blob: aca3588545ccc542d0aab3dc7baf038f48d9afd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.graph.asset_cascade;
import 'dart:async';
import '../asset/asset.dart';
import '../asset/asset_id.dart';
import '../asset/asset_node.dart';
import '../asset/asset_set.dart';
import '../errors.dart';
import '../log.dart';
import '../transformer/transformer.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import '../utils/cancelable_future.dart';
import 'node_status.dart';
import 'node_streams.dart';
import 'package_graph.dart';
import 'phase.dart';
/// The asset cascade for an individual package.
/// This keeps track of which [Transformer]s are applied to which assets, and
/// re-runs those transformers when their dependencies change. The transformed
/// asset nodes are accessible via [getAssetNode].
/// A cascade consists of one or more [Phases], each of which has one or more
/// [Transformer]s that run in parallel, potentially on the same inputs. The
/// inputs of the first phase are the source assets for this cascade's package.
/// The inputs of each successive phase are the outputs of the previous phase,
/// as well as any assets that haven't yet been transformed.
class AssetCascade {
/// The name of the package whose assets are managed.
final String package;
/// The [PackageGraph] that tracks all [AssetCascade]s for all dependencies of
/// the current app.
final PackageGraph graph;
/// The controllers for the [AssetNode]s that provide information about this
/// cascade's package's source assets.
final _sourceControllerMap = new Map<AssetId, AssetNodeController>();
/// Futures for source assets that are currently being loaded.
/// These futures are cancelable so that if an asset is updated after a load
/// has been kicked off, the previous load can be ignored in favor of a new
/// one.
final _loadingSources = new Map<AssetId, CancelableFuture<Asset>>();
/// The list of phases in this cascade.
/// This will always contain at least one phase, and the first phase will
/// never have any transformers. This ensures that every transformer can
/// request inputs from a previous phase.
final _phases = <Phase>[];
/// The subscription to the [Phase.onStatusChange] stream of the last [Phase]
/// in [_phases].
StreamSubscription _phaseStatusSubscription;
/// A stream that emits any errors from the cascade or the transformers.
/// This emits errors as they're detected. If an error occurs in one part of
/// the cascade, unrelated parts will continue building.
Stream<BarbackException> get errors =>;
final _errorsController =
new StreamController<BarbackException>.broadcast(sync: true);
/// How far along [this] is in processing its assets.
NodeStatus get status {
// Just check the last phase, since it will check all the previous phases
// itself.
return _phases.last.status;
/// The streams exposed by this cascade.
final _streams = new NodeStreams();
Stream<LogEntry> get onLog => _streams.onLog;
Stream<NodeStatus> get onStatusChange => _streams.onStatusChange;
/// Returns all currently-available output assets from this cascade.
AssetSet get availableOutputs =>
new AssetSet.from( => node.asset));
/// Creates a new [AssetCascade].
/// It loads source assets within [package] using [provider].
AssetCascade(this.graph, this.package) {
_addPhase(new Phase(this, package));
/// Gets the asset identified by [id].
/// If [id] is for a generated or transformed asset, this will wait until it
/// has been created and return it. This means that the returned asset will
/// always be [AssetState.AVAILABLE].
/// If the asset cannot be found, returns null.
Future<AssetNode> getAssetNode(AssetId id) {
assert(id.package == package);
var oldLastPhase = _phases.last;
// TODO(rnystrom): Waiting for the entire build to complete is unnecessary
// in some cases. Should optimize:
// * [id] may be generated before the compilation is finished. We should
// be able to quickly check whether there are any more in-place
// transformations that can be run on it. If not, we can return it early.
// * If [id] has never been generated and all active transformers provide
// metadata about the file names of assets it can emit, we can prove that
// none of them can emit [id] and fail early.
return oldLastPhase.getOutput(id).then((node) {
// The last phase may have changed if [updateSources] was called after
// requesting the output. In that case, we want the output from the new
// last phase.
if (_phases.last == oldLastPhase) return node;
return getAssetNode(id);
/// Adds [sources] to the graph's known set of source assets.
/// Begins applying any transforms that can consume any of the sources. If a
/// given source is already known, it is considered modified and all
/// transforms that use it will be re-applied.
void updateSources(Iterable<AssetId> sources) {
for (var id in sources) {
var controller = _sourceControllerMap[id];
if (controller != null) {
} else {
_sourceControllerMap[id] = new AssetNodeController(id);
// If this source was already loading, cancel the old load, since it may
// return out-of-date contents for the asset.
if (_loadingSources.containsKey(id)) _loadingSources[id].cancel();
_loadingSources[id] = new CancelableFuture<Asset>(
syncFuture(() => graph.provider.getAsset(id)));
_loadingSources[id].whenComplete(() {
}).then((asset) {
var controller = _sourceControllerMap[id].setAvailable(asset);
}).catchError((error, stack) {
reportError(new AssetLoadException(id, error, stack));
// TODO(nweiz): propagate error information through asset nodes.
/// Removes [removed] from the graph's known set of source assets.
void removeSources(Iterable<AssetId> removed) {
removed.forEach((id) {
// If the source was being loaded, cancel that load.
if (_loadingSources.containsKey(id)) _loadingSources.remove(id).cancel();
var controller = _sourceControllerMap.remove(id);
// Don't choke if an id is double-removed for some reason.
if (controller != null) controller.setRemoved();
/// Sets this cascade's transformer phases to [transformers].
/// Elements of the inner iterable of [transformers] must be [Transformer]s,
/// [TransformerGroup]s, or [AggregateTransformer]s.
void updateTransformers(Iterable<Iterable> transformersIterable) {
var transformers = transformersIterable.toList();
// Always preserve a single phase with no transformers at the beginning of
// the cascade so that [TransformNode]s in the first populated phase will
// have something to request assets from.
for (var i = 0; i < transformers.length; i++) {
if (_phases.length > i + 1) {
_phases[i + 1].updateTransformers(transformers[i]);
var phase = _phases.last.addPhase();
for (var i = transformers.length + 1; i < _phases.length; i++) {
_phases.removeRange(transformers.length + 1, _phases.length);
_phaseStatusSubscription = _phases.last.onStatusChange
/// Force all [LazyTransformer]s' transforms in this cascade to begin
/// producing concrete assets.
void forceAllTransforms() {
for (var phase in _phases) {
void reportError(BarbackException error) {
/// Add [phase] to the end of [_phases] and watch its streams.
void _addPhase(Phase phase) {
if (_phaseStatusSubscription != null) _phaseStatusSubscription.cancel();
_phaseStatusSubscription =
String toString() => "cascade for $package";