blob: 55f9f290c18e6b14e4b93ec3457b5213a293f1f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.js_emitter.startup_emitter.model_emitter;
/// The name of the property that stores the tear-off getter on a static
/// function.
/// This property is only used when isolates are used.
/// When serializing static functions we transmit the
/// name of the static function, but not the name of the function's getter. We
/// store the getter-function on the static function itself, which allows us to
/// find it easily.
const String tearOffPropertyName = r'$tearOff';
/// The name of the property that stores the list of fields on a constructor.
/// This property is only used when isolates are used.
/// When serializing objects we extract all fields from any given object.
/// We extract the names of all fields from a fresh empty object. This list
/// is cached on the constructor in this property to to avoid too many
/// allocations.
const String cachedClassFieldNames = r'$cachedFieldNames';
/// The fast startup emitter's goal is to minimize the amount of work that the
/// JavaScript engine has to do before it can start running user code.
/// Whenever possible, the emitter uses object literals instead of updating
/// objects.
/// Example:
/// // Holders are initialized directly with the classes and static
/// // functions.
/// var A = { Point: function Point(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y },
/// someStaticFunction: function someStaticFunction() { ... } };
/// // Class-behavior is emitted in a prototype object that is directly
/// // assigned:
/// A.Point.prototype = { distanceTo: function(other) { ... } };
/// // Inheritance is achieved by updating the prototype objects (hidden in
/// // a helper function):
/// A.Point.prototype.__proto__ = H.Object.prototype;
/// The emitter doesn't try to be clever and emits everything beforehand. This
/// increases the output size, but improves performance.
// The code relies on the fact that all Dart code is inside holders. As such
// we can use "global" names however we want. As long as we don't shadow
// JavaScript variables (like `Array`) we are free to chose whatever variable
// names we want. Furthermore, the pretty-printer minifies local variables, thus
// reducing their size.
const String mainBoilerplate = '''
(function dartProgram() {
// Copies the own properties from [from] to [to].
function copyProperties(from, to) {
var keys = Object.keys(from);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
to[keys[i]] = from[keys[i]];
// Only use direct proto access to construct the prototype chain (instead of
// copying properties) on platforms where we know it works well (Chrome / d8).
var supportsDirectProtoAccess = #directAccessTestExpression;
var functionsHaveName = (function() {
function t() {};
return (typeof == 'string')
var isChrome = (typeof window != 'undefined') &&
(typeof != 'undefined');
// Sets the name property of functions, if the JS engine doesn't set the name
// itself.
// As of 2015 only IE doesn't set the name.
function setFunctionNamesIfNecessary(holders) {
if (functionsHaveName) return;
for (var i = 0; i < holders.length; i++) {
var holder = holders[i];
var keys = Object.keys(holder);
for (var j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) {
var key = keys[j];
var f = holder[key];
if (typeof f == 'function') = key;
// Makes [cls] inherit from [sup].
// On Chrome, Firefox and recent IEs this happens by updating the internal
// proto-property of the classes 'prototype' field.
// Older IEs use `Object.create` and copy over the properties.
function inherit(cls, sup) {
cls.#typeNameProperty =; // Needed for RTI.
cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
cls.prototype[#operatorIsPrefix +] = cls;
// The superclass is only null for the Dart Object.
if (sup != null) {
if (supportsDirectProtoAccess) {
// Firefox doesn't like to update the prototypes, but when setting up
// the hierarchy chain it's ok.
cls.prototype.__proto__ = sup.prototype;
var clsPrototype = Object.create(sup.prototype);
copyProperties(cls.prototype, clsPrototype);
cls.prototype = clsPrototype;
// Mixes in the properties of [mixin] into [cls].
function mixin(cls, mixin) {
copyProperties(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype);
// Creates a lazy field.
// A lazy field has a storage entry, [name], which holds the value, and a
// getter ([getterName]) to access the field. If the field wasn't set before
// the first access, it is initialized with the [initializer].
function lazy(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
holder[getterName] = function() {
holder[getterName] = function() { #cyclicThrow(name) };
var result;
var sentinelInProgress = initializer;
try {
if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) {
result = holder[name] = sentinelInProgress;
result = holder[name] = initializer();
} else {
result = holder[name];
} finally {
// Use try-finally, not try-catch/throw as it destroys the stack
// trace.
if (result === sentinelInProgress) {
// The lazy static (holder[name]) might have been set to a different
// value. According to spec we still have to reset it to null, if
// the initialization failed.
holder[name] = null;
// TODO(floitsch): for performance reasons the function should probably
// be unique for each static.
holder[getterName] = function() { return this[name]; };
return result;
// Given a list, marks it as constant.
// The runtime ensures that const-lists cannot be modified.
function makeConstList(list) {
// By assigning a function to the properties they become part of the
// hidden class. The actual values of the fields don't matter, since we
// only check if they exist.
list.immutable\$list = Array;
list.fixed\$length = Array;
return list;
function convertToFastObject(properties) {
// Create an instance that uses 'properties' as prototype. This should
// make 'properties' a fast object.
function t() {}
t.prototype = properties;
new t();
return properties;
// This variable is used by the tearOffCode to guarantee unique functions per
// tear-offs.
var functionCounter = 0;
// Each deferred hunk comes with its own types which are added to the end
// of the types-array.
// The `funTypes` passed to the `installTearOff` function below is relative to
// the hunk the function comes from. The `typesOffset` variable encodes the
// offset at which the new types will be added.
var typesOffset = 0;
// Adapts the stored data, so it's suitable for a tearOff call.
// Stores the tear-off getter-function in the [container]'s [getterName]
// property.
// The [container] is either a class (that is, its prototype), or the holder for
// static functions.
// The argument [funsOrNames] is an array of strings or functions. If it is a
// name, then the function should be fetched from the container. The first
// entry in that array *must* be a string.
// TODO(floitsch): Change tearOffCode to accept the data directly, or create a
// different tearOffCode?
function installTearOff(
container, getterName, isStatic, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount,
optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType) {
// A function can have several stubs (for example to fill in optional
// arguments). We collect these functions in the `funs` array.
var funs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < funsOrNames.length; i++) {
var fun = funsOrNames[i];
if ((typeof fun) == 'string') fun = container[fun];
fun.#callName = callNames[i];
// The main function to which all stubs redirect.
var fun = funs[0];
fun[#argumentCount] = requiredParameterCount;
fun[#defaultArgumentValues] = optionalParameterDefaultValues;
var reflectionInfo = funType;
if (typeof reflectionInfo == "number") {
// The reflectionInfo can either be a function, or a pointer into the types
// table. If it points into the types-table we need to update the index,
// in case the tear-off is part of a deferred hunk.
reflectionInfo = reflectionInfo + typesOffset;
var name = funsOrNames[0];
fun.#stubName = name;
var getterFunction =
tearOff(funs, reflectionInfo, isStatic, name, isIntercepted);
container[getterName] = getterFunction;
if (isStatic) {
fun.$tearOffPropertyName = getterFunction;
// Instead of setting the interceptor tags directly we use this update
// function. This makes it easier for deferred fragments to contribute to the
// embedded global.
function setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag(newTags) {
var tags = #embeddedInterceptorTags;
if (!tags) {
#embeddedInterceptorTags = newTags;
copyProperties(newTags, tags);
// Instead of setting the leaf tags directly we use this update
// function. This makes it easier for deferred fragments to contribute to the
// embedded global.
function setOrUpdateLeafTags(newTags) {
var tags = #embeddedLeafTags;
if (!tags) {
#embeddedLeafTags = newTags;
copyProperties(newTags, tags);
// Updates the types embedded global.
function updateTypes(newTypes) {
var types = #embeddedTypes;
// This relies on the fact that types are added *after* the tear-offs have
// been installed. The tear-off function uses the types-length to figure
// out at which offset its types are located. If the types were added earlier
// the offset would be wrong.
types.push.apply(types, newTypes);
// Updates the given holder with the properties of the [newHolder].
// This function is used when a deferred fragment is initialized.
function updateHolder(holder, newHolder) {
// Firefox doesn't like when important objects have their prototype chain
// updated. We therefore do this only on V8.
if (isChrome) {
var oldPrototype = holder.__proto__;
newHolder.__proto__ = oldPrototype;
holder.__proto__ = newHolder;
} else {
copyProperties(newHolder, holder);
return holder;
// Every deferred hunk (i.e. fragment) is a function that we can invoke to
// initialize it. At this moment it contributes its data to the main hunk.
function initializeDeferredHunk(hunk) {
// Update the typesOffset for the next deferred library.
typesOffset = #embeddedTypes.length;
// TODO(floitsch): extend natives.
hunk(inherit, mixin, lazy, makeConstList, convertToFastObject, installTearOff,
setFunctionNamesIfNecessary, updateHolder, updateTypes,
setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag, setOrUpdateLeafTags,
#embeddedGlobalsObject, #holdersList, #staticState);
// Returns the global with the given [name].
function getGlobalFromName(name) {
// TODO(floitsch): we are running through all holders. Since negative
// lookups are expensive we might need to improve this.
// Relies on the fact that all names are unique across all holders.
for (var i = 0; i < holders.length; i++) {
// The constant holder reuses the same names. Therefore we must skip it.
if (holders[i] == #constantHolderReference) continue;
// Relies on the fact that all variables are unique.
if (holders[i][name]) return holders[i][name];
// Creates the holders.
// If the name is not set on the functions, do it now.
// TODO(floitsch): we should build this object as a literal.
var #staticStateDeclaration = {};
// Sets the prototypes of classes.
// Sets aliases of methods (on the prototypes of classes).
// Installs the tear-offs of functions.
// Builds the inheritance structure.
// Instantiates all constants.
// Initializes the static non-final fields (with their constant values).
// Creates lazy getters for statics that must run initializers on first access.
// Emits the embedded globals.
// Sets up the native support.
// Native-support uses setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag and setOrUpdateLeafTags.
// Sets up the js-interop support.
// Invokes main (making sure that it records the 'current-script' value).
/// An expression that returns `true` if `__proto__` can be assigned to stitch
/// together a prototype chain, and the performance is good.
const String directAccessTestExpression = r'''
(function () {
var cls = function () {};
cls.prototype = {'p': {}};
var object = new cls();
if (!(object.__proto__ && object.__proto__.p === cls.prototype.p))
return false;
try {
// Are we running on a platform where the performance is good?
// (i.e. Chrome or d8).
// Chrome userAgent?
if (typeof navigator != "undefined" &&
typeof navigator.userAgent == "string" &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") >= 0) return true;
// d8 version() looks like "N.N.N.N", jsshell version() like "N".
if (typeof version == "function" &&
version.length == 0) {
var v = version();
if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(v)) return true;
} catch(_) {}
return false;
/// Deferred fragments (aka 'hunks') are built similarly to the main fragment.
/// However, at specific moments they need to contribute their data.
/// For example, once the holders have been created, they are included into
/// the main holders.
const String deferredBoilerplate = '''
function(inherit, mixin, lazy, makeConstList, convertToFastObject,
installTearOff, setFunctionNamesIfNecessary, updateHolder, updateTypes,
setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag, setOrUpdateLeafTags,
#embeddedGlobalsObject, holdersList, #staticState) {
// Builds the holders. They only contain the data for new holders.
// If the name is not set on the functions, do it now.
// Updates the holders of the main-fragment. Uses the provided holdersList to
// access the main holders.
// The local holders are replaced by the combined holders. This is necessary
// for the inheritance setup below.
// Sets the prototypes of the new classes.
// Sets aliases of methods (on the prototypes of classes).
// Installs the tear-offs of functions.
// Builds the inheritance structure.
// Instantiates all constants of this deferred fragment.
// Note that the constant-holder has been updated earlier and storing the
// constant values in the constant-holder makes them available globally.
// Initializes the static non-final fields (with their constant values).
// Creates lazy getters for statics that must run initializers on first access.
// Native-support uses setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag and setOrUpdateLeafTags.
* This class builds a JavaScript tree for a given fragment.
* A fragment is generally written into a separate file so that it can be
* loaded dynamically when a deferred library is loaded.
* This class is stateless and can be reused for different fragments.
class FragmentEmitter {
final Compiler compiler;
final Namer namer;
final JavaScriptBackend backend;
final ConstantEmitter constantEmitter;
final ModelEmitter modelEmitter;
FragmentEmitter(this.compiler, this.namer, this.backend, this.constantEmitter,
js.Expression generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(String global) =>
js.Expression generateConstantReference(ConstantValue value) =>
js.Expression classReference(Class cls) {
return js.js('#.#', [,]);
js.Statement emitMainFragment(Program program,
Map<DeferredFragment, _DeferredFragmentHash> deferredLoadHashes) {
MainFragment fragment = program.fragments.first;
Iterable<Holder> nonStaticStateHolders =
program.holders.where((Holder holder) => !holder.isStaticStateHolder);
return js.js.statement(mainBoilerplate, {
'directAccessTestExpression': js.js(directAccessTestExpression),
'typeNameProperty': js.string(ModelEmitter.typeNameProperty),
'cyclicThrow': backend.emitter
'operatorIsPrefix': js.string(namer.operatorIsPrefix),
'tearOffCode': new js.Block(buildTearOffCode(compiler.options,
backend.emitter.emitter, backend.namer, compiler.commonElements)),
'embeddedTypes': generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(TYPES),
'embeddedLeafTags': generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(LEAF_TAGS),
'embeddedGlobalsObject': js.js("init"),
'holdersList': new js.ArrayInitializer(nonStaticStateHolders
.map((holder) => js.js("#",
.toList(growable: false)),
'staticStateDeclaration': new js.VariableDeclaration(
allowRename: false),
'staticState': js.js('#', namer.staticStateHolder),
'constantHolderReference': buildConstantHolderReference(program),
'holders': emitHolders(program.holders, fragment),
'callName': js.string(namer.callNameField),
'stubName': js.string(namer.stubNameField),
'argumentCount': js.string(namer.requiredParameterField),
'defaultArgumentValues': js.string(namer.defaultValuesField),
'prototypes': emitPrototypes(fragment),
'inheritance': emitInheritance(fragment),
'aliases': emitInstanceMethodAliases(fragment),
'tearOffs': emitInstallTearOffs(fragment),
'constants': emitConstants(fragment),
'staticNonFinalFields': emitStaticNonFinalFields(fragment),
'lazyStatics': emitLazilyInitializedStatics(fragment),
'embeddedGlobals': emitEmbeddedGlobals(program, deferredLoadHashes),
'nativeSupport': program.needsNativeSupport
? emitNativeSupport(fragment)
: new js.EmptyStatement(),
'jsInteropSupport': backend.jsInteropAnalysis.enabledJsInterop
? backend.jsInteropAnalysis.buildJsInteropBootstrap()
: new js.EmptyStatement(),
'invokeMain': fragment.invokeMain,
js.Expression emitDeferredFragment(DeferredFragment fragment,
js.Expression deferredTypes, List<Holder> holders) {
List<Holder> nonStaticStateHolders = holders
.where((Holder holder) => !holder.isStaticStateHolder)
.toList(growable: false);
List<js.Statement> updateHolderAssignments = <js.Statement>[];
for (int i = 0; i < nonStaticStateHolders.length; i++) {
Holder holder = nonStaticStateHolders[i];
'#holder = updateHolder(holdersList[#index], #holder)',
{'index': js.number(i), 'holder': new js.VariableUse(}));
// TODO(floitsch): don't just reference 'init'.
return js.js(deferredBoilerplate, {
'embeddedGlobalsObject': new js.Parameter('init'),
'staticState': new js.Parameter(namer.staticStateHolder),
'holders': emitHolders(holders, fragment),
'deferredHoldersList': new js.ArrayInitializer(nonStaticStateHolders
.map((holder) => js.js("#",
.toList(growable: false)),
'updateHolders': new js.Block(updateHolderAssignments),
'prototypes': emitPrototypes(fragment),
'inheritance': emitInheritance(fragment),
'aliases': emitInstanceMethodAliases(fragment),
'tearOffs': emitInstallTearOffs(fragment),
'constants': emitConstants(fragment),
'staticNonFinalFields': emitStaticNonFinalFields(fragment),
'lazyStatics': emitLazilyInitializedStatics(fragment),
'types': deferredTypes,
// TODO(floitsch): only call emitNativeSupport if we need native.
'nativeSupport': emitNativeSupport(fragment),
/// Emits all holders, except for the static-state holder.
/// The emitted holders contain classes (only the constructors) and all
/// static functions.
js.Statement emitHolders(List<Holder> holders, Fragment fragment) {
// Skip the static-state holder in this function.
holders = holders
.where((Holder holder) => !holder.isStaticStateHolder)
.toList(growable: false);
Map<Holder, Map<js.Name, js.Expression>> holderCode =
<Holder, Map<js.Name, js.Expression>>{};
for (Holder holder in holders) {
holderCode[holder] = <js.Name, js.Expression>{};
for (Library library in fragment.libraries) {
for (StaticMethod method in library.statics) {
var staticMethod = emitStaticMethod(method);
if (compiler.options.dumpInfo) {
for (var code in staticMethod.values) {
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(method.element, code);
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(library.element, code);
for (Class cls in library.classes) {
var constructor = emitConstructor(cls);
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(cls.element, constructor);
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(library.element, constructor);
holderCode[cls.holder][] = constructor;
js.VariableInitialization emitHolderInitialization(Holder holder) {
List<js.Property> properties = <js.Property>[];
holderCode[holder].forEach((js.Name key, js.Expression value) {
properties.add(new js.Property(js.quoteName(key), value));
return new js.VariableInitialization(
new js.VariableDeclaration(, allowRename: false),
new js.ObjectInitializer(properties));
// The generated code looks like this:
// {
// var H = {...}, ..., G = {...};
// var holders = [ H, ..., G ];
// }
List<js.Statement> statements = [
new js.ExpressionStatement(new js.VariableDeclarationList(,
'var holders = #',
new js.ArrayInitializer(holders
.map((holder) => new js.VariableUse(
.toList(growable: false)))
return new js.Block(statements);
/// Returns a reference to the constant holder, or the JS-literal `null`.
js.Expression buildConstantHolderReference(Program program) {
Holder constantHolder = program.holders.firstWhere(
(Holder holder) => holder.isConstantsHolder,
orElse: () => null);
if (constantHolder == null) return new js.LiteralNull();
return new js.VariableUse(;
/// Emits the given [method].
/// A Dart method might result in several JavaScript functions, if it
/// requires stubs. The returned map contains the original method and all
/// the stubs it needs.
Map<js.Name, js.Expression> emitStaticMethod(StaticMethod method) {
Map<js.Name, js.Expression> jsMethods = <js.Name, js.Expression>{};
// We don't need to install stub-methods. They can only be used when there
// are tear-offs, in which case they are emitted there.
assert(() {
if (method is StaticDartMethod) {
return method.needsTearOff || method.parameterStubs.isEmpty;
return true;
jsMethods[] = method.code;
return jsMethods;
/// Emits a constructor for the given class [cls].
/// The constructor is statically built.
js.Expression emitConstructor(Class cls) {
js.Name name =;
// If the class is not directly instantiated we only need it for inheritance
// or RTI. In either case we don't need its fields.
if (cls.isNative || !cls.isDirectlyInstantiated) {
return js.js('function #() { }', name);
var statements = <js.Statement>[];
var parameters = <js.Name>[];
var thisRef;
// If there are many references to `this`, cache it in a local.
if (cls.fields.length + (cls.hasRtiField ? 1 : 0) >= 4) {
// TODO(29455): Fix js_ast printer and minifier to avoid conflicts between
// js.Name and string-named variables, then use '_' in the js template
// text.
// We pick '_' in minified mode because no field minifies to '_'. This
// avoids a conflict with one of the parameters which are named the same
// as the fields. Unminified, a field might have the name '_', so we pick
// '$_', which is an impossible member name since we escape '$'s in names.
js.Name underscore = compiler.options.enableMinification
? new StringBackedName('_')
: new StringBackedName(r'$_');
statements.add(js.js.statement('var # = this;', underscore));
thisRef = underscore;
} else {
thisRef = js.js('this');
for (Field field in cls.fields) {
js.Name paramName =;
.add(js.js.statement('#.# = #', [thisRef,, paramName]));
if (cls.hasRtiField) {
js.Name paramName = namer.rtiFieldJsName;
.statement('#.# = #', [thisRef, namer.rtiFieldJsName, paramName]));
return js.js('function #(#) { # }', [name, parameters, statements]);
/// Emits the prototype-section of the fragment.
/// This section updates the prototype-property of all constructors in the
/// global holders.
js.Statement emitPrototypes(Fragment fragment) {
List<js.Statement> assignments = fragment.libraries
.expand((Library library) => library.classes)
.map((Class cls) {
var proto = js.js.statement(
'#.prototype = #;', [classReference(cls), emitPrototype(cls)]);
ClassElement element = cls.element;
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(element, proto);
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(element.library, proto);
return proto;
}).toList(growable: false);
return new js.Block(assignments);
/// Emits the prototype of the given class [cls].
/// The prototype is generated as object literal. Inheritance is ignored.
/// The prototype also includes the `is-property` that every class must have.
// TODO(floitsch): we could avoid that property if we knew that it wasn't
// needed.
js.Expression emitPrototype(Class cls) {
Iterable<Method> methods = cls.methods;
Iterable<Method> checkedSetters = cls.checkedSetters;
Iterable<Method> isChecks = cls.isChecks;
Iterable<Method> callStubs = cls.callStubs;
Iterable<Method> noSuchMethodStubs = cls.noSuchMethodStubs;
Iterable<Method> gettersSetters = generateGettersSetters(cls);
Iterable<Method> allMethods = [
].expand((x) => x);
List<js.Property> properties = <js.Property>[];
if (cls.superclass == null) {
// TODO(sra): What is this doing? Document or remove.
.add(new js.Property(js.string("constructor"), classReference(cls)));
.add(new js.Property(namer.operatorIs(cls.element), js.number(1)));
allMethods.forEach((Method method) {
.forEach((js.Expression name, js.Expression code) {
var prop = new js.Property(name, code);
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerElementAst(method.element, prop);
if (cls.isClosureBaseClass) {
// Closures extend a common base class, so we can put properties on the
// prototype for common values.
// Most closures have no optional arguments.
properties.add(new js.Property(
js.string(namer.defaultValuesField), new js.LiteralNull()));
return new js.ObjectInitializer(properties);
/// Generates a getter for the given [field].
Method generateGetter(Field field) {
String template;
if (field.needsInterceptedGetterOnReceiver) {
template = "function(receiver) { return receiver[#]; }";
} else if (field.needsInterceptedGetterOnThis) {
template = "function(receiver) { return this[#]; }";
} else {
template = "function() { return this[#]; }";
js.Expression fieldName = js.quoteName(;
js.Expression code = js.js(template, fieldName);
js.Name getterName = namer.deriveGetterName(field.accessorName);
return new StubMethod(getterName, code);
/// Generates a setter for the given [field].
Method generateSetter(Field field) {
String template;
if (field.needsInterceptedSetterOnReceiver) {
template = "function(receiver, val) { return receiver[#] = val; }";
} else if (field.needsInterceptedSetterOnThis) {
template = "function(receiver, val) { return this[#] = val; }";
} else {
template = "function(val) { return this[#] = val; }";
js.Expression fieldName = js.quoteName(;
js.Expression code = js.js(template, fieldName);
js.Name setterName = namer.deriveSetterName(field.accessorName);
return new StubMethod(setterName, code);
/// Generates all getters and setters the given class [cls] needs.
Iterable<Method> generateGettersSetters(Class cls) {
Iterable<Method> getters = cls.fields
.where((Field field) => field.needsGetter)
Iterable<Method> setters = cls.fields
.where((Field field) => field.needsUncheckedSetter)
return [getters, setters].expand((x) => x);
/// Emits the given instance [method].
/// The given method may be a stub-method (for example for is-checks).
/// If it is a Dart-method, all necessary stub-methods are emitted, too. In
/// that case the returned map contains more than just one entry.
/// If the method is a closure call-method, also returns the necessary
/// properties in case the closure can be applied.
Map<js.Expression, js.Expression> emitInstanceMethod(Method method) {
var properties = <js.Expression, js.Expression>{};
properties[] = method.code;
if (method is InstanceMethod) {
for (ParameterStubMethod stubMethod in method.parameterStubs) {
properties[] = stubMethod.code;
if (method.isClosureCallMethod && method.canBeApplied) {
// TODO(sra): We should also add these properties for the user-defined
// `call` method on classes. Function.apply is currently broken for
// complex cases. [forceAdd] might be true when this is fixed.
bool forceAdd = !method.isClosureCallMethod;
properties[js.string(namer.callCatchAllName)] =
properties[js.string(namer.requiredParameterField)] =
js.Expression defaultValues =
// Default values property of `null` is stored on the common JS
// superclass.
if (defaultValues is! js.LiteralNull || forceAdd) {
properties[js.string(namer.defaultValuesField)] = defaultValues;
return properties;
/// Emits the inheritance block of the fragment.
/// In this section prototype chains are updated and mixin functions are
/// copied.
js.Statement emitInheritance(Fragment fragment) {
List<js.Statement> inheritCalls = <js.Statement>[];
List<js.Statement> mixinCalls = <js.Statement>[];
Set<Class> classesInFragment = new Set<Class>();
for (Library library in fragment.libraries) {
Map<Class, List<Class>> subclasses = <Class, List<Class>>{};
Set<Class> seen = new Set<Class>();
void collect(cls) {
if (cls == null || seen.contains(cls)) return;
Class superclass = cls.superclass;
if (classesInFragment.contains(superclass)) {
subclasses.putIfAbsent(superclass, () => <Class>[]).add(cls);
for (Library library in fragment.libraries) {
for (Class cls in library.classes) {
if (cls.isMixinApplication) {
MixinApplication mixin = cls;
mixinCalls.add(js.js.statement('mixin(#, #)',
[classReference(cls), classReference(mixin.mixinClass)]));
js.Expression temp = null;
for (Class superclass in subclasses.keys) {
List<Class> list = subclasses[superclass];
js.Expression superclassReference = (superclass == null)
? new js.LiteralNull()
: classReference(superclass);
if (list.length == 1) {
inheritCalls.add(js.js.statement('inherit(#, #)',
[classReference(list.single), superclassReference]));
} else {
// Hold common superclass in temporary for sequence of calls.
if (temp == null) {
String tempName = '_';
temp = new js.VariableUse(tempName);
var declaration = new js.VariableDeclaration(tempName);
js.js.statement('var # = #', [declaration, superclassReference]));
} else {
.add(js.js.statement('# = #', [temp, superclassReference]));
for (Class cls in list) {
js.js.statement('inherit(#, #)', [classReference(cls), temp]));
return wrapPhase(
'inheritance', js.js.statement('{#; #;}', [inheritCalls, mixinCalls]));
/// Emits the setup of method aliases.
/// This step consists of simply copying JavaScript functions to their
/// aliased names so they point to the same function.
js.Statement emitInstanceMethodAliases(Fragment fragment) {
List<js.Statement> assignments = <js.Statement>[];
for (Library library in fragment.libraries) {
for (Class cls in library.classes) {
for (InstanceMethod method in cls.methods) {
if (method.aliasName != null) {
assignments.add(js.js.statement('#.prototype.# = #.prototype.#', [
return new js.Block(assignments);
/// Encodes the optional default values so that the runtime Function.apply
/// can use them.
js.Expression _encodeOptionalParameterDefaultValues(DartMethod method) {
// TODO(herhut): Replace [js.LiteralNull] with [js.ArrayHole].
if (method.optionalParameterDefaultValues is List) {
List<ConstantValue> defaultValues = method.optionalParameterDefaultValues;
if (defaultValues.isEmpty) {
return new js.LiteralNull();
Iterable<js.Expression> elements =;
return js.js('function() { return #; }',
new js.ArrayInitializer(elements.toList()));
} else {
Map<String, ConstantValue> defaultValues =
List<js.Property> properties = <js.Property>[];
List<String> names = defaultValues.keys.toList(growable: false);
// Sort the names the same way we sort them for the named-argument calling
// convention.
for (String name in names) {
ConstantValue value = defaultValues[name];
new js.Property(js.string(name), generateConstantReference(value)));
return js.js(
'function() { return #; }', new js.ObjectInitializer(properties));
/// Emits the statement that installs a tear off for a method.
/// Tear-offs might be passed to `Function.apply` which means that all
/// calling-conventions (with or without optional positional/named arguments)
/// are possible. As such, the tear-off needs enough information to fill in
/// missing parameters.
js.Statement emitInstallTearOff(js.Expression container, DartMethod method) {
List<js.Name> callNames = <js.Name>[];
List<js.Expression> funsOrNames = <js.Expression>[];
/// Adds the stub-method's code or name to the [funsOrNames] array.
/// Static methods don't need stub-methods except for tear-offs. As such,
/// they are not emitted in the prototype, but directly passed here.
/// Instance-methods install the stub-methods in their prototype, and we
/// use string-based redirections to find them there.
void addFunOrName(StubMethod stubMethod) {
if (method.isStatic) {
} else {
// The first entry in the funsOrNames-array must be a string.
for (ParameterStubMethod stubMethod in method.parameterStubs) {
js.ArrayInitializer callNameArray =
new js.ArrayInitializer(;
js.ArrayInitializer funsOrNamesArray = new js.ArrayInitializer(funsOrNames);
bool isIntercepted = false;
if (method is InstanceMethod) {
MethodElement element = method.element;
isIntercepted = backend.interceptorData.isInterceptedMethod(element);
int requiredParameterCount = 0;
js.Expression optionalParameterDefaultValues = new js.LiteralNull();
if (method.canBeApplied) {
requiredParameterCount = method.requiredParameterCount;
optionalParameterDefaultValues =
return js.js.statement(
installTearOff(#container, #getterName, #isStatic, #isIntercepted,
#requiredParameterCount, #optionalParameterDefaultValues,
#callNames, #funsOrNames, #funType)''',
"container": container,
"getterName": js.quoteName(method.tearOffName),
// 'Truthy' values are ok for `isStatic` and `isIntercepted`.
"isStatic": js.number(method.isStatic ? 1 : 0),
"isIntercepted": js.number(isIntercepted ? 1 : 0),
"requiredParameterCount": js.number(requiredParameterCount),
"optionalParameterDefaultValues": optionalParameterDefaultValues,
"callNames": callNameArray,
"funsOrNames": funsOrNamesArray,
"funType": method.functionType,
/// Wraps the statement in a named function to that it shows up as a unit in
/// profiles.
// TODO(sra): Should this be conditional?
js.Statement wrapPhase(String name, js.Statement statement) {
return js.js.statement('(function #(){#})();', [name, statement]);
/// Emits the section that installs tear-off getters.
js.Statement emitInstallTearOffs(Fragment fragment) {
List<js.Statement> inits = <js.Statement>[];
js.Expression temp;
for (Library library in fragment.libraries) {
for (StaticMethod method in library.statics) {
// TODO(floitsch): can there be anything else than a StaticDartMethod?
if (method is StaticDartMethod) {
if (method.needsTearOff) {
Holder holder = method.holder;
emitInstallTearOff(new js.VariableUse(, method));
for (Class cls in library.classes) {
var methods = cls.methods.where((m) => m.needsTearOff).toList();
js.Expression container = js.js("#.prototype", classReference(cls));
js.Expression reference = container;
if (methods.length > 1) {
if (temp == null) {
inits.add(js.js.statement('var _;'));
temp = js.js('_');
// First call uses assignment to temp to cache the container.
reference = js.js('# = #', [temp, container]);
for (InstanceMethod method in methods) {
inits.add(emitInstallTearOff(reference, method));
reference = temp; // Second and subsequent calls use temp.
return wrapPhase('installTearOffs', new js.Block(inits));
/// Emits the constants section.
js.Statement emitConstants(Fragment fragment) {
List<js.Statement> assignments = <js.Statement>[];
for (Constant constant in fragment.constants) {
// TODO(floitsch): instead of just updating the constant holder, we should
// find the constants that don't have any dependency on other constants
// and create an object-literal with them (and assign it to the
// constant-holder variable).
var assignment = js.js.statement('#.# = #', [,,
compiler.dumpInfoTask.registerConstantAst(constant.value, assignment);
return wrapPhase('constants', new js.Block(assignments));
/// Emits the static non-final fields section.
/// This section initializes all static non-final fields that don't require
/// an initializer.
js.Statement emitStaticNonFinalFields(Fragment fragment) {
List<StaticField> fields = fragment.staticNonFinalFields;
// TODO(floitsch): instead of assigning the fields one-by-one we should
// create a literal and assign it to the static-state holder.
// TODO(floitsch): if we don't make a literal we should at least initialize
// statics that have the same initial value in the same expression:
// `$.x = $.y = $.z = null;`.
Iterable<js.Statement> statements = field) {
return js.js
.statement("#.# = #;", [,, field.code]);
return wrapPhase('staticFields', new js.Block(statements.toList()));
/// Emits lazy fields.
/// This section initializes all static (final and non-final) fields that
/// require an initializer.
js.Statement emitLazilyInitializedStatics(Fragment fragment) {
List<StaticField> fields = fragment.staticLazilyInitializedFields;
Iterable<js.Statement> statements = field) {
return js.js.statement("lazy(#, #, #, #);", [,
return wrapPhase('lazyInitializers', new js.Block(statements.toList()));
/// Emits the embedded globals that are needed for deferred loading.
/// This function is only invoked for the main fragment.
/// The [loadMap] contains a map from load-ids (for each deferred library)
/// to the list of generated fragments that must be installed when the
/// deferred library is loaded.
Iterable<js.Property> emitEmbeddedGlobalsForDeferredLoading(
Map<String, List<Fragment>> loadMap,
Map<DeferredFragment, _DeferredFragmentHash> deferredLoadHashes) {
if (loadMap.isEmpty) return [];
List<js.Property> globals = <js.Property>[];
js.ArrayInitializer fragmentUris(List<Fragment> fragments) {
return js.stringArray( fragment) =>
js.ArrayInitializer fragmentHashes(List<Fragment> fragments) {
return new js.ArrayInitializer(fragments
.map((fragment) => deferredLoadHashes[fragment])
.toList(growable: false));
List<js.Property> uris = new List<js.Property>(loadMap.length);
List<js.Property> hashes = new List<js.Property>(loadMap.length);
int count = 0;
loadMap.forEach((String loadId, List<Fragment> fragmentList) {
uris[count] =
new js.Property(js.string(loadId), fragmentUris(fragmentList));
hashes[count] =
new js.Property(js.string(loadId), fragmentHashes(fragmentList));
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(DEFERRED_LIBRARY_URIS), new js.ObjectInitializer(uris)));
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(DEFERRED_LIBRARY_HASHES), new js.ObjectInitializer(hashes)));
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(DEFERRED_INITIALIZED), js.js("Object.create(null)")));
String deferredGlobal = ModelEmitter.deferredInitializersGlobal;
js.Expression isHunkLoadedFunction =
js.js("function(hash) { return !!$deferredGlobal[hash]; }");
.add(new js.Property(js.string(IS_HUNK_LOADED), isHunkLoadedFunction));
js.Expression isHunkInitializedFunction = js.js(
"function(hash) { return !!#deferredInitialized[hash]; }", {
'deferredInitialized': generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(DEFERRED_INITIALIZED)
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(IS_HUNK_INITIALIZED), isHunkInitializedFunction));
/// See [emitEmbeddedGlobalsForDeferredLoading] for the format of the
/// deferred hunk.
js.Expression initializeLoadedHunkFunction = js.js(
function(hash) {
#deferredInitialized[hash] = true;
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(INITIALIZE_LOADED_HUNK), initializeLoadedHunkFunction));
return globals;
/// Emits the [MANGLED_GLOBAL_NAMES] embedded global.
/// This global maps minified names for selected classes (some important
/// core classes, and some native classes) to their unminified names.
js.Property emitMangledGlobalNames() {
List<js.Property> names = <js.Property>[];
CommonElements commonElements = compiler.commonElements;
// We want to keep the original names for the most common core classes when
// calling toString on them.
List<ClassElement> nativeClassesNeedingUnmangledName = [
// TODO(floitsch): this should probably be on a per-fragment basis.
nativeClassesNeedingUnmangledName.forEach((element) {
names.add(new js.Property(
js.quoteName(namer.className(element)), js.string(;
return new js.Property(
js.string(MANGLED_GLOBAL_NAMES), new js.ObjectInitializer(names));
/// Emits the [GET_TYPE_FROM_NAME] embedded global.
/// This embedded global provides a way to go from a class name (which is
/// also the constructor's name) to the constructor itself.
js.Property emitGetTypeFromName() {
js.Expression function = js.js("getGlobalFromName");
return new js.Property(js.string(GET_TYPE_FROM_NAME), function);
/// Emits the [METADATA] embedded global.
/// The metadata itself has already been computed earlier and is stored in
/// the [program].
List<js.Property> emitMetadata(Program program) {
List<js.Property> metadataGlobals = <js.Property>[];
js.Property createGlobal(js.Expression metadata, String global) {
return new js.Property(js.string(global), metadata);
metadataGlobals.add(createGlobal(program.metadata, METADATA));
js.Expression types =
metadataGlobals.add(createGlobal(types, TYPES));
return metadataGlobals;
/// Emits all embedded globals.
js.Statement emitEmbeddedGlobals(Program program,
Map<DeferredFragment, _DeferredFragmentHash> deferredLoadHashes) {
List<js.Property> globals = <js.Property>[];
if (program.loadMap.isNotEmpty) {
program.loadMap, deferredLoadHashes));
if (program.typeToInterceptorMap != null) {
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(TYPE_TO_INTERCEPTOR_MAP), program.typeToInterceptorMap));
if (program.hasIsolateSupport) {
String staticStateName = namer.staticStateHolder;
// TODO(floitsch): this doesn't create a new isolate, but just reuses
// the current static state. Since we don't run multiple isolates in the
// same JavaScript context (except for testing) this shouldn't have any
// impact on real-world programs, though.
globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(CREATE_NEW_ISOLATE),
js.js('function () { return $staticStateName; }')));
js.Expression nameToClosureFunction = js.js('''
// First fetch the static function. From there we can execute its
// getter function which builds a Dart closure.
function(name) {
var staticFunction = getGlobalFromName(name);
var getterFunction = staticFunction.$tearOffPropertyName;
return getterFunction();
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(STATIC_FUNCTION_NAME_TO_CLOSURE), nameToClosureFunction));
globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(CLASS_ID_EXTRACTOR),
js.js('function(o) { return; }')));
js.Expression extractFieldsFunction = js.js('''
function(o) {
var constructor = o.constructor;
var fieldNames = constructor.$cachedClassFieldNames;
if (!fieldNames) {
// Extract the fields from an empty unmodified object.
var empty = new constructor();
// This gives us the keys that the constructor sets.
fieldNames = constructor.$cachedClassFieldNames = Object.keys(empty);
var result = new Array(fieldNames.length);
for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
result[i] = o[fieldNames[i]];
return result;
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(CLASS_FIELDS_EXTRACTOR), extractFieldsFunction));
js.Expression createInstanceFromClassIdFunction = js.js('''
function(name) {
var constructor = getGlobalFromName(name);
return new constructor();
globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(INSTANCE_FROM_CLASS_ID),
js.Expression initializeEmptyInstanceFunction = js.js('''
function(name, o, fields) {
var constructor = o.constructor;
// By construction the object `o` is an empty object with the same
// keys as the one we used in the extract-fields function.
var fieldNames = Object.keys(o);
if (fieldNames.length != fields.length) {
throw new Error("Mismatch during deserialization.");
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
o[fieldNames[i]] = fields[i];
return o;
globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(INITIALIZE_EMPTY_INSTANCE),
// The [MANGLED_NAMES] table must contain the mapping for const symbols.
// Without const symbols, the table is only relevant for reflection and
// therefore unused in this emitter.
List<js.Property> mangledNamesProperties = <js.Property>[];
program.symbolsMap.forEach((js.Name mangledName, String unmangledName) {
.add(new js.Property(mangledName, js.string(unmangledName)));
globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(MANGLED_NAMES),
new js.ObjectInitializer(mangledNamesProperties)));
if (program.needsNativeSupport) {
globals.add(new js.Property(
js.string(INTERCEPTORS_BY_TAG), new js.LiteralNull()));
globals.add(new js.Property(js.string(LEAF_TAGS), new js.LiteralNull()));
js.ObjectInitializer globalsObject = new js.ObjectInitializer(globals);
return js.js.statement('var init = #;', globalsObject);
/// Emits data needed for native classes.
/// We don't try to reduce the size of the native data, but rather build
/// JavaScript object literals that contain all the information directly.
/// This means that the output size is bigger, but that the startup is faster.
/// This function is the static equivalent of
/// [NativeGenerator.buildNativeInfoHandler].
js.Statement emitNativeSupport(Fragment fragment) {
List<js.Statement> statements = <js.Statement>[];
// The isolate-affinity tag must only be initialized once per program.
if (fragment.isMainFragment &&
NativeGenerator.needsIsolateAffinityTagInitialization(backend)) {
// On V8, the 'intern' function converts a string to a symbol, which
// makes property access much faster.
function (s) {
var o = {};
o[s] = 1;
return Object.keys(convertToFastObject(o))[0];
Map<String, js.Expression> interceptorsByTag = <String, js.Expression>{};
Map<String, js.Expression> leafTags = <String, js.Expression>{};
List<js.Statement> subclassAssignments = <js.Statement>[];
for (Library library in fragment.libraries) {
for (Class cls in library.classes) {
if (cls.nativeLeafTags != null) {
for (String tag in cls.nativeLeafTags) {
interceptorsByTag[tag] = classReference(cls);
leafTags[tag] = new js.LiteralBool(true);
if (cls.nativeNonLeafTags != null) {
for (String tag in cls.nativeNonLeafTags) {
interceptorsByTag[tag] = classReference(cls);
leafTags[tag] = new js.LiteralBool(false);
if (cls.nativeExtensions != null) {
List<Class> subclasses = cls.nativeExtensions;
js.Expression base = js.string(cls.nativeNonLeafTags[0]);
for (Class subclass in subclasses) {
subclassAssignments.add(js.js.statement('#.# = #;', [
js.js.statement("setOrUpdateLeafTags(#);", js.objectLiteral(leafTags)));
return wrapPhase('nativeSupport', new js.Block(statements));