blob: f56af6a37e6969a6809bd57defe43c81c5754ac3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_impl.h"
#include "vm/dart_entry.h"
#include "vm/debugger.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
#include "vm/stub_code.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, print_stacktrace_at_throw, false,
"Prints a stack trace everytime a throw occurs.");
const char* Exceptions::kCastErrorDstName = "type cast";
// Iterate through the stack frames and try to find a frame with an
// exception handler. Once found, set the pc, sp and fp so that execution
// can continue in that frame.
static bool FindExceptionHandler(uword* handler_pc,
uword* handler_sp,
uword* handler_fp,
const GrowableObjectArray& func_list,
const GrowableObjectArray& code_list,
const GrowableObjectArray& pc_offset_list) {
StackFrameIterator frames(StackFrameIterator::kDontValidateFrames);
StackFrame* frame = frames.NextFrame();
ASSERT(frame != NULL); // We expect to find a dart invocation frame.
Function& func = Function::Handle();
Code& code = Code::Handle();
Smi& offset = Smi::Handle();
while (!frame->IsEntryFrame()) {
if (frame->IsDartFrame()) {
func = frame->LookupDartFunction();
code = frame->LookupDartCode();
offset = Smi::New(frame->pc() - code.EntryPoint());
if (frame->FindExceptionHandler(handler_pc)) {
*handler_sp = frame->sp();
*handler_fp = frame->fp();
return true;
frame = frames.NextFrame();
ASSERT(frame != NULL);
*handler_pc = frame->pc();
*handler_sp = frame->sp();
*handler_fp = frame->fp();
return false;
static void FindErrorHandler(uword* handler_pc,
uword* handler_sp,
uword* handler_fp) {
// TODO(turnidge): Is there a faster way to get the next entry frame?
StackFrameIterator frames(StackFrameIterator::kDontValidateFrames);
StackFrame* frame = frames.NextFrame();
ASSERT(frame != NULL);
while (!frame->IsEntryFrame()) {
frame = frames.NextFrame();
ASSERT(frame != NULL);
*handler_pc = frame->pc();
*handler_sp = frame->sp();
*handler_fp = frame->fp();
void JumpToExceptionHandler(uword program_counter,
uword stack_pointer,
uword frame_pointer,
const Instance& exception_object,
const Instance& stacktrace_object) {
// The no_gc StackResource is unwound through the tear down of
// stack resources below.
NoGCScope no_gc;
RawInstance* exception = exception_object.raw();
RawInstance* stacktrace = stacktrace_object.raw();
// Prepare for unwinding frames by destroying all the stack resources
// in the previous frames.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
while (isolate->top_resource() != NULL &&
(reinterpret_cast<uword>(isolate->top_resource()) < stack_pointer)) {
// Set up the appropriate register state and jump to the handler.
typedef void (*ExcpHandler)(uword, uword, uword, RawInstance*, RawInstance*);
ExcpHandler func = reinterpret_cast<ExcpHandler>(
func(program_counter, stack_pointer, frame_pointer, exception, stacktrace);
void JumpToErrorHandler(uword program_counter,
uword stack_pointer,
uword frame_pointer,
const Error& error) {
// The no_gc StackResource is unwound through the tear down of
// stack resources below.
NoGCScope no_gc;
RawError* raw_error = error.raw();
// Prepare for unwinding frames by destroying all the stack resources
// in the previous frames.
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
while (isolate->top_resource() != NULL &&
(reinterpret_cast<uword>(isolate->top_resource()) < stack_pointer)) {
// Set up the error object as the return value in EAX and continue
// from the invocation stub.
typedef void (*ErrorHandler)(uword, uword, uword, RawError*);
ErrorHandler func = reinterpret_cast<ErrorHandler>(
func(program_counter, stack_pointer, frame_pointer, raw_error);
static void ThrowExceptionHelper(const Instance& incoming_exception,
const Instance& existing_stacktrace) {
Instance& exception = Instance::Handle(incoming_exception.raw());
if (exception.IsNull()) {
GrowableArray<const Object*> arguments;
exception ^= Exceptions::Create(Exceptions::kNullThrown, arguments);
uword handler_pc = 0;
uword handler_sp = 0;
uword handler_fp = 0;
const GrowableObjectArray& func_list =
const GrowableObjectArray& code_list =
const GrowableObjectArray& pc_offset_list =
bool handler_exists = FindExceptionHandler(&handler_pc,
// We expect to find a handler_pc, if the exception is unhandled
// then we expect to at least have the dart entry frame on the
// stack as Exceptions::Throw should happen only after a dart
// invocation has been done.
ASSERT(handler_pc != 0);
// TODO(5411263): At some point we can optimize by figuring out if a
// stack trace is needed based on whether the catch code specifies a
// stack trace object or there is a rethrow in the catch clause.
Stacktrace& stacktrace = Stacktrace::Handle();
if (pc_offset_list.Length() != 0) {
if (existing_stacktrace.IsNull()) {
stacktrace = Stacktrace::New(func_list, code_list, pc_offset_list);
} else {
stacktrace ^= existing_stacktrace.raw();
stacktrace.Append(func_list, code_list, pc_offset_list);
} else {
stacktrace ^= existing_stacktrace.raw();
if (FLAG_print_stacktrace_at_throw) {
OS::Print("Exception '%s' thrown:\n", exception.ToCString());
OS::Print("%s\n", stacktrace.ToCString());
if (handler_exists) {
// Found a dart handler for the exception, jump to it.
} else {
// No dart exception handler found in this invocation sequence,
// so we create an unhandled exception object and return to the
// invocation stub so that it returns this unhandled exception
// object. The C++ code which invoked this dart sequence can check
// and do the appropriate thing (rethrow the exception to the
// dart invocation sequence above it, print diagnostics and terminate
// the isolate etc.).
const UnhandledException& unhandled_exception = UnhandledException::Handle(
UnhandledException::New(exception, stacktrace));
JumpToErrorHandler(handler_pc, handler_sp, handler_fp, unhandled_exception);
// Static helpers for allocating, initializing, and throwing an error instance.
// Return the script of the Dart function that called the native entry or the
// runtime entry. The frame iterator points to the callee.
RawScript* Exceptions::GetCallerScript(DartFrameIterator* iterator) {
StackFrame* caller_frame = iterator->NextFrame();
ASSERT(caller_frame != NULL && caller_frame->IsDartFrame());
const Function& caller = Function::Handle(caller_frame->LookupDartFunction());
return caller.script();
// Allocate a new instance of the given class name.
// TODO(hausner): Rename this NewCoreInstance to call out the fact that
// the class name is resolved in the core library implicitly?
RawInstance* Exceptions::NewInstance(const char* class_name) {
const String& cls_name = String::Handle(Symbols::New(class_name));
const Library& core_lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreLibrary());
Class& cls = Class::Handle(core_lib.LookupClass(cls_name));
// There are no parameterized error types, so no need to set type arguments.
return Instance::New(cls);
// Assign the value to the field given by its name in the given instance.
void Exceptions::SetField(const Instance& instance,
const Class& cls,
const char* field_name,
const Object& value) {
const Field& field = Field::Handle(cls.LookupInstanceField(
instance.SetField(field, value);
// Initialize the fields 'url', 'line', and 'column' in the given instance
// according to the given token location in the given script.
void Exceptions::SetLocationFields(const Instance& instance,
const Class& cls,
const Script& script,
intptr_t location) {
SetField(instance, cls, "url", String::Handle(script.url()));
intptr_t line, column;
script.GetTokenLocation(location, &line, &column);
SetField(instance, cls, "line", Smi::Handle(Smi::New(line)));
SetField(instance, cls, "column", Smi::Handle(Smi::New(column)));
// Allocate, initialize, and throw a TypeError.
void Exceptions::CreateAndThrowTypeError(intptr_t location,
const String& src_type_name,
const String& dst_type_name,
const String& dst_name,
const String& malformed_error) {
// Allocate a new instance of TypeError or CastError.
Instance& type_error = Instance::Handle();
Class& cls = Class::Handle();
if (dst_name.Equals(kCastErrorDstName)) {
type_error = NewInstance("CastErrorImplementation");
cls = type_error.clazz();
cls = cls.SuperClass();
} else {
type_error = NewInstance("TypeErrorImplementation");
cls = type_error.clazz();
// Initialize 'url', 'line', and 'column' fields.
DartFrameIterator iterator;
const Script& script = Script::Handle(GetCallerScript(&iterator));
// Location fields are defined in AssertionError, the superclass of TypeError.
const Class& assertion_error_class = Class::Handle(cls.SuperClass());
SetLocationFields(type_error, assertion_error_class, script, location);
// Initialize field 'failedAssertion' in AssertionError superclass.
// Printing the src_obj value would be possible, but ToString() is expensive
// and not meaningful for all classes, so we just print '$expr instanceof...'.
// Users should look at TypeError.ToString(), which contains more useful
// information than AssertionError.failedAssertion.
String& failed_assertion = String::Handle(String::New("$expr instanceof "));
failed_assertion = String::Concat(failed_assertion, dst_type_name);
// Initialize field 'srcType'.
SetField(type_error, cls, "srcType", src_type_name);
// Initialize field 'dstType'.
SetField(type_error, cls, "dstType", dst_type_name);
// Initialize field 'dstName'.
SetField(type_error, cls, "dstName", dst_name);
// Initialize field 'malformedError'.
SetField(type_error, cls, "malformedError", malformed_error);
// Type errors in the core library may be difficult to diagnose.
// Print type error information before throwing the error when debugging.
if (FLAG_print_stacktrace_at_throw) {
if (!malformed_error.IsNull()) {
OS::Print("%s\n", malformed_error.ToCString());
intptr_t line, column;
script.GetTokenLocation(location, &line, &column);
OS::Print("'%s': Failed type check: line %"Pd" pos %"Pd": ",
String::Handle(script.url()).ToCString(), line, column);
if (!dst_name.IsNull() && (dst_name.Length() > 0)) {
OS::Print("type '%s' is not a subtype of type '%s' of '%s'.\n",
} else {
OS::Print("malformed type used.\n");
// Throw TypeError instance.
void Exceptions::Throw(const Instance& exception) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
// Null object is a valid exception object.
ThrowExceptionHelper(exception, Instance::Handle(isolate));
void Exceptions::ReThrow(const Instance& exception,
const Instance& stacktrace) {
// Null object is a valid exception object.
ThrowExceptionHelper(exception, stacktrace);
void Exceptions::PropagateError(const Error& error) {
ASSERT(Isolate::Current()->top_exit_frame_info() != 0);
if (error.IsUnhandledException()) {
// If the error object represents an unhandled exception, then
// rethrow the exception in the normal fashion.
const UnhandledException& uhe = UnhandledException::Cast(error);
const Instance& exc = Instance::Handle(uhe.exception());
const Instance& stk = Instance::Handle(uhe.stacktrace());
Exceptions::ReThrow(exc, stk);
} else {
// Return to the invocation stub and return this error object. The
// C++ code which invoked this dart sequence can check and do the
// appropriate thing.
uword handler_pc = 0;
uword handler_sp = 0;
uword handler_fp = 0;
FindErrorHandler(&handler_pc, &handler_sp, &handler_fp);
JumpToErrorHandler(handler_pc, handler_sp, handler_fp, error);
void Exceptions::ThrowByType(
ExceptionType type, const GrowableArray<const Object*>& arguments) {
const Object& result = Object::Handle(Create(type, arguments));
if (result.IsError()) {
// We got an error while constructing the exception object.
// Propagate the error instead of throwing the exception.
} else {
RawObject* Exceptions::Create(
ExceptionType type, const GrowableArray<const Object*>& arguments) {
Library& library = Library::Handle();
String& class_name = String::Handle();
switch (type) {
case kNone:
case kRange:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("RangeError");
case kArgument:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("ArgumentError");
case kNoSuchMethod:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("NoSuchMethodError");
case kFormat:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("FormatException");
case kStackOverflow:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("StackOverflowError");
case kOutOfMemory:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("OutOfMemoryError");
case kInternalError:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("InternalError");
case kNullThrown:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("NullThrownError");
case kIllegalJSRegExp:
library = Library::CoreLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("IllegalJSRegExpException");
case kIsolateSpawn:
library = Library::IsolateLibrary();
class_name = Symbols::New("IsolateSpawnException");
return DartLibraryCalls::ExceptionCreate(library, class_name, arguments);
} // namespace dart