blob: c5a85ca40257650227bea9c3424ad17011e47067 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
class ConstantEmitter {
ConstantReferenceEmitter _referenceEmitter;
ConstantInitializerEmitter _initializerEmitter;
ConstantEmitter(Compiler compiler, Namer namer) {
_referenceEmitter = new ConstantReferenceEmitter(compiler, namer);
_initializerEmitter = new ConstantInitializerEmitter(
compiler, namer, _referenceEmitter);
* Constructs an expression that is a reference to the constant. Uses a
* canonical name unless the constant can be emitted multiple times (as for
* numbers and strings).
js.Expression reference(Constant constant) {
return _referenceEmitter.generate(constant);
* Constructs an expression like [reference], but the expression is valid
* during isolate initialization.
js.Expression referenceInInitializationContext(Constant constant) {
return _referenceEmitter.generateInInitializationContext(constant);
* Constructs an expression used to initialize a canonicalized constant.
js.Expression initializationExpression(Constant constant) {
return _initializerEmitter.generate(constant);
* Visitor for generating JavaScript expressions to refer to [Constant]s.
* Do not use directly, use methods from [ConstantEmitter].
class ConstantReferenceEmitter implements ConstantVisitor<js.Expression> {
final Compiler compiler;
final Namer namer;
bool inIsolateInitializationContext = false;
ConstantReferenceEmitter(this.compiler, this.namer);
js.Expression generate(Constant constant) {
inIsolateInitializationContext = false;
return _visit(constant);
js.Expression generateInInitializationContext(Constant constant) {
inIsolateInitializationContext = true;
return _visit(constant);
js.Expression _visit(Constant constant) {
return constant.accept(this);
js.Expression visitSentinel(SentinelConstant constant) {
return new js.VariableUse(namer.CURRENT_ISOLATE);
js.Expression visitFunction(FunctionConstant constant) {
return inIsolateInitializationContext
? new js.VariableUse(namer.isolatePropertiesAccess(constant.element))
: new js.VariableUse(namer.isolateAccess(constant.element));
js.Expression visitNull(NullConstant constant) {
return new js.LiteralNull();
js.Expression visitInt(IntConstant constant) {
return new js.LiteralNumber('${constant.value}');
js.Expression visitDouble(DoubleConstant constant) {
double value = constant.value;
if (value.isNaN) {
return new js.LiteralNumber("(0/0)");
} else if (value == double.INFINITY) {
return new js.LiteralNumber("(1/0)");
} else if (value == -double.INFINITY) {
return new js.LiteralNumber("(-1/0)");
} else {
return new js.LiteralNumber("$value");
js.Expression visitTrue(TrueConstant constant) {
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
// Use !0 for true.
return new js.Prefix("!", new js.LiteralNumber("0"));
} else {
return new js.LiteralBool(true);
js.Expression visitFalse(FalseConstant constant) {
if (compiler.enableMinification) {
// Use !1 for false.
return new js.Prefix("!", new js.LiteralNumber("1"));
} else {
return new js.LiteralBool(false);
* Write the contents of the quoted string to a [CodeBuffer] in
* a form that is valid as JavaScript string literal content.
* The string is assumed quoted by double quote characters.
js.Expression visitString(StringConstant constant) {
// TODO(sra): If the string is long *and repeated* (and not on a hot path)
// then it should be assigned to a name. We don't have reference counts (or
// profile information) here, so this is the wrong place.
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
writeJsonEscapedCharsOn(constant.value.slowToString(), sb);
return new js.LiteralString('"$sb"');
js.Expression emitCanonicalVersion(Constant constant) {
String name = namer.constantName(constant);
if (inIsolateInitializationContext) {
return new js.PropertyAccess.field(
new js.PropertyAccess.field(
new js.VariableUse(namer.ISOLATE),
} else {
return new js.PropertyAccess.field(
new js.VariableUse(namer.CURRENT_ISOLATE),
js.Expression visitList(ListConstant constant) {
return emitCanonicalVersion(constant);
js.Expression visitMap(MapConstant constant) {
return emitCanonicalVersion(constant);
js.Expression visitType(TypeConstant constant) {
return emitCanonicalVersion(constant);
js.Expression visitConstructed(ConstructedConstant constant) {
return emitCanonicalVersion(constant);
* Visitor for generating JavaScript expressions to initialize [Constant]s.
* Do not use directly; use methods from [ConstantEmitter].
class ConstantInitializerEmitter implements ConstantVisitor<js.Expression> {
final Compiler compiler;
final Namer namer;
final ConstantReferenceEmitter referenceEmitter;
ConstantInitializerEmitter(this.compiler, this.namer, this.referenceEmitter);
js.Expression generate(Constant constant) {
return _visit(constant);
js.Expression _visit(Constant constant) {
return constant.accept(this);
js.Expression _reference(Constant constant) {
return referenceEmitter.generateInInitializationContext(constant);
js.Expression visitSentinel(SentinelConstant constant) {
"The parameter sentinel constant does not need specific JS code");
js.Expression visitFunction(FunctionConstant constant) {
"The function constant does not need specific JS code");
js.Expression visitNull(NullConstant constant) {
return _reference(constant);
js.Expression visitInt(IntConstant constant) {
return _reference(constant);
js.Expression visitDouble(DoubleConstant constant) {
return _reference(constant);
js.Expression visitTrue(TrueConstant constant) {
return _reference(constant);
js.Expression visitFalse(FalseConstant constant) {
return _reference(constant);
js.Expression visitString(StringConstant constant) {
// TODO(sra): Some larger strings are worth sharing.
return _reference(constant);
js.Expression visitList(ListConstant constant) {
return new js.Call(
new js.PropertyAccess.field(
new js.VariableUse(namer.ISOLATE),
[new js.ArrayInitializer.from(_array(constant.entries))]);
String getJsConstructor(ClassElement element) {
return namer.isolatePropertiesAccess(element);
js.Expression visitMap(MapConstant constant) {
js.Expression jsMap() {
List<js.Property> properties = <js.Property>[];
int valueIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < constant.keys.entries.length; i++) {
StringConstant key = constant.keys.entries[i];
if (key.value == MapConstant.PROTO_PROPERTY) continue;
// Keys in literal maps must be emitted in place.
js.Literal keyExpression = _visit(key);
js.Expression valueExpression =
properties.add(new js.Property(keyExpression, valueExpression));
if (valueIndex != constant.values.length) {
compiler.internalError("Bad value count.");
return new js.ObjectInitializer(properties);
void badFieldCountError() {
"Compiler and ConstantMap disagree on number of fields.");
ClassElement classElement = constant.type.element;
List<js.Expression> arguments = <js.Expression>[];
// The arguments of the JavaScript constructor for any given Dart class
// are in the same order as the members of the class element.
int emittedArgumentCount = 0;
(ClassElement enclosing, Element field) {
if ( == MapConstant.LENGTH_NAME) {
new js.LiteralNumber('${constant.keys.entries.length}'));
} else if ( == MapConstant.JS_OBJECT_NAME) {
} else if ( == MapConstant.KEYS_NAME) {
} else if ( == MapConstant.PROTO_VALUE) {
assert(constant.protoValue != null);
} else {
includeBackendMembers: true,
includeSuperMembers: true);
if ((constant.protoValue == null && emittedArgumentCount != 3) ||
(constant.protoValue != null && emittedArgumentCount != 4)) {
return new js.New(
new js.VariableUse(getJsConstructor(classElement)),
js.Expression visitType(TypeConstant constant) {
SourceString helperSourceName = const SourceString('createRuntimeType');
Element helper = compiler.findHelper(helperSourceName);
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
String helperName = backend.namer.getName(helper);
DartType type = constant.representedType;
Element element = type.element;
String name = backend.rti.getRawTypeRepresentation(type);
js.Expression typeName = new js.LiteralString("'$name'");
return new js.Call(
new js.PropertyAccess.field(
new js.VariableUse(namer.CURRENT_ISOLATE),
js.Expression visitConstructed(ConstructedConstant constant) {
return new js.New(
new js.VariableUse(getJsConstructor(constant.type.element)),
List<js.Expression> _array(List<Constant> values) {
List<js.Expression> valueList = <js.Expression>[];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
return valueList;