blob: d98b1ad0e964c22b56e1438465942bac50d09f0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart.js_util;
import "dart:_internal";
import "dart:_js_helper";
import "dart:_js_types";
import "dart:async" show Completer, FutureOr;
import "dart:collection";
import "dart:typed_data";
import "dart:wasm";
dynamic jsify(Object? object) {
final convertedObjects = HashMap<Object?, Object?>.identity();
Object? convert(Object? o) {
if (convertedObjects.containsKey(o)) {
return convertedObjects[o];
if (o == null ||
o is num ||
o is bool ||
o is JSValue ||
o is String ||
o is Int8List ||
o is Uint8List ||
o is Uint8ClampedList ||
o is Int16List ||
o is Uint16List ||
o is Int32List ||
o is Uint32List ||
o is Float32List ||
o is Float64List ||
o is ByteBuffer ||
o is ByteData) {
return JSValue(jsifyRaw(o));
if (o is Map<Object?, Object?>) {
final convertedMap = newObject<JSValue>();
convertedObjects[o] = convertedMap;
for (final key in o.keys) {
final convertedKey = convert(key) as JSValue?;
setPropertyRaw(convertedMap.toExternRef, convertedKey?.toExternRef,
(convert(o[key]) as JSValue?)?.toExternRef);
return convertedMap;
} else if (o is Iterable<Object?>) {
final convertedIterable = _newArray();
convertedObjects[o] = convertedIterable;
for (final item in o) {
callMethod(convertedIterable, 'push', [convert(item)]);
return convertedIterable;
} else {
// None of the objects left will require recursive conversions.
return JSValue(jsifyRaw(o));
return convert(object);
Object get globalThis => JSValue(globalThisRaw());
T newObject<T>() => JSValue(newObjectRaw()) as T;
JSValue _newArray() => JSValue(newArrayRaw());
bool hasProperty(Object o, Object name) =>
hasPropertyRaw(jsifyRaw(o), jsifyRaw(name));
T getProperty<T>(Object o, Object name) =>
dartifyRaw(getPropertyRaw(jsifyRaw(o), jsifyRaw(name))) as T;
T setProperty<T>(Object o, Object name, T? value) =>
dartifyRaw(setPropertyRaw(jsifyRaw(o), jsifyRaw(name), jsifyRaw(value)))
as T;
T callMethod<T>(Object o, String method, List<Object?> args) => dartifyRaw(
callMethodVarArgsRaw(jsifyRaw(o), jsifyRaw(method), jsifyRaw(args))) as T;
bool instanceof(Object? o, Object type) =>
JS<bool>("(o, t) => o instanceof t", jsifyRaw(o), jsifyRaw(type));
T callConstructor<T>(Object o, List<Object?> args) =>
dartifyRaw(callConstructorVarArgsRaw(jsifyRaw(o), jsifyRaw(args))) as T;
T add<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
T subtract<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
T multiply<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
T divide<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
T exponentiate<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
T modulo<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
bool equal<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
bool strictEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
bool notEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
bool strictNotEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
bool greaterThan<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
bool greaterThanOrEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) =>
throw 'unimplemented';
bool lessThan<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
bool lessThanOrEqual<T>(Object? first, Object? second) => throw 'unimplemented';
bool typeofEquals<T>(Object? o, String type) =>
JS<bool>('(o, t) => typeof o === t', jsifyRaw(o), jsifyRaw(type));
typedef _PromiseSuccessFunc = void Function(Object? value);
typedef _PromiseFailureFunc = void Function(Object? error);
Future<T> promiseToFuture<T>(Object jsPromise) {
Completer<T> completer = Completer<T>();
final success = allowInterop<_PromiseSuccessFunc>((r) {
return completer.complete(r as FutureOr<T>?);
final error = allowInterop<_PromiseFailureFunc>((e) {
// Note that `completeError` expects a non-nullable error regardless of
// whether null-safety is enabled, so a `NullRejectionException` is always
// provided if the error is `null` or `undefined`.
// TODO(joshualitt): At this point `undefined` has been replaced with `null`
// so we cannot tell them apart. In the future we should reify `undefined`
// in Dart.
if (e == null) {
return completer.completeError(NullRejectionException(false));
return completer.completeError(e);
promiseThen(jsifyRaw(jsPromise), jsifyRaw(success), jsifyRaw(error));
return completer.future;
Object? objectGetPrototypeOf(Object? object) => throw 'unimplemented';
Object? get objectPrototype => throw 'unimplemented';
List<Object?> objectKeys(Object? o) =>
dartifyRaw(JS<WasmExternRef?>('o => Object.keys(o)', jsifyRaw(o)))
as List<Object?>;
Object? dartify(Object? object) {
final convertedObjects = HashMap<Object?, Object?>.identity();
Object? convert(Object? o) {
if (convertedObjects.containsKey(o)) {
return convertedObjects[o];
// Because [List] needs to be shallowly converted across the interop
// boundary, we have to double check for the case where a shallowly
// converted [List] is passed back into [dartify].
if (o is List<Object?>) {
final converted = <Object?>[];
for (final item in o) {
return converted;
if (o is! JSValue) {
return o;
WasmExternRef? ref = o.toExternRef;
if (ref.isNull ||
isJSBoolean(ref) ||
isJSNumber(ref) ||
isJSString(ref) ||
isJSUndefined(ref) ||
isJSBoolean(ref) ||
isJSNumber(ref) ||
isJSString(ref) ||
isJSInt8Array(ref) ||
isJSUint8Array(ref) ||
isJSUint8ClampedArray(ref) ||
isJSInt16Array(ref) ||
isJSUint16Array(ref) ||
isJSInt32Array(ref) ||
isJSUint32Array(ref) ||
isJSFloat32Array(ref) ||
isJSFloat64Array(ref) ||
isJSArrayBuffer(ref) ||
isJSDataView(ref)) {
return dartifyRaw(ref);
// TODO(joshualitt) handle Date and Promise.
if (isJSSimpleObject(ref)) {
final dartMap = <Object?, Object?>{};
convertedObjects[o] = dartMap;
// Keys will be a list of Dart [String]s.
final keys = objectKeys(o);
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
final key = keys[i];
if (key != null) {
dartMap[key] =
convert(, jsifyRaw(key))));
return dartMap;
} else if (isJSArray(ref)) {
final dartList = <Object?>[];
convertedObjects[o] = dartList;
final length = getProperty<double>(o, 'length').toInt();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
dartList.add(convert(, i.toDouble()))));
return dartList;
} else {
return dartifyRaw(ref);
return convert(object);
/// This will be lowered to a a call to `_wrapDartCallback`.
F allowInterop<F extends Function>(F f) => throw UnimplementedError();
Function allowInteropCaptureThis(Function f) => throw UnimplementedError();