blob: be29f941cc1cceb38477e0866847a5db5856cd56 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
cross_frame_test: Skip # Test reloads itself. Issue 18558
interactive_test: Skip # Must be run manually.
[ $compiler == dart2analyzer ]
custom/document_register_basic_test: StaticWarning
custom/element_upgrade_test: StaticWarning
datalistelement_test: StaticWarning
documentfragment_test: StaticWarning
element_add_test: StaticWarning
element_test: StaticWarning
events_test: StaticWarning
htmlelement_test: StaticWarning
js_function_getter_trust_types_test: Skip # dart2js specific flags.
js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/default_value: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue #25759
localstorage_test: StaticWarning
mutationobserver_test: StaticWarning
queryall_test: Fail
track_element_constructor_test: StaticWarning
transferables_test: StaticWarning
typed_arrays_range_checks_test: StaticWarning
typing_test: StaticWarning
webgl_1_test: StaticWarning
window_nosuchmethod_test: StaticWarning
[ $compiler == dart2js ]
async_spawnuri_test: SkipByDesign
async_test: SkipByDesign
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/construction: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/registration: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
custom/entered_left_view_test/shadow_dom: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
fileapi_test/directoryReader: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
fileapi_test/entry: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
fileapi_test/fileEntry: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
fileapi_test/getDirectory: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
fileapi_test/getFile: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
indexeddb_1_test/functional: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
indexeddb_2_test: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
indexeddb_3_test: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
indexeddb_4_test: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
indexeddb_5_test: Pass, Timeout # Roll 50 failure
input_element_test/attributes: Fail # Issue 21555
js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/default_value: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue #25759
js_typed_interop_side_cast_exp_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Roll 50 failure
mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: Pass, Slow
svgelement_test/PathElement: Pass, RuntimeError # Roll 50 failure
wrapping_collections_test: SkipByDesign # Testing an issue that is only relevant to Dartium
xhr_test/xhr: Pass, RuntimeError # Roll 50 failure
[ $compiler == fasta ]
*: Skip # TODO(ahe): Support dart:html in Fasta.
[ $runtime == drt ]
webgl_extensions_test: Skip # webgl does not work properly on DRT, which is 'headless'.
[ $runtime == ie11 ]
audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
audiocontext_test/supported: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/arc: Pass, Fail # Pixel unexpected value. Please triage this failure.
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # IE does not support drawImage w/ video element
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # IE does not support drawImage w/ video element
crypto_test/supported: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
css_test/supportsPointConversions: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/single-parameter: Fail # Issue 13193.
deferred_multi_app_htmltest: Skip # Times out on IE. Issue 21537
element_animate_test: Fail # Element.animate not supported on these browsers.
element_test/click: Fail # IE does not support firing this event.
element_types_test/supported_content: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_details: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_keygen: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_meter: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_output: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_shadow: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_template: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
event_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23437. Only three failures, but hard to break them out.
fileapi_test/supported: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
gamepad_test: Fail # IE does not support Navigator.getGamepads()
history_test/supported_HashChangeEvent: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
indexeddb_5_test: Fail # Issue 12893
input_element_test/supported_date: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
input_element_test/supported_datetime-local: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
input_element_test/supported_month: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
input_element_test/supported_time: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
input_element_test/supported_week: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
js_test/transferrables: RuntimeError # Issue 14246
js_util_test/callConstructor: RuntimeError # Issue 26978
localstorage_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 22166
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamEvent: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamTrackEvent: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
media_stream_test/supported_media: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
mediasource_test/functional: Pass, Fail # Fails on Windows 8
mediasource_test/supported: Pass, Fail # Should pass on Windows 8
no_linked_scripts_htmltest: Skip # Times out on IE. Issue 21537
notification_test/supported_notification: Fail # Notification not supported on IE
postmessage_structured_test/more_primitives: Fail # Does not support the MessageEvent constructor.
request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167
rtc_test/supported: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
scripts_htmltest: Skip # Times out on IE. Issue 21537
serialized_script_value_test: Fail
shadow_dom_test/supported: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
storage_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 22166
svgelement_test/supported_altGlyph: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
svgelement_test/supported_animate: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
svgelement_test/supported_animateMotion: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
svgelement_test/supported_animateTransform: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
svgelement_test/supported_foreignObject: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
svgelement_test/supported_set: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
text_event_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23437
touchevent_test/supported: Fail # IE does not support TouchEvents
transferables_test: Pass, Fail # Issues 20659.
transition_event_test/functional: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167
two_scripts_htmltest: Skip # Times out on IE. Issue 21537
webgl_1_test/functional: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
websocket_test/websocket: Fail # Issue 7875. Closed with "working as intended".
websql_test: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
wheelevent_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23437
worker_test/functional: Pass, Fail # Issues 20659.
xhr_test/json: Fail # IE10 returns string, not JSON object
xsltprocessor_test/supported: Fail # IE11 Feature support statuses - These results not yet noted in platform support annotations. All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
[ $runtime == safari ]
audiobuffersourcenode_test/functional: RuntimeError
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # Safari does not support drawImage w/ video element
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # Safari does not support drawImage w/ video element
element_animate_test: Fail # Element.animate not supported on these browsers.
element_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 21434
element_types_test/supported_content: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_datalist: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_shadow: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
fileapi_test/supported: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
gamepad_test: Fail # Safari does not support Navigator.getGamepads()
indexeddb_1_test/functional: Skip # Times out. Issue 21433
indexeddb_2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21433
indexeddb_3_test: Skip # Times out 1 out of 10.
indexeddb_4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21433
indexeddb_5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21433
input_element_test/supported_date: Fail
input_element_test/supported_datetime-local: Fail
input_element_test/supported_month: RuntimeError
input_element_test/supported_time: RuntimeError
input_element_test/supported_week: RuntimeError
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamEvent: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamTrackEvent: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
media_stream_test/supported_media: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
mediasource_test: Pass, Fail # MediaSource only available on Safari 8 desktop, we can't express that.
notification_test/constructors: Fail # Safari doesn't let us access the fields of the Notification to verify them.
rtc_test/supported: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
shadow_dom_test/supported: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail # Safari Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
touchevent_test/supported: Fail # Safari does not support TouchEvents
webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219
worker_api_test: Skip # Issue 13221
# The html tests were moved to lib_2/html, and there they should be made strong
# mode compliant. There's no sense in running the old versions here.
[ $strong ]
*: SkipByDesign
[ $compiler == dart2analyzer && $strong ]
*: Skip # Issue 28649
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chrome ]
element_animate_test/timing_dict: RuntimeError # Issue 26730
element_classes_test: RuntimeError # Issue 30291
element_types_test/supported_keygen: RuntimeError # Issue 29055
fileapi_test/entry: Pass, Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
fileapi_test/getDirectory: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
fileapi_test/getFile: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamEvent: RuntimeError # Please triage.
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamTrackEvent: RuntimeError # Please triage.
speechrecognition_test/types: RuntimeError # Please triage.
touchevent_test/supported: Fail # Touch events are only supported on touch devices
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chromeOnAndroid ]
audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
audiocontext_test/supported: RuntimeError # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/fillText: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
crypto_test/functional: Pass, Slow # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
element_types_test/supported_datalist: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
fileapi_test/entry: Fail, Pass # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
fileapi_test/fileEntry: Fail, Pass # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
fileapi_test/getDirectory: Fail, Pass # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
fileapi_test/getFile: Fail, Pass # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
input_element_test/supported_datetime-local: Pass, Slow # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
input_element_test/supported_week: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
media_stream_test/supported_media: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
rtc_test/supported: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
speechrecognition_test/types: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
xhr_test/json: Fail # TODO(dart2js-team): Please triage this failure.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && $fasta ]
async_spawnuri_test: RuntimeError
audiobuffersourcenode_test: RuntimeError
audiocontext_test: RuntimeError
audioelement_test: RuntimeError
b_element_test: RuntimeError
blob_constructor_test: RuntimeError
cache_test: RuntimeError
callbacks_test: RuntimeError
canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test: RuntimeError
canvas_test: RuntimeError
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test: RuntimeError
cdata_test: RuntimeError
client_rect_test: RuntimeError
cross_domain_iframe_test: RuntimeError
crypto_test: RuntimeError
css_rule_list_test: RuntimeError
css_test: RuntimeError
cssstyledeclaration_test: RuntimeError
custom/attribute_changed_callback_test: RuntimeError
custom/constructor_calls_created_synchronously_test: RuntimeError
custom/created_callback_test: RuntimeError
custom/document_register_basic_test: RuntimeError
custom/document_register_template_test: RuntimeError
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test: RuntimeError
custom/element_upgrade_test: RuntimeError
custom/entered_left_view_test: RuntimeError
custom/js_custom_test: RuntimeError
custom_element_method_clash_test: RuntimeError
custom_element_name_clash_test: RuntimeError
custom_elements_23127_test: RuntimeError
custom_elements_test: RuntimeError
custom_tags_test: RuntimeError
dart_object_local_storage_test: RuntimeError
datalistelement_test: RuntimeError
document_test: RuntimeError
documentfragment_test: RuntimeError
dom_constructors_test: RuntimeError
domparser_test: RuntimeError
element_add_test: RuntimeError
element_animate_test: RuntimeError
element_classes_svg_test: RuntimeError
element_classes_test: RuntimeError
element_constructor_1_test: RuntimeError
element_dimensions_test: RuntimeError
element_offset_test: RuntimeError
element_test: RuntimeError
element_types_constructors1_test: RuntimeError
element_types_constructors2_test: RuntimeError
element_types_constructors3_test: RuntimeError
element_types_constructors4_test: RuntimeError
element_types_constructors5_test: RuntimeError
element_types_constructors6_test: RuntimeError
element_types_test: RuntimeError
event_customevent_test: RuntimeError
event_test: RuntimeError
events_test: RuntimeError
exceptions_test: RuntimeError
fileapi_test: RuntimeError
filereader_test: RuntimeError
filteredelementlist_test: RuntimeError
fontface_test: RuntimeError
form_data_test: RuntimeError
form_element_test: RuntimeError
gamepad_test: RuntimeError
geolocation_test: RuntimeError
hidden_dom_1_test: RuntimeError
hidden_dom_2_test: RuntimeError
history_test: RuntimeError
htmlcollection_test: RuntimeError
htmlelement_test: RuntimeError
htmloptionscollection_test: RuntimeError
indexeddb_1_test: RuntimeError
indexeddb_2_test: RuntimeError
indexeddb_4_test: RuntimeError
input_element_test: RuntimeError
instance_of_test: RuntimeError
isolates_test: RuntimeError
js_array_test: RuntimeError
js_dart_to_string_test: RuntimeError
js_dispatch_property_test: RuntimeError
js_function_getter_test: RuntimeError
js_function_getter_trust_types_test: RuntimeError
js_interop_1_test: RuntimeError
js_interop_constructor_name_test: RuntimeError
js_test: RuntimeError
js_type_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_anonymous2_exp_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_anonymous2_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_anonymous_exp_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_anonymous_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_anonymous_unreachable_exp_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_anonymous_unreachable_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_bind_this_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_callable_object_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/none: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_side_cast_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_type1_test/01: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_type1_test/none: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_type3_test/01: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_type3_test/02: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_type3_test/none: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_type_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_window_property_test: RuntimeError
js_util_test: RuntimeError
keyboard_event_test: RuntimeError
localstorage_test: RuntimeError
location_test: RuntimeError
media_stream_test: RuntimeError
mediasource_test: RuntimeError
messageevent_test: RuntimeError
mouse_event_test: RuntimeError
mutationobserver_test: RuntimeError
native_gc_test: RuntimeError
navigator_test: RuntimeError
node_test: RuntimeError
node_validator_important_if_you_suppress_make_the_bug_critical_test: RuntimeError
non_instantiated_is_test: RuntimeError
notification_test: RuntimeError
performance_api_test: RuntimeError
postmessage_structured_test: RuntimeError
query_test: RuntimeError
queryall_test: RuntimeError
range_test: RuntimeError
request_animation_frame_test: RuntimeError
rtc_test: RuntimeError
selectelement_test: RuntimeError
serialized_script_value_test: RuntimeError
shadow_dom_test: RuntimeError
shadowroot_test: RuntimeError
speechrecognition_test: RuntimeError
storage_test: RuntimeError
svg_test: RuntimeError
svgelement_test: RuntimeError
table_test: RuntimeError
text_event_test: RuntimeError
touchevent_test: RuntimeError
track_element_constructor_test: RuntimeError
transferables_test: RuntimeError
transition_event_test: RuntimeError
trusted_html_tree_sanitizer_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_1_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_2_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_3_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_4_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_5_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_arraybuffer_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_dataview_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_range_checks_test: RuntimeError
typed_arrays_simd_test: RuntimeError
typing_test: RuntimeError
unknownelement_test: RuntimeError
uri_test: RuntimeError
url_test: RuntimeError
webgl_1_test: RuntimeError
webgl_extensions_test: RuntimeError
websocket_test: RuntimeError
websql_test: RuntimeError
wheelevent_test: RuntimeError
window_eq_test: RuntimeError
window_mangling_test: RuntimeError
window_nosuchmethod_test: RuntimeError
window_test: RuntimeError
worker_api_test: RuntimeError
worker_test: RuntimeError
xhr_cross_origin_test: RuntimeError
xhr_test: RuntimeError
xsltprocessor_test: RuntimeError
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && $fasta && $minified ]
fontface_loaded_test: RuntimeError
streams_test: RuntimeError
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == drt && !$checked ]
audiocontext_test/functional: Pass, Fail
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ff ]
dart_object_local_storage_test: Skip # sessionStorage NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
element_animate_test/timing_dict: RuntimeError # Issue 26730
element_classes_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27535
element_types_test/supported_content: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 28983
element_types_test/supported_keygen: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
element_types_test/supported_shadow: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 28983
fileapi_test/supported: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
history_test/history: Skip # Issue 22050
input_element_test/supported_datetime-local: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
input_element_test/supported_month: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
input_element_test/supported_week: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamEvent: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
media_stream_test/supported_MediaStreamTrackEvent: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
messageevent_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 28983
serialized_script_value_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 28983
shadow_dom_test/supported: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
speechrecognition_test/supported: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
text_event_test: Fail # Issue 17893
touchevent_test/supported: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219
websql_test: Fail # Firefox Feature support statuses - All changes should be accompanied by platform support annotation changes.
xhr_test/xhr: Pass, Fail # Issue 11602
[ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ff && $system == windows ]
websql_test: Pass # Triage, seen some double reporting on windows.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $browser ]
custom/created_callback_test: Fail # Support for created constructor. Issue 14835
fontface_loaded_test: Fail # Support for promises.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $browser && $csp ]
custom/element_upgrade_test: Fail # Issue 17298
custom/js_custom_test: Fail # Issue 14643
[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked ]
js_function_getter_trust_types_test: Skip # --trust-type-annotations incompatible with --checked
[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $fasta ]
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_image_element: Timeout
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Timeout
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Timeout
custom/attribute_changed_callback_test/fully_supported: RuntimeError
custom/attribute_changed_callback_test/unsupported_on_polyfill: RuntimeError
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/construction: RuntimeError
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/functional: RuntimeError
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/namespaces: RuntimeError
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/parsing: RuntimeError
custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/registration: RuntimeError
custom/entered_left_view_test/disconnected_subtree: RuntimeError
custom/entered_left_view_test/shadow_dom: RuntimeError
custom/entered_left_view_test/standard_events: RuntimeError
custom/entered_left_view_test/standard_events_old_callback_names: RuntimeError
custom/entered_left_view_test/viewless_document: RuntimeError
custom_element_method_clash_test/test: RuntimeError
custom_element_name_clash_test/test: RuntimeError
custom_elements_23127_test/baseline: RuntimeError
custom_elements_23127_test/c1t: RuntimeError
custom_elements_23127_test/c2: RuntimeError
custom_elements_23127_test/c2t: RuntimeError
custom_elements_test/innerHtml: RuntimeError
custom_elements_test/lifecycle: RuntimeError
custom_elements_test/mixins: RuntimeError
custom_elements_test/register: RuntimeError
element_animate_test/omit_timing: Timeout
element_test/click: RuntimeError
element_test/eventDelegation: RuntimeError
fileapi_test/directoryReader: RuntimeError
fileapi_test/fileEntry: RuntimeError
form_data_test/functional: Timeout
history_test/history: Timeout
indexeddb_1_test/functional: RuntimeError
indexeddb_2_test: RuntimeError
indexeddb_4_test: RuntimeError
js_test/JsObject.fromBrowserObject(): RuntimeError
js_test/JsObject.jsify(): RuntimeError
js_util_test/js_util.jsify(): RuntimeError
mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: RuntimeError
mutationobserver_test/childList: Timeout
postmessage_structured_test/iframe: RuntimeError
postmessage_structured_test/primitives: Timeout
postmessage_structured_test/typed_arrays: Timeout
transition_event_test/functional: Timeout
websocket_test/websocket: RuntimeError
websql_test/functional: RuntimeError
worker_test/functional: Timeout
xhr_cross_origin_test/functional: Timeout
xhr_test/headers: RuntimeError
xhr_test/json: Timeout
xhr_test/xhr: Timeout
xhr_test/xhr_requestBlob: RuntimeError
xhr_test/xhr_requestBlob/xhr_requestBlob: Pass
# Note: these tests are all injecting scripts by design. This is not allowed under CSP.
# TODO(sra): Change these tests to use a same-origin JavaScript script file.
[ $compiler == dart2js && $csp && ($runtime == chrome || $runtime == chromeOnAndroid || $runtime == drt || $runtime == ff || $runtime == safari) ]
event_customevent_test: SkipByDesign
js_array_test: SkipByDesign
js_dart_to_string_test: SkipByDesign
js_function_getter_test: SkipByDesign
js_function_getter_trust_types_test: SkipByDesign
js_interop_1_test: SkipByDesign
js_test: SkipByDesign
js_typed_interop_bind_this_test: SkipByDesign
js_typed_interop_callable_object_test: SkipByDesign
js_typed_interop_default_arg_test: SkipByDesign
js_typed_interop_test: SkipByDesign
js_typed_interop_type1_test: SkipByDesign
js_typed_interop_type3_test: SkipByDesign
js_typed_interop_type_test: SkipByDesign
js_typed_interop_window_property_test: SkipByDesign
js_util_test: SkipByDesign
mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: SkipByDesign
postmessage_structured_test: SkipByDesign
[ $compiler == dart2js && $fast_startup ]
custom/mirrors_2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported
custom/mirrors_test: Fail # mirrors not supported
mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: Fail # mirrors not supported
[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta ]
custom/mirrors_2_test: RuntimeError
custom/mirrors_test: RuntimeError
deferred_multi_app_htmltest: CompileTimeError
fileapi_test/entry: RuntimeError
indexeddb_1_test/functional: RuntimeError
indexeddb_3_test: RuntimeError
indexeddb_5_test: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_default_arg_test/explicit_argument: RuntimeError
js_typed_interop_test/static_method_tearoff_1: RuntimeError
mirrors_js_typed_interop_test: SkipByDesign
[ $compiler == dart2js && $fasta && $host_checked ]
fontface_loaded_test: Crash
streams_test: Crash
[ $compiler == dart2js && $minified ]
canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test/types2_runtimeTypeName: Fail, OK # Issue 12605
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == chrome || $runtime == drt) ]
svgelement_test/supported_altGlyph: RuntimeError # Issue 25787
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == drt || $runtime == ff) ]
request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Async test hangs.
[ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == ff || $runtime == safari || $ie) ]
custom/attribute_changed_callback_test/unsupported_on_polyfill: Fail # Polyfill does not support
custom/entered_left_view_test/viewless_document: Fail # Polyfill does not handle this
fontface_test: Fail # Fontface not supported on these.
[ $runtime == chrome && $system == macos ]
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Skip # Times out. Please triage this failure.
canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Skip # Times out. Please triage this failure.
custom/*: Pass, Timeout # Issue 26789
custom_element_method_clash_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 26789
custom_element_name_clash_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 26789
custom_elements_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 26789
request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167
transition_event_test/functional: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167
[ $runtime == chrome && $csp ]
deferred_multi_app_htmltest: SkipByDesign # uses inline script
no_linked_scripts_htmltest: SkipByDesign # uses inline script
scripts_htmltest: SkipByDesign # uses inline script
two_scripts_htmltest: SkipByDesign # uses inline script
worker_test/functional: SkipByDesign # starts worker with inline script
[ $runtime == chrome || $runtime == chromeOnAndroid || $runtime == drt ]
webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219
# 'html' tests import the HTML library, so they only make sense in
# a browser environment.
[ $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm ]
*: Skip
[ $system == windows || $runtime == drt && $system == macos ]
xhr_test/xhr: Skip # Times out. Issue 21527