
// }
_state = stateBefore.mergeTry(_inferrer, _state);
final stateBeforeFinalizer = _state;
// Use a child path to reset abort state before continuing into the
// `finally` block.
_state = LocalState.childPath(stateBeforeFinalizer);
// Continue with a copy of the state after the finalizer since control flow
// should continue linearly. Update abort state to account for try/catch
// aborting.
_state = LocalState.childPath(_state)
..seenReturnOrThrow =
_state.seenReturnOrThrow || stateBeforeFinalizer.seenReturnOrThrow
..seenBreakOrContinue = _state.seenBreakOrContinue ||
return null;
Null visitCatch(ir.Catch node) {
final exception = node.exception;
if (exception != null) {
TypeInformation mask;
DartType type = _elementMap.getDartType(node.guard).withoutNullability;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type;
mask = _types.nonNullSubtype(interfaceType.element);
} else {
mask = _types.dynamicType;
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(exception);
_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local, mask, _dartTypes.dynamicType(),
excludeNull: true /* `throw null` produces a TypeError */);
final stackTrace = node.stackTrace;
if (stackTrace != null) {
Local local = _localsMap.getLocalVariable(stackTrace);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use a mask based on [StackTrace].
// Note: stack trace may be null if users omit a stack in
// `completer.completeError`.
_state.updateLocal(_inferrer, _capturedAndBoxed, local,
_types.dynamicType, _dartTypes.dynamicType());
return null;
TypeInformation visitThrow(ir.Throw node) {
_state.seenReturnOrThrow = true;
return _types.nonNullEmpty();
TypeInformation visitRethrow(ir.Rethrow node) {
_state.seenReturnOrThrow = true;
return _types.nonNullEmpty();
TypeInformation visitSuperPropertyGet(ir.SuperPropertyGet node) {
// TODO(herhut): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
final target = getEffectiveSuperTarget(node.interfaceTarget);
Selector selector = Selector.getter(_elementMap.getName(;
MemberEntity member = _elementMap.getMember(target);
TypeInformation type = handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, member, null);
if (member.isGetter) {
FunctionType functionType = _elementMap.elementEnvironment
.getFunctionType(member as FunctionEntity);
if (functionType.returnType.containsFreeTypeVariables) {
// The result type varies with the call site so we narrow the static
// result type.
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
} else if (member is FieldEntity) {
DartType fieldType = _elementMap.elementEnvironment.getFieldType(member);
if (fieldType.containsFreeTypeVariables) {
// The result type varies with the call site so we narrow the static
// result type.
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
return type;
TypeInformation visitSuperPropertySet(ir.SuperPropertySet node) {
// TODO(herhut): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
final rhsType = visit(node.value)!;
final target = getEffectiveSuperTarget(node.interfaceTarget);
Selector selector = Selector.setter(_elementMap.getName(;
ArgumentsTypes arguments = ArgumentsTypes([rhsType], null);
final member = _elementMap.getMember(target);
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, member, arguments);
return rhsType;
TypeInformation visitSuperMethodInvocation(ir.SuperMethodInvocation node) {
// TODO(herhut): We could do better here if we knew what we
// are calling does not expose this.
final target = getEffectiveSuperTarget(node.interfaceTarget);
ArgumentsTypes arguments = analyzeArguments(node.arguments);
Selector selector = _elementMap.getSelector(node);
MemberEntity member = _elementMap.getMember(target);
assert(member.isFunction, "Unexpected super invocation target: $member");
member as FunctionEntity;
TypeInformation type =
handleStaticInvoke(node, selector, member, arguments);
FunctionType functionType =
if (functionType.returnType.containsFreeTypeVariables) {
// The return type varies with the call site so we narrow the static
// return type.
type = _types.narrowType(type, _getStaticType(node));
return type;
TypeInformation visitAsExpression(ir.AsExpression node) {
final operandType = visit(node.operand)!;
return _types.narrowType(operandType, _elementMap.getDartType(node.type));
TypeInformation visitNullCheck(ir.NullCheck node) {
final operandType = visit(node.operand)!;
return _types.narrowType(operandType, _getStaticType(node));
TypeInformation visitAwaitExpression(ir.AwaitExpression node) {
final futureType = visit(node.operand)!;
return _inferrer.registerAwait(node, futureType);
TypeInformation visitYieldStatement(ir.YieldStatement node) {
final operandType = visit(node.expression)!;
return _inferrer.registerYield(node, operandType);
TypeInformation visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(ir.CheckLibraryIsLoaded node) {
return _types.nonNullEmpty();
TypeInformation visitInvalidExpression(ir.InvalidExpression node) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Maybe this should be [empty] instead?
return _types.dynamicType;
TypeInformation visitConstantExpression(ir.ConstantExpression node) {
return TypeInformationConstantVisitor(this, node)
TypeInformation visitFileUriExpression(ir.FileUriExpression node) {
return visit(node.expression)!;
class TypeInformationConstantVisitor
extends ir.ComputeOnceConstantVisitor<TypeInformation> {
final KernelTypeGraphBuilder builder;
final ir.ConstantExpression expression;
TypeInformationConstantVisitor(this.builder, this.expression);
static Never _unexpectedConstant(ir.Constant node) {
throw UnsupportedError("Unexpected constant: "
"${node} (${node.runtimeType})");
TypeInformation visitNullConstant(ir.NullConstant node) {
return builder.createNullTypeInformation();
TypeInformation visitBoolConstant(ir.BoolConstant node) {
return builder.createBoolTypeInformation(node.value);
TypeInformation visitIntConstant(ir.IntConstant node) {
return builder.createIntTypeInformation(node.value);
TypeInformation visitDoubleConstant(ir.DoubleConstant node) {
return builder.createDoubleTypeInformation(node.value);
TypeInformation visitStringConstant(ir.StringConstant node) {
return builder.createStringTypeInformation(node.value);
TypeInformation visitSymbolConstant(ir.SymbolConstant node) {
return builder.createSymbolLiteralTypeInformation();
TypeInformation visitMapConstant(ir.MapConstant node) {
return builder.createMapTypeInformation(
ConstantReference(expression, node),
.map((e) => Pair(visitConstant(e.key), visitConstant(e.value))),
isConst: true,
keyStaticType: builder._elementMap.getDartType(node.keyType),
valueStaticType: builder._elementMap.getDartType(node.valueType));
TypeInformation visitListConstant(ir.ListConstant node) {
return builder.createListTypeInformation(
ConstantReference(expression, node), => visitConstant(e)),
isConst: true);
TypeInformation visitSetConstant(ir.SetConstant node) {
return builder.createSetTypeInformation(ConstantReference(expression, node), => visitConstant(e)),
isConst: true);
TypeInformation visitRecordConstant(ir.RecordConstant node) {
final recordType =
builder._elementMap.getDartType(node.recordType) as RecordType;
final fieldValues = [
for (final value in node.positional) visitConstant(value),
for (final value in node.named.values) visitConstant(value)
return builder.createRecordTypeInformation(
ConstantReference(expression, node), recordType, fieldValues,
isConst: true);
TypeInformation visitInstanceConstant(ir.InstanceConstant node) {
node.fieldValues.forEach((ir.Reference reference, ir.Constant value) {
return builder._types.getConcreteTypeFor(builder
TypeInformation visitInstantiationConstant(ir.InstantiationConstant node) {
return builder.createInstantiationTypeInformation(
TypeInformation visitStaticTearOffConstant(ir.StaticTearOffConstant node) {
return builder.createStaticGetTypeInformation(node,;
TypeInformation visitTypeLiteralConstant(ir.TypeLiteralConstant node) {
return builder.createTypeLiteralInformation();
TypeInformation visitUnevaluatedConstant(ir.UnevaluatedConstant node) {
assert(false, "Unexpected unevaluated constant: $node");
return builder._types.dynamicType;
Never visitConstructorTearOffConstant(ir.ConstructorTearOffConstant node) =>
Never visitRedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant(
ir.RedirectingFactoryTearOffConstant node) =>
Never visitTypedefTearOffConstant(ir.TypedefTearOffConstant node) =>
Never visitAuxiliaryConstant(ir.AuxiliaryConstant node) =>
class Refinement {
final Selector selector;
final AbstractValue mask;
Refinement(this.selector, this.mask);
class LocalState {
final LocalsHandler _locals;
final FieldInitializationScope? _fields;
bool seenReturnOrThrow = false;
bool seenBreakOrContinue = false;
LocalsHandler? _tryBlock;
LocalState.initial({required bool inGenerativeConstructor})
: this.internal(LocalsHandler(),
inGenerativeConstructor ? FieldInitializationScope() : null, null,
seenReturnOrThrow: false, seenBreakOrContinue: false);
LocalState.childPath(LocalState other)
: this.internal(LocalsHandler.from(other._locals),
FieldInitializationScope.from(other._fields), other._tryBlock,
seenReturnOrThrow: false, seenBreakOrContinue: false);
LocalState.closure(LocalState other)
: this.internal(LocalsHandler.from(other._locals),
FieldInitializationScope.from(other._fields), null,
seenReturnOrThrow: false, seenBreakOrContinue: false);
factory LocalState.tryBlock(LocalState other, ir.TreeNode node) {
LocalsHandler locals = LocalsHandler.tryBlock(other._locals, node);
final fieldScope = FieldInitializationScope.from(other._fields);
LocalsHandler tryBlock = locals;
return LocalState.internal(locals, fieldScope, tryBlock,
seenReturnOrThrow: false, seenBreakOrContinue: false);
LocalState.deepCopyOf(LocalState other)
: _locals = LocalsHandler.deepCopyOf(other._locals),
_tryBlock = other._tryBlock,
_fields = other._fields;
LocalState.internal(this._locals, this._fields, this._tryBlock,
{required this.seenReturnOrThrow, required this.seenBreakOrContinue});
bool get aborts {
return seenReturnOrThrow || seenBreakOrContinue;
bool get isThisExposed {
return _fields?.isThisExposed ?? true;
void markThisAsExposed() {
_fields?.isThisExposed = true;
void markInitializationAsIndefinite() {
_fields?.isIndefinite = true;
TypeInformation? readField(FieldEntity field) {
return _fields!.readField(field);
void updateField(FieldEntity field, TypeInformation type) {
_fields!.updateField(field, type);
TypeInformation? readLocal(InferrerEngine inferrer,
Map<Local, FieldEntity> capturedAndBoxed, Local local) {
final field = capturedAndBoxed[local];
if (field != null) {
return inferrer.typeOfMember(field);
} else {
return _locals.use(local);
void updateLocal(
InferrerEngine inferrer,
Map<Local, FieldEntity> capturedAndBoxed,
Local local,
TypeInformation type,
DartType staticType,
{bool isCast = true,
bool excludeNull = false,
bool excludeLateSentinel = false}) {
inferrer.types.narrowType(type, staticType,
isCast: isCast,
excludeNull: excludeNull,
excludeLateSentinel: excludeLateSentinel));
void setLocal(
InferrerEngine inferrer,
Map<Local, FieldEntity> capturedAndBoxed,
Local local,
TypeInformation type) {
final field = capturedAndBoxed[local];
if (field != null) {
inferrer.recordTypeOfField(field, type);
} else {
_locals.update(inferrer, local, type, _tryBlock);
LocalState mergeTry(InferrerEngine inferrer, LocalState other) {
final locals = _locals.mergeFlow(inferrer, other._locals);
return LocalState.internal(locals, _fields, _tryBlock,
seenReturnOrThrow: seenReturnOrThrow || other.seenReturnOrThrow,
seenBreakOrContinue: seenBreakOrContinue || other.seenBreakOrContinue);
LocalState mergeCatch(InferrerEngine inferrer, LocalState other) {
LocalsHandler locals;
if (aborts) {
locals = other._locals;
} else if (other.aborts) {
locals = _locals;
} else {
locals = _locals.mergeFlow(inferrer, other._locals);
return LocalState.internal(locals, _fields, _tryBlock,
seenReturnOrThrow: seenReturnOrThrow && other.seenReturnOrThrow,
seenBreakOrContinue: seenBreakOrContinue && other.seenReturnOrThrow);
LocalState mergeDiamondFlow(
InferrerEngine inferrer, LocalState thenBranch, LocalState elseBranch) {
seenReturnOrThrow =
thenBranch.seenReturnOrThrow && elseBranch.seenReturnOrThrow;
seenBreakOrContinue =
thenBranch.seenBreakOrContinue && elseBranch.seenBreakOrContinue;
LocalsHandler locals;
if (aborts) {
locals = _locals;
} else if (thenBranch.aborts) {
locals = _locals.mergeFlow(inferrer, elseBranch._locals, inPlace: true);
} else if (elseBranch.aborts) {
locals = _locals.mergeFlow(inferrer, thenBranch._locals, inPlace: true);
} else {
locals = _locals.mergeDiamondFlow(
inferrer, thenBranch._locals, elseBranch._locals);
final fieldScope = _fields?.mergeDiamondFlow(
inferrer, thenBranch._fields!, elseBranch._fields!);
return LocalState.internal(locals, fieldScope, _tryBlock,
seenReturnOrThrow: seenReturnOrThrow,
seenBreakOrContinue: seenBreakOrContinue);
LocalState mergeAfterBreaks(InferrerEngine inferrer, List<LocalState> states,
{bool keepOwnLocals = true}) {
bool allBranchesReturnOrThrow = true;
for (LocalState state in states) {
allBranchesReturnOrThrow &= state.seenReturnOrThrow;
keepOwnLocals &= !seenReturnOrThrow;
LocalsHandler locals = _locals.mergeAfterBreaks(
.where((LocalState state) => !state.seenReturnOrThrow)
.map((LocalState state) => state._locals),
keepOwnLocals: keepOwnLocals);
seenReturnOrThrow = allBranchesReturnOrThrow && !keepOwnLocals;
return LocalState.internal(locals, _fields, _tryBlock,
seenReturnOrThrow: seenReturnOrThrow,
seenBreakOrContinue: seenBreakOrContinue);
bool mergeAll(InferrerEngine inferrer, List<LocalState> states) {
return _locals.mergeAll(
.where((LocalState state) => !state.seenReturnOrThrow)
.map((LocalState state) => state._locals));
void startLoop(InferrerEngine inferrer, ir.Node loop) {
_locals.startLoop(inferrer, loop);
void endLoop(InferrerEngine inferrer, ir.Node loop) {
_locals.endLoop(inferrer, loop);
String toStructuredText(String indent) {
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
_toStructuredText(sb, indent);
return sb.toString();
void _toStructuredText(StringBuffer sb, String indent) {
sb.write('LocalState($hashCode) [');
sb.write('\n${indent} locals:');
sb.write(_locals.toStructuredText('${indent} '));
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
if (_fields != null) {
if (seenReturnOrThrow) {
if (seenBreakOrContinue) {
return sb.toString();