blob: 5f5b4b8b1b663c0e8e7da46bc6dc80a0e4110708 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:macros/src/bootstrap.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:macros/src/executor/serialization.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import '../create_package_config.dart';
import '../io_pipeline.dart';
import '../pipeline.dart';
import '../suite.dart';
const precompiledMacroId = DataId('macro.exe');
/// Bootstraps a macro program and compiles it to an AOT executable.
class PrecompileMacroAotStep implements IOModularStep {
final bool verbose;
PrecompileMacroAotStep({required this.verbose});
List<DataId> get resultData => const [precompiledMacroId];
bool get needsSources => true;
List<DataId> get dependencyDataNeeded => const [];
List<DataId> get moduleDataNeeded => const [];
bool get onlyOnMain => false;
bool get onlyOnSdk => false;
bool get notOnSdk => true;
Future<void> execute(Module module, Uri root, ModuleDataToRelativeUri toUri,
List<String> flags) async {
if (verbose) {
print('\nstep: precompile-macro-aot on $module');
var transitiveDependencies = computeTransitiveDependencies(module);
var packageConfigUri = await writePackageConfig(
module, transitiveDependencies, root,
useRealPaths: true);
var bootstrapContent = bootstrapMacroIsolate(
module.macroConstructors, SerializationMode.byteData)
// TODO: Don't do this
.replaceFirst('dev-dart-app:/', '');
var bootstrapFile = File.fromUri(
root.replace(path: '${root.path}/${}.macro.bootstrap.dart'));
await bootstrapFile.create(recursive: true);
await bootstrapFile.writeAsString(bootstrapContent);
var args = [
'${toUri(module, precompiledMacroId)}',
...flags.expand((String flag) => ['--enable-experiment', flag]),
var result = await runProcess(
Platform.resolvedExecutable, args, root.toFilePath(), verbose);
checkExitCode(result, this, module, verbose);
void notifyCached(Module module) {
if (verbose) {
print('\ncached step: precompile-macro-aot on $module');
bool shouldExecute(Module module) => module.macroConstructors.isNotEmpty;
// The value of the --precompiled-macro argument for macros coming from
// `module`.
String precompiledMacroArg(Module module, ModuleDataToRelativeUri toUri) {
var executableUri = toUri(module, precompiledMacroId);
return '$executableUri;${module.macroConstructors.keys.join(';')}';