blob: cf98d7c8302634b3313fc0321e88c9f232be0c27 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
iterable_where_type_test: RuntimeError # Disabled. Issue 32463
maps_test: Skip # Maps class no longer exists
[ $compiler == app_jitk ]
symbol_operator_test/03: RuntimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/06: RuntimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/09: RuntimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/12: RuntimeError
symbol_test/none: RuntimeError
unicode_test: RuntimeError
[ $compiler == dart2analyzer ]
bigint_from_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 32585
compare_to2_test: CompileTimeError # invalid test
int_parse_radix_bad_handler_test: MissingCompileTimeError
int_try_parse_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 32585
iterable_element_at_test/static: Pass
num_sign_test: Crash, Pass # Issue 31768
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
bigint_from_test: RuntimeError # Issue 32589
date_time11_test: RuntimeError, Pass # Fails when US is on winter time, issue 31285.
iterable_where_type_test: RuntimeError # issue 31718
list_unmodifiable_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 28712
[ $compiler != dartdevc ]
error_stack_trace_test/static: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler == dartdevk ]
bigint_from_test: RuntimeError # Issue 32589
bigint_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
bit_twiddling_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
bool_from_environment2_test/03: Crash
compare_to2_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
date_time_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
double_ceil_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
double_floor_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
double_round_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
double_truncate_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
growable_list_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_ceil_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_ceil_to_double_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_floor_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_floor_to_double_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_from_environment_int64_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_modulo_arith_test/modPow: RuntimeError
int_modulo_arith_test/none: RuntimeError
int_parse_radix_int64_test/01: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_parse_radix_int64_test/02: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_parse_radix_int64_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_round_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_round_to_double_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_to_int_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_truncate_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_truncate_to_double_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
integer_arith_vm_test/modPow: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
integer_arith_vm_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
integer_to_string_test/01: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
num_parse_test/01: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
num_parse_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
num_sign_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
string_from_environment3_test/03: Crash
[ $compiler == precompiler ]
bigint_test: Pass, Timeout # --no_intrinsify
int_parse_radix_test: Pass, Timeout # --no_intrinsify
integer_parsed_mul_div_vm_test: Pass, Timeout # --no_intrinsify
regexp/stack-overflow_test: RuntimeError, OK # Smaller limit with irregex interpreter
[ $mode == debug ]
regexp/pcre_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 22008
[ $runtime == flutter ]
apply3_test: RuntimeError
bool_from_environment_test: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
format_exception_test: RuntimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/01: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/05: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/10: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/15: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
from_environment_const_type_test/none: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
int_from_environment2_test: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
int_from_environment_int64_test: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
int_from_environment_test: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
main_test: RuntimeError # Flutter Issue 9111
string_from_environment2_test: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
string_from_environment_test: Fail # Flutter Issue 9111
[ $runtime == jsshell ]
string_case_test/01: Fail, OK # German double S.
unicode_test: Fail
[ $runtime != none ]
nsm_invocation_generic_test: RuntimeError # Not implemented yet. Issue 27323.
[ $runtime == safari ]
double_round3_test: Fail, OK # Runtime rounds 0.49999999999999994 to 1.
double_round_to_double2_test: Fail, OK # Runtime rounds 0.49999999999999994 to 1.
string_trimlr_test/unicode63: RuntimeError # Uses Unicode 6.2.0 or earlier.
[ $fasta ]
symbol_reserved_word_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError
symbol_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
symbol_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
[ !$strong ]
cast_test: SkipByDesign # Uses generic method parameters.
regress_33166_test: SkipByDesign # Not a Dart 1 test
[ $arch == simarmv5te && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm) ]
int_parse_radix_test/*: Pass, Slow
integer_parsed_mul_div_vm_test: Pass, Slow
[ $arch == x64 && $system == windows ]
stopwatch_test: Skip # Flaky test due to expected performance behaviour.
# All static_tests have expected compile-time errors.
[ $compiler != app_jitk && $compiler != dart2analyzer && $compiler != dart2js && $compiler != dartdevc && $compiler != dartdevk && $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkp && $compiler != fasta && $strong ]
core_runtime_types_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
splay_tree_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
splay_tree_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
string_base_vm_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
string_replace_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
string_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler != app_jitk && $compiler != dart2js && $compiler != dartdevc && $compiler != dartdevk && $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkp && $compiler != fasta ]
iterable_element_at_test/static: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler != app_jitk && $compiler != dart2js && $compiler != dartdevc && $compiler != dartdevk && $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkp && $compiler != fasta && ($compiler != dart2analyzer || !$strong) ]
iterable_mapping_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler != app_jitk && $compiler != dart2js && $compiler != dartdevc && $compiler != dartdevk && $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkp && $runtime != none ]
map_keys2_test: RuntimeError # needs Dart 2 is checks
[ $compiler == dart2analyzer && $strong ]
int_parse_radix_bad_handler_test: Pass
[ $compiler != dart2analyzer && $compiler != dart2js && $compiler != dartdevc && $compiler != dartdevk ]
bigint_js_test: SkipByDesign # JavaScript-specific test
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chromeOnAndroid ]
list_as_map_test: Pass, Slow # TODO(kasperl): Please triage.
string_trimlr_test/unicode63: RuntimeError # Uses Unicode 6.2.0 or earlier.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 ]
uri_base_test: RuntimeError # D8 uses a custom uri scheme for Uri.base
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime != none ]
regexp/pcre_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 21593
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime != none && !$strong ]
collection_of_test: RuntimeError # Strong mode test
map_of_test: RuntimeError # Strong mode test
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == safari ]
regexp/lookahead_test: RuntimeError
regexp/no-extensions_test: RuntimeError
regexp/overflow_test: RuntimeError
[ $compiler == dart2js && !$browser ]
package_resource_test: RuntimeError # Issue 26842
[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $fasta && $strong ]
apply3_test: RuntimeError
collection_of_test: RuntimeError
error_stack_trace1_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12399
from_environment_const_type_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
iterable_return_type_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 20085
iterable_return_type_test/02: RuntimeError # Dart2js does not support Uint64*.
iterable_to_list_test/01: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
iterable_to_list_test/none: Crash # Wrong number of template arguments, given 2, expected 1
list_replace_range_test: RuntimeError # Issue 32010
list_test/01: Crash # Unsupported operation: Unsupported type parameter type node T.
list_test/none: Crash # Unsupported operation: Unsupported type parameter type node T.
map_test: Crash # tests/corelib_2/map_test.dart:903:7: Internal problem: Unhandled Null in installDefaultConstructor.
symbol_reserved_word_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 19972, new Symbol('void') should be allowed.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $fast_startup && $fasta && $strong ]
error_stack_trace1_test: RuntimeError
growable_list_test: RuntimeError
integer_to_radix_string_test/01: RuntimeError
integer_to_radix_string_test/02: RuntimeError
integer_to_radix_string_test/none: RuntimeError
integer_to_string_test/01: RuntimeError
iterable_return_type_test/02: RuntimeError # Dart2js does not support Uint64*.
list_concurrent_modify_test: RuntimeError
main_test: RuntimeError
nan_infinity_test/01: RuntimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 19972, new Symbol('void') should be allowed.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta ]
bigint_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
bit_twiddling_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
compare_to2_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
date_time_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
double_ceil_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
double_floor_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
double_round_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
double_truncate_test/int64: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
growable_list_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_ceil_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_ceil_to_double_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_floor_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_floor_to_double_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_from_environment_int64_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_parse_radix_int64_test/01: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_parse_radix_int64_test/02: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_parse_radix_int64_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_parse_radix_test/01: RuntimeError
int_round_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_round_to_double_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_to_int_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_truncate_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
int_truncate_to_double_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
integer_arith_vm_test/modPow: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
integer_arith_vm_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
integer_to_string_test/01: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
num_parse_test/01: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
num_parse_test/none: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
num_sign_test: CompileTimeError, OK # Error if web int literal cannot be represented exactly, see
[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta && $minified && $strong ]
dynamic_nosuchmethod_test: RuntimeError
error_stack_trace1_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12399
growable_list_test: RuntimeError # Concurrent modifications test always runs
hash_set_test/01: Crash # Assertion failure: Cannot find value Instance of 'ThisLocal' in (local(_CustomHashSet.#x), local(_CustomHashSet.#)) for j:closure_call(
integer_to_radix_string_test/01: RuntimeError
integer_to_radix_string_test/02: RuntimeError
integer_to_radix_string_test/none: RuntimeError
integer_to_string_test/01: RuntimeError
iterable_return_type_test/02: RuntimeError # Dart2js does not support Uint64*.
list_concurrent_modify_test: RuntimeError # dart2js does not fully implement these
list_unmodifiable_test: RuntimeError
main_test: RuntimeError
nan_infinity_test/01: RuntimeError
nsm_invocation_test: RuntimeError # Symbols don't match due to minifiaction.
regexp/pcre_test: RuntimeError
symbol_operator_test/03: RuntimeError
symbol_operator_test/none: RuntimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 19972, new Symbol('void') should be allowed.
uri_base_test: RuntimeError
[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta && !$strong ]
*: SkipByDesign
[ $compiler == dart2js && !$fasta ]
*: SkipByDesign
[ $compiler == dart2js && $strong ]
error_stack_trace1_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12399
growable_list_test: RuntimeError # Concurrent modifications test always runs
integer_to_radix_string_test/01: RuntimeError
integer_to_radix_string_test/02: RuntimeError
integer_to_radix_string_test/none: RuntimeError
integer_to_string_test/01: RuntimeError
iterable_return_type_test/02: RuntimeError # Dart2js does not support Uint64*.
list_concurrent_modify_test: RuntimeError # dart2js does not fully implement these
list_unmodifiable_test: RuntimeError
main_test: RuntimeError
nan_infinity_test/01: RuntimeError
regexp/pcre_test: RuntimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 19972, new Symbol('void') should be allowed.
[ $compiler != dart2js && $fasta ]
bool_from_environment2_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
string_from_environment3_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler == dartdevc && $runtime != none ]
bigint_from_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 32585
compare_to2_test: CompileTimeError # invalid test
int_try_parse_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 32585
symbol_operator_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
[ $compiler != dartdevc && $compiler != dartdevk && $checked && !$strong ]
core_runtime_types_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
splay_tree_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
splay_tree_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
string_base_vm_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
string_replace_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
string_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler == dartk && $mode == release && $hot_reload ]
bigint_parse_radix_test: Crash
# ===== dartk + vm status lines =====
[ $compiler == dartk && $runtime == vm && $strong ]
iterable_fold_test/02: RuntimeError
iterable_reduce_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 31533
iterable_reduce_test/none: RuntimeError
symbol_operator_test/03: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
symbol_reserved_word_test/06: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
symbol_reserved_word_test/09: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
symbol_reserved_word_test/12: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
symbol_test/none: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
unicode_test: RuntimeError # Issue 18061: German double S.
[ $compiler != dartk && $runtime == vm && $checked ]
apply_test/01: RuntimeError
[ $compiler == dartkp && $runtime == dart_precompiled && $strong ]
bigint_test: Pass, Timeout # --no_intrinsify
iterable_fold_test/02: RuntimeError
iterable_reduce_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 31533
iterable_reduce_test/none: RuntimeError
regexp/stack-overflow_test: RuntimeError
symbol_operator_test/03: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
symbol_reserved_word_test/06: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
symbol_reserved_word_test/09: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
symbol_reserved_word_test/12: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
symbol_test/none: RuntimeError # Issues 11669 and 31936 - throwing const constructors.
unicode_test: RuntimeError # Issue 18061: German double S.
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == drt ]
string_from_environment2_test: Skip
string_from_environment3_test: Skip
string_from_environment_test: Skip
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == vm ]
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError
string_base_vm_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == vm && !$checked && !$fasta ]
from_environment_const_type_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
iterable_generate_test/01: RuntimeError
[ $compiler == none && ($runtime == flutter || $runtime == vm) ]
iterable_to_set_test: RuntimeError # is-checks do not implement strong mode type system
[ $compiler == precompiler && $runtime == dart_precompiled && !$checked ]
iterable_generate_test/01: RuntimeError
splay_tree_from_iterable_test: RuntimeError
[ $runtime == dart_precompiled && $minified ]
apply_test: Skip # Uses new Symbol via symbolMapToStringMap helper
error_stack_trace1_test: Skip # Expects unobfuscated stack trace
[ $runtime == drt && ($compiler == dart2js || $compiler == dartdevc || $compiler == dartdevk) ]
string_trimlr_test/unicode63: RuntimeError # Uses Unicode 6.2.0 or earlier.
[ $runtime != drt && ($compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler) ]
symbol_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 11669
symbol_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 11669
[ $runtime != none && ($compiler == dart2js || $compiler == dartdevc || $compiler == dartdevk) ]
bit_twiddling_test/int64: RuntimeError, OK # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
compare_to2_test: RuntimeError, OK # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
double_ceil_test/int64: RuntimeError, OK # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
double_floor_test/int64: RuntimeError, OK # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
double_round_test/int64: RuntimeError, OK # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
double_truncate_test/int64: RuntimeError, OK # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
hash_set_test/01: RuntimeError # non JS number semantics - Issue 11551
int_modulo_arith_test/modPow: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
int_parse_with_limited_ints_test: Skip # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
integer_arith_vm_test/modPow: RuntimeError # Issues 10245, 30170
integer_parsed_arith_vm_test: RuntimeError # Issues 10245, 29921
integer_parsed_div_rem_vm_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
integer_parsed_mul_div_vm_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regress_r21715_test: RuntimeError # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
typed_data_with_limited_ints_test: Skip # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
[ $runtime != none && ($compiler == dartdevc || $compiler == dartdevk) ]
bigint_test: Pass, Slow, Timeout
compare_to2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 30170
date_time10_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
error_stack_trace_test/nullThrown: RuntimeError # .stackTrace not present for exception caught from 'throw null;'
hash_set_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
int_modulo_arith_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
int_parse_radix_int64_test/02: RuntimeError
int_parse_radix_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
int_parse_with_limited_ints_test: Skip # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
integer_arith_vm_test/modPow: RuntimeError # Issue 30170
integer_parsed_arith_vm_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
integer_to_radix_string_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
integer_to_string_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
iterable_return_type_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
list_concurrent_modify_test: RuntimeError # DDC uses ES6 array iterators so it does not issue this
list_removeat_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
main_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
nan_infinity_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/alternative-length-miscalculation_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/ascii-regexp-subject_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/bol-with-multiline_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/capture-3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/char-insensitive_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/character-match-out-of-order_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/compile-crash_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/default_arguments_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/early-acid3-86_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/ecma-regex-examples_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/extended-characters-match_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/extended-characters-more_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/find-first-asserted_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/invalid-range-in-class_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/look-ahead_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/loop-capture_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/malformed-escapes_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/many-brackets_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/negative-special-characters_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/no-extensions_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/non-bmp_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/non-capturing-backtracking_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/non-capturing-groups_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/non-character_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/non-greedy-parentheses_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/pcre-test-4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/quantified-assertions_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/range-bound-ffff_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/range-out-of-order_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/ranges-and-escaped-hyphens_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/regress-6-9-regexp_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/regress-regexp-codeflush_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/regress-regexp-construct-result_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/repeat-match-waldemar_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/results-cache_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/stack-overflow2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/stack-overflow_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/unicode-handling_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regexp/zero-length-alternatives_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
regress_r21715_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
string_operations_with_null_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
symbol_operator_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
symbol_reserved_word_test/06: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
symbol_reserved_word_test/09: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
symbol_reserved_word_test/12: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
symbol_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 29921
typed_data_with_limited_ints_test: Skip # Requires fixed-size int64 support.
uri_parse_test: Pass, Slow
[ $runtime == vm && !$strong ]
collection_of_test: RuntimeError
[ !$checked && !$strong ]
core_runtime_types_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
splay_tree_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
splay_tree_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
string_base_vm_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
string_replace_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
string_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError
# We no longer expect Dart2 tests to run with the standalone VM without the new
# common front end, but for now we get better coverage by still running them in
# checked mode, which is mostly Dart2-compatible.
[ !$checked && ($compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler) && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm) ]
*: SkipByDesign
[ $fasta && !$strong ]
bool_from_environment2_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
bool_from_environment2_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
bool_from_environment2_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
bool_from_environment2_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError
int_parse_radix_bad_handler_test: MissingCompileTimeError
iterable_element_at_test/static: MissingCompileTimeError
iterable_mapping_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
string_from_environment3_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
string_from_environment3_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
string_from_environment3_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
string_from_environment3_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
symbol_reserved_word_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError
symbol_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
# Sections for dartk and dartkp.
# Note: these sections are normalized so we can update them with automated
# tools. Please add any new status lines affecting those two compilers in the
# existing sections, if possible keep the alphabetic ordering. If we are missing
# a section you need, please reach out to sigmund@ to see the best way to add
# them.
# ===== Skip dartk and darkp in !$strong mode ====
[ !$strong && ($compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkp) ]
*: SkipByDesign
[ !$strong && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm) ]
list_test/*: RuntimeError # VM doesn't implement strong mode covariance checks
[ $arch == simarm || $arch == simarm64 || $arch == simdbc64 ]
bigint_parse_radix_test: Pass, Slow # Bigint computations are slow on simulated architectures.
bigint_test: Pass, Slow, Timeout # Bigint computations are slow on simulated architectures.
[ $arch == simdbc || $arch == simdbc64 ]
regexp/stack-overflow_test: RuntimeError, OK # Smaller limit with irregex interpreter
[ $compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler ]
int_parse_radix_bad_handler_test: MissingCompileTimeError
symbol_operator_test/03: Fail # Issue 11669
symbol_reserved_word_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 20191
symbol_reserved_word_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 11669, 19972, With the exception of 'void', const Symbol() should not accept reserved words.
symbol_reserved_word_test/06: RuntimeError # Issue 11669, With the exception of 'void', new Symbol() should not accept reserved words.
symbol_reserved_word_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 11669, 19972, With the exception of 'void', const Symbol() should not accept reserved words.
symbol_reserved_word_test/09: RuntimeError # Issue 11669, With the exception of 'void', new Symbol() should not accept reserved words.
symbol_reserved_word_test/10: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 11669, 19972, With the exception of 'void', const Symbol() should not accept reserved words.
symbol_reserved_word_test/12: RuntimeError # Issue 11669, With the exception of 'void', new Symbol() should not accept reserved words.
symbol_test/01: Fail, Pass # Issue 11669
symbol_test/none: Fail # Issue 11669
unicode_test: Fail # Issue 6706
[ $compiler == app_jit || $compiler == precompiler ]
from_environment_const_type_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/07: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/09: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/11: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/13: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError
from_environment_const_type_undefined_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError
iterable_to_set_test: RuntimeError # is-checks do not implement strong mode type system
[ $compiler == precompiler || $runtime == vm && !$checked && !$strong ]
int_parse_radix_test/badTypes: RuntimeError # wrong exception returned
[ $compiler == precompiler || $runtime == vm && !$strong ]
apply3_test: RuntimeError
[ $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == flutter || $runtime == vm ]
regexp/global_test: Skip # Issue 21709
regexp/pcre_test: Pass, Slow, Timeout
[ $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm ]
string_case_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 18061: German double S.
[ $runtime == ff || $runtime == jsshell ]
double_parse_test: Fail, OK # Issue 30468
double_try_parse_test: Fail, OK # Issue 30468
regexp/UC16_test: RuntimeError
[ $hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback ]
bigint_parse_radix_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 31659
bigint_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 31659
integer_parsed_mul_div_vm_test: Pass, Slow # Slow