blob: 2d5c1f5900752fb5eb7b6354223c7e236d5b46d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library hosted_source;
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:json';
import 'dart:uri';
import 'io.dart';
import 'package.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'source_registry.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'version.dart';
* A package source that installs packages from a package hosting site that
* uses the same API as
class HostedSource extends Source {
final name = "hosted";
final shouldCache = true;
* The URL of the default package repository.
static final defaultUrl = "";
* Downloads a list of all versions of a package that are available from the
* site.
Future<List<Version>> getVersions(String name, description) {
var parsed = _parseDescription(description);
var fullUrl = "${parsed.last}/packages/${parsed.first}.json";
return httpGetString(fullUrl).transform((body) {
var doc = JSON.parse(body);
return doc['versions'].map((version) => new Version.parse(version));
}).transformException((ex) {
if (ex is PubHttpException && ex.statusCode == 404) {
throw 'Could not find package "${parsed.first}" on ${parsed.last}.';
// Otherwise re-throw the original exception.
throw ex;
* Downloads and parses the pubspec for a specific version of a package that
* is available from the site.
Future<Pubspec> describe(PackageId id) {
var parsed = _parseDescription(id.description);
var fullUrl = "${parsed.last}/packages/${parsed.first}/versions/"
return httpGetString(fullUrl).transform((yaml) {
return new Pubspec.parse(yaml, systemCache.sources);
* Downloads a package from the site and unpacks it.
Future<bool> install(PackageId id, String destPath) {
var parsedDescription = _parseDescription(id.description);
var name = parsedDescription.first;
var url = parsedDescription.last;
var fullUrl = "$url/packages/$name/versions/${id.version}.tar.gz";
print('Downloading $id...');
// Download and extract the archive to a temp directory.
var tempDir;
return Futures.wait([httpGet(fullUrl), createTempDir()]).chain((args) {
tempDir = args[1];
return timeout(extractTarGz(args[0], tempDir), HTTP_TIMEOUT,
'Timed out while fetching URL "$fullUrl".');
}).chain((_) {
// Now that the install has succeeded, move it to the real location in
// the cache. This ensures that we don't leave half-busted ghost
// directories in the user's pub cache if an install fails.
var rename = renameDir(tempDir, destPath);
// TODO(rnystrom): Awful hack. On Windows, we see cases where the extract
// has not finished by the time we get here, so the rename fails with a
// "directory in use" error. So, we will just wait a couple of seconds
// before we start.
if (io.Platform.operatingSystem == "windows") {
rename = sleep(2000).chain((_) => rename);
return rename;
}).transform((_) => true);
* The system cache directory for the hosted source contains subdirectories
* for each separate repository URL that's used on the system. Each of these
* subdirectories then contains a subdirectory for each package installed
* from that site.
String systemCacheDirectory(PackageId id) {
var parsed = _parseDescription(id.description);
var url = parsed.last.replaceAll(new RegExp(r"^https?://"), "");
var urlDir = replace(url, new RegExp(r'[<>:"\\/|?*%]'), (match) {
return '%${match[0].charCodeAt(0)}';
return join(systemCacheRoot, urlDir, "${parsed.first}-${id.version}");
String packageName(description) => _parseDescription(description).first;
bool descriptionsEqual(description1, description2) =>
_parseDescription(description1) == _parseDescription(description2);
* Ensures that [description] is a valid hosted package description.
* There are two valid formats. A plain string refers to a package with the
* given name from the default host, while a map with keys "name" and "url"
* refers to a package with the given name from the host at the given URL.
void validateDescription(description, [bool fromLockFile=false]) {
* Parses the description for a package.
* If the package parses correctly, this returns a (name, url) pair. If not,
* this throws a descriptive FormatException.
Pair<String, String> _parseDescription(description) {
if (description is String) {
return new Pair<String, String>(description, defaultUrl);
if (description is! Map) {
throw new FormatException(
"The description must be a package name or map.");
if (!description.containsKey("name")) {
throw new FormatException(
"The description map must contain a 'name' key.");
var name = description["name"];
if (name is! String) {
throw new FormatException("The 'name' key must have a string value.");
var url = description.containsKey("url") ? description["url"] : defaultUrl;
return new Pair<String, String>(name, url);