blob: 309ee6c897af1976e1848371c82d458fafc6a431 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This script runs the benchmarks in this directory and uploads the
// results to cloud storage. These results are then ingested by our
// performance measurement system.
// The script only works when run on a LUCI builder in the dart-ci project,
// and uploads results to paths within gs://dart-test-results/benchmark-results.
// This script is needed to run benchmarks on platforms that we only have
// in our LUCI CI system, not in our performance lab, such as Windows.
// The script is currently only used and tested on Windows.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
void main() async {
try {
final results = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
results.addAll(await runBenchmarks(warm: true));
results.addAll(await runBenchmarks(warm: false));
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
print("Analyzer benchmark uploads only run on Windows");
final targetResults = [
for (final result in results)
'cpu': 'Windows VM',
'machineType': 'windows-x64',
'target': 'dart-analysis-server-external',
await uploadResults(targetResults);
} catch (e, st) {
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> runBenchmarks({required bool warm}) async {
final temperature = warm ? 'warm' : 'cold';
final benchmarkResults = await, [
if (warm) 'analysis-server' else 'analysis-server-cold',
if (benchmarkResults.exitCode != 0) {
throw 'Failed to run $temperature benchmarks';
final result = jsonDecode(LineSplitter()
.convert(benchmarkResults.stdout as String)
.where((line) => line.startsWith('{"benchmark":'))
return <Map<String, dynamic>>[
'benchmark': 'analysis-server-$temperature-memory',
'metric': 'MemoryUse',
'score': result['result']['analysis-server-$temperature-memory']['bytes'],
'benchmark': 'analysis-server-$temperature-analysis',
'metric': 'RunTimeRaw',
'score': result['result']['analysis-server-$temperature-analysis']
if (warm)
'benchmark': 'analysis-server-edit',
'metric': 'RunTimeRaw',
'score': result['result']['analysis-server-edit']['micros'],
if (warm)
'benchmark': 'analysis-server-completion',
'metric': 'RunTimeRaw',
'score': result['result']['analysis-server-completion']['micros'],
Future<void> uploadResults(List<Map<String, dynamic>> results) async {
// Create JSON results in the desired format
// Write results file to cloud storage.
final tempDir =
await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('analysis-server-benchmarks');
try {
final resultsJson = jsonEncode(results);
final resultsFile = File.fromUri(tempDir.uri.resolve('results.json'));
resultsFile.writeAsStringSync(resultsJson, flush: true);
final taskId = Platform.environment['SWARMING_TASK_ID'] ?? "test_task_id";
if (taskId == "test_task_id") {
print('Benchmark_uploader requires SWARMING_TASK_ID in the environment.');
final cloudStoragePath =
final args = [
final python = 'python3.exe';
print('Running $python ${args.join(' ')}');
final commandResult = await, args);
final exitCode = commandResult.exitCode;
print('exit code: $exitCode');
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw 'Gsutil upload failed. Exit code $exitCode';
} finally {
await tempDir.delete(recursive: true);