blob: fd577df3efa7a88f1879c9c1e08bacdc935e5503 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vm.bytecode.bytecode_serialization;
import 'dart:io' show BytesBuilder;
import 'dart:typed_data' show ByteData, Endian, Uint8List, Uint16List;
abstract class StringWriter {
int put(String string);
abstract class StringReader {
String get(int ref);
abstract class BytecodeObject {}
abstract class ObjectWriter {
void writeObject(BytecodeObject object, BufferedWriter writer);
abstract class ObjectReader {
BytecodeObject readObject(BufferedReader reader);
class BufferedWriter {
final int formatVersion;
final StringWriter stringWriter;
final ObjectWriter objectWriter;
final BytesBuilder bytes = new BytesBuilder();
final int baseOffset;
BufferedWriter(this.formatVersion, this.stringWriter, this.objectWriter,
{this.baseOffset: 0});
factory BufferedWriter.fromWriter(BufferedWriter writer) =>
new BufferedWriter(
writer.formatVersion, writer.stringWriter, writer.objectWriter);
List<int> takeBytes() => bytes.takeBytes();
int get offset => bytes.length;
void writeByte(int value) {
assert((value >> 8) == 0);
void writeBytes(List<int> values) {
void writeUInt32(int value) {
if ((value >> 32) != 0) {
throw 'Unable to write $value as 32-bit unsigned integer';
// TODO(alexmarkov): consider using native byte order
bytes.addByte((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
bytes.addByte((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
bytes.addByte((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
bytes.addByte(value & 0xFF);
void writePackedUInt30(int value) {
if ((value >> 30) != 0) {
throw 'Unable to write $value as 30-bit unsigned integer';
if (value < 0x80) {
} else if (value < 0x4000) {
bytes.addByte((value >> 8) | 0x80);
bytes.addByte(value & 0xFF);
} else {
bytes.addByte((value >> 24) | 0xC0);
bytes.addByte((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
bytes.addByte((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
bytes.addByte(value & 0xFF);
void writeSLEB128(int value) {
bool last = false;
do {
int part = value & 0x7f;
value >>= 7;
if ((value == 0 && (part & 0x40) == 0) ||
(value == -1 && (part & 0x40) != 0)) {
last = true;
} else {
part |= 0x80;
} while (!last);
void writePackedStringReference(String value) {
void writePackedObject(BytecodeObject object) {
objectWriter.writeObject(object, this);
void writePackedList(List<BytecodeObject> objects) {
for (var obj in objects) {
void align(int alignment) {
assert(alignment & (alignment - 1) == 0);
int offs = baseOffset + offset;
int padding = ((offs + alignment - 1) & -alignment) - offs;
for (int i = 0; i < padding; ++i) {
class BufferedReader {
int formatVersion;
StringReader stringReader;
ObjectReader objectReader;
final List<int> bytes;
final int baseOffset;
/// Position within [bytes], already includes [baseOffset].
int _pos;
this.formatVersion, this.stringReader, this.objectReader, this.bytes,
{this.baseOffset: 0})
: _pos = baseOffset {
assert((0 <= _pos) && (_pos <= bytes.length));
int get offset => _pos - baseOffset;
set offset(int offs) {
_pos = baseOffset + offs;
assert((0 <= _pos) && (_pos <= bytes.length));
int readByte() => bytes[_pos++];
int readUInt32() {
return (readByte() << 24) |
(readByte() << 16) |
(readByte() << 8) |
int readPackedUInt30() {
var byte = readByte();
if (byte & 0x80 == 0) {
// 0xxxxxxx
return byte;
} else if (byte & 0x40 == 0) {
// 10xxxxxx
return ((byte & 0x3F) << 8) | readByte();
} else {
// 11xxxxxx
return ((byte & 0x3F) << 24) |
(readByte() << 16) |
(readByte() << 8) |
int readSLEB128() {
int value = 0;
int shift = 0;
int part = 0;
do {
part = readByte();
value |= (part & 0x7f) << shift;
shift += 7;
} while ((part & 0x80) != 0);
const int kBitsPerInt = 64;
if ((shift < kBitsPerInt) && ((part & 0x40) != 0)) {
value |= (-1) << shift;
return value;
String readPackedStringReference() {
return stringReader.get(readPackedUInt30());
BytecodeObject readPackedObject() {
return objectReader.readObject(this);
List<T> readPackedList<T extends BytecodeObject>() {
final int len = readPackedUInt30();
final list = new List<T>(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
list[i] = readPackedObject();
return list;
Uint8List readBytesAsUint8List(int count) {
final Uint8List result = new Uint8List(count);
result.setRange(0, result.length, bytes, _pos);
_pos += count;
return result;
Uint16List readBytesAsUint16List(int count) {
final Uint16List result = new Uint16List(count);
int pos = _pos;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
result[i] = bytes[pos] | (bytes[pos + 1] << 8);
pos += 2;
_pos += count << 1;
return result;
void align(int alignment) {
assert(alignment & (alignment - 1) == 0);
_pos = ((_pos + alignment - 1) & -alignment);
class StringTable implements StringWriter, StringReader {
// Bit 0 in string reference is set for two-byte strings.
static const int flagTwoByteString = 1;
Map<String, int> _map = <String, int>{};
List<String> _oneByteStrings = <String>[];
List<String> _twoByteStrings = <String>[];
bool _written = false;
int put(String string) {
int ref = _map[string];
if (ref == null) {
if (_written) {
throw 'Unable to add a string to string table after it was written';
if (isOneByteString(string)) {
ref = (_oneByteStrings.length << 1);
} else {
ref = (_twoByteStrings.length << 1) | flagTwoByteString;
_map[string] = ref;
return ref;
String get(int ref) {
if ((ref & flagTwoByteString) == 0) {
return _oneByteStrings[ref >> 1];
} else {
return _twoByteStrings[ref >> 1];
bool isOneByteString(String value) {
const int maxLatin1 = 0xff;
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
if (value.codeUnitAt(i) > maxLatin1) {
return false;
return true;
void write(BufferedWriter writer) {
final start = writer.offset;
int endOffset = 0;
for (var str in _oneByteStrings) {
endOffset += str.length;
for (var str in _twoByteStrings) {
endOffset += str.length << 1;
for (var str in _oneByteStrings) {
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
for (var str in _twoByteStrings) {
for (int i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
int utf16codeUnit = str.codeUnitAt(i);
writer.writeByte(utf16codeUnit & 0xFF);
writer.writeByte(utf16codeUnit >> 8);
_written = true;
BytecodeSizeStatistics.stringTableSize += (writer.offset - start);
} reader) {
final int numOneByteStrings = reader.readUInt32();
final int numTwoByteStrings = reader.readUInt32();
final List<int> oneByteEndOffsets = new List<int>(numOneByteStrings);
for (int i = 0; i < oneByteEndOffsets.length; ++i) {
oneByteEndOffsets[i] = reader.readUInt32();
List<int> twoByteEndOffsets = new List<int>(numTwoByteStrings);
for (int i = 0; i < twoByteEndOffsets.length; ++i) {
twoByteEndOffsets[i] = reader.readUInt32();
int start = 0;
if (numOneByteStrings > 0) {
_oneByteStrings = new List<String>(numOneByteStrings);
final charCodes = reader.readBytesAsUint8List(oneByteEndOffsets.last);
for (int i = 0; i < _oneByteStrings.length; ++i) {
final end = oneByteEndOffsets[i];
final str = new String.fromCharCodes(charCodes, start, end);
_oneByteStrings[i] = str;
_map[str] = i << 1;
start = end;
final int twoByteBaseOffset = start;
if (numTwoByteStrings > 0) {
int start = 0;
_twoByteStrings = new List<String>(numTwoByteStrings);
final charCodes = reader.readBytesAsUint16List(
(twoByteEndOffsets.last - twoByteBaseOffset) >> 1);
for (int i = 0; i < _twoByteStrings.length; ++i) {
final end = (twoByteEndOffsets[i] - twoByteBaseOffset) >> 1;
final str = new String.fromCharCodes(charCodes, start, end);
_twoByteStrings[i] = str;
_map[str] = (i << 1) | flagTwoByteString;
start = end;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.writeln('StringTable {');
sb.writeln(' // One Byte Strings');
for (String str in _oneByteStrings) {
sb.writeln(' "$str"');
sb.writeln(' // Two Byte Strings');
for (String str in _twoByteStrings) {
sb.writeln(' "$str"');
return sb.toString();
int doubleToIntBits(double value) {
final buf = new ByteData(8);
buf.setFloat64(0, value, Endian.little);
return buf.getInt64(0, Endian.little);
double intBitsToDouble(int bits) {
final buf = new ByteData(8);
buf.setInt64(0, bits, Endian.little);
return buf.getFloat64(0, Endian.little);
class NamedEntryStatistics {
final String name;
int size = 0;
int count = 0;
String toString() => "${name.padRight(40)}: ${size.toString().padLeft(10)}"
" (count: ${count.toString().padLeft(8)})";
class BytecodeSizeStatistics {
static int componentSize = 0;
static int objectTableSize = 0;
static int objectTableEntriesCount = 0;
static int stringTableSize = 0;
static int membersSize = 0;
static int constantPoolSize = 0;
static int instructionsSize = 0;
static List<NamedEntryStatistics> constantPoolStats =
static List<NamedEntryStatistics> objectTableStats = <NamedEntryStatistics>[];
static void reset() {
componentSize = 0;
objectTableSize = 0;
objectTableEntriesCount = 0;
stringTableSize = 0;
membersSize = 0;
constantPoolSize = 0;
instructionsSize = 0;
constantPoolStats = <NamedEntryStatistics>[];
objectTableStats = <NamedEntryStatistics>[];
static void dump() {
print("Bytecode size statistics:");
print(" Bytecode component: $componentSize");
" - object table: $objectTableSize (count: $objectTableEntriesCount)");
for (var entry in objectTableStats) {
print(" - $entry");
print(" - string table: $stringTableSize");
print(" Bytecode members: $membersSize");
print(" - constant pool: $constantPoolSize");
for (var entry in constantPoolStats) {
print(" - $entry");
print(" - instructions: $instructionsSize");