blob: 141c36a55fdf81d7473860817a40035889e535c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/globals.h" // NOLINT
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/simulator.h"
namespace dart {
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, check_code_pointer);
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, inline_alloc);
namespace compiler {
void Assembler::InitializeMemoryWithBreakpoints(uword data, intptr_t length) {
const uword end = data + length;
while (data < end) {
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(data) = SimulatorBytecode::kTrap;
data += sizeof(int32_t);
#define DEFINE_EMIT(Name, Signature, Fmt0, Fmt1, Fmt2) \
void Assembler::Name(PARAMS_##Signature) { \
Emit(SimulatorBytecode::FENCODE_##Signature( \
SimulatorBytecode::k##Name ENCODE_##Signature)); \
#define PARAMS_0
#define PARAMS_A_D uintptr_t ra, uintptr_t rd
#define PARAMS_D uintptr_t rd
#define PARAMS_A_B_C uintptr_t ra, uintptr_t rb, uintptr_t rc
#define PARAMS_A_B_Y uintptr_t ra, uintptr_t rb, intptr_t ry
#define PARAMS_A uintptr_t ra
#define PARAMS_T intptr_t x
#define PARAMS_A_X uintptr_t ra, intptr_t x
#define PARAMS_X intptr_t x
#define ENCODE_0
#define ENCODE_A_D , ra, rd
#define ENCODE_D , 0, rd
#define ENCODE_A_B_C , ra, rb, rc
#define ENCODE_A_B_Y , ra, rb, ry
#define ENCODE_A , ra, 0
#define ENCODE_T , x
#define ENCODE_A_X , ra, x
#define ENCODE_X , 0, x
#define FENCODE_0 Encode
#define FENCODE_A_D Encode
#define FENCODE_D Encode
#define FENCODE_A_B_C Encode
#define FENCODE_A_B_Y Encode
#define FENCODE_A Encode
#define FENCODE_T EncodeSigned
#define FENCODE_A_X EncodeSigned
#define FENCODE_X EncodeSigned
void Assembler::Emit(int32_t value) {
AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
const char* Assembler::RegisterName(Register reg) {
return ThreadState::Current()->zone()->PrintToString("R%d", reg);
const char* Assembler::FpuRegisterName(FpuRegister reg) {
return ThreadState::Current()->zone()->PrintToString("F%d", reg);
static int32_t EncodeJump(int32_t relative_pc) {
return SimulatorBytecode::kJump | (relative_pc << 8);
static int32_t OffsetToPC(int32_t offset) {
return offset >> 2;
void Assembler::Jump(Label* label) {
if (label->IsBound()) {
Emit(EncodeJump(OffsetToPC(label->Position() - buffer_.Size())));
} else {
const intptr_t position = buffer_.Size();
void Assembler::Bind(Label* label) {
intptr_t bound_pc = buffer_.Size();
while (label->IsLinked()) {
const int32_t position = label->Position();
const int32_t next_position = buffer_.Load<int32_t>(position);
EncodeJump(OffsetToPC(bound_pc - position)));
label->position_ = next_position;
void Assembler::Stop(const char* message) {
// TODO(vegorov) support passing a message to the bytecode.
void Assembler::PushConstant(const Object& obj) {
void Assembler::LoadConstant(uintptr_t ra, const Object& obj) {
LoadConstant(ra, AddConstant(obj));
intptr_t Assembler::AddConstant(const Object& obj) {
return object_pool_builder().FindObject(
NewZoneHandle(ThreadState::Current()->zone(), obj));
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined TARGET_ARCH_DBC