blob: 241ec1f1b0c66e80388d3157535525aee1d6bb3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/parser.dart' as analyzer;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/completion/completion_target.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../../support/abstract_context.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class CompletionTargetTest extends AbstractContextTest {
Source testSource;
int completionOffset;
CompletionTarget target;
bool get usingFastaParser => analyzer.Parser.useFasta;
Future<void> addTestSource(String content) async {
expect(completionOffset, isNull, reason: 'Call addTestSource exactly once');
completionOffset = content.indexOf('^');
expect(completionOffset, isNot(equals(-1)), reason: 'missing ^');
int nextOffset = content.indexOf('^', completionOffset + 1);
expect(nextOffset, equals(-1), reason: 'too many ^');
content = content.substring(0, completionOffset) +
content.substring(completionOffset + 1);
testSource = addSource('/test.dart', content);
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResult(testSource.fullName);
target = new CompletionTarget.forOffset(result.unit, completionOffset);
Future<void> assertTarget(entityText, nodeText,
{int argIndex: null,
bool isFunctionalArgument: false,
String droppedToken}) async {
void assertCommon() {
expect(target.entity.toString(), entityText, reason: 'entity');
expect(target.containingNode.toString(), nodeText,
reason: 'containingNode');
expect(target.argIndex, argIndex, reason: 'argIndex');
expect(target.droppedToken?.toString(), droppedToken ?? isNull,
reason: 'droppedToken');
// Assert with parsed unit
ResolvedUnitResult result = await driver.getResult(testSource.fullName);
target = new CompletionTarget.forOffset(result.unit, completionOffset);
// Assert more with resolved unit
expect(target.isFunctionalArgument(), isFunctionalArgument);
test_ArgumentList_InstanceCreationExpression() async {
// ArgumentList InstanceCreationExpression Block
await addTestSource('main() {new Foo(^)}');
await assertTarget(')', '()', argIndex: 0);
test_ArgumentList_InstanceCreationExpression2() async {
// ArgumentList InstanceCreationExpression Block
await addTestSource('main() {new Foo(a,^)}');
await assertTarget(')', '(a)', argIndex: 1);
test_ArgumentList_InstanceCreationExpression_functionArg2() async {
// ArgumentList InstanceCreationExpression Block
await addTestSource('main() {new B(^)} class B{B(f()){}}');
await assertTarget(')', '()', argIndex: 0, isFunctionalArgument: true);
test_ArgumentList_InstanceCreationExpression_functionArg3() async {
// ArgumentList InstanceCreationExpression Block
await addTestSource('main() {new B(1, f: ^)} class B{B(int i, {f()}){}}');
await assertTarget('', 'f: ', argIndex: 1, isFunctionalArgument: true);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {foo(^)}');
await assertTarget(')', '()', argIndex: 0);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation2() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {foo(^n)}');
await assertTarget('n', '(n)', argIndex: 0);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation3() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {foo(n^)}');
await assertTarget('n', '(n)', argIndex: 0);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation3a() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {foo((n)^)}');
await assertTarget(')', '((n))', argIndex: 0);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation4() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {foo(n,^)}');
await assertTarget(')', '(n)', argIndex: 1);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation_functionArg() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {foo(^)} foo(f()) {}');
await assertTarget(')', '()', argIndex: 0, isFunctionalArgument: true);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation_functionArg2() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {new B().boo(^)} class B{boo(f()){}}');
await assertTarget(')', '()', argIndex: 0, isFunctionalArgument: true);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation_functionArg3() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {foo(f: ^)} foo({f()}) {}');
await assertTarget('', 'f: ', argIndex: 0, isFunctionalArgument: true);
test_ArgumentList_MethodInvocation_functionArg4() async {
// ArgumentList MethodInvocation Block
await addTestSource('main() {new B().boo(f: ^)} class B{boo({f()}){}}');
await assertTarget('', 'f: ', argIndex: 0, isFunctionalArgument: true);
test_AsExpression_identifier() async {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName AsExpression
await addTestSource(
'class A {var b; X _c; foo() {var a; (a^ as String).foo();}');
await assertTarget('a as String', '(a as String)');
test_AsExpression_keyword() async {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName AsExpression
await addTestSource(
'class A {var b; X _c; foo() {var a; (a ^as String).foo();}');
await assertTarget('as', 'a as String');
test_AsExpression_keyword2() async {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName AsExpression
await addTestSource(
'class A {var b; X _c; foo() {var a; (a a^s String).foo();}');
await assertTarget('as', 'a as String');
test_AsExpression_keyword3() async {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName AsExpression
await addTestSource(
'class A {var b; X _c; foo() {var a; (a as^ String).foo();}');
await assertTarget('as', 'a as String');
test_AsExpression_type() async {
// SimpleIdentifier TypeName AsExpression
await addTestSource(
'class A {var b; X _c; foo() {var a; (a as ^String).foo();}');
await assertTarget('String', 'a as String');
test_Block() async {
// Block
await addTestSource('main() {^}');
await assertTarget('}', '{}');
test_Block_keyword() async {
await addTestSource(
'class C { static C get instance => null; } main() {^}');
await assertTarget('in', '');
test_Block_keyword2() async {
await addTestSource(
'class C { static C get instance => null; } main() {C.i^n}');
await assertTarget('in', '');
test_FormalParameter_partialType() async {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier TypeName
await addTestSource('foo(b.^ f) { }');
await assertTarget('f', 'b.f');
test_FormalParameter_partialType2() async {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier TypeName
await addTestSource('foo(b.z^ f) { }');
await assertTarget('z', 'b.z');
test_FormalParameter_partialType3() async {
// SimpleIdentifier PrefixedIdentifier TypeName
await addTestSource('foo(b.^) { }');
await assertTarget('', 'b.');
test_FormalParameterList() async {
// Token FormalParameterList FunctionExpression
await addTestSource('foo(^) { }');
await assertTarget(')', '()');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inLineComment() async {
// Comment CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
// normal comment ^
zoo(z) { } String name;''');
await assertTarget('// normal comment ', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inLineComment2() async {
// Comment CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
// normal ^comment
zoo(z) { } String name;''');
await assertTarget('// normal comment', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inLineComment3() async {
// Comment CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
// normal comment ^
// normal comment 2
zoo(z) { } String name;''');
await assertTarget('// normal comment ', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inLineComment4() async {
// Comment CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
// normal comment
// normal comment 2^
zoo(z) { } String name;''');
await assertTarget('// normal comment 2', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inLineDocComment() async {
// Comment FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
/// some dartdoc ^
zoo(z) { } String name;''');
await assertTarget('/// some dartdoc ', '');
expect(target.containingNode is Comment, isTrue);
expect(target.containingNode.parent.toSource(), 'zoo(z) {}');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inLineDocComment2() async {
// Comment FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
/// some ^dartdoc
zoo(z) { } String name;''');
await assertTarget('/// some dartdoc', '');
expect(target.containingNode is Comment, isTrue);
expect(target.containingNode.parent.toSource(), 'zoo(z) {}');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inStarComment() async {
// Comment CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('/* ^ */ zoo(z) {} String name;');
await assertTarget('/* */', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inStarComment2() async {
// Comment CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('/* *^/ zoo(z) {} String name;');
await assertTarget('/* */', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inStarDocComment() async {
// Comment FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('/** ^ */ zoo(z) { } String name;');
await assertTarget('/** */', '');
expect(target.containingNode is Comment, isTrue);
expect(target.containingNode.parent.toSource(), 'zoo(z) {}');
test_FunctionDeclaration_inStarDocComment2() async {
// Comment FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('/** *^/ zoo(z) { } String name;');
await assertTarget('/** */', '');
expect(target.containingNode is Comment, isTrue);
expect(target.containingNode.parent.toSource(), 'zoo(z) {}');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType() async {
// CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('^ zoo(z) { } String name;');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType_afterLineComment() async {
// FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
// normal comment
^ zoo(z) {} String name;''');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType_afterLineComment2() async {
// FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
// TOD(danrubel) left align all test source
await addTestSource('''
// normal comment
^ zoo(z) {} String name;''');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType_afterLineDocComment() async {
// SimpleIdentifier FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
/// some dartdoc
^ zoo(z) { } String name; ''');
await assertTarget('zoo', 'zoo(z) {}');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType_afterLineDocComment2() async {
// SimpleIdentifier FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
/// some dartdoc
^ zoo(z) { } String name;''');
await assertTarget('zoo', 'zoo(z) {}');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType_afterStarComment() async {
// CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('/* */ ^ zoo(z) { } String name;');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType_afterStarComment2() async {
// CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('/* */^ zoo(z) { } String name;');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'zoo(z) {} String name;');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType_afterStarDocComment() async {
// FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('/** */ ^ zoo(z) { } String name;');
await assertTarget('zoo', 'zoo(z) {}');
test_FunctionDeclaration_returnType_afterStarDocComment2() async {
// FunctionDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('/** */^ zoo(z) { } String name;');
await assertTarget('zoo', 'zoo(z) {}');
test_IfStatement_droppedToken() async {
// Comment ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('main() { if (v i^) }');
if (usingFastaParser) {
await assertTarget(')', 'if (v) ;', droppedToken: 'i');
} else {
await assertTarget('i;', 'if (v) i;');
test_InstanceCreationExpression_identifier() async {
// InstanceCreationExpression ExpressionStatement Block
await addTestSource('class C {foo(){var f; {var x;} new ^C();}}');
await assertTarget('C', 'new C()');
test_InstanceCreationExpression_keyword() async {
// InstanceCreationExpression ExpressionStatement Block
await addTestSource('class C {foo(){var f; {var x;} new^ }}');
await assertTarget('new ();', '{var f; {var x;} new ();}');
test_InstanceCreationExpression_keyword2() async {
// InstanceCreationExpression ExpressionStatement Block
await addTestSource('class C {foo(){var f; {var x;} new^ C();}}');
await assertTarget('new C();', '{var f; {var x;} new C();}');
test_MapLiteralEntry() async {
// MapLiteralEntry MapLiteral VariableDeclaration
await addTestSource('foo = {^');
// fasta scanner inserts synthetic closing '}'
await assertTarget('}', '{}');
test_MapLiteralEntry1() async {
// MapLiteralEntry MapLiteral VariableDeclaration
await addTestSource('foo = {T^');
await assertTarget('T : ', '{T : }');
test_MapLiteralEntry2() async {
// SimpleIdentifier MapLiteralEntry MapLiteral VariableDeclaration
await addTestSource('foo = {7:T^};');
await assertTarget('T', '7 : T');
test_MethodDeclaration_inLineComment() async {
// Comment ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
// normal comment ^
zoo(z) { } String name; }''');
await assertTarget(
'// normal comment ', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inLineComment2() async {
// Comment ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
// normal ^comment
zoo(z) { } String name; }''');
await assertTarget(
'// normal comment', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inLineComment3() async {
// Comment ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
// normal comment ^
// normal comment 2
zoo(z) { } String name; }''');
await assertTarget(
'// normal comment ', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inLineComment4() async {
// Comment ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
// normal comment
// normal comment 2^
zoo(z) { } String name; }''');
await assertTarget(
'// normal comment 2', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inLineDocComment() async {
// Comment MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
/// some dartdoc ^
zoo(z) { } String name; }''');
await assertTarget('/// some dartdoc ', '');
expect(target.containingNode is Comment, isTrue);
expect(target.containingNode.parent.toSource(), 'zoo(z) {}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inLineDocComment2() async {
// Comment MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
/// some ^dartdoc
zoo(z) { } String name; }''');
await assertTarget('/// some dartdoc', '');
expect(target.containingNode is Comment, isTrue);
expect(target.containingNode.parent.toSource(), 'zoo(z) {}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inStarComment() async {
// Comment ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {/* ^ */ zoo(z) {} String name;}');
await assertTarget('/* */', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inStarComment2() async {
// Comment ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {/* *^/ zoo(z) {} String name;}');
await assertTarget('/* */', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inStarDocComment() async {
// Comment MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {/** ^ */ zoo(z) { } String name; }');
await assertTarget('/** */', '');
expect(target.containingNode is Comment, isTrue);
expect(target.containingNode.parent.toSource(), 'zoo(z) {}');
test_MethodDeclaration_inStarDocComment2() async {
// Comment MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {/** *^/ zoo(z) { } String name; }');
await assertTarget('/** */', '');
expect(target.containingNode is Comment, isTrue);
expect(target.containingNode.parent.toSource(), 'zoo(z) {}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {^ zoo(z) { } String name; }');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType_afterLineComment() async {
// MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
// normal comment
^ zoo(z) {} String name;}''');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType_afterLineComment2() async {
// MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
// TOD(danrubel) left align all test source
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
// normal comment
^ zoo(z) {} String name;}''');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType_afterLineDocComment() async {
// SimpleIdentifier MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
/// some dartdoc
^ zoo(z) { } String name; }''');
await assertTarget('zoo', 'zoo(z) {}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType_afterLineDocComment2() async {
// SimpleIdentifier MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('''
class C2 {
/// some dartdoc
^ zoo(z) { } String name; }''');
await assertTarget('zoo', 'zoo(z) {}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType_afterStarComment() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {/* */ ^ zoo(z) { } String name; }');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType_afterStarComment2() async {
// ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {/* */^ zoo(z) { } String name; }');
await assertTarget('zoo(z) {}', 'class C2 {zoo(z) {} String name;}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType_afterStarDocComment() async {
// MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {/** */ ^ zoo(z) { } String name; }');
await assertTarget('zoo', 'zoo(z) {}');
test_MethodDeclaration_returnType_afterStarDocComment2() async {
// MethodDeclaration ClassDeclaration CompilationUnit
await addTestSource('class C2 {/** */^ zoo(z) { } String name; }');
await assertTarget('zoo', 'zoo(z) {}');
test_SwitchStatement_c() async {
// Token('c') SwitchStatement
await addTestSource('main() { switch(x) {c^} }');
await assertTarget('}', 'switch (x) {}', droppedToken: 'c');
test_SwitchStatement_c2() async {
// Token('c') SwitchStatement
await addTestSource('main() { switch(x) { c^ } }');
await assertTarget('}', 'switch (x) {}', droppedToken: 'c');
test_SwitchStatement_empty() async {
// SwitchStatement
await addTestSource('main() { switch(x) {^} }');
await assertTarget('}', 'switch (x) {}');
test_SwitchStatement_empty2() async {
// SwitchStatement
await addTestSource('main() { switch(x) { ^ } }');
await assertTarget('}', 'switch (x) {}');
test_TypeArgumentList() async {
// TypeName TypeArgumentList TypeName
await addTestSource('main() { C<^> c; }');
await assertTarget('', '<>');
test_TypeArgumentList2() async {
// TypeName TypeArgumentList TypeName
await addTestSource('main() { C<C^> c; }');
await assertTarget('C', '<C>');
test_VariableDeclaration_lhs_identifier_after() async {
// VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
await addTestSource('main() {int b^ = 1;}');
await assertTarget('b = 1', 'int b = 1');
test_VariableDeclaration_lhs_identifier_before() async {
// VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList
await addTestSource('main() {int ^b = 1;}');
await assertTarget('b = 1', 'int b = 1');