blob: bdf5e5c0b9b05f3260c975b6ffaac54009eff4af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/scanner.dart' show Token;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/type_inference/type_promotion.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
/// An abstract class containing factory methods that create AST objects.
/// Itended for use by [BodyBuilder] so that it can create either analyzer or
/// kernel ASTs depending on which concrete factory it is connected to.
/// This class is defined in terms of the builder's shadow AST mixins (which are
/// shared between kernel and analyzer shadow AST representations).
/// Note that the analyzer AST representation closely parallels Dart syntax,
/// whereas the kernel AST representation is desugared. The factory methods in
/// this class correspond to the full language (prior to desugaring). If
/// desugaring is needed, it will be performed by the concrete factory class.
/// TODO(paulberry): add missing methods.
/// TODO(paulberry): modify [BodyBuilder] so that it creates all kernel objects
/// using this interface.
/// TODO(paulberry): change the API to use tokens rather than charOffset, since
/// that's what analyzer ASTs need. Note that analyzer needs multiple tokens
/// for many AST constructs, not just one. Note also that for kernel codegen
/// we want to be very careful not to keep tokens around too long, so consider
/// having a `toLocation` method on AstFactory that changes tokens to an
/// abstract type (`int` for kernel, `Token` for analyzer).
/// TODO(paulberry): in order to interface with analyzer, we'll need to
/// shadow-ify [DartType], since analyzer ASTs need to be able to record the
/// exact tokens that were used to specify a type.
abstract class AstFactory<V> {
/// Creates a statement block.
Block block(List<Statement> statements, Token beginToken);
/// Creates an expression statement.
ExpressionStatement expressionStatement(Expression expression);
/// Creates a function expression.
FunctionExpression functionExpression(FunctionNode function, Token token);
/// Creates an `if` statement.
Statement ifStatement(
Expression condition, Statement thenPart, Statement elsePart);
/// Creates an integer literal.
IntLiteral intLiteral(value, Token token);
/// Creates an `is` expression.
Expression isExpression(
Expression expression, DartType type, Token token, bool isInverted);
/// Creates a list literal expression.
/// If the list literal did not have an explicitly declared type argument,
/// [typeArgument] should be `null`.
ListLiteral listLiteral(List<Expression> expressions, DartType typeArgument,
bool isConst, Token token);
/// Creates a null literal expression.
NullLiteral nullLiteral(Token token);
/// Creates a return statement.
Statement returnStatement(Expression expression, Token token);
/// Creates a read of a static variable.
StaticGet staticGet(Member readTarget, Token token);
/// Creates a variable declaration statement declaring one variable.
/// TODO(paulberry): analyzer makes a distinction between a single variable
/// declaration and a variable declaration statement (which can contain
/// multiple variable declarations). Currently this API only makes sense for
/// kernel, which desugars each variable declaration to its own statement.
/// If the variable declaration did not have an explicitly declared type,
/// [type] should be `null`.
VariableDeclaration variableDeclaration(
String name, Token token, int functionNestingLevel,
{DartType type,
Expression initializer,
Token equalsToken,
bool isFinal: false,
bool isConst: false});
/// Creates a read of a local variable.
variableGet(VariableDeclaration variable, TypePromotionFact<V> fact,
TypePromotionScope scope, Token token);