blob: 5ac48ecf9a02ef759a37fcdda2fd4e1f0bff3718 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_RAW_OBJECT_H_
#define VM_RAW_OBJECT_H_
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/token.h"
#include "vm/snapshot.h"
namespace dart {
// Macrobatics to define the Object hierarchy of VM implementation classes.
V(Class) \
V(UnresolvedClass) \
V(AbstractTypeArguments) \
V(TypeArguments) \
V(InstantiatedTypeArguments) \
V(PatchClass) \
V(Function) \
V(ClosureData) \
V(RedirectionData) \
V(Field) \
V(LiteralToken) \
V(TokenStream) \
V(Script) \
V(Library) \
V(LibraryPrefix) \
V(Namespace) \
V(Code) \
V(Instructions) \
V(PcDescriptors) \
V(Stackmap) \
V(LocalVarDescriptors) \
V(ExceptionHandlers) \
V(DeoptInfo) \
V(Context) \
V(ContextScope) \
V(ICData) \
V(SubtypeTestCache) \
V(Error) \
V(ApiError) \
V(LanguageError) \
V(UnhandledException) \
V(UnwindError) \
V(Instance) \
V(AbstractType) \
V(Type) \
V(TypeParameter) \
V(Number) \
V(Integer) \
V(Smi) \
V(Mint) \
V(Bigint) \
V(Double) \
V(Bool) \
V(Array) \
V(ImmutableArray) \
V(GrowableObjectArray) \
V(ByteArray) \
V(Int8Array) \
V(Uint8Array) \
V(Uint8ClampedArray) \
V(Int16Array) \
V(Uint16Array) \
V(Int32Array) \
V(Uint32Array) \
V(Int64Array) \
V(Uint64Array) \
V(Float32Array) \
V(Float64Array) \
V(ExternalInt8Array) \
V(ExternalUint8Array) \
V(ExternalUint8ClampedArray) \
V(ExternalInt16Array) \
V(ExternalUint16Array) \
V(ExternalInt32Array) \
V(ExternalUint32Array) \
V(ExternalInt64Array) \
V(ExternalUint64Array) \
V(ExternalFloat32Array) \
V(ExternalFloat64Array) \
V(Stacktrace) \
V(JSRegExp) \
V(WeakProperty) \
V(DartFunction) \
V(String) \
V(OneByteString) \
V(TwoByteString) \
V(ExternalOneByteString) \
#define CLASS_LIST(V) \
V(Object) \
// Forward declarations.
class Isolate;
class Raw##clazz;
enum ClassId {
// Illegal class id.
kIllegalCid = 0,
// List of Ids for predefined classes.
#define DEFINE_OBJECT_KIND(clazz) \
// The following entries do not describe a predefined class, but instead
// are class indexes for pre-allocated instance (Null, dynamic and Void).
// The following entry does not describe a real class, but instead it is an
// id which is used to identify free list elements in the heap.
enum ObjectAlignment {
// Alignment offsets are used to determine object age.
kNewObjectAlignmentOffset = kWordSize,
kOldObjectAlignmentOffset = 0,
// Object sizes are aligned to kObjectAlignment.
kObjectAlignment = 2 * kWordSize,
kObjectAlignmentLog2 = kWordSizeLog2 + 1,
kObjectAlignmentMask = kObjectAlignment - 1,
enum {
kSmiTag = 0,
kHeapObjectTag = 1,
kSmiTagSize = 1,
kSmiTagMask = 1,
kSmiTagShift = 1,
void WriteTo( \
SnapshotWriter* writer, intptr_t object_id, Snapshot::Kind kind); \
friend class SnapshotWriter; \
#define VISITOR_SUPPORT(object) \
static intptr_t Visit##object##Pointers(Raw##object* raw_obj, \
ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
friend class HeapProfiler; \
private: /* NOLINT */ \
friend class object; \
friend class RawObject; \
friend class Heap; \
private: \
Raw##object* ptr() const { \
ASSERT(IsHeapObject()); \
return reinterpret_cast<Raw##object*>( \
reinterpret_cast<uword>(this) - kHeapObjectTag); \
} \
// RawObject is the base class of all raw objects, even though it carries the
// class_ field not all raw objects are allocated in the heap and thus cannot
// be dereferenced (e.g. RawSmi).
class RawObject {
// The tags field which is a part of the object header uses the following
// bit fields for storing tags.
enum TagBits {
kFreeBit = 0,
kMarkBit = 1,
kCanonicalBit = 2,
kFromSnapshotBit = 3,
kWatchedBit = 4,
kReservedTagBit = 5, // kReservedBit{10K,100K,1M,10M}
kReservedTagSize = 3,
kSizeTagBit = 8,
kSizeTagSize = 8,
kClassIdTagBit = kSizeTagBit + kSizeTagSize,
kClassIdTagSize = 16
// Encodes the object size in the tag in units of object alignment.
class SizeTag {
static const intptr_t kMaxSizeTag =
((1 << RawObject::kSizeTagSize) - 1) << kObjectAlignmentLog2;
static uword encode(intptr_t size) {
return SizeBits::encode(SizeToTagValue(size));
static intptr_t decode(uword tag) {
return TagValueToSize(SizeBits::decode(tag));
static uword update(intptr_t size, uword tag) {
return SizeBits::update(SizeToTagValue(size), tag);
// The actual unscaled bit field used within the tag field.
class SizeBits : public BitField<intptr_t, kSizeTagBit, kSizeTagSize> {};
static intptr_t SizeToTagValue(intptr_t size) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsAligned(size, kObjectAlignment));
return (size > kMaxSizeTag) ? 0 : (size >> kObjectAlignmentLog2);
static intptr_t TagValueToSize(intptr_t value) {
return value << kObjectAlignmentLog2;
class ClassIdTag : public BitField<intptr_t,
kClassIdTagSize> {}; // NOLINT
bool IsHeapObject() const {
uword value = reinterpret_cast<uword>(this);
return (value & kSmiTagMask) == kHeapObjectTag;
bool IsNewObject() const {
uword addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(this);
return (addr & kNewObjectAlignmentOffset) == kNewObjectAlignmentOffset;
bool IsOldObject() const {
uword addr = reinterpret_cast<uword>(this);
return (addr & kNewObjectAlignmentOffset) == kOldObjectAlignmentOffset;
// Support for GC marking bit.
bool IsMarked() const {
return MarkBit::decode(ptr()->tags_);
void SetMarkBit() {
uword tags = ptr()->tags_;
ptr()->tags_ = MarkBit::update(true, tags);
void ClearMarkBit() {
uword tags = ptr()->tags_;
ptr()->tags_ = MarkBit::update(false, tags);
// Support for GC watched bit.
bool IsWatched() const {
return WatchedBit::decode(ptr()->tags_);
void SetWatchedBit() {
uword tags = ptr()->tags_;
ptr()->tags_ = WatchedBit::update(true, tags);
void ClearWatchedBit() {
uword tags = ptr()->tags_;
ptr()->tags_ = WatchedBit::update(false, tags);
// Support for object tags.
bool IsCanonical() const {
return CanonicalObjectTag::decode(ptr()->tags_);
void SetCanonical() {
uword tags = ptr()->tags_;
ptr()->tags_ = CanonicalObjectTag::update(true, tags);
bool IsCreatedFromSnapshot() const {
return CreatedFromSnapshotTag::decode(ptr()->tags_);
void SetCreatedFromSnapshot() {
uword tags = ptr()->tags_;
ptr()->tags_ = CreatedFromSnapshotTag::update(true, tags);
intptr_t Size() const {
uword tags = ptr()->tags_;
intptr_t result = SizeTag::decode(tags);
if (result != 0) {
ASSERT(result == SizeFromClass());
return result;
result = SizeFromClass();
ASSERT(result > SizeTag::kMaxSizeTag);
return result;
void Validate(Isolate* isolate) const;
intptr_t VisitPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
bool FindObject(FindObjectVisitor* visitor);
static RawObject* FromAddr(uword addr) {
// We expect the untagged address here.
ASSERT((addr & kSmiTagMask) != kHeapObjectTag);
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject*>(addr + kHeapObjectTag);
static uword ToAddr(RawObject* raw_obj) {
return reinterpret_cast<uword>(raw_obj->ptr());
static bool IsCreatedFromSnapshot(intptr_t value) {
return CreatedFromSnapshotTag::decode(value);
static bool IsCanonical(intptr_t value) {
return CanonicalObjectTag::decode(value);
// Class Id predicates.
static bool IsErrorClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsNumberClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsIntegerClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsStringClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsOneByteStringClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsTwoByteStringClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsExternalStringClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsBuiltinListClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsByteArrayClassId(intptr_t index);
static bool IsExternalByteArrayClassId(intptr_t index);
uword tags_; // Various object tags (bits).
class FreeBit : public BitField<bool, kFreeBit, 1> {};
class MarkBit : public BitField<bool, kMarkBit, 1> {};
class WatchedBit : public BitField<bool, kWatchedBit, 1> {};
class CanonicalObjectTag : public BitField<bool, kCanonicalBit, 1> {};
class CreatedFromSnapshotTag : public BitField<bool, kFromSnapshotBit, 1> {};
class ReservedBits : public BitField<intptr_t,
kReservedTagSize> {}; // NOLINT
RawObject* ptr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject*>(
reinterpret_cast<uword>(this) - kHeapObjectTag);
intptr_t SizeFromClass() const;
intptr_t GetClassId() const {
uword tags = ptr()->tags_;
return ClassIdTag::decode(tags);
friend class Api;
friend class Array;
friend class FreeListElement;
friend class GCMarker;
friend class Heap;
friend class HeapProfiler;
friend class HeapProfilerRootVisitor;
friend class MarkingVisitor;
friend class Object;
friend class RawInstructions;
friend class RawInstance;
friend class Scavenger;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class SnapshotWriter;
friend class String;
class RawClass : public RawObject {
enum ClassState {
kAllocated, // Initial state.
kPreFinalized, // VM classes: size precomputed, but no checks done.
kFinalized, // All checks completed, class ready for use.
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->name_); }
RawString* name_;
RawArray* functions_;
RawArray* fields_;
RawGrowableObjectArray* closure_functions_; // Local functions and literals.
RawArray* interfaces_; // Array of AbstractType.
RawGrowableObjectArray* direct_subclasses_; // Array of Class.
RawScript* script_;
RawLibrary* library_;
RawTypeArguments* type_parameters_; // Array of TypeParameter.
RawType* super_type_;
RawFunction* signature_function_; // Associated function for signature class.
RawArray* constants_; // Canonicalized values of this class.
RawArray* canonical_types_; // Canonicalized types of this class.
RawCode* allocation_stub_; // Stub code for allocation of instances.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->allocation_stub_);
cpp_vtable handle_vtable_;
intptr_t instance_size_in_words_; // Size if fixed len or 0 if variable len.
intptr_t id_; // Class Id, also index in the class table.
intptr_t type_arguments_field_offset_in_words_; // Offset of type args fld.
intptr_t next_field_offset_in_words_; // Offset of the next instance field.
intptr_t num_native_fields_; // Number of native fields in class.
intptr_t token_pos_;
uint8_t state_bits_; // state, is_const, is_implemented.
friend class Instance;
friend class Object;
friend class RawInstance;
friend class RawInstructions;
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawUnresolvedClass : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->library_prefix_);
RawLibraryPrefix* library_prefix_; // Library prefix qualifier for the ident.
RawString* ident_; // Name of the unresolved identifier.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->ident_);
intptr_t token_pos_;
class RawAbstractTypeArguments : public RawObject {
class RawTypeArguments : public RawAbstractTypeArguments {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->length_);
RawSmi* length_;
// Variable length data follows here.
RawAbstractType* types_[0];
RawObject** to(intptr_t length) {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->types_[length - 1]);
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawInstantiatedTypeArguments : public RawAbstractTypeArguments {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(
RawAbstractTypeArguments* uninstantiated_type_arguments_;
RawAbstractTypeArguments* instantiator_type_arguments_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->instantiator_type_arguments_);
class RawPatchClass : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->patched_class_);
RawClass* patched_class_;
RawScript* script_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->script_);
class RawFunction : public RawObject {
enum Kind {
kSignatureFunction, // represents a signature only without actual code.
kGetterFunction, // represents getter functions e.g: get foo() { .. }.
kSetterFunction, // represents setter functions e.g: set foo(..) { .. }.
kImplicitGetter, // represents an implicit getter for fields.
kImplicitSetter, // represents an implicit setter for fields.
kConstImplicitGetter, // represents an implicit const getter for fields.
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->name_); }
RawString* name_;
RawObject* owner_; // Class or patch class where this function was defined.
RawAbstractType* result_type_;
RawArray* parameter_types_;
RawArray* parameter_names_;
RawCode* code_; // Compiled code for the function.
RawCode* unoptimized_code_; // Unoptimized code, keep it after optimization.
RawObject* data_; // Additional data specific to the function kind.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->data_);
intptr_t token_pos_;
intptr_t end_token_pos_;
intptr_t usage_counter_; // Incremented while function is running.
int16_t num_fixed_parameters_;
int16_t num_optional_parameters_; // > 0: positional; < 0: named.
uint16_t deoptimization_counter_;
uint16_t kind_tag_;
class RawClosureData : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->context_scope_);
RawContextScope* context_scope_;
RawFunction* parent_function_; // Enclosing function of this local function.
RawClass* signature_class_;
union {
RawInstance* closure_; // Closure object for static implicit closures.
RawCode* closure_allocation_stub_; // Stub code for allocation of closures.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->closure_allocation_stub_);
class RawRedirectionData : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->type_);
RawType* type_;
RawString* identifier_;
RawFunction* target_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->target_);
class RawField : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->name_); }
RawString* name_;
RawClass* owner_;
RawAbstractType* type_;
RawInstance* value_; // Offset in words for instance and value for static.
RawObject** to() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->value_); }
intptr_t token_pos_;
uint8_t kind_bits_; // static, final, const, has initializer.
class RawLiteralToken : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->literal_);
RawString* literal_; // Literal characters as they appear in source text.
RawObject* value_; // The actual object corresponding to the token.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->value_);
Token::Kind kind_; // The literal kind (string, integer, double).
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawTokenStream : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->private_key_);
RawString* private_key_; // Key used for private identifiers.
RawArray* token_objects_;
RawExternalUint8Array* stream_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->stream_);
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawScript : public RawObject {
enum Kind {
kScriptTag = 0,
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->url_); }
RawString* url_;
RawString* source_;
RawTokenStream* tokens_;
RawObject** to() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->tokens_); }
Kind kind_;
class RawLibrary : public RawObject {
enum LibraryState {
kAllocated, // Initial state.
kLoadInProgress, // Library is in the process of being loaded.
kLoaded, // Library is loaded.
kLoadError, // Error occurred during load of the Library.
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->name_); }
RawString* name_;
RawString* url_;
RawScript* script_;
RawString* private_key_;
RawArray* dictionary_; // Top-level names in this library.
RawArray* anonymous_classes_; // Classes containing top-level elements.
RawArray* imports_; // List of Namespaces imported without prefix.
RawArray* exports_; // List of re-exported Namespaces.
RawArray* loaded_scripts_; // Array of scripts loaded in this library.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->loaded_scripts_);
intptr_t index_; // Library id number.
intptr_t num_imports_; // Number of entries in imports_.
intptr_t num_anonymous_; // Number of entries in anonymous_classes_.
Dart_NativeEntryResolver native_entry_resolver_; // Resolves natives.
bool corelib_imported_;
bool debuggable_; // True if debugger can stop in library.
int8_t load_state_; // Of type LibraryState.
friend class Isolate;
class RawLibraryPrefix : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->name_); }
RawString* name_; // library prefix name.
RawArray* imports_; // libraries imported with this prefix.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->imports_);
intptr_t num_imports_; // Number of library entries in libraries_.
class RawNamespace : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->library_);
RawLibrary* library_; // library with name dictionary.
RawArray* show_names_; // list of names that are exported.
RawArray* hide_names_; // blacklist of names that are not exported.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->hide_names_);
class RawCode : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->instructions_);
RawInstructions* instructions_;
RawFunction* function_;
RawExceptionHandlers* exception_handlers_;
RawPcDescriptors* pc_descriptors_;
RawArray* deopt_info_array_;
RawArray* object_table_;
RawArray* static_calls_target_table_; // (code-offset, function, code).
RawArray* stackmaps_;
RawLocalVarDescriptors* var_descriptors_;
RawArray* comments_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->comments_);
intptr_t pointer_offsets_length_;
// These fields cannot be boolean because of alignment issues on x64
// architectures.
intptr_t is_optimized_;
// If true, the embedded object pointers will be visited during GC.
intptr_t is_alive_;
// Variable length data follows here.
int32_t data_[0];
friend class StackFrame;
class RawInstructions : public RawObject {
RawCode* code_;
intptr_t size_;
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t data_[0];
// Private helper function used while visiting stack frames. The
// code which iterates over dart frames is also called during GC and
// is not allowed to create handles.
static bool ContainsPC(RawObject* raw_obj, uword pc);
friend class RawCode;
friend class Code;
friend class StackFrame;
class RawPcDescriptors : public RawObject {
RawSmi* length_; // Number of descriptors.
// Variable length data follows here.
intptr_t data_[0];
// Stackmap is an immutable representation of the layout of the stack at a
// PC. The stack map representation consists of a bit map which marks each
// live object index starting from the base of the frame.
// The Stackmap also consists of a link to the code object corresponding to
// the frame which the stack map is describing. The bit map representation
// is optimized for dense and small bit maps, without any upper bound.
class RawStackmap : public RawObject {
RawCode* code_; // Code object corresponding to the frame described.
// TODO(kmillikin): We need a small number of bits to encode the register
// count. Consider packing them in with the length.
intptr_t length_; // Length of payload, in bits.
intptr_t register_bit_count_; // Live register bits, included in length_.
uword pc_; // PC corresponding to this stack map representation.
// Variable length data follows here (bitmap of the stack layout).
uint8_t data_[0];
class RawLocalVarDescriptors : public RawObject {
enum VarInfoKind {
kStackVar = 1,
struct VarInfo {
intptr_t index; // Slot index on stack or in context.
int8_t kind; // Entry kind of type VarInfoKind.
int16_t scope_id; // Scope to which the variable belongs.
intptr_t begin_pos; // Token position of scope start.
intptr_t end_pos; // Token position of scope end.
intptr_t length_; // Number of descriptors.
RawArray* names_; // Array of [length_] variable names.
VarInfo data_[0]; // Variable info with [length_] entries.
class RawExceptionHandlers : public RawObject {
RawSmi* length_; // Number of exception handler entries.
// Variable length data follows here.
intptr_t data_[0];
// Contains an array of deoptimization commands, e.g., move a specific register
// into a specific slot of unoptimized frame.
class RawDeoptInfo : public RawObject {
RawSmi* length_; // Number of deoptimization commands
// Variable length data follows here.
intptr_t data_[0];
class RawContext : public RawObject {
intptr_t num_variables_;
Isolate* isolate_;
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->parent_); }
RawContext* parent_;
// Variable length data follows here.
RawInstance* data_[0];
RawObject** to(intptr_t num_vars) {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->data_[num_vars - 1]);
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawContextScope : public RawObject {
// TODO(iposva): Switch to convential enum offset based structure to avoid
// alignment mishaps.
struct VariableDesc {
RawSmi* token_pos;
RawString* name;
RawBool* is_final;
RawBool* is_const;
union {
RawAbstractType* type;
RawInstance* value; // iff is_const is true
RawSmi* context_index;
RawSmi* context_level;
intptr_t num_variables_;
// Variable length data follows here.
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->data_[0]); }
RawObject* data_[0];
RawObject** to(intptr_t num_vars) {
intptr_t data_length = num_vars * (sizeof(VariableDesc)/kWordSize);
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->data_[data_length - 1]);
class RawICData : public RawObject {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->function_);
RawFunction* function_; // Parent/calling function of this IC.
RawString* target_name_; // Name of target function.
RawArray* ic_data_; // Contains test class-ids and target functions.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->ic_data_);
intptr_t deopt_id_; // Deoptimization id corresponding to this IC.
intptr_t num_args_tested_; // Number of arguments tested in IC.
uint8_t deopt_reason_; // Last deoptimization reason.
uint8_t is_closure_call_; // 0 or 1.
class RawSubtypeTestCache : public RawObject {
RawArray* cache_;
class RawError : public RawObject {
class RawApiError : public RawError {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->message_);
RawString* message_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->message_);
class RawLanguageError : public RawError {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->message_);
RawString* message_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->message_);
class RawUnhandledException : public RawError {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->exception_);
RawInstance* exception_;
RawInstance* stacktrace_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->stacktrace_);
class RawUnwindError : public RawError {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->message_);
RawString* message_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->message_);
class RawInstance : public RawObject {
class RawAbstractType : public RawInstance {
enum TypeState {
kAllocated, // Initial state.
kBeingFinalized, // In the process of being finalized.
kFinalizedInstantiated, // Instantiated type ready for use.
kFinalizedUninstantiated, // Uninstantiated type ready for use.
friend class ObjectStore;
class RawType : public RawAbstractType {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->type_class_);
RawObject* type_class_; // Either resolved class or unresolved class.
RawAbstractTypeArguments* arguments_;
RawError* malformed_error_; // Error object if type is malformed.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->malformed_error_);
intptr_t token_pos_;
int8_t type_state_;
class RawTypeParameter : public RawAbstractType {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->parameterized_class_);
RawClass* parameterized_class_;
RawString* name_;
RawAbstractType* bound_; // ObjectType if no explicit bound specified.
RawObject** to() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->bound_); }
intptr_t index_;
intptr_t token_pos_;
int8_t type_state_;
class RawNumber : public RawInstance {
class RawInteger : public RawNumber {
class RawSmi : public RawInteger {
class RawMint : public RawInteger {
int64_t value_;
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawBigint : public RawInteger {
// Actual length in chunks at the time of allocation (later we may
// clamp the operational length but we need to maintain a consistent
// object length so that the object can be traversed during GC).
intptr_t allocated_length_;
// Operational length in chunks of the bigint object, clamping can
// cause this length to be reduced. If the signed_length_ is
// negative then the number is negative.
intptr_t signed_length_;
// A sequence of Chunks (typedef in Bignum) representing bignum digits.
// Bignum::Chunk chunks_[Utils::Abs(signed_length_)];
uint8_t data_[0];
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawDouble : public RawNumber {
double value_;
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawString : public RawInstance {
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->length_); }
RawSmi* length_;
RawSmi* hash_;
RawObject** to() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->hash_); }
class RawOneByteString : public RawString {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t data_[0];
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class ApiMessageReader;
class RawTwoByteString : public RawString {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint16_t data_[0];
friend class SnapshotReader;
template<typename T>
class ExternalStringData {
ExternalStringData(const T* data, void* peer, Dart_PeerFinalizer callback) :
data_(data), peer_(peer), callback_(callback) {
~ExternalStringData() {
if (callback_ != NULL) (*callback_)(peer_);
const T* data() {
return data_;
void* peer() {
return peer_;
const T* data_;
void* peer_;
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback_;
class RawExternalOneByteString : public RawString {
ExternalStringData<uint8_t>* external_data_;
friend class Api;
class RawExternalTwoByteString : public RawString {
ExternalStringData<uint16_t>* external_data_;
friend class Api;
class RawBool : public RawInstance {
bool value_;
class RawArray : public RawInstance {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->type_arguments_);
RawAbstractTypeArguments* type_arguments_;
RawSmi* length_;
// Variable length data follows here.
RawObject** data() {
uword address_of_length = reinterpret_cast<uword>(&length_);
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(address_of_length + kWordSize);
RawObject** to(intptr_t length) {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->data()[length - 1]);
friend class RawCode;
friend class RawImmutableArray;
friend class SnapshotReader;
friend class GrowableObjectArray;
friend class Object;
class RawImmutableArray : public RawArray {
friend class SnapshotReader;
class RawGrowableObjectArray : public RawInstance {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->type_arguments_);
RawAbstractTypeArguments* type_arguments_;
RawSmi* length_;
RawArray* data_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->data_);
friend class SnapshotReader;
// Define an aliases for intptr_t.
#if defined(ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
#define RawIntPtrArray RawInt32Array
#define IntPtrArray Int32Array
#elif defined(ARCH_IS_64_BIT)
#define RawIntPtrArray RawInt64Array
#define IntPtrArray Int64Array
#error Architecture is not 32-bit or 64-bit.
#endif // ARCH_IS_32_BIT
class RawByteArray : public RawInstance {
RawObject** from() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->length_); }
RawSmi* length_;
RawObject** to() { return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->length_); }
class RawInt8Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
int8_t data_[0];
class RawUint8Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t data_[0];
class RawUint8ClampedArray : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t data_[0];
class RawInt16Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
int16_t data_[0];
class RawUint16Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint16_t data_[0];
class RawInt32Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
int32_t data_[0];
friend class Instance;
class RawUint32Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint32_t data_[0];
class RawInt64Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
int64_t data_[0];
friend class Instance;
class RawUint64Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
uint64_t data_[0];
class RawFloat32Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
float data_[0];
class RawFloat64Array : public RawByteArray {
// Variable length data follows here.
double data_[0];
template<typename T>
class ExternalByteArrayData {
static const int kAlignment = 16;
ExternalByteArrayData(T* data,
void* peer,
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback) :
data_(data), peer_(peer), callback_(callback) {
~ExternalByteArrayData() {
if (callback_ != NULL) (*callback_)(peer_);
T* data() {
return data_;
void* peer() {
return peer_;
static intptr_t data_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(ExternalByteArrayData<T>, data_);
T* data_;
void* peer_;
Dart_PeerFinalizer callback_;
class RawExternalInt8Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<int8_t>* external_data_;
class RawExternalUint8Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<uint8_t>* external_data_;
friend class TokenStream;
friend class RawTokenStream;
class RawExternalUint8ClampedArray : public RawExternalUint8Array {
class RawExternalInt16Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<int16_t>* external_data_;
class RawExternalUint16Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<uint16_t>* external_data_;
class RawExternalInt32Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<int32_t>* external_data_;
class RawExternalUint32Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<uint32_t>* external_data_;
class RawExternalInt64Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<int64_t>* external_data_;
class RawExternalUint64Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<uint64_t>* external_data_;
class RawExternalFloat32Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<float>* external_data_;
class RawExternalFloat64Array : public RawByteArray {
ExternalByteArrayData<double>* external_data_;
class RawDartFunction : public RawInstance {
// VM type for capturing stacktraces when exceptions are thrown,
// Currently we don't have any interface that this object is supposed
// to implement so we just support the 'toString' method which
// converts the stack trace into a string.
class RawStacktrace : public RawInstance {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->function_array_);
RawArray* function_array_; // Function for each frame in the stack trace.
RawArray* code_array_; // Code object for each frame in the stack trace.
RawArray* pc_offset_array_; // Offset of PC for each frame.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->pc_offset_array_);
// VM type for capturing JS regular expressions.
class RawJSRegExp : public RawInstance {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->data_length_);
RawSmi* data_length_;
RawSmi* num_bracket_expressions_;
RawString* pattern_; // Pattern to be used for matching.
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->pattern_);
intptr_t type_; // Uninitialized, simple or complex.
intptr_t flags_; // Represents global/local, case insensitive, multiline.
// Variable length data follows here.
uint8_t data_[0];
class RawWeakProperty : public RawInstance {
RawObject** from() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->key_);
RawObject* key_;
RawObject* value_;
RawObject** to() {
return reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&ptr()->value_);
friend class GCMarker;
friend class MarkingVisitor;
friend class Scavenger;
friend class ScavengerVisitor;
// Class Id predicates.
inline bool RawObject::IsErrorClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new Error types are added.
ASSERT(kApiErrorCid == kErrorCid + 1 &&
kLanguageErrorCid == kErrorCid + 2 &&
kUnhandledExceptionCid == kErrorCid + 3 &&
kUnwindErrorCid == kErrorCid + 4 &&
kInstanceCid == kErrorCid + 5);
return (index >= kErrorCid && index < kInstanceCid);
inline bool RawObject::IsNumberClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new Number types are added.
ASSERT(kIntegerCid == kNumberCid + 1 &&
kSmiCid == kNumberCid + 2 &&
kMintCid == kNumberCid + 3 &&
kBigintCid == kNumberCid + 4 &&
kDoubleCid == kNumberCid + 5);
return (index >= kNumberCid && index < kBoolCid);
inline bool RawObject::IsIntegerClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new Integer types are added.
ASSERT(kSmiCid == kIntegerCid + 1 &&
kMintCid == kIntegerCid + 2 &&
kBigintCid == kIntegerCid + 3 &&
kDoubleCid == kIntegerCid + 4);
return (index >= kIntegerCid && index < kDoubleCid);
inline bool RawObject::IsStringClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new StringCid types are added.
ASSERT(kOneByteStringCid == kStringCid + 1 &&
kTwoByteStringCid == kStringCid + 2 &&
kExternalOneByteStringCid == kStringCid + 3 &&
kExternalTwoByteStringCid == kStringCid + 4);
return (index >= kStringCid && index <= kExternalTwoByteStringCid);
inline bool RawObject::IsOneByteStringClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new StringCid types are added.
ASSERT(kOneByteStringCid == kStringCid + 1 &&
kTwoByteStringCid == kStringCid + 2 &&
kExternalOneByteStringCid == kStringCid + 3 &&
kExternalTwoByteStringCid == kStringCid + 4);
return (index == kOneByteStringCid || index == kExternalOneByteStringCid);
inline bool RawObject::IsTwoByteStringClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new StringCid types are added.
ASSERT(kOneByteStringCid == kStringCid + 1 &&
kTwoByteStringCid == kStringCid + 2 &&
kExternalOneByteStringCid == kStringCid + 3 &&
kExternalTwoByteStringCid == kStringCid + 4);
return (index == kOneByteStringCid ||
index == kTwoByteStringCid ||
index == kExternalOneByteStringCid ||
index == kExternalTwoByteStringCid);
inline bool RawObject::IsExternalStringClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new StringCid types are added.
ASSERT(kOneByteStringCid == kStringCid + 1 &&
kTwoByteStringCid == kStringCid + 2 &&
kExternalOneByteStringCid == kStringCid + 3 &&
kExternalTwoByteStringCid == kStringCid + 4);
return (index == kExternalOneByteStringCid ||
index == kExternalTwoByteStringCid);
inline bool RawObject::IsBuiltinListClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new builtin List types are added.
ASSERT(kImmutableArrayCid == kArrayCid + 1 &&
kGrowableObjectArrayCid == kArrayCid + 2 &&
kByteArrayCid == kArrayCid + 3);
return (index >= kArrayCid && index < kByteArrayCid) ||
inline bool RawObject::IsByteArrayClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new ByteArray types are added.
ASSERT(kInt8ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 1 &&
kUint8ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 2 &&
kUint8ClampedArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 3 &&
kInt16ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 4 &&
kUint16ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 5 &&
kInt32ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 6 &&
kUint32ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 7 &&
kInt64ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 8 &&
kUint64ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 9 &&
kFloat32ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 10 &&
kFloat64ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 11 &&
kExternalInt8ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 12 &&
kExternalUint8ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 13 &&
kExternalUint8ClampedArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 14 &&
kExternalInt16ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 15 &&
kExternalUint16ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 16 &&
kExternalInt32ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 17 &&
kExternalUint32ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 18 &&
kExternalInt64ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 19 &&
kExternalUint64ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 20 &&
kExternalFloat32ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 21 &&
kExternalFloat64ArrayCid == kByteArrayCid + 22 &&
kStacktraceCid == kByteArrayCid + 23);
return (index >= kByteArrayCid && index <= kExternalFloat64ArrayCid);
inline bool RawObject::IsExternalByteArrayClassId(intptr_t index) {
// Make sure this function is updated when new ByteArray types are added.
ASSERT(kExternalUint8ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 1 &&
kExternalUint8ClampedArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 2 &&
kExternalInt16ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 3 &&
kExternalUint16ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 4 &&
kExternalInt32ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 5 &&
kExternalUint32ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 6 &&
kExternalInt64ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 7 &&
kExternalUint64ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 8 &&
kExternalFloat32ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 9 &&
kExternalFloat64ArrayCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 10 &&
kStacktraceCid == kExternalInt8ArrayCid + 11);
return (index >= kExternalInt8ArrayCid && index <= kExternalFloat64ArrayCid);
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_RAW_OBJECT_H_