blob: e36e92f7461eedf312552664c6d98f9dd6562163 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/nullability/nullability_node.dart';
/// Data structure to keep track of the relationship between [NullabilityNode]
/// objects.
class NullabilityGraph {
/// Map from a nullability node to a list of [_NullabilityEdge] objects
/// describing the node's relationship to other nodes that are "downstream"
/// from it (meaning that if a key node is nullable, then all the nodes in the
/// corresponding value will either have to be nullable, or null checks will
/// have to be added).
final _downstream = Map<NullabilityNode, List<_NullabilityEdge>>.identity();
/// Map from a nullability node to those nodes that are "upstream" from it
/// (meaning that if a node in the value is nullable, then the corresponding
/// key node will have to be nullable, or null checks will have to be added).
final _upstream = Map<NullabilityNode, List<NullabilityNode>>.identity();
/// Map from a nullability node to those nodes that are "upstream" from it
/// via unconditional control flow (meaning that if a node in the value is
/// nullable, then there exists code that is unguarded by an "if" statement
/// that indicates that the corresponding key node will have to be nullable,
/// or null checks will have to be added).
final _unconditionalUpstream =
Map<NullabilityNode, List<NullabilityNode>>.identity();
/// Records that [sourceNode] is immediately upstream from [destinationNode].
void connect(NullabilityNode sourceNode, NullabilityNode destinationNode,
{bool unconditional: false, List<NullabilityNode> guards: const []}) {
var sources = [sourceNode]..addAll(guards);
var edge = _NullabilityEdge(destinationNode, sources);
for (var source in sources) {
(_downstream[source] ??= []).add(edge);
(_upstream[destinationNode] ??= []).add(sourceNode);
if (unconditional) {
(_unconditionalUpstream[destinationNode] ??= []).add(sourceNode);
void debugDump() {
for (var entry in _downstream.entries) {
var destinations = entry.value
.where((edge) => edge.primarySource == entry.key)
.map((edge) {
var suffixes = <Object>[];
if (getUnconditionalUpstreamNodes(edge.destinationNode)
.contains(entry.key)) {
var suffix = suffixes.isNotEmpty ? ' (${suffixes.join(', ')})' : '';
return '${edge.destinationNode}$suffix';
print('${entry.key} -> ${destinations.join(', ')}');
/// Iterates through all nodes that are "downstream" of [node] (i.e. if
/// [node] is nullable, then all the iterated nodes will either have to be
/// nullable, or null checks will have to be added).
/// There is no guarantee of uniqueness of the iterated nodes.
Iterable<NullabilityNode> getDownstreamNodes(NullabilityNode node) =>
(_downstream[node] ?? const [])
.where((edge) => edge.primarySource == node)
.map((edge) => edge.destinationNode);
/// Iterates through all nodes that are "upstream" of [node] due to
/// unconditional control flow.
/// There is no guarantee of uniqueness of the iterated nodes.
Iterable<NullabilityNode> getUnconditionalUpstreamNodes(
NullabilityNode node) =>
_unconditionalUpstream[node] ?? const [];
/// Iterates through all nodes that are "upstream" of [node] (i.e. if
/// any of the iterated nodes are nullable, then [node] will either have to be
/// nullable, or null checks will have to be added).
// ///
// /// There is no guarantee of uniqueness of the iterated nodes.
Iterable<NullabilityNode> getUpstreamNodes(NullabilityNode node) =>
_upstream[node] ?? const [];
/// Data structure to keep track of the relationship from one [NullabilityNode]
/// object to another [NullabilityNode] that is "downstream" from it (meaning
/// that if the former node is nullable, then the latter node will either have
/// to be nullable, or null checks will have to be added).
class _NullabilityEdge {
/// The node that is downstream.
final NullabilityNode destinationNode;
/// A set of source nodes. By convention, the first node is the primary
/// source and the other nodes are "guards". The destination node will only
/// need to be made nullable if all the source nodes are nullable.
final List<NullabilityNode> sources;
_NullabilityEdge(this.destinationNode, this.sources);
Iterable<NullabilityNode> get guards => sources.skip(1);
NullabilityNode get primarySource => sources.first;