blob: 2b96f521182a6628f4e2c0dc3f8813d426a799fa [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This directory contains tests that are intended to show the
# current state of the language.
[ $compiler == app_jit ]
deferred_inheritance_constraints_test/redirecting_constructor: Crash
[ $compiler == dart2analyzer ]
config_import_corelib_test: StaticWarning, OK
vm/regress_27201_test: SkipByDesign # Loads bad library, so will always crash.
[ $compiler == precompiler ]
deferred_global_test: Skip # Deferred loading happens eagerly.
deopt_inlined_function_lazy_test: Skip # Incompatible flag: --deoptimize-alot
implicit_closure_test: Skip # Incompatible flag: --use_slow_path
regress_23408_test: RuntimeError
vm/regress_27201_test: Skip # Deferred loading happens eagerly.
[ $mode == debug ]
large_class_declaration_test: Slow, Pass
[ $mode == product ]
assertion_test: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
generic_test: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
issue13474_test: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
list_literal4_test: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
map_literal4_test: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
named_parameters_type_test/01: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
named_parameters_type_test/02: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
named_parameters_type_test/03: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
positional_parameters_type_test/01: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
positional_parameters_type_test/02: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
stacktrace_demangle_ctors_test: SkipByDesign # Names are not scrubbed.
type_checks_in_factory_method_test: SkipByDesign # Requires checked mode.
vm/type_vm_test: Fail, OK # Expects exact type name.
[ $runtime == dart_precompiled ]
const_evaluation_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
deferred_constraints_constants_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
enum_mirror_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
field_increment_bailout_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
invocation_mirror2_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
invocation_mirror_invoke_on2_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
invocation_mirror_invoke_on_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
issue21079_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
library_env_test/has_mirror_support: RuntimeError, OK # The test is supposed to fail.
many_overridden_no_such_method_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
no_such_method_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
null_test/none: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
overridden_no_such_method_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
redirecting_factory_reflection_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
regress_13462_0_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
regress_13462_1_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
regress_18535_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
regress_28255_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
super_call4_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
super_getter_setter_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
vm/reflect_core_vm_test: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors
# flutter uses --error_on_bad_type, --error_on_bad_override
# and --await_is_keyword so # the following tests fail with
# a Compilation Error
[ $runtime == flutter ]
async_await_syntax_test/a05c: CompileTimeError
async_await_syntax_test/a05e: CompileTimeError
async_await_syntax_test/d08c: CompileTimeError
async_await_test: CompileTimeError
async_return_types_test/nestedFuture: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
async_return_types_test/return_value_sync_star: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
async_return_types_test/tooManyTypeParameters: CompileTimeError
async_return_types_test/wrongReturnType: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
async_return_types_test/wrongTypeParameter: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
async_star_no_cancel_test: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
asyncstar_yield_test: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
await_backwards_compatibility_test/none: CompileTimeError
await_for_cancel_test: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
await_for_test: Skip # Flutter Issue 9110
await_test: CompileTimeError
bad_override_test/06: CompileTimeError
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/01: CompileTimeError
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/02: CompileTimeError
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/03: CompileTimeError
call_constructor_on_unresolvable_class_test/07: CompileTimeError
check_method_override_test/01: CompileTimeError
check_method_override_test/02: CompileTimeError
class_keyword_test/02: CompileTimeError
class_override_test/00: CompileTimeError
conditional_import_string_test: CompileTimeError
conditional_import_test: CompileTimeError
config_import_test: RuntimeError # Flutter Issue 9110
const_evaluation_test/01: CompileTimeError
const_evaluation_test/none: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/01: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/02: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/03: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/04: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/05: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/06: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/13: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/35: CompileTimeError
const_types_test/40: CompileTimeError
default_factory_test/01: CompileTimeError
deferred_closurize_load_library_test: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_constant_list_test: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_constraints_constants_test/none: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_constants_test/reference_after_load: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/as_operation: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/catch_check: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/is_check: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_before_load: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic1: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic2: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/new_generic3: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/none: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/static_method: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic2: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_generic3: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_null: CompileTimeError
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/type_annotation_top_level: CompileTimeError
deferred_global_test: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_inheritance_constraints_test/redirecting_constructor: CompileTimeError
deferred_mixin_test: CompileTimeError
deferred_no_such_method_test: CompileTimeError
deferred_not_loaded_check_test: CompileTimeError
deferred_redirecting_factory_test: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_shadow_load_library_test: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_shared_and_unshared_classes_test: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_static_seperate_test: CompileTimeError
deferred_super_dependency_test/01: CompileTimeError
deferred_type_dependency_test/as: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_type_dependency_test/is: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_type_dependency_test/none: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
deferred_type_dependency_test/type_annotation: Skip # Timeout, deferred loading is not supported by Flutter
enum_mirror_test: CompileTimeError
f_bounded_quantification5_test: CompileTimeError
f_bounded_quantification_test/01: CompileTimeError
f_bounded_quantification_test/02: CompileTimeError
factory2_test: CompileTimeError
factory4_test: CompileTimeError
factory6_test/00: CompileTimeError
field_increment_bailout_test: CompileTimeError
field_override_test/01: CompileTimeError
function_malformed_result_type_test: CompileTimeError
generic_function_typedef2_test/04: CompileTimeError
instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test: CompileTimeError
instanceof3_test: CompileTimeError
internal_library_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
internal_library_test/01: CompileTimeError
internal_library_test/02: CompileTimeError
internal_library_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError
invocation_mirror2_test: CompileTimeError
invocation_mirror_invoke_on2_test: CompileTimeError
invocation_mirror_invoke_on_test: CompileTimeError
is_malformed_type_test/94: CompileTimeError
is_malformed_type_test/95: CompileTimeError
is_malformed_type_test/96: CompileTimeError
is_malformed_type_test/97: CompileTimeError
is_malformed_type_test/98: CompileTimeError
is_malformed_type_test/99: CompileTimeError
is_not_class2_test: RuntimeError
isnot_malformed_type_test: RuntimeError
issue21079_test: CompileTimeError
issue_25671a_test/01: CompileTimeError
issue_25671b_test/01: CompileTimeError
library_env_test/has_mirror_support: RuntimeError, OK # No mirrors support in Flutter.
library_env_test/has_no_mirror_support: Pass # No mirrors support in Flutter.
list_literal_syntax_test/01: CompileTimeError
list_literal_syntax_test/02: CompileTimeError
list_literal_syntax_test/03: CompileTimeError
malbounded_instantiation_test/01: CompileTimeError
malbounded_redirecting_factory2_test/01: CompileTimeError
malbounded_redirecting_factory2_test/none: CompileTimeError
malbounded_redirecting_factory_test/01: CompileTimeError
malbounded_redirecting_factory_test/none: CompileTimeError
malbounded_type_cast_test: CompileTimeError
malbounded_type_literal_test: CompileTimeError
malbounded_type_test_test/02: CompileTimeError
malformed2_test/00: CompileTimeError
malformed_inheritance_test/02: CompileTimeError
malformed_inheritance_test/04: CompileTimeError
malformed_inheritance_test/06: CompileTimeError
malformed_test/none: CompileTimeError
malformed_type_test: CompileTimeError
many_overridden_no_such_method_test: CompileTimeError
method_override2_test/01: CompileTimeError
method_override3_test/00: CompileTimeError
method_override3_test/01: CompileTimeError
method_override3_test/02: CompileTimeError
method_override4_test: CompileTimeError
method_override5_test: CompileTimeError
method_override6_test: CompileTimeError
mixin_invalid_bound2_test/01: CompileTimeError
mixin_invalid_bound2_test/04: CompileTimeError
mixin_invalid_bound2_test/07: CompileTimeError
mixin_invalid_bound2_test/none: CompileTimeError
mixin_invalid_bound_test/01: CompileTimeError
mixin_invalid_bound_test/03: CompileTimeError
mixin_invalid_bound_test/05: CompileTimeError
mixin_invalid_bound_test/none: CompileTimeError
mixin_super_bound2_test/01: CompileTimeError
mixin_super_bound_test: CompileTimeError
mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/01: CompileTimeError
mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/02: CompileTimeError
mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/03: CompileTimeError
mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/04: CompileTimeError
mixin_type_parameters_errors_test/05: CompileTimeError
new_expression_type_args_test/02: CompileTimeError
no_such_method_test: CompileTimeError
non_parameterized_factory2_test: CompileTimeError
non_parameterized_factory_test: CompileTimeError
null_test/none: CompileTimeError
on_catch_malformed_type_test: CompileTimeError
overridden_no_such_method_test: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/05: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/06: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/07: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/08: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/09: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/10: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/11: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/28: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/29: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/30: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/31: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/32: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/33: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/33a: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/34: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/44: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/45: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/47: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/48: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/53: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_field_test/54: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/04: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/05: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/06: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/11: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/12: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/13: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/14: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/19: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/20: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/21: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/27: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/28: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/29: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/30: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/31: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/32: CompileTimeError
override_inheritance_method_test/33: CompileTimeError
prefix16_test: CompileTimeError
prefix22_test: CompileTimeError
private_access_test/03: CompileTimeError
private_access_test/04: CompileTimeError
redirecting_factory_incompatible_signature_test: CompileTimeError
redirecting_factory_reflection_test: CompileTimeError
regress_12561_test: CompileTimeError
regress_13462_0_test: CompileTimeError
regress_13462_1_test: CompileTimeError
regress_18535_test: CompileTimeError
regress_22438_test: CompileTimeError
regress_23408_test: CompileTimeError
regress_28255_test: CompileTimeError
static_initializer_type_error_test: CompileTimeError
super_call4_test: CompileTimeError
super_getter_setter_test: CompileTimeError
try_catch_on_syntax_test/07: CompileTimeError
try_catch_syntax_test/08: CompileTimeError
type_parameter_test/none: CompileTimeError
type_variable_bounds_test/00: CompileTimeError
type_variable_bounds_test/06: CompileTimeError
type_variable_bounds_test/07: CompileTimeError
type_variable_bounds_test/08: CompileTimeError
type_variable_bounds_test/09: CompileTimeError
type_variable_bounds_test/10: CompileTimeError
type_variable_scope2_test: CompileTimeError
type_variable_scope_test/00: CompileTimeError
type_variable_scope_test/01: CompileTimeError
type_variable_scope_test/02: CompileTimeError
type_variable_scope_test/03: CompileTimeError
type_variable_scope_test/04: CompileTimeError
type_variable_scope_test/05: CompileTimeError
type_variable_scope_test/none: CompileTimeError
unicode_bom_test: CompileTimeError
vm/debug_break_enabled_vm_test/01: CompileTimeError
vm/debug_break_enabled_vm_test/none: CompileTimeError
vm/no_such_method_error_message_callable_vm_test: RuntimeError # Flutter Issue 9110
vm/reflect_core_vm_test: CompileTimeError
vm/regress_27201_test: Fail # Flutter Issue 9110
wrong_number_type_arguments_test/00: CompileTimeError
wrong_number_type_arguments_test/01: CompileTimeError
wrong_number_type_arguments_test/02: CompileTimeError
[ $runtime != none ]
arithmetic_canonicalization_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
double_nan_comparison_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
double_to_string_as_exponential_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
double_to_string_as_precision_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
double_to_string_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
import_combinators_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
infinity_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
intrinsified_methods_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
is_nan_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
mixin_prefix_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
nan_identical_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
null_test/none: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
number_identity2_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
ref_before_declaration_test/none: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
vm/load_to_load_forwarding_vm_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
vm/load_to_load_unaligned_forwarding_vm_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
vm/unaligned_float_access_literal_index_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
vm/unaligned_float_access_register_index_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
vm/unaligned_integer_access_literal_index_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
vm/unaligned_integer_access_register_index_test: RuntimeError # Uppercase constants removed
[ $strong ]
*: SkipByDesign # tests/language_2 has the strong mode versions of these tests.
[ $arch == arm64 && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == flutter || $runtime == vm) ]
closure_cycles_test: Pass, Slow
large_class_declaration_test: SkipSlow # Uses too much memory.
[ $arch == ia32 && $compiler == none && $runtime == vm && $system == windows ]
disassemble_test: Pass, Crash # Issue 34030
vm/optimized_stacktrace_test: Pass, Crash # Issue 28276
[ $arch == ia32 && $mode == release && $runtime == vm ]
deep_nesting1_negative_test: Crash, Pass # Issue 31496
[ $arch == ia32 && ($compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler) && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm) ]
vm/regress_24517_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 24517.
[ $compiler == app_jit && $runtime == vm && !$checked ]
assertion_initializer_const_error_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
assertion_initializer_const_function_error_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
# Detection of compile-time errors that are related to constants can't be fully
# done at the front end, because constants are evaluated at back ends. So, some
# errors aren't detected by fasta, but reported by back ends as compile-time
# errors.
[ $compiler != dart2js && $runtime != vm && $fasta ]
deferred_constraints_constants_test/default_argument2: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkb && $compiler != dartkp && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == flutter || $runtime == vm) ]
abstract_beats_arguments2_test/01: Crash # Issue 29171
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == vm && $system == fuchsia ]
async_await_test: RuntimeError # Use package:unittest
async_star_test: RuntimeError # Use package:unittest
closure_cycles_test: Pass, Crash # TODO(zra): Investigate
vm/causal_async_exception_stack2_test: RuntimeError # Use package:unittest
vm/causal_async_exception_stack_test: RuntimeError # Use package:unittest
vm/math_vm_test: Crash # TODO(zra): Investigate
[ $compiler == none && $runtime == vm && !$checked ]
assertion_initializer_const_error_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
assertion_initializer_const_function_error_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $compiler == none && $checked && ($runtime == flutter || $runtime == vm) ]
assert_initializer_test/4*: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 392. The VM doesn't enforce that potentially const expressions are actually const expressions when the constructor is called with `const`.
[ $compiler == none && ($runtime == flutter || $runtime == vm) ]
duplicate_part_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 27516
[ $compiler == precompiler && $mode == debug && $runtime == dart_precompiled ]
regress_29025_test: Crash # Issue
[ $compiler == precompiler && $runtime == dart_precompiled ]
export_ambiguous_main_negative_test: Skip # Issue 29895
export_double_same_main_test: Skip # Issue 29895
stacktrace_demangle_ctors_test: RuntimeError
vm/optimized_stacktrace_test: Skip # Issue 30198
vm/regress_27671_test: Skip # Unsupported
[ $compiler == precompiler && $runtime == dart_precompiled && $checked ]
assertion_initializer_const_error2_test/cc02: Crash
[ $compiler == precompiler && $runtime == dart_precompiled && !$checked ]
assertion_initializer_const_error_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
assertion_initializer_const_function_error_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError
[ $mode == debug && $hot_reload_rollback ]
enum_duplicate_test/02: Pass, Crash #
enum_duplicate_test/none: Pass, Crash #
enum_private_test/01: Pass, Crash #
[ $mode == debug && ($hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback) ]
enum_duplicate_test/01: Pass, Crash #
enum_private_test/02: Pass, Crash #
[ $runtime == dart_precompiled && $minified ]
cyclic_type_test/*: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
enum_duplicate_test/*: Skip # Uses Enum.toString()
enum_private_test/*: Skip # Uses Enum.toString()
enum_test: Skip # Uses Enum.toString()
f_bounded_quantification4_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
f_bounded_quantification5_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
full_stacktrace1_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
full_stacktrace2_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
full_stacktrace3_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
mixin_generic_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
mixin_mixin2_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
mixin_mixin3_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
mixin_mixin5_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
mixin_mixin6_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
mixin_mixin_bound2_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
mixin_mixin_type_arguments_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
mixin_super_2_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Type.toString()
no_such_method_dispatcher_test: Skip # Uses new Symbol()
stacktrace_rethrow_error_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
stacktrace_rethrow_nonerror_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
vm/no_such_args_error_message_vm_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
vm/no_such_method_error_message_callable_vm_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
vm/no_such_method_error_message_vm_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
vm/regress_28325_test: Skip # Tests below rely on Stacktrace.toString()
[ $browser && ($compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler) ]
library_env_test/has_io_support: RuntimeError, OK # The test is supposed to fail.
library_env_test/has_no_html_support: RuntimeError, OK # The test is supposed to fail.
[ !$browser && ($compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler) ]
library_env_test/has_html_support: RuntimeError, OK # The test is supposed to fail.
library_env_test/has_no_io_support: RuntimeError, OK # The test is supposed to fail.
[ $checked && ($compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler) ]
generic_functions_test: Pass # Issue 25869, These generic functions tests pass for the wrong reason in checked mode, because the parsed type parameters are mapped to dynamic type.
generic_local_functions_test: Pass # Issue 25869, These generic functions tests pass for the wrong reason in checked mode, because the parsed type parameters are mapped to dynamic type.
generic_methods_function_type_test: Pass # Issue 25869, These generic functions tests pass for the wrong reason in checked mode, because the parsed type parameters are mapped to dynamic type.
generic_methods_generic_function_parameter_test: Pass # Issue 25869, These generic functions tests pass for the wrong reason in checked mode, because the parsed type parameters are mapped to dynamic type.
generic_methods_new_test: Pass # Issue 25869, These generic functions tests pass for the wrong reason in checked mode, because the parsed type parameters are mapped to dynamic type.
generic_methods_test: Pass # Issue 25869, These generic functions tests pass for the wrong reason in checked mode, because the parsed type parameters are mapped to dynamic type.
type_variable_bounds4_test/01: Fail # Issue 14006
[ ($compiler == app_jit || $compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb || $compiler == dartkp || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler) && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == flutter || $runtime == vm) ]
dynamic_prefix_core_test/none: Fail # Issue 12478
[ ($compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler) && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == flutter || $runtime == vm) ]
await_for_test: RuntimeError # issue 28974
class_keyword_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 13627
export_ambiguous_main_negative_test: Fail # Issue 14763
syntax_test/none: CompileTimeError # Issue #30176.
unicode_bom_test: Fail # Issue 16067
vm/debug_break_enabled_vm_test/01: Crash, OK # Expected to hit breakpoint.
# These test entries will be valid for vm (with and without kernel).
[ $compiler == app_jit || $compiler == dartk || $compiler == dartkb || $compiler == none || $runtime == dart_precompiled ]
async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError
async_star_pause_test: Fail, OK # This is OK for now, but we may want to change the semantics to match the test.
constructor2_test: Fail, OK # Failures related to super call in ctor initializer list
constructor3_test: Fail, OK # Failures related to super call in ctor initializer list
constructor5_test: Fail # Issue 6422, These bugs refer currently ongoing language discussions.
constructor6_test: Fail # Issue 6422, These bugs refer currently ongoing language discussions.
cyclic_type2_test: Fail, OK # Non-contractive types are not supported in the vm.
cyclic_type_test/02: Fail, OK # Non-contractive types are not supported in the vm.
cyclic_type_test/04: Fail, OK # Non-contractive types are not supported in the vm.
duplicate_export_negative_test: Fail # Issue 6134
example_constructor_test: Fail, OK # Failures related to super call in ctor initializer list
field_initialization_order_test: Fail, OK # Failures related to super call in ctor initializer list
final_field_initialization_order_test: Fail, OK # Failures related to super call in ctor initializer list
generic_methods_type_expression_test: RuntimeError # Issue 25869 / 27460
least_upper_bound_expansive_test/*: Fail, OK # Non-contractive types are not supported in the vm.
main_not_a_function_test/01: Skip # Skipped temporaril until Issue 29895 is fixed.
mixin_illegal_super_use_test: Skip # Issues 24478 and 23773, # These tests are skipped in the VM because it has "--supermixin" functionality enabled unconditionally. The tests should be removed once the same is true for analyzer (#24478) and dart2js (#23773)
mixin_illegal_superclass_test: Skip # Issues 24478 and 23773, # These tests are skipped in the VM because it has "--supermixin" functionality enabled unconditionally. The tests should be removed once the same is true for analyzer (#24478) and dart2js (#23773)
no_main_test/01: Skip # Skipped temporaril until Issue 29895 is fixed.
super_test: Fail, OK # Failures related to super call in ctor initializer list
vm/regress_29145_test: Skip # Issue 29145
[ $compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none ]
library_env_test/has_no_mirror_support: RuntimeError, OK # The test is supposed to fail.
[ $compiler == app_jit || $compiler == none || $compiler == precompiler ]
async_star_regression_2238_test: CompileTimeError
deferred_redirecting_factory_test: Fail, Crash # Issue 23408
dynamic_prefix_core_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 12478
multiline_strings_test: Fail # Issue 23020
redirecting_constructor_initializer_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23488
[ $compiler == app_jit || $compiler == precompiler || $mode == product ]
deferred_load_constants_test/02: Skip # Deferred loading happens eagerly.
deferred_load_constants_test/03: Skip # Deferred loading happens eagerly.
deferred_load_constants_test/05: Skip # Deferred loading happens eagerly.
deferred_not_loaded_check_test: Skip # Deferred loading happens eagerly.
vm/regress_27201_test: Fail
[ $compiler == app_jit || $runtime == dart_precompiled ]
ct_const2_test: Skip # Incompatible flag: --compile_all
hello_dart_test: Skip # Incompatible flag: --compile_all
vm/type_cast_vm_test: RuntimeError # Expects line and column numbers
vm/type_vm_test: RuntimeError # Expects line and column numbers
[ $mode == product || $runtime == dart_precompiled ]
vm/causal_async_exception_stack2_test: SkipByDesign # Causal async stacks are not supported in product mode
vm/causal_async_exception_stack_test: SkipByDesign # Causal async stacks are not supported in product mode
[ $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm ]
arithmetic_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
bit_operations_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
deopt_inlined_function_lazy_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
guess_cid_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
identical_closure2_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
int2_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
mint_compares_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
number_identity_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
regress_24283_test: RuntimeError # Large integers
vm/load_to_load_unaligned_forwarding_vm_test: Pass, Crash # Unaligned offset. Issue 22151
vm/regress_14903_test: CompileTimeError # Large integer literal
vm/regress_23117_vm_test: RuntimeError # Large integers
vm/regress_23238_test: RuntimeError # Large integers
vm/unaligned_float_access_literal_index_test: Pass, Crash # Unaligned offset. Issue 22151
[ $hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback ]
cha_deopt1_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
cha_deopt2_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
cha_deopt3_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
conditional_import_string_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
conditional_import_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_call_empty_before_load_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_closurize_load_library_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_constant_list_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_constraints_constants_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_function_type_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_global_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_import_core_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_inheritance_constraints_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_inlined_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_load_constants_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_load_inval_code_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_load_library_wrong_args_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_mixin_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_no_such_method_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_not_loaded_check_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_only_constant_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_optimized_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_redirecting_factory_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_regression_22995_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_regression_28678_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_shadow_load_library_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_shared_and_unshared_classes_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_static_seperate_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_super_dependency_test: Pass, Crash # Requires deferred libraries
deferred_type_dependency_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
issue21159_test: Pass, Crash # Issue 29094
issue_1751477_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
issue_22780_test/01: Pass, Crash # Issue 29094
regress_22443_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
regress_23408_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
regress_28278_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries
static_closure_identical_test: Pass, Fail # Closure identity
vm/optimized_stacktrace_test: Pass, Slow
vm/regress_27201_test: Pass, Crash # Requires deferred libraries
[ $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkb && $compiler != dartkp && $compiler != none || $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkb && $compiler != dartkp && $runtime != vm ]
assert_initializer_test/*: Skip # not implemented yet, experiment is VM only.