unfork DDC package:async_helper

This code was from the old travis/karma test runner setup, it is no
longer used. Also deletes the old browser test runner files.

Change-Id: I7eab3ebdc709cfc9c48d6f230c73035bc512cea9
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/57780
Reviewed-by: Vijay Menon <vsm@google.com>
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/browser/language_tests.js b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/browser/language_tests.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d33cb0..0000000
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/browser/language_tests.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,796 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-define(['dart_sdk', 'async_helper', 'expect', 'unittest', 'is', 'require',
-        'test_status'],
-      function(dart_sdk, async_helper, expect, unittest, is, require,
-               test_status) {
-  'use strict';
-  async_helper = async_helper.async_helper;
-  let minitest = expect.minitest;
-  let mochaOnError = window.onerror;
-  dart_sdk.dart.trapRuntimeErrors(false);
-  dart_sdk.dart.ignoreWhitelistedErrors(false);
-  dart_sdk._isolate_helper.startRootIsolate(function() {}, []);
-  // Make it easier to debug test failures and required for formatter test that
-  // assumes custom formatters are enabled.
-  dart_sdk._debugger.registerDevtoolsFormatter();
-  let html_config = unittest.html_config;
-  // Test attributes are a list of strings, or a string for a single
-  // attribute. Valid attributes are:
-  //
-  //   'pass' - test passes (default)
-  //   'skip' - don't run the test
-  //   'fail' - test fails
-  //   'timeout' - test times out
-  //   'slow' - use 5s timeout instead of default 2s.
-  //
-  // Common combinations:
-  const pass = 'pass';
-  const fail = 'fail';
-  const skip_timeout = ['skip', 'timeout'];
-  // Browsers
-  const firefox_fail = is.firefox() ? fail : pass;
-  const chrome_fail = is.chrome() ? fail : pass;
-  // These are typically tests with asynchronous exceptions that our
-  // test framework doesn't always catch.
-  const flaky = 'skip';
-  // Tests marked with this are still using the deprecated unittest package
-  // because they rely on its support for futures and asynchronous tests, which
-  // expect and minitest do not handle.
-  // TODO(rnystrom): Move all of these away from using the async test API so
-  // they can stop using unittest.
-  const async_unittest = ['skip', 'fail'];
-  // The number of expected unittest errors should be zero but unfortunately
-  // there are a lot of broken html unittests.
-  let num_expected_unittest_fails = 4;
-  let num_expected_unittest_errors = 0;
-  // TODO(jmesserly): separate StrongModeError from other errors.
-  let all_status = {
-    'language': {
-      // Flaky on travis (https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/27224)
-      'async_await_test_03_multi': async_unittest,
-      'async_star_pause_test': fail,
-      'async_star_await_pauses_test': skip_timeout,
-      // TODO(jmesserly): figure out why this test is hanging.
-      'async_star_cancel_and_throw_in_finally_test': skip_timeout,
-      'async_star_cancel_while_paused_test': fail,
-      // TODO(vsm): Re-enable (https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28319)
-      'async_star_test_none_multi': async_unittest,
-      'async_star_test_01_multi': async_unittest,
-      'async_star_test_02_multi': async_unittest,
-      'async_star_test_03_multi': async_unittest,
-      'async_star_test_04_multi': async_unittest,
-      'async_star_test_05_multi': async_unittest,
-      'async_switch_test': fail,
-      'asyncstar_throw_in_catch_test': ['skip', 'fail'],
-      'await_future_test': skip_timeout,
-      'await_for_test': 'slow',
-      'bit_operations_test_none_multi': fail,  // DDC/dart2js canonicalize bitop results to unsigned
-      'branch_canonicalization_test': fail,  // JS bit operations truncate to 32 bits.
-      'call_test': fail,
-      'call_closurization_test': fail, // Functions do not expose a "call" method.
-      'call_test': fail,
-      'canonical_const2_test': fail,
-      'canonical_const_test': fail,
-      'compile_time_constant10_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'compile_time_constant_a_test': fail,
-      'compile_time_constant_b_test': fail,
-      'compile_time_constant_d_test': fail,
-      'compile_time_constant_k_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'compile_time_constant_o_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'const_evaluation_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'const_switch_test_02_multi': fail,
-      'const_switch_test_04_multi': fail,
-      'constructor12_test': fail,
-      'covariant_subtyping_with_substitution_test': fail,
-      'custom_await_stack_trace_test': fail,
-      'cyclic_type2_test': fail,
-      'cyclic_type_test_02_multi': fail,
-      'cyclic_type_test_03_multi': fail,
-      'cyclic_type_test_04_multi': fail,
-      // Deferred libraries are not actually deferred. These tests all test
-      // that synchronous access to the library fails.
-      'deferred_call_empty_before_load_test': fail,
-      'deferred_load_library_wrong_args_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'deferred_not_loaded_check_test': fail,
-      'deferred_redirecting_factory_test': fail,
-      'deferred_static_seperate_test': fail,
-      'double_int_to_string_test': fail,
-      'dynamic_test': fail,
-      'exception_test': fail,
-      'execute_finally6_test': fail,
-      'expect_test': fail,
-      'extends_test_lib': fail,
-      'f_bounded_quantification3_test': fail,
-      'field_increment_bailout_test': fail,
-      'field_optimization3_test': fail,
-      'first_class_types_test': fail,
-      'flatten_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'flatten_test_04_multi': fail,
-      'flatten_test_05_multi': fail,
-      'flatten_test_08_multi': fail,
-      'flatten_test_09_multi': fail,
-      'flatten_test_12_multi': fail,
-      'for_variable_capture_test': is.firefox('<=50') ? pass : fail,
-      'function_subtype_inline2_test': fail,
-      'function_subtype_named1_test': fail,
-      'function_subtype_named2_test': fail,
-      'function_subtype_optional1_test': fail,
-      'function_subtype_optional2_test': fail,
-      'function_subtype_typearg2_test': fail,
-      'function_subtype_typearg4_test': fail,
-      'function_type_alias6_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'generic_instanceof_test': fail, // runtime strong mode reject
-      'generic_instanceof2_test': fail,
-      'generic_is_check_test': fail,
-      'getter_closure_execution_order_test': fail,
-      'gc_test': 'slow',
-      'identical_closure2_test': fail,
-      'infinite_switch_label_test': fail,
-      'infinity_test': fail,
-      'initializing_formal_final_test': fail,
-      'instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test': fail,
-      'instanceof2_test': fail,
-      'instanceof4_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'instanceof4_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'integer_division_by_zero_test': fail,
-      'issue23244_test': fail,
-      'invocation_mirror_test': fail, // dcall does not correctly detect named arguments
-      'invocation_mirror2_test': fail, // JsInstanceMirror.delegate unimplemented
-      'lazy_static3_test': fail,
-      'least_upper_bound_expansive_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'left_shift_test': fail,
-      'list_is_test': fail,
-      'list_literal3_test': fail,
-      'main_test_03_multi': fail,
-      'many_generic_instanceof_test': fail,
-      'map_literal10_test': fail,
-      'map_literal7_test': fail,
-      'memory_swap_test': skip_timeout,
-      'mint_arithmetic_test': fail,
-      'modulo_test': fail,
-      'named_parameter_clash_test': fail,
-      'named_parameters_passing_falsy_test': is.firefox('<=50') ? fail : pass,
-      'nan_identical_test': fail,
-      'nested_switch_label_test': fail,
-      'number_identifier_test_05_multi': fail,
-      'number_identity2_test': fail,
-      'numbers_test': fail,
-      'regress_16640_test': fail,
-      'regress_22445_test': fail,
-      'regress_22777_test': flaky,
-      'stack_overflow_stacktrace_test': fail,
-      'stack_overflow_test': fail,
-      'stacktrace_test': chrome_fail,
-      'switch_label2_test': fail,
-      'switch_label_test': fail,
-      'switch_try_catch_test': fail,
-      'throwing_lazy_variable_test': fail,
-      'truncdiv_test': fail,  // did not throw
-      'try_catch_on_syntax_test_10_multi': fail,
-      'try_catch_on_syntax_test_11_multi': fail,
-      'type_variable_nested_test': fail,
-      'bit_operations_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'bit_operations_test_02_multi': fail,
-      'bit_operations_test_03_multi': fail,
-      'bit_operations_test_04_multi': fail,
-      'deferred_load_constants_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'external_test_21_multi': fail,
-      'external_test_24_multi': fail,
-      'multiline_newline_test_04_multi': fail,
-      'multiline_newline_test_05_multi': fail,
-      'multiline_newline_test_06_multi': fail,
-      'multiline_newline_test_none_multi': fail,
-      // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/26124
-      'prefix10_negative_test': fail,
-      'library_prefixes_test1': 'skip', // not a test
-      'library_prefixes_test2': 'skip', // not a test
-      'top_level_prefixed_library_test': 'skip', // not a test
-    },
-    'language/function_type': {},
-    'language/covariant_override': {},
-    'language/function_type': {
-      'function_type50_test': fail,
-      'function_type58_test': fail,
-    },
-    'codegen': {},
-    'corelib_2': {},
-    'corelib_2/regexp': {},
-    'lib/async': {
-      'async_await_zones_test': fail,
-      'first_regression_test': async_unittest,
-      'future_or_bad_type_test_implements_multi': fail,
-      'future_or_bad_type_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'future_or_non_strong_test': fail,
-      'future_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'future_timeout_test': async_unittest,
-      'intercept_schedule_microtask5_test': async_unittest,
-      'multiple_timer_test': async_unittest,
-      'futures_test': fail,
-      'schedule_microtask2_test': async_unittest,
-      'schedule_microtask3_test': async_unittest,
-      'schedule_microtask5_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_controller_async_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_first_where_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_from_iterable_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_iterator_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_join_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_last_where_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_periodic2_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_periodic3_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_periodic4_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_periodic5_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_periodic6_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_periodic_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_single_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_single_to_multi_subscriber_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_state_helper': async_unittest,
-      'stream_state_nonzero_timer_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_state_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_subscription_as_future_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_subscription_cancel_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_timeout_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_transform_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_transformation_broadcast_test': async_unittest,
-      'stream_transformer_from_handlers_test': fail,
-      'timer_cancel1_test': async_unittest,
-      'timer_cancel2_test': async_unittest,
-      'timer_cancel_test': async_unittest,
-      'timer_isActive_test': async_unittest,
-      'timer_not_available_test': fail,
-      'timer_repeat_test': async_unittest,
-      'timer_test': async_unittest,
-      'zone_error_callback_test': fail,
-      'zone_run_unary_test': fail,
-    },
-    'lib/collection': {},
-    'lib/convert': {
-      'base64_test_01_multi': 'slow',
-      'chunked_conversion_utf85_test': 'slow',
-      'encoding_test': skip_timeout,
-      'json_utf8_chunk_test': skip_timeout,
-      'latin1_test': skip_timeout,
-      'streamed_conversion_json_encode1_test': skip_timeout,
-      'streamed_conversion_json_utf8_decode_test': skip_timeout,
-      'streamed_conversion_json_utf8_encode_test': skip_timeout,
-      'streamed_conversion_utf8_decode_test': skip_timeout,
-      'streamed_conversion_utf8_encode_test': skip_timeout,
-      'utf85_test': skip_timeout,
-    },
-    'lib/html': {
-      'async_spawnuri_test': async_unittest,
-      'async_test': async_unittest,
-       // was https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/27578, needs triage
-      'audiocontext_test': is.chrome('<=54') ? fail : pass,
-      'cross_domain_iframe_test': async_unittest,
-      'cssstyledeclaration_test': async_unittest,
-      'css_test': async_unittest,
-      // This is failing with a range error, I'm guessing because it's looking
-      // for a stylesheet and the page has none.
-      'css_rule_list_test': 'fail',
-      'custom_element_method_clash_test': async_unittest,
-      'custom_element_name_clash_test': async_unittest,
-      'custom_elements_23127_test': async_unittest,
-      'custom_elements_test': async_unittest,
-      // Please do not mark this test as fail. If your change breaks this test,
-      // please look at the test for instructions on how to generate a new
-      // golden file.
-      'debugger_test': firefox_fail,
-      // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/27579.
-      'element_classes_test': 'fail',
-      'element_classes_svg_test': 'fail',
-      // Failure: 'Expected 56 to be in the inclusive range [111, 160].'.
-      'element_offset_test': 'fail',
-      'element_test': async_unittest,
-      // This may no longer be a valid test?
-      'element_types_test': is.chrome('<=56') ? pass : fail,
-      'event_customevent_test': async_unittest,
-      'events_test': async_unittest,
-      'fileapi_test': async_unittest,
-      'filereader_test': async_unittest,
-      'fontface_loaded_test': async_unittest,
-      'fontface_test': firefox_fail,
-      'form_data_test': async_unittest,
-      'history_test': async_unittest,
-      'indexeddb_1_test': async_unittest,
-      'indexeddb_2_test': async_unittest,
-      'indexeddb_3_test': async_unittest,
-      'indexeddb_4_test': async_unittest,
-      'indexeddb_5_test': async_unittest,
-      // was https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/27578, needs triage
-      'input_element_test': 'fail',
-      'interactive_test': async_unittest,
-      'isolates_test': async_unittest,
-      'js_interop_1_test': async_unittest,
-      // The "typed literal" test fails because the object does not have "_c".
-      'js_util_test': 'fail',
-      'keyboard_event_test': async_unittest,
-      // was https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/27578, needs triage
-      'mediasource_test': 'fail',
-      'media_stream_test': 'fail',
-      // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/29071
-      'messageevent_test': firefox_fail,
-      'mutationobserver_test': async_unittest,
-      'native_gc_test': async_unittest,
-      'postmessage_structured_test': async_unittest,
-      // this is timing out on Chrome Canary only
-      // pinning this skip in case it's a transient canary issue
-      'queryall_test': is.chrome('59') ? ['skip'] : ['slow'], // see sdk #27794
-      'request_animation_frame_test': async_unittest,
-      'resource_http_test': async_unittest,
-      // was https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/27578, needs triage
-      'rtc_test': is.chrome('<=55') ? fail : pass,
-      // https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/29071
-      'serialized_script_value_test': firefox_fail,
-      'shadow_dom_test': firefox_fail,
-      // was https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/27578, needs triage
-      'speechrecognition_test': firefox_fail,
-      'text_event_test': firefox_fail,
-      // was https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/27578, needs triage
-      'touchevent_test': 'fail',
-      'transferables_test': async_unittest,
-      'transition_event_test': async_unittest,
-      'url_test': async_unittest,
-      'websocket_test': async_unittest,
-      'websql_test': async_unittest,
-      'wheelevent_test': async_unittest,
-      'worker_api_test': async_unittest,
-      'worker_test': async_unittest,
-      'xhr_cross_origin_test': async_unittest,
-      'xhr_test': async_unittest,
-      // Failing when it gets 3 instead of 42.
-      'js_typed_interop_default_arg_test_default_value_multi': 'fail',
-    },
-    'lib/html/custom': {
-      'attribute_changed_callback_test': async_unittest,
-      'constructor_calls_created_synchronously_test': async_unittest,
-      'created_callback_test': async_unittest,
-      'entered_left_view_test': async_unittest,
-      'js_custom_test': async_unittest,
-      'mirrors_test': async_unittest,
-      'regress_194523002_test': async_unittest,
-    },
-    'lib/math': {
-      // TODO(het): triage
-      'double_pow_test': fail,
-      'low_test': fail,
-      'pi_test': skip_timeout,
-      'random_big_test': fail,
-    },
-    'lib/typed_data': {
-      // No bigint or int64 support
-      'int32x4_bigint_test': fail,
-      'int64_list_load_store_test': fail,
-      'typed_data_hierarchy_int64_test': fail,
-      'typed_data_list_test': fail,
-    },
-    'lib/mirrors': {
-      'abstract_class_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'accessor_cache_overflow_test': fail,
-      'basic_types_in_dart_core_test': fail,
-      'class_mirror_location_test': fail,
-      'class_mirror_type_variables_test': fail,
-      'closurization_equivalence_test': fail,
-      'constructor_kinds_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'constructor_kinds_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'constructor_private_name_test': fail,
-      'declarations_type_test': fail,
-      'deferred_mirrors_metadata_test': skip_timeout,
-      'deferred_mirrors_metatarget_test': skip_timeout,
-      'deferred_mirrors_update_test': fail,
-      'empty_test': fail,
-      'equality_test': fail,
-      'fake_function_with_call_test': fail,
-      'field_type_test': fail,
-      'function_type_mirror_test': fail,
-      'generic_f_bounded_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'generic_f_bounded_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'generic_function_typedef_test': fail,
-      'generic_interface_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'generic_local_function_test': fail,
-      'generic_mixin_applications_test': fail,
-      'generic_mixin_test': fail,
-      'generic_superclass_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'generic_superclass_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'generic_type_mirror_test': fail,
-      'generics_double_substitution_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'generics_double_substitution_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'generics_dynamic_test': fail,
-      'generics_special_types_test': fail,
-      'generics_substitution_test': fail,
-      'generics_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'globalized_closures2_test_00_multi': fail,
-      'globalized_closures2_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'globalized_closures_test_00_multi': fail,
-      'globalized_closures_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'hot_get_field_test': fail,
-      'hot_set_field_test': fail,
-      'inherited_metadata_test': fail,
-      'instance_members_unimplemented_interface_test': fail,
-      'instance_members_with_override_test': fail, // JsClassMirror.instanceMembers unimplemented
-      'instantiate_abstract_class_test': fail,
-      'invocation_fuzz_test_emptyarray_multi': fail,
-      'invocation_fuzz_test_false_multi': fail,
-      'invocation_fuzz_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'invocation_fuzz_test_smi_multi': fail,
-      'invocation_fuzz_test_string_multi': fail,
-      'invoke_call_on_closure_test': fail,
-      'invoke_closurization2_test': fail,
-      'invoke_closurization_test': fail,
-      'invoke_import_test': fail,
-      'invoke_named_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'invoke_named_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'invoke_natives_malicious_test': fail,
-      'invoke_private_test': fail,
-      'invoke_private_wrong_library_test': fail,
-      'invoke_test': fail,
-      'invoke_throws_test': fail,
-      'libraries_test': fail,
-      'library_imports_bad_metadata_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'library_metadata_test': fail,
-      'library_uri_io_test': async_unittest,
-      'library_uri_package_test': async_unittest,
-      'list_constructor_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'list_constructor_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'load_library_test': fail,
-      'local_function_is_static_test': fail,
-      'local_isolate_test': fail,
-      'metadata_allowed_values_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'metadata_scope_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'metadata_test': fail,
-      'method_mirror_location_test': fail,
-      'method_mirror_returntype_test': fail,
-      'method_mirror_source_line_ending_test': fail,
-      'method_mirror_source_test': fail,
-      'mirrors_reader_test': fail,
-      'mirrors_used_typedef_declaration_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'mirrors_used_typedef_declaration_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'mixin_test': fail,
-      'null2_test': fail,
-      'null_test': fail,
-      'other_declarations_location_test': fail,
-      'parameter_annotation_mirror_test': fail,
-      'parameter_is_const_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'parameter_metadata_test': fail,
-      'private_class_field_test': fail,
-      'private_symbol_mangling_test': fail,
-      'private_types_test': fail,
-      'reflect_class_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'reflect_runtime_type_test': fail,
-      'reflect_uninstantiated_class_test': fail,
-      'reflected_type_classes_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'reflected_type_function_type_test': fail,
-      'reflected_type_special_types_test': fail,
-      'reflected_type_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'reflected_type_typedefs_test': fail,
-      'reflected_type_typevars_test': fail,
-      'regress_14304_test': fail,
-      'regress_26187_test': fail,
-      'relation_assignable_test': fail,
-      'relation_subtype_test': fail,
-      'set_field_with_final_test': fail,
-      'set_field_with_final_inheritance_test': fail,
-      'symbol_validation_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'symbol_validation_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'to_string_test': fail,
-      'type_argument_is_type_variable_test': fail,
-      'type_variable_is_static_test': fail,
-      'type_variable_owner_test_01_multi': fail,
-      'type_variable_owner_test_none_multi': fail,
-      'typedef_deferred_library_test': fail,  // Isolate spawn not support
-      'typedef_library_test': fail,
-      'typedef_metadata_test': fail,
-      'typedef_test': fail,
-      'typevariable_mirror_metadata_test': fail,
-      'unnamed_library_test': fail,
-      'variable_is_const_test_none_multi': fail,
-    },
-  };
-  function countMatches(text, regex) {
-    let matches = text.match(regex);
-    return matches ? matches.length : 0;
-  }
-  function libraryName(name) {
-    return name.replace(/-/g, '$45');
-  }
-  let unittest_tests = [];
-  let unittestAccidentallyInitialized = false;
-  // Pattern for selecting out generated test files in sub-directories
-  // of the codegen directory.  These are the language, corelib, etc
-  // tests
-  let languageTestPattern =
-      new RegExp('gen/codegen_output/(.*)/([^/]*_test[^/]*)');
-  // Pattern for selecting out generated test files in the toplevel
-  // codegen directory.  These are codegen tests that should be
-  // executed.
-  let codegenTestPattern =
-      new RegExp('gen/codegen_output/([^/]*_test[^/]*)');
-  // We need to let Dart unittest control when tests are run not mocha.
-  // mocha.allowUncaught(true);
-  for (let testFile of allTestFiles) {
-    let status_group;
-    let name;
-    let module;
-    let match = languageTestPattern.exec(testFile);
-    if (match != null) {
-      status_group = match[1];
-      name = match[2];
-      module = match[0];
-    } else if ((match = codegenTestPattern.exec(testFile)) != null) {
-      status_group = 'codegen';
-      name = match[1];
-      module = match[0];
-    }
-    if (match != null) {
-      let status = all_status[status_group];
-      if (status == null) throw "No status for '" + status_group + "'";
-      let expectation = status[name];
-      if (expectation == null) expectation = [];
-      if (typeof expectation == 'string') expectation = [expectation];
-      let has = (tag) => expectation.indexOf(tag) >= 0;
-      if (has('skip')) {
-        let why = 'for unknown reason';
-        if (has('timeout')) why = 'known timeout';
-        if (has('fail')) why = 'known failure';
-        console.debug('Skipping ' + why + ': ' + name);
-        continue;
-      }
-      // A few tests are special because they use package:unittest.
-      // We run them below.
-      let mainLibrary = require(module)[libraryName(name)];
-      if (mainLibrary._usesUnittestPackage) {
-        unittest_tests.push(() => {
-          console.log('Running unittest test ' + testFile);
-          mainLibrary.main();
-        });
-        continue;
-      }
-      var fullName = status_group + '/' + name;
-      test(fullName, function(done) { // 'function' to allow `this.timeout`.
-        console.debug('Running test:  ' + fullName);
-        // Many tests are async.  Currently, tests can indicate this in
-        // two different ways.  First, `main` can call (in Dart)
-        // `async_helper.asyncStart`.  We can check if this happened by
-        // querying `async_helper.asyncTestStarted` afterward and waiting for
-        // the callback if so.  Second, `main` can return a `Future`.  If so,
-        // we wait for that to complete.  If neither is true, we assume the
-        // test is synchronous.
-        //
-        // A 'failing' test will throw an exception.  This exception may be
-        // synchronous (i.e., during `main`) or asynchronous (after `main` in
-        // lieu of the callback/future).  The latter exceptions are not
-        // directly caught.  Instead, we intercept `window.onerror` to detect
-        // them.
-        //
-        // Note, if the test is marked 'negative' or 'fail', than pass and fail
-        // are effectively inverted: only a success is reported.
-        //
-        // In all cases, we funnel test completion through the `finish` handler
-        // below to handle reporting (based on status) and cleanup state.
-        //
-        // A test can finish in one of several ways:
-        // 1. Synchronous without an error.  In this case, `main` returns
-        //    null and did not set `async_helper`.  `finish` is invoked
-        //    immediately.
-        // 2. Synchronous error.  `main` throws an error.  `finish`
-        //    is invoked immediately with the error.
-        // 3. `Future` without an error.  In this case, the future completes
-        //    and asynchronously invokes `finish`.
-        // 4. Via `async_helper` without an error.  In this case, the
-        //    `async_helper` library triggers `finish` via its callback.
-        // 5. Asynchronously with an error.  In this case, `window.onerror`
-        //    triggers `finish` with the error.
-        // 6. Hangs.  In this case, we rely on the underlying mocha framework
-        //    timeout.
-        //
-        // TODO(vsm): This currently doesn't handle tests that trigger multiple
-        // asynchronous exceptions.
-        let negative = /negative_test/.test(name) ||
-            mainLibrary._expectRuntimeError;
-        let fail = has('fail');
-        function finish(error) {
-          // If the test left any lingering detritus in the DOM, blow it away
-          // so it doesn't interfere with later tests.
-          if (fail) {
-            if (negative) {
-              if (error) {
-                error = new Error(
-                  "negative test marked as 'fail' " +
-                  "but passed by throwing:\n" + error);
-              }
-            } else if (error) {
-              error = null
-            } else {
-              error = new Error("test marked as 'fail' but passed");
-            }
-          } else if (negative) {
-            if (!error) {
-              error = new Error("test marked as 'negative' but did not throw");
-            } else {
-              error = null;
-            }
-          }
-          minitest.finishTests();
-          document.body.innerHTML = '';
-          console.log("cleared");
-          if (error && !(error instanceof Error)) error = new Error(error);
-          done(error);
-        }
-        // Intercept uncaught exceptions
-        window.onerror = function(message, url, line, column, error) {
-          console.warn('Asynchronous error in ' + name + ': ' + message);
-          if (!error) {
-            error = new Error(message);
-          }
-          finish(error);
-        };
-        async_helper.asyncTestInitialize(finish);
-        if (has('slow')) this.timeout(10000);
-        var result;
-        try {
-          var result = mainLibrary.main();
-          if (result && !(dart_sdk.async.Future.is(result))) {
-            result = null;
-          }
-        } catch (e) {
-          finish(e);
-        }
-        // Ensure this isn't a unittest
-        if (!unittestAccidentallyInitialized &&
-            unittest.src__test_environment.environment.initialized) {
-          // This suppresses duplicate messages for later tests
-          unittestAccidentallyInitialized = true;
-          finish(new Error('Test ' + name + ' must be marked as a unittest'));
-        } else if (!async_helper.asyncTestStarted) {
-          if (!result) {
-            finish();
-          } else {
-            result.then(dart_sdk.dart.dynamic)(() => finish(),
-              { onError: (e) => finish(e) });
-          }
-        }
-      });
-    }
-  }
-  // We run these tests in a mocha test wrapper to avoid the confusing failure
-  // case of dart unittests being interleaved with mocha tests.
-  // In practice we are really just suppressing all mocha test behavior while
-  // Dart unittests run and then re-enabling it when the dart tests complete.
-  html_config.useHtmlConfiguration();
-  test('run all dart unittests', function(done) { // 'function' to allow `this.timeout`
-    // Use the whitelist for all unittests - there may be an error in the framework
-    // itself.
-    dart_sdk.dart.ignoreWhitelistedErrors(true);
-    if (unittest_tests.length == 0) return done();
-    // TODO(vsm): We're using an old deprecated version of unittest.
-    // We need to migrate all tests (in the SDK itself) off of
-    // unittest.
-    // All unittests need to be explicitly marked as such above.  If
-    // not, the unittest framework will be run in a 'normal' test and
-    // left in an inconsistent state at this point triggering spurious
-    // failures.  This check ensures we're not in such a state.  If it fails,
-    // we've likely added a new unittest and need to categorize it as such.
-    if (unittest.src__test_environment.environment.testCases[dart_sdk.dartx.length] != 0) {
-      return done(new Error('Unittest framework in an invalid state'));
-    }
-    this.timeout(100000000);
-    this.enableTimeouts(false);
-    // Suppress mocha on-error handling because it will mess up unittests.
-    window.onerror = function(err, url, line) {
-      console.error(err, url, line);
-    };
-    window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
-      if (event.data == 'unittest-suite-done') {
-        window.console.log("Done running unittests");
-        let output = document.body.textContent;
-        // Restore the Mocha onerror handler in case future tests need to run.
-        window.onerror = mochaOnError;
-        this.enableTimeouts(true);
-        dart_sdk.dart.ignoreWhitelistedErrors(false);
-        let numErrors = countMatches(output, /\d\s+ERROR/g);
-        let numFails = countMatches(output, /\d\s+FAIL/g);
-        if (numErrors != num_expected_unittest_errors ||
-            numFails != num_expected_unittest_fails) {
-          output = "Expected " + num_expected_unittest_fails +
-              " fail and " + num_expected_unittest_errors +
-              " error unittests, got " + numFails + " fail and " +
-              numErrors + "error tests.\n" + output;
-          console.error(output);
-          done(new Error(output));
-        } else {
-          console.log(output);
-          done();
-        }
-      }
-    });
-    for (let action of unittest_tests) {
-      try {
-        action();
-      } catch (e) {
-        console.error("Caught error tying to setup test:", e);
-      }
-    }
-  });
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/browser/runtime_tests.js b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/browser/runtime_tests.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a4b29fe..0000000
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/browser/runtime_tests.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1254 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-define(['dart_sdk'], function(dart_sdk) {
-  const assert = chai.assert;
-  const async = dart_sdk.async;
-  const core = dart_sdk.core;
-  const collection = dart_sdk.collection;
-  const dart = dart_sdk.dart;
-  const dartx = dart.dartx;
-  dart.trapRuntimeErrors(false);
-  suite('ignore', () => {
-    "use strict";
-    let FutureOr = async.FutureOr$;
-    let Future = async.Future$;
-    let List = core.List$;
-    setup(() => {
-      dart_sdk.dart.ignoreWhitelistedErrors(false);
-    });
-    teardown(() => {
-      dart_sdk.dart.ignoreWhitelistedErrors(false);
-    });
-    test('FutureOr', () => {
-      let f = Future(dart.dynamic).value(42);
-      let l = [1, 2, 3];
-      assert.throws(() => { dart.as(f, FutureOr(core.int)); });
-      assert.throws(() => { dart.as(l, FutureOr(List(core.int)))});
-      dart_sdk.dart.ignoreWhitelistedErrors(true);
-      assert.equal(f, dart.as(f, FutureOr(core.int)));
-      assert.equal(l, dart.as(l, FutureOr(List(core.int))));
-    });
-  });
-  suite('generic', () => {
-    "use strict";
-    let generic = dart.generic;
-    test('zero arguments is not allowed', () => {
-      assert.throws(() => { generic(function(){}); });
-    });
-    test('dcall noSuchMethod has correct error target', () => {
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(42),
-          new RegExp('NoSuchMethodError.*\nReceiver: 42', 'm'),
-          'Calls with non-function receiver should throw a NoSuchMethodError' +
-          ' with correct target');
-      // TODO(jmesserly): we should show the name "print" in there somewhere.
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(core.print, 1, 2, 3),
-          new RegExp('NoSuchMethodError.*\n' +
-          "Receiver: Instance of '\\(Object\\) -> void'", 'm'),
-          'Calls with incorrect argument types should throw a NoSuchMethodError' +
-          ' with correct target');
-    });
-    test('can throw number', () => {
-      try {
-        dart.throw(42);
-      } catch (e) {
-        assert.equal(e, 42);
-      }
-    });
-    test('argument count cannot change', () => {
-      let SomeType = generic(function(x) { return {x: x}; });
-      assert.throws(() => { SomeType(1,2) });
-      let obj = {};
-      assert.equal(SomeType(obj).x, obj);
-      assert.equal(SomeType(obj).x, obj);
-      assert.equal(SomeType().x, dart.dynamic);
-    });
-    test('undefined/null are not allowed', () => {
-      let SomeType = generic(function(x) {});
-      assert.throws(() => { SomeType(void 0) });
-      SomeType(1);
-      assert.throws(() => { SomeType(void 0) });
-      SomeType(1);
-      assert.throws(() => { SomeType(null) });
-    });
-    test('result is memoized', () => {
-      let t1 = Object.create(null);
-      let t2 = Object.create(null);
-      let count = 0;
-      let SomeType = generic(function(x, y) {
-        count++;
-        return Object.create(null);
-      });
-      let x12 = SomeType(1, 2);
-      assert.strictEqual(SomeType(1, 2), x12);
-      assert.strictEqual(SomeType(1, 2), x12);
-      assert.strictEqual(count, 1);
-      let x11 = SomeType(1, 1);
-      assert.strictEqual(count, 2);
-      assert.strictEqual(SomeType(1, 1), x11);
-      assert.strictEqual(count, 2);
-      count = 0;
-      let t1t2 = SomeType(t1, t2);
-      assert.strictEqual(count, 1);
-      let t2t1 = SomeType(t2, t1);
-      assert.strictEqual(count, 2);
-      assert.notStrictEqual(t1t2, t2t1);
-      assert.strictEqual(SomeType(t1, t2), t1t2);
-      assert.strictEqual(SomeType(t2, t1), t2t1);
-      assert.strictEqual(SomeType(t1, t2), t1t2);
-      count = 0;
-      // Nothing has been stored on the object
-      assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(t1).length, 0);
-      assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(t2).length, 0);
-    });
-    test('type constructor is reflectable', () => {
-      let SomeType = generic(function(x, y) { return Object.create(null); });
-      let someValue = SomeType('hi', 123);
-      assert.equal(dart.getGenericClass(someValue), SomeType);
-      assert.deepEqual(dart.getGenericArgs(someValue), ['hi', 123]);
-    });
-    test('proper type constructor is called', () => {
-      // This tests https://github.com/dart-lang/dev_compiler/issues/178
-      let l = dart_sdk._interceptors.JSArray$(core.int).of([1, 2, 3]);
-      let s = l[dartx.join]();
-      assert.equal(s, '123');
-    });
-  });
-  suite('instanceOf', () => {
-    "use strict";
-    let expect = assert.equal;
-    let generic = dart.generic;
-    let intIsNonNullable = false;
-    let cast = dart.as;
-    let instanceOf = dart.is;
-    let strongInstanceOf = dart.strongInstanceOf;
-    let getReifiedType = dart.getReifiedType;
-    let fnTypeFuzzy = dart.fnTypeFuzzy;
-    let typedef = dart.typedef;
-    let isSubtype = dart.isSubtype;
-    let Object = core.Object;
-    let String = core.String;
-    let dynamic = dart.dynamic;
-    let List = core.List;
-    let Map = core.Map;
-    let Map$ = core.Map$;
-    let double = core.double;
-    let int = core.int;
-    let num = core.num;
-    let bool = core.bool;
-    class A {}
-    class B extends A {}
-    class C extends B {}
-    let AA$ = generic((T, U) => {
-      class AA extends core.Object {}
-      (AA.new = function() {}).prototype = AA.prototype;
-      return AA;
-    });
-    let AA = AA$();
-    let BB$ = generic((T, U) => {
-      class BB extends AA$(U, T) {}
-      (BB.new = function() {}).prototype = BB.prototype;
-      return BB;
-    });
-    let BB = BB$();
-    class CC extends BB$(String, List) {}
-    (CC.new = function() {}).prototype = CC.prototype;
-    let Func2 = typedef('Func2', () => fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [dynamic, dynamic]));
-    let Foo = typedef('Foo', () => fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-    let FuncG$ = generic((T, U) => typedef('FuncG', () => fnTypeFuzzy(T, [T, U])))
-    let FuncG = FuncG$();
-    // TODO(vsm): Revisit when we encode types on functions properly.
-    // A bar1(C c, String s) => null;
-    function bar1(c, s) { return null; }
-    dart.fn(bar1, dart.fnType(A, [C, String]));
-    // bar2(B b, String s) => null;
-    function bar2(b, s) { return null; }
-    dart.fn(bar2, dart.fnType(dynamic, [B, String]));
-    // B bar3(B b, Object o) => null;
-    function bar3(b, o) { return null; }
-    dart.fn(bar3, dart.fnType(B, [B, Object]));
-    // B bar4(B b, o) => null;
-    function bar4(b, o) { return null; }
-    dart.fn(bar4, dart.fnType(B, [B, dynamic]));
-    // C bar5(A a, Object o) => null;
-    function bar5(a, o) { return null; }
-    dart.fn(bar5, dart.fnType(C, [A, Object]));
-    // B bar6(B b, String s, String o) => null;
-    function bar6(b, s, o) { return null; }
-    dart.fn(bar6, dart.fnType(B, [B, String, String]));
-    // B bar7(B b, String s, [Object o]) => null;
-    function bar7(b, s, o) { return null; }
-    dart.fn(bar7, dart.fnType(B, [B, String], [Object]));
-    // B bar8(B b, String s, {Object p}) => null;
-    function bar8(b, s, o) { return null; }
-    dart.fn(bar8, dart.fnType(B, [B, String], {p: Object}));
-    let cls1 = dart.fn((c, s) => { return null; },
-                       dart.fnType(A, [C, String]));
-    let cls2 = dart.fn((b, s) => { return null; },
-                       dart.fnType(dynamic, [B, String]));
-    let cls3 = dart.fn((b, o) => { return null; },
-                       dart.fnType(B, [B, Object]));
-    let cls4 = dart.fn((b, o) => { return null; },
-                       dart.fnType(B, [B, dynamic]));
-    let cls5 = dart.fn((a, o) => { return null; },
-                       dart.fnType(C, [A, Object]));
-    let cls6 = dart.fn((b, s, o) => { return null; },
-                       dart.fnType(B, [B, String, String]));
-    let cls7 = dart.fn((b, s, o) => { return null; },
-                       dart.fnType(B, [B, String], [Object]));
-    let cls8 =
-      dart.fn((b, s, o) => { return null; },
-              dart.fnType(B, [B, String], {p: Object}));
-    function checkType(x, type, expectedTrue) {
-      if (expectedTrue === undefined) expectedTrue = true;
-      expect(instanceOf(x, type), expectedTrue,
-        '"' + x + '" ' +
-        (expectedTrue ? 'should' : 'should not') +
-        ' be an instance of "' + dart.typeName(type) + '"');
-    }
-    test('int', () => {
-      checkType(5, int);
-      checkType(5, dynamic);
-      checkType(5, Object);
-      checkType(5, num);
-      checkType(5, bool, false);
-      checkType(5, String, false);
-      expect(cast(5, int), 5);
-      if (intIsNonNullable) {
-        expect(() => cast(null, int), throws);
-      } else {
-        expect(cast(null, int), null);
-      }
-    });
-    test('dynamic', () => {
-      checkType(new Object.new(), dynamic);
-      checkType(null, dynamic);
-      expect(cast(null, dynamic), null);
-    });
-    test('Object', () => {
-      checkType(new Object.new(), dynamic);
-      checkType(null, Object);
-      expect(cast(null, Object), null);
-    });
-    test('null', () => {
-      // Object, dynamic cases are already handled above.
-      checkType(null, core.Null);
-      checkType(null, core.String, false);
-      checkType(null, core.int, false);
-      checkType(null, Map, false);
-      checkType(void 0, core.Null);
-      checkType(void 0, core.Object);
-      checkType(void 0, dart.dynamic);
-    });
-    test('String', () => {
-      checkType("foo", String);
-      checkType("foo", Object);
-      checkType("foo", dynamic);
-      expect(cast(null, String), null);
-    });
-    test('FutureOr', () => {
-      let FutureOr = async.FutureOr$;
-      assert.equal(dart.as(3, FutureOr(int)), 3);
-      assert.equal(dart.as(3, FutureOr(double)), 3);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.as(3.5, FutureOr(int)));
-      assert.equal(dart.as(3.5, FutureOr(double)), 3.5);
-      assert.isTrue(dart.is(3, FutureOr(int)));
-      assert.isTrue(dart.is(3, FutureOr(double)));
-      assert.isFalse(dart.is(3.5, FutureOr(int)));
-      assert.isTrue(dart.is(3.5, FutureOr(double)));
-      assert.equal(dart.as(3, FutureOr(FutureOr(double))), 3);
-      assert.isTrue(dart.is(3, FutureOr(FutureOr(double))));
-    });
-    test('Map', () => {
-      let m1 = Map$(String, String).new();
-      let m2 = Map$(Object, Object).new();
-      let m3 = Map.new();
-      let m4 = collection.HashMap$(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic).new();
-      let m5 = collection.LinkedHashMap.new();
-      let m6 = Map$(String, dart.dynamic).new();
-      // Map<T1,T2> <: Map
-      checkType(m1, Map);
-      checkType(m1, Object);
-      // Instance of self
-      checkType(m1, getReifiedType(m1));
-      checkType(m1, Map$(String, String));
-      // Covariance on generics
-      checkType(m1, getReifiedType(m2));
-      checkType(m1, Map$(Object, Object));
-      // No contravariance on generics.
-      checkType(m2, getReifiedType(m1), false);
-      checkType(m2, Map$(String, String), false);
-      // null is! Map
-      checkType(null, Map, false);
-      // Raw generic types
-      checkType(m5, Map);
-      checkType(m4, Map);
-      // Is checks
-      assert.isFalse(dart.is(m3, Map$(String, String)));
-      assert.isFalse(dart.is(m6, Map$(String, String)));
-      assert.isTrue(dart.is(m1, Map$(String, String)));
-      assert.isFalse(dart.is(m2, Map$(String, String)));
-      // As checks
-      // TODO(vsm): Enable these.  We're currently only logging warnings on
-      // StrongModeErrors.
-      // assert.throws(() => dart.as(m3, Map$(String, String)),
-      //   dart.StrongModeError);
-      // assert.throws(() => dart.as(m6, Map$(String, String)),
-      //   dart.StrongModeError);
-      assert.equal(dart.as(m1, Map$(String, String)), m1);
-      // assert.throws(() => dart.as(m2, Map$(String, String)),
-      //   dart.StrongModeError);
-    });
-    test('constructors', () => {
-      class C extends core.Object {
-      }
-      (C.new = function(x) {}).prototype = C.prototype;
-      (C.named = function(x, y) {}).prototype = C.prototype;
-      dart.setSignature(C, {
-        constructors: () => ({
-          new: dart.fnType(C, [core.int]),
-          named: dart.fnType(C, [core.int, core.int])
-        })
-      });
-      let getType = dart.classGetConstructorType;
-      isSubtype(getType(C), dart.fnTypeFuzzy(C, [core.int]));
-      isSubtype(getType(C), dart.fnTypeFuzzy(C, [core.String]), false);
-      isSubtype(getType(C, 'new'), dart.fnTypeFuzzy(C, [core.int]));
-      isSubtype(getType(C, 'new'), dart.fnTypeFuzzy(C, [core.String]), false);
-      isSubtype(getType(C, 'named'), dart.fnTypeFuzzy(C, [core.int, core.int]));
-      isSubtype(getType(C, 'named'),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(C, [core.int, core.String]), false);
-    });
-    test('generic and inheritance', () => {
-      let aaraw = new AA.new();
-      let aarawtype = getReifiedType(aaraw);
-      let aadynamic = new (AA$(dynamic, dynamic).new)();
-      let aadynamictype = getReifiedType(aadynamic);
-      let aa = new (AA$(String, List).new)();
-      let aatype = getReifiedType(aa);
-      let bb = new (BB$(String, List).new)();
-      let bbtype = getReifiedType(bb);
-      let cc = new CC.new();
-      let cctype = getReifiedType(cc);
-      // We don't allow constructing bad types.
-      // This was AA<String> in Dart (wrong number of type args).
-      let aabad = new (AA$(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic).new)();
-      let aabadtype = getReifiedType(aabad);
-      checkType(cc, aatype, false);
-      checkType(cc, AA$(String, List), false);
-      checkType(cc, bbtype);
-      checkType(cc, BB$(String, List));
-      checkType(aa, cctype, false);
-      checkType(aa, CC, false);
-      checkType(aa, bbtype, false);
-      checkType(aa, BB$(String, List), false);
-      checkType(bb, cctype, false);
-      checkType(bb, CC, false);
-      checkType(aa, aabadtype);
-      checkType(aa, dynamic);
-      checkType(aabad, aatype, false);
-      checkType(aabad, AA$(String, List), false);
-      checkType(aabad, aarawtype);
-      checkType(aabad, AA);
-      checkType(aaraw, aabadtype);
-      checkType(aaraw, AA$(dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic));
-      checkType(aaraw, aadynamictype);
-      checkType(aaraw, AA$(dynamic, dynamic));
-      checkType(aadynamic, aarawtype);
-      checkType(aadynamic, AA);
-    });
-    test('void', () => {
-      //checkType((x) => x, type((void _(x)) {}));
-    });
-    test('mixins', () => {
-      let c = collection;
-      var s1 = new (c.SplayTreeSet$(String).new)();
-      checkType(s1, c.IterableMixin);
-      checkType(s1, c.IterableMixin$(String));
-      checkType(s1, c.IterableMixin$(int), false);
-      checkType(s1, c.SetMixin);
-      checkType(s1, c.SetMixin$(String));
-      checkType(s1, c.SetMixin$(int), false);
-    });
-    test('Type', () => {
-      checkType(int, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(num, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(bool, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(String, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(dynamic, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(Object, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(List, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(Map, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(Map$(int, String), core.Type, true);
-      checkType(Func2, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [dynamic]), core.Type, true);
-      checkType(core.Type, core.Type, true);
-      checkType(3, core.Type, false);
-      checkType("hello", core.Type, false);
-    })
-    test('Functions', () => {
-      // - return type: Dart is bivariant.  We're covariant.
-      // - param types: Dart is bivariant.  We're contravariant.
-      checkType(bar1, Foo, false);
-      checkType(cls1, Foo, false);
-      checkType(bar1, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]), false);
-      checkType(cls1, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]), false);
-      checkType(bar2, Foo, false);
-      checkType(cls2, Foo, false);
-      checkType(bar2, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]), false);
-      checkType(cls2, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]), false);
-      checkType(bar3, Foo);
-      checkType(cls3, Foo);
-      checkType(bar3, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-      checkType(cls3, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-      checkType(bar4, Foo, true);
-      checkType(cls4, Foo, true);
-      checkType(bar4, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]), true);
-      checkType(cls4, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]), true);
-      checkType(bar5, Foo);
-      checkType(cls5, Foo);
-      checkType(bar5, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-      checkType(cls5, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-      checkType(bar6, Foo, false);
-      checkType(cls6, Foo, false);
-      checkType(bar6, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]), false);
-      checkType(cls6, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]), false);
-      checkType(bar7, Foo);
-      checkType(cls7, Foo);
-      checkType(bar7, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-      checkType(cls7, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-      checkType(bar7, getReifiedType(bar6));
-      checkType(cls7, getReifiedType(bar6));
-      checkType(bar8, Foo);
-      checkType(cls8, Foo);
-      checkType(bar8, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-      checkType(cls8, fnTypeFuzzy(B, [B, String]));
-      checkType(bar8, getReifiedType(bar6), false);
-      checkType(cls8, getReifiedType(bar6), false);
-      checkType(bar7, getReifiedType(bar8), false);
-      checkType(cls7, getReifiedType(bar8), false);
-      checkType(bar8, getReifiedType(bar7), false);
-      checkType(cls8, getReifiedType(bar7), false);
-      // Parameterized typedefs
-      checkType(bar1, FuncG$(B, String), false);
-      checkType(cls1, FuncG$(B, String), false);
-      checkType(bar3, FuncG$(B, String));
-      checkType(cls3, FuncG$(B, String));
-    });
-    test('dcall', () => {
-      function dd2d(x, y) {return x};
-      dart.fn(dd2d);
-      function ii2i(x, y) {return x};
-      dart.fn(ii2i, dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int, core.int]));
-      function ii_2i(x, y) {return x};
-      dart.fn(ii_2i, dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int], [core.int]));
-      function i_i2i(x, opts) {return x};
-      dart.fn(i_i2i,
-              dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int], {extra: core.int}));
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(dd2d, 0, 1), 0);
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(dd2d, "hello", "world"), "hello");
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(dd2d, 0));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(dd2d, 0, 1, 2));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(dd2d, 0, 1, {extra : 3}));
-      // This should throw but currently doesn't.
-      //    assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(dd2d, 0, {extra:3}));
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(ii2i, 0, 1), 0);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(ii2i, "hello", "world"));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(ii2i, 0));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(ii2i, 0, 1, 2));
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(ii_2i, 0, 1), 0);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(ii_2i, "hello", "world"));
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(ii_2i, 0), 0);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(ii_2i, 0, 1, 2));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(i_i2i, 0, 1));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(i_i2i, "hello", "world"));
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(i_i2i, 0), 0);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(i_i2i, 0, 1, 2));
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(i_i2i, 0, {extra: 3}), 0);
-    });
-    test('dsend', () => {
-      class Tester extends core.Object {
-        m(x, y) {return x;}
-        call(x) {return x;}
-        static s(x, y) { return x;}
-      }
-      (Tester.new = function() {
-        this.f = dart.fn(x => x,
-                          dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int]));
-        this.me = this;
-      }).prototype = Tester.prototype;
-      dart.setSignature(Tester, {
-        methods: () => ({
-          m: dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int, core.int]),
-          call: dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int])
-        }),
-        statics: () => ({
-          s: dart.fnType(core.String, [core.String])
-        }),
-        names: ['s']
-      })
-      let o = new Tester.new();
-      // Method send
-      assert.equal(dart.dsend(o, 'm', 3, 4), 3);
-      assert.equal(dart.dsend(o, 'm', null, 4), null);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dsend(o, 'm', 3));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dsend(o, 'm', "hello", "world"));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dsend(o, 'q', 3));
-      // Method send through a field
-      assert.equal(dart.dsend(o, 'f', 3), 3);
-      assert.equal(dart.dsend(o, 'f', null), null);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dsend(o, 'f', "hello"));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dsend(o, 'f', 3, 4));
-      // Static method call
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(Tester.s, "hello"), "hello");
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(Tester.s, null), null);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(Tester.s, "hello", "world"));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(Tester.s, 0, 1));
-      // Calling an object with a call method
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(o, 3), 3);
-      assert.equal(dart.dcall(o, null), null);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(o, "hello"));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dcall(o, 3, 4));
-      // Calling through a field containing an object with a call method
-      assert.equal(dart.dsend(o, 'me', 3), 3);
-      assert.equal(dart.dsend(o, 'me', null), null);
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dsend(o, 'me', "hello"));
-      assert.throws(() => dart.dsend(o, 'me', 3, 4));
-    });
-    test('Types on top level functions', () => {
-      // Test some generated code
-      // Test the lazy path
-      checkType(core.identityHashCode,
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.Object]));
-      // Test the normal path
-      checkType(core.identical,
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.bool,
-                                  [core.Object, core.Object]));
-      // Hand crafted tests
-      // All dynamic
-      function dd2d(x, y) {return x};
-      dart.fn(dd2d);
-      checkType(dd2d, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.dynamic,
-                                        [dart.dynamic, dart.dynamic]));
-      // Set the type eagerly
-      function ii2i(x, y) {return x};
-      dart.fn(ii2i, dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int, core.int]));
-      checkType(ii2i, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int,
-                                        [core.int, core.int]));
-      // Set the type lazily
-      function ss2s(x, y) {return x};
-      var coreString;
-      dart.lazyFn(ss2s,
-                  () => dart.fnType(coreString,
-                                                  [coreString, coreString]));
-      coreString = core.String;
-      checkType(ss2s, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.String,
-                                        [core.String, core.String]));
-      // Optional types
-      function ii_2i(x, y) {return x};
-      dart.fn(ii_2i, dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int], [core.int]));
-      checkType(ii_2i, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.int],
-                                         [core.int]));
-      checkType(ii_2i, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.int,
-                                                    core.int]));
-      checkType(ii_2i, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [], [core.int,
-                                                        core.int]),
-                false);
-      checkType(ii_2i, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.int],
-                                         {extra: core.int}), false);
-      // Named types
-      function i_i2i(x, opts) {return x};
-      dart.fn(i_i2i, dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int],
-                                               {extra: core.int}));
-      checkType(i_i2i, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.int],
-                                         {extra: core.int}));
-      checkType(i_i2i, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int,
-                                         [core.int, core.int]), false);
-      checkType(i_i2i, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.int], {}));
-      checkType(i_i2i,
-          dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [], {extra: core.int,
-                                           also: core.int}), false);
-      checkType(i_i2i,
-          dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.int], [core.int]), false);
-    });
-    test('Method tearoffs', () => {
-      let c = collection;
-      // Tear off of an inherited method
-      let map = Map$(core.int, core.String).new();
-      checkType(dart.bind(map, 'toString'),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(String, []));
-      checkType(dart.bind(map, 'toString'),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(int, []), false, true);
-      // Tear off of a method directly on the object
-      let smap = new (c.SplayTreeMap$(core.int, core.String).new)();
-      checkType(dart.bind(smap, 'forEach'),
-          dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void,
-                            [dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [core.int, core.String])]));
-      checkType(dart.bind(smap, 'forEach'),
-          dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void,
-              [dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void,
-                  [core.String, core.String])]), false, true);
-      // Tear off of a mixed in method
-      let mapB = new (c.MapBase$(core.int, core.int).new)();
-      checkType(dart.bind(mapB, 'forEach'),
-          dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [
-              dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [core.int, core.int])]));
-      checkType(dart.bind(mapB, 'forEach'),
-          dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [
-              dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [core.int, core.String])]),
-                false, true);
-      // Tear off of a method with a symbol name
-      let listB = new (c.ListBase$(core.int).new)();
-      // List.add is reified as taking Object
-      checkType(dart.bind(listB, dartx.add),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [core.int]));
-      checkType(dart.bind(listB, dartx.add),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [core.String]), true);
-      checkType(dart.bind(listB, dartx.removeAt),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [core.String]), false);
-      // Tear off of a static method
-      checkType(c.ListBase.listToString,
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.String, [core.List]));
-      checkType(c.ListBase.listToString,
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.String, [core.String]), false);
-      // Tear-off of extension methods on primitives
-      checkType(dart.bind(3.0, dartx.floor),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, []));
-      checkType(dart.bind(3.0, dartx.floor),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.String, []), false);
-      checkType(dart.bind("", dartx.endsWith),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.bool, [core.String]));
-      checkType(dart.bind("", dartx.endsWith),
-                dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.bool, [core.int]), false);
-      // Tear off a mixin method
-      class Base {
-        m(x) {return x;}
-      };
-      dart.setSignature(Base, {
-        methods: () => ({
-          m: dart.fnType(core.int, [core.int]),
-        })
-      });
-      class M1 {
-        m(x) {return x;}
-      };
-      dart.setSignature(M1, {
-        methods: () => ({
-          m: dart.fnType(core.num, [core.int]),
-        })
-      });
-      class M2 {
-        m(x) {return x;}
-      };
-      dart.setSignature(M2, {
-        methods: () => ({
-          m: dart.fnType(core.Object, [core.int]),
-        })
-      });
-      class O extends dart.mixin(Base, M1, M2) {}
-      (O.new = function() {}).prototype = O.prototype;
-      dart.setSignature(O, {});
-      var obj = new O.new();
-      var m = dart.bind(obj, 'm');
-      checkType(m, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.Object, [core.int]));
-      checkType(m, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.int]), false);
-      // Test inherited signatures
-      class P extends O {
-        m(x) {return x;};
-      };
-      (P.new = function() {}).prototype = P.prototype;
-      dart.setSignature(P, {});
-      var obj = new P.new();
-      var m = dart.bind(obj, 'm');
-      checkType(m, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.Object, [core.int]));
-      checkType(m, dart.fnTypeFuzzy(core.int, [core.int]), false);
-    });
-    test('Object members', () => {
-      let nullHash = dart.hashCode(null);
-      assert.equal(nullHash, 0);
-      let nullString = dart.toString(null);
-      assert.equal(nullString, 'null');
-      let map = Map.new();
-      let mapHash = dart.hashCode(map);
-      checkType(mapHash, core.int);
-      assert.equal(mapHash, map.hashCode);
-      let mapString = dart.toString(map);
-      assert.equal(mapString, map.toString());
-      checkType(mapString, core.String);
-      let str = "A string";
-      let strHash = dart.hashCode(str);
-      checkType(strHash, core.int);
-      let strString = dart.toString(str);
-      checkType(strString, core.String);
-      assert.equal(str, strString);
-      let n = 42;
-      let intHash = dart.hashCode(n);
-      checkType(intHash, core.int);
-      let intString = dart.toString(n);
-      assert.equal(intString, '42');
-    });
-  });
-  suite('subtyping', function() {
-    'use strict';
-    let fnTypeFuzzy = dart.fnTypeFuzzy;
-    let fnType = dart.fnType;
-    let typedef = dart.typedef;
-    let isSubtype = dart.isSubtype;
-    let int = core.int;
-    let num = core.num;
-    let dyn = dart.dynamic;
-    function always(t1, t2) {
-      assert.equal(isSubtype(t1, t2), true,
-          dart.toString(t1) +
-          " should always be a subtype of " +
-          dart.toString(t2));
-    }
-    function never(t1, t2) {
-      assert.equal(isSubtype(t1, t2), false,
-          dart.toString(t1) +
-          " should never be a subtype of " +
-          dart.toString(t2));
-    }
-    function maybe(t1, t2) {
-      assert.equal(isSubtype(t1, t2), null,
-          dart.toString(t1) +
-          " should maybe be a subtype of " +
-          dart.toString(t2));
-    }
-    function always2(t1, t2) {
-      always(t1, t2);
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(t1, [t2]), fnTypeFuzzy(t2, [t1]));
-    }
-    function never2(t1, t2) {
-      never(t1, t2);
-      maybe(fnTypeFuzzy(t1, [t2]), fnTypeFuzzy(t2, [t1]));
-    }
-    function maybe2(t1, t2) {
-      maybe(t1, t2);
-      maybe(fnTypeFuzzy(t1, [t2]), fnTypeFuzzy(t2, [t1]));
-    }
-    function run_test(func1, func2, func2opt, func1extra, func2extra) {
-      always2(func2(int, int), func2(int, int));
-      always2(func2(int, num), func2(int, int));
-      always2(func2(int, int), func2(num, int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, int), func2opt(int, int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, num), func2opt(int, int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, int), func2opt(num, int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, int), func2(int, int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, num), func2(int, int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, int), func2(num, int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, int), func1(int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, num), func1(int));
-      always2(func2opt(int, int), func1(num));
-      always2(func2extra(int, int), func2(int, int));
-      always2(func2extra(int, num), func2(int, int));
-      always2(func2extra(int, int), func2(num, int));
-      maybe2(func2(int, int), func2(int, num));
-      maybe2(func2(num, int), func2(int, int));
-      maybe2(func2opt(num, num), func1(int));
-      maybe2(func2opt(int, int), func2opt(int, num));
-      maybe2(func2opt(num, int), func2opt(int, int));
-      maybe2(func2opt(int, int), func2(int, num));
-      maybe2(func2opt(num, int), func2(int, int));
-      maybe2(func2extra(int, int), func2(int, num));
-      maybe2(func2extra(num, int), func2(int, int));
-      never2(func1(int), func2(int, num));
-      never2(func1(num), func2(int, int));
-      never2(func1(num), func2(num, num));
-      never2(func2(int, int), func1(int));
-      never2(func2(num, int), func1(int));
-      never2(func2(num, num), func1(num));
-      never2(func1(int), func2opt(int, num));
-      never2(func1(num), func2opt(int, int));
-      never2(func1(num), func2opt(num, num));
-      never2(func2(int, int), func2opt(int, num));
-      never2(func2(num, int), func2opt(int, int));
-      never2(func2(num, num), func2opt(num, num));
-      never2(func1extra(int), func2(int, num));
-      never2(func1extra(num), func2(int, int));
-      never2(func1extra(num), func2(num, num));
-      never2(func1extra(int), func2opt(int, num));
-      never2(func1extra(num), func2opt(int, int));
-      never2(func1extra(num), func2opt(num, num));
-      never2(func1(int), func1extra(int));
-      never2(func1(num), func1extra(int));
-      never2(func1(num), func1extra(num));
-      never2(func2(int, int), func1extra(int));
-      never2(func2(num, int), func1extra(int));
-      never2(func2(num, num), func1extra(num));
-      never2(func2(int, int), func2extra(int, int));
-      never2(func2(num, int), func2extra(int, int));
-      never2(func2(num, num), func2extra(num, num));
-    };
-    test('basic function types', () => {
-      function func1(S) {
-        return fnTypeFuzzy(S, []);
-      }
-      function func2(S, T) {
-        return fnTypeFuzzy(S, [T]);
-      }
-      function func2opt(S, T) {
-        return fnTypeFuzzy(S, [], [T]);
-      }
-      function func1extra(S) {
-        return fnTypeFuzzy(S, [], {extra: int});
-      }
-      function func2extra(S, T) {
-        return fnTypeFuzzy(S, [T], {extra: int});
-      }
-      run_test(func1, func2, func2opt, func1extra, func2extra);
-    });
-    test('top and bottom types', () => {
-      let FutureOr = async.FutureOr$;
-      let tops = [
-        dart.dynamic,
-        core.Object,
-        dart.void,
-        FutureOr(dart.dynamic),
-        FutureOr(core.Object),
-        FutureOr(dart.void),
-        FutureOr(FutureOr(core.Object)),
-        // ... skip the (infinite) rest of the top types :D
-      ];
-      let bottoms = [dart.bottom, core.Null];
-      for (let top of tops) {
-        for (let bottom of bottoms) {
-          always(bottom, top);
-          always(
-              fnType(bottom, [top]),
-              fnType(top, [bottom]));
-        }
-      }
-      for (let equalTypes of [tops, bottoms]) {
-        for (let t1 of equalTypes) {
-          for (let t2 of equalTypes) {
-            always(t1, t2);
-            always(t2, t1);
-            let t11 = fnType(t1, [t1]);
-            let t22 = fnType(t2, [t2]);
-            always(t11, t22);
-            always(t22, t11);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    });
-    test('basic typedefs', () => {
-      function func1(S) {
-        return dart.typedef('Func1', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, []))
-      }
-      function func2(S, T) {
-        return dart.typedef('Func2', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [T]))
-      }
-      function func2opt(S, T) {
-        return dart.typedef('Func2', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [], [T]))
-      }
-      function func1extra(S) {
-        return dart.typedef('Func1', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [], {extra: int}))
-      }
-      function func2extra(S, T) {
-        return dart.typedef('Func2', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [T], {extra: int}))
-      }
-      run_test(func1, func2, func2opt, func1extra, func2extra);
-    });
-    test('basic generic typedefs', () => {
-      let func1 = dart.generic(
-        (S) => dart.typedef('Func1', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [])));
-      let func2 = dart.generic(
-        (S, T) => dart.typedef('Func2', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [T])));
-      let func2opt = dart.generic(
-        (S, T) => dart.typedef('Func2', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [], [T])));
-      let func1extra = dart.generic(
-        (S) => dart.typedef('Func1', () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [], {extra: int})));
-      let func2extra = dart.generic(
-        (S, T) => dart.typedef('Func2',
-                               () => fnTypeFuzzy(S, [T], {extra: int})));
-      run_test(func1, func2, func2opt, func1extra, func2extra);
-    });
-    test('fuzzy function types', () => {
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, []));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int], {extra: int}), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, []));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn], {extra: dyn}), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-    });
-    test('void function types', () => {
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, []));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int], {extra: int}), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, []));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [int], {extra: int}), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, []));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn], {extra: dyn}), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [dyn]), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, []));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn], {extra: dyn}), fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [], [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, []));
-      always(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [int], {extra: int}), fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn]));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(int, [dyn]));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [dyn]));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(int, [dyn]));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(int, []));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [int], {extra: int}), fnTypeFuzzy(int, [dyn]));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int]));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int]));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int]));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [], [int]), fnTypeFuzzy(int, []));
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [int], {extra: int}), fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int]));
-    });
-    test('higher-order typedef', () => {
-      let Func$ = dart.generic((S, T) =>
-                               dart.typedef('Func', () =>
-                                            fnTypeFuzzy(T, [S])));
-      let Func2$ = dart.generic((R, S, T) =>
-                                dart.typedef('Func2', () =>
-                                             fnTypeFuzzy(T, [Func$(R, S)])));
-      maybe(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [fnTypeFuzzy(int, [num])]),
-            fnTypeFuzzy(num, [fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int])]));
-      maybe(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [Func$(num, int)]),
-            fnTypeFuzzy(num, [Func$(int, int)]));
-      maybe(Func2$(num, int, int), Func2$(int, int, num));
-    });
-    test('mixed types', () => {
-      let AA$ = dart.generic((T) => {
-        class AA extends core.Object {}
-        (AA.new = function() {}).prototype = AA.prototype;
-        return AA;
-      });
-      always(int, dyn);
-      maybe(dyn, int);
-      never(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int]), int);
-      never(int, fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int]));
-      always(AA$(int), AA$(dyn));
-      maybe(AA$(dyn), AA$(int));
-      never(AA$(core.Object), AA$(int));
-      always(AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int])), AA$(dyn));
-      maybe(AA$(dyn), AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int])));
-      never(AA$(core.Object), AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int])));
-      always(AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int])), AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn])));
-      maybe(AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(dyn, [dyn])), AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int])));
-      maybe(AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(core.Object, [core.Object])),
-            AA$(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int])));
-    });
-  });
-  suite('canonicalization', function() {
-    'use strict';
-    let fnTypeFuzzy = dart.fnTypeFuzzy;
-    let fnType = dart.fnType;
-    let typedef = dart.typedef;
-    let generic = dart.generic;
-    let Object = core.Object;
-    let String = core.String;
-    let int = core.int;
-    let dynamic = dart.dynamic;
-    let bottom = dart.bottom;
-    let Map = core.Map;
-    let Map$ = core.Map$;
-    class A {}
-    let AA$ = generic((T, U) => {
-      class AA extends core.Object {}
-      (AA.new = function() {}).prototype = AA.prototype;
-      return AA;
-    });
-    let AA = AA$();
-    let Func2 = typedef('Func2', () => fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [dynamic, dynamic]));
-    let FuncG$ = generic((T, U) => typedef('FuncG', () => fnTypeFuzzy(T, [T, U])))
-    let FuncG = FuncG$();
-    test('base types', () => {
-      assert.equal(Object, Object);
-      assert.equal(String, String);
-      assert.equal(dynamic, dynamic);
-    });
-    test('class types', () => {
-      assert.equal(A, A);
-    });
-    test('generic class types', () => {
-      assert.equal(AA, AA);
-      assert.equal(AA, AA$(dynamic, dynamic));
-      assert.equal(AA$(dynamic, dynamic), AA$(dynamic, dynamic));
-      assert.equal(AA$(AA, Object), AA$(AA, Object));
-      assert.equal(Map, Map);
-      assert.equal(Map$(dynamic, dynamic), Map);
-      assert.equal(Map$(int, Map$(int, int)), Map$(int, Map$(int, int)));
-    });
-    test('typedefs', () => {
-      assert.equal(Func2, Func2);
-      assert.equal(FuncG, FuncG$(dynamic, dynamic));
-      assert.equal(FuncG$(dynamic, dynamic), FuncG$(dynamic, dynamic));
-      assert.equal(FuncG$(String, Func2), FuncG$(String, Func2));
-    });
-    test('function types', () => {
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [dynamic, dynamic]),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [dynamic, dynamic]))
-      assert.notEqual(fnType(dynamic, [dynamic, dynamic]),
-                      fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [dynamic, dynamic]))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [dynamic, dynamic]),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [bottom, bottom]))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], [dynamic, dynamic]),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], [dynamic, dynamic]))
-      assert.notEqual(fnType(dynamic, [], [dynamic, dynamic]),
-                      fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], [dynamic, dynamic]))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], [dynamic, dynamic]),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], [bottom, bottom]))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], {extra: dynamic}),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], {extra: dynamic}))
-      assert.notEqual(fnType(dynamic, [], {extra: dynamic}),
-                      fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], {extra: dynamic}))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], {extra: dynamic}),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(dynamic, [], {extra: bottom}))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int]),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int]))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int, int]),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(int, [], [int, int]))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int], {extra: int}),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int], {extra: int}))
-      assert.equal(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int, int, int, int]),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int, int, int, int]))
-      assert.notEqual(fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int, int, int, int]),
-                      fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int, int], [int, int]))
-      assert.notEqual(fnTypeFuzzy(String, [int, int, int, int, int]),
-                      fnTypeFuzzy(int, [int, int, int, int, int]))
-      assert.notEqual(fnTypeFuzzy(String, []),
-                   fnTypeFuzzy(int, []))
-    });
-  });
-  suite('primitives', function() {
-    'use strict';
-    test('fixed length list', () => {
-      let list = core.List.new(10);
-      list[0] = 42;
-      assert.throws(() => list.add(42));
-    });
-    test('toString on ES Symbol', () => {
-      let sym = Symbol('_foobar');
-      assert.equal(dart.toString(sym), 'Symbol(_foobar)');
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/codegen/async_helper.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/codegen/async_helper.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 49e33ca..0000000
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/codegen/async_helper.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This library is used for testing asynchronous tests.
-/// If a test is asynchronous, it needs to notify the testing driver
-/// about this (otherwise tests may get reported as passing [after main()
-/// finished] even if the asynchronous operations fail).
-/// Tests which can't use the unittest framework should use the helper functions
-/// in this library.
-/// This library provides four methods
-///  - asyncStart(): Needs to be called before an asynchronous operation is
-///                  scheduled.
-///  - asyncEnd(): Needs to be called as soon as the asynchronous operation
-///                ended.
-///  - asyncSuccess(_): Variant of asyncEnd useful together with Future.then.
-///  - asyncTest(f()): Helper method that wraps a computation that returns a
-///                    Future with matching calls to asyncStart() and
-///                    asyncSuccess(_).
-/// After the last asyncStart() called was matched with a corresponding
-/// asyncEnd() or asyncSuccess(_) call, the testing driver will be notified that
-/// the tests is done.
-library async_helper;
-bool _initialized = false;
-typedef void _Action0();
-_Action0 _onAsyncEnd;
-int _asyncLevel = 0;
-Exception _buildException(String msg) {
-  return new Exception('Fatal: $msg. This is most likely a bug in your test.');
-/// Implementation method called from language_tests.js.
-/// Registers the callback that will be used to complete the test.
-void asyncTestInitialize(_Action0 callback) {
-  _asyncLevel = 0;
-  _initialized = false;
-  _onAsyncEnd = callback;
-/// Implementation method called from language_tests.js.
-/// Returns true if an asyncTest was started.
-bool get asyncTestStarted => _initialized;
-/// Call this method before an asynchronous test is created.
-/// If [count] is provided, expect [count] [asyncEnd] calls instead of just one.
-void asyncStart([int count = 1]) {
-  if (count <= 0) return;
-  if (_initialized && _asyncLevel == 0) {
-    throw _buildException('asyncStart() was called even though we are done '
-        'with testing.');
-  }
-  if (!_initialized) {
-    if (_onAsyncEnd == null) {
-      throw _buildException(
-          'asyncStart() was called before asyncTestInitialize()');
-    }
-    print('unittest-suite-wait-for-done');
-    _initialized = true;
-  }
-  _asyncLevel += count;
-/// Call this after an asynchronous test has ended successfully.
-void asyncEnd() {
-  if (_asyncLevel <= 0) {
-    if (!_initialized) {
-      throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().');
-    } else {
-      throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called more often than '
-          'asyncStart().');
-    }
-  }
-  _asyncLevel--;
-  if (_asyncLevel == 0) {
-    var callback = _onAsyncEnd;
-    _onAsyncEnd = null;
-    callback();
-    print('unittest-suite-success');
-  }
- * Call this after an asynchronous test has ended successfully. This is a helper
- * for calling [asyncEnd].
- *
- * This method intentionally has a signature that matches [:Future.then:] as a
- * convenience for calling [asyncEnd] when a [:Future:] completes without error,
- * like this:
- *
- *     asyncStart();
- *     Future result = test();
- *     result.then(asyncSuccess);
- */
-void asyncSuccess(_) => asyncEnd();
- * Helper method for performing asynchronous tests involving [:Future:].
- *
- * [f] must return a [:Future:] for the test computation.
- */
-void asyncTest(f()) {
-  asyncStart();
-  f().then(asyncSuccess);
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/codegen_expected/async_helper.js b/pkg/dev_compiler/test/codegen_expected/async_helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d3a0723..0000000
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/test/codegen_expected/async_helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-define(['dart_sdk'], function(dart_sdk) {
-  'use strict';
-  const core = dart_sdk.core;
-  const dart = dart_sdk.dart;
-  const dartx = dart_sdk.dartx;
-  const _root = Object.create(null);
-  const async_helper = Object.create(_root);
-  let VoidTovoid = () => (VoidTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, [])))();
-  let VoidTodynamic = () => (VoidTodynamic = dart.constFn(dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.dynamic, [])))();
-  let StringToException = () => (StringToException = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(core.Exception, [core.String])))();
-  let FnTovoid = () => (FnTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [VoidTovoid()])))();
-  let VoidTovoid$ = () => (VoidTovoid$ = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [])))();
-  let dynamicTovoid = () => (dynamicTovoid = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [dart.dynamic])))();
-  let FnTovoid$ = () => (FnTovoid$ = dart.constFn(dart.fnType(dart.void, [VoidTodynamic()])))();
-  dart.defineLazy(async_helper, {
-    get _initialized() {
-      return false;
-    },
-    set _initialized(_) {}
-  });
-  async_helper._Action0 = dart.typedef('_Action0', () => dart.fnTypeFuzzy(dart.void, []));
-  dart.defineLazy(async_helper, {
-    get _onAsyncEnd() {
-      return null;
-    },
-    set _onAsyncEnd(_) {},
-    get _asyncLevel() {
-      return 0;
-    },
-    set _asyncLevel(_) {}
-  });
-  async_helper._buildException = function(msg) {
-    return core.Exception.new(dart.str`Fatal: ${msg}. This is most likely a bug in your test.`);
-  };
-  dart.fn(async_helper._buildException, StringToException());
-  async_helper.asyncTestInitialize = function(callback) {
-    async_helper._asyncLevel = 0;
-    async_helper._initialized = false;
-    async_helper._onAsyncEnd = callback;
-  };
-  dart.fn(async_helper.asyncTestInitialize, FnTovoid());
-  dart.copyProperties(async_helper, {
-    get asyncTestStarted() {
-      return async_helper._initialized;
-    }
-  });
-  async_helper.asyncStart = function() {
-    if (dart.test(async_helper._initialized) && async_helper._asyncLevel === 0) {
-      dart.throw(async_helper._buildException('asyncStart() was called even though we are done ' + 'with testing.'));
-    }
-    if (!dart.test(async_helper._initialized)) {
-      if (async_helper._onAsyncEnd == null) {
-        dart.throw(async_helper._buildException('asyncStart() was called before asyncTestInitialize()'));
-      }
-      core.print('unittest-suite-wait-for-done');
-      async_helper._initialized = true;
-    }
-    async_helper._asyncLevel = dart.notNull(async_helper._asyncLevel) + 1;
-  };
-  dart.fn(async_helper.asyncStart, VoidTovoid$());
-  async_helper.asyncEnd = function() {
-    if (dart.notNull(async_helper._asyncLevel) <= 0) {
-      if (!dart.test(async_helper._initialized)) {
-        dart.throw(async_helper._buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().'));
-      } else {
-        dart.throw(async_helper._buildException('asyncEnd() was called more often than ' + 'asyncStart().'));
-      }
-    }
-    async_helper._asyncLevel = dart.notNull(async_helper._asyncLevel) - 1;
-    if (async_helper._asyncLevel === 0) {
-      let callback = async_helper._onAsyncEnd;
-      async_helper._onAsyncEnd = null;
-      callback();
-      core.print('unittest-suite-success');
-    }
-  };
-  dart.fn(async_helper.asyncEnd, VoidTovoid$());
-  async_helper.asyncSuccess = function(_) {
-    return async_helper.asyncEnd();
-  };
-  dart.fn(async_helper.asyncSuccess, dynamicTovoid());
-  async_helper.asyncTest = function(f) {
-    async_helper.asyncStart();
-    dart.dsend(f(), 'then', async_helper.asyncSuccess);
-  };
-  dart.fn(async_helper.asyncTest, FnTovoid$());
-  dart.trackLibraries("async_helper", {
-    "async_helper.dart": async_helper
-  }, null);
-  // Exports:
-  return {
-    async_helper: async_helper
-  };
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/build_pkgs.dart b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/build_pkgs.dart
index c8b3bf12..91bea3a 100755
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/build_pkgs.dart
+++ b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/build_pkgs.dart
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 /// Compiles a [module] with a single matching ".dart" library and additional
 /// [libs] and [deps] on other modules.
 Future compileModule(String module,
-    {List<String> libs, List<String> deps}) async {
+    {List<String> libs = const [], List<String> deps = const []}) async {
   if (analyzerSummary != null) compileModuleUsingAnalyzer(module, libs, deps);
   if (kernelSummary != null) await compileKernelSummary(module, libs, deps);
@@ -143,35 +143,20 @@
     String module, List<String> libraries, List<String> dependencies) {
   var args = [
-    '-o${pkgDirectory}/$module.js'
+    '-o${pkgDirectory}/$module.js',
+    // There is always a library that matches the module.
+    'package:$module/$module.dart'
-  // There is always a library that matches the module.
-  args.add('package:$module/$module.dart');
   // Add any additional libraries.
-  if (libraries != null) {
-    for (var lib in libraries) {
-      args.add('package:$module/$lib.dart');
-    }
+  for (var lib in libraries) {
+    args.add('package:$module/$lib.dart');
   // Add summaries for any modules this depends on.
-  if (dependencies != null) {
-    for (var dep in dependencies) {
-      args.add('-s${pkgDirectory}/$dep.sum');
-    }
+  for (var dep in dependencies) {
+    args.add('-s${pkgDirectory}/$dep.sum');
-  // TODO(rnystrom): Hack. DDC has its own forked copy of async_helper that
-  // has a couple of differences from pkg/async_helper. We should unfork them,
-  // but I'm not sure how they'll affect the other non-DDC tests. For now, just
-  // use ours.
-  if (module == 'async_helper') {
-    args.add('--url-mapping=package:async_helper/async_helper.dart,' +
-        p.join(scriptDirectory, "../test/codegen/async_helper.dart"));
-  }
   var exitCode = analyzer.compile(args);
   if (exitCode != 0) exit(exitCode);
@@ -193,36 +178,20 @@
     ..reportMessages = true
     ..target = new DevCompilerTarget();
-  var inputs = <Uri>[];
+  // There is always a library that matches the module.
+  var inputs = [Uri.parse("package:$module/$module.dart")];
-  if (module == "async_helper") {
-    // TODO(rnystrom): Hack. DDC has its own forked copy of async_helper that
-    // has a couple of differences from pkg/async_helper. We should unfork them,
-    // but I'm not sure how they'll affect the other non-DDC tests. For now,
-    // just use ours.
-    inputs.add(_uriInRepo("pkg/dev_compiler/test/codegen/async_helper.dart"));
-  } else {
-    // There is always a library that matches the module.
-    inputs.add(Uri.parse("package:$module/$module.dart"));
-    // Add any other libraries too.
-    if (libraries != null) {
-      for (var lib in libraries) {
-        inputs.add(Uri.parse("package:$module/$lib.dart"));
-      }
-    }
+  // Add any other libraries too.
+  for (var lib in libraries) {
+    inputs.add(Uri.parse("package:$module/$lib.dart"));
   // Add summaries for any modules this depends on.
-  if (dependencies != null) {
-    var uris = <Uri>[];
-    for (var dep in dependencies) {
-      uris.add(p.toUri(p.absolute(p.join(pkgDirectory, "$dep.dill"))));
-    }
-    options.inputSummaries = uris;
+  var uris = <Uri>[];
+  for (var dep in dependencies) {
+    uris.add(p.toUri(p.absolute(p.join(pkgDirectory, "$dep.dill"))));
+  options.inputSummaries = uris;
   // Compile the summary.
   var bytes = await summaryFor(inputs, options);
diff --git a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/run.js b/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/run.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ec9eb24..0000000
--- a/pkg/dev_compiler/tool/run.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-/// This is a utility to run and debug an individual DDC compiled test.
-/// Tests can be run with either node or devtool (a Chrome-based utility with
-/// DOM APIs and developer tools support).
-/// Install devtool via:
-/// > npm install -g devtool
-/// Run via:
-/// > devtool tool/run.js -- corelib_2/apply2_test
-/// or
-/// > node tool/run.js corelib_2/apply2_test
-/// See TODO below on async / unittest support. 
-var args = process.argv.slice(2);
-if (args.length != 1) {
-  throw new Error("Usage: devtool tool/run.js <test-module-name>");
-var test = args[0];
-var requirejs = require('requirejs');
-var ddcdir = __dirname + '/../';
-  baseUrl: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output',
-  paths: {
-    dart_sdk: ddcdir + 'lib/js/amd/dart_sdk',
-    async_helper: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output/pkg/async_helper',
-    expect: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output/pkg/expect',
-    js: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output/pkg/js',
-    matcher: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output/pkg/matcher',
-    minitest: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output/pkg/minitest',
-    path: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output/pkg/path',
-    stack_trace: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output/pkg/stack_trace',
-    unittest: ddcdir + 'gen/codegen_output/pkg/unittest',
-  }
-// TODO(vsm): Factor out test framework code in test/browser/language_tests.js
-// and use here.  Async tests and unittests won't work without it.
-var sdk = requirejs('dart_sdk');
-let negative = /negative_test/.test(test);
-function finish(e) {
-  if (negative) {
-    if (e) {
-      e = null;
-    } else {
-      e = new Error("test marked as 'negative' but did not throw");
-    }
-  }
-  if (e) {
-    console.log('Test ' + test + ' failed:\n' + e.toString());
-    sdk.dart.stackPrint(e);
-  } else {
-    console.log('Test ' + test + ' passed.');
-  }
-sdk._isolate_helper.startRootIsolate(() => {}, []);
-// Make it easier to debug test failures and required for formatter test that
-// assumes custom formatters are enabled.
-var async_helper = requirejs('async_helper').async_helper;
-var module = requirejs(test);
-var lib = test.split('/').slice(-1)[0];
-try {
-  if (module[lib]._expectRuntimeError) negative = true;
-  var result = module[lib].main();
-  // async_helper tests call finish directly - call here for all other
-  // tests.
-  if (!async_helper.asyncTestStarted) {
-    if (!result || !(sdk.async.Future.is(result))) {
-      finish();
-    } else {
-      // Wait iff result is a future
-      result.then(sdk.dart.dynamic)(() => finish(), { onError: (e) => finish(e) });
-    }
-  }
-} catch (e) {
-  finish(e);
diff --git a/tools/testing/dart/browser_test.dart b/tools/testing/dart/browser_test.dart
index 4c2d536..4d60b05 100644
--- a/tools/testing/dart/browser_test.dart
+++ b/tools/testing/dart/browser_test.dart
@@ -86,9 +86,6 @@
 requirejs(["$testName", "dart_sdk", "async_helper"],
     function($testName, sdk, async_helper) {  
-  // TODO(rnystrom): This uses DDC's forked version of async_helper. Unfork
-  // these packages when possible.
-  async_helper.async_helper.asyncTestInitialize(function() {});
   sdk._isolate_helper.startRootIsolate(function() {}, []);