blob: 3b42750c0522f81a1955c4fd69233fdc2825bb2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/aot/precompiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_binary_flowgraph.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_translation_helper.h"
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/prologue_builder.h"
#include "vm/compiler/jit/compiler.h"
#include "vm/kernel_loader.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/report.h"
#include "vm/resolver.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
#define Z (zone_)
#define H (translation_helper_)
#define T (type_translator_)
#define I Isolate::Current()
ParsedFunction* parsed_function,
ZoneGrowableArray<const ICData*>* ic_data_array,
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* context_level_array,
InlineExitCollector* exit_collector,
bool optimizing,
intptr_t osr_id,
intptr_t first_block_id,
bool inlining_unchecked_entry)
: BaseFlowGraphBuilder(parsed_function,
first_block_id - 1,
catch_block_(NULL) {
const Script& script =
Script::Handle(Z, parsed_function->function().script());
FlowGraphBuilder::~FlowGraphBuilder() {}
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::EnterScope(
intptr_t kernel_offset,
const LocalScope** context_scope /* = nullptr */) {
Fragment instructions;
const LocalScope* scope = scopes_->scopes.Lookup(kernel_offset);
if (scope->num_context_variables() > 0) {
instructions += PushContext(scope);
instructions += Drop();
if (context_scope != nullptr) {
*context_scope = scope;
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::ExitScope(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
Fragment instructions;
const intptr_t context_size =
if (context_size > 0) {
instructions += PopContext();
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::AdjustContextTo(int depth) {
ASSERT(depth <= context_depth_ && depth >= 0);
Fragment instructions;
if (depth < context_depth_) {
instructions += LoadContextAt(depth);
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
instructions += Drop();
context_depth_ = depth;
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::PushContext(const LocalScope* scope) {
ASSERT(scope->num_context_variables() > 0);
Fragment instructions = AllocateContext(scope->context_variables());
LocalVariable* context = MakeTemporary();
instructions += LoadLocal(context);
instructions += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->current_context_var());
instructions +=
StoreInstanceField(TokenPosition::kNoSource, Slot::Context_parent());
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::PopContext() {
return AdjustContextTo(context_depth_ - 1);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments() {
// TODO(27590): We could use `active_class_->IsGeneric()`.
Fragment instructions;
if (scopes_->type_arguments_variable != NULL) {
#ifdef DEBUG
Function& function =
Function::Handle(Z, parsed_function_->function().raw());
while (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
function = function.parent_function();
instructions += LoadLocal(scopes_->type_arguments_variable);
} else if (parsed_function_->has_receiver_var() &&
active_class_.ClassNumTypeArguments() > 0) {
instructions += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
instructions += LoadNativeField(
Slot::GetTypeArgumentsSlotFor(thread_, *active_class_.klass));
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
return instructions;
// This function is responsible for pushing a type arguments vector which
// contains all type arguments of enclosing functions prepended to the type
// arguments of the current function.
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::LoadFunctionTypeArguments() {
Fragment instructions;
const Function& function = parsed_function_->function();
if (function.IsGeneric() || function.HasGenericParent()) {
ASSERT(parsed_function_->function_type_arguments() != NULL);
instructions += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->function_type_arguments());
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(
const TypeArguments& type_arguments) {
Fragment instructions;
if (type_arguments.IsNull() || type_arguments.IsInstantiated()) {
// There are no type references to type parameters so we can just take it.
instructions += Constant(type_arguments);
} else {
// The [type_arguments] vector contains a type reference to a type
// parameter we need to resolve it.
if (type_arguments.CanShareInstantiatorTypeArguments(
*active_class_.klass)) {
// If the instantiator type arguments are just passed on, we don't need to
// resolve the type parameters.
// This is for example the case here:
// class Foo<T> {
// newList() => new List<T>();
// }
// We just use the type argument vector from the [Foo] object and pass it
// directly to the `new List<T>()` factory constructor.
instructions += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
} else if (type_arguments.CanShareFunctionTypeArguments(
parsed_function_->function())) {
instructions += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
} else {
// Otherwise we need to resolve [TypeParameterType]s in the type
// expression based on the current instantiator type argument vector.
if (!type_arguments.IsInstantiated(kCurrentClass)) {
instructions += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
if (!type_arguments.IsInstantiated(kFunctions)) {
instructions += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += InstantiateTypeArguments(type_arguments);
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::AllocateObject(TokenPosition position,
const Class& klass,
intptr_t argument_count) {
ArgumentArray arguments = GetArguments(argument_count);
AllocateObjectInstr* allocate =
new (Z) AllocateObjectInstr(position, klass, arguments);
return Fragment(allocate);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::AllocateObject(const Class& klass,
const Function& closure_function) {
ArgumentArray arguments = new (Z) ZoneGrowableArray<PushArgumentInstr*>(Z, 0);
AllocateObjectInstr* allocate =
new (Z) AllocateObjectInstr(TokenPosition::kNoSource, klass, arguments);
return Fragment(allocate);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::CatchBlockEntry(const Array& handler_types,
intptr_t handler_index,
bool needs_stacktrace,
bool is_synthesized) {
LocalVariable* exception_var = CurrentException();
LocalVariable* stacktrace_var = CurrentStackTrace();
LocalVariable* raw_exception_var = CurrentRawException();
LocalVariable* raw_stacktrace_var = CurrentRawStackTrace();
CatchBlockEntryInstr* entry = new (Z) CatchBlockEntryInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, // Token position of catch block.
is_synthesized, // whether catch block was synthesized by FE compiler
AllocateBlockId(), CurrentTryIndex(), graph_entry_, handler_types,
handler_index, needs_stacktrace, GetNextDeoptId(), exception_var,
stacktrace_var, raw_exception_var, raw_stacktrace_var);
Fragment instructions(entry);
// Auxiliary variables introduced by the try catch can be captured if we are
// inside a function with yield/resume points. In this case we first need
// to restore the context to match the context at entry into the closure.
const bool should_restore_closure_context =
CurrentException()->is_captured() || CurrentCatchContext()->is_captured();
LocalVariable* context_variable = parsed_function_->current_context_var();
if (should_restore_closure_context) {
LocalVariable* closure_parameter = parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0);
instructions += LoadLocal(closure_parameter);
instructions += LoadNativeField(Slot::Closure_context());
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, context_variable);
instructions += Drop();
if (exception_var->is_captured()) {
instructions += LoadLocal(context_variable);
instructions += LoadLocal(raw_exception_var);
instructions += StoreInstanceField(
Slot::GetContextVariableSlotFor(thread_, *exception_var));
if (stacktrace_var->is_captured()) {
instructions += LoadLocal(context_variable);
instructions += LoadLocal(raw_stacktrace_var);
instructions += StoreInstanceField(
Slot::GetContextVariableSlotFor(thread_, *stacktrace_var));
// :saved_try_context_var can be captured in the context of
// of the closure, in this case CatchBlockEntryInstr restores
// :current_context_var to point to closure context in the
// same way as normal function prologue does.
// Update current context depth to reflect that.
const intptr_t saved_context_depth = context_depth_;
ASSERT(!CurrentCatchContext()->is_captured() ||
CurrentCatchContext()->owner()->context_level() == 0);
context_depth_ = 0;
instructions += LoadLocal(CurrentCatchContext());
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
instructions += Drop();
context_depth_ = saved_context_depth;
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::TryCatch(int try_handler_index) {
// The body of the try needs to have it's own block in order to get a new try
// index.
// => We therefore create a block for the body (fresh try index) and another
// join block (with current try index).
Fragment body;
JoinEntryInstr* entry = new (Z)
JoinEntryInstr(AllocateBlockId(), try_handler_index, GetNextDeoptId());
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->current_context_var());
body += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, CurrentCatchContext());
body += Drop();
body += Goto(entry);
return Fragment(body.entry, entry);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(
TokenPosition position) {
if (IsInlining()) {
// If we are inlining don't actually attach the stack check. We must still
// create the stack check in order to allocate a deopt id.
CheckStackOverflow(position, loop_depth_);
return Fragment();
return CheckStackOverflow(position, loop_depth_);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::CloneContext(
const GrowableArray<LocalVariable*>& context_variables) {
LocalVariable* context_variable = parsed_function_->current_context_var();
Fragment instructions = LoadLocal(context_variable);
CloneContextInstr* clone_instruction = new (Z) CloneContextInstr(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, Pop(), context_variables, GetNextDeoptId());
instructions <<= clone_instruction;
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, context_variable);
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::InstanceCall(
TokenPosition position,
const String& name,
Token::Kind kind,
intptr_t type_args_len,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names,
intptr_t checked_argument_count,
const Function& interface_target,
const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type,
bool use_unchecked_entry,
const CallSiteAttributesMetadata* call_site_attrs) {
const intptr_t total_count = argument_count + (type_args_len > 0 ? 1 : 0);
ArgumentArray arguments = GetArguments(total_count);
InstanceCallInstr* call = new (Z)
InstanceCallInstr(position, name, kind, arguments, type_args_len,
argument_names, checked_argument_count, ic_data_array_,
GetNextDeoptId(), interface_target);
if ((result_type != NULL) && !result_type->IsTrivial()) {
call->SetResultType(Z, result_type->ToCompileType(Z));
if (use_unchecked_entry) {
if (call_site_attrs != nullptr && call_site_attrs->receiver_type != nullptr &&
call_site_attrs->receiver_type->IsInstantiated()) {
return Fragment(call);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::ClosureCall(TokenPosition position,
intptr_t type_args_len,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names,
bool is_statically_checked) {
Value* function = Pop();
const intptr_t total_count = argument_count + (type_args_len > 0 ? 1 : 0);
ArgumentArray arguments = GetArguments(total_count);
ClosureCallInstr* call = new (Z)
ClosureCallInstr(function, arguments, type_args_len, argument_names,
position, GetNextDeoptId(),
is_statically_checked ? Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked
: Code::EntryKind::kNormal);
return Fragment(call);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::RethrowException(TokenPosition position,
int catch_try_index) {
Fragment instructions;
instructions += Drop();
instructions += Drop();
instructions += Fragment(new (Z) ReThrowInstr(position, catch_try_index,
// Use it's side effect of leaving a constant on the stack (does not change
// the graph).
pending_argument_count_ -= 2;
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::LoadClassId() {
LoadClassIdInstr* load = new (Z) LoadClassIdInstr(Pop());
return Fragment(load);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::LoadLocal(LocalVariable* variable) {
if (variable->is_captured()) {
Fragment instructions;
instructions += LoadContextAt(variable->owner()->context_level());
instructions +=
LoadNativeField(Slot::GetContextVariableSlotFor(thread_, *variable));
return instructions;
} else {
return BaseFlowGraphBuilder::LoadLocal(variable);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::InitStaticField(const Field& field) {
InitStaticFieldInstr* init = new (Z)
InitStaticFieldInstr(Pop(), MayCloneField(field), GetNextDeoptId());
return Fragment(init);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::NativeCall(const String* name,
const Function* function) {
const intptr_t num_args =
function->NumParameters() + (function->IsGeneric() ? 1 : 0);
ArgumentArray arguments = GetArguments(num_args);
NativeCallInstr* call =
new (Z) NativeCallInstr(name, function, FLAG_link_natives_lazily,
function->end_token_pos(), arguments);
return Fragment(call);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::Return(TokenPosition position,
bool omit_result_type_check /* = false */) {
Fragment instructions;
const Function& function = parsed_function_->function();
// Emit a type check of the return type in checked mode for all functions
// and in strong mode for native functions.
if (!omit_result_type_check && function.is_native()) {
const AbstractType& return_type =
AbstractType::Handle(Z, function.result_type());
instructions += CheckAssignable(return_type, Symbols::FunctionResult());
if (NeedsDebugStepCheck(function, position)) {
instructions += DebugStepCheck(position);
if (FLAG_causal_async_stacks &&
(function.IsAsyncClosure() || function.IsAsyncGenClosure())) {
// We are returning from an asynchronous closure. Before we do that, be
// sure to clear the thread's asynchronous stack trace.
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, I->object_store()->async_clear_thread_stack_trace());
instructions += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target,
/* argument_count = */ 0, ICData::kStatic);
instructions += Drop();
instructions += BaseFlowGraphBuilder::Return(position);
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::CheckNull(TokenPosition position,
LocalVariable* receiver,
const String& function_name,
bool clear_the_temp /* = true */) {
Fragment instructions = LoadLocal(receiver);
CheckNullInstr* check_null =
new (Z) CheckNullInstr(Pop(), function_name, GetNextDeoptId(), position);
instructions <<= check_null;
if (clear_the_temp) {
// Null out receiver to make sure it is not saved into the frame before
// doing the call.
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, receiver);
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
const Function& target,
intptr_t argument_count,
ICData::RebindRule rebind_rule) {
return StaticCall(position, target, argument_count, Array::null_array(),
static intptr_t GetResultCidOfListFactory(Zone* zone,
const Function& function,
intptr_t argument_count) {
if (!function.IsFactory()) {
return kDynamicCid;
const Class& owner = Class::Handle(zone, function.Owner());
if ((owner.library() != Library::CoreLibrary()) &&
(owner.library() != Library::TypedDataLibrary())) {
return kDynamicCid;
if ((owner.Name() == Symbols::List().raw()) &&
( == Symbols::ListFactory().raw())) {
ASSERT(argument_count == 1 || argument_count == 2);
return (argument_count == 1) ? kGrowableObjectArrayCid : kArrayCid;
return FactoryRecognizer::ResultCid(function);
void FlowGraphBuilder::SetResultTypeForStaticCall(
StaticCallInstr* call,
const Function& target,
intptr_t argument_count,
const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type) {
const intptr_t list_cid =
GetResultCidOfListFactory(Z, target, argument_count);
if (list_cid != kDynamicCid) {
ASSERT((result_type == NULL) || (result_type->cid == kDynamicCid) ||
(result_type->cid == list_cid));
call->SetResultType(Z, CompileType::FromCid(list_cid));
if (target.has_pragma()) {
intptr_t recognized_cid = MethodRecognizer::ResultCidFromPragma(target);
if (recognized_cid != kDynamicCid) {
ASSERT((result_type == NULL) || (result_type->cid == kDynamicCid) ||
(result_type->cid == recognized_cid));
call->SetResultType(Z, CompileType::FromCid(recognized_cid));
if ((result_type != NULL) && !result_type->IsTrivial()) {
call->SetResultType(Z, result_type->ToCompileType(Z));
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::StaticCall(TokenPosition position,
const Function& target,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names,
ICData::RebindRule rebind_rule,
const InferredTypeMetadata* result_type,
intptr_t type_args_count,
bool use_unchecked_entry) {
const intptr_t total_count = argument_count + (type_args_count > 0 ? 1 : 0);
ArgumentArray arguments = GetArguments(total_count);
StaticCallInstr* call = new (Z)
StaticCallInstr(position, target, type_args_count, argument_names,
arguments, ic_data_array_, GetNextDeoptId(), rebind_rule);
SetResultTypeForStaticCall(call, target, argument_count, result_type);
if (use_unchecked_entry) {
return Fragment(call);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::StringInterpolate(TokenPosition position) {
Value* array = Pop();
StringInterpolateInstr* interpolate =
new (Z) StringInterpolateInstr(array, position, GetNextDeoptId());
return Fragment(interpolate);
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::StringInterpolateSingle(TokenPosition position) {
const int kTypeArgsLen = 0;
const int kNumberOfArguments = 1;
const Array& kNoArgumentNames = Object::null_array();
const Class& cls =
const Function& function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, Resolver::ResolveStatic(
cls, Library::PrivateCoreLibName(Symbols::InterpolateSingle()),
kTypeArgsLen, kNumberOfArguments, kNoArgumentNames));
Fragment instructions;
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions +=
StaticCall(position, function, /* argument_count = */ 1, ICData::kStatic);
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::ThrowTypeError() {
const Class& klass =
Class::ZoneHandle(Z, Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::TypeError()));
GrowableHandlePtrArray<const String> pieces(Z, 3);
const Function& constructor = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, klass.LookupConstructorAllowPrivate(
String::ZoneHandle(Z, Symbols::FromConcatAll(thread_, pieces))));
const String& url = H.DartString(
Fragment instructions;
// Create instance of _FallThroughError
instructions += AllocateObject(TokenPosition::kNoSource, klass, 0);
LocalVariable* instance = MakeTemporary();
// Call _TypeError._create constructor.
instructions += LoadLocal(instance);
instructions += PushArgument(); // this
instructions += Constant(url);
instructions += PushArgument(); // url
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // line
instructions += IntConstant(0);
instructions += PushArgument(); // column
instructions += Constant(H.DartSymbolPlain("Malformed type."));
instructions += PushArgument(); // message
instructions += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, constructor,
/* argument_count = */ 5, ICData::kStatic);
instructions += Drop();
// Throw the exception
instructions += PushArgument();
instructions += ThrowException(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::ThrowNoSuchMethodError() {
const Class& klass = Class::ZoneHandle(
Z, Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::NoSuchMethodError()));
const Function& throw_function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, klass.LookupStaticFunctionAllowPrivate(Symbols::ThrowNew()));
Fragment instructions;
// Call NoSuchMethodError._throwNew static function.
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // receiver
instructions += Constant(H.DartString("<unknown>", Heap::kOld));
instructions += PushArgument(); // memberName
instructions += IntConstant(-1);
instructions += PushArgument(); // invocation_type
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // type arguments
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // arguments
instructions += NullConstant();
instructions += PushArgument(); // argumentNames
instructions += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, throw_function,
/* argument_count = */ 6, ICData::kStatic);
// Leave "result" on the stack since callers expect it to be there (even
// though the function will result in an exception).
return instructions;
LocalVariable* FlowGraphBuilder::LookupVariable(intptr_t kernel_offset) {
LocalVariable* local = scopes_->locals.Lookup(kernel_offset);
ASSERT(local != NULL);
return local;
FlowGraph* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraph() {
const Function& function = parsed_function_->function();
#ifdef DEBUG
// If we attached the native name to the function after it's creation (namely
// after reading the constant table from the kernel blob), we must have done
// so before building flow graph for the functions (since FGB depends needs
// the native name to be there).
const Script& script = Script::Handle(Z, function.script());
const KernelProgramInfo& info =
ASSERT(info.IsNull() ||
info.potential_natives() == GrowableObjectArray::null());
StreamingFlowGraphBuilder streaming_flow_graph_builder(
this, ExternalTypedData::Handle(Z, function.KernelData()),
return streaming_flow_graph_builder.BuildGraph();
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::NativeFunctionBody(const Function& function,
LocalVariable* first_parameter) {
// We explicitly build the graph for native functions in the same way that the
// from-source backend does. We should find a way to have a single component
// to build these graphs so that this code is not duplicated.
Fragment body;
const MethodRecognizer::Kind kind = MethodRecognizer::RecognizeKind(function);
bool omit_result_type_check = true;
switch (kind) {
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectEquals:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
body += StrictCompare(Token::kEQ_STRICT);
case MethodRecognizer::kStringBaseLength:
case MethodRecognizer::kStringBaseIsEmpty:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::String_length());
if (kind == MethodRecognizer::kStringBaseIsEmpty) {
body += IntConstant(0);
body += StrictCompare(Token::kEQ_STRICT);
case MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArrayLength:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::GrowableObjectArray_length());
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectArrayLength:
case MethodRecognizer::kImmutableArrayLength:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::Array_length());
case MethodRecognizer::kTypedDataLength:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::TypedData_length());
case MethodRecognizer::kClassIDgetID:
body += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
body += LoadClassId();
case MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArrayCapacity:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::GrowableObjectArray_data());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::Array_length());
case MethodRecognizer::kListFactory: {
// factory List<E>([int length]) {
// return (:arg_desc.positional_count == 2) ? new _List<E>(length)
// : new _GrowableList<E>(0);
// }
const Library& core_lib = Library::Handle(Z, Library::CoreLibrary());
TargetEntryInstr *allocate_non_growable, *allocate_growable;
body += LoadArgDescriptor();
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::ArgumentsDescriptor_positional_count());
body += IntConstant(2);
body += BranchIfStrictEqual(&allocate_non_growable, &allocate_growable);
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
Z, core_lib.LookupClass(
const Function& func = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, cls.LookupFactoryAllowPrivate(Symbols::_ListFactory()));
Fragment allocate(allocate_non_growable);
allocate += LoadLocal(scopes_->type_arguments_variable);
allocate += PushArgument();
allocate += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
allocate += PushArgument();
allocate +=
StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, func, 2, ICData::kStatic);
allocate += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
allocate += Drop();
allocate += Goto(join);
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(
Z, core_lib.LookupClass(
const Function& func = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, cls.LookupFactoryAllowPrivate(Symbols::_GrowableListFactory()));
Fragment allocate(allocate_growable);
allocate += LoadLocal(scopes_->type_arguments_variable);
allocate += PushArgument();
allocate += IntConstant(0);
allocate += PushArgument();
allocate +=
StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, func, 2, ICData::kStatic);
allocate += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
allocate += Drop();
allocate += Goto(join);
body = Fragment(body.entry, join);
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->expression_temp_var());
case MethodRecognizer::kObjectArrayAllocate:
body += LoadLocal(scopes_->type_arguments_variable);
body += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
body += CreateArray();
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_getIndex:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::LinkedHashMap_index());
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_setIndex:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
body += StoreInstanceField(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
body += NullConstant();
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_getData:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::LinkedHashMap_data());
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_setData:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
body += StoreInstanceField(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
body += NullConstant();
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_getHashMask:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::LinkedHashMap_hash_mask());
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_setHashMask:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
body +=
Slot::LinkedHashMap_hash_mask(), kNoStoreBarrier);
body += NullConstant();
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_getUsedData:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::LinkedHashMap_used_data());
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_setUsedData:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
body +=
Slot::LinkedHashMap_used_data(), kNoStoreBarrier);
body += NullConstant();
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_getDeletedKeys:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::LinkedHashMap_deleted_keys());
case MethodRecognizer::kLinkedHashMap_setDeletedKeys:
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += LoadLocal(first_parameter);
body += StoreInstanceField(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
body += NullConstant();
default: {
String& name = String::ZoneHandle(Z, function.native_name());
if (function.IsGeneric()) {
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->RawTypeArgumentsVariable());
body += PushArgument();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < function.NumParameters(); ++i) {
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->RawParameterVariable(i));
body += PushArgument();
body += NativeCall(&name, &function);
// We typecheck results of native calls for type safety.
omit_result_type_check = false;
return body + Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource, omit_result_type_check);
static const LocalScope* MakeImplicitClosureScope(Zone* Z,
const Function& function) {
Class& klass = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
// Note that if klass is _Closure, DeclarationType will be _Closure,
// and not the signature type.
Type& klass_type = Type::ZoneHandle(Z, klass.DeclarationType());
LocalVariable* receiver_variable = new (Z)
LocalVariable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource,
Symbols::This(), klass_type, /*param_type=*/nullptr);
// receiver_variable->set_is_final();
LocalScope* scope = new (Z) LocalScope(NULL, 0, 0);
return scope;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::BuildImplicitClosureCreation(
const Function& target) {
Fragment fragment;
const Class& closure_class =
Class::ZoneHandle(Z, I->object_store()->closure_class());
fragment += AllocateObject(closure_class, target);
LocalVariable* closure = MakeTemporary();
// The function signature can have uninstantiated class type parameters.
if (!target.HasInstantiatedSignature(kCurrentClass)) {
fragment += LoadLocal(closure);
fragment += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
fragment += StoreInstanceField(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
// The function signature cannot have uninstantiated function type parameters,
// because the function cannot be local and have parent generic functions.
// Allocate a context that closes over `this`.
// Note: this must be kept in sync with ScopeBuilder::BuildScopes.
const LocalScope* implicit_closure_scope =
MakeImplicitClosureScope(Z, target);
fragment += AllocateContext(implicit_closure_scope->context_variables());
LocalVariable* context = MakeTemporary();
// Store the function and the context in the closure.
fragment += LoadLocal(closure);
fragment += Constant(target);
fragment +=
StoreInstanceField(TokenPosition::kNoSource, Slot::Closure_function());
fragment += LoadLocal(closure);
fragment += LoadLocal(context);
fragment +=
StoreInstanceField(TokenPosition::kNoSource, Slot::Closure_context());
fragment += LoadLocal(closure);
fragment += Constant(Object::empty_type_arguments());
fragment += StoreInstanceField(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
// The context is on top of the operand stack. Store `this`. The context
// doesn't need a parent pointer because it doesn't close over anything
// else.
fragment += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
fragment += StoreInstanceField(
thread_, *implicit_closure_scope->context_variables()[0]));
return fragment;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::CheckVariableTypeInCheckedMode(
const AbstractType& dst_type,
const String& name_symbol) {
return Fragment();
bool FlowGraphBuilder::NeedsDebugStepCheck(const Function& function,
TokenPosition position) {
return position.IsDebugPause() && !function.is_native() &&
bool FlowGraphBuilder::NeedsDebugStepCheck(Value* value,
TokenPosition position) {
if (!position.IsDebugPause()) {
return false;
Definition* definition = value->definition();
if (definition->IsConstant() || definition->IsLoadStaticField()) {
return true;
if (definition->IsAllocateObject()) {
return !definition->AsAllocateObject()->closure_function().IsNull();
return definition->IsLoadLocal() &&
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::DebugStepCheck(TokenPosition position) {
return Fragment(new (Z) DebugStepCheckInstr(
position, RawPcDescriptors::kRuntimeCall, GetNextDeoptId()));
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::EvaluateAssertion() {
const Class& klass =
Class::ZoneHandle(Z, Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::AssertionError()));
const Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, klass.LookupStaticFunctionAllowPrivate(Symbols::EvaluateAssertion()));
return StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target, /* argument_count = */ 1,
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::CheckBoolean(TokenPosition position) {
Fragment instructions;
LocalVariable* top_of_stack = MakeTemporary();
instructions += LoadLocal(top_of_stack);
instructions += AssertBool(position);
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::CheckAssignable(const AbstractType& dst_type,
const String& dst_name,
AssertAssignableInstr::Kind kind) {
Fragment instructions;
if (!I->should_emit_strong_mode_checks()) {
return Fragment();
if (!dst_type.IsDynamicType() && !dst_type.IsObjectType() &&
!dst_type.IsVoidType()) {
LocalVariable* top_of_stack = MakeTemporary();
instructions += LoadLocal(top_of_stack);
instructions +=
AssertAssignable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, dst_type, dst_name, kind);
instructions += Drop();
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::AssertAssignable(TokenPosition position,
const AbstractType& dst_type,
const String& dst_name,
AssertAssignableInstr::Kind kind) {
if (!I->should_emit_strong_mode_checks()) {
return Fragment();
Fragment instructions;
Value* value = Pop();
if (!dst_type.IsInstantiated(kCurrentClass)) {
instructions += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
Value* instantiator_type_args = Pop();
if (!dst_type.IsInstantiated(kFunctions)) {
instructions += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
} else {
instructions += NullConstant();
Value* function_type_args = Pop();
AssertAssignableInstr* instr = new (Z) AssertAssignableInstr(
position, value, instantiator_type_args, function_type_args, dst_type,
dst_name, GetNextDeoptId(), kind);
instructions += Fragment(instr);
return instructions;
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::AssertSubtype(TokenPosition position,
const AbstractType& sub_type,
const AbstractType& super_type,
const String& dst_name) {
Fragment instructions;
instructions += LoadInstantiatorTypeArguments();
Value* instantiator_type_args = Pop();
instructions += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
Value* function_type_args = Pop();
AssertSubtypeInstr* instr = new (Z)
AssertSubtypeInstr(position, instantiator_type_args, function_type_args,
sub_type, super_type, dst_name, GetNextDeoptId());
instructions += Fragment(instr);
return instructions;
void FlowGraphBuilder::BuildArgumentTypeChecks(
TypeChecksToBuild mode,
Fragment* explicit_checks,
Fragment* implicit_checks,
Fragment* implicit_redefinitions) {
if (!I->should_emit_strong_mode_checks()) return;
const Function& dart_function = parsed_function_->function();
const Function* forwarding_target = nullptr;
if (parsed_function_->is_forwarding_stub()) {
forwarding_target = parsed_function_->forwarding_stub_super_target();
TypeArguments& type_parameters = TypeArguments::Handle(Z);
if (dart_function.IsFactory()) {
type_parameters = Class::Handle(Z, dart_function.Owner()).type_parameters();
} else {
type_parameters = dart_function.type_parameters();
intptr_t num_type_params = type_parameters.Length();
if (forwarding_target != nullptr) {
type_parameters = forwarding_target->type_parameters();
ASSERT(type_parameters.Length() == num_type_params);
TypeParameter& type_param = TypeParameter::Handle(Z);
String& name = String::Handle(Z);
AbstractType& bound = AbstractType::Handle(Z);
Fragment check_bounds;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_type_params; ++i) {
type_param ^= type_parameters.TypeAt(i);
bound = type_param.bound();
if (bound.IsTopType()) {
switch (mode) {
case TypeChecksToBuild::kCheckAllTypeParameterBounds:
case TypeChecksToBuild::kCheckCovariantTypeParameterBounds:
if (!type_param.IsGenericCovariantImpl()) {
case TypeChecksToBuild::kCheckNonCovariantTypeParameterBounds:
if (type_param.IsGenericCovariantImpl()) {
name =;
check_bounds +=
AssertSubtype(TokenPosition::kNoSource, type_param, bound, name);
// Type arguments passed through partial instantiation are guaranteed to be
// bounds-checked at the point of partial instantiation, so we don't need to
// check them again at the call-site.
if (dart_function.IsClosureFunction() && !check_bounds.is_empty() &&
FLAG_eliminate_type_checks) {
LocalVariable* closure = parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0);
*implicit_checks += TestDelayedTypeArgs(closure, /*present=*/{},
} else {
*implicit_checks += check_bounds;
const intptr_t num_params = dart_function.NumParameters();
for (intptr_t i = dart_function.NumImplicitParameters(); i < num_params;
++i) {
LocalVariable* param = parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(i);
if (!param->needs_type_check()) {
const AbstractType* target_type = &param->type();
if (forwarding_target != NULL) {
// We add 1 to the parameter index to account for the receiver.
target_type =
&AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, forwarding_target->ParameterTypeAt(i));
if (target_type->IsTopType()) continue;
const bool is_covariant = param->is_explicit_covariant_parameter();
Fragment* checks = is_covariant ? explicit_checks : implicit_checks;
*checks += LoadLocal(param);
*checks += CheckAssignable(*target_type, param->name(),
*checks += Drop();
if (!is_covariant && implicit_redefinitions != nullptr && optimizing_) {
// We generate slightly different code in optimized vs. un-optimized code,
// which is ok since we don't allocate any deopt ids.
AssertNoDeoptIdsAllocatedScope no_deopt_allocation(thread_);
*implicit_redefinitions += LoadLocal(param);
*implicit_redefinitions += RedefinitionWithType(*target_type);
*implicit_redefinitions += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, param);
*implicit_redefinitions += Drop();
BlockEntryInstr* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildPrologue(BlockEntryInstr* normal_entry,
PrologueInfo* prologue_info) {
const bool compiling_for_osr = IsCompiledForOsr();
kernel::PrologueBuilder prologue_builder(
parsed_function_, last_used_block_id_, compiling_for_osr, IsInlining());
BlockEntryInstr* instruction_cursor =
prologue_builder.BuildPrologue(normal_entry, prologue_info);
last_used_block_id_ = prologue_builder.last_used_block_id();
return instruction_cursor;
RawArray* FlowGraphBuilder::GetOptionalParameterNames(
const Function& function) {
if (!function.HasOptionalNamedParameters()) {
return Array::null();
const intptr_t num_fixed_params = function.num_fixed_parameters();
const intptr_t num_opt_params = function.NumOptionalNamedParameters();
const auto& names = Array::Handle(Z, Array::New(num_opt_params, Heap::kOld));
auto& name = String::Handle(Z);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_opt_params; ++i) {
name = function.ParameterNameAt(num_fixed_params + i);
names.SetAt(i, name);
return names.raw();
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::PushExplicitParameters(const Function& function) {
Fragment instructions;
for (intptr_t i = function.NumImplicitParameters(),
n = function.NumParameters();
i < n; ++i) {
instructions += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(i));
instructions += PushArgument();
return instructions;
FlowGraph* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfMethodExtractor(
const Function& method) {
// A method extractor is the implicit getter for a method.
const Function& function =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, method.extracted_method_closure());
graph_entry_ =
new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(*parsed_function_, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
auto normal_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
Fragment body(normal_entry);
body += CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(method.token_pos());
body += BuildImplicitClosureCreation(function);
body += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
// There is no prologue code for a method extractor.
PrologueInfo prologue_info(-1, -1);
return new (Z) FlowGraph(*parsed_function_, graph_entry_, last_used_block_id_,
FlowGraph* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodDispatcher(
const Function& function) {
// This function is specialized for a receiver class, a method name, and
// the arguments descriptor at a call site.
graph_entry_ =
new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(*parsed_function_, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
auto normal_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
PrologueInfo prologue_info(-1, -1);
BlockEntryInstr* instruction_cursor =
BuildPrologue(normal_entry, &prologue_info);
// The backend will expect an array of default values for all the named
// parameters, even if they are all known to be passed at the call site
// because the call site matches the arguments descriptor. Use null for
// the default values.
const Array& descriptor_array =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, function.saved_args_desc());
ArgumentsDescriptor descriptor(descriptor_array);
ZoneGrowableArray<const Instance*>* default_values =
new ZoneGrowableArray<const Instance*>(Z, descriptor.NamedCount());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < descriptor.NamedCount(); ++i) {
Fragment body(instruction_cursor);
body += CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(function.token_pos());
// The receiver is the first argument to noSuchMethod, and it is the first
// argument passed to the dispatcher function.
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0));
body += PushArgument();
// The second argument to noSuchMethod is an invocation mirror. Push the
// arguments for allocating the invocation mirror. First, the name.
body += Constant(String::ZoneHandle(Z,;
body += PushArgument();
// Second, the arguments descriptor.
body += Constant(descriptor_array);
body += PushArgument();
// Third, an array containing the original arguments. Create it and fill
// it in.
const intptr_t receiver_index = descriptor.TypeArgsLen() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
body += Constant(TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(Z, TypeArguments::null()));
body += IntConstant(receiver_index + descriptor.Count());
body += CreateArray();
LocalVariable* array = MakeTemporary();
if (receiver_index > 0) {
LocalVariable* type_args = parsed_function_->function_type_arguments();
ASSERT(type_args != NULL);
body += LoadLocal(array);
body += IntConstant(0);
body += LoadLocal(type_args);
body += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < descriptor.PositionalCount(); ++i) {
body += LoadLocal(array);
body += IntConstant(receiver_index + i);
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(i));
body += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
String& name = String::Handle(Z);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < descriptor.NamedCount(); ++i) {
intptr_t parameter_index = descriptor.PositionalCount() + i;
name = descriptor.NameAt(i);
name = Symbols::New(H.thread(), name);
body += LoadLocal(array);
body += IntConstant(receiver_index + descriptor.PositionAt(i));
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(parameter_index));
body += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
body += PushArgument();
// Fourth, false indicating this is not a super NoSuchMethod.
body += Constant(Bool::False());
body += PushArgument();
const Class& mirror_class =
Class::Handle(Z, Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::InvocationMirror()));
const Function& allocation_function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, mirror_class.LookupStaticFunction(
body += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kMinSource, allocation_function,
/* argument_count = */ 4, ICData::kStatic);
body += PushArgument(); // For the call to noSuchMethod.
const int kTypeArgsLen = 0;
ArgumentsDescriptor two_arguments(
Array::Handle(Z, ArgumentsDescriptor::New(kTypeArgsLen, 2)));
Function& no_such_method =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, Resolver::ResolveDynamicForReceiverClass(
Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner()),
Symbols::NoSuchMethod(), two_arguments));
if (no_such_method.IsNull()) {
// If noSuchMethod is not found on the receiver class, call
// Object.noSuchMethod.
no_such_method = Resolver::ResolveDynamicForReceiverClass(
Class::Handle(Z, I->object_store()->object_class()),
Symbols::NoSuchMethod(), two_arguments);
body += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kMinSource, no_such_method,
/* argument_count = */ 2, ICData::kNSMDispatch);
body += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
return new (Z) FlowGraph(*parsed_function_, graph_entry_, last_used_block_id_,
FlowGraph* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfInvokeFieldDispatcher(
const Function& function) {
// Find the name of the field we should dispatch to.
const Class& owner = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
const String& field_name = String::Handle(Z,;
const String& getter_name = String::ZoneHandle(
Z, Symbols::New(thread_,
String::Handle(Z, Field::GetterSymbol(field_name))));
// Determine if this is `class Closure { get call => this; }`
const Class& closure_class =
Class::Handle(Z, I->object_store()->closure_class());
const bool is_closure_call = (owner.raw() == closure_class.raw()) &&
// Set default parameters & construct argument names array.
// The backend will expect an array of default values for all the named
// parameters, even if they are all known to be passed at the call site
// because the call site matches the arguments descriptor. Use null for
// the default values.
const Array& descriptor_array =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, function.saved_args_desc());
ArgumentsDescriptor descriptor(descriptor_array);
const Array& argument_names =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, Array::New(descriptor.NamedCount(), Heap::kOld));
ZoneGrowableArray<const Instance*>* default_values =
new ZoneGrowableArray<const Instance*>(Z, descriptor.NamedCount());
String& string_handle = String::Handle(Z);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < descriptor.NamedCount(); ++i) {
string_handle = descriptor.NameAt(i);
argument_names.SetAt(i, string_handle);
graph_entry_ =
new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(*parsed_function_, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
auto normal_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
PrologueInfo prologue_info(-1, -1);
BlockEntryInstr* instruction_cursor =
BuildPrologue(normal_entry, &prologue_info);
Fragment body(instruction_cursor);
body += CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(function.token_pos());
if (descriptor.TypeArgsLen() > 0) {
LocalVariable* type_args = parsed_function_->function_type_arguments();
ASSERT(type_args != NULL);
body += LoadLocal(type_args);
body += PushArgument();
LocalVariable* closure = NULL;
if (is_closure_call) {
closure = parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0);
// The closure itself is the first argument.
body += LoadLocal(closure);
} else {
// Invoke the getter to get the field value.
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0));
body += PushArgument();
const intptr_t kTypeArgsLen = 0;
const intptr_t kNumArgsChecked = 1;
body += InstanceCall(TokenPosition::kMinSource, getter_name, Token::kGET,
kTypeArgsLen, 1, Array::null_array(), kNumArgsChecked,
body += PushArgument();
// Push all arguments onto the stack.
intptr_t pos = 1;
for (; pos < descriptor.Count(); pos++) {
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(pos));
body += PushArgument();
if (is_closure_call) {
// Lookup the function in the closure.
body += LoadLocal(closure);
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::Closure_function());
body += ClosureCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, descriptor.TypeArgsLen(),
descriptor.Count(), argument_names);
} else {
const intptr_t kNumArgsChecked = 1;
body += InstanceCall(TokenPosition::kMinSource, Symbols::Call(),
Token::kILLEGAL, descriptor.TypeArgsLen(),
descriptor.Count(), argument_names, kNumArgsChecked,
body += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
return new (Z) FlowGraph(*parsed_function_, graph_entry_, last_used_block_id_,
FlowGraph* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodForwarder(
const Function& function,
bool is_implicit_closure_function,
bool throw_no_such_method_error) {
graph_entry_ =
new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(*parsed_function_, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
auto normal_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
PrologueInfo prologue_info(-1, -1);
BlockEntryInstr* instruction_cursor =
BuildPrologue(normal_entry, &prologue_info);
Fragment body(instruction_cursor);
body += CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(function.token_pos());
// If we are inside the tearoff wrapper function (implicit closure), we need
// to extract the receiver from the context. We just replace it directly on
// the stack to simplify the rest of the code.
if (is_implicit_closure_function && !function.is_static()) {
if (parsed_function_->has_arg_desc_var()) {
body += LoadArgDescriptor();
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::ArgumentsDescriptor_count());
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->current_context_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::GetContextVariableSlotFor(
thread_, *parsed_function_->receiver_var()));
body += StoreFpRelativeSlot(
kWordSize * compiler::target::frame_layout.param_end_from_fp);
} else {
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->current_context_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::GetContextVariableSlotFor(
thread_, *parsed_function_->receiver_var()));
body += StoreFpRelativeSlot(
kWordSize * (compiler::target::frame_layout.param_end_from_fp +
if (function.NeedsArgumentTypeChecks(I)) {
&body, &body, nullptr);
body += MakeTemp();
LocalVariable* result = MakeTemporary();
// Do "++argument_count" if any type arguments were passed.
LocalVariable* argument_count_var = parsed_function_->expression_temp_var();
body += IntConstant(0);
body += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, argument_count_var);
body += Drop();
if (function.IsGeneric()) {
Fragment then;
Fragment otherwise;
otherwise += IntConstant(1);
otherwise += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, argument_count_var);
otherwise += Drop();
body += TestAnyTypeArgs(then, otherwise);
if (function.HasOptionalParameters()) {
body += LoadArgDescriptor();
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::ArgumentsDescriptor_count());
} else {
body += IntConstant(function.NumParameters());
body += LoadLocal(argument_count_var);
body += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kADD, /* truncate= */ true);
LocalVariable* argument_count = MakeTemporary();
// We are generating code like the following:
// var arguments = new Array<dynamic>(argument_count);
// int i = 0;
// if (any type arguments are passed) {
// arguments[0] = function_type_arguments;
// ++i;
// }
// for (; i < argument_count; ++i) {
// arguments[i] = LoadFpRelativeSlot(
// kWordSize * (frame_layout.param_end_from_fp + argument_count - i));
// }
body += Constant(TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(Z, TypeArguments::null()));
body += LoadLocal(argument_count);
body += CreateArray();
LocalVariable* arguments = MakeTemporary();
// int i = 0
LocalVariable* index = parsed_function_->expression_temp_var();
body += IntConstant(0);
body += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, index);
body += Drop();
// if (any type arguments are passed) {
// arguments[0] = function_type_arguments;
// i = 1;
// }
if (function.IsGeneric()) {
Fragment store;
store += LoadLocal(arguments);
store += IntConstant(0);
store += LoadFunctionTypeArguments();
store += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
store += IntConstant(1);
store += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, index);
store += Drop();
body += TestAnyTypeArgs(store, Fragment());
TargetEntryInstr* body_entry;
TargetEntryInstr* loop_exit;
Fragment condition;
// i < argument_count
condition += LoadLocal(index);
condition += LoadLocal(argument_count);
condition += SmiRelationalOp(Token::kLT);
condition += BranchIfTrue(&body_entry, &loop_exit, /*negate=*/false);
Fragment loop_body(body_entry);
// arguments[i] = LoadFpRelativeSlot(
// kWordSize * (frame_layout.param_end_from_fp + argument_count - i));
loop_body += LoadLocal(arguments);
loop_body += LoadLocal(index);
loop_body += LoadLocal(argument_count);
loop_body += LoadLocal(index);
loop_body += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kSUB, /*truncate=*/true);
loop_body += LoadFpRelativeSlot(
kWordSize * compiler::target::frame_layout.param_end_from_fp);
loop_body += StoreIndexed(kArrayCid);
// ++i
loop_body += LoadLocal(index);
loop_body += IntConstant(1);
loop_body += SmiBinaryOp(Token::kADD, /*truncate=*/true);
loop_body += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, index);
loop_body += Drop();
JoinEntryInstr* join = BuildJoinEntry();
loop_body += Goto(join);
Fragment loop(join);
loop += condition;
Instruction* entry =
new (Z) GotoInstr(join, CompilerState::Current().GetNextDeoptId());
body += Fragment(entry, loop_exit);
// Load receiver.
if (is_implicit_closure_function) {
if (throw_no_such_method_error) {
const Function& parent =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, function.parent_function());
const Class& owner = Class::ZoneHandle(Z, parent.Owner());
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z);
type ^= Type::New(owner, TypeArguments::Handle(Z), owner.token_pos(),
type ^= ClassFinalizer::FinalizeType(owner, type);
body += Constant(type);
} else {
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->current_context_var());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::GetContextVariableSlotFor(
thread_, *parsed_function_->receiver_var()));
} else {
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0));
body += PushArgument();
body += Constant(String::ZoneHandle(Z,;
body += PushArgument();
if (!parsed_function_->has_arg_desc_var()) {
// If there is no variable for the arguments descriptor (this function's
// signature doesn't require it), then we need to create one.
Array& args_desc = Array::ZoneHandle(
Z, ArgumentsDescriptor::New(0, function.NumParameters()));
body += Constant(args_desc);
} else {
body += LoadArgDescriptor();
body += PushArgument();
body += LoadLocal(arguments);
body += PushArgument();
if (throw_no_such_method_error) {
const Function& parent =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, function.parent_function());
const Class& owner = Class::ZoneHandle(Z, parent.Owner());
InvocationMirror::Level im_level = owner.IsTopLevel()
? InvocationMirror::kTopLevel
: InvocationMirror::kStatic;
InvocationMirror::Kind im_kind;
if (function.IsImplicitGetterFunction() || function.IsGetterFunction()) {
im_kind = InvocationMirror::kGetter;
} else if (function.IsImplicitSetterFunction() ||
function.IsSetterFunction()) {
im_kind = InvocationMirror::kSetter;
} else {
im_kind = InvocationMirror::kMethod;
body += IntConstant(InvocationMirror::EncodeType(im_level, im_kind));
} else {
body += NullConstant();
body += PushArgument();
// Push the number of delayed type arguments.
if (function.IsClosureFunction()) {
LocalVariable* closure = parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0);
Fragment then;
then += IntConstant(function.NumTypeParameters());
then += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, argument_count_var);
then += Drop();
Fragment otherwise;
otherwise += IntConstant(0);
otherwise += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, argument_count_var);
otherwise += Drop();
body += TestDelayedTypeArgs(closure, then, otherwise);
body += LoadLocal(argument_count_var);
} else {
body += IntConstant(0);
body += PushArgument();
const Class& mirror_class =
Class::Handle(Z, Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::InvocationMirror()));
const Function& allocation_function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Z, mirror_class.LookupStaticFunction(Library::PrivateCoreLibName(
body += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kMinSource, allocation_function,
/* argument_count = */ 5, ICData::kStatic);
body += PushArgument(); // For the call to noSuchMethod.
if (throw_no_such_method_error) {
const Class& klass = Class::ZoneHandle(
Z, Library::LookupCoreClass(Symbols::NoSuchMethodError()));
const Function& throw_function = Function::ZoneHandle(
body += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, throw_function, 2,
} else {
body += InstanceCall(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, Symbols::NoSuchMethod(), Token::kILLEGAL,
/*type_args_len=*/0, /*argument_count=*/2, Array::null_array(),
/*checked_argument_count=*/1, Function::null_function());
body += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource, result);
body += Drop();
body += Drop(); // arguments
body += Drop(); // argument count
AbstractType& return_type = AbstractType::Handle(function.result_type());
if (!return_type.IsDynamicType() && !return_type.IsVoidType() &&
!return_type.IsObjectType()) {
body += AssertAssignable(TokenPosition::kNoSource, return_type,
body += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
return new (Z) FlowGraph(*parsed_function_, graph_entry_, last_used_block_id_,
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::BuildDefaultTypeHandling(const Function& function) {
if (function.IsGeneric()) {
const TypeArguments& default_types =
if (!default_types.IsNull()) {
Fragment then;
Fragment otherwise;
otherwise += TranslateInstantiatedTypeArguments(default_types);
otherwise += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
otherwise += Drop();
return TestAnyTypeArgs(then, otherwise);
return Fragment();
// Pop the index of the current entry-point off the stack. If there is any
// entrypoint-tracing hook registered in a pragma for the function, it is called
// with the name of the current function and the current entry-point index.
Fragment FlowGraphBuilder::BuildEntryPointsIntrospection() {
if (!FLAG_enable_testing_pragmas) return Drop();
auto& function = Function::Handle(Z, parsed_function_->function().raw());
if (function.IsImplicitClosureFunction()) {
const auto& parent = Function::Handle(Z, function.parent_function());
const auto& func_name = String::Handle(Z,;
const auto& owner = Class::Handle(Z, parent.Owner());
function = owner.LookupFunction(func_name);
auto& tmp = Object::Handle(Z);
tmp = function.Owner();
tmp = Class::Cast(tmp).library();
auto& library = Library::Cast(tmp);
Object& options = Object::Handle(Z);
if (!library.FindPragma(thread_, function, Symbols::vm_trace_entrypoints(),
&options) ||
options.IsNull() || !options.IsClosure()) {
return Drop();
auto& closure = Closure::ZoneHandle(Z, Closure::Cast(options).raw());
LocalVariable* entry_point_num = MakeTemporary();
auto& function_name = String::ZoneHandle(
Z, String::New(function.ToLibNamePrefixedQualifiedCString(), Heap::kOld));
if (parsed_function_->function().IsImplicitClosureFunction()) {
function_name = String::Concat(
function_name, String::Handle(Z, String::New("#tearoff", Heap::kNew)),
Fragment call_hook;
call_hook += Constant(closure);
call_hook += PushArgument();
call_hook += Constant(function_name);
call_hook += PushArgument();
call_hook += LoadLocal(entry_point_num);
call_hook += PushArgument();
call_hook += Constant(Function::ZoneHandle(Z, closure.function()));
call_hook += ClosureCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
/*type_args_len=*/0, /*argument_count=*/3,
call_hook += Drop(); // result of closure call
call_hook += Drop(); // entrypoint number
return call_hook;
FunctionEntryInstr* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildSharedUncheckedEntryPoint(
Fragment shared_prologue_linked_in,
Fragment skippable_checks,
Fragment redefinitions_if_skipped,
Fragment body) {
ASSERT(shared_prologue_linked_in.entry == graph_entry_->normal_entry());
Instruction* prologue_start = shared_prologue_linked_in.entry->next();
auto* join_entry = BuildJoinEntry();
Fragment normal_entry(shared_prologue_linked_in.entry);
normal_entry +=
normal_entry += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
normal_entry += Drop();
normal_entry += Goto(join_entry);
auto* extra_target_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
Fragment extra_entry(extra_target_entry);
extra_entry += IntConstant(
extra_entry += StoreLocal(TokenPosition::kNoSource,
extra_entry += Drop();
extra_entry += Goto(join_entry);
TargetEntryInstr *do_checks, *skip_checks;
shared_prologue_linked_in +=
shared_prologue_linked_in += BuildEntryPointsIntrospection();
shared_prologue_linked_in +=
shared_prologue_linked_in += IntConstant(
shared_prologue_linked_in +=
BranchIfEqual(&skip_checks, &do_checks, /*negate=*/false);
JoinEntryInstr* rest_entry = BuildJoinEntry();
Fragment(do_checks) + skippable_checks + Goto(rest_entry);
Fragment(skip_checks) + redefinitions_if_skipped + Goto(rest_entry);
Fragment(rest_entry) + body;
return extra_target_entry;
FunctionEntryInstr* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildSeparateUncheckedEntryPoint(
BlockEntryInstr* normal_entry,
Fragment normal_prologue,
Fragment extra_prologue,
Fragment shared_prologue,
Fragment body) {
auto* join_entry = BuildJoinEntry();
auto* extra_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
Fragment normal(normal_entry);
normal += IntConstant(static_cast<intptr_t>(UncheckedEntryPointStyle::kNone));
normal += BuildEntryPointsIntrospection();
normal += normal_prologue;
normal += Goto(join_entry);
Fragment extra(extra_entry);
extra +=
extra += BuildEntryPointsIntrospection();
extra += extra_prologue;
extra += Goto(join_entry);
Fragment(join_entry) + shared_prologue + body;
return extra_entry;
void FlowGraphBuilder::RecordUncheckedEntryPoint(
FunctionEntryInstr* extra_entry) {
// Closures always check all arguments on their checked entry-point, most
// call-sites are unchecked, and they're inlined less often, so it's very
// beneficial to build multiple entry-points for them. Regular methods however
// have fewer checks to begin with since they have dynamic invocation
// forwarders, so in AOT we implement a more conservative time-space tradeoff
// by only building the unchecked entry-point when inlining. We should
// reconsider this heuristic if we identify non-inlined type-checks in
// hotspots of new benchmarks.
if (!IsInlining() && (parsed_function_->function().IsClosureFunction() ||
!FLAG_precompiled_mode)) {
} else if (InliningUncheckedEntry()) {
FlowGraph* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfImplicitClosureFunction(
const Function& function) {
const Function& parent = Function::ZoneHandle(Z, function.parent_function());
const String& func_name = String::ZoneHandle(Z,;
const Class& owner = Class::ZoneHandle(Z, parent.Owner());
Function& target = Function::ZoneHandle(Z, owner.LookupFunction(func_name));
if (!target.IsNull() && (target.raw() != parent.raw())) {
if ((target.is_static() != parent.is_static()) ||
(target.kind() != parent.kind())) {
target = Function::null();
if (target.IsNull() ||
(parent.num_fixed_parameters() != target.num_fixed_parameters())) {
return BuildGraphOfNoSuchMethodForwarder(function, true,
graph_entry_ =
new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(*parsed_function_, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
auto normal_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
PrologueInfo prologue_info(-1, -1);
BlockEntryInstr* instruction_cursor =
BuildPrologue(normal_entry, &prologue_info);
const Fragment prologue = CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(function.token_pos());
const Fragment default_type_handling = BuildDefaultTypeHandling(function);
// We're going to throw away the explicit checks because the target will
// always check them.
Fragment implicit_checks;
if (function.NeedsArgumentTypeChecks(I)) {
Fragment explicit_checks_unused;
if (target.is_static()) {
// Tearoffs of static methods needs to perform arguments checks since
// static methods they forward to don't do it themselves.
&explicit_checks_unused, &implicit_checks,
} else {
if (MethodCanSkipTypeChecksForNonCovariantArguments(
parent, ProcedureAttributesMetadata())) {
// Generate checks that are skipped inside a body of a function.
&explicit_checks_unused, &implicit_checks, nullptr);
Fragment body;
intptr_t type_args_len = 0;
if (function.IsGeneric()) {
type_args_len = function.NumTypeParameters();
ASSERT(parsed_function_->function_type_arguments() != NULL);
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->function_type_arguments());
body += PushArgument();
// Push receiver.
if (!target.is_static()) {
// The context has a fixed shape: a single variable which is the
// closed-over receiver.
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0));
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::Closure_context());
body += LoadNativeField(Slot::GetContextVariableSlotFor(
thread_, *parsed_function_->receiver_var()));
body += PushArgument();
body += PushExplicitParameters(function);
// Forward parameters to the target.
intptr_t argument_count = function.NumParameters() -
function.NumImplicitParameters() +
(target.is_static() ? 0 : 1);
ASSERT(argument_count == target.NumParameters());
Array& argument_names =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, GetOptionalParameterNames(function));
body += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target, argument_count,
argument_names, ICData::kNoRebind,
/* result_type = */ NULL, type_args_len);
// Return the result.
body += Return(function.end_token_pos());
// Setup multiple entrypoints if useful.
FunctionEntryInstr* extra_entry = nullptr;
if (function.MayHaveUncheckedEntryPoint(I)) {
// The prologue for a closure will always have context handling (e.g.
// setting up the receiver variable), but we don't need it on the unchecked
// entry because the only time we reference this is for loading the
// receiver, which we fetch directly from the context.
if (PrologueBuilder::PrologueSkippableOnUncheckedEntry(function)) {
// Use separate entry points since we can skip almost everything on the
// static entry.
extra_entry = BuildSeparateUncheckedEntryPoint(
/*normal_prologue=*/prologue + default_type_handling +
} else {
Fragment shared_prologue(normal_entry, instruction_cursor);
shared_prologue += prologue;
extra_entry = BuildSharedUncheckedEntryPoint(
/*skippable_checks=*/default_type_handling + implicit_checks,
} else {
Fragment function(instruction_cursor);
function += prologue;
function += default_type_handling;
function += implicit_checks;
function += body;
return new (Z) FlowGraph(*parsed_function_, graph_entry_, last_used_block_id_,
FlowGraph* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfFieldAccessor(
const Function& function) {
ASSERT(function.IsImplicitGetterOrSetter() ||
// Instead of building a dynamic invocation forwarder that checks argument
// type and then invokes original setter we simply generate the type check
// and inlined field store. Scope builder takes care of setting correct
// type check mode in this case.
const bool is_setter = function.IsDynamicInvocationForwarder() ||
const bool is_method = !function.IsStaticFunction();
Field& field = Field::ZoneHandle(Z, function.accessor_field());
graph_entry_ =
new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(*parsed_function_, Compiler::kNoOSRDeoptId);
auto normal_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
Fragment body(normal_entry);
if (is_setter) {
LocalVariable* setter_value =
parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(is_method ? 1 : 0);
// We only expect to generate a dynamic invocation forwarder if
// the value needs type check.
ASSERT(!function.IsDynamicInvocationForwarder() ||
if (is_method) {
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0));
body += LoadLocal(setter_value);
if (I->argument_type_checks() && setter_value->needs_type_check()) {
body += CheckAssignable(setter_value->type(), setter_value->name(),
if (is_method) {
body += StoreInstanceFieldGuarded(field, false);
} else {
body += StoreStaticField(TokenPosition::kNoSource, field);
body += NullConstant();
} else if (is_method) {
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->ParameterVariable(0));
body += LoadField(field);
} else if (field.is_const()) {
// If the parser needs to know the value of an uninitialized constant field
// it will set the value to the transition sentinel (used to detect circular
// initialization) and then call the implicit getter. Thus, the getter
// cannot contain the InitStaticField instruction that normal static getters
// contain because it would detect spurious circular initialization when it
// checks for the transition sentinel.
body += Constant(Instance::ZoneHandle(Z, field.StaticValue()));
} else {
// The field always has an initializer because static fields without
// initializers are initialized eagerly and do not have implicit getters.
body += Constant(field);
body += InitStaticField(field);
body += Constant(field);
body += LoadStaticField();
body += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
PrologueInfo prologue_info(-1, -1);
return new (Z) FlowGraph(*parsed_function_, graph_entry_, last_used_block_id_,
FlowGraph* FlowGraphBuilder::BuildGraphOfDynamicInvocationForwarder(
const Function& function) {
auto& name = String::Handle(Z,;
name = Function::DemangleDynamicInvocationForwarderName(name);
const auto& owner = Class::Handle(Z, function.Owner());
const auto& target =
Function::ZoneHandle(Z, owner.LookupDynamicFunction(name));
if (target.IsImplicitSetterFunction()) {
return BuildGraphOfFieldAccessor(function);
graph_entry_ = new (Z) GraphEntryInstr(*parsed_function_, osr_id_);
auto normal_entry = BuildFunctionEntry(graph_entry_);
PrologueInfo prologue_info(-1, -1);
auto instruction_cursor = BuildPrologue(normal_entry, &prologue_info);
Fragment body;
if (!function.is_native()) {
body += CheckStackOverflowInPrologue(function.token_pos());
ASSERT(parsed_function_->node_sequence()->scope()->num_context_variables() ==
// Should never build a dynamic invocation forwarder for equality
// operator.
ASSERT( != Symbols::EqualOperator().raw());
// Even if the caller did not pass argument vector we would still
// call the target with instantiate-to-bounds type arguments.
body += BuildDefaultTypeHandling(function);
// Build argument type checks that complement those that are emitted in the
// target.
TypeChecksToBuild::kCheckNonCovariantTypeParameterBounds, &body, &body,
// Push all arguments and invoke the original method.
intptr_t type_args_len = 0;
if (function.IsGeneric()) {
type_args_len = function.NumTypeParameters();
ASSERT(parsed_function_->function_type_arguments() != nullptr);
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->function_type_arguments());
body += PushArgument();
// Push receiver.
ASSERT(function.NumImplicitParameters() == 1);
body += LoadLocal(parsed_function_->receiver_var());
body += PushArgument();
body += PushExplicitParameters(function);
const intptr_t argument_count = function.NumParameters();
const auto& argument_names =
Array::ZoneHandle(Z, GetOptionalParameterNames(function));
body += StaticCall(TokenPosition::kNoSource, target, argument_count,
argument_names, ICData::kNoRebind, nullptr, type_args_len);
// Later optimization passes assume that result of a x.[]=(...) call is not
// used. We must guarantee this invariant because violation will lead to an
// illegal IL once we replace x.[]=(...) with a sequence that does not
// actually produce any value. See for more details.
if (name.raw() == Symbols::AssignIndexToken().raw()) {
body += Drop();
body += NullConstant();
body += Return(TokenPosition::kNoSource);
// When compiling for OSR, use a depth first search to find the OSR
// entry and make graph entry jump to it instead of normal entry.
// Catch entries are always considered reachable, even if they
// become unreachable after OSR.
if (IsCompiledForOsr()) {
graph_entry_->RelinkToOsrEntry(Z, last_used_block_id_ + 1);
return new (Z) FlowGraph(*parsed_function_, graph_entry_, last_used_block_id_,
void FlowGraphBuilder::SetCurrentTryCatchBlock(TryCatchBlock* try_catch_block) {
try_catch_block_ = try_catch_block;
SetCurrentTryIndex(try_catch_block == nullptr ? kInvalidTryIndex
: try_catch_block->try_index());
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)