blob: fec7ce002211201075952ab7d9d821becfcd1c6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Unit test for in-memory pipelines.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:modular_test/src/io_pipeline.dart';
import 'pipeline_common.dart';
main() async {
var uri = Directory.systemTemp.uri.resolve("io_modular_test_root/");
int i = 0;
while (await Directory.fromUri(uri).exists()) {
uri = Directory.systemTemp.uri.resolve("io_modular_test_root$i/");
runPipelineTest(new IOPipelineTestStrategy(uri));
/// The strategy implementation to exercise the pipeline test on a
/// [IOPipeline].
class IOPipelineTestStrategy implements PipelineTestStrategy<IOModularStep> {
final Uri testRootUri;
Future<Pipeline<IOModularStep>> createPipeline(
Map<Uri, String> sources, List<IOModularStep> steps) async {
await Directory.fromUri(testRootUri).create();
for (var uri in sources.keys) {
var file = new File.fromUri(uri);
await file.create(recursive: true);
await file.writeAsStringSync(sources[uri]);
return new IOPipeline(steps, saveFoldersForTesting: true);
IOModularStep createSourceOnlyStep(
{String Function(Map<Uri, String>) action,
DataId resultId,
bool requestSources: true}) =>
SourceOnlyStep(action, resultId, requestSources);
IOModularStep createModuleDataStep(
{String Function(String) action,
DataId inputId,
DataId resultId,
bool requestModuleData: true}) =>
ModuleDataStep(action, inputId, resultId, requestModuleData);
IOModularStep createLinkStep(
{String Function(String, List<String>) action,
DataId inputId,
DataId depId,
DataId resultId,
bool requestDependenciesData: true}) =>
LinkStep(action, inputId, depId, resultId, requestDependenciesData);
String getResult(covariant IOPipeline pipeline, Module m, DataId dataId) {
var folderUri = pipeline.tmpFoldersForTesting[dataId];
return File.fromUri(folderUri.resolve("${}.${}"))
Future<void> cleanup(Pipeline<IOModularStep> pipeline) async {
var folders = (pipeline as IOPipeline).tmpFoldersForTesting.values;
for (var folder in folders) {
await Directory.fromUri(folder).delete(recursive: true);
await Directory.fromUri(testRootUri).delete(recursive: true);
class SourceOnlyStep implements IOModularStep {
final String Function(Map<Uri, String>) action;
final DataId resultId;
final bool needsSources;
List<DataId> get dependencyDataNeeded => const [];
List<DataId> get moduleDataNeeded => const [];
bool get onlyOnMain => false;
SourceOnlyStep(this.action, this.resultId, this.needsSources);
Future<void> execute(
Module module, Uri root, ModuleDataToRelativeUri toUri) async {
Map<Uri, String> sources = {};
for (var uri in module.sources) {
var file = File.fromUri(root.resolveUri(uri));
String data = await file.exists() ? await file.readAsString() : null;
sources[uri] = data;
await File.fromUri(root.resolveUri(toUri(module, resultId)))
class ModuleDataStep implements IOModularStep {
final String Function(String) action;
bool get needsSources => false;
List<DataId> get dependencyDataNeeded => const [];
final List<DataId> moduleDataNeeded;
final DataId resultId;
final DataId inputId;
bool get onlyOnMain => false;
ModuleDataStep(this.action, this.inputId, this.resultId, bool requestInput)
: moduleDataNeeded = requestInput ? [inputId] : [];
Future<void> execute(
Module module, Uri root, ModuleDataToRelativeUri toUri) async {
var inputData = await _readHelper(module, root, inputId, toUri);
var result =
inputData == null ? "data for $module was null" : action(inputData);
await File.fromUri(root.resolveUri(toUri(module, resultId)))
class LinkStep implements IOModularStep {
bool get needsSources => false;
final List<DataId> dependencyDataNeeded;
List<DataId> get moduleDataNeeded => [inputId];
final String Function(String, List<String>) action;
final DataId inputId;
final DataId depId;
final DataId resultId;
bool get onlyOnMain => false;
LinkStep(this.action, this.inputId, this.depId, this.resultId,
bool requestDependencies)
: dependencyDataNeeded = requestDependencies ? [depId] : [];
Future<void> execute(
Module module, Uri root, ModuleDataToRelativeUri toUri) async {
List<String> depsData = [];
for (var dependency in module.dependencies) {
var depData = await _readHelper(dependency, root, depId, toUri);
var inputData = await _readHelper(module, root, inputId, toUri);
await File.fromUri(root.resolveUri(toUri(module, resultId)))
.writeAsString(action(inputData, depsData));
Future<String> _readHelper(Module module, Uri root, DataId dataId,
ModuleDataToRelativeUri toUri) async {
var file = File.fromUri(root.resolveUri(toUri(module, dataId)));
if (await file.exists()) {
return await file.readAsString();
return null;