blob: d0f4ba32a204fc81152fdb0599ab81914f4daf27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
part of 'type_inferrer.dart';
/// Keeps track of information about the innermost function or closure being
/// inferred.
abstract class ClosureContext {
/// Returns `true` if this is an `async` or an `async*` function.
bool get isAsync;
/// The typing expectation for the subexpression of a `return` statement
/// inside the function.
/// For an `async` function, this is a "FutureOr" type (since it is
/// permissible for such a function to return either a direct value or a
/// future).
/// For generator functions (which do not allow return statements) this is the
/// unknown type.
DartType get returnContext;
/// The typing expectation for the subexpression of a `yield` statement inside
/// the function.
/// For `sync*` and `async*` functions, the expected type is the element type
/// of the generated `Iterable` or `Stream`, respectively.
/// For non-generator functions (which do not allow yield statements) this is
/// the unknown type.
DartType get yieldContext;
factory ClosureContext(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, AsyncMarker asyncMarker,
DartType returnContext, bool needToInferReturnType) {
assert(returnContext != null);
DartType declaredReturnType =
bool isAsync = asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.Async ||
asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.AsyncStar;
bool isGenerator = asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.SyncStar ||
asyncMarker == AsyncMarker.AsyncStar;
if (isGenerator) {
if (isAsync) {
DartType yieldContext = inferrer.getTypeArgumentOf(
returnContext, inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass);
return new _AsyncStarClosureContext(
yieldContext, declaredReturnType, needToInferReturnType);
} else {
DartType yieldContext = inferrer.getTypeArgumentOf(
returnContext, inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass);
return new _SyncStarClosureContext(
yieldContext, declaredReturnType, needToInferReturnType);
} else if (isAsync) {
if (inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
returnContext = inferrer.wrapFutureOrType(
} else {
returnContext = inferrer.wrapFutureOrType(
return new _AsyncClosureContext(
returnContext, declaredReturnType, needToInferReturnType);
} else {
return new _SyncClosureContext(
returnContext, declaredReturnType, needToInferReturnType);
/// Handles an explicit return statement.
/// If the return type is declared, the expression type is checked. If the
/// return type is inferred the expression type registered for inference
/// in [inferReturnType].
void handleReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, ReturnStatement statement,
DartType type, bool isArrow);
/// Handles an explicit yield statement.
/// If the return type is declared, the expression type is checked. If the
/// return type is inferred the expression type registered for inference
/// in [inferReturnType].
void handleYield(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, YieldStatement node,
ExpressionInferenceResult expressionResult);
/// Handles an implicit return statement.
/// If the return type is declared, the expression type is checked. If the
/// return type is inferred the expression type registered for inference
/// in [inferReturnType].
StatementInferenceResult handleImplicitReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
Statement body, StatementInferenceResult inferenceResult, int fileOffset);
/// Infers the return type for the function.
/// If the function is a non-generator function this is based on the explicit
/// and implicit return statements registered in [handleReturn] and
/// [handleImplicitReturn].
/// If the function is a generator function this is based on the explicit
/// yield statements registered in [handleYield].
DartType inferReturnType(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, {bool hasImplicitReturn});
class _SyncClosureContext implements ClosureContext {
bool get isAsync => false;
/// The typing expectation for the subexpression of a `return` or `yield`
/// statement inside the function.
/// For non-generator async functions, this will be a "FutureOr" type (since
/// it is permissible for such a function to return either a direct value or
/// a future).
/// For generator functions containing a `yield*` statement, the expected type
/// for the subexpression of the `yield*` statement is the result of wrapping
/// this typing expectation in `Stream` or `Iterator`, as appropriate.
final DartType _returnContext;
DartType get returnContext => _returnContext;
DartType get yieldContext => const UnknownType();
final DartType _declaredReturnType;
final bool _needToInferReturnType;
DartType _inferredReturnType;
/// Whether the function is an arrow function.
bool _isArrow;
/// A list of return statements in functions whose return type is being
/// inferred.
/// The returns are checked for validity after the return type is inferred.
List<ReturnStatement> _returnStatements;
/// A list of return expression types in functions whose return type is
/// being inferred.
List<DartType> _returnExpressionTypes;
_SyncClosureContext(this._returnContext, this._declaredReturnType,
this._needToInferReturnType) {
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
_returnStatements = [];
_returnExpressionTypes = [];
void _checkValidReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, DartType returnType,
ReturnStatement statement, DartType expressionType) {
if (inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
if (statement.expression == null) {
// It is a compile-time error if s is `return;`, unless T is void,
// dynamic, or Null.
if (returnType is VoidType ||
returnType is DynamicType ||
returnType == inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
// Valid return;
} else {
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = statement.fileOffset,
..parent = statement;
} else {
if (_isArrow && returnType is VoidType) {
// For `=> e` it is a compile-time error if T is not void, and it
// would have been a compile-time error to declare the function with
// the body `{ return e; }` rather than `=> e`.
if (returnType is VoidType &&
!(expressionType is VoidType ||
expressionType is DynamicType ||
expressionType == inferrer.coreTypes.nullType)) {
// It is a compile-time error if s is `return e;`, T is void, and S is
// neither void, dynamic, nor Null.
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
..parent = statement;
} else if (!(returnType is VoidType || returnType is DynamicType) &&
expressionType is VoidType) {
// It is a compile-time error if s is `return e;`, T is neither void
// nor dynamic, and S is void.
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
_declaredReturnType, inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault),
..parent = statement;
} else if (expressionType is! VoidType) {
// It is a compile-time error if s is `return e;`, S is not void, and
// S is not assignable to T.
Expression expression = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
_returnContext, expressionType, statement.expression,
fileOffset: statement.expression.fileOffset,
isVoidAllowed: true,
errorTemplate: templateInvalidReturn);
statement.expression = expression..parent = statement;
} else {
// The rules for valid returns for functions with [returnType] `T` and
// a return expression with static [expressionType] `S`.
if (statement.expression == null) {
// `return;` is a valid return if T is void, dynamic, or Null.
if (returnType is VoidType ||
returnType is DynamicType ||
returnType == inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
// Valid return;
} else {
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = statement.fileOffset,
..parent = statement;
} else {
void ensureAssignability() {
Expression expression = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
_returnContext, expressionType, statement.expression,
fileOffset: statement.fileOffset, isVoidAllowed: true);
statement.expression = expression..parent = statement;
if (_isArrow && returnType is VoidType) {
// Arrow functions are valid if: T is void or return exp; is a valid
// for a block-bodied function.
} else if (returnType is VoidType &&
expressionType is! VoidType &&
expressionType is! DynamicType &&
expressionType != inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
// Invalid if T is void and S is not void, dynamic, or Null
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
..parent = statement;
} else if (expressionType is VoidType &&
returnType is! VoidType &&
returnType is! DynamicType &&
returnType != inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
// Invalid if S is void and T is not void, dynamic, or Null.
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
..parent = statement;
} else {
/// Updates the inferred return type based on the presence of a return
/// statement returning the given [type].
void handleReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, ReturnStatement statement,
DartType type, bool isArrow) {
// The first return we see tells us if we have an arrow function.
if (this._isArrow == null) {
this._isArrow = isArrow;
} else {
assert(this._isArrow == isArrow);
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
// Add the return to a list to be checked for validity after we've
// inferred the return type.
} else {
_checkValidReturn(inferrer, _declaredReturnType, statement, type);
void handleYield(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, YieldStatement node,
ExpressionInferenceResult expressionResult) {
node.expression = expressionResult.expression..parent = node;
DartType inferReturnType(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
{bool hasImplicitReturn}) {
assert(hasImplicitReturn != null);
DartType inferredType;
if (_returnStatements.isNotEmpty) {
// Use the types seen from the explicit return statements.
for (int i = 0; i < _returnStatements.length; i++) {
ReturnStatement statement = _returnStatements[i];
DartType type = _returnExpressionTypes[i];
// The return expression has to be assignable to the return type
// expectation from the downwards inference context.
if (statement.expression != null) {
if (!inferrer.isAssignable(_returnContext, type)) {
type = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure(_returnContext);
if (inferredType == null) {
inferredType = type;
} else {
inferredType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.getStandardUpperBound(
inferredType, type, inferrer.library.library);
} else if (hasImplicitReturn) {
// No explicit returns we have an implicit `return null`.
inferredType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
} else {
// No explicit return and the function doesn't complete normally; that is,
// it throws.
if (inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
inferredType = new NeverType(inferrer.library.nonNullable);
} else {
inferredType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
if (!inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
inferredType, _returnContext, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If the inferred return type isn't a subtype of the context, we use the
// context.
inferredType = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure2(_declaredReturnType);
for (int i = 0; i < _returnStatements.length; ++i) {
_checkValidReturn(inferrer, inferredType, _returnStatements[i],
return _inferredReturnType =
demoteTypeInLibrary(inferredType, inferrer.library.library);
StatementInferenceResult handleImplicitReturn(
TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
Statement body,
StatementInferenceResult inferenceResult,
int fileOffset) {
DartType returnType;
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
assert(_inferredReturnType != null,
"Return type has not yet been inferred.");
returnType = _inferredReturnType;
} else {
returnType = _declaredReturnType;
if (inferrer.library.isNonNullableByDefault &&
(containsInvalidType(returnType) ||
returnType.isPotentiallyNonNullable) &&
inferrer.flowAnalysis.isReachable) {
Statement resultStatement =
inferenceResult.hasChanged ? inferenceResult.statement : body;
// Create a synthetic return statement with the error.
Statement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(inferrer.helper
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = fileOffset,
returnType, inferrer.library.isNonNullableByDefault),
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
if (resultStatement is Block) {
} else {
resultStatement =
new Block(<Statement>[resultStatement, returnStatement])
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
return new StatementInferenceResult.single(resultStatement);
return inferenceResult;
/// Keeps track of information about the innermost function or closure being
/// inferred.
class _AsyncClosureContext implements ClosureContext {
bool get isAsync => true;
/// The typing expectation for the subexpression of a `return` or `yield`
/// statement inside the function.
/// For non-generator async functions, this will be a "FutureOr" type (since
/// it is permissible for such a function to return either a direct value or
/// a future).
/// For generator functions containing a `yield*` statement, the expected type
/// for the subexpression of the `yield*` statement is the result of wrapping
/// this typing expectation in `Stream` or `Iterator`, as appropriate.
final DartType _returnContext;
DartType get returnContext => _returnContext;
DartType get yieldContext => const UnknownType();
final DartType _declaredReturnType;
final bool _needToInferReturnType;
DartType _inferredReturnType;
/// Whether the function is an arrow function.
bool _isArrow;
/// A list of return statements in functions whose return type is being
/// inferred.
/// The returns are checked for validity after the return type is inferred.
List<ReturnStatement> _returnStatements;
/// A list of return expression types in functions whose return type is
/// being inferred.
List<DartType> _returnExpressionTypes;
_AsyncClosureContext(this._returnContext, this._declaredReturnType,
this._needToInferReturnType) {
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
_returnStatements = [];
_returnExpressionTypes = [];
void _checkValidReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, DartType returnType,
ReturnStatement statement, DartType expressionType) {
if (inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
DartType futureValueType =
computeFutureValueType(inferrer.coreTypes, returnType);
if (statement.expression == null) {
// It is a compile-time error if s is `return;`, unless T_v is void,
// dynamic, or Null.
if (futureValueType is VoidType ||
futureValueType is DynamicType ||
futureValueType == inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
// Valid return;
} else {
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = statement.fileOffset,
..parent = statement;
} else {
if (_isArrow &&
inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.flatten(returnType) is VoidType) {
// For `async => e` it is a compile-time error if flatten(T) is not
// void, and it would have been a compile-time error to declare the
// function with the body `async { return e; }` rather than
// `async => e`.
DartType flattenedExpressionType =
if (futureValueType is VoidType &&
!(flattenedExpressionType is VoidType ||
flattenedExpressionType is DynamicType ||
flattenedExpressionType == inferrer.coreTypes.nullType)) {
// It is a compile-time error if s is `return e;`, T_v is void, and
// flatten(S) is neither void, dynamic, Null.
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = statement.fileOffset,
expressionType, returnType, inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault),
..parent = statement;
} else if (!(futureValueType is VoidType ||
futureValueType is DynamicType) &&
flattenedExpressionType is VoidType) {
// It is a compile-time error if s is `return e;`, T_v is neither void
// nor dynamic, and flatten(S) is void.
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = statement.fileOffset,
expressionType, returnType, inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault),
..parent = statement;
} else if (flattenedExpressionType is! VoidType &&
flattenedExpressionType, futureValueType)
.isSubtypeWhenUsingNullabilities()) {
// It is a compile-time error if s is `return e;`, flatten(S) is not
// void, S is not assignable to T_v, and flatten(S) is not a subtype
// of T_v.
statement.expression = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
futureValueType, expressionType, statement.expression,
fileOffset: statement.expression.fileOffset,
declaredContextType: returnType,
isVoidAllowed: false,
errorTemplate: templateInvalidReturnAsync)
..parent = statement;
} else {
// The rules for valid returns for async functions with [returnType] `T`
// and a return expression with static [expressionType] `S`.
DartType flattenedReturnType =
if (statement.expression == null) {
// `return;` is a valid return if flatten(T) is void, dynamic, or Null.
if (flattenedReturnType is VoidType ||
flattenedReturnType is DynamicType ||
flattenedReturnType == inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
// Valid return;
} else {
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = statement.fileOffset,
..parent = statement;
} else {
DartType flattenedExpressionType =
void ensureAssignability() {
DartType wrappedType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
.futureType(flattenedExpressionType, Nullability.nonNullable);
Expression expression = inferrer.ensureAssignable(
computeAssignableType(inferrer, _returnContext, wrappedType),
fileOffset: statement.fileOffset,
isVoidAllowed: true,
statement.expression = expression..parent = statement;
if (_isArrow && flattenedReturnType is VoidType) {
// Arrow functions are valid if: flatten(T) is void or return exp; is
// valid for a block-bodied function.
} else if (returnType is VoidType &&
flattenedExpressionType is! VoidType &&
flattenedExpressionType is! DynamicType &&
flattenedExpressionType != inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
// Invalid if T is void and flatten(S) is not void, dynamic, or Null.
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
..parent = statement;
} else if (flattenedExpressionType is VoidType &&
flattenedReturnType is! VoidType &&
flattenedReturnType is! DynamicType &&
flattenedReturnType != inferrer.coreTypes.nullType) {
// Invalid if flatten(S) is void and flatten(T) is not void, dynamic,
// or Null.
statement.expression = inferrer.helper.wrapInProblem(
..parent = statement;
} else {
// The caller will check that the return expression is assignable to
// the return type.
/// Updates the inferred return type based on the presence of a return
/// statement returning the given [type].
void handleReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, ReturnStatement statement,
DartType type, bool isArrow) {
// The first return we see tells us if we have an arrow function.
if (this._isArrow == null) {
this._isArrow = isArrow;
} else {
assert(this._isArrow == isArrow);
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
// Add the return to a list to be checked for validity after we've
// inferred the return type.
} else {
_checkValidReturn(inferrer, _declaredReturnType, statement, type);
void handleYield(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, YieldStatement node,
ExpressionInferenceResult expressionResult) {
node.expression = expressionResult.expression..parent = node;
DartType computeAssignableType(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
DartType contextType, DartType expressionType) {
contextType = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure(contextType);
DartType initialContextType = contextType;
if (!inferrer.isAssignable(initialContextType, expressionType)) {
// If the body of the function is async, the expected return type has the
// shape FutureOr<T>. We check both branches for FutureOr here: both T
// and Future<T>.
DartType unfuturedExpectedType =
DartType futuredExpectedType = inferrer.wrapFutureType(
unfuturedExpectedType, inferrer.library.nonNullable);
if (inferrer.isAssignable(unfuturedExpectedType, expressionType)) {
contextType = unfuturedExpectedType;
} else if (inferrer.isAssignable(futuredExpectedType, expressionType)) {
contextType = futuredExpectedType;
return contextType;
DartType inferReturnType(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
{bool hasImplicitReturn}) {
assert(hasImplicitReturn != null);
DartType inferredType;
if (_returnStatements.isNotEmpty) {
// Use the types seen from the explicit return statements.
for (int i = 0; i < _returnStatements.length; i++) {
ReturnStatement statement = _returnStatements[i];
DartType type = _returnExpressionTypes[i];
// The return expression has to be assignable to the return type
// expectation from the downwards inference context.
if (!inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
if (statement.expression != null) {
if (!inferrer.isAssignable(
computeAssignableType(inferrer, _returnContext, type), type)) {
// Not assignable, use the expectation.
type = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure(_returnContext);
DartType unwrappedType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.flatten(type);
if (inferredType == null) {
inferredType = unwrappedType;
} else {
inferredType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.getStandardUpperBound(
inferredType, unwrappedType, inferrer.library.library);
} else if (hasImplicitReturn) {
// No explicit returns we have an implicit `return null`.
inferredType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
} else {
// No explicit return and the function doesn't complete normally; that is,
// it throws.
if (inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
inferredType = new NeverType(inferrer.library.nonNullable);
} else {
inferredType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
if (inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
if (!inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
inferredType, _returnContext, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If the inferred return type isn't a subtype of the context, we use
// the context.
inferredType = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure2(_declaredReturnType);
inferredType = inferrer.wrapFutureType(
} else {
inferredType =
inferrer.wrapFutureType(inferredType, inferrer.library.nonNullable);
if (!inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
inferredType, _returnContext, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If the inferred return type isn't a subtype of the context, we use
// the context.
inferredType = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure2(_declaredReturnType);
for (int i = 0; i < _returnStatements.length; ++i) {
_checkValidReturn(inferrer, inferredType, _returnStatements[i],
return _inferredReturnType =
demoteTypeInLibrary(inferredType, inferrer.library.library);
StatementInferenceResult handleImplicitReturn(
TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
Statement body,
StatementInferenceResult inferenceResult,
int fileOffset) {
DartType returnType;
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
assert(_inferredReturnType != null,
"Return type has not yet been inferred.");
returnType = _inferredReturnType;
} else {
returnType = _declaredReturnType;
returnType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.flatten(returnType);
if (inferrer.library.isNonNullableByDefault &&
(containsInvalidType(returnType) ||
returnType.isPotentiallyNonNullable) &&
inferrer.flowAnalysis.isReachable) {
Statement resultStatement =
inferenceResult.hasChanged ? inferenceResult.statement : body;
// Create a synthetic return statement with the error.
Statement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(inferrer.helper
new NullLiteral()..fileOffset = fileOffset,
returnType, inferrer.library.isNonNullableByDefault),
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
if (resultStatement is Block) {
} else {
resultStatement =
new Block(<Statement>[resultStatement, returnStatement])
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
return new StatementInferenceResult.single(resultStatement);
return inferenceResult;
/// Keeps track of information about the innermost function or closure being
/// inferred.
class _SyncStarClosureContext implements ClosureContext {
bool get isAsync => false;
/// The typing expectation for the subexpression of a `return` or `yield`
/// statement inside the function.
/// For non-generator async functions, this will be a "FutureOr" type (since
/// it is permissible for such a function to return either a direct value or
/// a future).
/// For generator functions containing a `yield*` statement, the expected type
/// for the subexpression of the `yield*` statement is the result of wrapping
/// this typing expectation in `Stream` or `Iterator`, as appropriate.
final DartType _yieldElementContext;
DartType get returnContext => const UnknownType();
DartType get yieldContext => _yieldElementContext;
final DartType _declaredReturnType;
final bool _needToInferReturnType;
/// A list of return expression types in functions whose return type is
/// being inferred.
List<DartType> _yieldElementTypes;
_SyncStarClosureContext(this._yieldElementContext, this._declaredReturnType,
this._needToInferReturnType) {
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
_yieldElementTypes = [];
/// Updates the inferred return type based on the presence of a return
/// statement returning the given [type].
void handleReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, ReturnStatement statement,
DartType type, bool isArrow) {}
void handleYield(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, YieldStatement node,
ExpressionInferenceResult expressionResult) {
DartType expectedType = node.isYieldStar
? inferrer.wrapType(_yieldElementContext,
inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass, inferrer.library.nonNullable)
: _yieldElementContext;
Expression expression = inferrer.ensureAssignableResult(
expectedType, expressionResult,
fileOffset: node.fileOffset);
node.expression = expression..parent = node;
DartType type = expressionResult.inferredType;
if (!identical(expressionResult.expression, expression)) {
type = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure(expectedType);
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
DartType elementType = type;
if (node.isYieldStar) {
elementType = inferrer.getDerivedTypeArgumentOf(
type, inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass) ??
DartType inferReturnType(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
{bool hasImplicitReturn}) {
assert(hasImplicitReturn != null);
DartType inferredElementType;
if (_yieldElementTypes.isNotEmpty) {
// Use the types seen from the explicit return statements.
for (int i = 0; i < _yieldElementTypes.length; i++) {
DartType type = _yieldElementTypes[i];
if (inferredElementType == null) {
inferredElementType = type;
} else {
inferredElementType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
inferredElementType, type, inferrer.library.library);
} else if (hasImplicitReturn) {
// No explicit returns we have an implicit `return null`.
inferredElementType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
} else {
// No explicit return and the function doesn't complete normally; that is,
// it throws.
if (inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
inferredElementType = new NeverType(inferrer.library.nonNullable);
} else {
inferredElementType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
DartType inferredType = inferrer.wrapType(inferredElementType,
inferrer.coreTypes.iterableClass, inferrer.library.nonNullable);
if (!inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(inferredType,
_yieldElementContext, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If the inferred return type isn't a subtype of the context, we use the
// context.
inferredType = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure2(_declaredReturnType);
return demoteTypeInLibrary(inferredType, inferrer.library.library);
StatementInferenceResult handleImplicitReturn(
TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
Statement body,
StatementInferenceResult inferenceResult,
int fileOffset) {
// There is no implicit return.
return inferenceResult;
/// Keeps track of information about the innermost function or closure being
/// inferred.
class _AsyncStarClosureContext implements ClosureContext {
bool get isAsync => true;
/// The typing expectation for the subexpression of a `return` or `yield`
/// statement inside the function.
/// For non-generator async functions, this will be a "FutureOr" type (since
/// it is permissible for such a function to return either a direct value or
/// a future).
/// For generator functions containing a `yield*` statement, the expected type
/// for the subexpression of the `yield*` statement is the result of wrapping
/// this typing expectation in `Stream` or `Iterator`, as appropriate.
final DartType _yieldElementContext;
DartType get returnContext => const UnknownType();
DartType get yieldContext => _yieldElementContext;
final DartType _declaredReturnType;
final bool _needToInferReturnType;
/// A list of return expression types in functions whose return type is
/// being inferred.
List<DartType> _yieldElementTypes;
_AsyncStarClosureContext(this._yieldElementContext, this._declaredReturnType,
this._needToInferReturnType) {
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
_yieldElementTypes = [];
/// Updates the inferred return type based on the presence of a return
/// statement returning the given [type].
void handleReturn(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, ReturnStatement statement,
DartType type, bool isArrow) {}
void handleYield(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer, YieldStatement node,
ExpressionInferenceResult expressionResult) {
DartType expectedType = node.isYieldStar
? inferrer.wrapType(_yieldElementContext,
inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass, inferrer.library.nonNullable)
: _yieldElementContext;
Expression expression = inferrer.ensureAssignableResult(
expectedType, expressionResult,
fileOffset: node.fileOffset);
node.expression = expression..parent = node;
DartType type = expressionResult.inferredType;
if (!identical(expressionResult.expression, expression)) {
type = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure(expectedType);
if (_needToInferReturnType) {
DartType elementType = type;
if (node.isYieldStar) {
elementType = inferrer.getDerivedTypeArgumentOf(
type, inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass) ??
DartType inferReturnType(TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
{bool hasImplicitReturn}) {
assert(hasImplicitReturn != null);
DartType inferredElementType;
if (_yieldElementTypes.isNotEmpty) {
// Use the types seen from the explicit return statements.
for (DartType elementType in _yieldElementTypes) {
if (inferredElementType == null) {
inferredElementType = elementType;
} else {
inferredElementType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment
inferredElementType, elementType, inferrer.library.library);
} else if (hasImplicitReturn) {
// No explicit returns we have an implicit `return null`.
inferredElementType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
} else {
// No explicit return and the function doesn't complete normally; that is,
// it throws.
if (inferrer.isNonNullableByDefault) {
inferredElementType = new NeverType(inferrer.library.nonNullable);
} else {
inferredElementType = inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.nullType;
DartType inferredType = inferrer.wrapType(inferredElementType,
inferrer.coreTypes.streamClass, inferrer.library.nonNullable);
if (!inferrer.typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(inferredType,
_yieldElementContext, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If the inferred return type isn't a subtype of the context, we use the
// context.
inferredType = inferrer.computeGreatestClosure2(_declaredReturnType);
return demoteTypeInLibrary(inferredType, inferrer.library.library);
StatementInferenceResult handleImplicitReturn(
TypeInferrerImpl inferrer,
Statement body,
StatementInferenceResult inferenceResult,
int fileOffset) {
// There is no implicit return.
return inferenceResult;