blob: 6160c808fe8957d51a355ae6de532705791d6320 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $host_checked && $checked]
new_expression_type_args_test/02: Crash # Issue 6931
[ $compiler == dart2js || $compiler == dart2dart ]
class_literal_test/01: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/02: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/05: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/06: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/07: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/10: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/11: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/12: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/13: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/14: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/17: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/18: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/19: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/20: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/21: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/22: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/23: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/24: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/25: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/26: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/27: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/28: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
class_literal_test/29: Fail # Class literals are expression now; delete this test.
# VM specific tests that should not be run by dart2js.
*vm_test: Skip
*vm_negative_test: Skip
[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked ]
default_factory2_test/01: Pass # For the wrong reasons.
type_variable_scope_test/none: Fail
factory_implementation_test/00: Fail
redirecting_factory_infinite_steps_test/01: Fail
assert_with_type_test_or_cast_test: Fail # Issue 4929
type_variable_bounds_test/01: Fail
type_variable_bounds_test/02: Fail
type_variable_bounds_test/04: Fail
type_variable_bounds_test/05: Fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/00: Fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/03: Fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/05: Fail
type_variable_bounds2_test/06: Pass # For the wrong reasons.
assign_top_method_negative_test: Pass # For the wrong reasons.
f_bounded_quantification_test/01: Fail
f_bounded_quantification_test/02: Fail
closure_type_test: Fail # does not detect type error in checked mode.
function_type_test: Fail # does not detect type error in checked mode.
factory1_test/00: Fail
factory1_test/01: Fail
type_annotation_test/09: Fail # Named constructors interpreted as a type.
super_call4_test: Fail # Badly generated noSuchMethod call.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $unchecked ]
default_factory2_test/01: Fail # type arguments on redirecting factory not implemented
type_variable_scope_test: Fail # type arguments on redirecting factory not implemented
assertion_test: Fail
type_variable_bounds_test/07: Fail # Wrongly reports compile-time error.
factory_redirection_test/08: Fail
factory_redirection_test/09: Fail
factory_redirection_test/10: Fail
factory_redirection_test/11: Fail
factory_redirection_test/12: Fail
factory_redirection_test/13: Fail
factory_redirection_test/14: Fail
# Only checked mode reports an error on type assignment
# problems in compile time constants.
compile_time_constant_checked_test/02: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked2_test/01: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked2_test/02: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked2_test/03: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked2_test/04: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked2_test/05: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked2_test/06: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked3_test/01: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked3_test/02: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked3_test/03: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked3_test/04: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked3_test/05: Fail, OK
compile_time_constant_checked3_test/06: Fail, OK
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
built_in_identifier_prefix_test: Fail #
number_identity2_test: Fail # identity of NaN
new_expression_type_args_test/00: Fail # Wrongly reports compile-time error.
new_expression_type_args_test/01: Fail # Wrongly reports compile-time error.
double_int_to_string_test: Fail # Issue 1533 (double/integer distinction)
mint_arithmetic_test: Fail # Issue 1533 (big integer arithmetic).
arithmetic_test: Fail #
factory_redirection_test/01: Fail
factory_redirection_test/05: Fail
factory_redirection_test/07: Fail
final_variable_assignment_test/01: Fail
final_variable_assignment_test/02: Fail
final_variable_assignment_test/03: Fail
final_variable_assignment_test/04: Fail
bad_override_test/01: Fail
bad_override_test/02: Fail
const_locals_test: Fail
const_nested_test: Fail
bad_constructor_test/04: Fail #
bad_constructor_test/05: Fail #
bad_constructor_test/06: Fail #
call_nonexistent_constructor_test: Fail
constructor_named_arguments_test/01: Fail #
external_test/10: Fail #
getter_no_setter2_test/01: Fail #
getter_no_setter_test/01: Fail #
illegal_invocation_test/03: Fail #
isnot_malformed_type_test/01: Fail #
not_enough_positional_arguments_test/01: Fail #
constructor_negative_test: Pass # Wrong reason: the expression 'C()' is valid with class literals.
illegal_invocation_test/01: Fail, OK # Typedef literals are expressions now.
illegal_invocation_test/04: Fail, OK # Class literals are expressions now.
throw_expr_test: Fail
metadata_test: Fail # Metadata on type parameters not supported.
infinity_test: Fail # Issue 4984
positive_bit_operations_test: Fail # (floitsch): This will be fixed when dart2js uses unsigned input for >>.
getter_declaration_negative_test: Fail # This will be fixed when dart2js reject old getter syntax.
compile_time_constant8_test: Fail # We don't take the generic type into account yet.
canonical_const_test: Fail # We don't take the generic type into account yet.
# Support for optional parameters not conform to latest spec.
function_type_alias_test: Fail
function_type_alias2_test: Fail
named_parameters_type_test: Fail
positional_parameters_type_test: Fail
named_parameters_with_object_property_names_test: Fail
# Fail "const EmptyLink<Element>" must be a compile-time constant if unchecked on linux.
# Crash infinite loop on Mac and dart2js checked mode on linux.
function_type_alias6_test: Crash, Fail
# Compilation errors.
default_factory3_test: Fail # type arguments on redirecting factory not implemented
non_parameterized_factory_test: Fail # type arguments on redirecting factory not implemented
non_parameterized_factory2_test: Fail # type arguments on redirecting factory not implemented
const_var_test: Fail # Map literals take 2 type arguments.
map_literal3_test: Fail # Map literals take 2 type arguments.
ct_const_test: Fail # We don't take the generic type into account yet.
dynamic_test: Fail # cannot resolve type F1
constructor_redirect2_test/03: Fail # redirecting ctor with initializing formal
factory2_test: Fail # internal error: visitIs for type variables not implemented
factory3_test: Fail # internal error: visitIs for type variables not implemented
factory5_test: Fail # internal error: visitIs for type variables not implemented
function_type_alias2_test: Fail # cannot resolve type f1
function_type_alias3_test: Fail # cannot resolve type F
function_type_alias4_test: Fail # cannot resolve type F
function_type_alias5_test/00: Fail # visitIs for typedefs not implemented
function_type_alias5_test/01: Fail # visitIs for typedefs not implemented
function_type_alias5_test/02: Fail # visitIs for typedefs not implemented
function_type_alias6_test: Fail # visitIs for typedefs not implemented.
function_type_alias7_test/00: Fail # wrongly accepts default values in typedef
function_type_alias_test: Fail # cannot resolve type Fun
function_type_parameter2_test: Fail # Internal Error: expected optional parameters
function_type_parameter_test: Fail # Internal Error: expected optional parameters
generic_instanceof_test: Fail # cannot resolve type T
generic_instanceof3_test: Fail # cannot handle generics.
generic_test: Fail # cannot resolve type T
get_set_syntax_test/00: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/01: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/02: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/03: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/04: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/05: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/06: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/07: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/08: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/13: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/14: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/15: Fail # Fixed by
get_set_syntax_test/16: Fail # Fixed by
implicit_scope_test: Fail # duplicate definition of a="bar"
many_generic_instanceof_test: Fail # cannot resolve type T
method_binding_test: Fail # internal error: super property read not implemented.
method_override_test: Fail # cannot resolve type GetKeysFunctionType
method_override2_test/00: Fail # accepts illegal override
method_override2_test/01: Fail # accepts illegal override
method_override2_test/02: Fail # accepts illegal override
method_override2_test/03: Fail # accepts illegal override
abstract_getter_test/01: Fail # instantiation of abstract class
abstract_factory_constructor_test/01: Fail # instantiation of abstract class
parameter_initializer6_negative_test: Fail # Issue 3502
named_parameters_aggregated_test/01: Fail # Presence of default values for optional params is not properly validated in type definitions.
named_parameters_aggregated_test/03: Fail # Presence of default values for optional params is not properly validated in closure types.
named_parameters_aggregated_test/05: Fail # Absence of positional parameters before named parameters does not trigger static type warning.
pseudo_kw_test: Fail # Unexpected token '('
static_field3_test/0*: Fail
super_implicit_closure_test: Fail # internal error: super property read not implemented
super_operator_test: Fail # internal error: super property store not implemented
switch_label_test: Fail # error: target of continue is not a loop or switch case
# External tests.
external_test/01: Fail
external_test/02: Fail
external_test/11: Fail
external_test/12: Fail
external_test/13: Skip # Runtime error (missing patch).
external_test/14: Fail
external_test/15: Fail
external_test/20: Skip # Runtime error (missing patch).
external_test/21: Fail
external_test/22: Fail
external_test/23: Fail
external_test/30: Fail
external_test/31: Fail
# Implementation errors (library or generated code).
generic_deep_test: Fail # Expect.isTrue(false) fails.
generic_inheritance_test: Fail # Expect.isTrue(false) fails.
generic_parameterized_extends_test: Fail # Expect.isTrue(false) fails.
instanceof2_test: Fail # Expect.equals(expected: <true>, actual: <false>) fails.
instanceof3_test: Fail # cannot resolve type UndeclaredType.
instanceof4_test: Fail # Expect.isTrue(false) fails.
list_literal4_test: Fail # Illegal argument(s): 0 -- checked mode test.
map_literal4_test: Fail # Attempt to modify an immutable object -- checked mode test.
named_parameters_type_test: Fail # Expect.equals(expected: <111>, actual: <0>) fails. -- checked mode test.
type_checks_in_factory_method_test: Fail # Expect.equals(expected: <true>, actual: <false>) fails. -- checked mode test.
type_dartc_test: Fail # Expect.equals(expected: <1>, actual: <0>) -- checked mode test.
class_cycle_negative_test: Fail, OK # Bad test: assumes eager loading.
external_test/16: Fail, OK # Bad test: assumes eager loading.
field1_negative_test: Fail, OK # Bad test: assumes eager loading.
field6_negative_test: Fail, OK # Bad test: assumes eager loading.
interface_cycle_negative_test: Fail, OK # Bad test: assumes eager loading.
syntax_test/47: Fail, OK # Bad test: assumes eager loading.
# The following tests are all negative tests that should be fixed.
abstract_static_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
abstract_syntax_test/01: Fail # Negative language test.
abstract_syntax_test/02: Fail # Negative language test.
assign_top_method_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
const_constructor_syntax_test/04: Fail # Negative language test.
const_field_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
const_init4_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
const_init_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
const_syntax_test/04: Fail # Negative language test.
constructor2_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
constructor_return_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
constructor_return_with_arrow_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
constructor_return_with_init_and_arrow_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
constructor_return_with_init_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
duplicate_implements_test/01: Fail # Negative language test.
duplicate_implements_test/02: Fail # Negative language test.
duplicate_implements_test/03: Fail # Negative language test.
duplicate_implements_test/04: Fail # Negative language test.
field2_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
field3_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
field4_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
field5_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
field6a_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
final_for_in_variable_test/01: Fail # Negative language test
final_param_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
final_var_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
instantiate_type_variable_negative_test: Pass # For the wrong reason.
interface_factory3_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
interface_factory_constructor_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
interface_static_method_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
list_literal1_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
list_literal2_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
map_literal1_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
map_literal2_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
non_const_super_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
number_identifier_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
operator1_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
prefix16_test: Fail
prefix23_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
pseudo_kw_illegal_test/03: Fail # Negative language test.
pseudo_kw_illegal_test/14: Fail # Negative language test.
scope_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
static_field_test/01: Fail # Negative language test.
static_field_test/03: Fail # Negative language test.
static_final_field2_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.too
static_final_field_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
static_top_level_test/00: Fail # Negative language test.
static_top_level_test/01: Fail # Negative language test.
static_top_level_test/02: Fail # Negative language test.
static_top_level_test/03: Fail # Negative language test.
static_top_level_test/04: Fail # Negative language test.
static_top_level_test/05: Fail # Negative language test.
static_top_level_test/06: Fail # Negative language test.
static_top_level_test/07: Fail # Negative language test.
string_interpolation7_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
throw7_negative_test: Fail # Negative language test.
disable_privacy_test: Fail, OK # VM specific test.
numbers_test: Fail, OK # (unintended?) VM specific test.
final_syntax_test/01: Fail # Missing error for uninitialized final field.
final_syntax_test/02: Fail # Missing error for uninitialized final field.
final_syntax_test/03: Fail # Missing error for uninitialized final field.
final_syntax_test/04: Fail # Missing error for uninitialized final field.
const_syntax_test/01: Fail # Missing error for uninitialized final field.
const_syntax_test/02: Fail # Missing error for uninitialized final field.
const_syntax_test/03: Fail # Missing error for uninitialized final field.
canonical_const2_test: Fail, OK # Dart2js only has doubles.
div_by_zero_test: Fail, OK # Dart2js only has doubles.
bit_operations_test: Fail, OK # Tests bit operations outside the 32 bit range.
# The following test will start to fail again once dart2js implements the
# runtime semantics for numbers.
# Should be: Fail, OK # Expects negative results of bit-operations.
optimization_test: Fail, OK # Expects negative results of bit-operations.
expect_test: Fail, OK # JavaScript canonicalizes all strings. This test assumes that string-concatenation returns a new string.
reg_exp3_test: Fail, OK # Expects exception from const constructor.
# Partially implemented redirecting constructors makes this throw instead
# of failing.
const_factory_negative_test: Crash, Fail
# Implement InvocationMirror and pass it to noSuchMethod.
invocation_mirror_test: Fail
[ $compiler == dart2js && $mode == release ]
assign_top_method_negative_test: Crash
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == none ]
*: Fail, Pass # TODO(ahe): Triage these tests.
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == ff || $runtime == jsshell)]
call_through_null_getter_test: Fail # Expected: ObjectNotClosureException got: Instance of 'TypeError'
double_to_string_as_fixed_test: Fail
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ie9 ]
div_by_zero_test: Fail
double_to_string_as_fixed_test: Fail
expect_test: Fail
factory3_test: Fail
stack_overflow_test: Fail
type_checks_in_factory_method_test: Fail
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == safari ]
arithmetic_test: Skip # BUG(3492): Times out.
call_through_null_getter_test: Fail # Expected: ObjectNotClosureException got: Instance of 'TypeError'
closure3_test: Fail # Uncaught error: Instance of 'TypeError'
method_invocation_test: Fail # Uncaught error: Instance of 'TypeError'
null_pointer_exception_test: Fail # Uncaught error: Instance of 'TypeError'
string_interpolate_npe_test: Fail # Uncaught error: Instance of 'TypeError'
[ $runtime == opera ]
call_through_null_getter_test: Fail
closure3_test: Fail
execute_finally3_test: Fail
method_invocation_test: Fail
null_pointer_exception_test: Fail
stack_overflow_test: Fail
string_interpolate_npe_test: Fail
closure_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: Skip
label_test: Skip