blob: 3d978a34b7cd32a2766f6506ea69932addcb4e94 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compilation_trace.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/log.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/resolver.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, trace_compilation_trace, false, "Trace compilation trace.");
CompilationTraceSaver::CompilationTraceSaver(Zone* zone)
: buf_(zone, 4 * KB),
uri_(String::Handle(zone)) {}
void CompilationTraceSaver::Visit(const Function& function) {
if (!function.HasCode()) {
return; // Not compiled.
if (function.parent_function() != Function::null()) {
// Lookup works poorly for local functions. We compile all local functions
// in a compiled function instead.
func_name_ =;
func_name_ = String::RemovePrivateKey(func_name_);
cls_ = function.Owner();
cls_name_ = cls_.Name();
cls_name_ = String::RemovePrivateKey(cls_name_);
lib_ = cls_.library();
uri_ = lib_.url();
buf_.Printf("%s,%s,%s\n", uri_.ToCString(), cls_name_.ToCString(),
CompilationTraceLoader::CompilationTraceLoader(Thread* thread)
: thread_(thread),
error_(Object::Handle(zone_)) {}
static char* FindCharacter(char* str, char goal, char* limit) {
while (str < limit) {
if (*str == goal) {
return str;
return NULL;
RawObject* CompilationTraceLoader::CompileTrace(uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t size) {
// First compile functions named in the trace.
char* cursor = reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer);
char* limit = cursor + size;
while (cursor < limit) {
char* uri = cursor;
char* comma1 = FindCharacter(uri, ',', limit);
if (comma1 == NULL) {
*comma1 = 0;
char* cls_name = comma1 + 1;
char* comma2 = FindCharacter(cls_name, ',', limit);
if (comma2 == NULL) {
*comma2 = 0;
char* func_name = comma2 + 1;
char* newline = FindCharacter(func_name, '\n', limit);
if (newline == NULL) {
*newline = 0;
error_ = CompileTriple(uri, cls_name, func_name);
if (error_.IsError()) {
return error_.raw();
cursor = newline + 1;
// Next, compile common dispatchers. These aren't found with the normal
// lookup above because they have irregular lookup that depends on the
// arguments descriptor (e.g. call() versus call(x)).
const Class& closure_class =
Class::Handle(zone_, thread_->isolate()->object_store()->closure_class());
Array& arguments_descriptor = Array::Handle(zone_);
Function& dispatcher = Function::Handle(zone_);
for (intptr_t argc = 1; argc <= 4; argc++) {
const intptr_t kTypeArgsLen = 0;
arguments_descriptor = ArgumentsDescriptor::New(kTypeArgsLen, argc);
dispatcher = closure_class.GetInvocationDispatcher(
Symbols::Call(), arguments_descriptor,
RawFunction::kInvokeFieldDispatcher, true /* create_if_absent */);
error_ = CompileFunction(dispatcher);
if (error_.IsError()) {
return error_.raw();
// Finally, compile closures in all compiled functions. Don't cache the
// length since compiling may append to this list.
const GrowableObjectArray& closure_functions = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(
zone_, thread_->isolate()->object_store()->closure_functions());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < closure_functions.Length(); i++) {
function_ ^= closure_functions.At(i);
function2_ = function_.parent_function();
if (function2_.HasCode()) {
error_ = CompileFunction(function_);
if (error_.IsError()) {
return error_.raw();
return Object::null();
// Use a fuzzy match to find the right function to compile. This allows a
// compilation trace to remain mostly valid in the face of program changes, and
// deals with implicit/dispatcher functions that don't have proper names.
// - Ignore private name mangling
// - If looking for a getter and we only have the corresponding regular method,
// compile the regular method, create its implicit closure and compile that.
// - If looking for a regular method and we only have the corresponding getter,
// compile the getter, create its method extractor and compile that.
// - If looking for a getter and we only have a const field, evaluate the const
// field.
RawObject* CompilationTraceLoader::CompileTriple(const char* uri_cstr,
const char* cls_cstr,
const char* func_cstr) {
uri_ = Symbols::New(thread_, uri_cstr);
class_name_ = Symbols::New(thread_, cls_cstr);
function_name_ = Symbols::New(thread_, func_cstr);
if (function_name_.Equals("_getMainClosure")) {
// The scheme for invoking main relies on compiling _getMainClosure after
// synthetically importing the root library.
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
THR_Print("Compilation trace: skip %s,%s,%s\n", uri_.ToCString(),
class_name_.ToCString(), function_name_.ToCString());
return Object::null();
lib_ = Library::LookupLibrary(thread_, uri_);
if (lib_.IsNull()) {
// Missing library.
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
THR_Print("Compilation trace: missing library %s,%s,%s\n",
uri_.ToCString(), class_name_.ToCString(),
return Object::null();
bool is_getter = Field::IsGetterName(function_name_);
bool add_closure = false;
bool processed = false;
if (class_name_.Equals(Symbols::TopLevel())) {
function_ = lib_.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(function_name_);
field_ = lib_.LookupFieldAllowPrivate(function_name_);
if (function_.IsNull() && is_getter) {
// Maybe this was a tear off.
add_closure = true;
function_name2_ = Field::NameFromGetter(function_name_);
function_ = lib_.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(function_name2_);
field_ = lib_.LookupFieldAllowPrivate(function_name2_);
} else {
cls_ = lib_.SlowLookupClassAllowMultiPartPrivate(class_name_);
if (cls_.IsNull()) {
// Missing class.
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
THR_Print("Compilation trace: missing class %s,%s,%s\n",
uri_.ToCString(), class_name_.ToCString(),
return Object::null();
error_ = cls_.EnsureIsFinalized(thread_);
if (error_.IsError()) {
// Non-finalized class.
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
THR_Print("Compilation trace: non-finalized class %s,%s,%s (%s)\n",
uri_.ToCString(), class_name_.ToCString(),
return error_.raw();
function_ = cls_.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(function_name_);
field_ = cls_.LookupFieldAllowPrivate(function_name_);
if (function_.IsNull() && is_getter) {
// Maybe this was a tear off.
add_closure = true;
function_name2_ = Field::NameFromGetter(function_name_);
function_ = cls_.LookupFunctionAllowPrivate(function_name2_);
field_ = cls_.LookupFieldAllowPrivate(function_name2_);
if (!function_.IsNull() && !function_.is_static()) {
// Maybe this was a method extractor.
function2_ =
Resolver::ResolveDynamicAnyArgs(zone_, cls_, function_name_);
if (!function2_.IsNull()) {
error_ = CompileFunction(function2_);
if (error_.IsError()) {
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
"Compilation trace: error compiling extractor %s for "
"%s,%s,%s (%s)\n",
function2_.ToCString(), uri_.ToCString(),
class_name_.ToCString(), function_name_.ToCString(),
return error_.raw();
if (!field_.IsNull() && field_.is_const() && field_.is_static() &&
(field_.StaticValue() == Object::sentinel().raw())) {
processed = true;
error_ = EvaluateInitializer(field_);
if (error_.IsError()) {
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
"Compilation trace: error initializing field %s for %s,%s,%s "
field_.ToCString(), uri_.ToCString(), class_name_.ToCString(),
function_name_.ToCString(), Error::Cast(error_).ToErrorCString());
return error_.raw();
if (!function_.IsNull()) {
processed = true;
error_ = CompileFunction(function_);
if (error_.IsError()) {
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
THR_Print("Compilation trace: error compiling %s,%s,%s (%s)\n",
uri_.ToCString(), class_name_.ToCString(),
return error_.raw();
if (add_closure) {
function_ = function_.ImplicitClosureFunction();
error_ = CompileFunction(function_);
if (error_.IsError()) {
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
"Compilation trace: error compiling closure %s,%s,%s (%s)\n",
uri_.ToCString(), class_name_.ToCString(),
function_name_.ToCString(), Error::Cast(error_).ToErrorCString());
return error_.raw();
if (FLAG_trace_compilation_trace) {
if (!processed) {
THR_Print("Compilation trace: ignored %s,%s,%s\n", uri_.ToCString(),
class_name_.ToCString(), function_name_.ToCString());
return Object::null();
RawObject* CompilationTraceLoader::CompileFunction(const Function& function) {
if (function.is_abstract()) {
return Object::null();
return Compiler::CompileFunction(thread_, function);
RawObject* CompilationTraceLoader::EvaluateInitializer(const Field& field) {
LongJumpScope jump;
if (setjmp(*jump.Set()) == 0) {
} else {
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
const Error& error = Error::Handle(thread->sticky_error());
return error.raw();
return Object::null();
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
} // namespace dart