blob: 4ac1f205e23567a7c6ac5700fd8e63d9b694c6b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vmservice_io;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:_vmservice';
part 'vmservice_server.dart';
// The TCP ip/port that dds listens on.
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
int _ddsPort = 0;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
String _ddsIP = '';
// The TCP ip/port that the HTTP server listens on.
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
int _port = 0;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
String _ip = '';
// Should the HTTP server auto start?
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _autoStart = false;
// Should the HTTP server require an auth code?
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _authCodesDisabled = false;
// Should the HTTP server run in devmode?
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _originCheckDisabled = false;
// Location of file to output VM service connection info.
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
String? _serviceInfoFilename;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _isWindows = false;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _isFuchsia = false;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
Stream<ProcessSignal> Function(ProcessSignal signal)? _signalWatch;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
StreamSubscription<ProcessSignal>? _signalSubscription;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _serveDevtools = true;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _enableServicePortFallback = false;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _waitForDdsToAdvertiseService = false;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _serveObservatory = false;
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
bool _printDtd = false;
// HTTP server.
Server? server;
Future<Server>? serverFuture;
_DebuggingSession? ddsInstance;
Server _lazyServerBoot() {
var localServer = server;
if (localServer != null) {
return localServer;
// Lazily create service.
final service = VMService();
// Lazily create server.
localServer = Server(service, _ip, _port, _originCheckDisabled,
_authCodesDisabled, _serviceInfoFilename, _enableServicePortFallback);
server = localServer;
return localServer;
/// Responsible for launching a DevTools instance when the service is started
/// via SIGQUIT.
class _DebuggingSession {
Future<bool> start(
String host,
String port,
bool disableServiceAuthCodes,
bool enableDevTools,
) async {
final dartDir = File(Platform.resolvedExecutable).parent.path;
final executable = [
'dart${Platform.isWindows ? '.exe' : ''}',
_process = await Process.start(
if (disableServiceAuthCodes) '--disable-service-auth-codes',
if (enableDevTools) '--serve-devtools',
if (_enableServicePortFallback) '--enable-service-port-fallback',
mode: ProcessStartMode.detachedWithStdio,
final completer = Completer<void>();
late StreamSubscription<String> stderrSub;
stderrSub = _process!.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((event) {
final result = json.decode(event) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final state = result['state'];
if (state == 'started') {
if (result case {'devToolsUri': String devToolsUri}) {
// NOTE: update pkg/dartdev/lib/src/commands/run.dart if this message
// is changed to ensure consistency.
const devToolsMessagePrefix =
'The Dart DevTools debugger and profiler is available at:';
print('$devToolsMessagePrefix $devToolsUri');
if (result
case {
'dtd': {
'uri': String dtdUri,
} when _printDtd) {
print('The Dart Tooling Daemon (DTD) is available at: $dtdUri');
} else {
final error = result['error'] ?? event;
completer.completeError('Could not start the VM service:\n$error\n');
try {
await completer.future;
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
void shutdown() => _process!.kill();
Process? _process;
Future<void> cleanupCallback() async {
// Cancel the sigquit subscription.
final signalSubscription = _signalSubscription;
if (signalSubscription != null) {
await signalSubscription.cancel();
_signalSubscription = null;
final localServer = server;
if (localServer != null) {
try {
await localServer.cleanup(true);
} catch (e, st) {
print('Error in vm-service shutdown: $e\n$st\n');
final timer = _registerSignalHandlerTimer;
if (timer != null) {
_registerSignalHandlerTimer = null;
// Call out to embedder's shutdown callback.
Future<void> ddsConnectedCallback() async {
final serviceAddress = server!.serverAddress.toString();
if (_waitForDdsToAdvertiseService) {
await server!.outputConnectionInformation();
Future<void> ddsDisconnectedCallback() async {
final serviceAddress = server!.serverAddress.toString();
Future<Uri> createTempDirCallback(String base) async {
final temp = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp(base);
// Underneath the temporary directory, create a directory with the
// same name as the DevFS name [base].
final fsUri = temp.uri.resolveUri(;
await Directory.fromUri(fsUri).create();
return fsUri;
Future<void> deleteDirCallback(Uri path) async =>
await Directory.fromUri(path).delete(recursive: true);
void serveObservatoryCallback() => _serveObservatory = true;
class PendingWrite {
PendingWrite(this.uri, this.bytes);
final completer = Completer<void>();
final Uri uri;
final List<int> bytes;
Future<void> write() async {
final file = File.fromUri(uri);
final parent_directory = file.parent;
await parent_directory.create(recursive: true);
if (await file.exists()) {
await file.delete();
await file.writeAsBytes(bytes);
class WriteLimiter {
static final pendingWrites = <PendingWrite>[];
// non-rooted Android devices have a very low limit for the number of
// open files. Artificially cap ourselves to 16.
static const kMaxOpenWrites = 16;
static int openWrites = 0;
static Future<void> scheduleWrite(Uri path, List<int> bytes) async {
// Create a new pending write.
final pw = PendingWrite(path, bytes);
return pw.completer.future;
static void _maybeWriteFiles() {
while (openWrites < kMaxOpenWrites) {
if (pendingWrites.length > 0) {
final pw = pendingWrites.removeLast();
} else {
static void _writeCompleted() {
assert(openWrites >= 0);
Future<void> writeFileCallback(Uri path, List<int> bytes) async =>
WriteLimiter.scheduleWrite(path, bytes);
Future<void> writeStreamFileCallback(Uri path, Stream<List<int>> bytes) async {
final file = File.fromUri(path);
final parent_directory = file.parent;
await parent_directory.create(recursive: true);
if (await file.exists()) {
await file.delete();
final sink = await file.openWrite();
await sink.addStream(bytes);
await sink.close();
Future<List<int>> readFileCallback(Uri path) async =>
await File.fromUri(path).readAsBytes();
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> listFilesCallback(Uri dirPath) async {
final dir = Directory.fromUri(dirPath);
final dirPathStr = dirPath.path;
final stream = dir.list(recursive: true);
final result = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
await for (var fileEntity in stream) {
final filePath = Uri.file(fileEntity.path).path;
final stat = await fileEntity.stat();
if (stat.type == FileSystemEntityType.file &&
filePath.startsWith(dirPathStr)) {
final map = <String, dynamic>{};
map['name'] = '/' + filePath.substring(dirPathStr.length);
map['size'] = stat.size;
map['modified'] = stat.modified.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
return result;
Uri? serverInformationCallback() => _lazyServerBoot().serverAddress;
Future<Uri?> webServerControlCallback(bool enable, bool? silenceOutput) async {
if (silenceOutput != null) {
silentObservatory = silenceOutput;
final _server = _lazyServerBoot();
if (_server.running != enable) {
if (enable) {
await _server.startup();
// TODO: if dds is enabled a dds instance needs to be started.
} else {
await _server.shutdown(true);
return _server.serverAddress;
void webServerAcceptNewWebSocketConnections(bool enable) {
final _server = _lazyServerBoot();
_server.acceptNewWebSocketConnections = enable;
_onSignal(ProcessSignal signal) async {
if (serverFuture != null) {
// Still waiting.
final _server = _lazyServerBoot();
// Toggle HTTP server.
if (_server.running) {
_server.shutdown(true).then((_) async {
await VMService().clearState();
serverFuture = null;
} else {
_server.startup().then((_) {
if (_waitForDdsToAdvertiseService) {
ddsInstance = _DebuggingSession()
Timer? _registerSignalHandlerTimer;
void _registerSignalHandler() {
if (VMService().isExiting) {
// If the VM started shutting down we don't want to register this signal
// handler, otherwise we'll cause the VM to hang after killing the service
// isolate.
_registerSignalHandlerTimer = null;
final signalWatch = _signalWatch;
if (signalWatch == null) {
// Cannot register for signals.
if (_isWindows || _isFuchsia) {
// Cannot register for signals on Windows or Fuchsia.
_signalSubscription = signalWatch(ProcessSignal.sigquit).listen(_onSignal);
@pragma('vm:entry-point', !const bool.fromEnvironment('dart.vm.product'))
main() {
// Set embedder hooks.
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.cleanup = cleanupCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.createTempDir = createTempDirCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.ddsConnected = ddsConnectedCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.ddsDisconnected = ddsDisconnectedCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.deleteDir = deleteDirCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.writeFile = writeFileCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.writeStreamFile = writeStreamFileCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.readFile = readFileCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.listFiles = listFilesCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.serverInformation = serverInformationCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.webServerControl = webServerControlCallback;
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.acceptNewWebSocketConnections =
VMServiceEmbedderHooks.serveObservatory = serveObservatoryCallback;
// Always instantiate the vmservice object so that the exit message
// can be delivered and waiting loaders can be cancelled.
if (_autoStart) {
final _server = _lazyServerBoot();
_server.startup().then((_) {
if (_waitForDdsToAdvertiseService) {
ddsInstance = _DebuggingSession()
// It's just here to push an event on the event loop so that we invoke the
// scheduled microtasks. {});
// Register signal handler after a small delay to avoid stalling main
// isolate startup.
_registerSignalHandlerTimer = Timer(shortDelay, _registerSignalHandler);
@pragma("vm:external-name", "VMServiceIO_Shutdown")
external _shutdown();