blob: 2c36548bda5cd527fd09d16a60f5cedb071cd424 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'dartfuzz.dart';
const debug = false;
const sigkill = 9;
const timeout = 30; // in seconds
// Exit code of running a test.
enum ResultCode { success, timeout, error }
/// Result of running a test.
class TestResult {
TestResult(this.code, this.output);
final ResultCode code;
final String output;
/// Command runner.
TestResult runCommand(List<String> cmd, Map<String, String> env) {
// TODO: use Dart API for some of the modes?
ProcessResult res = Process.runSync(
'timeout', ['-s', '$sigkill', '$timeout'] + cmd,
environment: env);
if (debug) {
print('\nrunning $cmd yields:\n'
if (res.exitCode == -sigkill) {
return new TestResult(ResultCode.timeout, res.stdout);
} else if (res.exitCode != 0) {
return new TestResult(ResultCode.error, res.stdout);
return new TestResult(ResultCode.success, res.stdout);
/// Abstraction for running one test in a particular mode.
abstract class TestRunner {
TestResult run();
String description;
// Factory.
static TestRunner getTestRunner(
String mode, String top, String tmp, Map<String, String> env) {
if (mode.startsWith('jit'))
return new TestRunnerJIT(getTag(mode), top, tmp, env);
if (mode.startsWith('aot'))
return new TestRunnerAOT(getTag(mode), top, tmp, env);
if (mode.startsWith('js')) return new TestRunnerJS(top, tmp, env);
throw ('unknown runner in mode: $mode');
// Convert mode to tag.
static String getTag(String mode) {
if (mode.endsWith('debug-ia32')) return 'DebugIA32';
if (mode.endsWith('debug-x64')) return 'DebugX64';
if (mode.endsWith('debug-arm32')) return 'DebugSIMARM';
if (mode.endsWith('debug-arm64')) return 'DebugSIMARM64';
if (mode.endsWith('ia32')) return 'ReleaseIA32';
if (mode.endsWith('x64')) return 'ReleaseX64';
if (mode.endsWith('arm32')) return 'ReleaseSIMARM';
if (mode.endsWith('arm64')) return 'ReleaseSIMARM64';
throw ('unknown tag in mode: $mode');
/// Concrete test runner of Dart JIT.
class TestRunnerJIT implements TestRunner {
TestRunnerJIT(String tag, String top, String tmp, Map<String, String> e) {
description = 'JIT-${tag}';
dart = '$top/out/$tag/dart';
fileName = '$tmp/fuzz.dart';
env = e;
TestResult run() {
return runCommand([dart, fileName], env);
String description;
String dart;
String fileName;
Map<String, String> env;
/// Concrete test runner of Dart AOT.
class TestRunnerAOT implements TestRunner {
TestRunnerAOT(String tag, String top, String tmp, Map<String, String> e) {
description = 'AOT-${tag}';
precompiler = '$top/pkg/vm/tool/precompiler2';
dart = '$top/pkg/vm/tool/dart_precompiled_runtime2';
fileName = '$tmp/fuzz.dart';
snapshot = '$tmp/snapshot';
env = Map<String, String>.from(e);
TestResult run() {
TestResult result = runCommand([precompiler, fileName, snapshot], env);
if (result.code != ResultCode.success) {
return result;
return runCommand([dart, snapshot], env);
String description;
String precompiler;
String dart;
String fileName;
String snapshot;
Map<String, String> env;
/// Concrete test runner of Dart2JS.
class TestRunnerJS implements TestRunner {
TestRunnerJS(String top, String tmp, Map<String, String> e) {
description = 'Dart2JS';
dart2js = '$top/out/ReleaseX64/dart-sdk/bin/dart2js';
fileName = '$tmp/fuzz.dart';
js = '$tmp/out.js';
env = e;
TestResult run() {
TestResult result = runCommand([dart2js, fileName, '-o', js], env);
if (result.code != ResultCode.success) {
return result;
return runCommand(['nodejs', js], env);
String description;
String dart2js;
String fileName;
String js;
Map<String, String> env;
/// Class to run fuzz testing.
class DartFuzzTest {
DartFuzzTest(this.env, this.repeat, this.trueDivergence, this.showStats,, this.mode1, this.mode2);
bool run() {
print('\nRun isolate: ${runner1.description} vs. '
'${runner2.description} in ${tmpDir.path}');
if (showStats) {
for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
seed = rand.nextInt(1 << 32);
if (showStats) {
print('\nDone isolate: ${runner1.description} vs. '
'${runner2.description} in ${tmpDir.path}');
return numDivergences == 0;
void setup() {
rand = new Random();
tmpDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_fuzz');
fileName = '${tmpDir.path}/fuzz.dart';
runner1 = TestRunner.getTestRunner(mode1, top, tmpDir.path, env);
runner2 = TestRunner.getTestRunner(mode2, top, tmpDir.path, env);
numTests = 0;
numSuccess = 0;
numNotRun = 0;
numTimeOut = 0;
numDivergences = 0;
void cleanup() {
tmpDir.delete(recursive: true);
void showStatistics() {
stdout.write('\rTests: $numTests Success: $numSuccess Not-Run: '
'$numNotRun: Time-Out: $numTimeOut Divergences: $numDivergences');
void generateTest() {
final file = new File(fileName).openSync(mode: FileMode.write);
new DartFuzz(seed, file).run();
void runTest() {
TestResult result1 =;
TestResult result2 =;
checkDivergence(result1, result2);
void checkDivergence(TestResult result1, TestResult result2) {
if (result1.code == result2.code) {
// No divergence in result code.
switch (result1.code) {
case ResultCode.success:
// Both were successful, inspect output.
if (result1.output == result2.output) {
} else {
reportDivergence(result1, result2, true);
case ResultCode.timeout:
// Both had a time out.
case ResultCode.error:
// Both had an error.
} else {
// Divergence in result code.
if (trueDivergence) {
// When only true divergences are requested, any divergence
// with at least one time out is treated as a regular time out.
if (result1.code == ResultCode.timeout ||
result2.code == ResultCode.timeout) {
reportDivergence(result1, result2, false);
void reportDivergence(
TestResult result1, TestResult result2, bool outputDivergence) {
print('\n\nDIVERGENCE $version:$seed : ${runner1.description} vs. '
if (outputDivergence) {
// Context.
final Map<String, String> env;
final int repeat;
final bool trueDivergence;
final bool showStats;
final String top;
final String mode1;
final String mode2;
// Test.
Random rand;
Directory tmpDir;
String fileName;
TestRunner runner1;
TestRunner runner2;
int seed;
// Stats.
int numTests;
int numSuccess;
int numNotRun;
int numTimeOut;
int numDivergences;
/// Class to start fuzz testing session.
class DartFuzzTestSession {
DartFuzzTestSession(this.isolates, this.repeat, this.trueDivergence,
this.showStats, String tp, this.mode1, this.mode2)
: top = getTop(tp) {}
start() async {
print('\n**\n**** Dart Fuzz Testing Session\n**\n');
print('Fuzz Version : ${version}');
print('Isolates : ${isolates}');
print('Tests : ${repeat}');
print('True Divergence : ${trueDivergence}');
print('Show Stats : ${showStats}');
print('Dart Dev : ${top}');
// Fork.
List<ReceivePort> ports = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < isolates; i++) {
ReceivePort r = new ReceivePort();
port = r.sendPort;
await Isolate.spawn(run, this);
// Join.
bool success = true;
for (int i = 0; i < isolates; i++) {
var x = await ports[i].first;
success = success && x;
if (success) {
} else {
exitCode = 1;
static run(DartFuzzTestSession session) {
bool success = false;
try {
final m1 = getMode(session.mode1, null);
final m2 = getMode(session.mode2, m1);
final fuzz = new DartFuzzTest(Platform.environment, session.repeat,
session.trueDivergence, session.showStats,, m1, m2);
success =;
} catch (e) {
print('Isolate: $e');
// Picks a top directory (command line, environment, or current).
static String getTop(String top) {
if (top == null || top == '') {
top = Platform.environment['DART_TOP'];
if (top == null || top == '') {
top = Directory.current.path;
return top;
// Picks a mode (command line or random).
static String getMode(String mode, String other) {
// Random when not set.
if (mode == null || mode == '') {
// Pick a mode at random (cluster), different from other.
const cluster_modes = 10;
Random rand = new Random();
do {
mode = modes[rand.nextInt(cluster_modes)];
} while (mode == other);
// Verify mode.
if (modes.contains(mode)) {
return mode;
throw ('unknown mode: $mode');
// Context.
final int isolates;
final int repeat;
final bool trueDivergence;
final bool showStats;
final String top;
final String mode1;
final String mode2;
// Passes each port to isolate.
SendPort port;
// Supported modes.
static const List<String> modes = [
// Cluster options:
// Times out often:
// Too many divergences (due to arithmetic):
/// Main driver for a fuzz testing session.
main(List<String> arguments) {
// Set up argument parser.
final parser = new ArgParser()
..addOption('isolates', help: 'number of isolates to use', defaultsTo: '1')
..addOption('repeat', help: 'number of tests to run', defaultsTo: '1000')
negatable: true, help: 'only report true divergences', defaultsTo: true)
negatable: true, help: 'show session statistics', defaultsTo: true)
..addOption('dart-top', help: 'explicit value for \$DART_TOP')
..addOption('mode1', help: 'execution mode 1')
..addOption('mode2', help: 'execution mode 2')
// Undocumented options for cluster runs.
help: 'number of shards used in cluster run', defaultsTo: '1')
..addOption('shard', help: 'shard id in cluster run', defaultsTo: '1');
// Starts fuzz testing session.
try {
final results = parser.parse(arguments);
final shards = int.parse(results['shards']);
final shard = int.parse(results['shard']);
if (shards > 1) {
print('\nSHARD $shard OF $shards');
new DartFuzzTestSession(
} catch (e) {
print('Usage: dart dartfuzz_test.dart [OPTIONS]\n${parser.usage}\n$e');
exitCode = 255;