blob: 8761698a34fa2148fc6ab04ffa810bb65593be0b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/src/lint/linter.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../dart/resolution/driver_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
abstract class AbstractLinterContextTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
LinterContextImpl context;
Future<void> resolve(String content) async {
await resolveTestFile();
var contextUnit = LinterContextUnit(result.content, result.unit);
context = new LinterContextImpl(
class CanBeConstConstructorTest extends AbstractLinterContextTest {
LinterContextImpl context;
void assertCanBeConstConstructor(String search, bool expectedResult) {
var constructor = findNode.constructor(search);
expect(context.canBeConstConstructor(constructor), expectedResult);
test_assertInitializer_parameter() async {
await resolve(r'''
class C {
C(int a) : assert(a >= 0, 'error');
assertCanBeConstConstructor('C(int a)', true);
test_empty() async {
await resolve(r'''
class C {
assertCanBeConstConstructor('C()', true);
test_field_notConstInitializer() async {
await resolve(r'''
class C {
final int f = a;
var a = 0;
assertCanBeConstConstructor('C()', false);
test_field_notFinal() async {
await resolve(r'''
class C {
int f = 0;
assertCanBeConstConstructor('C()', false);
test_field_notFinal_inherited() async {
await resolve(r'''
class A {
int f = 0;
class B extends A {
assertCanBeConstConstructor('B()', false);
test_fieldInitializer_literal() async {
await resolve(r'''
class C {
final int f;
C() : f = 0;
assertCanBeConstConstructor('C()', true);
test_fieldInitializer_notConst() async {
await resolve(r'''
class C {
final int f;
C() : f = a;
var a = 0;
assertCanBeConstConstructor('C()', false);
test_fieldInitializer_parameter() async {
await resolve(r'''
class C {
final int f;
C(int a) : f = a;
assertCanBeConstConstructor('C(int a)', true);
class CanBeConstTest extends AbstractLinterContextTest {
void assertCanBeConst(String snippet, bool expectedResult) {
var node = findNode.instanceCreation(snippet);
expect(context.canBeConst(node), expectedResult);
void test_false_argument_invocation() async {
await resolve('''
class A {}
class B {
const B(A a);
A f() => A();
B g() => B(f());
assertCanBeConst("B(f", false);
void test_false_argument_invocationInList() async {
await resolve('''
class A {}
class B {
const B(a);
A f() => A();
B g() => B([f()]);
assertCanBeConst("B([", false);
void test_false_argument_nonConstConstructor() async {
await resolve('''
class A {}
class B {
const B(A a);
B f() => B(A());
assertCanBeConst("B(A(", false);
void test_false_nonConstConstructor() async {
await resolve('''
class A {}
A f() => A();
assertCanBeConst("A(", false);
void test_true_constConstructorArg() async {
await resolve('''
class A {
const A();
class B {
const B(A a);
B f() => B(A());
assertCanBeConst("B(A(", true);
void test_true_constListArg() async {
await resolve('''
class A {
const A(List<int> l);
A f() => A([1, 2, 3]);
assertCanBeConst("A([", true);