blob: 9843eb0b3be33f42817b135b573bae128b498e44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection' show HashMap, HashSet;
import 'dart:math' show min, max;
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart' hide ConstantEvaluator;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart' show Token, TokenType;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_resolution_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/token.dart' show StringToken;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart'
show FieldElementImpl, LocalVariableElementImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart' show DynamicTypeImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisContext;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart'
show TypeProvider, NamespaceBuilder;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart'
show StrongTypeSystemImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart' show UnlinkedUnit;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/link.dart' as summary_link;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_ast.dart'
show serializeAstUnlinked;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_elements.dart'
show PackageBundleAssembler;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/strong/ast_properties.dart'
show isDynamicInvoke, setIsDynamicInvoke, getImplicitAssignmentCast;
import 'package:path/path.dart' show isWithin, relative, separator;
import '../closure/closure_annotator.dart' show ClosureAnnotator;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' as JS;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' show js;
import 'ast_builder.dart' show AstBuilder;
import 'compiler.dart' show BuildUnit, CompilerOptions, JSModuleFile;
import 'element_helpers.dart';
import 'extension_types.dart' show ExtensionTypeSet;
import 'js_interop.dart';
import 'js_metalet.dart' as JS;
import 'js_names.dart' as JS;
import 'js_typeref_codegen.dart' show JsTypeRefCodegen;
import 'module_builder.dart' show pathToJSIdentifier;
import 'nullable_type_inference.dart' show NullableTypeInference;
import 'property_model.dart';
import 'reify_coercions.dart' show CoercionReifier;
import 'side_effect_analysis.dart' show ConstFieldVisitor, isStateless;
import 'type_utilities.dart';
/// The code generator for Dart Dev Compiler.
/// Takes as input resolved Dart ASTs for every compilation unit in every
/// library in the module. Produces a single JavaScript AST for the module as
/// output, along with its source map.
/// This class attempts to preserve identifier names and structure of the input
/// Dart code, whenever this is possible to do in the generated code.
// TODO(jmesserly): we should use separate visitors for statements and
// expressions. Declarations are handled directly, and many minor component
// AST nodes aren't visited, so the visitor pattern isn't helping except for
// expressions (which result in JS.Expression) and statements
// (which result in (JS.Statement).
class CodeGenerator extends Object
with ClosureAnnotator, JsTypeRefCodegen, NullableTypeInference
implements AstVisitor<JS.Node> {
final AnalysisContext context;
final SummaryDataStore summaryData;
final CompilerOptions options;
final StrongTypeSystemImpl rules;
/// The set of libraries we are currently compiling, and the temporaries used
/// to refer to them.
/// We sometimes special case codegen for a single library, as it simplifies
/// name scoping requirements.
final _libraries = new Map<LibraryElement, JS.Identifier>();
/// Imported libraries, and the temporaries used to refer to them.
final _imports = new Map<LibraryElement, JS.TemporaryId>();
/// The list of dart:_runtime SDK functions; these are assumed by other code
/// in the SDK to be generated before anything else.
final _internalSdkFunctions = <JS.ModuleItem>[];
/// The list of output module items, in the order they need to be emitted in.
final _moduleItems = <JS.ModuleItem>[];
/// Table of named and possibly hoisted types.
TypeTable _typeTable;
/// The global extension type table.
final ExtensionTypeSet _extensionTypes;
/// The variable for the target of the current `..` cascade expression.
/// Usually a [SimpleIdentifier], but it can also be other expressions
/// that are safe to evaluate multiple times, such as `this`.
Expression _cascadeTarget;
/// The variable for the current catch clause
SimpleIdentifier _catchParameter;
/// In an async* function, this represents the stream controller parameter.
JS.TemporaryId _asyncStarController;
// TODO(jmesserly): fuse this with notNull check.
final _privateNames =
new HashMap<LibraryElement, HashMap<String, JS.TemporaryId>>();
final _initializingFormalTemps =
new HashMap<ParameterElement, JS.TemporaryId>();
JS.Identifier _extensionSymbolsModule;
JS.Identifier _runtimeModule;
final namedArgumentTemp = new JS.TemporaryId('opts');
final _hasDeferredSupertype = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
/// The type provider from the current Analysis [context].
final TypeProvider types;
final LibraryElement dartCoreLibrary;
final LibraryElement dartJSLibrary;
/// The dart:async `StreamIterator<>` type.
final InterfaceType _asyncStreamIterator;
/// The dart:_interceptors JSArray element.
final ClassElement _jsArray;
final ClassElement boolClass;
final ClassElement intClass;
final ClassElement interceptorClass;
final ClassElement nullClass;
final ClassElement numClass;
final ClassElement objectClass;
final ClassElement stringClass;
final ClassElement functionClass;
final ClassElement privateSymbolClass;
ConstFieldVisitor _constants;
/// The current function body being compiled.
FunctionBody _currentFunction;
HashMap<TypeDefiningElement, AstNode> _declarationNodes;
/// The stack of currently emitting elements, if generating top-level code
/// for them. This is not used when inside method bodies, because order does
/// not matter for those.
final _topLevelElements = <TypeDefiningElement>[];
/// The current element being loaded.
/// We can use this to determine if we're loading top-level code or not:
/// _currentElements.last == _topLevelElements.last
// TODO(jmesserly): ideally we'd only track types here, in other words,
// TypeDefiningElement. However we still rely on this for [currentLibrary] so
// we need something to be pushed always.
final _currentElements = <Element>[];
final _deferredProperties = new HashMap<PropertyAccessorElement, JS.Method>();
BuildUnit _buildUnit;
String _libraryRoot;
bool _superAllowed = true;
List<JS.TemporaryId> _superHelperSymbols = <JS.TemporaryId>[];
List<JS.Method> _superHelpers = <JS.Method>[];
List<TypeParameterType> _typeParamInConst = null;
/// Whether we are currently generating code for the body of a `JS()` call.
bool _isInForeignJS = false;
/// Information about virtual and overridden fields/getters/setters in the
/// class we're currently compiling, or `null` if we aren't compiling a class.
ClassPropertyModel _classProperties;
/// Information about virtual fields for all libraries in the current build
/// unit.
final virtualFields = new VirtualFieldModel();
AnalysisContext c, this.summaryData, this.options, this._extensionTypes)
: context = c,
rules = new StrongTypeSystemImpl(c.typeProvider),
types = c.typeProvider,
_asyncStreamIterator =
_getLibrary(c, 'dart:async').getType('StreamIterator').type,
_jsArray = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:_interceptors').getType('JSArray'),
interceptorClass =
_getLibrary(c, 'dart:_interceptors').getType('Interceptor'),
dartCoreLibrary = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:core'),
boolClass = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:core').getType('bool'),
intClass = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:core').getType('int'),
numClass = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:core').getType('num'),
nullClass = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:core').getType('Null'),
objectClass = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:core').getType('Object'),
stringClass = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:core').getType('String'),
functionClass = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:core').getType('Function'),
privateSymbolClass =
_getLibrary(c, 'dart:_internal').getType('PrivateSymbol'),
dartJSLibrary = _getLibrary(c, 'dart:js');
Element get currentElement => _currentElements.last;
LibraryElement get currentLibrary => currentElement.library;
/// The main entry point to JavaScript code generation.
/// Takes the metadata for the build unit, as well as resolved trees and
/// errors, and computes the output module code and optionally the source map.
JSModuleFile compile(BuildUnit unit, List<CompilationUnit> compilationUnits,
List<String> errors) {
_buildUnit = unit;
_libraryRoot = _buildUnit.libraryRoot;
if (!_libraryRoot.endsWith(separator)) {
_libraryRoot += separator;
var module = _emitModule(compilationUnits,;
var dartApiSummary = _summarizeModule(compilationUnits);
return new JSModuleFile(, errors, options, module, dartApiSummary);
List<int> _summarizeModule(List<CompilationUnit> units) {
if (!options.summarizeApi) return null;
if (!units.any((u) => resolutionMap
.isInSystemLibrary)) {
var sdk = context.sourceFactory.dartSdk;
sdk is SummaryBasedDartSdk
? sdk.bundle
: (sdk as FolderBasedDartSdk).getSummarySdkBundle(true));
var assembler = new PackageBundleAssembler();
var uriToUnit = new Map<String, UnlinkedUnit>.fromIterable(units,
key: (u) => u.element.source.uri.toString(),
value: (unit) {
var unlinked = serializeAstUnlinked(unit);
assembler.addUnlinkedUnit(unit.element.source, unlinked);
return unlinked;
(uri) => summaryData.linkedMap[uri],
(uri) => summaryData.unlinkedMap[uri] ?? uriToUnit[uri],
var bundle = assembler.assemble();
// Preserve only API-level information in the summary.
return bundle.toBuffer();
JS.Program _emitModule(List<CompilationUnit> compilationUnits, String name) {
if (_moduleItems.isNotEmpty) {
throw new StateError('Can only call emitModule once.');
// Transform the AST to make coercions explicit.
compilationUnits = CoercionReifier.reify(compilationUnits);
if (compilationUnits.any((u) => isSdkInternalRuntime(
resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByCompilationUnit(u).library))) {
// Don't allow these to be renamed when we're building the SDK.
// There is JS code in dart:* that depends on their names.
_runtimeModule = new JS.Identifier('dart');
_extensionSymbolsModule = new JS.Identifier('dartx');
} else {
// Otherwise allow these to be renamed so users can write them.
_runtimeModule = new JS.TemporaryId('dart');
_extensionSymbolsModule = new JS.TemporaryId('dartx');
_typeTable = new TypeTable(_runtimeModule);
// Initialize our library variables.
var items = <JS.ModuleItem>[];
for (var unit in compilationUnits) {
var library =
if (unit.element != library.definingCompilationUnit) continue;
var libraryTemp = isSdkInternalRuntime(library)
? _runtimeModule
: new JS.TemporaryId(jsLibraryName(_libraryRoot, library));
_libraries[library] = libraryTemp;
items.add(new JS.ExportDeclaration('const # = Object.create(null)', [libraryTemp])));
// dart:_runtime has a magic module that holds extension method symbols.
// TODO(jmesserly): find a cleaner design for this.
if (isSdkInternalRuntime(library)) {
items.add(new JS.ExportDeclaration(js
.call('const # = Object.create(null)', [_extensionSymbolsModule])));
// Collect all class/type Element -> Node mappings
// in case we need to forward declare any classes.
_declarationNodes = new HashMap<TypeDefiningElement, AstNode>.identity();
for (var unit in compilationUnits) {
for (var declaration in unit.declarations) {
var element = declaration.element;
if (element is TypeDefiningElement) {
_declarationNodes[element] = declaration;
if (compilationUnits.isNotEmpty) {
_constants = new ConstFieldVisitor(context,
dummySource: resolutionMap
// Add implicit dart:core dependency so it is first.
// Visit each compilation unit and emit its code.
// NOTE: declarations are not necessarily emitted in this order.
// Order will be changed as needed so the resulting code can execute.
// This is done by forward declaring items.
// Visit directives (for exports)
// Declare imports
// Discharge the type table cache variables and
// hoisted definitions.
// Track the module name for each library in the module.
// This data is only required for debugging.
'#.trackLibraries(#, #, ${JSModuleFile.sourceMapHoleID});',
[_runtimeModule, js.string(name), _librariesDebuggerObject()]));
// Add the module's code (produced by visiting compilation units, above)
_copyAndFlattenBlocks(items, _moduleItems);
// Build the module.
return new JS.Program(items, name:;
JS.ObjectInitializer _librariesDebuggerObject() {
var properties = <JS.Property>[];
_libraries.forEach((library, value) {
// TODO(jacobr): we could specify a short library name instead of the
// full library uri if we wanted to save space.
properties.add(new JS.Property(
js.string(jsLibraryDebuggerName(_libraryRoot, library)), value));
return new JS.ObjectInitializer(properties, multiline: true);
List<String> _getJSName(Element e) {
if (e.library == null ||
findAnnotation(e.library, isPublicJSAnnotation) == null) {
return null;
var libraryJSName = getAnnotationName(e.library, isPublicJSAnnotation);
var libraryPrefix = <String>[];
if (libraryJSName != null && libraryJSName.isNotEmpty) {
String elementJSName;
if (findAnnotation(e, isPublicJSAnnotation) != null) {
elementJSName = getAnnotationName(e, isPublicJSAnnotation) ?? '';
if (e is TopLevelVariableElement) {
elementJSName = _jsInteropStaticMemberName(e);
if (elementJSName == null) return null;
var elementJSParts = <String>[];
if (elementJSName.isNotEmpty) {
} else {
return libraryPrefix..addAll(elementJSParts);
JS.Expression _emitJSInterop(Element e) {
var jsName = _getJSName(e);
if (jsName == null) return null;
var fullName = ['global']..addAll(jsName);
JS.Expression access = _runtimeModule;
for (var part in fullName) {
access = new JS.PropertyAccess(access, js.string(part));
return access;
String _jsInteropStaticMemberName(Element e, {String name}) {
if (e == null ||
e.library == null ||
findAnnotation(e.library, isPublicJSAnnotation) == null) {
return null;
if (e is PropertyInducingElement) {
// Assume properties have consistent JS names for getters and setters.
return _jsInteropStaticMemberName(e.getter, name: ??
_jsInteropStaticMemberName(e.setter, name:;
if (e is ExecutableElement && e.isExternal) {
return getAnnotationName(e, isPublicJSAnnotation) ?? name ??;
return null;
JS.Expression _emitJSInteropStaticMemberName(Element e) {
var name = _jsInteropStaticMemberName(e);
if (name == null) return null;
// We do not support statics names with JS annotations containing dots.
// See
if (name.contains('.')) {
throw new UnimplementedError(
'We do not support JS annotations containing dots on static members. '
return js.string(name);
/// Flattens blocks in [items] to a single list.
/// This will not flatten blocks that are marked as being scopes.
void _copyAndFlattenBlocks(
List<JS.ModuleItem> result, Iterable<JS.ModuleItem> items) {
for (var item in items) {
if (item is JS.Block && !item.isScope) {
_copyAndFlattenBlocks(result, item.statements);
} else if (item != null) {
String _libraryToModule(LibraryElement library) {
var source = library.source;
// TODO(jmesserly): we need to split out HTML.
if (source.uri.scheme == 'dart') {
return JS.dartSdkModule;
var moduleName = _buildUnit.libraryToModule(source);
if (moduleName == null) {
throw new StateError('Could not find module containing "$library".');
return moduleName;
void _finishImports(List<JS.ModuleItem> items) {
var modules = new Map<String, List<LibraryElement>>();
for (var import in _imports.keys) {
modules.putIfAbsent(_libraryToModule(import), () => []).add(import);
String coreModuleName;
if (!_libraries.containsKey(dartCoreLibrary)) {
coreModuleName = _libraryToModule(dartCoreLibrary);
modules.forEach((module, libraries) {
// Generate import directives.
// Our import variables are temps and can get renamed. Since our renaming
// is integrated into js_ast, it is aware of this possibility and will
// generate an "as" if needed. For example:
// import {foo} from 'foo'; // if no rename needed
// import {foo as foo$} from 'foo'; // if rename was needed
var imports = => new JS.NameSpecifier(_imports[l])).toList();
if (module == coreModuleName) {
imports.add(new JS.NameSpecifier(_runtimeModule));
imports.add(new JS.NameSpecifier(_extensionSymbolsModule));
items.add(new JS.ImportDeclaration(
namedImports: imports, from: js.string(module, "'")));
/// Called to emit all top-level declarations.
/// During the course of emitting one item, we may emit another. For example
/// class D extends B { C m() { ... } }
/// Because D depends on B, we'll emit B first if needed. However C is not
/// used by top-level JavaScript code, so we can ignore that dependency.
void _emitTypeDeclaration(TypeDefiningElement e) {
var node = _declarationNodes.remove(e);
if (node == null) return null; // not from this module or already loaded.
// TODO(jmesserly): this is not really the right place for this.
// Ideally we do this per function body.
// We'll need to be consistent about when we're generating functions, and
// only run this on the outermost function, and not any closures.
var last = _currentElements.removeLast();
assert(identical(e, last));
/// Start generating top-level code for the element [e].
/// Subsequent [emitDeclaration] calls will cause those elements to be
/// generated before this one, until [finishTopLevel] is called.
void _startTopLevelCodeForClass(TypeDefiningElement e) {
assert(identical(e, currentElement));
/// Finishes the top-level code for the element [e].
void _finishTopLevelCodeForClass(TypeDefiningElement e) {
var last = _topLevelElements.removeLast();
assert(identical(e, last));
/// To emit top-level module items, we sometimes need to reorder them.
/// This function takes care of that, and also detects cases where reordering
/// failed, and we need to resort to lazy loading, by marking the element as
/// lazy. All elements need to be aware of this possibility and generate code
/// accordingly.
/// If we are not emitting top-level code, this does nothing, because all
/// declarations are assumed to be available before we start execution.
/// See [startTopLevel].
void _declareBeforeUse(TypeDefiningElement e) {
if (e == null) return;
var topLevel = _topLevelElements;
if (topLevel.isNotEmpty && identical(currentElement, topLevel.last)) {
// If the item is from our library, try to emit it now.
visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit unit) {
// NOTE: this method isn't the right place to initialize
// per-compilation-unit state. Declarations can be visited out of order,
// this is only to catch things that haven't been emitted yet.
// See _emitTypeDeclaration.
var library = unit.element.library;
bool internalSdk = isSdkInternalRuntime(library);
List<VariableDeclaration> fields;
for (var declaration in unit.declarations) {
if (declaration is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
if (internalSdk && declaration.variables.isFinal) {
} else {
(fields ??= []).addAll(declaration.variables.variables);
if (fields != null) {
fields = null;
var element = declaration.element;
if (element is TypeDefiningElement) {
var item = _visit(declaration);
if (internalSdk && element is FunctionElement) {
} else {
if (fields != null) _emitTopLevelFields(fields);
void _emitExportDirectives(CompilationUnit unit) {
for (var directive in unit.directives) {
visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective node) => null;
visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
// We don't handle imports here.
// Instead, we collect imports whenever we need to generate a reference
// to another library. This has the effect of collecting the actually used
// imports.
// TODO(jmesserly): if this is a prefixed import, consider adding the prefix
// as an alias?
return null;
visitPartDirective(PartDirective node) => null;
visitPartOfDirective(PartOfDirective node) => null;
visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
ExportElement element = node.element;
var currentLibrary = element.library;
var currentNames = currentLibrary.publicNamespace.definedNames;
var exportedNames =
new NamespaceBuilder().createExportNamespaceForDirective(element);
// We only need to export main as it is the only method part of the
// publicly exposed JS API for a library.
// TODO(jacobr): add a library level annotation indicating that all
// contents of a library need to be exposed to JS.
var export = exportedNames.get('main');
if (export is FunctionElement) {
// Don't allow redefining names from this library.
if (currentNames.containsKey( return null;
var name = _emitTopLevelName(export);
'#.# = #;', [emitLibraryName(currentLibrary), name.selector, name]));
visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
Expression fromExpr = node.expression;
var from = getStaticType(fromExpr);
var to = node.type.type;
JS.Expression jsFrom = _visit(fromExpr);
if (_inWhitelistCode(node)) return jsFrom;
// Skip the cast if it's not needed.
if (rules.isSubtypeOf(from, to)) return jsFrom;
// All Dart number types map to a JS double.
if (_isNumberInJS(from) && _isNumberInJS(to)) {
// Make sure to check when converting to int.
if (from != types.intType && to == types.intType) {
// TODO(jmesserly): fuse this with notNull check.
return _callHelper('asInt(#)', jsFrom);
// A no-op in JavaScript.
return jsFrom;
var type = _emitType(to,
nameType: options.nameTypeTests || options.hoistTypeTests,
hoistType: options.hoistTypeTests);
if (CoercionReifier.isImplicitCast(node)) {
return'#._check(#)', [type, jsFrom]);
} else {
return'', [type, jsFrom]);
visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
// Generate `is` as `` or `typeof` depending on the RHS type.
JS.Expression result;
var type = node.type.type;
var lhs = _visit(node.expression);
var typeofName = _jsTypeofName(type);
if (typeofName != null) {
result ='typeof # == #', [lhs, js.string(typeofName, "'")]);
} else {
// Always go through a runtime helper, because implicit interfaces.
var castType = _emitType(type,
nameType: options.nameTypeTests || options.hoistTypeTests,
hoistType: options.hoistTypeTests);
result ='', [castType, lhs]);
if (node.notOperator != null) {
return'!#', result);
return result;
String _jsTypeofName(DartType t) {
if (_isNumberInJS(t)) return 'number';
if (t == types.stringType) return 'string';
if (t == types.boolType) return 'boolean';
return null;
visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) => _emitTypedef(node);
visitGenericTypeAlias(GenericTypeAlias node) => _emitTypedef(node);
JS.Statement _emitTypedef(TypeAlias node) {
var element = node.element as FunctionTypeAliasElement;
FunctionType type;
var typeFormals = element.typeParameters;
if (element is GenericTypeAliasElement) {
type = element.function.type;
} else {
type = element.type;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
// Skip past the type formals, we'll add them back below, so these
// type parameter names will end up in scope in the generated JS.
type = type.instantiate( => f.type).toList());
JS.Expression body = annotate(
_callHelper('typedef(#, () => #)', [
js.string(, "'"),
_emitType(type, nameType: false, lowerTypedef: true)
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
return _defineClassTypeArguments(element, typeFormals,
js.statement('const # = #;', [, body]));
} else {
return js.statement('# = #;', [_emitTopLevelName(element), body]);
JS.Expression visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
if (node.type == null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): if the type fails to resolve, should we generate code
// that throws instead?
assert(options.unsafeForceCompile || options.replCompile);
return _callHelper('dynamic');
return _emitType(node.type);
JS.Statement visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
ClassElement element = node.element;
var supertype = element.supertype;
// Forward all generative constructors from the base class.
var methods = <JS.Method>[];
if (!supertype.isObject) {
for (var ctor in element.constructors) {
var parentCtor = supertype.lookUpConstructor(, ctor.library);
// TODO(jmesserly): this avoids spread args for perf. Revisit.
var jsParams = <JS.Identifier>[];
for (var p in ctor.parameters) {
if (p.parameterKind != ParameterKind.NAMED) {
jsParams.add(new JS.Identifier(;
} else {
jsParams.add(new JS.TemporaryId('namedArgs'));
var fun ='function(#) { super.#(#); }',
[jsParams, _constructorName(parentCtor), jsParams]) as JS.Fun;
methods.add(new JS.Method(_constructorName(ctor), fun));
var typeFormals = element.typeParameters;
var isGeneric = typeFormals.isNotEmpty;
var className = isGeneric ? : _emitTopLevelName(element);
JS.Statement declareInterfaces(JS.Statement decl) {
if (element.interfaces.isNotEmpty) {
var body = [decl]..add(js.statement('#[#.implements] = () => #;', [
new JS.ArrayInitializer(
new List<JS.Expression>.from(
decl = _statement(body);
return decl;
if (supertype.isObject && element.mixins.length == 1) {
// Special case where supertype is Object, and we mixin a single class.
// The resulting 'class' is a mixable class in this case.
var classExpr = _emitClassHeritage(element);
if (isGeneric) {
var classStmt = js.statement('const # = #;', [className, classExpr]);
return _defineClassTypeArguments(
element, typeFormals, declareInterfaces(classStmt));
} else {
var classStmt = js.statement('# = #;', [className, classExpr]);
return declareInterfaces(classStmt);
var classExpr = _emitClassExpression(element, methods);
if (isGeneric) {
var classStmt = new JS.ClassDeclaration(classExpr);
return _defineClassTypeArguments(
element, typeFormals, declareInterfaces(classStmt));
} else {
var classStmt = js.statement('# = #;', [className, classExpr]);
return declareInterfaces(classStmt);
JS.Statement _emitJsType(Element e) {
var jsTypeName = getAnnotationName(e, isJSAnnotation);
if (jsTypeName == null || jsTypeName == return null;
// We export the JS type as if it was a Dart type. For example this allows
// `dom.InputElement` to actually be HTMLInputElement.
// TODO(jmesserly): if we had the JS name on the Element, we could just
// generate it correctly when we refer to it.
return js.statement('# = #;', [_emitTopLevelName(e), jsTypeName]);
JS.Statement visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
var classElem = resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByClassDeclaration(node);
// If this class is annotated with `@JS`, then there is nothing to emit.
if (findAnnotation(classElem, isPublicJSAnnotation) != null) return null;
// If this is a JavaScript type, emit it now and then exit.
var jsTypeDef = _emitJsType(classElem);
if (jsTypeDef != null) return jsTypeDef;
var ctors = <ConstructorDeclaration>[];
var allFields = <FieldDeclaration>[];
var fields = <FieldDeclaration>[];
var staticFields = <FieldDeclaration>[];
var methods = <MethodDeclaration>[];
// True if a "call" method or getter exists directly on this class.
// If so, we need to install a Function prototype.
bool isCallable = false;
for (var member in node.members) {
if (member is ConstructorDeclaration) {
} else if (member is FieldDeclaration) {
(member.isStatic ? staticFields : fields).add(member);
} else if (member is MethodDeclaration) {
if ( == 'call' && !member.isSetter) {
// Make sure "call" has a statically known function type:
// - if it's a method, then it does because all methods do,
// - if it's a getter, check the return type.
// Other cases like a getter returning dynamic/Object/Function will be
// handled at runtime by the dynamic call mechanism. So we only
// concern ourselves with statically known function types.
// For the same reason, we can ignore "noSuchMethod".
// call-implemented-by-nSM will be dispatched by dcall at runtime.
isCallable = !member.isGetter || member.returnType is FunctionType;
// True if a "call" method or getter exists directly or indirectly on this
// class. If so, we need special constructor handling.
bool isCallableTransitive =
classElem.lookUpMethod('call', currentLibrary) != null;
if (!isCallableTransitive) {
var callGetter = classElem.lookUpGetter('call', currentLibrary);
isCallableTransitive =
callGetter != null && callGetter.returnType is FunctionType;
JS.Expression className;
if (classElem.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
// Generic classes will be defined inside a function that closes over the
// type parameter. So we can use their local variable name directly.
className = new JS.Identifier(;
} else {
className = _emitTopLevelName(classElem);
var savedClassProperties = _classProperties;
_classProperties =
new, virtualFields, classElem);
var classExpr = _emitClassExpression(
classElem, _emitClassMethods(node, ctors, fields),
fields: allFields);
var body = <JS.Statement>[];
_initExtensionSymbols(classElem, methods, fields, body);
_emitSuperHelperSymbols(_superHelperSymbols, body);
// Emit the class, e.g. `core.Object = class Object { ... }`
_defineClass(classElem, className, classExpr, isCallable, body);
// Emit things that come after the ES6 `class ... { ... }`.
var jsPeerNames = _getJSPeerNames(classElem);
JS.Statement deferredBaseClass =
_setBaseClass(classElem, className, jsPeerNames, body);
_emitClassTypeTests(classElem, className, body);
_defineNamedConstructors(ctors, body, className, isCallableTransitive);
_emitVirtualFieldSymbols(classElem, body);
_emitClassSignature(methods, allFields, classElem, ctors, className, body);
_defineExtensionMembers(className, body);
_emitClassMetadata(node.metadata, className, body);
JS.Statement classDef = _statement(body);
var typeFormals = classElem.typeParameters;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
classDef = _defineClassTypeArguments(
classElem, typeFormals, classDef, className, deferredBaseClass);
body = <JS.Statement>[classDef];
_emitStaticFields(staticFields, classElem, body);
for (var peer in jsPeerNames) {
_registerExtensionType(classElem, peer, body);
_classProperties = savedClassProperties;
return _statement(body);
/// Emits code to support a class with a "call" method and an unnamed
/// constructor.
/// This ensures instances created by the unnamed constructor are functions.
/// Named constructors are handled elsewhere, see [_defineNamedConstructors].
JS.Expression _emitCallableClass(
JS.ClassExpression classExpr, ConstructorElement unnamedCtor) {
var ctor = new JS.NamedFunction(, _emitCallableClassConstructor(unnamedCtor));
// Name the constructor function the same as the class.
return _callHelper('callableClass(#, #)', [ctor, classExpr]);
/// Emits a constructor that ensures instances of this class are callable as
/// functions in JavaScript.
JS.Fun _emitCallableClassConstructor(ConstructorElement ctor) {
r'''function (...args) {
function call(...args) {
return, args);
call.__proto__ = this.__proto__;
call.#.apply(call, args);
return call;
void _emitClassTypeTests(ClassElement classElem, JS.Expression className,
List<JS.Statement> body) {
if (classElem == objectClass) {
// We rely on ES6 static inheritance. All types that are represented by
// class constructor functions will see these definitions, with [this]
// being bound to the class constructor.
// The 'instanceof' checks don't work for primitive types (which have fast
// definitions below) and don't work for native types. In those cases we
// fall through to the general purpose checking code.
' = function is_Object(o) {'
' if (o instanceof this) return true;'
' return, this);'
[className, _runtimeModule]));
' = function as_Object(o) {'
' if (o == null || o instanceof this) return o;'
' return, this);'
[className, _runtimeModule]));
'#._check = function check_Object(o) {'
' if (o == null || o instanceof this) return o;'
' return #.check(o, this);'
[className, _runtimeModule]));
if (classElem == stringClass) {
' = function is_String(o) { return typeof o == "string"; }',
' = function as_String(o) {'
' if (typeof o == "string" || o == null) return o;'
' return, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
'#._check = function check_String(o) {'
' if (typeof o == "string" || o == null) return o;'
' return #.check(o, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
if (classElem == functionClass) {
' = function is_Function(o) { return typeof o == "function"; }',
' = function as_Function(o) {'
' if (typeof o == "function" || o == null) return o;'
' return, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
'#._check = function check_String(o) {'
' if (typeof o == "function" || o == null) return o;'
' return #.check(o, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
if (classElem == intClass) {
' = function is_int(o) {'
' return typeof o == "number" && Math.floor(o) == o;'
' = function as_int(o) {'
' if ((typeof o == "number" && Math.floor(o) == o) || o == null)'
' return o;'
' return, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
'#._check = function check_int(o) {'
' if ((typeof o == "number" && Math.floor(o) == o) || o == null)'
' return o;'
' return #.check(o, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
if (classElem == nullClass) {
' = function is_Null(o) { return o == null; }', className));
' = function as_Null(o) {'
' if (o == null) return o;'
' return, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
'#._check = function check_Null(o) {'
' if (o == null) return o;'
' return #.check(o, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
if (classElem == numClass) {
' = function is_num(o) { return typeof o == "number"; }',
' = function as_num(o) {'
' if (typeof o == "number" || o == null) return o;'
' return, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
'#._check = function check_num(o) {'
' if (typeof o == "number" || o == null) return o;'
' return #.check(o, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
if (classElem == boolClass) {
' = function is_bool(o) { return o === true || o === false; }',
' = function as_bool(o) {'
' if (o === true || o === false || o == null) return o;'
' return, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
'#._check = function check_bool(o) {'
' if (o === true || o === false || o == null) return o;'
' return #.check(o, #);'
[className, _runtimeModule, className]));
// TODO(sra): Add special cases for hot tests like `x is html.Element`.
// `instanceof` check is futile for classes that are Interceptor classes.
ClassElement parent = classElem;
while (parent != objectClass) {
if (parent == interceptorClass) {
if (classElem == interceptorClass) {
// Place non-instanceof version of checks on Interceptor. All
// interceptor classes will inherit the methods via ES6 class static
// inheritance.
body.add(_callHelperStatement('addTypeTests(#);', className));
// TODO(sra): We could place on the extension type a pointer to the
// peer constructor and use that for the `instanceof` check, e.g.
// if (o instanceof this[_peerConstructor]) return o;
parent = parent.type.superclass.element;
// Choose between 'simple' checks, which are often accelerated by
// `instanceof`, and other checks, which are slowed down by taking time to
// do an `instanceof` check that is futile or likely futile.
// The `instanceof` check is futile for (1) a class that is only used as a
// mixin, or (2) is only used as an interface in an `implements` clause, and
// is likely futile (3) if the class has type parameters, since `Foo` aka
// `Foo<dynamic>` is not a superclass of `Foo<int>`. The first two are
// whole-program properites, but we can check for the last case.
// Since ES6 classes have inheritance of static properties, we need only
// install checks that differ from the parent.
bool isSimple(ClassElement classElement) {
if (classElement.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) return false;
return true;
assert(classElem != objectClass);
bool thisIsSimple = isSimple(classElem);
bool superIsSimple = isSimple(classElem.type.superclass.element);
if (thisIsSimple == superIsSimple) return;
if (thisIsSimple) {
body.add(_callHelperStatement('addSimpleTypeTests(#);', className));
} else {
body.add(_callHelperStatement('addTypeTests(#);', className));
void _emitSuperHelperSymbols(
List<JS.TemporaryId> superHelperSymbols, List<JS.Statement> body) {
for (var id in superHelperSymbols) {
body.add(js.statement('const # = Symbol(#)', [id, js.string(]));
void _emitVirtualFieldSymbols(
ClassElement classElement, List<JS.Statement> body) {
_classProperties.virtualFields.forEach((field, virtualField) {
body.add(js.statement('const # = Symbol(#);',
[virtualField, js.string('${}.${}')]));
void _defineClass(ClassElement classElem, JS.Expression className,
JS.ClassExpression classExpr, bool isCallable, List<JS.Statement> body) {
JS.Expression callableClass;
if (isCallable && classElem.unnamedConstructor != null) {
callableClass =
_emitCallableClass(classExpr, classElem.unnamedConstructor);
if (classElem.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
if (callableClass != null) {
body.add(js.statement('const # = #;', [, callableClass]));
} else {
body.add(new JS.ClassDeclaration(classExpr));
} else {
body.add(js.statement('# = #;', [className, callableClass ?? classExpr]));
List<JS.Identifier> _emitTypeFormals(List<TypeParameterElement> typeFormals) {
return typeFormals
.map((t) => new JS.Identifier(
.toList(growable: false);
/// Emits a field declaration for TypeScript & Closure's ES6_TYPED
/// (e.g. `class Foo { i: string; }`)
JS.VariableDeclarationList _emitTypeScriptField(FieldDeclaration field) {
return new JS.VariableDeclarationList(
field.isStatic ? 'static' : null,
.map((decl) => new JS.VariableInitialization(
new JS.Identifier(
// TODO(ochafik): use a refactored _emitMemberName instead.,
type: emitTypeRef(resolutionMap
.toList(growable: false));
JS.Statement visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
var element = resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByEnumDeclaration(node);
var type = element.type;
// Generate a class per section 13 of the spec.
// TODO(vsm): Generate any accompanying metadata
// Create constructor and initialize index
var constructor = new JS.Method(_propertyName('new'),'function(index) { this.index = index; }') as JS.Fun);
var fields = new List<FieldElement>.from(
element.fields.where((f) => f.type == type));
// Create toString() method
var nameProperties = new List<JS.Property>(fields.length);
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
nameProperties[i] = new JS.Property(
js.number(i), js.string('${}.${fields[i].name}'));
var nameMap = new JS.ObjectInitializer(nameProperties, multiline: true);
var toStringF = new JS.Method(js.string('toString'),'function() { return #[this.index]; }', nameMap) as JS.Fun);
// Create enum class
var classExpr = new JS.ClassExpression(new JS.Identifier(,
_emitClassHeritage(element), [constructor, toStringF]);
var id = _emitTopLevelName(element);
// Emit metadata for synthetic enum index member.
// TODO(jacobr): make field readonly when that is supported.
var tInstanceFields = <JS.Property>[
new JS.Property(
_emitMemberName('index'), _emitAnnotatedType(intClass.type, null))
var sigFields = <JS.Property>[
_buildSignatureField('fields', tInstanceFields)
var sig = new JS.ObjectInitializer(sigFields);
var result = [
js.statement('# = #', [id, classExpr]),
_callHelperStatement('setSignature(#, #);', [id, sig])
// defineEnumValues internally depends on dart.constList which uses
// _interceptors.JSArray.
// Create static fields for each enum value, and the "values" getter
result.add(_callHelperStatement('defineEnumValues(#, #);', [
new JS.ArrayInitializer( => _propertyName(,
multiline: true)
return _statement(result);
/// Wraps a possibly generic class in its type arguments.
JS.Statement _defineClassTypeArguments(TypeDefiningElement element,
List<TypeParameterElement> formals, JS.Statement body,
[JS.Expression className, JS.Statement deferredBaseClass]) {
var typeConstructor ='(#) => { #; #; return #; }', [
var genericArgs = [typeConstructor];
if (deferredBaseClass != null) {
genericArgs.add('(#) => { #; }', [className, deferredBaseClass]));
var genericCall = _callHelper('generic(#)', [genericArgs]);
if (element.library.isDartAsync &&
( == "Future" || == "_Future")) {
genericCall = _callHelper('flattenFutures(#)', [genericCall]);
var genericDef = js.statement(
'# = #;', [_emitTopLevelName(element, suffix: r'$'), genericCall]);
var dynType = fillDynamicTypeArgs(element.type);
var genericInst = _emitType(dynType, lowerGeneric: true);
return js.statement(
'{ #; # = #; }', [genericDef, _emitTopLevelName(element), genericInst]);
bool _deferIfNeeded(DartType type, ClassElement current) {
if (type is ParameterizedType) {
var typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
for (var typeArg in typeArguments) {
var typeElement = typeArg.element;
// FIXME(vsm): This does not track mutual recursive dependences.
if (current == typeElement || _deferIfNeeded(typeArg, current)) {
return true;
return false;
JS.ClassExpression _emitClassExpression(
ClassElement element, List<JS.Method> methods,
{List<FieldDeclaration> fields}) {
String name =;
var heritage = _emitClassHeritage(element);
var typeParams = _emitTypeFormals(element.typeParameters);
var jsFields = fields?.map(_emitTypeScriptField)?.toList();
return new JS.ClassExpression(new JS.Identifier(name), heritage, methods,
typeParams: typeParams, fields: jsFields);
JS.Expression _emitClassHeritage(ClassElement element) {
var type = element.type;
if (type.isObject) return null;
// List of "direct" supertypes (supertype + mixins)
var basetypes = [type.superclass]..addAll(type.mixins);
// If any of these are recursive (via type parameter), defer setting
// the real superclass.
if (basetypes.any((t) => _deferIfNeeded(t, element))) {
// Fall back to raw type
basetypes = => fillDynamicTypeArgs(t.element.type)).toList();
// List of "direct" JS superclasses
var baseclasses = basetypes
.map((t) => _emitConstructorAccess(t, nameType: false))
var heritage = (baseclasses.length == 1)
? baseclasses.first
: _callHelper('mixin(#)', [baseclasses]);
return heritage;
/// Provide Dart getters and setters that forward to the underlying native
/// field. Note that the Dart names are always symbolized to avoid
/// conflicts. They will be installed as extension methods on the underlying
/// native type.
List<JS.Method> _emitNativeFieldAccessors(FieldDeclaration node) {
// TODO(vsm): Can this by meta-programmed?
// E.g., dart.nativeField(symbol, jsName)
// Alternatively, perhaps it could be meta-programmed directly in
// dart.registerExtensions?
var jsMethods = <JS.Method>[];
if (!node.isStatic) {
for (var decl in node.fields.variables) {
var field = decl.element as FieldElement;
var name = getAnnotationName(field, isJsName) ??;
// Generate getter
var fn = new JS.Fun([], js.statement('{ return this.#; }', [name]));
var method =
new JS.Method(_declareMemberName(field.getter), fn, isGetter: true);
// Generate setter
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var value = new JS.TemporaryId('value');
fn = new JS.Fun(
[value], js.statement('{ this.# = #; }', [name, value]));
method = new JS.Method(_declareMemberName(field.setter), fn,
isSetter: true);
return jsMethods;
List<JS.Method> _emitClassMethods(ClassDeclaration node,
List<ConstructorDeclaration> ctors, List<FieldDeclaration> fields) {
var element = resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByClassDeclaration(node);
var type = element.type;
var isObject = type.isObject;
var virtualFields = _classProperties.virtualFields;
// Iff no constructor is specified for a class C, it implicitly has a
// default constructor `C() : super() {}`, unless C is class Object.
var jsMethods = <JS.Method>[];
if (isObject) {
// Implements Dart constructor behavior.
// Because of ES6 constructor restrictions (`this` is not available until
// `super` is called), we cannot emit an actual ES6 `constructor` on our
// classes and preserve the Dart initialization order.
// Instead we use the same trick as named constructors, and do them as
// instance methods that perform initialization.
// Therefore, dart:core Object gets the one real `constructor` and
// immediately bounces to the `new() { ... }` initializer, letting us
// bypass the ES6 restrictions.
// TODO(jmesserly): we'll need to rethink this.
// See
// This level of indirection will hurt performance.
jsMethods.add(new JS.Method(
_propertyName('constructor'),'function(...args) { return, args); }')
as JS.Fun));
} else if (ctors.isEmpty) {
jsMethods.add(_emitImplicitConstructor(node, fields, virtualFields));
bool hasJsPeer = findAnnotation(element, isJsPeerInterface) != null;
bool hasIterator = false;
for (var m in node.members) {
if (m is ConstructorDeclaration) {
.add(_emitConstructor(m, type, fields, virtualFields, isObject));
} else if (m is MethodDeclaration) {
jsMethods.add(_emitMethodDeclaration(type, m));
if (m.element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
jsMethods.add(_emitSuperAccessorWrapper(m, type));
if (!hasJsPeer && m.isGetter && == 'iterator') {
hasIterator = true;
} else if (m is FieldDeclaration) {
if (_extensionTypes.isNativeClass(element)) {
if (m.isStatic) continue;
for (VariableDeclaration field in m.fields.variables) {
if (virtualFields.containsKey(field.element)) {
.map((e) => _implementMockMember(e, type)));
// If the type doesn't have an `iterator`, but claims to implement Iterable,
// we inject the adaptor method here, as it's less code size to put the
// helper on a parent class. This pattern is common in the core libraries
// (e.g. IterableMixin<E> and IterableBase<E>).
// (We could do this same optimization for any interface with an `iterator`
// method, but that's more expensive to check for, so it doesn't seem worth
// it. The above case for an explicit `iterator` method will catch those.)
if (!hasJsPeer && !hasIterator && _implementsIterable(type)) {
// Add all of the super helper methods
return jsMethods.where((m) => m != null).toList(growable: false);
/// Given a class C that implements method M from interface I, but does not
/// declare M, this will generate an implementation that forwards to
/// noSuchMethod.
/// For example:
/// class Cat {
/// bool eatFood(String food) => true;
/// }
/// class MockCat implements Cat {
/// noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => 3;
/// }
/// It will generate an `eatFood` that looks like:
/// eatFood(...args) {
/// return
/// new dart.InvocationImpl('eatFood', args)));
/// }
JS.Method _implementMockMember(ExecutableElement method, InterfaceType type) {
var invocationProps = <JS.Property>[];
addProperty(String name, JS.Expression value) {
invocationProps.add(new JS.Property(js.string(name), value));
var args = new JS.TemporaryId('args');
var fnArgs = <JS.Parameter>[];
JS.Expression positionalArgs;
if (method.type.namedParameterTypes.isNotEmpty) {
addProperty('namedArguments', _callHelper('extractNamedArgs(#)', [args]));
if (method is MethodElement) {
addProperty('isMethod', js.boolean(true));
fnArgs.add(new JS.RestParameter(args));
positionalArgs = args;
} else {
var property = method as PropertyAccessorElement;
if (property.isGetter) {
addProperty('isGetter', js.boolean(true));
positionalArgs = new JS.ArrayInitializer([]);
} else if (property.isSetter) {
addProperty('isSetter', js.boolean(true));
positionalArgs = new JS.ArrayInitializer([args]);
var fnBody ='this.noSuchMethod(new #.InvocationImpl(#, #, #))', [
_declareMemberName(method, useDisplayName: true),
new JS.ObjectInitializer(invocationProps)
if (!method.returnType.isDynamic) {
fnBody ='#._check(#)', [_emitType(method.returnType), fnBody]);
var fn = new JS.Fun(fnArgs, js.statement('{ return #; }', [fnBody]),
typeParams: _emitTypeFormals(method.type.typeFormals));
// TODO(jmesserly): generic type arguments will get dropped.
// We have a similar issue with `dgsend` helpers.
return new JS.Method(
useExtension: _extensionTypes.isNativeClass(type.element)),
isGetter: method is PropertyAccessorElement && method.isGetter,
isSetter: method is PropertyAccessorElement && method.isSetter,
isStatic: false);
/// This is called whenever a derived class needs to introduce a new field,
/// shadowing a field or getter/setter pair on its parent.
/// This is important because otherwise, trying to read or write the field
/// would end up calling the getter or setter, and one of those might not even
/// exist, resulting in a runtime error. Even if they did exist, that's the
/// wrong behavior if a new field was declared.
List<JS.Method> _emitVirtualFieldAccessor(VariableDeclaration field) {
var element = field.element as FieldElement;
var virtualField = _classProperties.virtualFields[element];
var result = <JS.Method>[];
var name = _declareMemberName(element.getter);
var mocks = _classProperties.mockMembers;
if (!mocks.containsKey( {
var getter ='function() { return this[#]; }', [virtualField]);
result.add(new JS.Method(name, getter, isGetter: true));
if (!mocks.containsKey( + '=')) {
var args = field.isFinal
? [new JS.Super(), name]
: [new JS.This(), virtualField];
result.add(new JS.Method(
name,'function(value) { #[#] = value; }', args),
isSetter: true));
return result;
/// Emit a getter or setter that simply forwards to the superclass getter or
/// setter. This is needed because in ES6, if you only override a getter
/// (alternatively, a setter), then there is an implicit override of the
/// setter (alternatively, the getter) that does nothing.
JS.Method _emitSuperAccessorWrapper(
MethodDeclaration method, InterfaceType type) {
var methodElement = method.element as PropertyAccessorElement;
var field = methodElement.variable;
if (!field.isSynthetic) return null;
// Generate a corresponding virtual getter / setter.
var name = _declareMemberName(methodElement);
if (method.isGetter) {
var setter = field.setter;
if ((setter == null || setter.isAbstract) &&
_classProperties.inheritedSetters.contains( {
// Generate a setter that forwards to super.
var fn ='function(value) { super[#] = value; }', [name]);
return new JS.Method(name, fn, isSetter: true);
} else {
var getter = field.getter;
if ((getter == null || getter.isAbstract) &&
_classProperties.inheritedGetters.contains( {
// Generate a getter that forwards to super.
var fn ='function() { return super[#]; }', [name]);
return new JS.Method(name, fn, isGetter: true);
return null;
bool _implementsIterable(InterfaceType t) =>
t.interfaces.any((i) => i.element.type == types.iterableType);
/// Support for adapting dart:core Iterable to ES6 versions.
/// This lets them use for-of loops transparently:
/// <>
/// This will return `null` if the adapter was already added on a super type,
/// otherwise it returns the adapter code.
// TODO(jmesserly): should we adapt `Iterator` too?
JS.Method _emitIterable(InterfaceType t) {
// If a parent had an `iterator` (concrete or abstract) or implements
// Iterable, we know the adapter is already there, so we can skip it as a
// simple code size optimization.
var parent = t.lookUpGetterInSuperclass('iterator', t.element.library);
if (parent != null) return null;
var parentType = findSupertype(t, _implementsIterable);
if (parentType != null) return null;
// Otherwise, emit the adapter method, which wraps the Dart iterator in
// an ES6 iterator.
return new JS.Method('Symbol.iterator'),'function() { return new #.JsIterator(this.#); }',
[_runtimeModule, _emitMemberName('iterator', type: t)]) as JS.Fun);
JS.Expression _instantiateAnnotation(Annotation node) {
var element = node.element;
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
return _emitInstanceCreationExpression(element, element.returnType,
node.constructorName, node.arguments, true);
} else {
return _visit(;
/// Gets the JS peer for this Dart type if any, otherwise null.
/// For example for dart:_interceptors `JSArray` this will return "Array",
/// referring to the JavaScript built-in `Array` type.
List<String> _getJSPeerNames(ClassElement classElem) {
var jsPeerNames = getAnnotationName(
(a) =>
isJsPeerInterface(a) ||
isNativeAnnotation(a) && _extensionTypes.isNativeClass(classElem));
if (jsPeerNames != null) {
// Omit the special name "!nonleaf" and any future hacks starting with "!"
return jsPeerNames
.where((peer) => !peer.startsWith("!"))
} else {
return [];
void _registerExtensionType(
ClassElement classElem, String jsPeerName, List<JS.Statement> body) {
if (jsPeerName != null) {
body.add(_callHelperStatement('registerExtension(, #);', [
JS.Statement _setBaseClass(ClassElement classElem, JS.Expression className,
List<String> jsPeerNames, List<JS.Statement> body) {
var typeFormals = classElem.typeParameters;
if (jsPeerNames.isNotEmpty && typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
for (var peer in jsPeerNames) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we should just extend Array in the first place
var newBaseClass = _callHelper('global.#', [peer]);
'setExtensionBaseClass(#, #);', [className, newBaseClass]));
} else if (_hasDeferredSupertype.contains(classElem)) {
// TODO(vsm): consider just threading the deferred supertype through
// instead of recording classElem in a set on the class and recomputing
var newBaseClass = _emitType(classElem.type.superclass,
nameType: false, subClass: classElem, className: className);
if (classElem.type.mixins.isNotEmpty) {
var mixins = classElem.type.mixins
.map((t) => _emitType(t, nameType: false))
mixins.insert(0, newBaseClass);
newBaseClass = _callHelper('mixin(#)', [mixins]);
var deferredBaseClass = _callHelperStatement(
'setBaseClass(#, #);', [className, newBaseClass]);
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) return deferredBaseClass;
return null;
void _defineNamedConstructors(List<ConstructorDeclaration> ctors,
List<JS.Statement> body, JS.Expression className, bool isCallable) {
var code = isCallable
? 'defineNamedConstructorCallable(#, #, #);'
: 'defineNamedConstructor(#, #)';
for (ConstructorDeclaration member in ctors) {
if ( != null && member.factoryKeyword == null) {
var args = [className, _constructorName(member.element)];
if (isCallable) {
body.add(_callHelperStatement(code, args));
/// Emits static fields for a class, and initialize them eagerly if possible,
/// otherwise define them as lazy properties.
void _emitStaticFields(List<FieldDeclaration> staticFields,
ClassElement classElem, List<JS.Statement> body) {
var lazyStatics = staticFields.expand((f) => f.fields.variables).toList();
if (lazyStatics.isNotEmpty) {
body.add(_emitLazyFields(classElem, lazyStatics));
void _emitClassMetadata(List<Annotation> metadata, JS.Expression className,
List<JS.Statement> body) {
// Metadata
if (options.emitMetadata && metadata.isNotEmpty) {
body.add(js.statement('#[#.metadata] = () => #;', [
new JS.ArrayInitializer(
new List<JS.Expression>.from(
/// If a concrete class implements one of our extensions, we might need to
/// add forwarders.
void _defineExtensionMembers(
JS.Expression className, List<JS.Statement> body) {
void emitExtensions(
JS.Expression target, Iterable<ExecutableElement> extensions) {
if (extensions.isEmpty) return;
var names = extensions
.map((e) => _declareMemberName(e, useExtension: false))
body.add(_callHelperStatement('defineExtensionMembers(#, #);', [
new JS.ArrayInitializer(names, multiline: names.length > 4)
// Define mixin members (if any) on the mixin class.
var mixinClass ='#.__proto__', [className]);
emitExtensions(mixinClass, _classProperties.mixinExtensionMembers);
emitExtensions(className, _classProperties.extensionMembers);
JS.Property _buildSignatureField(String name, List<JS.Property> elements) {
var o = new JS.ObjectInitializer(elements, multiline: elements.length > 1);
// TODO(vsm): Remove
var e ='() => #', o);
return new JS.Property(_propertyName(name), e);
/// Emit the signature on the class recording the runtime type information
void _emitClassSignature(
List<MethodDeclaration> methods,
List<FieldDeclaration> fields,
ClassElement classElem,
List<ConstructorDeclaration> ctors,
JS.Expression className,
List<JS.Statement> body) {
if (classElem.interfaces.isNotEmpty) {
body.add(js.statement('#[#.implements] = () => #;', [
new JS.ArrayInitializer(
new List<JS.Expression>.from(
var tStaticMethods = <JS.Property>[];
var tInstanceMethods = <JS.Property>[];
var tStaticGetters = <JS.Property>[];
var tInstanceGetters = <JS.Property>[];
var tStaticSetters = <JS.Property>[];
var tInstanceSetters = <JS.Property>[];
var sNames = <JS.Expression>[];
for (MethodDeclaration node in methods) {
var name =;
var element = resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByMethodDeclaration(node);
// TODO(vsm): Clean up all the nasty duplication.
if (node.isAbstract) {
if (node.isStatic &&
!options.emitMetadata &&
(node.isGetter || node.isSetter)) {
List<JS.Property> tMember;
Function getOverride;
Function lookup;
Function elementToType;
if (node.isGetter) {
elementToType = (ExecutableElement element) => element.type;
getOverride = classElem.lookUpInheritedConcreteGetter;
lookup = classElem.type.lookUpInheritedGetter;
tMember = node.isStatic ? tStaticGetters : tInstanceGetters;
} else if (node.isSetter) {
elementToType = (ExecutableElement element) => element.type;
getOverride = classElem.lookUpInheritedConcreteSetter;
lookup = classElem.type.lookUpInheritedSetter;
tMember = node.isStatic ? tStaticSetters : tInstanceSetters;
} else {
// Method
// Swap in "Object" for parameter types that are covariant overrides.
var objectType = context.typeProvider.objectType;
elementToType =
(MethodElement element) => element.getReifiedType(objectType);
getOverride = classElem.lookUpInheritedConcreteMethod;
lookup = classElem.type.lookUpInheritedMethod;
tMember = node.isStatic ? tStaticMethods : tInstanceMethods;
DartType reifiedType = elementToType(element);
// Don't add redundant signatures for inherited methods whose signature
// did not change. If we are not overriding, or if the thing we are
// overriding has a different reified type from ourselves, we must
// emit a signature on this class. Otherwise we will inherit the
// signature from the superclass.
var needsSignature = getOverride(name, currentLibrary) == null ||
lookup(name, library: currentLibrary, thisType: false)) !=
var type = _emitAnnotatedFunctionType(reifiedType, node.metadata,
parameters: node.parameters?.parameters,
nameType: options.hoistSignatureTypes,
hoistType: options.hoistSignatureTypes,
definite: true);
if (needsSignature) {
var memberName = _declareMemberName(element);
var property = new JS.Property(memberName, type);
// We record the names of static methods seperately so we can
// attach metadata to them individually.
// TODO(leafp): Revisit this.
if (node.isStatic && !node.isGetter && !node.isSetter) {
var tInstanceFields = <JS.Property>[];
var tStaticFields = <JS.Property>[];
for (FieldDeclaration node in fields) {
if (!node.isStatic || options.emitMetadata) {
for (VariableDeclaration field in node.fields.variables) {
var element = field.element as FieldElement;
var memberName = _declareMemberName(element.getter);
var type = _emitAnnotatedType(element.type, node.metadata);
var property = new JS.Property(memberName, type);
(node.isStatic ? tStaticFields : tInstanceFields).add(property);
var tCtors = <JS.Property>[];
if (options.emitMetadata) {
for (ConstructorDeclaration node in ctors) {
var memberName = _constructorName(node.element);
var element =
var type = _emitAnnotatedFunctionType(element.type, node.metadata,
parameters: node.parameters.parameters,
nameType: options.hoistSignatureTypes,
hoistType: options.hoistSignatureTypes,
definite: true);
var property = new JS.Property(memberName, type);
var sigFields = <JS.Property>[];
if (!tCtors.isEmpty) {
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('constructors', tCtors));
if (!tInstanceFields.isEmpty) {
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('fields', tInstanceFields));
if (!tInstanceGetters.isEmpty) {
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('getters', tInstanceGetters));
if (!tInstanceSetters.isEmpty) {
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('setters', tInstanceSetters));
if (!tInstanceMethods.isEmpty) {
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('methods', tInstanceMethods));
if (!tStaticFields.isEmpty) {
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('sfields', tStaticFields));
if (!tStaticGetters.isEmpty) {
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('sgetters', tStaticGetters));
if (!tStaticSetters.isEmpty) {
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('ssetters', tStaticSetters));
if (!tStaticMethods.isEmpty) {
// Emit names so that we can lazily attach metadata to statics
// TODO(leafp): revisit this strategy
var aNames = new JS.Property(
_propertyName('names'), new JS.ArrayInitializer(sNames));
sigFields.add(_buildSignatureField('statics', tStaticMethods));
// We set signature here, even if empty, to simplify the work of
// defineExtensionMembers at runtime. See _defineExtensionMembers.
if (!sigFields.isEmpty ||
_classProperties.extensionMembers.isNotEmpty ||
_classProperties.mixinExtensionMembers.isNotEmpty) {
var sig = new JS.ObjectInitializer(sigFields);
body.add(_callHelperStatement('setSignature(#, #);', [className, sig]));
// Add static property dart._runtimeType to Object.
// All other Dart classes will (statically) inherit this property.
if (classElem == objectClass) {
body.add(_callHelperStatement('tagComputed(#, () => #.#);',
[className, emitLibraryName(dartCoreLibrary), 'Type']));
/// Ensure `dartx.` symbols we will use are present.
void _initExtensionSymbols(
ClassElement classElem,
List<MethodDeclaration> methods,
List<FieldDeclaration> fields,
List<JS.Statement> body) {
if (_extensionTypes.hasNativeSubtype(classElem.type)) {
var dartxNames = <JS.Expression>[];
for (var m in methods) {
if (!m.isAbstract &&
!m.isStatic &&
resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByMethodDeclaration(m).isPublic) {
dartxNames.add(_declareMemberName(m.element, useExtension: false));
for (var fieldDecl in fields) {
if (!fieldDecl.isStatic) {
for (var field in fieldDecl.fields.variables) {
var e = field.element as FieldElement;
if (e.isPublic) {
dartxNames.add(_declareMemberName(e.getter, useExtension: false));
if (dartxNames.isNotEmpty) {
[new JS.ArrayInitializer(dartxNames, multiline: true)]));
/// Generates the implicit default constructor for class C of the form
/// `C() : super() {}`.
JS.Method _emitImplicitConstructor(
ClassDeclaration node,
List<FieldDeclaration> fields,
Map<FieldElement, JS.TemporaryId> virtualFields) {
// If we don't have a method body, skip this.
var superCall = _superConstructorCall(node.element);
if (fields.isEmpty && superCall == null) return null;
var initFields = _initializeFields(node, fields, virtualFields);
List<JS.Statement> body = [initFields];
if (superCall != null) {
var name = _constructorName(resolutionMap
return annotate(
new JS.Method(name,'function() { #; }', [body]) as JS.Fun),
JS.Method _emitConstructor(
ConstructorDeclaration node,
InterfaceType type,
List<FieldDeclaration> fields,
Map<FieldElement, JS.TemporaryId> virtualFields,
bool isObject) {
if (_externalOrNative(node)) return null;
var name = _constructorName(node.element);
var returnType = emitTypeRef(resolutionMap
// Wacky factory redirecting constructors: factory Foo.q(x, y) = Bar.baz;
var redirect = node.redirectedConstructor;
if (redirect != null) {
var newKeyword =
? ''
: 'new';
// Pass along all arguments verbatim, and let the callee handle them.
// TODO(jmesserly): we'll need something different once we have
// rest/spread support, but this should work for now.
var params =
_emitFormalParameterList(node.parameters, destructure: false);
var fun = new JS.Fun(
'{ return $newKeyword #(#); }', [_visit(redirect), params]),
returnType: returnType);
return annotate(
new JS.Method(name, fun, isStatic: true), node, node.element);
var params = _emitFormalParameterList(node.parameters);
// Factory constructors are essentially static methods.
if (node.factoryKeyword != null) {
var body = <JS.Statement>[];
var init = _emitArgumentInitializers(node, constructor: true);
if (init != null) body.add(init);
var fun = new JS.Fun(params, new JS.Block(body), returnType: returnType);
return annotate(
new JS.Method(name, fun, isStatic: true), node, node.element);
// Code generation for Object's constructor.
var savedFunction = _currentFunction;
_currentFunction = node.body;
var body = _emitConstructorBody(node, fields, virtualFields);
_currentFunction = savedFunction;
// We generate constructors as initializer methods in the class;
// this allows use of `super` for instance methods/properties.
// It also avoids V8 restrictions on `super` in default constructors.
return annotate(
new JS.Method(name, new JS.Fun(params, body, returnType: returnType)),
JS.Expression _constructorName(ConstructorElement ctor) {
var name =;
if (name == '') {
// Default constructors (factory or not) use `new` as their name.
return _propertyName('new');
return _emitMemberName(name, isStatic: true);
JS.Block _emitConstructorBody(
ConstructorDeclaration node,
List<FieldDeclaration> fields,
Map<FieldElement, JS.TemporaryId> virtualFields) {
var body = <JS.Statement>[];
ClassDeclaration cls = node.parent;
// Generate optional/named argument value assignment. These can not have
// side effects, and may be used by the constructor's initializers, so it's
// nice to do them first.
// Also for const constructors we need to ensure default values are
// available for use by top-level constant initializers.
var init = _emitArgumentInitializers(node, constructor: true);
if (init != null) body.add(init);
// Redirecting constructors: these are not allowed to have initializers,
// and the redirecting ctor invocation runs before field initializers.
var redirectCall = node.initializers.firstWhere(
(i) => i is RedirectingConstructorInvocation,
orElse: () => null);
if (redirectCall != null) {
return new JS.Block(body);
// Generate field initializers.
// These are expanded into each non-redirecting constructor.
// In the future we may want to create an initializer function if we have
// multiple constructors, but it needs to be balanced against readability.
body.add(_initializeFields(cls, fields, virtualFields, node));
var superCall = node.initializers.firstWhere(
(i) => i is SuperConstructorInvocation,
orElse: () => null) as SuperConstructorInvocation;
// If no superinitializer is provided, an implicit superinitializer of the
// form `super()` is added at the end of the initializer list, unless the
// enclosing class is class Object.
var jsSuper = _superConstructorCall(cls.element, superCall);
if (jsSuper != null) body.add(jsSuper);
return new JS.Block(body)..sourceInformation = node;
JS.Statement visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(
RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
var ctor = resolutionMap.staticElementForConstructorReference(node);
var cls = ctor.enclosingElement;
// We can't dispatch to the constructor with `` as that might hit a
// derived class constructor with the same name.
return js.statement(', #);', [
new JS.Identifier(,
JS.Statement _superConstructorCall(ClassElement element,
[SuperConstructorInvocation node]) {
if (element.supertype == null) {
assert(element.type.isObject || options.unsafeForceCompile);
return null;
ConstructorElement superCtor;
if (node != null) {
superCtor = node.staticElement;
} else {
// Get the supertype's unnamed constructor.
superCtor = element.supertype.element.unnamedConstructor;
if (superCtor == null) {
// This will only happen if the code has errors:
// we're trying to generate an implicit constructor for a type where
// we don't have a default constructor in the supertype.
return null;
if ( == '' && !_hasUnnamedSuperConstructor(element)) {
return null;
var name = _constructorName(superCtor);
var args = node != null ? _emitArgumentList(node.argumentList) : [];
return annotate(js.statement('super.#(#);', [name, args]), node);
bool _hasUnnamedSuperConstructor(ClassElement e) {
var supertype = e.supertype;
if (supertype == null) return false;
if (_hasUnnamedConstructor(supertype.element)) return true;
for (var mixin in e.mixins) {
if (_hasUnnamedConstructor(mixin.element)) return true;
return false;
bool _hasUnnamedConstructor(ClassElement e) {
if (e.type.isObject) return false;
if (!e.unnamedConstructor.isSynthetic) return true;
if (e.fields.any((f) => !f.isStatic && !f.isSynthetic)) return true;
return _hasUnnamedSuperConstructor(e);
/// Initialize fields. They follow the sequence:
/// 1. field declaration initializer if non-const,
/// 2. field initializing parameters,
/// 3. constructor field initializers,
/// 4. initialize fields not covered in 1-3
JS.Statement _initializeFields(
ClassDeclaration cls,
List<FieldDeclaration> fieldDecls,
Map<FieldElement, JS.TemporaryId> virtualFields,
[ConstructorDeclaration ctor]) {
// Run field initializers if they can have side-effects.
var fields = new Map<FieldElement, JS.Expression>();
var unsetFields = new Map<FieldElement, VariableDeclaration>();
for (var declaration in fieldDecls) {
for (var fieldNode in declaration.fields.variables) {
var element = fieldNode.element;
if (_constants.isFieldInitConstant(fieldNode)) {
unsetFields[element as FieldElement] = fieldNode;
} else {
fields[element as FieldElement] = _visitInitializer(fieldNode);
// Initialize fields from `this.fieldName` parameters.
if (ctor != null) {
for (var p in ctor.parameters.parameters) {
var element = p.element;
if (element is FieldFormalParameterElement) {
fields[element.field] = _emitSimpleIdentifier(p.identifier);
// Run constructor field initializers such as `: foo = bar.baz`
for (var init in ctor.initializers) {
if (init is ConstructorFieldInitializer) {
var element = init.fieldName.staticElement as FieldElement;
fields[element] = _visit(init.expression);
} else if (init is AssertInitializer) {
throw new UnimplementedError(
'Assert initializers are not implemented. '
for (var f in fields.keys) unsetFields.remove(f);
// Initialize all remaining fields
unsetFields.forEach((element, fieldNode) {
JS.Expression value;
if (fieldNode.initializer != null) {
value = _visit(fieldNode.initializer);
} else {
value = new JS.LiteralNull();
fields[element] = value;
var body = <JS.Statement>[];
fields.forEach((FieldElement e, JS.Expression initialValue) {
JS.Expression access = virtualFields[e] ?? _declareMemberName(e.getter);
body.add(js.statement('this.# = #;', [access, initialValue]));
return _statement(body);
FormalParameterList _parametersOf(node) {
// TODO(jmesserly): clean this up. If we can model ES6 spread/rest args, we
// could handle argument initializers more consistently in a separate
// lowering pass.
if (node is ConstructorDeclaration) return node.parameters;
if (node is MethodDeclaration) return node.parameters;
if (node is FunctionDeclaration) node = node.functionExpression;
return (node as FunctionExpression).parameters;
/// Emits argument initializers, which handles optional/named args, as well
/// as generic type checks needed due to our covariance.
JS.Statement _emitArgumentInitializers(node, {bool constructor: false}) {
// Constructor argument initializers are emitted earlier in the code, rather
// than always when we visit the function body, so we control it explicitly.
if (node is ConstructorDeclaration != constructor) return null;
var parameters = _parametersOf(node);
if (parameters == null) return null;
var body = <JS.Statement>[];
for (var param in parameters.parameters) {
var jsParam = _emitSimpleIdentifier(param.identifier);
if (!options.destructureNamedParams) {
if (param.kind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
// Parameters will be passed using their real names, not the (possibly
// renamed) local variable.
var paramName = js.string(, "'");
// TODO(ochafik): Fix `'prop' in obj` to please Closure's renaming.
body.add(js.statement('let # = # && # in # ? #.# : #;', [
} else if (param.kind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL) {
body.add(js.statement('if (# === void 0) # = #;',
[jsParam, jsParam, _defaultParamValue(param)]));
// TODO(jmesserly): various problems here, see:
var paramType =
if (node is MethodDeclaration &&
(resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByFormalParameter(param).isCovariant ||
_unsoundCovariant(paramType, true)) &&
!_inWhitelistCode(node)) {
var castType = _emitType(paramType,
nameType: options.nameTypeTests || options.hoistTypeTests,
hoistType: options.hoistTypeTests);
body.add(js.statement('#._check(#);', [castType, jsParam]));
return body.isEmpty ? null : _statement(body);
/// Given a type [t], return whether or not t is unsoundly covariant.
/// If [contravariant] is true, then t appears in a contravariant
/// position.
bool _unsoundCovariant(DartType t, bool contravariant) {
if (t is TypeParameterType) {
return contravariant && t.element.enclosingElement is ClassElement;
if (t is FunctionType) {
if (_unsoundCovariant(t.returnType, contravariant)) return true;
return t.parameters.any((p) => _unsoundCovariant(p.type, !contravariant));
if (t is ParameterizedType) {
return t.typeArguments.any((t) => _unsoundCovariant(t, contravariant));
return false;
JS.Expression _defaultParamValue(FormalParameter param) {
if (param is DefaultFormalParameter && param.defaultValue != null) {
return _visit(param.defaultValue);
} else {
return new JS.LiteralNull();
JS.Fun _emitNativeFunctionBody(MethodDeclaration node) {
String name =
getAnnotationName(node.element, isJSAnnotation) ??;
if (node.isGetter) {
return new JS.Fun([], js.statement('{ return this.#; }', [name]));
} else if (node.isSetter) {
var params =
_emitFormalParameterList(node.parameters, destructure: false);
return new JS.Fun(
params, js.statement('{ this.# = #; }', [name, params.last]));
} else {
'function (...args) { return this.#.apply(this, args); }', name);
JS.Method _emitMethodDeclaration(InterfaceType type, MethodDeclaration node) {
if (node.isAbstract) {
return null;
JS.Fun fn;
if (_externalOrNative(node)) {
if (node.isStatic) {
// TODO(vsm): Do we need to handle this case?
return null;
fn = _emitNativeFunctionBody(node);
} else {
fn = _emitFunctionBody(node.element, node.parameters, node.body);
if (node.operatorKeyword != null && == '[]=' &&
fn.params.isNotEmpty) {
// []= methods need to return the value. We could also address this at
// call sites, but it's cleaner to instead transform the operator method.
fn = _alwaysReturnLastParameter(fn);
fn = _makeGenericFunction(fn);
return annotate(
new JS.Method(_declareMemberName(node.element), fn,
isGetter: node.isGetter,
isSetter: node.isSetter,
isStatic: node.isStatic),
/// Transform the function so the last parameter is always returned.
/// This is useful for indexed set methods, which otherwise would not have
/// the right return value in JS.
JS.Fun _alwaysReturnLastParameter(JS.Fun fn) {
var body = fn.body;
if (JS.Return.foundIn(fn)) {
// If a return is inside body, transform `(params) { body }` to
// `(params) { (() => { body })(); return value; }`.
// TODO(jmesserly): we could instead generate the return differently,
// and avoid the immediately invoked function.
body = new JS.Call(new JS.ArrowFun([], fn.body), []).toStatement();
// Rewrite the function to include the return.
return new JS.Fun(
fn.params, new JS.Block([body, new JS.Return(fn.params.last)]),
typeParams: fn.typeParams, returnType: fn.returnType)
..sourceInformation = fn.sourceInformation;
JS.Statement visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
assert(node.parent is CompilationUnit);
if (_externalOrNative(node)) return null;
if (node.isGetter || node.isSetter) {
PropertyAccessorElement element = node.element;
var pairAccessor = node.isGetter
? element.correspondingSetter
: element.correspondingGetter;
var jsCode = _emitTopLevelProperty(node);
var props = <JS.Method>[jsCode];
if (pairAccessor != null) {
// If we have a getter/setter pair, they need to be defined together.
// If this is the first one, save the generated code for later.
// If this is the second one, get the saved code and emit both.
var pairCode = _deferredProperties.remove(pairAccessor);
if (pairCode == null) {
_deferredProperties[element] = jsCode;
return null;
return _callHelperStatement('copyProperties(#, { # });',
[emitLibraryName(currentLibrary), props]);
var body = <JS.Statement>[];
var fn = _emitFunction(node.functionExpression);
if (currentLibrary.source.isInSystemLibrary &&
_isInlineJSFunction(node.functionExpression)) {
fn = _simplifyPassThroughArrowFunCallBody(fn);
var element = resolutionMap.elementDeclaredByFunctionDeclaration(node);
var nameExpr = _emitTopLevelName(element);
body.add(annotate(js.statement('# = #', [nameExpr, fn]), node, element));
if (!isSdkInternalRuntime(element.library)) {
body.add(_emitFunctionTagged(nameExpr, element.type, topLevel: true)
return _statement(body);
bool _isInlineJSFunction(FunctionExpression functionExpression) {
var body = functionExpression.body;
if (body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
return _isJSInvocation(body.expression);
} else if (body is BlockFunctionBody) {
var statements = body.block.statements;
if (statements.length == 1) {
var stat = statements[0];
if (stat is ReturnStatement) {
return _isJSInvocation(stat.expression);
return false;
bool _isJSInvocation(Expression expr) =>
expr is MethodInvocation && isInlineJS(expr.methodName.staticElement);
// Simplify `(args) => (() => { ... })()` to `(args) => { ... }`.
// Note: this allows silently passing args through to the body, which only
// works if we don't do weird renamings of Dart params.
JS.Fun _simplifyPassThroughArrowFunCallBody(JS.Fun fn) {
if (fn.body is JS.Block && fn.body.statements.length == 1) {
var stat = fn.body.statements.single;
if (stat is JS.Return && stat.value is JS.Call) {
JS.Call call = stat.value;
if ( is JS.ArrowFun && call.arguments.isEmpty) {
JS.ArrowFun innerFun =;
if (innerFun.params.isEmpty) {
return new JS.Fun(fn.params, innerFun.body,
typeParams: fn.typeParams, returnType: fn.returnType);
return fn;
JS.Method _emitTopLevelProperty(FunctionDeclaration node) {
var name =;
return annotate(
new JS.Method(
_propertyName(name), _emitFunction(node.functionExpression),
isGetter: node.isGetter, isSetter: node.isSetter),
bool _executesAtTopLevel(AstNode node) {
var ancestor = node.getAncestor((n) =>
n is FunctionBody ||
(n is FieldDeclaration && n.staticKeyword == null) ||
(n is ConstructorDeclaration && n.constKeyword == null));
return ancestor == null;
bool _typeIsLoaded(DartType type) {
if (type is FunctionType && ( == '' || == null)) {
return (_typeIsLoaded(type.returnType) &&
type.optionalParameterTypes.every(_typeIsLoaded) &&
type.namedParameterTypes.values.every(_typeIsLoaded) &&
if (type.isDynamic || type.isVoid || type.isBottom) return true;
if (type is ParameterizedType && !type.typeArguments.every(_typeIsLoaded)) {
return false;
return !_declarationNodes.containsKey(type.element);
JS.Expression _emitFunctionTagged(JS.Expression fn, DartType type,
{topLevel: false}) {
var lazy = topLevel && !_typeIsLoaded(type);
var typeRep = _emitFunctionType(type, definite: true);
if (lazy) {
return _callHelper('lazyFn(#, () => #)', [fn, typeRep]);
} else {
return _callHelper('fn(#, #)', [fn, typeRep]);
/// Emits an arrow FunctionExpression node.
/// This should be used for all places in Dart's AST where FunctionExpression
/// appears and the function is actually in an Expression context. These
/// correspond to arrow functions in Dart.
/// Contrast with [_emitFunction].
JS.Expression visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
assert(node.parent is! FunctionDeclaration &&
node.parent is! MethodDeclaration);
return _emitFunctionTagged(_emitArrowFunction(node), getStaticType(node),
topLevel: _executesAtTopLevel(node));
JS.ArrowFun _emitArrowFunction(FunctionExpression node) {
JS.Fun f = _emitFunctionBody(node.element, node.parameters, node.body);
JS.Node body = f.body;
// Simplify `=> { return e; }` to `=> e`
if (body is JS.Block) {
JS.Block block = body;
if (block.statements.length == 1) {
JS.Statement s = block.statements[0];
if (s is JS.Return && s.value != null) body = s.value;
// Convert `function(...) { ... }` to `(...) => ...`
// This is for readability, but it also ensures correct `this` binding.
var fn = new JS.ArrowFun(f.params, body,
typeParams: f.typeParams, returnType: f.returnType);
return annotate(_makeGenericArrowFun(fn), node);
JS.ArrowFun _makeGenericArrowFun(JS.ArrowFun fn) {
if (fn.typeParams == null || fn.typeParams.isEmpty) return fn;
return new JS.ArrowFun(fn.typeParams, fn);
JS.Fun _makeGenericFunction(JS.Fun fn) {
if (fn.typeParams == null || fn.typeParams.isEmpty) return fn;
// TODO(jmesserly): we could make these default to `dynamic`.
return new JS.Fun(
new JS.Block([
// Convert the function to an => function, to ensure `this` binding.
new JS.Return(new JS.ArrowFun(fn.params, fn.body,
typeParams: fn.typeParams, returnType: fn.returnType))
/// Emits a non-arrow FunctionExpression node.
/// This should be used for all places in Dart's AST where FunctionExpression
/// appears but the function is not actually in an Expression context, such
/// as methods, properties, and top-level functions.
/// Contrast with [visitFunctionExpression].
JS.Fun _emitFunction(FunctionExpression node) {
var fn = _emitFunctionBody(node.element, node.parameters, node.body);
return annotate(_makeGenericFunction(fn), node);
JS.Fun _emitFunctionBody(ExecutableElement element,
FormalParameterList parameters, FunctionBody body) {
FunctionType type = element.type;
// normal function (sync), vs (sync*, async, async*)
var stdFn = !(element.isAsynchronous || element.isGenerator);
var formals = _emitFormalParameterList(parameters, destructure: stdFn);
var code = (stdFn)
? _visit(body)
: new JS.Block(
[_emitGeneratorFunctionBody(element, parameters, body).toReturn()]);
var typeFormals = _emitTypeFormals(type.typeFormals);
var returnType = emitTypeRef(type.returnType);
if (type.typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
code = new JS.Block(<JS.Statement>[
new JS.Block(_typeTable.discharge(type.typeFormals)),
return new JS.Fun(formals, code,
typeParams: typeFormals, returnType: returnType);
JS.Expression _emitGeneratorFunctionBody(ExecutableElement element,
FormalParameterList parameters, FunctionBody body) {
var kind = element.isSynchronous ? 'sync' : 'async';
if (element.isGenerator) kind += 'Star';
// Transforms `sync*` `async` and `async*` function bodies
// using ES6 generators.
// `sync*` wraps a generator in a Dart Iterable<T>:
// function name(<args>) {
// return dart.syncStar(function*(<args>) {
// <body>
// }, T, <args>).bind(this);
// }
// We need to include <args> in case any are mutated, so each `.iterator`
// gets the same initial values.
// TODO(jmesserly): we could omit the args for the common case where args
// are not mutated inside the generator.
// In the future, we might be able to simplify this, see:
// `async` works the same, but uses the `dart.async` helper.
// In the body of a `sync*` and `async`, `yield`/`await` are both generated
// simply as `yield`.
// `async*` uses the `dart.asyncStar` helper, and also has an extra `stream`
// argument to the generator, which is used for passing values to the
// _AsyncStarStreamController implementation type.
// `yield` is specially generated inside `async*`, see visitYieldStatement.
// `await` is generated as `yield`.
// runtime/_generators.js has an example of what the code is generated as.
var savedController = _asyncStarController;
var jsParams = _emitFormalParameterList(parameters);
if (kind == 'asyncStar') {
_asyncStarController = new JS.TemporaryId('stream');
jsParams.insert(0, _asyncStarController);
} else {
_asyncStarController = null;
var savedSuperAllowed = _superAllowed;
_superAllowed = false;
// Visit the body with our async* controller set.
var jsBody = _visit(body);
_superAllowed = savedSuperAllowed;
_asyncStarController = savedController;
DartType returnType = _getExpectedReturnType(element);
JS.Expression gen = new JS.Fun(jsParams, jsBody,
isGenerator: true, returnType: emitTypeRef(returnType));
if (JS.This.foundIn(gen)) {
gen ='#.bind(this)', gen);
var T = _emitType(returnType);
return _callHelper('#(#)', [
[gen, T]..addAll(_emitFormalParameterList(parameters, destructure: false))
JS.Statement visitFunctionDeclarationStatement(
FunctionDeclarationStatement node) {
var func = node.functionDeclaration;
if (func.isGetter || func.isSetter) {
return js.comment('Unimplemented function get/set statement: $node');
var fn = _emitFunction(func.functionExpression);
var name = new JS.Identifier(;
JS.Statement declareFn;
if (JS.This.foundIn(fn)) {
declareFn = js.statement('const # = #.bind(this);', [name, fn]);
} else {
declareFn = new JS.FunctionDeclaration(name, fn);
declareFn = annotate(declareFn, node, node.functionDeclaration.element);
return new JS.Block([
/// Emits a simple identifier, including handling an inferred generic
/// function instantiation.
JS.Expression visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
var typeArgs = _getTypeArgs(node.staticElement, node.staticType);
var simpleId = _emitSimpleIdentifier(node);
if (typeArgs == null) {
return simpleId;
return _callHelper('gbind(#, #)', [simpleId, typeArgs]);
/// Emits a simple identifier, handling implicit `this` as well as
/// going through the qualified library name if necessary, but *not* handling
/// inferred generic function instantiation.
JS.Expression _emitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
var accessor = resolutionMap.staticElementForIdentifier(node);
if (accessor == null) {
return js.commentExpression(
'Unimplemented unknown name', new JS.Identifier(;
// Get the original declaring element. If we had a property accessor, this
// indirects back to a (possibly synthetic) field.
var element = accessor;
if (accessor is PropertyAccessorElement) element = accessor.variable;
// type literal
if (element is TypeDefiningElement) {
var typeName = _emitType(fillDynamicTypeArgs(element.type));
// If the type is a type literal expression in Dart code, wrap the raw
// runtime type in a "Type" instance.
if (!_isInForeignJS && _isTypeLiteral(node)) {
typeName = _callHelper('wrapType(#)', typeName);
return typeName;
// library member
if (element.enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) {
return _emitTopLevelName(element);
var name =;
// Unqualified class member. This could mean implicit-this, or implicit
// call to a static from the same class.
if (element is ClassMemberElement && element is! ConstructorElement) {
bool isStatic = element.isStatic;
var type = element.enclosingElement.type;
var member = _emitMemberName(name,
isStatic: isStatic, type: type, element: element);
if (isStatic) {
var dynType = _emitStaticAccess(type);
return new JS.PropertyAccess(dynType, member);
// For instance members, we add implicit-this.
// For method tear-offs, we ensure it's a bound method.
var tearOff = element is MethodElement && !inInvocationContext(node);
if (tearOff) {
// To be safe always use the symbolized name when binding on a native
// class as bind assumes the name will match the name class sigatures
// which is symbolized for native classes.
var safeName = _emitMemberName(name,
isStatic: isStatic,
type: type,
element: element,
alwaysSymbolizeNative: true);
return _callHelper('bind(this, #)', safeName);
return'this.#', member);
if (element is ParameterElement) {
return _emitParameter(element);
// If this is one of our compiler's temporary variables, return its JS form.
if (element is TemporaryVariableElement) {
return element.jsVariable;
return new JS.Identifier(name);
/// Returns `true` if the type name referred to by [node] is used in a
/// position where it should evaluate as a type literal -- an object of type
/// Type.
bool _isTypeLiteral(SimpleIdentifier node) {
var parent = node.parent;
// Static member call.
if (parent is MethodInvocation || parent is PropertyAccess) return false;
// An expression like "a.b".
if (parent is PrefixedIdentifier) {
// In "a.b", "b" may be a type literal, but "a", is not.
if (node != parent.identifier) return false;
// If the prefix expression is itself used as an invocation, like
// "a.b.c", then "b" is not a type literal.
var grand = parent.parent;
if (grand is MethodInvocation || grand is PropertyAccess) return false;
return true;
// In any other context, it's a type literal.
return true;
JS.Identifier _emitParameter(ParameterElement element,
{bool declaration: false}) {
// initializing formal parameter, e.g. `Point(this._x)`
// TODO(jmesserly): type ref is not attached in this case.
if (element.isInitializingFormal && element.isPrivate) {
/// Rename private names so they don't shadow the private field symbol.
/// The renamer would handle this, but it would prefer to rename the
/// temporary used for the private symbol. Instead rename the parameter.
return _initializingFormalTemps.putIfAbsent(
element, () => new JS.TemporaryId(;
var type = declaration ? emitTypeRef(element.type) : null;
return new JS.Identifier(, type: type);
List<Annotation> _parameterMetadata(FormalParameter p) =>
(p is NormalFormalParameter)
? p.metadata
: (p as DefaultFormalParameter).parameter.metadata;
// Wrap a result - usually a type - with its metadata. The runtime is
// responsible for unpacking this.
JS.Expression _emitAnnotatedResult(
JS.Expression result, List<Annotation> metadata) {
if (options.emitMetadata && metadata != null && metadata.isNotEmpty) {
result = new JS.ArrayInitializer(
return result;
JS.Expression _emitAnnotatedType(DartType type, List<Annotation> metadata,
{bool nameType: true, bool hoistType: true}) {
metadata ??= [];
var typeName = _emitType(type, nameType: nameType, hoistType: hoistType);
return _emitAnnotatedResult(typeName, metadata);
JS.ArrayInitializer _emitTypeNames(
List<DartType> types, List<FormalParameter> parameters,
{bool nameType: true, bool hoistType: true}) {
var result = <JS.Expression>[];
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
var metadata = parameters != null
? _parameterMetadata(parameters[i])
: <Annotation>[];
result.add(_emitAnnotatedType(types[i], metadata));
return new JS.ArrayInitializer(result);
JS.ObjectInitializer _emitTypeProperties(Map<String, DartType> types) {
var properties = <JS.Property>[];
types.forEach((name, type) {
var key = _propertyName(name);
var value = _emitType(type);
properties.add(new JS.Property(key, value));
return new JS.ObjectInitializer(properties);
/// Emit the pieces of a function type, as an array of return type,
/// regular args, and optional/named args.
JS.Expression _emitFunctionType(FunctionType type,
{List<FormalParameter> parameters,
bool lowerTypedef: false,
bool nameType: true,
bool hoistType: true,
definite: false}) {
var parts = _emitFunctionTypeParts(type,
parameters: parameters,
lowerTypedef: lowerTypedef,
nameType: nameType,
hoistType: hoistType);
var helper = definite ? 'definiteFunctionType' : 'functionType';
var fullType = _callHelper('${helper}(#)', [parts]);
if (!nameType) return fullType;
return _typeTable.nameType(type, fullType,
hoistType: hoistType, definite: definite);
JS.Expression _emitAnnotatedFunctionType(
FunctionType type, List<Annotation> metadata,
{List<FormalParameter> parameters,
bool lowerTypedef: false,
bool nameType: true,
bool hoistType: true,
bool definite: false}) {
var result = _emitFunctionType(type,
parameters: parameters,
lowerTypedef: lowerTypedef,
nameType: nameType,
hoistType: hoistType,
definite: definite);
return _emitAnnotatedResult(result, metadata);
/// Emit the pieces of a function type, as an array of return type,
/// regular args, and optional/named args.
List<JS.Expression> _emitFunctionTypeParts(FunctionType type,
{List<FormalParameter> parameters,
bool lowerTypedef: false,
bool nameType: true,
bool hoistType: true}) {
var parameterTypes = type.normalParameterTypes;
var optionalTypes = type.optionalParameterTypes;
var namedTypes = type.namedParameterTypes;
var rt =
_emitType(type.returnType, nameType: nameType, hoistType: hoistType);
var ra = _emitTypeNames(parameterTypes, parameters,
nameType: nameType, hoistType: hoistType);
List<JS.Expression> typeParts;
if (namedTypes.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(vsm): Pass in annotations here as well.
var na = _emitTypeProperties(namedTypes);
typeParts = [rt, ra, na];
} else if (optionalTypes.isNotEmpty) {
var oa = _emitTypeNames(
optionalTypes, parameters?.sublist(parameterTypes.length),
nameType: nameType, hoistType: hoistType);
typeParts = [rt, ra, oa];
} else {
typeParts = [rt, ra];
var typeFormals = type.typeFormals;
if (typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this is a suboptimal representation for universal
// function types (as callable functions). See discussion at
var tf = _emitTypeFormals(typeFormals);
var names = _typeTable.discharge(typeFormals);
var parts = new JS.ArrayInitializer(typeParts);
if (names.isEmpty) {
typeParts = ['(#) => #', [tf, parts])
} else {
typeParts = ['(#) => {#; return #;}', [tf, names, parts])
return typeParts;
/// Emits an expression that lets you access statics on a [type] from code.
/// If [nameType] is true, then the type will be named. In addition,
/// if [hoistType] is true, then the named type will be hoisted.
JS.Expression _emitConstructorAccess(DartType type,
{bool nameType: true, bool hoistType: true}) {
return _emitJSInterop(type.element) ??
_emitType(type, nameType: nameType, hoistType: hoistType);
/// Emits an expression that lets you access statics on a [type] from code.
JS.Expression _emitStaticAccess(DartType type) {
// Make sure we aren't attempting to emit a static access path to a type
// that does not have a valid static access path.
assert(!type.isVoid &&
!type.isDynamic &&
!type.isBottom &&
type is! TypeParameterType);
// For statics, we add the raw type name, without generics or
// library prefix. We don't need those because static calls can't use
// the generic type.
type = fillDynamicTypeArgs(type);
var element = type.element;
var interop = _emitJSInterop(element);
if (interop != null) return interop;
assert( != '' && != null);
return _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(element);
/// Emits a Dart [type] into code.
/// If [lowerTypedef] is set, a typedef will be expanded as if it were a
/// function type. Similarly if [lowerGeneric] is set, the `List$()` form
/// will be used instead of `List`. These flags are used when generating
/// the definitions for typedefs and generic types, respectively.
/// If [subClass] is set, then we are setting the base class for the given
/// class and should emit the given [className], which will already be
/// defined.
/// If [nameType] is true, then the type will be named. In addition,
/// if [hoistType] is true, then the named type will be hoisted.
JS.Expression _emitType(DartType type,
{bool lowerTypedef: false,
bool lowerGeneric: false,
bool nameType: true,
bool hoistType: true,
ClassElement subClass,
JS.Expression className}) {
// The void and dynamic types are not defined in core.
if (type.isVoid) {
return _callHelper('void');
} else if (type.isDynamic) {
return _callHelper('dynamic');
} else if (type.isBottom) {
return _callHelper('bottom');
var element = type.element;
if (element is TypeDefiningElement) {
var interop = _emitJSInterop(element);
// Type parameters don't matter as JS interop types cannot be reified.
// We have to use lazy JS types because until we have proper module
// loading for JS libraries bundled with Dart libraries, we will sometimes
// need to load Dart libraries before the corresponding JS libraries are
// actually loaded.
// Given a JS type such as:
// @JS('google.maps.Location')
// class Location { ... }
// We can't emit a reference to MyType because the JS library that defines
// it may be loaded after our code. So for now, we use a special lazy type
// object to represent MyType.
// Anonymous JS types do not have a corresponding concrete JS type so we
// have to use a helper to define them.
if (interop != null) {
if (_isObjectLiteral(element)) {
return _callHelper(
'lazyAnonymousJSType(#)', js.string(element.displayName));
} else {
return _callHelper('lazyJSType(() => #, #)',
[interop, js.string(_getJSName(element).join('.'))]);
// TODO(jmesserly): like constants, should we hoist function types out of
// methods? Similar issue with generic types. For all of these, we may want
// to canonicalize them too, at least when inside the same library.
var name =;
if (name == '' || name == null || lowerTypedef) {
// TODO(jmesserly): should we change how typedefs work? They currently
// go through use similar logic as generic classes. This makes them
// different from universal function types.
return _emitFunctionType(type as FunctionType,
lowerTypedef: lowerTypedef, nameType: nameType, hoistType: hoistType);
if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return new JS.Identifier(name);
if (type == subClass?.type) return className;
if (type is ParameterizedType) {
var args = type.typeArguments;
Iterable jsArgs = null;
if (args.any((a) => !a.isDynamic)) {
jsArgs = => _emitType(x,
nameType: nameType,
hoistType: hoistType,
subClass: subClass,
className: className));
} else if (lowerGeneric || element == subClass) {
jsArgs = [];
if (jsArgs != null) {
var genericName = _emitTopLevelName(element, suffix: '\$');
var typeRep ='#(#)', [genericName, jsArgs]);
return nameType
? _typeTable.nameType(type, typeRep, hoistType: hoistType)
: typeRep;
return _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(element);
JS.PropertyAccess _emitTopLevelName(Element e, {String suffix: ''}) {
var interop = _emitJSInterop(e);
if (interop != null) return interop;
return _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(e, suffix: suffix);
JS.PropertyAccess _emitTopLevelNameNoInterop(Element e, {String suffix: ''}) {
String name = getJSExportName(e) + suffix;
return new JS.PropertyAccess(
emitLibraryName(e.library), _propertyName(name));
JS.Expression visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
var left = node.leftHandSide;
var right = node.rightHandSide;
if (node.operator.type == TokenType.EQ) return _emitSet(left, right);
var op = node.operator.lexeme;
op = op.substring(0, op.length - 1); // remove trailing '='
return _emitOpAssign(left, right, op, node.staticElement, context: node);
JS.MetaLet _emitOpAssign(
Expression left, Expression right, String op, MethodElement element,
{Expression context}) {
if (op == '??') {
// Desugar `l ??= r` as ((x) => x == null ? l = r : x)(l)
// Note that if `x` contains subexpressions, we need to ensure those
// are also evaluated only once. This is similar to desguaring for
// postfix expressions like `i++`.
// Handle the left hand side, to ensure each of its subexpressions are
// evaluated only once.
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var x = _bindLeftHandSide(vars, left, context: left);
// Capture the result of evaluating the left hand side in a temp.
var t = _bindValue(vars, 't', x, context: x);
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, ['# == null ? # : #', [_visit(t), _emitSet(x, right), _visit(t)])
// Desugar `x += y` as `x = x + y`, ensuring that if `x` has subexpressions
// (for example, x is IndexExpression) we evaluate those once.
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var lhs = _bindLeftHandSide(vars, left, context: context);
Expression inc = AstBuilder.binaryExpression(lhs, op, right)
..staticElement = element
..staticType = getStaticType(lhs);
var castTo = getImplicitAssignmentCast(left);
if (castTo != null) inc = CoercionReifier.castExpression(inc, castTo);
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, [_emitSet(lhs, inc)]);
JS.Expression _emitSet(Expression lhs, Expression rhs) {
if (lhs is IndexExpression) {
var target = _getTarget(lhs);
if (_useNativeJsIndexer(target.staticType)) {
return js
.call('#[#] = #', [_visit(target), _visit(lhs.index), _visit(rhs)]);
return _emitSend(target, '[]=', [lhs.index, rhs]);
if (lhs is SimpleIdentifier) {
return _emitSetSimpleIdentifier(lhs, rhs);
Expression target = null;
SimpleIdentifier id;
if (lhs is PropertyAccess) {
if (lhs.operator.lexeme == '?.') {
return _emitNullSafeSet(lhs, rhs);
target = _getTarget(lhs);
id = lhs.propertyName;
} else if (lhs is PrefixedIdentifier) {
if (isLibraryPrefix(lhs.prefix)) {
return _emitSet(lhs.identifier, rhs);
target = lhs.prefix;
id = lhs.identifier;
} else {
assert(target != null);
if (target is SuperExpression) {
return _emitSetSuper(lhs, target, id, rhs);
if (target != null && isDynamicInvoke(target)) {
if (_inWhitelistCode(lhs)) {
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var l = _visit(_bindValue(vars, 'l', target));
var name = _emitMemberName(;
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, ['(#[(#[#._extensionType]) ? #[#] : #] = #)', [
return _callHelper('#(#, #, #)', [
var accessor = id.staticElement;
var element =
accessor is PropertyAccessorElement ? accessor.variable : accessor;
if (element is ClassMemberElement && element is! ConstructorElement) {
bool isStatic = element.isStatic;
if (isStatic) {
if (element is FieldElement) {
return _emitSetStaticProperty(lhs, element, rhs);
return _badAssignment('Unknown static: $element', lhs, rhs);
if (element is FieldElement) {
return _emitWriteInstanceProperty(
lhs, _visit(target), element, _visit(rhs));
return _badAssignment('Unhandled assignment', lhs, rhs);
JS.Expression _badAssignment(String problem, Expression lhs, Expression rhs) {
// TODO(sra): We should get here only for compiler bugs or weirdness due to
// --unsafe-force-compile. Once those paths have been addressed, throw at
// compile time.
return _callHelper('throwUnimplementedError((#, #, #))',
[js.string('$lhs ='), _visit(rhs), js.string(problem)]);
/// Emits assignment to a simple identifier. Handles all legal simple
/// identifier assignment targets (local, top level library member, implicit
/// `this` or class, etc.)
JS.Expression _emitSetSimpleIdentifier(
SimpleIdentifier node, Expression rhs) {
JS.Expression unimplemented() {
return _badAssignment("Unimplemented: unknown name '$node'", node, rhs);
var accessor = resolutionMap.staticElementForIdentifier(node);
if (accessor == null) return unimplemented();
// Get the original declaring element. If we had a property accessor, this
// indirects back to a (possibly synthetic) field.
var element = accessor;
if (accessor is PropertyAccessorElement) element = accessor.variable;
if (element is TypeDefiningElement) {
if (element is LocalVariableElement || element is ParameterElement) {
return _emitSetLocal(node, element, rhs);
if (element.enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) {
// Top level library member.
return _emitSetTopLevel(node, element, rhs);
// Unqualified class member. This could mean implicit `this`, or implicit
// static from the same class.
if (element is ClassMemberElement) {
bool isStatic = element.isStatic;
if (isStatic) {
if (element is FieldElement) {
return _emitSetStaticProperty(node, element, rhs);
return unimplemented();
// For instance members, we add implicit-this.
if (element is FieldElement) {
return _emitWriteInstanceProperty(
node, new JS.This(), element, _visit(rhs));
return unimplemented();
// We should not get here.
return unimplemented();
/// Emits assignment to a simple local variable or parameter.
JS.Expression _emitSetLocal(
SimpleIdentifier node, Element element, Expression rhs) {
JS.Expression target;
if (element is TemporaryVariableElement) {
// If this is one of our compiler's temporary variables, use its JS form.
target = element.jsVariable;
} else if (element is ParameterElement) {
target = _emitParameter(element);
} else {
target = new JS.Identifier(;
return _visit<JS.Expression>(rhs)
.toAssignExpression(annotate(target, node));
/// Emits assignment to library scope element [element].
JS.Expression _emitSetTopLevel(
Expression lhs, Element element, Expression rhs) {
return _visit<JS.Expression>(rhs)
.toAssignExpression(annotate(_emitTopLevelName(element), lhs));
/// Emits assignment to a static field element or property.
JS.Expression _emitSetStaticProperty(
Expression lhs, Element element, Expression rhs) {
// For static methods, we add the raw type name, without generics or
// library prefix. We don't need those because static calls can't use
// the generic type.
ClassElement classElement = element.enclosingElement;
var type = classElement.type;
var dynType = _emitStaticAccess(type);
var member = _emitMemberName(,
isStatic: true, type: type, element: element);
return _visit<JS.Expression>(rhs).toAssignExpression(
annotate(new JS.PropertyAccess(dynType, member), lhs));
/// Emits an assignment to the [element] property of instance referenced by
/// [jsTarget].
JS.Expression _emitWriteInstanceProperty(Expression lhs,
JS.Expression jsTarget, Element element, JS.Expression value) {
String memberName =;
var type = (element.enclosingElement as ClassElement).type;
var name = _emitMemberName(memberName, type: type, element: element);
return value.toAssignExpression(
annotate(new JS.PropertyAccess(jsTarget, name), lhs));
JS.Expression _emitSetSuper(Expression lhs, SuperExpression target,
SimpleIdentifier id, Expression rhs) {
// TODO(sra): Determine whether and access helper is required for the
// setter. For now fall back on the r-value path.
return _visit<JS.Expression>(rhs).toAssignExpression(_visit(lhs));
JS.Expression _emitNullSafeSet(PropertyAccess node, Expression right) {
// Emit `obj?.prop = expr` as:
// (_ => _ == null ? null : _.prop = expr)(obj).
// We could use a helper, e.g.: `nullSafeSet(e1, _ => _.v = e2)`
// However with MetaLet, we get clean code in statement or void context,
// or when one of the expressions is stateless, which seems common.
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var left = _bindValue(vars, 'l',;
var body ='# == null ? null : #',
[_visit(left), _emitSet(_stripNullAwareOp(node, left), right)]);
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, [body]);
JS.Block visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
var savedFunction = _currentFunction;
_currentFunction = node;
var initArgs = _emitArgumentInitializers(node.parent);
var ret = annotate(new JS.Return(_visit(node.expression)), node.expression);
_currentFunction = savedFunction;
var _statements = initArgs != null ? [initArgs, ret] : [ret];
var block = annotate(new JS.Block(_statements), node);
return block;
JS.Block visitEmptyFunctionBody(EmptyFunctionBody node) => new JS.Block([]);
JS.Block visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {
var savedFunction = _currentFunction;
_currentFunction = node;
var initArgs = _emitArgumentInitializers(node.parent);
var stmts = _visitList(node.block.statements) as List<JS.Statement>;
if (initArgs != null) stmts.insert(0, initArgs);
_currentFunction = savedFunction;
return new JS.Block(stmts);
JS.Block visitBlock(Block node) =>
new JS.Block(_visitList(node.statements) as List<JS.Statement>,
isScope: true);
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
if (_isDeferredLoadLibrary(, node.methodName)) {
// We are calling loadLibrary() on a deferred library prefix.
return _callHelper('loadLibrary()');
if (node.operator?.lexeme == '?.') {
return _emitNullSafe(node);
var result = _emitForeignJS(node);
if (result != null) return result;
var target = _getTarget(node);
if (target == null || isLibraryPrefix(target)) {
return _emitFunctionCall(node);
if ( == 'call') {
var targetType = resolutionMap.staticTypeForExpression(target);
if (targetType is FunctionType) {
// Call methods on function types should be handled as regular function
// invocations.
return _emitFunctionCall(node,;
if (targetType.isDartCoreFunction || targetType.isDynamic) {
// TODO(vsm): Can a call method take generic type parameters?
return _emitDynamicInvoke(
node, _visit(target), _emitArgumentList(node.argumentList));
return _emitMethodCall(target, node);
JS.Expression _emitMethodCall(Expression target, MethodInvocation node) {
var args = _emitArgumentList(node.argumentList);
var typeArgs = _emitInvokeTypeArguments(node);
if (target is SuperExpression && !_superAllowed) {
return _emitSuperHelperCall(typeArgs, args, target, node);
return _emitMethodCallInternal(target, node, args, typeArgs);
JS.Expression _emitSuperHelperCall(List<JS.Expression> typeArgs,
List<JS.Expression> args, SuperExpression target, MethodInvocation node) {
var fakeTypeArgs =
typeArgs?.map((_) => new JS.TemporaryId('a'))?.toList(growable: false);
var fakeArgs = => new JS.TemporaryId('a')).toList(growable: false);
var combinedFakeArgs = <JS.TemporaryId>[];
if (fakeTypeArgs != null) {
var forwardedCall =
_emitMethodCallInternal(target, node, fakeArgs, fakeTypeArgs);
var superForwarder = _getSuperHelperFor(, forwardedCall, combinedFakeArgs);
var combinedRealArgs = <JS.Expression>[];
if (typeArgs != null) {
return'this.#(#)', [superForwarder, combinedRealArgs]);
JS.Expression _getSuperHelperFor(String name, JS.Expression forwardedCall,
List<JS.Expression> helperArgs) {
var helperMethod =
new JS.Fun(helperArgs, new JS.Block([new JS.Return(forwardedCall)]));
var helperMethodName = new JS.TemporaryId('super\$$name');
_superHelpers.add(new JS.Method(helperMethodName, helperMethod));
return helperMethodName;
JS.Expression _emitTarget(Expression target, Element element, bool isStatic) {
if (isStatic) {
if (element is ConstructorElement) {
return _emitConstructorAccess(element.enclosingElement.type);
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
return _emitStaticAccess(
(element.enclosingElement as ClassElement).type);
if (element is FieldElement) {
return _emitStaticAccess(element.enclosingElement.type);
return _visit(target);
/// Emits a (possibly generic) instance, or static method call.
JS.Expression _emitMethodCallInternal(
Expression target,
MethodInvocation node,
List<JS.Expression> args,
List<JS.Expression> typeArgs) {
var type = getStaticType(target);
var element = node.methodName.staticElement;
bool isStatic = element is ExecutableElement && element.isStatic;
var name =;
var memberName =
_emitMemberName(name, type: type, isStatic: isStatic, element: element);
JS.Expression jsTarget = _emitTarget(target, element, isStatic);
if (isDynamicInvoke(target) || isDynamicInvoke(node.methodName)) {
if (_inWhitelistCode(target)) {
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var l = _visit(_bindValue(vars, 'l', target));
jsTarget = new JS.MetaLet(vars, ['(#[(#[#._extensionType]) ? #[#] : #]).bind(#)', [
if (typeArgs != null) jsTarget = new JS.Call(jsTarget, typeArgs);
return new JS.Call(jsTarget, args);
if (typeArgs != null) {
return _callHelper('#(#, #, #, #)', [
new JS.ArrayInitializer(typeArgs),
} else {
return _callHelper('#(#, #, #)',
[_emitDynamicOperationName('dsend'), jsTarget, memberName, args]);
if (_isObjectMemberCall(target, name)) {
assert(typeArgs == null); // Object methods don't take type args.
return _callHelper('#(#, #)', [name, jsTarget, args]);
jsTarget = new JS.PropertyAccess(jsTarget, memberName);
if (typeArgs != null) jsTarget = new JS.Call(jsTarget, typeArgs);
return new JS.Call(jsTarget, args);
JS.Expression _emitDynamicInvoke(
InvocationExpression node, JS.Expression fn, List<JS.Expression> args) {
var typeArgs = _emitInvokeTypeArguments(node);
if (typeArgs != null) {
return _callHelper(
'dgcall(#, #, #)', [fn, new JS.ArrayInitializer(typeArgs), args]);
} else {
if (_inWhitelistCode(node, isCall: true)) {
return new JS.Call(fn, args);
return _callHelper('dcall(#, #)', [fn, args]);
/// Emits a function call, to a top-level function, local function, or
/// an expression.
JS.Expression _emitFunctionCall(InvocationExpression node,
[Expression function]) {
if (function == null) {
function = node.function;
var fn = _visit(function);
var args = _emitArgumentList(node.argumentList);
if (isDynamicInvoke(function)) {
return _emitDynamicInvoke(node, fn, args);
} else {
return new JS.Call(_applyInvokeTypeArguments(fn, node), args);
JS.Expression _applyInvokeTypeArguments(
JS.Expression target, InvocationExpression node) {
var typeArgs = _emitInvokeTypeArguments(node);
if (typeArgs == null) return target;
return new JS.Call(target, typeArgs);
List<JS.Expression> _emitInvokeTypeArguments(InvocationExpression node) {
return _emitFunctionTypeArguments(
node.function.staticType, node.staticInvokeType, node.typeArguments);
/// If `g` is a generic function type, and `f` is an instantiation of it,
/// then this will return the type arguments to apply, otherwise null.
List<JS.Expression> _emitFunctionTypeArguments(DartType g, DartType f,
[TypeArgumentList typeArgs]) {
if (g is FunctionType &&
g.typeFormals.isNotEmpty &&
f is FunctionType &&
f.typeFormals.isEmpty) {
return _recoverTypeArguments(g, f).map(_emitType).toList(growable: false);
} else if (typeArgs != null) {
// Dynamic calls may have type arguments, even though the function types
// are not known.
return {
if (argument is TypeName) {
return visitTypeName(argument);
} else {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Implement support for GenericFunctionType.
throw new StateError(
'Cannot compile type argument of kind ${argument.runtimeType}');
}).toList(growable: false);
return null;
/// Given a generic function type [g] and an instantiated function type [f],
/// find a list of type arguments TArgs such that `g<TArgs> == f`,
/// and return TArgs.
/// This function must be called with type [f] that was instantiated from [g].
Iterable<DartType> _recoverTypeArguments(FunctionType g, FunctionType f) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this design is a bit unfortunate. It would be nice if
// resolution could simply create a synthetic type argument list.
assert(identical(g.element, f.element));
assert(g.typeFormals.isNotEmpty && f.typeFormals.isEmpty);
assert(g.typeFormals.length + g.typeArguments.length ==
// Instantiation in Analyzer works like this:
// Given:
// {U/T} <S> T -> S
// Where {U/T} represents the typeArguments (U) and typeParameters (T) list,
// and <S> represents the typeFormals.
// Now instantiate([V]), and the result should be:
// {U/T, V/S} T -> S.
// Therefore, we can recover the typeArguments from our instantiated
// function.
return f.typeArguments.skip(g.typeArguments.length);
/// Emits code for the `JS(...)` macro.
_emitForeignJS(MethodInvocation node) {
var e = node.methodName.staticElement;
if (isInlineJS(e)) {
var args = node.argumentList.arguments;
// arg[0] is static return type, used in `RestrictedStaticTypeAnalyzer`
var code = args[1];
List<AstNode> templateArgs;
String source;
if (code is StringInterpolation) {
if (args.length > 2) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Can't mix template args and string interpolation in JS calls.");
templateArgs = <Expression>[];
source = {
if (element is InterpolationExpression) {
return '#';
} else {
return (element as InterpolationString).value;
} else {
templateArgs = args.skip(2).toList();
source = (code as StringLiteral).stringValue;
// TODO(vsm): Constructors in dart:html and friends are trying to
// allocate a type defined on window/self, but this often conflicts a
// with the generated extenstion class in scope. We really should
// qualify explicitly in dart:html itself.
var constructorPattern = new RegExp("new [A-Z][A-Za-z]+\\(");
if (constructorPattern.matchAsPrefix(source) != null) {
var containingClass = node.parent;
while (
containingClass != null && containingClass is! ClassDeclaration) {
containingClass = containingClass.parent;
if (containingClass is ClassDeclaration &&
_extensionTypes.isNativeClass(containingClass.element)) {
var constructorName = source.substring(4, source.indexOf('('));
var className =;
if (className == constructorName) {
source =
source.replaceFirst('new $className(', 'new self.$className(');
// TODO(rnystrom): The JS() calls are almost never nested, and probably
// really shouldn't be, but there are at least a couple of calls in the
// HTML library where an argument to JS() is itself a JS() call. If those
// go away, this can just assert(!_isInForeignJS).
// Inside JS(), type names evaluate to the raw runtime type, not the
// wrapped Type object.
var wasInForeignJS = _isInForeignJS;
_isInForeignJS = true;
var template = js.parseForeignJS(source);
var result = template.instantiate(_visitList(templateArgs));
_isInForeignJS = wasInForeignJS;
// `throw` is emitted as a statement by `parseForeignJS`.
assert(result is JS.Expression || node.parent is ExpressionStatement);
return result;
return null;
JS.Expression visitFunctionExpressionInvocation(
FunctionExpressionInvocation node) =>
List<JS.Expression> _emitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) {
var args = <JS.Expression>[];
var named = <JS.Property>[];
for (var arg in node.arguments) {
if (arg is NamedExpression) {
} else if (arg is MethodInvocation && isJsSpreadInvocation(arg)) {
new JS.RestParameter(_visit(arg.argumentList.arguments.single)));
} else {
if (named.isNotEmpty) {
args.add(new JS.ObjectInitializer(named));
return args;
JS.Property visitNamedExpression(NamedExpression node) {
assert(node.parent is ArgumentList);
return new JS.Property(
_propertyName(, _visit(node.expression));
List<JS.Parameter> _emitFormalParameterList(FormalParameterList node,
{bool destructure: true}) {
if (node == null) return [];
destructure = destructure && options.destructureNamedParams;
var result = <JS.Parameter>[];
var namedVars = <JS.DestructuredVariable>[];
var hasNamedArgsConflictingWithObjectProperties = false;
var needsOpts = false;
for (FormalParameter param in node.parameters) {
if (param.kind == ParameterKind.NAMED) {
if (destructure) {
if (_jsObjectProperties.contains( {
hasNamedArgsConflictingWithObjectProperties = true;
JS.Expression name;
JS.SimpleBindingPattern structure = null;
String paramName =;
if (JS.invalidVariableName(paramName)) {
name = js.string(paramName);
structure = new JS.SimpleBindingPattern(_visit(param.identifier));
} else {
name = _visit(param.identifier);
namedVars.add(new JS.DestructuredVariable(
name: name,
structure: structure,
defaultValue: _defaultParamValue(param)));
} else {
needsOpts = true;
} else {
var jsParam = _visit(param);
result.add(param is DefaultFormalParameter && destructure
? new JS.DestructuredVariable(
name: jsParam, defaultValue: _defaultParamValue(param))
: jsParam);
if (needsOpts) {
} else if (namedVars.isNotEmpty) {
// Note: `var {valueOf} = {}` extracts `Object.prototype.valueOf`, so
// in case there are conflicting names we create an object without
// any prototype.
var defaultOpts = hasNamedArgsConflictingWithObjectProperties
result.add(new JS.DestructuredVariable(
structure: new JS.ObjectBindingPattern(namedVars),
type: emitNamedParamsArgType(node.parameterElements),
defaultValue: defaultOpts));
return result;
/// See ES6 spec (and `Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.prototype)`):
static final Set<String> _jsObjectProperties = new Set<String>()
JS.Statement visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) =>
JS.EmptyStatement visitEmptyStatement(EmptyStatement node) =>
new JS.EmptyStatement();
JS.Statement visitAssertStatement(AssertStatement node) {
// TODO(jmesserly): only emit in checked mode.
if (node.message != null) {
return _callHelperStatement('assert(#, () => #);',
[_visit(node.condition), _visit(node.message)]);
return _callHelperStatement('assert(#);', _visit(node.condition));
JS.Statement visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
var e = node.expression;
if (e == null) return new JS.Return();
return (_visit(e) as JS.Expression).toReturn();
JS.Statement visitYieldStatement(YieldStatement node) {
JS.Expression jsExpr = _visit(node.expression);
var star = != null;
if (_asyncStarController != null) {
// async* yields are generated differently from sync* yields. `yield e`
// becomes:
// if (stream.add(e)) return;
// yield;
// `yield* e` becomes:
// if (stream.addStream(e)) return;
// yield;
var helperName = star ? 'addStream' : 'add';
return js.statement('{ if(#.#(#)) return; #; }',
[_asyncStarController, helperName, jsExpr, new JS.Yield(null)]);
// A normal yield in a sync*
return jsExpr.toYieldStatement(star: star);
JS.Expression visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) {
return new JS.Yield(_visit(node.expression));
/// This is not used--we emit top-level fields as we are emitting the
/// compilation unit, see [_emitCompilationUnit].
visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
/// This is not used--we emit fields as we are emitting the class,
/// see [visitClassDeclaration].
visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
JS.Statement visitVariableDeclarationStatement(
VariableDeclarationStatement node) {
// Special case a single variable with an initializer.
// This helps emit cleaner code for things like:
// var result = []..add(1)..add(2);
var variables = node.variables.variables;
if (variables.length == 1) {
var v = variables[0];
if (v.initializer != null) {
var name = new JS.Identifier(;
return _visit<JS.Expression>(v.initializer).toVariableDeclaration(name);
return _visit<JS.Expression>(node.variables).toStatement();
visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
return new JS.VariableDeclarationList(
'let', _visitList(node.variables) as List<JS.VariableInitialization>);
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
if (node.element is PropertyInducingElement) {
// All fields are handled elsewhere.
return null;
var name = new JS.Identifier(,
type: emitTypeRef(
return new JS.VariableInitialization(name, _visitInitializer(node));
/// Emits a list of top-level field.
void _emitTopLevelFields(List<VariableDeclaration> fields) {
_moduleItems.add(_emitLazyFields(currentLibrary, fields));
/// Treat dart:_runtime fields as safe to eagerly evaluate.
// TODO(jmesserly): it'd be nice to avoid this special case.
void _emitInternalSdkFields(List<VariableDeclaration> fields) {
for (var field in fields) {
js.statement('# = #;',
[_emitTopLevelName(field.element), _visitInitializer(field)]),
JS.Expression _visitInitializer(VariableDeclaration node) {
var value = _visit(node.initializer);
// explicitly initialize to null, to avoid getting `undefined`.
// TODO(jmesserly): do this only for vars that aren't definitely assigned.
return value ?? new JS.LiteralNull();
JS.Statement _emitLazyFields(
Element target, List<VariableDeclaration> fields) {
var methods = [];
for (var node in fields) {
var name =;
var element = node.element;
assert(element.getAncestor((e) => identical(e, target)) != null,
"target is $target but enclosing element is ${element.enclosingElement}");
var access = _emitMemberName(name, isStatic: true);
new JS.Method(
access,'function() { return #; }', _visitInitializer(node))
as JS.Fun,
isGetter: true),
_findAccessor(element, getter: true)));
// TODO(jmesserly): currently uses a dummy setter to indicate writable.
if (!node.isFinal && !node.isConst) {
new JS.Method(access,'function(_) {}') as JS.Fun,
isSetter: true),
_findAccessor(element, getter: false)));
JS.Expression objExpr;
if (target is ClassElement) {
objExpr = _emitTopLevelName(target);
} else {
objExpr = emitLibraryName(target);
return _callHelperStatement('defineLazy(#, { # });', [objExpr, methods]);
PropertyAccessorElement _findAccessor(VariableElement element,
{bool getter}) {
var parent = element.enclosingElement;
if (parent is ClassElement) {
return getter
? parent.getGetter(
: parent.getSetter(;
return null;
JS.Expression _emitConstructorName(
ConstructorElement element, DartType type, SimpleIdentifier name) {
var classElem = element.enclosingElement;
var interop = _emitJSInterop(classElem);
if (interop != null) return interop;
var typeName = _emitConstructorAccess(type);
if (name != null || element.isFactory) {
var namedCtor = _constructorName(element);
return new JS.PropertyAccess(typeName, namedCtor);
return typeName;
visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
return _emitConstructorName(node.staticElement, node.type.type,;
JS.Expression _emitInstanceCreationExpression(
ConstructorElement element,
DartType type,
SimpleIdentifier name,
ArgumentList argumentList,
bool isConst) {
JS.Expression emitNew() {
JS.Expression ctor;
bool isFactory = false;
bool isNative = false;
if (element == null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this only happens if we had a static error.
// Should we generate a throw instead?
ctor = _emitConstructorAccess(type,
nameType: options.hoistInstanceCreation,
hoistType: options.hoistInstanceCreation);
if (name != null) {
ctor = new JS.PropertyAccess(ctor, _propertyName(;
} else {
ctor = _emitConstructorName(element, type, name);
isFactory = element.isFactory;
var classElem = element.enclosingElement;
isNative = _isJSNative(classElem);
var args = _emitArgumentList(argumentList);
// Native factory constructors are JS constructors - use new here.
return isFactory && !isNative
? new JS.Call(ctor, args)
: new JS.New(ctor, args);
if (element != null && _isObjectLiteral(element.enclosingElement)) {
return _emitObjectLiteral(argumentList);
if (isConst) return _emitConst(emitNew);
return emitNew();
bool _isObjectLiteral(ClassElement classElem) {
return findAnnotation(classElem, isPublicJSAnnotation) != null &&
findAnnotation(classElem, isJSAnonymousAnnotation) != null;
bool _isJSNative(ClassElement classElem) =>
findAnnotation(classElem, isPublicJSAnnotation) != null;
JS.Expression _emitObjectLiteral(ArgumentList argumentList) {
var args = _emitArgumentList(argumentList);
if (args.isEmpty) {
assert(args.single is JS.ObjectInitializer);
return args.single;
visitInstanceCreationExpression(InstanceCreationExpression node) {
var element = resolutionMap.staticElementForConstructorReference(node);
var constructor = node.constructorName;
var name =;
var type = constructor.type.type;
if (node.isConst &&
element?.name == 'fromEnvironment' &&
element.library.isDartCore) {
var value = node.accept(_constants.constantVisitor);
if (value == null || value.isNull) {
return new JS.LiteralNull();
// Handle unknown value: when the declared variable wasn't found, and no
// explicit default value was passed either.
// TODO(jmesserly): ideally Analyzer would simply resolve this to the
// default value that is specified in the SDK. Instead we implement that
// here. `bool.fromEnvironment` defaults to `false`, the others to `null`:
if (value.isUnknown) {
return type == types.boolType
? js.boolean(false)
: new JS.LiteralNull();
if (value.type == types.boolType) {
var boolValue = value.toBoolValue();
return boolValue != null ? js.boolean(boolValue) : new JS.LiteralNull();
if (value.type == types.intType) {
var intValue = value.toIntValue();
return intValue != null ? js.number(intValue) : new JS.LiteralNull();
if (value.type == types.stringType) {
var stringValue = value.toStringValue();
return stringValue != null
? js.escapedString(stringValue)
: new JS.LiteralNull();
throw new StateError('failed to evaluate $node');
return _emitInstanceCreationExpression(
element, type, name, node.argumentList, node.isConst);
/// True if this type is built-in to JS, and we use the values unwrapped.
/// For these types we generate a calling convention via static
/// "extension methods". This allows types to be extended without adding
/// extensions directly on the prototype.
bool isPrimitiveType(DartType t) =>
typeIsPrimitiveInJS(t) || t == types.stringType;
bool typeIsPrimitiveInJS(DartType t) =>
_isNumberInJS(t) || t == types.boolType;
bool binaryOperationIsPrimitive(DartType leftT, DartType rightT) =>
typeIsPrimitiveInJS(leftT) && typeIsPrimitiveInJS(rightT);
bool unaryOperationIsPrimitive(DartType t) => typeIsPrimitiveInJS(t);
JS.Expression notNull(Expression expr) {
if (expr == null) return null;
var jsExpr = _visit(expr);
if (!isNullable(expr)) return jsExpr;
return _callHelper('notNull(#)', jsExpr);
JS.Expression visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
var op = node.operator;
// The operands of logical boolean operators are subject to boolean
// conversion.
if (op.type == TokenType.BAR_BAR ||
op.type == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
return _visitTest(node);
var left = node.leftOperand;
var right = node.rightOperand;
var leftType = getStaticType(left);
var rightType = getStaticType(right);
var code;
if (op.type.isEqualityOperator) {
// If we statically know LHS or RHS is null we can generate a clean check.
// We can also do this if both sides are the same primitive type.
if (_canUsePrimitiveEquality(left, right)) {
code = op.type == TokenType.EQ_EQ ? '# == #' : '# != #';
} else if (left is SuperExpression) {
return _emitSend(left, op.lexeme, [right]);
} else {
var bang = op.type == TokenType.BANG_EQ ? '!' : '';
code = '${bang}#.equals(#, #)';
return, [_runtimeModule, _visit(left), _visit(right)]);
return, [_visit(left), _visit(right)]);
if (op.type.lexeme == '??') {
// TODO(jmesserly): leave RHS for debugging?
// This should be a hint or warning for dead code.
if (!isNullable(left)) return _visit(left);
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
// Desugar `l ?? r` as `l != null ? l : r`
var l = _visit(_bindValue(vars, 'l', left, context: left));
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, ['# != null ? # : #', [l, l, _visit(right)])
if (binaryOperationIsPrimitive(leftType, rightType) ||
leftType == types.stringType && op.type == TokenType.PLUS) {
// special cases where we inline the operation
// these values are assumed to be non-null (determined by the checker)
// TODO(jmesserly): it would be nice to just inline the method from core,
// instead of special cases here.
JS.Expression binary(String code) {
return, [notNull(left), notNull(right)]);
JS.Expression bitwise(String code) {
return _coerceBitOperationResultToUnsigned(node, binary(code));
switch (op.type) {
case TokenType.TILDE_SLASH:
// `a ~/ b` is equivalent to `(a / b).truncate()`
var div = AstBuilder.binaryExpression(left, '/', right)
..staticType = node.staticType;
return _emitSend(div, 'truncate', []);
case TokenType.PERCENT:
// TODO(sra): We can generate `a % b + 0` if both are non-negative
// (the `+ 0` is to coerce -0.0 to 0).
return _emitSend(left, op.lexeme, [right]);
case TokenType.AMPERSAND:
return bitwise('# & #');
case TokenType.BAR:
return bitwise('# | #');
case TokenType.CARET:
return bitwise('# ^ #');
case TokenType.GT_GT:
int shiftCount = _asIntInRange(right, 0, 31);
if (_is31BitUnsigned(left) && shiftCount != null) {
return binary('# >> #');
if (_isDefinitelyNonNegative(left) && shiftCount != null) {
return binary('# >>> #');
// If the context selects out only bits that can't be affected by the
// sign position we can use any JavaScript shift, `(x >> 6) & 3`.
if (shiftCount != null &&
_parentMasksToWidth(node, 31 - shiftCount)) {
return binary('# >> #');
return _emitSend(left, op.lexeme, [right]);
case TokenType.LT_LT:
if (_is31BitUnsigned(node)) {
// Result is 31 bit unsigned which implies the shift count was small
// enough not to pollute the sign bit.
return binary('# << #');
if (_asIntInRange(right, 0, 31) != null) {
return _coerceBitOperationResultToUnsigned(node, binary('# << #'));
return _emitSend(left, op.lexeme, [right]);
// TODO(vsm): When do Dart ops not map to JS?
return binary('# $op #');
return _emitSend(left, op.lexeme, [right]);
/// Bit operations are coerced to values on [0, 2^32). The coercion changes
/// the interpretation of the 32-bit value from signed to unsigned. Most
/// JavaScript operations interpret their operands as signed and generate
/// signed results.
JS.Expression _coerceBitOperationResultToUnsigned(
Expression node, JS.Expression uncoerced) {
// Don't coerce if the parent will coerce.
AstNode parent = _parentOperation(node);
if (_nodeIsBitwiseOperation(parent)) return uncoerced;
// Don't do a no-op coerce if the most significant bit is zero.
if (_is31BitUnsigned(node)) return uncoerced;
// If the consumer of the expression is '==' or '!=' with a constant that
// fits in 31 bits, adding a coercion does not change the result of the
// comparision, e.g. `a & ~b == 0`.
if (parent is BinaryExpression) {
var tokenType = parent.operator.type;
Expression left = parent.leftOperand;
Expression right = parent.rightOperand;
if (tokenType == TokenType.EQ_EQ || tokenType == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
const int MAX = 0x7fffffff;
if (_asIntInRange(right, 0, MAX) != null) return uncoerced;
if (_asIntInRange(left, 0, MAX) != null) return uncoerced;
} else if (tokenType == TokenType.GT_GT) {
if (_isDefinitelyNonNegative(left) &&
_asIntInRange(right, 0, 31) != null) {
// Parent will generate `# >>> n`.
return uncoerced;
return'# >>> 0', uncoerced);
AstNode _parentOperation(AstNode node) {
node = node.parent;
while (node is ParenthesizedExpression) node = node.parent;
return node;
bool _nodeIsBitwiseOperation(AstNode node) {
if (node is BinaryExpression) {
switch (node.operator.type) {
case TokenType.AMPERSAND:
case TokenType.BAR:
case TokenType.CARET:
return true;
return false;
if (node is PrefixExpression) {
return node.operator.type == TokenType.TILDE;
return false;
int _asIntInRange(Expression expr, int low, int high) {
expr = expr.unParenthesized;
if (expr is IntegerLiteral) {
if (expr.value >= low && expr.value <= high) return expr.value;
return null;
int finishIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier identifier) {
Element staticElement = identifier.staticElement;
if (staticElement is PropertyAccessorElement && staticElement.isGetter) {
PropertyInducingElement variable = staticElement.variable;
int value = variable?.computeConstantValue()?.toIntValue();
if (value != null && value >= low && value <= high) return value;
return null;
if (expr is SimpleIdentifier) {
return finishIdentifier(expr);
} else if (expr is PrefixedIdentifier && !expr.isDeferred) {
return finishIdentifier(expr.identifier);
return null;
bool _isDefinitelyNonNegative(Expression expr) {
expr = expr.unParenthesized;
if (expr is IntegerLiteral) {
return expr.value >= 0;
if (_nodeIsBitwiseOperation(expr)) return true;
// TODO(sra): Lengths of known list types etc.
return false;
/// Does the parent of [node] mask the result to [width] bits or fewer?
bool _parentMasksToWidth(AstNode node, int width) {
AstNode parent = _parentOperation(node);
if (parent == null) return false;
if (_nodeIsBitwiseOperation(parent)) {
if (parent is BinaryExpression &&
parent.operator.type == TokenType.AMPERSAND) {
Expression left = parent.leftOperand;
Expression right = parent.rightOperand;
final int MAX = (1 << width) - 1;
if (_asIntInRange(right, 0, MAX) != null) return true;
if (_asIntInRange(left, 0, MAX) != null) return true;
return _parentMasksToWidth(parent, width);
return false;
/// Determines if the result of evaluating [expr] will be an non-negative
/// value that fits in 31 bits.
bool _is31BitUnsigned(Expression expr) {
const int MAX = 32; // Includes larger and negative values.
/// Determines how many bits are required to hold result of evaluation
/// [expr]. [depth] is used to bound exploration of huge expressions.
int bitWidth(Expression expr, int depth) {
if (expr is IntegerLiteral) {
return expr.value >= 0 ? expr.value.bitLength : MAX;
if (++depth > 5) return MAX;
if (expr is BinaryExpression) {
var left = expr.leftOperand.unParenthesized;
var right = expr.rightOperand.unParenthesized;
switch (expr.operator.type) {
case TokenType.AMPERSAND:
return min(bitWidth(left, depth), bitWidth(right, depth));
case TokenType.BAR:
case TokenType.CARET:
return max(bitWidth(left, depth), bitWidth(right, depth));
case TokenType.GT_GT:
int shiftValue = _asIntInRange(right, 0, 31);
if (shiftValue != null) {
int leftWidth = bitWidth(left, depth);
return leftWidth == MAX ? MAX : max(0, leftWidth - shiftValue);
return MAX;
case TokenType.LT_LT:
int leftWidth = bitWidth(left, depth);
int shiftValue = _asIntInRange(right, 0, 31);
if (shiftValue != null) {
return min(MAX, leftWidth + shiftValue);
int rightWidth = bitWidth(right, depth);
if (rightWidth <= 5) {
// e.g. `1 << (x & 7)` has a rightWidth of 3, so shifts by up to
// (1 << 3) - 1 == 7 bits.
return min(MAX, leftWidth + ((1 << rightWidth) - 1));
return MAX;
return MAX;
int value = _asIntInRange(expr, 0, 0x7fffffff);
if (value != null) return value.bitLength;
return MAX;
return bitWidth(expr, 0) < 32;
/// If the type [t] is [int] or [double], or a type parameter
/// bounded by [int], [double] or [num] returns [num].
/// Otherwise returns [t].
DartType _canonicalizeNumTypes(DartType t) {
var numType = types.numType;
if (rules.isSubtypeOf(t, numType)) return numType;
return t;
bool _canUsePrimitiveEquality(Expression left, Expression right) {
if (_isNull(left) || _isNull(right)) return true;
var leftType = _canonicalizeNumTypes(getStaticType(left));
var rightType = _canonicalizeNumTypes(getStaticType(right));
return isPrimitiveType(leftType) && leftType == rightType;
bool _isNull(Expression expr) => expr is NullLiteral;
SimpleIdentifier _createTemporary(String name, DartType type,
{bool nullable: true, JS.Expression variable}) {
// We use an invalid source location to signal that this is a temporary.
// See [_isTemporary].
// TODO(jmesserly): alternatives are
// * (ab)use Element.isSynthetic, which isn't currently used for
// LocalVariableElementImpl, so we could repurpose to mean "temp".
// * add a new property to LocalVariableElementImpl.
// * create a new subtype of LocalVariableElementImpl to mark a temp.
var id = astFactory
.simpleIdentifier(new StringToken(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, name, -1));
variable ??= new JS.TemporaryId(name);
id.staticElement = new TemporaryVariableElement.forNode(id, variable);
id.staticType = type;
setIsDynamicInvoke(id, type.isDynamic);
addTemporaryVariable(id.staticElement, nullable: nullable);
return id;
JS.Expression _cacheConst(JS.Expression expr()) {
var savedTypeParams = _typeParamInConst;
_typeParamInConst = [];
var jsExpr = expr();
bool usesTypeParams = _typeParamInConst.isNotEmpty;
_typeParamInConst = savedTypeParams;
// TODO(jmesserly): if it uses type params we can still hoist it up as far
// as it will go, e.g. at the level the generic class is defined where type
// params are available.
if (_currentFunction == null || usesTypeParams) return jsExpr;
var temp = new JS.TemporaryId('const');
_moduleItems.add(js.statement('let #;', [temp]));
return'# || (# = #)', [temp, temp, jsExpr]);
JS.Expression _emitConst(JS.Expression expr()) =>
_cacheConst(() => _callHelper('const(#)', expr()));
/// Returns a new expression, which can be be used safely *once* on the
/// left hand side, and *once* on the right side of an assignment.
/// For example: `expr1[expr2] += y` can be compiled as
/// `expr1[expr2] = expr1[expr2] + y`.
/// The temporary scope will ensure `expr1` and `expr2` are only evaluated
/// once: `((x1, x2) => x1[x2] = x1[x2] + y)(expr1, expr2)`.
/// If the expression does not end up using `x1` or `x2` more than once, or
/// if those expressions can be treated as stateless (e.g. they are
/// non-mutated variables), then the resulting code will be simplified
/// automatically.
/// [scope] can be mutated to contain any new temporaries that were created,
/// unless [expr] is a SimpleIdentifier, in which case a temporary is not
/// needed.
Expression _bindLeftHandSide(
Map<JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression> scope, Expression expr,
{Expression context}) {
Expression result;
if (expr is IndexExpression) {
IndexExpression index = expr;
result = astFactory.indexExpressionForTarget(
_bindValue(scope, 'o',, context: context),
_bindValue(scope, 'i', index.index, context: context),
} else if (expr is PropertyAccess) {
PropertyAccess prop = expr;
result = astFactory.propertyAccess(
_bindValue(scope, 'o', _getTarget(prop), context: context),
} else if (expr is PrefixedIdentifier) {
PrefixedIdentifier ident = expr;
if (isLibraryPrefix(ident.prefix)) {
return expr;
result = astFactory.prefixedIdentifier(
_bindValue(scope, 'o', ident.prefix, context: context)
as SimpleIdentifier,
} else {
return expr as SimpleIdentifier;
result.staticType = expr.staticType;
setIsDynamicInvoke(result, isDynamicInvoke(expr));
return result;
/// Creates a temporary to contain the value of [expr]. The temporary can be
/// used multiple times in the resulting expression. For example:
/// `expr ** 2` could be compiled as `expr * expr`. The temporary scope will
/// ensure `expr` is only evaluated once: `(x => x * x)(expr)`.
/// If the expression does not end up using `x` more than once, or if those
/// expressions can be treated as stateless (e.g. they are non-mutated
/// variables), then the resulting code will be simplified automatically.
/// [scope] will be mutated to contain the new temporary's initialization.
Expression _bindValue(Map<JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression> scope,
String name, Expression expr,
{Expression context}) {
// No need to do anything for stateless expressions.
if (isStateless(_currentFunction, expr, context)) return expr;
var variable = new JS.MetaLetVariable(name);
var t = _createTemporary(name, getStaticType(expr), variable: variable);
scope[variable] = _visit(expr);
return t;
/// Desugars postfix increment.
/// In the general case [expr] can be one of [IndexExpression],
/// [PrefixExpression] or [PropertyAccess] and we need to
/// ensure sub-expressions are evaluated once.
/// We also need to ensure we can return the original value of the expression,
/// and that it is only evaluated once.
/// We desugar this using let*.
/// For example, `expr1[expr2]++` can be transformed to this:
/// // psuedocode mix of Scheme and JS:
/// (let* (x1=expr1, x2=expr2, t=expr1[expr2]) { x1[x2] = t + 1; t })
/// The [JS.MetaLet] nodes automatically simplify themselves if they can.
/// For example, if the result value is not used, then `t` goes away.
JS.Expression visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
var op = node.operator;
var expr = node.operand;
var dispatchType = getStaticType(expr);
if (unaryOperationIsPrimitive(dispatchType)) {
if (!isNullable(expr)) {
return'#$op', _visit(expr));
assert(op.lexeme == '++' || op.lexeme == '--');
// Handle the left hand side, to ensure each of its subexpressions are
// evaluated only once.
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var left = _bindLeftHandSide(vars, expr, context: expr);
// Desugar `x++` as `(x1 = x0 + 1, x0)` where `x0` is the original value
// and `x1` is the new value for `x`.
var x = _bindValue(vars, 'x', left, context: expr);
var one = AstBuilder.integerLiteral(1)..staticType = types.intType;
var increment = AstBuilder.binaryExpression(x, op.lexeme[0], one)
..staticElement = node.staticElement
..staticType = getStaticType(expr);
var body = <JS.Expression>[_emitSet(left, increment), _visit(x)];
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, body, statelessResult: true);
JS.Expression visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
var op = node.operator;
// Logical negation, `!e`, is a boolean conversion context since it is
// defined as `e ? false : true`.
if (op.lexeme == '!') return _visitTest(node);
var expr = node.operand;
var dispatchType = getStaticType(expr);
if (unaryOperationIsPrimitive(dispatchType)) {
if (op.lexeme == '~') {
if (_isNumberInJS(dispatchType)) {
JS.Expression jsExpr ='~#', notNull(expr));
return _coerceBitOperationResultToUnsigned(node, jsExpr);
return _emitSend(expr, op.lexeme[0], []);
if (!isNullable(expr)) {
return'$op#', _visit(expr));
if (op.lexeme == '++' || op.lexeme == '--') {
// We need a null check, so the increment must be expanded out.
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var x = _bindLeftHandSide(vars, expr, context: expr);
var one = AstBuilder.integerLiteral(1)..staticType = types.intType;
var increment = AstBuilder.binaryExpression(x, op.lexeme[0], one)
..staticElement = node.staticElement
..staticType = getStaticType(expr);
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, [_emitSet(x, increment)]);
return'$op#', notNull(expr));
if (op.lexeme == '++' || op.lexeme == '--') {
// Increment or decrement requires expansion.
// Desugar `++x` as `x = x + 1`, ensuring that if `x` has subexpressions
// (for example, x is IndexExpression) we evaluate those once.
var one = AstBuilder.integerLiteral(1)..staticType = types.intType;
return _emitOpAssign(expr, one, op.lexeme[0], node.staticElement,
context: expr);
var operatorName = op.lexeme;
// Use the name from the Dart spec.
if (operatorName == '-') operatorName = 'unary-';
return _emitSend(expr, operatorName, []);
// Cascades can contain [IndexExpression], [MethodInvocation] and
// [PropertyAccess]. The code generation for those is handled in their
// respective visit methods.
visitCascadeExpression(CascadeExpression node) {
var savedCascadeTemp = _cascadeTarget;
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
_cascadeTarget = _bindValue(vars, '_',, context: node);
var sections = _visitList(node.cascadeSections) as List<JS.Expression>;
var result = new JS.MetaLet(vars, sections, statelessResult: true);
_cascadeTarget = savedCascadeTemp;
return result;
visitParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedExpression node) =>
// The printer handles precedence so we don't need to.
visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
return _emitParameter(node.element, declaration: true);
JS.Parameter _emitNormalFormalParameter(NormalFormalParameter node) {
var id = _emitParameter(node.element, declaration: true);
var isRestArg = findAnnotation(node.element, isJsRestAnnotation) != null;
return isRestArg ? new JS.RestParameter(id) : id;
visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) =>
visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) =>
visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) =>
JS.This visitThisExpression(ThisExpression node) => new JS.This();
JS.Super visitSuperExpression(SuperExpression node) => new JS.Super();
visitPrefixedIdentifier(PrefixedIdentifier node) {
if (_isDeferredLoadLibrary(node.prefix, node.identifier)) {
// We are tearing off "loadLibrary" on a library prefix.
return _callHelper('loadLibrary');
if (isLibraryPrefix(node.prefix)) {
return _visit(node.identifier);
} else {
return _emitAccess(node.prefix, node.identifier, node.staticType);
visitPropertyAccess(PropertyAccess node) {
if (node.operator.lexeme == '?.') {
return _emitNullSafe(node);
return _emitAccess(_getTarget(node), node.propertyName, node.staticType);
JS.Expression _emitNullSafe(Expression node) {
// Desugar ?. sequence by passing a sequence of callbacks that applies
// each operation in sequence:
// obj?.foo()?.bar
// -->
// nullSafe(obj, _ =>, _ =>;
// This pattern has the benefit of preserving order, as well as minimizing
// code expansion: each `?.` becomes `, _ => _`, plus one helper call.
// TODO(jmesserly): we could desugar with MetaLet instead, which may
// lead to higher performing code, but at the cost of readability.
var tail = <JS.Expression>[];
for (;;) {
var op = _getOperator(node);
if (op != null && op.lexeme == '?.') {
var nodeTarget = _getTarget(node);
if (!isNullable(nodeTarget)) {
node = _stripNullAwareOp(node, nodeTarget);
var param =
_createTemporary('_', nodeTarget.staticType, nullable: false);
var baseNode = _stripNullAwareOp(node, param);
new JS.ArrowFun(<JS.Parameter>[_visit(param)], _visit(baseNode)));
node = nodeTarget;
} else {
if (tail.isEmpty) return _visit(node);
return _callHelper(
'nullSafe(#, #)', [_visit(node) as JS.Expression, tail.reversed]);
static Token _getOperator(Expression node) {
if (node is PropertyAccess) return node.operator;
if (node is MethodInvocation) return node.operator;
return null;
// TODO(jmesserly): this is dropping source location.
Expression _stripNullAwareOp(Expression node, Expression newTarget) {
if (node is PropertyAccess) {
return AstBuilder.propertyAccess(newTarget, node.propertyName);
} else {
var invoke = node as MethodInvocation;
return AstBuilder.methodInvoke(newTarget, invoke.methodName,
invoke.typeArguments, invoke.argumentList.arguments)
..staticInvokeType = invoke.staticInvokeType;
/// Everything in Dart is an Object and supports the 4 members on Object,
/// so we have to use a runtime helper to handle values such as `null` and
/// native types.
/// For example `null.toString()` is legal in Dart, so we need to generate
/// that as `dart.toString(obj)`.
bool _isObjectMemberCall(Expression target, String memberName) {
if (!isObjectMember(memberName)) {
return false;
// Check if the target could be `null`, is dynamic, or may be an extension
// native type. In all of those cases we need defensive code generation.
var type = getStaticType(target);
return isNullable(target) ||
type is FunctionType ||
type.isDynamic ||
(_extensionTypes.hasNativeSubtype(type) && target is! SuperExpression);
/// Shared code for [PrefixedIdentifier] and [PropertyAccess].
JS.Expression _emitAccess(
Expression target, SimpleIdentifier memberId, DartType resultType) {
Element member = memberId.staticElement;
if (member is PropertyAccessorElement) {
member = (member as PropertyAccessorElement).variable;
String memberName =;
var typeArgs = _getTypeArgs(member, resultType);
if (target is SuperExpression && !_superAllowed) {
return _emitSuperHelperAccess(target, member, memberName, typeArgs);
return _emitAccessInternal(target, member, memberName, typeArgs);
JS.Expression _emitSuperHelperAccess(SuperExpression target, Element member,
String memberName, List<JS.Expression> typeArgs) {
var fakeTypeArgs =
typeArgs?.map((_) => new JS.TemporaryId('a'))?.toList(growable: false);
var forwardedAccess =
_emitAccessInternal(target, member, memberName, fakeTypeArgs);
var superForwarder = _getSuperHelperFor(
memberName, forwardedAccess, fakeTypeArgs ?? const []);
return'this.#(#)', [superForwarder, typeArgs ?? const []]);
List<JS.Expression> _getTypeArgs(Element member, DartType instantiated) {
DartType type;
if (member is ExecutableElement) {
type = member.type;
} else if (member is VariableElement) {
type = member.type;
// TODO(jmesserly): handle explicitly passed type args.
if (type == null) return null;
return _emitFunctionTypeArguments(type, instantiated);
JS.LiteralString _emitDynamicOperationName(String name) =>
js.string(options.replCompile ? '${name}Repl' : name);
JS.Expression _emitAccessInternal(Expression target, Element member,
String memberName, List<JS.Expression> typeArgs) {
bool isStatic = member is ClassMemberElement && member.isStatic;
var name = _emitMemberName(memberName,
type: getStaticType(target), isStatic: isStatic, element: member);
if (isDynamicInvoke(target)) {
if (_inWhitelistCode(target)) {
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var l = _visit(_bindValue(vars, 'l', target));
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, ['(#[#._extensionType]) ? #[#[#]] : #.#',
[l, _runtimeModule, l, _extensionSymbolsModule, name, l, name])
return _callHelper('#(#, #)',
[_emitDynamicOperationName('dload'), _visit(target), name]);
var jsTarget = _emitTarget(target, member, isStatic);
bool isSuper = jsTarget is JS.Super;
if (isSuper &&
!member.isSynthetic &&
member is FieldElementImpl &&
!virtualFields.isVirtual(member)) {
// If super.x is a sealed field, then x is an instance property since
// subclasses cannot override x.
jsTarget = new JS.This();
JS.Expression result;
if (member != null && member is MethodElement && !isStatic) {
// Tear-off methods: explicitly bind it.
// To be safe always use the symbolized name when binding on a native
// class as bind assumes the name will match the name class sigatures
// which is symbolized for native classes.
var safeName = _emitMemberName(memberName,
type: getStaticType(target),
isStatic: isStatic,
element: member,
alwaysSymbolizeNative: true);
if (isSuper) {
result =
_callHelper('bind(this, #, #.#)', [safeName, jsTarget, safeName]);
} else if (_isObjectMemberCall(target, memberName)) {
result = _callHelper('bind(#, #, #.#)',
[jsTarget, _propertyName(memberName), _runtimeModule, memberName]);
} else {
result = _callHelper('bind(#, #)', [jsTarget, safeName]);
} else if (_isObjectMemberCall(target, memberName)) {
result = _callHelper('#(#)', [memberName, jsTarget]);
} else {
result ='#.#', [jsTarget, name]);
if (typeArgs == null) {
return result;
return _callHelper('gbind(#, #)', [result, typeArgs]);
/// Emits a generic send, like an operator method.
/// **Please note** this function does not support method invocation syntax
/// `` because that could be a getter followed by a call.
/// See [visitMethodInvocation].
JS.Expression _emitSend(
Expression target, String name, List<Expression> args) {
var type = getStaticType(target);
var memberName = _emitMemberName(name, type: type);
if (isDynamicInvoke(target)) {
if (_inWhitelistCode(target)) {
var vars = <JS.MetaLetVariable, JS.Expression>{};
var l = _visit(_bindValue(vars, 'l', target));
return new JS.MetaLet(vars, ['(#[(#[#._extensionType]) ? #[#] : #]).call(#, #)', [
// dynamic dispatch
var dynamicHelper = const {'[]': 'dindex', '[]=': 'dsetindex'}[name];
if (dynamicHelper != null) {
return _callHelper('$dynamicHelper(#, #)',
[_visit(target) as JS.Expression, _visitList(args)]);
} else {
return _callHelper(
'dsend(#, #, #)', [_visit(target), memberName, _visitList(args)]);
// Generic dispatch to a statically known method.
return'#.#(#)', [_visit(target), memberName, _visitList(args)]);
visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
var target = _getTarget(node);
if (_useNativeJsIndexer(target.staticType)) {
return new JS.PropertyAccess(_visit(target), _visit(node.index));
return _emitSend(target, '[]', [node.index]);
// TODO(jmesserly): ideally we'd check the method and see if it is marked
// `external`, but that doesn't work because it isn't in the element model.
bool _useNativeJsIndexer(DartType type) =>
findAnnotation(type.element, isJSAnnotation) != null;
/// Gets the target of a [PropertyAccess], [IndexExpression], or
/// [MethodInvocation]. These three nodes can appear in a [CascadeExpression].
Expression _getTarget(node) {
assert(node is IndexExpression ||
node is PropertyAccess ||
node is MethodInvocation);
return node.isCascaded ? _cascadeTarget :;
visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
return'# ? # : #', [
visitThrowExpression(ThrowExpression node) {
var expr = _visit(node.expression);
if (node.parent is ExpressionStatement) {
return _callHelperStatement('throw(#);', expr);
} else {
return _callHelper('throw(#)', expr);
visitRethrowExpression(RethrowExpression node) {
if (node.parent is ExpressionStatement) {
return js.statement('throw #;', _visit(_catchParameter));
} else {
return'throw #', _visit(_catchParameter));
/// Visits a statement, and ensures the resulting AST handles block scope
/// correctly. Essentially, we need to promote a variable declaration
/// statement into a block in some cases, e.g.
/// do var x = 5; while (false); // Dart
/// do { let x = 5; } while (false); // JS
JS.Statement _visitScope(Statement stmt) {
var result = _visit(stmt);
if (result is JS.ExpressionStatement &&
result.expression is JS.VariableDeclarationList) {
return new JS.Block([result]);
return result;
JS.If visitIfStatement(IfStatement node) {
return new JS.If(_visitTest(node.condition),
_visitScope(node.thenStatement), _visitScope(node.elseStatement));
JS.For visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
var init = _visit(node.initialization);
if (init == null) init = _visit(node.variables);
var update = _visitListToBinary(node.updaters, ',');
if (update != null) update = update.toVoidExpression();
var condition = node.condition == null ? null : _visitTest(node.condition);
return new JS.For(init, condition, update, _visitScope(node.body));
JS.While visitWhileStatement(WhileStatement node) {
return new JS.While(_visitTest(node.condition), _visitScope(node.body));
JS.Do visitDoStatement(DoStatement node) {
return new JS.Do(_visitScope(node.body), _visitTest(node.condition));
JS.Statement visitForEachStatement(ForEachStatement node) {
if (node.awaitKeyword != null) {
return _emitAwaitFor(node);
var init = _visit(node.identifier);
if (init == null) {
init ='let #',;
return new JS.ForOf(init, _visit(node.iterable), _visitScope(node.body));
JS.Statement _emitAwaitFor(ForEachStatement node) {
// Emits `await for (var value in stream) ...`, which desugars as:
// var iter = new StreamIterator(stream);
// try {
// while (await iter.moveNext()) {
// var value = iter.current;
// ...
// }
// } finally {
// await iter.cancel();
// }
// Like the Dart VM, we call cancel() always, as it's safe to call if the
// stream has already been cancelled.
// TODO(jmesserly): we may want a helper if these become common. For now the
// full desugaring seems okay.
var streamIterator = rules.instantiateToBounds(_asyncStreamIterator);
var createStreamIter = _emitInstanceCreationExpression(
(streamIterator.element as ClassElement).unnamedConstructor,
var iter = _visit(_createTemporary('it', streamIterator, nullable: false));
var init = _visit(node.identifier);
if (init == null) {
init = js
.call('let # = #.current', [, iter]);
} else {
init ='# = #.current', [init, iter]);
return js.statement(
' let # = #;'
' try {'
' while (#) { #; #; }'
' } finally { #; }'
new JS.Yield('#.moveNext()', iter)),
new JS.Yield('#.cancel()', iter))
visitBreakStatement(BreakStatement node) {
var label = node.label;
return new JS.Break(label?.name);
visitContinueStatement(ContinueStatement node) {
var label = node.label;
return new JS.Continue(label?.name);
visitTryStatement(TryStatement node) {
var savedSuperAllowed = _superAllowed;
_superAllowed = false;
var finallyBlock = _visit(node.finallyBlock);
_superAllowed = savedSuperAllowed;
return new JS.Try(
_visit(node.body), _visitCatch(node.catchClauses), finallyBlock);
_visitCatch(NodeList<CatchClause> clauses) {
if (clauses == null || clauses.isEmpty) return null;
// TODO(jmesserly): need a better way to get a temporary variable.
// This could incorrectly shadow a user's name.
var savedCatch = _catchParameter;
if (clauses.length == 1 && clauses.single.exceptionParameter != null) {
// Special case for a single catch.
_catchParameter = clauses.single.exceptionParameter;
} else {
_catchParameter = _createTemporary('e', types.dynamicType);
JS.Statement catchBody = js.statement('throw #;', _visit(_catchParameter));
for (var clause in clauses.reversed) {
catchBody = _catchClauseGuard(clause, catchBody);
var catchVarDecl = _visit(_catchParameter);
_catchParameter = savedCatch;
return new JS.Catch(catchVarDecl, new JS.Block([catchBody]));
JS.Statement _catchClauseGuard(CatchClause clause, JS.Statement otherwise) {
var then = visitCatchClause(clause);
// Discard following clauses, if any, as they are unreachable.
if (clause.exceptionType == null) return then;
// TODO(jmesserly): this is inconsistent with [visitIsExpression], which
// has special case for typeof.
var castType = _emitType(clause.exceptionType.type,
nameType: options.nameTypeTests || options.hoistTypeTests,
hoistType: options.hoistTypeTests);
return new JS.If('', [castType, _visit(_catchParameter)]),
then, otherwise);
JS.Statement _statement(List<JS.Statement> statements) {
// TODO(jmesserly): empty block singleton?
if (statements.length == 0) return new JS.Block([]);
if (statements.length == 1) return statements[0];
return new JS.Block(statements);
/// Visits the catch clause body. This skips the exception type guard, if any.
/// That is handled in [_visitCatch].
JS.Statement visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
var body = <JS.Statement>[];
var savedCatch = _catchParameter;
if (node.catchKeyword != null) {
var name = node.exceptionParameter;
if (name != null && name != _catchParameter) {
.statement('let # = #;', [_visit(name), _visit(_catchParameter)]));
_catchParameter = name;
if (node.stackTraceParameter != null) {
var stackVar =;
body.add(js.statement('let # = #.stackTrace(#);',
[stackVar, _runtimeModule, _visit(name)]));
new JS.Block(_visitList(node.body.statements) as List<JS.Statement>));
_catchParameter = savedCatch;
return _statement(body);
JS.Case visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
var expr = _visit(node.expression);
var body = _visitList(node.statements) as List<JS.Statement>;
if (node.labels.isNotEmpty) {
body.insert(0, js.comment('Unimplemented case labels: ${node.labels}'));
// TODO(jmesserly): make sure we are statically checking fall through
return new JS.Case(expr, new JS.Block(body));
JS.Default visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
var body = _visitList(node.statements) as List<JS.Statement>;
if (node.labels.isNotEmpty) {
body.insert(0, js.comment('Unimplemented case labels: ${node.labels}'));
// TODO(jmesserly): make sure we are statically checking fall through
return new JS.Default(new JS.Block(body));
JS.Switch visitSwitchStatement(SwitchStatement node) => new JS.Switch(
_visitList(node.members) as List<JS.SwitchClause>);
JS.Statement visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
var result = _visit(node.statement);
for (var label in node.labels.reversed) {
result = new JS.LabeledStatement(, result);
return result;
visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) => js.number(node.value);
visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) => js.number(node.value);
visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) => new JS.LiteralNull();
visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
JS.Expression emitSymbol() {
// TODO(vsm): Handle qualified symbols correctly.
var last = node.components.last.toString();
var name = js.string(node.components.join('.'), "'");
if (last.startsWith('_')) {
var nativeSymbol = _emitPrivateNameSymbol(currentLibrary, last);
return'new #(#, #)', [
} else {
return js
.call('', [_emitConstructorAccess(types.symbolType), name]);
return _emitConst(emitSymbol);
visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
var isConst = node.constKeyword != null;
JS.Expression emitList() {
JS.Expression list = new JS.ArrayInitializer(
_visitList(node.elements) as List<JS.Expression>);
ParameterizedType type = node.staticType;
var elementType = type.typeArguments.single;
// TODO(jmesserly): analyzer will usually infer `List<Object>` because
// that is the least upper bound of the element types. So we rarely
// generate a plain `List<dynamic>` anymore.
if (!elementType.isDynamic || isConst) {
// dart.list helper internally depends on _interceptors.JSArray.
if (isConst) {
var typeRep = _emitType(elementType);
list = _callHelper('constList(#, #)', [list, typeRep]);
} else {
// Call `new JSArray<E>.of(list)`
var jsArrayType = _jsArray.type.instantiate(type.typeArguments);
list ='#.of(#)', [_emitType(jsArrayType), list]);
return list;
if (isConst) return _cacheConst(emitList);
return emitList();
visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we can likely make these faster.
JS.Expression emitMap() {
var entries = node.entries;
Object mapArguments = null;
var type = node.staticType as InterfaceType;
var typeArgs = type.typeArguments;
var reifyTypeArgs = typeArgs.any((t) => !t.isDynamic);
if (entries.isEmpty && !reifyTypeArgs) {
mapArguments = [];
} else if (entries.every((e) => e.key is StringLiteral)) {
// Use JS object literal notation if possible, otherwise use an array.
// We could do this any time all keys are non-nullable String type.
// For now, support StringLiteral as the common non-nullable String case.
var props = <JS.Property>[];
for (var e in entries) {
props.add(new JS.Property(_visit(e.key), _visit(e.value)));
mapArguments = new JS.ObjectInitializer(props);
} else {
var values = <JS.Expression>[];
for (var e in entries) {
mapArguments = new JS.ArrayInitializer(values);
var types = <JS.Expression>[];
if (reifyTypeArgs) {
types.addAll( => _emitType(e)));
return _callHelper('map(#, #)', [mapArguments, types]);
if (node.constKeyword != null) return _emitConst(emitMap);
return emitMap();
JS.LiteralString visitSimpleStringLiteral(SimpleStringLiteral node) =>
js.escapedString(node.value, node.isSingleQuoted ? "'" : '"');
JS.Expression visitAdjacentStrings(AdjacentStrings node) =>
_visitListToBinary(node.strings, '+');
JS.Expression visitStringInterpolation(StringInterpolation node) {
var strings = <String>[];
var interpolations = <JS.Expression>[];
var expectString = true;
for (var e in node.elements) {
if (e is InterpolationString) {
expectString = false;
// Escape the string as necessary for use in the eventual `` quotes.
// TODO(jmesserly): this call adds quotes, and then we strip them off.
var str = js.escapedString(e.value, '`').value;
strings.add(str.substring(1, str.length - 1));
} else {
expectString = true;
return new JS.TaggedTemplate(
_callHelper('str'), new JS.TemplateString(strings, interpolations));
visitInterpolationExpression(InterpolationExpression node) =>
visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteral node) => js.boolean(node.value);
T _visit<T extends JS.Node>(AstNode node) {
if (node == null) return null;
var result = node.accept(this);
return result != null ? annotate(result, node) : null;
// TODO(jmesserly): we should make sure this only returns JS AST nodes.
List/*<R>*/ _visitList/*<T extends AstNode, R>*/(Iterable/*<T>*/ nodes) {
if (nodes == null) return null;
var result = /*<R>*/ [];
for (var node in nodes) result.add(_visit(node) as dynamic/*=R*/);
return result;
/// Visits a list of expressions, creating a comma expression if needed in JS.
JS.Expression _visitListToBinary(List<Expression> nodes, String operator) {
if (nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty) return null;
return new JS.Expression.binary(
_visitList(nodes) as List<JS.Expression>, operator);
/// Generates an expression for a boolean conversion context (if, while, &&,
/// etc.), where conversions and null checks are implemented via `dart.test`
/// to give a more helpful message.
// TODO(sra): When nullablility is available earlier, it would be cleaner to
// build an input AST where the boolean conversion is a single AST node.
JS.Expression _visitTest(Expression node) {
JS.Expression finish(JS.Expression result) {
return annotate(result, node);
if (node is PrefixExpression && node.operator.lexeme == '!') {
return finish('!#', _visitTest(node.operand)));
if (node is ParenthesizedExpression) {
return finish(_visitTest(node.expression));
if (node is BinaryExpression) {
JS.Expression shortCircuit(String code) {
return finish(,
[_visitTest(node.leftOperand), _visitTest(node.rightOperand)]));
var op = node.operator.type.lexeme;
if (op == '&&') return shortCircuit('# && #');
if (op == '||') return shortCircuit('# || #');
if (node is AsExpression && CoercionReifier.isImplicitCast(node)) {
assert(node.staticType == types.boolType);
return _callHelper('test(#)', _visit(node.expression));
JS.Expression result = _visit(node);
if (isNullable(node)) result = _callHelper('test(#)', result);
return result;
/// Like [_emitMemberName], but for declaration sites.
/// Unlike call sites, we always have an element available, so we can use it
/// directly rather than computing the relevant options for [_emitMemberName].
JS.Expression _declareMemberName(ExecutableElement e,
{bool useExtension, useDisplayName = false}) {
var name = (e is PropertyAccessorElement) ? :;
return _emitMemberName(name,
isStatic: e.isStatic,
useExtension ?? _extensionTypes.isNativeClass(e.enclosingElement),
useDisplayName: useDisplayName);
/// This handles member renaming for private names and operators.
/// Private names are generated using ES6 symbols:
/// // At the top of the module:
/// let _x = Symbol('_x');
/// let _y = Symbol('_y');
/// ...
/// class Point {
/// Point(x, y) {
/// this[_x] = x;
/// this[_y] = y;
/// }
/// get x() { return this[_x]; }
/// get y() { return this[_y]; }
/// }
/// For user-defined operators the following names are allowed:
/// <, >, <=, >=, ==, -, +, /, ~/, *, %, |, ^, &, <<, >>, []=, [], ~
/// They generate code like:
/// x['+'](y)
/// There are three exceptions: [], []= and unary -.
/// The indexing operators we use `get` and `set` instead:
/// x.get('hi')
/// x.set('hi', 123)
/// This follows the same pattern as ECMAScript 6 Map:
/// <>
/// Unary minus looks like: `x._negate()`.
/// Equality is a bit special, it is generated via the Dart `equals` runtime
/// helper, that checks for null. The user defined method is called '=='.
JS.Expression _emitMemberName(String name,
{DartType type,
bool isStatic: false,
bool useExtension,
bool useDisplayName: false,
bool alwaysSymbolizeNative: false,
Element element}) {
// Static members skip the rename steps and may require JS interop renames.
if (isStatic) {
return _emitJSInteropStaticMemberName(element) ?? _propertyName(name);
if (name.startsWith('_')) {
return _emitPrivateNameSymbol(currentLibrary, name);
// When generating synthetic names, we use _ as the prefix, since Dart names
// won't have this (eliminated above), nor will static names reach here.
if (!useDisplayName) {
switch (name) {
case '[]':
name = '_get';
case '[]=':
name = '_set';
case 'unary-':
name = '_negate';
case 'constructor':
case 'prototype':
name = '_$name';
var result = _propertyName(name);
if (useExtension == null) {
// Dart "extension" methods. Used for JS Array, Boolean, Number, String.
var baseType = type;
while (baseType is TypeParameterType) {
baseType = (baseType.element as TypeParameterElement).bound;
useExtension = baseType is InterfaceType &&
_isSymbolizedMember(baseType, name, alwaysSymbolizeNative);
return useExtension
?'#.#', [_extensionSymbolsModule, result])
: result;
var _forwardingCache = new HashMap<Element, Map<String, ExecutableElement>>();
Element _lookupForwardedMember(ClassElement element, String name) {
// We only care about public methods.
if (name.startsWith('_')) return null;
var map = _forwardingCache.putIfAbsent(element, () => {});
if (map.containsKey(name)) return map[name];
// Note, for a public member, the library should not matter.
var library = element.library;
var member = element.lookUpMethod(name, library) ??
element.lookUpGetter(name, library) ??
element.lookUpSetter(name, library);
member = (member != null &&
member.isSynthetic &&
member is PropertyAccessorElement)
? member.variable
: member;
map[name] = member;
return member;
/// Don't symbolize native members that just forward to the underlying
/// native member. We limit this to non-renamed members as the receiver
/// may be a mock type.
/// Note, this is an underlying assumption here that, if another native type
/// subtypes this one, it also forwards this member to its underlying native
/// one without renaming.
bool _isSymbolizedMember(
InterfaceType type, String name, bool alwaysSymbolizeNative) {
// Object members are handled separately.
if (isObjectMember(name)) {
return false;
var element = type.element;
if (_extensionTypes.isNativeClass(element)) {
var member = _lookupForwardedMember(element, name);
// Fields on a native class are implicitly native.
// Methods/getters/setters are marked external/native.
if (member is FieldElement ||
member is ExecutableElement && member.isExternal) {
var jsName = getAnnotationName(member, isJsName);
return alwaysSymbolizeNative || (jsName != null && jsName != name);
} else {
// Non-external members must be symbolized.
return true;
// If the receiver *may* be a native type (i.e., an interface allowed to
// be implemented by a native class), conservatively symbolize - we don't
// whether it'll be implemented via forwarding.
// TODO(vsm): Consider CHA here to be less conservative.
return _extensionTypes.isNativeInterface(element);
JS.TemporaryId _emitPrivateNameSymbol(LibraryElement library, String name) {
return _privateNames
.putIfAbsent(library, () => new HashMap())
.putIfAbsent(name, () {
var id = new JS.TemporaryId(name);
js.statement('const # = Symbol(#);', [id, js.string(, "'")]));
return id;
bool _externalOrNative(node) =>
node.externalKeyword != null || _functionBody(node) is NativeFunctionBody;
FunctionBody _functionBody(node) =>
node is FunctionDeclaration ? node.functionExpression.body : node.body;
/// Returns the canonical name to refer to the Dart library.
JS.Identifier emitLibraryName(LibraryElement library) {
// It's either one of the libraries in this module, or it's an import.
return _libraries[library] ??
() => new JS.TemporaryId(jsLibraryName(_libraryRoot, library)));
JS.Node/*=T*/ annotate/*<T extends JS.Node>*/(
JS.Node/*=T*/ node, AstNode original,
[Element element]) {
if (options.closure && element != null) {
node = node.withClosureAnnotation(closureAnnotationFor(
node, original, element, as dynamic/*=T*/;
return node..sourceInformation = original;
/// Returns true if this is any kind of object represented by `Number` in JS.
/// In practice, this is 4 types: num, int, double, and JSNumber.
/// JSNumber is the type that actually "implements" all numbers, hence it's
/// a subtype of int and double (and num). It's in our "dart:_interceptors".
bool _isNumberInJS(DartType t) =>
rules.isSubtypeOf(t, types.numType) &&
!rules.isSubtypeOf(t, types.nullType);
/// Return true if this is one of the methods/properties on all Dart Objects
/// (toString, hashCode, noSuchMethod, runtimeType).
/// Operator == is excluded, as it is handled as part of the equality binary
/// operator.
bool isObjectMember(String name) {
// We could look these up on Object, but we have hard coded runtime helpers
// so it's not really providing any benefit.
switch (name) {
case 'hashCode':
case 'toString':
case 'noSuchMethod':
case 'runtimeType':
return true;
return false;
// TODO(leafp): Various analyzer pieces computed similar things.
// Share this logic somewhere?
DartType _getExpectedReturnType(ExecutableElement element) {
FunctionType functionType = element.type;
if (functionType == null) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
var type = functionType.returnType;
InterfaceType expectedType = null;
if (element.isAsynchronous) {
if (element.isGenerator) {
// Stream<T> -> T
expectedType = types.streamType;
} else {
// Future<T> -> T
expectedType = types.futureType;
} else {
if (element.isGenerator) {
// Iterable<T> -> T
expectedType = types.iterableType;
} else {
// T -> T
return type;
if (type.isDynamic) {
return type;
} else if (type is InterfaceType && type.element == expectedType.element) {
return type.typeArguments[0];
} else {
// TODO(leafp): The above only handles the case where the return type
// is exactly Future/Stream/Iterable. Handle the subtype case.
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
JS.Expression _callHelper(String code, [args]) {
if (args is List) {
args.insert(0, _runtimeModule);
} else if (args != null) {
args = [_runtimeModule, args];
} else {
args = _runtimeModule;
return'#.$code', args);
JS.Statement _callHelperStatement(String code, args) {
if (args is List) {
args.insert(0, _runtimeModule);
} else {
args = [_runtimeModule, args];
return js.statement('#.$code', args);
// TODO(kevmoo):
// TODO(kevmoo): Remove once pkg/angular2 has moved to the new compiler
// See
/// Temporary workaround *cough* total hack *cough*.
/// Maps whitelisted files to a list of whitelisted methods
/// within the file.
/// If the value is null, the entire file is whitelisted.
static const Map<String, List<String>> _uncheckedWhitelist = const {
'dom_renderer.dart': const ['moveNodesAfterSibling'],
'template_ref.dart': const ['createEmbeddedView'],
'ng_class.dart': const ['_applyIterableChanges'],
'ng_for.dart': const ['_bulkRemove', '_bulkInsert'],
'view_container_ref.dart': const ['createEmbeddedView'],
'default_iterable_differ.dart': null,
static Set<String> _uncheckedWhitelistCalls = new Set()
bool _inWhitelistCode(AstNode node, {isCall: false}) {
if (!options.useAngular2Whitelist) return false;
var path = currentElement.source.fullName;
var filename = path.split("/").last;
if (_uncheckedWhitelist.containsKey(filename)) {
var whitelisted = _uncheckedWhitelist[filename];
if (whitelisted == null) return true;
var enclosing = node;
while (enclosing != null &&
!(enclosing is ClassMember || enclosing is FunctionDeclaration)) {
enclosing = enclosing.parent;
String name = (enclosing as dynamic)?.element?.name;
if (name != null) {
return whitelisted.contains(name);
// Dynamic calls are less risky so there is no need to whitelist at the
// method level.
if (isCall && _uncheckedWhitelistCalls.contains(filename)) return true;
return path.endsWith(".template.dart");
_unreachable(AstNode node) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'tried to generate an unreachable node: `$node`');
/// Unused, see methods for emitting declarations.
visitAnnotation(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitArgumentList].
visitArgumentList(ArgumentList node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitFieldInitializers].
visitAssertInitializer(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Not visited, but maybe they should be?
/// See <>
visitComment(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Not visited, but maybe they should be?
/// See <>
visitCommentReference(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, handled by imports/exports.
visitConfiguration(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unusued, see [_emitConstructor].
visitConstructorDeclaration(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unusued, see [_emitFieldInitializers].
visitConstructorFieldInitializer(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unusued. Handled in [visitForEachStatement].
visitDeclaredIdentifier(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, handled by imports/exports.
visitDottedName(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, handled by [visitEnumDeclaration].
visitEnumConstantDeclaration(node) => _unreachable(node); // see
/// Unused, see [_emitClassHeritage].
visitExtendsClause(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitFormalParameterList].
visitFormalParameterList(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, handled by imports/exports.
visitShowCombinator(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, handled by imports/exports.
visitHideCombinator(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitClassHeritage].
visitImplementsClause(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, handled by [visitStringInterpolation].
visitInterpolationString(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, labels are handled by containing statements.
visitLabel(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, handled by imports/exports.
visitLibraryIdentifier(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [visitMapLiteral].
visitMapLiteralEntry(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitMethodDeclaration].
visitMethodDeclaration(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, these are not visited.
visitNativeClause(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, these are not visited.
visitNativeFunctionBody(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, handled by [_emitConstructor].
visitSuperConstructorInvocation(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, this can be handled when emitting the module if needed.
visitScriptTag(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitType].
visitTypeArgumentList(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitType].
visitTypeParameter(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitType].
visitGenericFunctionType(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitType].
visitTypeParameterList(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Unused, see [_emitClassHeritage].
visitWithClause(node) => _unreachable(node);
/// Choose a canonical name from the [library] element.
/// This never uses the library's name (the identifier in the `library`
/// declaration) as it doesn't have any meaningful rules enforced.
String jsLibraryName(String libraryRoot, LibraryElement library) {
var uri = library.source.uri;
if (uri.scheme == 'dart') {
return uri.path;
// TODO(vsm): This is not necessarily unique if '__' appears in a file name.
var encodedSeparator = '__';
String qualifiedPath;
if (uri.scheme == 'package') {
// Strip the package name.
// TODO(vsm): This is not unique if an escaped '/'appears in a filename.
// E.g., "foo/bar.dart" and "foo$47bar.dart" would collide.
qualifiedPath = uri.pathSegments.skip(1).join(encodedSeparator);
} else if (isWithin(libraryRoot, uri.toFilePath())) {
qualifiedPath = uri.path
.replaceAll(separator, encodedSeparator);
} else {
// We don't have a unique name.
throw 'Invalid library root. $libraryRoot does not contain ${uri
return pathToJSIdentifier(qualifiedPath);
/// Debugger friendly name for a Dart Library.
String jsLibraryDebuggerName(String libraryRoot, LibraryElement library) {
var uri = library.source.uri;
// For package: and dart: uris show the entire
if (uri.scheme == 'dart' || uri.scheme == 'package') return uri.toString();
var filePath = uri.toFilePath();
if (!isWithin(libraryRoot, filePath)) {
throw 'Invalid library root. $libraryRoot does not contain ${uri
// Relative path to the library.
return relative(filePath, from: libraryRoot);
String jsDebuggingLibraryName(String libraryRoot, LibraryElement library) {
var uri = library.source.uri;
if (uri.scheme == 'dart') {
return uri.path;
// TODO(vsm): This is not necessarily unique if '__' appears in a file name.
var separator = '__';
String qualifiedPath;
if (uri.scheme == 'package') {
// Strip the package name.
// TODO(vsm): This is not unique if an escaped '/'appears in a filename.
// E.g., "foo/bar.dart" and "foo$47bar.dart" would collide.
qualifiedPath = uri.pathSegments.skip(1).join(separator);
} else if (uri.toFilePath().startsWith(libraryRoot)) {
qualifiedPath =
uri.path.substring(libraryRoot.length).replaceAll('/', separator);
} else {
// We don't have a unique name.
throw 'Invalid library root. $libraryRoot does not contain ${uri
return pathToJSIdentifier(qualifiedPath);
/// Shorthand for identifier-like property names.
/// For now, we emit them as strings and the printer restores them to
/// identifiers if it can.
// TODO(jmesserly): avoid the round tripping through quoted form.
JS.LiteralString _propertyName(String name) => js.string(name, "'");
// TODO(jacobr): we would like to do something like the following
// but we don't have summary support yet.
// bool _supportJsExtensionMethod(AnnotatedNode node) =>
// _getAnnotation(node, "SupportJsExtensionMethod") != null;
/// A special kind of element created by the compiler, signifying a temporary
/// variable. These objects use instance equality, and should be shared
/// everywhere in the tree where they are treated as the same variable.
class TemporaryVariableElement extends LocalVariableElementImpl {
final JS.Expression jsVariable;
TemporaryVariableElement.forNode(Identifier name, this.jsVariable)
: super.forNode(name);
int get hashCode => identityHashCode(this);
bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other);
bool isLibraryPrefix(Expression node) =>
node is SimpleIdentifier && node.staticElement is PrefixElement;
LibraryElement _getLibrary(AnalysisContext c, String uri) =>
/// Returns `true` if [target] is a prefix for a deferred library and [name]
/// is "loadLibrary".
/// If so, the expression should be compiled to call the runtime's
/// "loadLibrary" helper function.
bool _isDeferredLoadLibrary(Expression target, SimpleIdentifier name) {
if ( != "loadLibrary") return false;
if (target is! SimpleIdentifier) return false;
var targetIdentifier = target as SimpleIdentifier;
if (targetIdentifier.staticElement is! PrefixElement) return false;
var prefix = targetIdentifier.staticElement as PrefixElement;
// The library the prefix is referring to must come from a deferred import.
var containingLibrary = resolutionMap
.elementDeclaredByCompilationUnit(target.root as CompilationUnit)
var imports = containingLibrary.getImportsWithPrefix(prefix);
return imports.length == 1 && imports[0].isDeferred;