blob: b291ab389f61c03632377677c46f935db656501b [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/formatter_impl.dart';
import 'package:async_await/async_await.dart' as async_await;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
final sourceDir = p.dirname(p.dirname(p.fromUri(Platform.script)));
final sourceUrl = p.toUri(sourceDir).toString();
final generatedDir = p.join(p.dirname(sourceDir), 'pub_generated');
bool hadFailure = false;
bool verbose = false;
final _compilerPattern = new RegExp(r"import '(\.\./)+compiler");
final _commitPattern = new RegExp(r"[a-f0-9]{40}");
void main(List<String> arguments) {
var parser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
parser.addFlag("verbose", callback: (value) => verbose = value);
var force = false;
parser.addFlag("force", callback: (value) => force = value);
var buildDir;
try {
var rest = parser.parse(arguments).rest;
if (rest.isEmpty) {
throw new FormatException('Missing build directory.');
} else if (rest.length > 1) {
throw new FormatException(
'Unexpected arguments: ${rest.skip(1).join(" ")}.');
buildDir = rest.first;
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
"Usage: dart async_compile.dart [--verbose] [--force] <build dir>");
var result = Process.runSync(
["rev-parse", "HEAD"],
workingDirectory: p.join(sourceDir, "../../../../third_party/pkg/async_await"));
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
stderr.writeln("Could not get Git revision of async_await compiler.");
var currentCommit = result.stdout.trim();
var readmePath = p.join(generatedDir, "");
var lastCommit;
var readme = new File(readmePath).readAsStringSync();
var match = _commitPattern.firstMatch(readme);
if (match == null) {
stderr.writeln("Could not find compiler commit hash in");
lastCommit = match[0];
var numFiles = 0;
var numCompiled = 0;
for (var entry in new Directory(sourceDir).listSync(recursive: true)) {
if (p.extension(entry.path) != ".dart") continue;
var relative = p.relative(entry.path, from: sourceDir);
var sourceFile = entry as File;
var destPath = p.join(generatedDir, relative);
var destFile = new File(destPath);
if (force ||
currentCommit != lastCommit ||
!destFile.existsSync() ||
entry.lastModifiedSync().isAfter(destFile.lastModifiedSync())) {
_compile(sourceFile.path, sourceFile.readAsStringSync(), destPath);
if (verbose) print("Compiled $relative");
if (currentCommit != lastCommit) {
readme = readme.replaceAll(_commitPattern, currentCommit);
_writeFile(readmePath, readme);
if (verbose) print("Compiled $numCompiled out of $numFiles files");
if (numCompiled > 0) _generateSnapshot(buildDir);
if (hadFailure) exit(1);
void _compile(String sourcePath, String source, String destPath) {
var destDir = new Directory(p.dirname(destPath));
destDir.createSync(recursive: true);
source = _translateAsyncAwait(sourcePath, source);
if (source != null) source = _fixDart2jsImports(sourcePath, source, destPath);
if (source == null) {
} else {
_writeFile(destPath, source);
String _translateAsyncAwait(String sourcePath, String source) {
if (p.isWithin(p.join(sourceDir, "asset"), sourcePath)) {
return source;
try {
source = async_await.compile(source);
var result = new CodeFormatter().format(CodeKind.COMPILATION_UNIT, source);
return result.source;
} catch (ex) {
stderr.writeln("Async compile failed on $sourcePath:\n$ex");
hadFailure = true;
return null;
String _fixDart2jsImports(String sourcePath, String source, String destPath) {
var compilerDir = p.url.join(sourceUrl, "../compiler");
var relative =
p.url.relative(compilerDir, from: p.url.dirname(p.toUri(destPath).toString()));
return source.replaceAll(_compilerPattern, "import '$relative");
void _generateSnapshot(String buildDir) {
buildDir = p.normalize(buildDir);
var entrypoint = p.join(generatedDir, 'bin/pub.dart');
var packageRoot = p.join(buildDir, 'packages');
var snapshot = p.join(buildDir, 'dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/pub.dart.snapshot');
var result = Process.runSync(
["--package-root=$packageRoot", "--snapshot=$snapshot", entrypoint]);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
stderr.writeln("Failed to generate snapshot:");
if (result.stderr.trim().isNotEmpty) stderr.writeln(result.stderr);
if (result.stdout.trim().isNotEmpty) stderr.writeln(result.stdout);
if (verbose) print("Created pub snapshot");
void _deleteFile(String path) {
try {
new File(path).deleteSync();
} on IOException catch (ex) {}
void _writeFile(String path, String contents) {
try {
new File(path).writeAsStringSync(contents);
} on IOException catch (ex) {}