blob: 23fd8f3d08d354d48982390e634247c63bd132c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Only needed so that [TestFile] can be referenced in doc comments.
import 'test_file.dart';
/// A front end that can report static errors.
class ErrorSource {
static const analyzer = ErrorSource._("analyzer");
static const cfe = ErrorSource._("CFE");
static const web = ErrorSource._("web");
/// All of the supported front ends.
/// The order is significant here. In static error tests, error expectations
/// must be in this order for consistency.
static const all = [analyzer, cfe, web];
/// Gets the source whose lowercase name is [name] or `null` if no source
/// with that name could be found.
static ErrorSource find(String name) {
for (var source in all) {
if (source.marker == name) return source;
return null;
/// A user readable name for the error source.
final String name;
/// The string used to mark errors from this source in test files.
String get marker => name.toLowerCase();
const ErrorSource._(;
/// Describes one or more static errors that should be reported at a specific
/// location.
/// These can be parsed from comments in [TestFile]s, in which case they
/// represent *expected* errors. If a test contains any of these, then it is a
/// "static error test" and exists to validate that a conforming front end
/// produces the expected compile-time errors. This same class is also used for
/// *reported* errors when parsing the output of a front end.
/// Because there are multiple front ends that each report errors somewhat
/// differently, each [StaticError] has a map to associate an error message
/// with each front end. If there is no message for a given front end, it means
/// the error is not reported by that front end.
/// For analyzer errors, the error "message" is actually the constant name for
/// the error code, like "CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_TYPE".
class StaticError implements Comparable<StaticError> {
static const _unspecified = "unspecified";
/// Parses the set of static error expectations defined in the Dart source
/// file [source].
static List<StaticError> parseExpectations(String source) =>
/// Collapses overlapping [errors] into a shorter list of errors where
/// possible.
/// Errors on the same location can be collapsed if none of them both define
/// a message for the same front end.
static List<StaticError> simplify(List<StaticError> errors) {
var result = errors.toList();
for (var i = 0; i < result.length - 1; i++) {
var a = result[i];
// Look for a later error we can merge with this one. Usually, it will be
// adjacent to this one, but if there are multiple errors with no length
// on the same location, those will all be next to each other and their
// merge targets will come later. This happens when CFE reports multiple
// errors at the same location (messages but no length) and analyzer does
// too (codes and lengths but no messages).
for (var j = i + 1; j < result.length; j++) {
var b = result[j];
// Position must be the same. If the position is different, we can
// stop looking because all same-position errors will be adjacent.
if (a.line != b.line) break;
if (a.column != b.column) break;
// If they both have lengths that are different, we can't discard that
// information.
if (a.length != null && b.length != null && a.length != b.length) {
// Can't lose any messages.
if (ErrorSource.all
.any((source) => a.hasError(source) && b.hasError(source))) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Now that there are more than two front ends, this
// isn't as smart as it could be. It could try to pack all of the
// messages in a given location into as few errors as possible by
// taking only the non-colliding messages from one error. But that's
// weird.
// A cleaner model is to have each StaticError represent a unique error
// location. It would have an open-ended list of every message that
// occurs at that location, across the various front-ends, including
// multiple messages for the same front end. But that would change how
// the existing static error tests look since something like:
// // ^^^
// // [cfe] Message 1.
// // ^^^
// // [cfe] Message 2.
// Would turn into:
// // ^^^
// // [cfe] Message 1.
// // [cfe] Message 2.
// That's a good change to do, but should probably wait until after
// NNBD.
// Merge the two errors.
result[i] = StaticError({...a._errors, ...b._errors},
line: a.line, column: a.column, length: a.length ?? b.length);
// Continue trying to merge this merged error with more since multiple
// errors might collapse into a single one.
a = result[i];
return result;
/// Determines whether all [actualErrors] match the given [expectedErrors].
/// If they match, returns `null`. Otherwise returns a string describing the
/// mismatches. This is a human-friendly explanation of the difference
/// between the two sets of errors, while also being simple to implement.
/// An expected error that is completely identical to an actual error is
/// treated as a match. Everything else is a failure.
/// It treats line number as the "identity" of an error. So if there are two
/// errors on the same line that differ in other properties, it reports that
/// as a "wrong" error. Any expected error on a line containing no actual
/// error is reported as a "missing" error. Conversely, an actual error on a
/// line containing no expected error is an "unexpected" error.
/// By not treating the error's index in the list to be its identity, we
/// gracefully handle extra or missing errors without causing cascading
/// failures for later errors in the lists.
static String validateExpectations(Iterable<StaticError> expectedErrors,
Iterable<StaticError> actualErrors) {
// Don't require the test or front end to output in any specific order.
var sortedExpected = expectedErrors.toList();
var sortedActual = actualErrors.toList();
var buffer = StringBuffer();
describeError(String adjective, StaticError error, String verb) {
buffer.writeln("$adjective static error at ${error.location}:");
for (var source in ErrorSource.all) {
var sourceError = error._errors[source];
if (sourceError == _unspecified) {
buffer.writeln("- $verb unspecified ${} error.");
} else if (sourceError != null) {
buffer.writeln("- $verb ${} error '$sourceError'.");
var expectedIndex = 0;
var actualIndex = 0;
for (;
expectedIndex < sortedExpected.length &&
actualIndex < sortedActual.length;) {
var expected = sortedExpected[expectedIndex];
var actual = sortedActual[actualIndex];
var differences = expected.describeDifferences(actual);
if (differences == null) {
// Consume this actual error.
// Consume the expectation, unless it's an unspecified error that can
// match more actual errors.
if (expected.isSpecifiedFor(actual) ||
actualIndex == sortedActual.length ||
sortedActual[actualIndex].line != expected.line) {
} else if (expected.line == actual.line) {
buffer.writeln("Wrong static error at ${expected.location}:");
for (var difference in differences) {
buffer.writeln("- $difference");
} else if (expected.line < actual.line) {
describeError("Missing", expected, "Expected");
} else {
describeError("Unexpected", actual, "Had");
// Output any trailing expected or actual errors if the lengths of the
// lists differ.
for (; expectedIndex < sortedExpected.length; expectedIndex++) {
describeError("Missing", sortedExpected[expectedIndex], "Expected");
for (; actualIndex < sortedActual.length; actualIndex++) {
describeError("Unexpected", sortedActual[actualIndex], "Had");
if (buffer.isEmpty) return null;
return buffer.toString().trimRight();
/// The one-based line number of the beginning of the error's location.
final int line;
/// The one-based column number of the beginning of the error's location.
final int column;
/// The number of characters in the error location.
/// This is optional. The CFE only reports error location, but not length.
final int length;
/// The error messages that should be or were reported by each front end.
final Map<ErrorSource, String> _errors;
/// Whether this static error exists for [source].
bool hasError(ErrorSource source) => _errors.containsKey(source);
/// The error for [source] or `null` if this error isn't expected to
/// reported by that source.
String errorFor(ErrorSource source) => _errors[source];
/// The zero-based index of the first line in the [TestFile] containing the
/// marker comments that define this error.
/// If this error was not parsed from a file, this may be `null`.
final int markerStartLine;
/// The zero-based index of the last line in the [TestFile] containing the
/// marker comments that define this error, inclusive.
/// If this error was not parsed from a file, this may be `null`.
final int markerEndLine;
/// Creates a new StaticError at the given location with the given expected
/// error code and message.
/// In order to make it easier to incrementally add error tests before a
/// feature is fully implemented or specified, an error expectation can be in
/// an "unspecified" state for either or both platforms by having the error
/// code or message be the special string "unspecified". When an unspecified
/// error is tested, a front end is expected to report *some* error on that
/// error's line, but it can be any location, error code, or message.
StaticError(Map<ErrorSource, String> errors,
: _errors = errors {
// Must have a location.
assert(line != null);
assert(column != null);
// Must have at least one piece of description.
/// A textual description of this error's location.
String get location {
var result = "line $line, column $column";
if (length != null) result += ", length $length";
return result;
String toString() {
var result = "Error at $location";
for (var source in ErrorSource.all) {
var sourceError = _errors[source];
if (sourceError != null) {
result += "\n[${}] $sourceError";
return result;
/// Orders errors primarily by location, then by other fields if needed.
int compareTo(StaticError other) {
if (line != other.line) return line.compareTo(other.line);
if (column != other.column) return column.compareTo(other.column);
// Sort no length after all other lengths.
if (length == null && other.length != null) return 1;
if (length != null && other.length == null) return -1;
if (length != other.length) return length.compareTo(other.length);
for (var source in ErrorSource.all) {
var thisError = _errors[source] ?? "";
var otherError = other._errors[source] ?? "";
if (thisError != otherError) {
return thisError.compareTo(otherError);
return 0;
bool operator ==(other) => other is StaticError && compareTo(other) == 0;
int get hashCode =>
3 * line.hashCode +
5 * column.hashCode +
7 * (length ?? 0).hashCode +
11 * (_errors[ErrorSource.analyzer] ?? "").hashCode +
13 * (_errors[ErrorSource.cfe] ?? "").hashCode +
17 * (_errors[ErrorSource.web] ?? "").hashCode;
/// Whether this error expectation is a specified error for the front end
/// reported by [actual].
bool isSpecifiedFor(StaticError actual) {
assert(actual._errors.length == 1,
"Actual error should only have one source.");
for (var source in ErrorSource.all) {
if (actual.hasError(source)) {
return hasError(source) && _errors[source] != _unspecified;
return false;
/// Compares this error expectation to [actual].
/// If this error correctly matches [actual], returns `null`. Otherwise
/// returns a list of strings describing the mismatch.
/// Note that this does *not* check to see that [actual] matches the front
/// ends that this error expects. For example, if [actual] only reports an
/// analyzer error and this error only specifies a CFE error, this will still
/// report differences in location information. This method expects that error
/// expectations have already been filtered by platform so this will only be
/// called in cases where the platforms do match.
List<String> describeDifferences(StaticError actual) {
var differences = <String>[];
if (line != actual.line) {
differences.add("Expected on line $line but was on ${actual.line}.");
// If the error is unspecified on the front end being tested, the column
// and length can be any values.
if (isSpecifiedFor(actual)) {
if (column != actual.column) {
.add("Expected on column $column but was on ${actual.column}.");
// This error represents an expectation, so should have a length.
assert(length != null);
if (actual.length != null && length != actual.length) {
differences.add("Expected length $length but was ${actual.length}.");
for (var source in ErrorSource.all) {
var error = _errors[source];
var actualError = actual._errors[source];
if (error != null &&
error != _unspecified &&
actualError != null &&
error != actualError) {
differences.add("Expected ${} error '$error' "
"but was '$actualError'.");
if (differences.isNotEmpty) return differences;
return null;
class _ErrorExpectationParser {
/// Marks the location of an expected error, like so:
/// int i = "s";
/// // ^^^
/// We look for a line that starts with a line comment followed by spaces and
/// carets.
static final _caretLocationRegExp = RegExp(r"^\s*//\s*(\^+)\s*$");
/// Matches an explicit error location with a length, like:
/// // [error line 1, column 17, length 3]
static final _explicitLocationAndLengthRegExp =
RegExp(r"^\s*//\s*\[\s*error line\s+(\d+)\s*,\s*column\s+(\d+)\s*,\s*"
/// Matches an explicit error location without a length, like:
/// // [error line 1, column 17]
static final _explicitLocationRegExp =
RegExp(r"^\s*//\s*\[\s*error line\s+(\d+)\s*,\s*column\s+(\d+)\s*\]\s*$");
/// Matches the beginning of an error message, like `// [analyzer]`.
static final _errorMessageRegExp = RegExp(r"^\s*// \[(\w+)\]\s*(.*)");
/// An analyzer error code is a dotted identifier or the magic string
/// "unspecified".
static final _errorCodeRegExp = RegExp(r"^\w+\.\w+|unspecified$");
/// Any line-comment-only lines after the first line of a CFE error message
/// are part of it.
static final _errorMessageRestRegExp = RegExp(r"^\s*//\s*(.*)");
/// Matches the multitest marker and yields the preceding content.
final _stripMultitestRegExp = RegExp(r"(.*)//#");
final List<String> _lines;
final List<StaticError> _errors = [];
int _currentLine = 0;
// One-based index of the last line that wasn't part of an error expectation.
int _lastRealLine = -1;
_ErrorExpectationParser(String source) : _lines = source.split("\n");
List<StaticError> _parse() {
while (_canPeek(0)) {
var sourceLine = _peek(0);
var match = _caretLocationRegExp.firstMatch(sourceLine);
if (match != null) {
if (_lastRealLine == -1) {
_fail("An error expectation must follow some code.");
line: _lastRealLine,
column: sourceLine.indexOf("^") + 1,
match = _explicitLocationAndLengthRegExp.firstMatch(sourceLine);
if (match != null) {
line: int.parse(,
column: int.parse(,
length: int.parse(;
match = _explicitLocationRegExp.firstMatch(sourceLine);
if (match != null) {
line: int.parse(, column: int.parse(;
_lastRealLine = _currentLine + 1;
return _errors;
/// Finishes parsing an error expectation after parsing the location.
void _parseErrorMessages({int line, int column, int length}) {
var errors = <ErrorSource, String>{};
var startLine = _currentLine;
while (_canPeek(1)) {
var match = _errorMessageRegExp.firstMatch(_peek(1));
if (match == null) break;
var sourceName =;
var source = ErrorSource.find(sourceName);
if (source == null) _fail("Unknown front end '[$sourceName]'.");
var message =;
// Consume as many additional error message lines as we find.
while (_canPeek(1)) {
var nextLine = _peek(1);
// A location line shouldn't be treated as part of the message.
if (_caretLocationRegExp.hasMatch(nextLine)) break;
if (_explicitLocationAndLengthRegExp.hasMatch(nextLine)) break;
if (_explicitLocationRegExp.hasMatch(nextLine)) break;
// The next source should not be treated as part of the message.
if (_errorMessageRegExp.hasMatch(nextLine)) break;
var messageMatch = _errorMessageRestRegExp.firstMatch(nextLine);
if (messageMatch == null) break;
message += "\n" +;
if (source == ErrorSource.analyzer &&
!_errorCodeRegExp.hasMatch(message)) {
_fail("An analyzer error expectation should be a dotted identifier.");
if (errors.containsKey(source)) {
_fail("Already have an error for ${}:\n${errors[source]}");
errors[source] = message;
if (errors.isEmpty) {
_fail("An error expectation must specify at least one error message.");
// Hack: If the error is CFE-only and the length is one, treat it as no
// length. The CFE does not output length information, and when the update
// tool writes a CFE-only error, it implicitly uses a length of one. Thus,
// when we parse back in a length one CFE error, we ignore the length so
// that the error round-trips correctly.
// TODO(rnystrom): Stop doing this when the CFE reports error lengths.
if (length == 1 &&
errors.length == 1 &&
errors.containsKey(ErrorSource.cfe)) {
length = null;
line: line,
column: column,
length: length,
markerStartLine: startLine,
markerEndLine: _currentLine));
bool _canPeek(int offset) => _currentLine + offset < _lines.length;
void _advance() {
String _peek(int offset) {
var line = _lines[_currentLine + offset];
// Strip off any multitest marker.
var multitestMatch = _stripMultitestRegExp.firstMatch(line);
if (multitestMatch != null) {
line =;
return line;
void _fail(String message) {
throw FormatException("Test error on line ${_currentLine + 1}: $message");