blob: a4b99ef670f034716edd33746fb235b766d8344f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.integration.analysis.update.content;
import '../../reflective_tests.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../integration_tests.dart';
class Test extends AbstractAnalysisServerIntegrationTest {
test_updateContent() {
String pathname = sourcePath('test.dart');
String goodText = r'''
main() {
print("Hello, world!");
String badText = goodText.replaceAll(';', '');
writeFile(pathname, badText);
return analysisFinished.then((_) {
// The contents on disk (badText) are missing a semicolon.
expect(currentAnalysisErrors[pathname], isNot(isEmpty));
}).then((_) => sendAnalysisUpdateContent({
pathname: {
'type': 'add',
'content': goodText
})).then((result) => analysisFinished).then((_) {
// There should be no errors now because the contents on disk have been
// overriden with goodText.
expect(currentAnalysisErrors[pathname], isEmpty);
return sendAnalysisUpdateContent({
pathname: {
'type': 'change',
'edits': [{
'offset': goodText.indexOf(';'),
'length': 1,
'replacement': ''
}).then((result) => analysisFinished).then((_) {
// There should be errors now because we've removed the semicolon.
expect(currentAnalysisErrors[pathname], isNot(isEmpty));
return sendAnalysisUpdateContent({
pathname: {
'type': 'change',
'edits': [{
'offset': goodText.indexOf(';'),
'length': 0,
'replacement': ';'
}).then((result) => analysisFinished).then((_) {
// There should be no errors now because we've added the semicolon back.
expect(currentAnalysisErrors[pathname], isEmpty);
return sendAnalysisUpdateContent({
pathname: {
'type': 'remove'
}).then((result) => analysisFinished).then((_) {
// Now there should be errors again, because the contents on disk are no
// longer overridden.
expect(currentAnalysisErrors[pathname], isNot(isEmpty));
main() {