blob: c8859cdd0b16584381a2b8b3d66f9f5642e922cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
#include "vm/constants_kbc.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
class BytecodeComponentData;
// Helper class which provides access to bytecode metadata.
class BytecodeMetadataHelper : public MetadataHelper {
static const char* tag() { return "vm.bytecode"; }
explicit BytecodeMetadataHelper(KernelReaderHelper* helper,
ActiveClass* active_class);
bool HasBytecode(intptr_t node_offset);
void ReadMetadata(const Function& function);
void ParseBytecodeFunction(ParsedFunction* parsed_function);
void ParseBytecodeImplicitClosureFunction(ParsedFunction* parsed_function);
// Reads members associated with given [node_offset] and fills in [cls].
// Discards fields if [discard_fields] is true.
// Returns true if class members are loaded.
bool ReadMembers(intptr_t node_offset, const Class& cls, bool discard_fields);
// Read annotation at given offset.
RawObject* ReadAnnotation(intptr_t annotation_offset);
RawLibrary* GetMainLibrary();
RawArray* GetBytecodeComponent();
RawArray* ReadBytecodeComponent();
ActiveClass* const active_class_;
// Helper class for reading bytecode.
class BytecodeReaderHelper : public ValueObject {
explicit BytecodeReaderHelper(KernelReaderHelper* helper,
ActiveClass* active_class,
BytecodeComponentData* bytecode_component);
void ReadCode(const Function& function, intptr_t code_offset);
void ReadMembers(const Class& cls,
intptr_t members_offset,
bool discard_fields);
void ReadFieldDeclarations(const Class& cls, bool discard_fields);
void ReadFunctionDeclarations(const Class& cls);
void ParseBytecodeFunction(ParsedFunction* parsed_function,
const Function& function);
RawLibrary* ReadMain();
RawArray* ReadBytecodeComponent(intptr_t md_offset);
RawArray* ReadBytecodeComponentV2(intptr_t md_offset);
// Fills in [is_covariant] and [is_generic_covariant_impl] vectors
// according to covariance attributes of [function] parameters.
// [function] should be declared in bytecode.
// [is_covariant] and [is_generic_covariant_impl] should contain bitvectors
// of function.NumParameters() length.
void ReadParameterCovariance(const Function& function,
BitVector* is_covariant,
BitVector* is_generic_covariant_impl);
// Read bytecode PackedObject.
RawObject* ReadObject();
// These constants should match corresponding constants in class ObjectHandle
// (pkg/vm/lib/bytecode/object_table.dart).
static const int kReferenceBit = 1 << 0;
static const int kIndexShift = 1;
static const int kKindShift = 1;
static const int kKindMask = 0x0f;
static const int kFlagBit0 = 1 << 5;
static const int kFlagBit1 = 1 << 6;
static const int kFlagBit2 = 1 << 7;
static const int kFlagBit3 = 1 << 8;
static const int kFlagsMask = (kFlagBit0 | kFlagBit1 | kFlagBit2 | kFlagBit3);
// Code flags, must be in sync with Code constants in
// pkg/vm/lib/bytecode/declarations.dart.
struct Code {
static const int kHasExceptionsTableFlag = 1 << 0;
static const int kHasSourcePositionsFlag = 1 << 1;
static const int kHasNullableFieldsFlag = 1 << 2;
static const int kHasClosuresFlag = 1 << 3;
static const int kHasParameterFlagsFlag = 1 << 4;
static const int kHasForwardingStubTargetFlag = 1 << 5;
static const int kHasDefaultFunctionTypeArgsFlag = 1 << 6;
// Parameter flags, must be in sync with ParameterDeclaration constants in
// pkg/vm/lib/bytecode/declarations.dart.
struct Parameter {
static const int kIsCovariantFlag = 1 << 0;
static const int kIsGenericCovariantImplFlag = 1 << 1;
class FunctionTypeScope : public ValueObject {
explicit FunctionTypeScope(BytecodeReaderHelper* bytecode_reader)
: bytecode_reader_(bytecode_reader),
bytecode_reader->function_type_type_parameters_) {}
~FunctionTypeScope() {
bytecode_reader_->function_type_type_parameters_ = saved_type_parameters_;
BytecodeReaderHelper* bytecode_reader_;
TypeArguments* const saved_type_parameters_;
class FunctionScope : public ValueObject {
FunctionScope(BytecodeReaderHelper* bytecode_reader,
const Function& function,
const String& name,
const Class& cls)
: bytecode_reader_(bytecode_reader) {
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_ = function.raw();
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_name_ = name.raw();
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_class_ = cls.raw();
~FunctionScope() {
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_ = Function::null();
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_name_ = String::null();
bytecode_reader_->scoped_function_class_ = Class::null();
BytecodeReaderHelper* bytecode_reader_;
void ReadClosureDeclaration(const Function& function, intptr_t closureIndex);
RawType* ReadFunctionSignature(const Function& func,
bool has_optional_positional_params,
bool has_optional_named_params,
bool has_type_params,
bool has_positional_param_names);
void ReadTypeParametersDeclaration(const Class& parameterized_class,
const Function& parameterized_function);
void ReadConstantPool(const Function& function, const ObjectPool& pool);
RawBytecode* ReadBytecode(const ObjectPool& pool);
void ReadExceptionsTable(const Bytecode& bytecode, bool has_exceptions_table);
void ReadSourcePositions(const Bytecode& bytecode, bool has_source_positions);
RawTypedData* NativeEntry(const Function& function,
const String& external_name);
RawString* ConstructorName(const Class& cls, const String& name);
RawObject* ReadObjectContents(uint32_t header);
RawObject* ReadConstObject(intptr_t tag);
RawString* ReadString(bool is_canonical = true);
RawTypeArguments* ReadTypeArguments(const Class& instantiator);
RawPatchClass* GetPatchClass(const Class& cls, const Script& script);
void ParseForwarderFunction(ParsedFunction* parsed_function,
const Function& function,
const Function& target);
KernelReaderHelper* const helper_;
TranslationHelper& translation_helper_;
ActiveClass* const active_class_;
Zone* const zone_;
BytecodeComponentData* const bytecode_component_;
Array* closures_ = nullptr;
TypeArguments* function_type_type_parameters_ = nullptr;
PatchClass* patch_class_ = nullptr;
Array* functions_ = nullptr;
intptr_t function_index_ = 0;
Function& scoped_function_;
String& scoped_function_name_;
Class& scoped_function_class_;
class BytecodeComponentData : ValueObject {
enum {
explicit BytecodeComponentData(const Array& data) : data_(data) {}
intptr_t GetVersion() const;
intptr_t GetStringsHeaderOffset() const;
intptr_t GetStringsContentsOffset() const;
intptr_t GetObjectsContentsOffset() const;
intptr_t GetMainOffset() const;
intptr_t GetMembersOffset() const;
intptr_t GetCodesOffset() const;
intptr_t GetSourcePositionsOffset() const;
intptr_t GetAnnotationsOffset() const;
void SetObject(intptr_t index, const Object& obj) const;
RawObject* GetObject(intptr_t index) const;
bool IsNull() const { return data_.IsNull(); }
static RawArray* New(Zone* zone,
intptr_t version,
intptr_t num_objects,
intptr_t strings_header_offset,
intptr_t strings_contents_offset,
intptr_t objects_contents_offset,
intptr_t main_offset,
intptr_t members_offset,
intptr_t codes_offset,
intptr_t source_positions_offset,
intptr_t annotations_offset,
Heap::Space space);
const Array& data_;
class BytecodeReader : public AllStatic {
// Reads bytecode for the given function and sets its bytecode field.
// Returns error (if any), or null.
static RawError* ReadFunctionBytecode(Thread* thread,
const Function& function);
// Read annotation for the given annotation field.
static RawObject* ReadAnnotation(const Field& annotation_field);
class BytecodeSourcePositionsIterator : ValueObject {
BytecodeSourcePositionsIterator(Zone* zone, const Bytecode& bytecode)
: reader_(ExternalTypedData::Handle(zone, bytecode.GetBinary(zone))),
cur_token_pos_(TokenPosition::kNoSource.value()) {
if (bytecode.HasSourcePositions()) {
pairs_remaining_ = reader_.ReadUInt();
bool MoveNext() {
if (pairs_remaining_ == 0) {
return false;
ASSERT(pairs_remaining_ > 0);
cur_bci_ += reader_.ReadUInt();
cur_token_pos_ += reader_.ReadSLEB128();
return true;
intptr_t BytecodeInstructionIndex() const { return cur_bci_; }
uword PcOffset() const {
return KernelBytecode::BytecodePcToOffset(BytecodeInstructionIndex(),
/* is_return_address = */ true);
TokenPosition TokenPos() const { return TokenPosition(cur_token_pos_); }
Reader reader_;
intptr_t pairs_remaining_;
intptr_t cur_bci_;
intptr_t cur_token_pos_;
// Returns [true] iff [function] body is a field initializer in bytecode.
// This is [true] for ordinary static field initializers and getters of
// const static fields.
bool IsBytecodeFieldInitializer(const Function& function, Zone* zone);
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)