[vm/inliner] Add smi return type of clamped convertors.

Rather than forced inlining of clamped convertors
(the "saturated" method _toClampedUint8() from
dart:typed_data), exposing the fact that it always
returns smi values (since they check fail on null inputs)
yields much better Uint8ClampedListView performance
(it avoids re-compilation due to a speculative CheckSmi).

In the long run, we may still want them inlined
and improve range analysis to deal with clamping.

About 2.8x faster than previous optimized version,
about 4.5x faster than original.


Change-Id: I86a06525d2f2ea0476effd3c3d856ff8d9ab1d87
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/60201
Commit-Queue: Aart Bik <ajcbik@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Markov <alexmarkov@google.com>
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h
index 952a9d7..bb61216 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/method_recognizer.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
   V(_TypedList, _setFloat64, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat64, Dynamic, 0x38a80b0d)     \
   V(_TypedList, _setFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32x4, Dynamic, 0x40052c4e) \
   V(_TypedList, _setInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32x4, Dynamic, 0x07b89f54)     \
+  V(::, _toClampedUint8, ConvertIntToClampedUint8, Smi, 0x564b0435)            \
   V(_StringBase, _interpolate, StringBaseInterpolate, Dynamic, 0x01ecb15a)     \
   V(_IntegerImplementation, toDouble, IntegerToDouble, Double, 0x05da96ed)     \
   V(_Double, _add, DoubleAdd, Double, 0x2a38277b)                              \
@@ -437,7 +438,6 @@
   V(::, _toInt, ConvertMaskedInt, 0x713908fd)                                  \
   V(::, _toInt8, ConvertIntToInt8, 0x7484a780)                                 \
   V(::, _toUint8, ConvertIntToUint8, 0x0a15b522)                               \
-  V(::, _toClampedUint8, ConvertIntToClampedUint8, 0x564b0435)                 \
   V(::, _toInt16, ConvertIntToInt16, 0x0a83fcc6)                               \
   V(::, _toUint16, ConvertIntToUint16, 0x6087d1af)                             \
   V(::, _toInt32, ConvertIntToInt32, 0x62b451b9)                               \