blob: a9af28e067c51e1cc6b03893c0374402509ebd11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dartfix/src/context.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Command line options for `dartfix`.
class Options {
final Context context;
Logger logger;
List<String> targets;
final String sdkPath;
final bool requiredFixes;
final List<String> includeFixes;
final List<String> excludeFixes;
final bool force;
final bool listFixes;
final bool overwrite;
final bool useColor;
final bool verbose;
static Options parse(List<String> args, {Context context, Logger logger}) {
final parser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true)
..addSeparator('Choosing fixes to be applied:')
abbr: 'i', help: 'Include a specific fix.', valueHelp: 'name-of-fix')
abbr: 'x', help: 'Exclude a specific fix.', valueHelp: 'name-of-fix')
abbr: 'r',
help: 'Apply required fixes.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
abbr: 'l',
help: 'Display a list of fixes that can be applied.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
..addSeparator('Modifying files:')
abbr: 'w',
help: 'Overwrite files with the changes.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
abbr: 'f',
help: 'Overwrite files even if there are errors.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
help: 'Use ansi colors when printing messages.',
defaultsTo: Ansi.terminalSupportsAnsi)
abbr: 'h',
help: 'Display this help message.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false)
abbr: 'v',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Verbose output.',
negatable: false);
context ??= new Context();
ArgResults results;
try {
results = parser.parse(args);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
logger ??= new Logger.standard(ansi: new Ansi(Ansi.terminalSupportsAnsi));
_showUsage(parser, logger);
Options options = new Options._fromArgs(context, results);
if (logger == null) {
if (options.verbose) {
logger = new Logger.verbose();
} else {
logger = new Logger.standard(
ansi: new Ansi(
options.useColor != null
? options.useColor
: Ansi.terminalSupportsAnsi,
options.logger = logger;
if (results[_helpOption] as bool) {
_showUsage(parser, logger);
if (options.listFixes) {
_showUsage(parser, logger, showListHint: false);
return options;
// Validate the Dart SDK location
String sdkPath = options.sdkPath;
if (sdkPath == null) {
logger.stderr('No Dart SDK found.');
_showUsage(parser, logger);
if (!context.exists(sdkPath)) {
logger.stderr('Invalid Dart SDK path: $sdkPath');
_showUsage(parser, logger);
// Check for files and/or directories to analyze.
if (options.targets == null || options.targets.isEmpty) {
logger.stderr('Expected at least one file or directory to analyze.');
_showUsage(parser, logger);
// Normalize and verify paths
options.targets =<String>(options.makeAbsoluteAndNormalize).toList();
for (String target in options.targets) {
if (!context.isDirectory(target)) {
if (!context.exists(target)) {
logger.stderr('Target does not exist: $target');
} else {
logger.stderr('Expected directory, but found: $target');
_showUsage(parser, logger);
if (options.verbose) {
for (String target in options.targets) {
logger.trace(' $target');
return options;
Options._fromArgs(this.context, ArgResults results)
: force = results[forceOption] as bool,
includeFixes =
(results[includeOption] as List ?? []).cast<String>().toList(),
excludeFixes =
(results[excludeOption] as List ?? []).cast<String>().toList(),
listFixes = results[listOption] as bool,
overwrite = results[overwriteOption] as bool,
requiredFixes = results[requiredOption] as bool,
sdkPath = _getSdkPath(),
targets =,
useColor = results.wasParsed(_colorOption)
? results[_colorOption] as bool
: null,
verbose = results[_verboseOption] as bool;
String makeAbsoluteAndNormalize(String target) {
if (!path.isAbsolute(target)) {
target = path.join(context.workingDir, target);
return path.normalize(target);
static String _getSdkPath() {
return Platform.environment['DART_SDK'] != null
? Platform.environment['DART_SDK']
: path.dirname(path.dirname(Platform.resolvedExecutable));
static _showUsage(ArgParser parser, Logger logger,
{bool showListHint = true}) {
logger.stderr('Usage: $_binaryName [options...] <directory paths>');
If neither --$includeOption nor --$requiredOption is specified, then all fixes
will be applied. Any fixes specified using --$excludeOption will not be applied
regardless of whether they are required or specifed using --$includeOption.''');
if (showListHint) {
Use --list to display the fixes that can be specified
using either --$includeOption or --$excludeOption.''');
const _binaryName = 'dartfix';
const _colorOption = 'color';
const forceOption = 'force';
const _helpOption = 'help';
const overwriteOption = 'overwrite';
const _verboseOption = 'verbose';
// options only supported by server 1.22.2 and greater
const excludeOption = 'exclude';
const includeOption = 'include';
const listOption = 'list';
const requiredOption = 'required';