blob: d546cfecda9c612caba30ec633f2b981ba286a9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'builder_kernel.dart';
import 'nodes.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../inferrer/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../io/source_information.dart';
import '../universe/use.dart' show TypeUse;
import '../world.dart';
/// Enum that defines how a member has access to the current type variables.
enum ClassTypeVariableAccess {
/// The member has no access to type variables.
/// Type variables are accessible as a property on `this`.
/// Type variables are accessible as parameters in the current context.
/// If the current context is a generative constructor, type variables are
/// accessible as parameters, otherwise type variables are accessible as
/// a property on `this`.
/// This is used for instance fields whose initializers are executed in the
/// constructors.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid the need for this by adding a field-setter
// to the J-model.
/// Functions to insert type checking, coercion, and instruction insertion
/// depending on the environment for dart code.
abstract class TypeBuilder {
final KernelSsaGraphBuilder builder;
JClosedWorld get _closedWorld => builder.closedWorld;
AbstractValueDomain get _abstractValueDomain =>
/// Create a type mask for 'trusting' a DartType. Returns `null` if there is
/// no approximating type mask (i.e. the type mask would be `dynamic`).
AbstractValue trustTypeMask(DartType type) {
if (type == null) return null;
type = builder.localsHandler.substInContext(type);
type = type.unaliased;
if (type.isDynamic) return null;
if (!type.isInterfaceType) return null;
if (type == _closedWorld.commonElements.objectType) return null;
// The type element is either a class or the void element.
ClassEntity element = (type as InterfaceType).element;
return _abstractValueDomain.createNullableSubtype(element);
/// Create an instruction to simply trust the provided type.
HInstruction _trustType(HInstruction original, DartType type) {
assert(type != null);
AbstractValue mask = trustTypeMask(type);
if (mask == null) return original;
return new HTypeKnown.pinned(mask, original);
/// Produces code that checks the runtime type is actually the type specified
/// by attempting a type conversion.
HInstruction _checkType(HInstruction original, DartType type) {
assert(type != null);
type = builder.localsHandler.substInContext(type);
HInstruction other =
buildTypeConversion(original, type, HTypeConversion.TYPE_CHECK);
// TODO(johnniwinther): This operation on `registry` may be inconsistent.
// If it is needed then it seems likely that similar invocations of
// `buildTypeConversion` in `SsaBuilder.visitAs` should also be followed by
// a similar operation on `registry`; otherwise, this one might not be
// needed.
builder.registry?.registerTypeUse(new TypeUse.isCheck(type));
if (other is HTypeConversion && other.isRedundant(builder.closedWorld)) {
return original;
return other;
/// Produces code that checks the runtime type is actually the type specified
/// by attempting a type conversion.
HInstruction _checkBoolConverion(HInstruction original) {
var checkInstruction =
HBoolConversion(original, _abstractValueDomain.boolType);
if (checkInstruction.isRedundant(_closedWorld)) {
return original;
DartType boolType = _closedWorld.commonElements.boolType;
builder.registry?.registerTypeUse(new TypeUse.isCheck(boolType));
return checkInstruction;
HInstruction trustTypeOfParameter(HInstruction original, DartType type) {
if (type == null) return original;
HInstruction trusted = _trustType(original, type);
if (trusted == original) return original;
if (trusted is HTypeKnown && trusted.isRedundant(builder.closedWorld)) {
return original;
return trusted;
HInstruction potentiallyCheckOrTrustTypeOfParameter(
HInstruction original, DartType type) {
if (type == null) return original;
HInstruction checkedOrTrusted = original;
if (builder.options.parameterCheckPolicy.isTrusted) {
checkedOrTrusted = _trustType(original, type);
} else if (builder.options.parameterCheckPolicy.isEmitted) {
checkedOrTrusted = _checkType(original, type);
if (checkedOrTrusted == original) return original;
return checkedOrTrusted;
/// Depending on the context and the mode, wrap the given type in an
/// instruction that checks the type is what we expect or automatically
/// trusts the written type.
HInstruction potentiallyCheckOrTrustTypeOfAssignment(
HInstruction original, DartType type) {
if (type == null) return original;
HInstruction checkedOrTrusted = original;
if (builder.options.assignmentCheckPolicy.isTrusted) {
checkedOrTrusted = _trustType(original, type);
} else if (builder.options.assignmentCheckPolicy.isEmitted) {
checkedOrTrusted = _checkType(original, type);
if (checkedOrTrusted == original) return original;
return checkedOrTrusted;
HInstruction potentiallyCheckOrTrustTypeOfCondition(HInstruction original) {
DartType boolType = _closedWorld.commonElements.boolType;
HInstruction checkedOrTrusted = original;
if (builder.options.conditionCheckPolicy.isTrusted) {
checkedOrTrusted = _trustType(original, boolType);
} else if (builder.options.conditionCheckPolicy.isEmitted) {
checkedOrTrusted = _checkBoolConverion(original);
if (checkedOrTrusted == original) return original;
return checkedOrTrusted;
ClassTypeVariableAccess computeTypeVariableAccess(MemberEntity member);
/// Helper to create an instruction that gets the value of a type variable.
HInstruction addTypeVariableReference(
TypeVariableType type, MemberEntity member,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
Local typeVariableLocal =
/// Read [typeVariable] as a property of on `this`.
HInstruction readAsProperty() {
return readTypeVariable(type, member,
sourceInformation: sourceInformation);
/// Read [typeVariable] as a parameter.
HInstruction readAsParameter() {
return builder.localsHandler
.readLocal(typeVariableLocal, sourceInformation: sourceInformation);
ClassTypeVariableAccess typeVariableAccess;
if (type.element.typeDeclaration is ClassEntity) {
typeVariableAccess = computeTypeVariableAccess(member);
} else {
typeVariableAccess = ClassTypeVariableAccess.parameter;
switch (typeVariableAccess) {
case ClassTypeVariableAccess.parameter:
return readAsParameter();
case ClassTypeVariableAccess.instanceField:
if (member != builder.targetElement) {
// When [member] is a field, we can either be generating a checked
// setter or inlining its initializer in a constructor. An initializer
// is never built standalone, so in that case [target] is not the
// [member] itself.
return readAsParameter();
return readAsProperty();
return readAsProperty();
case ClassTypeVariableAccess.none:
type.element, 'Unexpected type variable in static context.');
type.element, 'Unexpected type variable access: $typeVariableAccess.');
return null;
/// Generate code to extract the type argument from the object.
HInstruction readTypeVariable(TypeVariableType variable, MemberEntity member,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
assert(variable.element.typeDeclaration is ClassEntity);
HInstruction target =
builder.localsHandler.readThis(sourceInformation: sourceInformation);
HInstruction interceptor =
new HInterceptor(target, _abstractValueDomain.nonNullType)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
builder.push(new HTypeInfoReadVariable.intercepted(
variable, interceptor, target, _abstractValueDomain.dynamicType)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation);
return builder.pop();
HInstruction buildTypeArgumentRepresentations(
DartType type, MemberEntity sourceElement,
[SourceInformation sourceInformation]) {
// Compute the representation of the type arguments, including access
// to the runtime type information for type variables as instructions.
InterfaceType interface = type;
List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[];
for (DartType argument in interface.typeArguments) {
inputs.add(analyzeTypeArgument(argument, sourceElement,
sourceInformation: sourceInformation));
HInstruction representation = new HTypeInfoExpression(
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
return representation;
HInstruction analyzeTypeArgument(
DartType argument, MemberEntity sourceElement,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
argument = argument.unaliased;
if (argument.treatAsDynamic) {
// Represent [dynamic] as [null].
return builder.graph.addConstantNull(_closedWorld);
if (argument.isTypeVariable) {
return addTypeVariableReference(argument, sourceElement,
sourceInformation: sourceInformation);
List<HInstruction> inputs = <HInstruction>[];
argument.forEachTypeVariable((TypeVariableType variable) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Also make this conditional on whether we have
// calculated we need that particular method signature.
inputs.add(analyzeTypeArgument(variable, sourceElement));
HInstruction result = new HTypeInfoExpression(
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
return result;
HInstruction analyzeTypeArgumentNewRti(
DartType argument, MemberEntity sourceElement,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
argument = argument.unaliased;
if (argument.containsFreeTypeVariables) {
// TODO(sra): Locate type environment.
HInstruction environment =
builder.graph.addConstantString("env", _closedWorld);
HInstruction rti =
HTypeEval(environment, argument, _abstractValueDomain.dynamicType)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
return rti;
HInstruction rti = HLoadType(argument, _abstractValueDomain.dynamicType)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
return rti;
/// Build a [HTypeConversion] for converting [original] to type [type].
/// Invariant: [type] must be valid in the context.
/// See [LocalsHandler.substInContext].
HInstruction buildTypeConversion(
HInstruction original, DartType type, int kind,
{SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
if (builder.options.experimentNewRti) {
return buildAsCheck(original, type,
isTypeError: kind == HTypeConversion.TYPE_CHECK,
sourceInformation: sourceInformation);
if (type == null) return original;
type = type.unaliased;
if (type.isInterfaceType && !type.treatAsRaw) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = type;
AbstractValue subtype =
HInstruction representations = buildTypeArgumentRepresentations(
type, builder.sourceElement, sourceInformation);
return new HTypeConversion.withTypeRepresentation(
type, kind, subtype, original, representations)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
} else if (type.isTypeVariable) {
AbstractValue subtype = original.instructionType;
HInstruction typeVariable =
addTypeVariableReference(type, builder.sourceElement);
return new HTypeConversion.withTypeRepresentation(
type, kind, subtype, original, typeVariable)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
} else if (type.isFunctionType || type.isFutureOr) {
HInstruction reifiedType =
analyzeTypeArgument(type, builder.sourceElement);
// TypeMasks don't encode function types or FutureOr types.
AbstractValue refinedMask = original.instructionType;
return new HTypeConversion.withTypeRepresentation(
type, kind, refinedMask, original, reifiedType)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
} else {
return original.convertType(_closedWorld, type, kind)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
/// Build a [HAsCheck] for converting [original] to type [type].
/// Invariant: [type] must be valid in the context.
/// See [LocalsHandler.substInContext].
HInstruction buildAsCheck(HInstruction original, DartType type,
{bool isTypeError, SourceInformation sourceInformation}) {
if (type == null) return original;
type = type.unaliased;
HInstruction reifiedType =
analyzeTypeArgumentNewRti(type, builder.sourceElement);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
// TODO(sra): Under NNDB opt-in, this will be NonNullable.
AbstractValue subtype =
return HAsCheck(original, reifiedType, isTypeError, subtype)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;
} else {
// TypeMasks don't encode function types or FutureOr types or type
// variable types.
AbstractValue abstractValue = original.instructionType;
return HAsCheck(original, reifiedType, isTypeError, abstractValue)
..sourceInformation = sourceInformation;