blob: cc6688ac79b239bcfde05ee84ea776024ddf85d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Defines the type model. The type model is part of the
/// [element model](../dart_element_element/dart_element_element-library.html)
/// in that most types are defined by Dart code (the types `dynamic` and `void`
/// being the notable exceptions). All types are represented by an instance of a
/// subclass of [DartType].
/// Other than `dynamic` and `void`, all of the types define either the
/// interface defined by a class (an instance of [InterfaceType]) or the type of
/// a function (an instance of [FunctionType]).
/// We make a distinction between the declaration of a class (a [ClassElement])
/// and the type defined by that class (an [InterfaceType]). The biggest reason
/// for the distinction is to allow us to more cleanly represent the distinction
/// between type parameters and type arguments. For example, if we define a
/// class as `class Pair<K, V> {}`, the declarations of `K` and `V` represent
/// type parameters. But if we declare a variable as `Pair<String, int> pair;`
/// the references to `String` and `int` are type arguments.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart' show RecordTypeImpl;
/// The type associated with elements in the element model.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class DartType {
/// If this type is an instantiation of a type alias, information about
/// the alias element, and the type arguments.
/// Otherwise return `null`.
InstantiatedTypeAliasElement? get alias;
/// Return the element representing the declaration of this type, or `null`
/// if the type is not associated with an element.
Element? get element;
/// Return the element representing the declaration of this type, or `null`
/// if the type is not associated with an element.
@Deprecated('Use element instead')
Element? get element2;
/// The extension type erasure of this type.
/// The extension type erasure of a type `V` is obtained by recursively
/// replacing every subterm of `V` which is an extension type with the
/// corresponding representation type.
/// This getter can be used on any type, not necessary on a type that has
/// an extension type as a subterm. If there are no extension types, the
/// same type is returned.
DartType get extensionTypeErasure;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the bottom type.
bool get isBottom;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'Future' defined in the
/// dart:async library.
bool get isDartAsyncFuture;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'FutureOr<T>' defined in
/// the dart:async library.
bool get isDartAsyncFutureOr;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'Stream' defined in the
/// dart:async library.
bool get isDartAsyncStream;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'bool' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreBool;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'double' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreDouble;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'Enum' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreEnum;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'Function' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreFunction;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'int' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreInt;
/// Returns `true` if this type represents the type 'Iterable' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreIterable;
/// Returns `true` if this type represents the type 'List' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreList;
/// Returns `true` if this type represents the type 'Map' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreMap;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'Null' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreNull;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'num' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreNum;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type `Object` defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreObject;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'Record' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreRecord;
/// Returns `true` if this type represents the type 'Set' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreSet;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'String' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreString;
/// Returns `true` if this type represents the type 'Symbol' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreSymbol;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'Type' defined in the
/// dart:core library.
bool get isDartCoreType;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'dynamic'.
@Deprecated('Use `is DynamicType` instead')
bool get isDynamic;
/// Return `true` if this type represents the type 'void'.
@Deprecated('Use `is VoidType` instead')
bool get isVoid;
/// Return the name of this type, or `null` if the type does not have a name,
/// such as when the type represents the type of an unnamed function.
@Deprecated('Check element, or use getDisplayString()')
String? get name;
/// Return the nullability suffix of this type.
NullabilitySuffix get nullabilitySuffix;
/// Use the given [visitor] to visit this type.
R accept<R>(TypeVisitor<R> visitor);
/// Use the given [visitor] to visit this type.
R acceptWithArgument<R, A>(
TypeVisitorWithArgument<R, A> visitor,
A argument,
/// Return the canonical interface that this type implements for [element],
/// or `null` if such an interface does not exist.
/// For example, given the following definitions
/// ```
/// class A<E> {}
/// class B<E> implements A<E> {}
/// class C implements A<String> {}
/// ```
/// Asking the type `B<int>` for the type associated with `A` will return the
/// type `A<int>`. Asking the type `C` for the type associated with `A` will
/// return the type `A<String>`.
/// For a [TypeParameterType] with a bound (declared or promoted), returns
/// the interface implemented by the bound.
InterfaceType? asInstanceOf(InterfaceElement element);
/// Return the presentation of this type as it should appear when presented
/// to users in contexts such as error messages.
/// If [withNullability] is `true`, then [NullabilitySuffix.question] and
/// [] will be represented as `?` and `*`.
/// [NullabilitySuffix.none] does not have any explicit presentation.
/// If [withNullability] is `false`, nullability suffixes will not be
/// included into the presentation.
/// Clients should not depend on the content of the returned value as it will
/// be changed if doing so would improve the UX.
String getDisplayString({required bool withNullability});
/// If this type is a [TypeParameterType], returns its bound if it has one, or
/// [objectType] otherwise.
/// For any other type, returns `this`. Applies recursively -- if the bound is
/// itself a type parameter, that is resolved too.
@Deprecated('Use TypeSystem.resolveToBound() instead')
DartType resolveToBound(DartType objectType);
/// The type `dynamic` is a type which is a supertype of all other types, just
/// like `Object`, with the difference that the static analysis assumes that
/// every member access has a corresponding member with a signature that
/// admits the given access.
abstract class DynamicType implements DartType {}
/// The type of a function, method, constructor, getter, or setter. Function
/// types come in three variations:
/// * The types of functions that only have required parameters. These have the
/// general form <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>) &rarr; T</i>.
/// * The types of functions with optional positional parameters. These have the
/// general form <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>, [T<sub>n+1</sub>
/// &hellip;, T<sub>n+k</sub>]) &rarr; T</i>.
/// * The types of functions with named parameters. These have the general form
/// <i>(T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>, {T<sub>x1</sub> x1, &hellip;,
/// T<sub>xk</sub> xk}) &rarr; T</i>.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class FunctionType implements DartType {
Null get element;
@Deprecated('Use element instead')
Null get element2;
/// A map from the names of named parameters to the types of the named
/// parameters of this type of function.
/// The entries in the map are not necessarily iterated in the same order as
/// the order in which the named parameters are defined. If there are no
/// named parameters declared, then the map will be empty.
Map<String, DartType> get namedParameterTypes;
/// The names of the required positional parameters of this type of function,
/// not necessarily in the order that the parameters appear.
List<String> get normalParameterNames;
/// A list containing the types of the normal parameters of this type of
/// function.
/// The parameter types are not necessarily in the same order as they appear
/// in the declaration of the function.
List<DartType> get normalParameterTypes;
/// The names of the optional positional parameters of this type of function,
/// not necessarily in the order that the parameters appear.
List<String> get optionalParameterNames;
/// A map from the names of optional (positional) parameters to the types of
/// the optional parameters of this type of function.
/// The entries in the map are not necessarily iterated in the same order as
/// the order in which the optional parameters are defined. If there area no
/// optional parameters declared, then the map is empty.
List<DartType> get optionalParameterTypes;
/// A list containing the parameters elements of this type of function.
/// The parameter types are not necessarily in the same order as they appear
/// in the declaration of the function.
List<ParameterElement> get parameters;
/// The type of object returned by this type of function.
DartType get returnType;
/// The formal type parameters of this generic function; for example,
/// `<T> T -> T`.
// TODO(scheglov): Remove the mention for "typeParameters".
// These are distinct from the `typeParameters` list, which contains type
// parameters from surrounding contexts, and thus are free type variables
// from the perspective of this function type.
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeFormals;
/// Produces a new function type by substituting type parameters of this
/// function type with the given [argumentTypes].
/// The resulting function type has no type parameters.
FunctionType instantiate(List<DartType> argumentTypes);
/// Information about an instantiated [TypeAliasElement] and the type
/// arguments with which it is instantiated.
abstract class InstantiatedTypeAliasElement {
/// The alias element that is instantiated to produce a [DartType].
TypeAliasElement get element;
/// The type arguments with which the [element] was instantiated.
/// This list will be empty if the [element] is not generic.
List<DartType> get typeArguments;
/// The type introduced by either a class or an interface, or a reference to
/// such a type.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class InterfaceType implements ParameterizedType {
/// Return a list containing all of the accessors (getters and setters)
/// declared in this type.
List<PropertyAccessorElement> get accessors;
/// Return all the super-interfaces implemented by this interface. This
/// includes superclasses, mixins, interfaces, and superclass constraints.
List<InterfaceType> get allSupertypes;
/// Return a list containing all of the constructors declared in this type.
List<ConstructorElement> get constructors;
InterfaceElement get element;
@Deprecated('Use element instead')
InterfaceElement get element2;
/// Return a list containing all of the interfaces that are implemented by
/// this interface. Note that this is <b>not</b>, in general, equivalent to
/// getting the interfaces from this type's element because the types returned
/// by this method will have had their type parameters replaced.
List<InterfaceType> get interfaces;
/// Return a list containing all of the methods declared in this type.
List<MethodElement> get methods;
/// Return a list containing all of the mixins that are applied to the class
/// being extended in order to derive the superclass of this class. Note that
/// this is <b>not</b>, in general, equivalent to getting the mixins from this
/// type's element because the types returned by this method will have had
/// their type parameters replaced.
List<InterfaceType> get mixins;
/// Return the type representing the superclass of this type, or null if this
/// type represents the class 'Object'. Note that this is <b>not</b>, in
/// general, equivalent to getting the superclass from this type's element
/// because the type returned by this method will have had it's type
/// parameters replaced.
InterfaceType? get superclass;
/// Return a list containing all of the super-class constraints that this
/// mixin declaration declares. The list will be empty if this class does not
/// represent a mixin declaration.
List<InterfaceType> get superclassConstraints;
/// Return the element representing the getter with the given [name] that is
/// declared in this class, or `null` if this class does not declare a getter
/// with the given name.
PropertyAccessorElement? getGetter(String name);
/// Return the element representing the method with the given [name] that is
/// declared in this class, or `null` if this class does not declare a method
/// with the given name.
MethodElement? getMethod(String name);
/// Return the element representing the setter with the given [name] that is
/// declared in this class, or `null` if this class does not declare a setter
/// with the given name.
PropertyAccessorElement? getSetter(String name);
/// Return the element representing the constructor that results from looking
/// up the constructor with the given [name] in this class with respect to the
/// given [library], or `null` if the look up fails. The behavior of this
/// method is defined by the Dart Language Specification in section 12.11.1:
/// <blockquote>
/// If <i>e</i> is of the form <b>new</b> <i></i> then let <i>q<i> be
/// the constructor <i></i>, otherwise let <i>q<i> be the constructor
/// <i>T<i>. Otherwise, if <i>q</i> is not defined or not accessible, a
/// NoSuchMethodException is thrown.
/// </blockquote>
ConstructorElement? lookUpConstructor(String? name, LibraryElement library);
/// Return the getter with the given [name].
/// If [concrete] is `true`, then the concrete implementation is returned,
/// from this type, or its superclass.
/// If [inherited] is `true`, then only getters from the superclass are
/// considered.
/// If [recoveryStatic] is `true`, then static getters of the class,
/// and its superclasses are considered. Clients should not use it.
PropertyAccessorElement? lookUpGetter2(
String name,
LibraryElement library, {
bool concrete = false,
bool inherited = false,
bool recoveryStatic = false,
/// Return the method with the given [name].
/// If [concrete] is `true`, then the concrete implementation is returned,
/// from this type, or its superclass.
/// If [inherited] is `true`, then only methods from the superclass are
/// considered.
/// If [recoveryStatic] is `true`, then static methods of the class,
/// and its superclasses are considered. Clients should not use it.
MethodElement? lookUpMethod2(
String name,
LibraryElement library, {
bool concrete = false,
bool inherited = false,
bool recoveryStatic = false,
/// Return the setter with the given [name].
/// If [concrete] is `true`, then the concrete implementation is returned,
/// from this type, or its superclass.
/// If [inherited] is `true`, then only setters from the superclass are
/// considered.
/// If [recoveryStatic] is `true`, then static setters of the class,
/// and its superclasses are considered. Clients should not use it.
PropertyAccessorElement? lookUpSetter2(
String name,
LibraryElement library, {
bool concrete = false,
bool inherited = false,
bool recoveryStatic = false,
/// The type arising from code with errors, such as invalid type annotations,
/// wrong number of type arguments, invocation of undefined methods, etc.
/// Can usually be treated as [DynamicType], but should occasionally be handled
/// differently, e.g. it does not cause follow-on implicit cast errors.
abstract class InvalidType implements DartType {}
/// The type `Never` represents the uninhabited bottom type.
abstract class NeverType implements DartType {}
/// A type that can track substituted type parameters, either for itself after
/// instantiation, or from a surrounding context.
/// For example, given a class `Foo<T>`, after instantiation with S for T, it
/// will track the substitution `{S/T}`.
/// This substitution will be propagated to its members. For example, say our
/// `Foo<T>` class has a field `T bar;`. When we look up this field, we will get
/// back a [FieldElement] that tracks the substituted type as `{S/T}T`, so when
/// we ask for the field type we will get `S`.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class ParameterizedType implements DartType {
/// Return the type arguments used to instantiate this type.
/// An [InterfaceType] always has type arguments.
/// A [FunctionType] has type arguments only if it is a result of a typedef
/// instantiation, otherwise the result is `null`.
List<DartType> get typeArguments;
/// The type of a record literal or a record type annotation.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class RecordType implements DartType {
/// Creates a record type from of [positional] and [named] fields.
factory RecordType({
required List<DartType> positional,
required Map<String, DartType> named,
required NullabilitySuffix nullabilitySuffix,
}) = RecordTypeImpl.fromApi;
Null get element;
@Deprecated('Use element instead')
Null get element2;
/// The named fields (might be empty).
List<RecordTypeNamedField> get namedFields;
/// The positional fields (might be empty).
List<RecordTypePositionalField> get positionalFields;
/// A field in a [RecordType].
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class RecordTypeField {
/// The type of the field.
DartType get type;
/// A named field in a [RecordType].
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class RecordTypeNamedField implements RecordTypeField {
/// The name of the field.
String get name;
/// A positional field in a [RecordType].
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class RecordTypePositionalField implements RecordTypeField {}
/// The type introduced by a type parameter.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class TypeParameterType implements DartType {
/// Return the type representing the bound associated with this parameter,
/// or `dynamic` if there was no explicit bound.
DartType get bound;
/// An object that can be used to identify this type parameter with `==`.
/// Depending on the use, [bound] may also need to be taken into account.
/// A given type parameter, it may have different bounds in different scopes.
/// Always consult the bound if that could be relevant.
ElementLocation get definition;
TypeParameterElement get element;
@Deprecated('Use element instead')
TypeParameterElement get element2;
/// The special type `void` is used to indicate that the value of an
/// expression is meaningless, and intended to be discarded.
abstract class VoidType implements DartType {
Null get element;
@Deprecated('Use element instead')
Null get element2;