blob: c10541822529cbf075c8699e16476b239a2122fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/dart/data_driven.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/change.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/parameter_reference.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/value_extractor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_builder_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// The addition of a new parameter.
class AddParameter extends ParameterModification {
/// The index of the parameter in the parameter list after the modifications
/// have been applied.
final int index;
/// The name of the parameter that was added.
final String name;
/// A flag indicating whether the parameter is a required parameter.
final bool isRequired;
/// A flag indicating whether the parameter is a positional parameter.
final bool isPositional;
/// The default value of the parameter, or `null` if the parameter doesn't
/// have a default value.
final ValueExtractor defaultValue;
/// The value of the new argument in invocations of the function, or `null` if
/// the parameter is optional and no argument needs to be added. The only time
/// an argument needs to be added for an optional parameter is if the
/// parameter is positional and there are pre-existing optional positional
/// parameters after the ones being added.
final ValueExtractor argumentValue;
/// Initialize a newly created parameter modification to represent the
/// addition of a parameter. If provided, the [argumentValue] will be used as
/// the value of the new argument in invocations of the function.
AddParameter(this.index,, this.isRequired, this.isPositional,
this.defaultValue, this.argumentValue)
: assert(index >= 0),
assert(name != null);
/// The data related to an executable element whose parameters have been
/// modified.
class ModifyParameters extends Change<_Data> {
/// A list of the modifications being made.
final List<ParameterModification> modifications;
/// Initialize a newly created transform to modifications to the parameter
/// list of a function.
ModifyParameters({@required this.modifications})
: assert(modifications != null),
void apply(DartFileEditBuilder builder, DataDrivenFix fix, _Data data) {
if (data is _InvocationSiteData) {
_applyToInvocationSite(builder, fix, data);
} else if (data is _OverrideData) {
_applyToOverride(builder, fix, data);
} else {
throw StateError('Unsupported class of data: ${data.runtimeType}');
_Data validate(DataDrivenFix fix) {
var node = fix.node;
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent is InvocationExpression) {
var argumentList = parent.argumentList;
return _InvocationSiteData(argumentList);
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Recognize cases where a method that used to be an
// override of a removed method needs to be migrated and return an
// [_OverrideData] to represent that case.
return null;
void _applyToInvocationSite(DartFileEditBuilder builder, DataDrivenFix fix,
_InvocationSiteData data) {
var argumentList = data.argumentList;
var arguments = argumentList.arguments;
var argumentCount = arguments.length;
var newNamed = <AddParameter>[];
var indexToNewArgumentMap = <int, AddParameter>{};
var argumentsToInsert = <int>[];
var argumentsToDelete = <int>[];
var remainingArguments = [for (var i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) i];
for (var modification in modifications) {
if (modification is AddParameter) {
var index = modification.index;
indexToNewArgumentMap[index] = modification;
if (modification.isPositional) {
} else if (modification.isRequired) {
} else if (modification is RemoveParameter) {
var argument = modification.parameter.argumentFrom(argumentList);
// If there is no argument corresponding to the parameter then we assume
// that the parameter was optional (and absent) and don't try to remove
// it.
if (argument != null) {
var index = arguments.indexOf(_realArgument(argument));
newNamed.sort((first, second) =>;
/// Write to the [builder] the argument associated with a single
/// [parameter].
void writeArgument(DartEditBuilder builder, AddParameter parameter) {
var value = parameter.argumentValue.from(argumentList, fix.utils);
if (!parameter.isPositional) {
builder.write(': ');
var insertionRanges = argumentsToInsert.contiguousSubRanges.toList();
var deletionRanges = argumentsToDelete.contiguousSubRanges.toList();
if (insertionRanges.isNotEmpty) {
/// Write to the [builder] the new arguments in the [insertionRange]. If
/// [needsInitialComma] is `true` then we need to write a comma before the
/// first of the new arguments.
void writeInsertionRange(DartEditBuilder builder,
_IndexRange insertionRange, bool needsInitialComma) {
var needsComma = needsInitialComma;
for (var argumentIndex = insertionRange.lower;
argumentIndex <= insertionRange.upper;
argumentIndex++) {
if (needsComma) {
builder.write(', ');
} else {
needsComma = true;
var parameter = indexToNewArgumentMap[argumentIndex];
writeArgument(builder, parameter);
var nextRemaining = 0;
var nextInsertionRange = 0;
var insertionCount = 0;
while (nextRemaining < remainingArguments.length &&
nextInsertionRange < insertionRanges.length) {
var remainingIndex = remainingArguments[nextRemaining];
var insertionRange = insertionRanges[nextInsertionRange];
var insertionIndex = insertionRange.lower;
if (insertionIndex <= remainingIndex + insertionCount) {
// There are arguments that need to be inserted before the next
// remaining argument.
var deletionRange =
_rangeContaining(deletionRanges, insertionIndex - 1);
if (deletionRange == null) {
// The insertion range doesn't overlap a deletion range, so insert
// the added arguments before the argument whose index is
// `remainingIndex`.
int offset;
var needsInitialComma = false;
if (insertionIndex > 0) {
offset = arguments[remainingIndex - 1].end;
needsInitialComma = true;
} else {
offset = arguments[remainingIndex].offset;
builder.addInsertion(offset, (builder) {
writeInsertionRange(builder, insertionRange, needsInitialComma);
if (insertionIndex == 0) {
builder.write(', ');
} else {
// The insertion range overlaps a deletion range, so replace the
// arguments in the deletion range with the arguments in the
// insertion range.
var replacementRange = range.argumentRange(
argumentList, deletionRange.lower, deletionRange.upper, false);
builder.addReplacement(replacementRange, (builder) {
writeInsertionRange(builder, insertionRange, false);
insertionCount += insertionRange.count;
} else {
// There are no arguments that need to be inserted before the next
// remaining argument, so just move past the next remaining argument.
// The remaining insertion ranges might include new required arguments
// that need to be inserted after the last argument.
var offset = arguments[arguments.length - 1].end;
while (nextInsertionRange < insertionRanges.length) {
var insertionRange = insertionRanges[nextInsertionRange];
var lower = insertionRange.lower;
var upper = insertionRange.upper;
while (upper >= lower && !indexToNewArgumentMap[upper].isRequired) {
if (upper >= lower) {
builder.addInsertion(offset, (builder) {
writeInsertionRange(builder, _IndexRange(lower, upper), true);
// Insert arguments for required named parameters.
if (newNamed.isNotEmpty) {
int offset;
var needsInitialComma = false;
if (arguments.isEmpty) {
offset = argumentList.rightParenthesis.offset;
} else {
offset = arguments[arguments.length - 1].end;
needsInitialComma = true;
builder.addInsertion(offset, (builder) {
for (var i = 0; i < newNamed.length; i++) {
if (i > 0 || needsInitialComma) {
builder.write(', ');
writeArgument(builder, newNamed[i]);
// The remaining deletion ranges are now ready to be removed.
for (var subRange in deletionRanges) {
argumentList, subRange.lower, subRange.upper, true));
void _applyToOverride(
DartFileEditBuilder builder, DataDrivenFix fix, _OverrideData data) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement this.
throw UnsupportedError('Updating override sites is not yet supported.');
/// Return the range from the list of [ranges] that contains the given
/// [index], or `null` if there is no such range.
_IndexRange _rangeContaining(List<_IndexRange> ranges, int index) {
for (var range in ranges) {
if (index >= range.lower && index <= range.upper) {
return range;
return null;
/// Return the element of the argument list whose value is the given
/// [argument]. If the argument is the child of a named expression, then that
/// will be the named expression, otherwise it will be the argument itself.
Expression _realArgument(Expression argument) =>
argument.parent is NamedExpression ? argument.parent : argument;
/// A modification related to a parameter.
abstract class ParameterModification {}
/// The removal of an existing parameter.
class RemoveParameter extends ParameterModification {
/// The parameter that was removed.
final ParameterReference parameter;
/// Initialize a newly created parameter modification to represent the removal
/// of an existing [parameter].
RemoveParameter(this.parameter) : assert(parameter != null);
/// The data returned when modifying a parameter list.
class _Data {}
/// A range of indexes within a list.
class _IndexRange {
/// The index of the first element in the range.
final int lower;
/// The index of the last element in the range. This will be the same as the
/// [lower] if there is a single element in the range.
final int upper;
/// Initialize a newly created range.
_IndexRange(this.lower, this.upper);
/// Return the number of indices in this range.
int get count => upper - lower + 1;
String toString() => '[$lower..$upper]';
/// The data returned when updating an invocation site.
class _InvocationSiteData extends _Data {
/// The argument list to be updated.
final ArgumentList argumentList;
/// Initialize a newly created data object with the data needed to update an
/// invocation site.
/// The data returned when updating an override of the modified method.
class _OverrideData extends _Data {
/// The parameter list to be updated.
final FormalParameterList parameter;
/// Initialize a newly created data object with the data needed to update an
/// override of the modified method.
extension on List<int> {
Iterable<_IndexRange> get contiguousSubRanges sync* {
if (isEmpty) {
var lower = this[0];
var previous = lower;
var index = 1;
while (index < length) {
var current = this[index];
if (current == previous + 1) {
previous = current;
} else {
yield _IndexRange(lower, previous);
lower = previous = current;
yield _IndexRange(lower, previous);