blob: 7d9e21f90bc985d7024e8c617442284077be85d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/nnbd_migration.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'abstract_context.dart';
import 'api_test_base.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
/// Tests of the provisional API.
class _ProvisionalApiTest extends _ProvisionalApiTestBase
with _ProvisionalApiTestCases {
bool get _usePermissiveMode => false;
/// Base class for provisional API tests.
abstract class _ProvisionalApiTestBase extends AbstractContextTest {
String projectPath;
bool get _usePermissiveMode;
void setUp() {
projectPath = convertPath(testsPath);
/// Hook invoked between stages of processing inputs.
void _betweenStages() {}
/// Verifies that migration of the files in [input] produces the output in
/// [expectedOutput].
/// Optional parameter [removeViaComments] indicates whether dead code should
/// be removed in its entirety (the default) or removed by commenting it out.
Future<void> _checkMultipleFileChanges(
Map<String, String> input, Map<String, String> expectedOutput,
{Map<String, String> migratedInput = const {},
bool removeViaComments = false,
bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) async {
for (var path in migratedInput.keys) {
newFile(path, content: migratedInput[path]);
for (var path in input.keys) {
newFile(path, content: input[path]);
var listener = TestMigrationListener();
var migration = NullabilityMigration(listener, getLineInfo,
permissive: _usePermissiveMode,
removeViaComments: removeViaComments,
warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
for (var path in input.keys) {
if (!(session.getFile(path)).isPart) {
for (var unit in (await session.getResolvedLibrary(path)).units) {
expect(migration.unmigratedDependencies, isEmpty);
for (var path in input.keys) {
if (!(session.getFile(path)).isPart) {
for (var unit in (await session.getResolvedLibrary(path)).units) {
for (var path in input.keys) {
if (!(session.getFile(path)).isPart) {
for (var unit in (await session.getResolvedLibrary(path)).units) {
var sourceEdits = <String, List<SourceEdit>>{};
for (var entry in listener.edits.entries) {
var path = entry.key.fullName;
expect(expectedOutput.keys, contains(path));
sourceEdits[path] = entry.value;
for (var path in expectedOutput.keys) {
var sourceEditsForPath = sourceEdits[path] ?? [];
sourceEditsForPath.sort((a, b) => b.offset.compareTo(a.offset));
expect(SourceEdit.applySequence(input[path], sourceEditsForPath),
/// Verifies that migraiton of the single file with the given [content]
/// produces the [expected] output.
/// Optional parameter [removeViaComments] indicates whether dead code should
/// be removed in its entirety (the default) or removed by commenting it out.
Future<void> _checkSingleFileChanges(String content, String expected,
{Map<String, String> migratedInput = const {},
bool removeViaComments = false,
bool warnOnWeakCode = false}) async {
var sourcePath = convertPath('$testsPath/lib/test.dart');
await _checkMultipleFileChanges(
{sourcePath: content}, {sourcePath: expected},
migratedInput: migratedInput,
removeViaComments: removeViaComments,
warnOnWeakCode: warnOnWeakCode);
/// Mixin containing test cases for the provisional API.
mixin _ProvisionalApiTestCases on _ProvisionalApiTestBase {
Future<void> test_add_explicit_parameter_type() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
void m<T>(T Function(T) callback);
void test(C c) {
c.m((value) => value + 1);
// Under the new NNBD rules, `value` gets an inferred type of `Object?`. We
// need to change this to `dynamic` to avoid an "undefined operator +"
// error.
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
void m<T>(T Function(T) callback);
void test(C c) {
c.m((dynamic value) => value + 1);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_add_explicit_parameter_type_interpolation() async {
var content = r'''
abstract class C {
void m<T>(T Function(T) callback);
void test(C c) {
c.m((value) => '$value';
// Under the new NNBD rules, `value` gets an inferred type of `Object?`,
// whereas it previously had a type of `dynamic`. But we don't need to fix
// it because `Object?` supports `toString`.
var expected = r'''
abstract class C {
void m<T>(T Function(T) callback);
void test(C c) {
c.m((value) => '$value';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_add_explicit_parameter_type_object_method() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
void m<T>(T Function(T) callback);
void test(C c) {
c.m((value) => value.toString());
// Under the new NNBD rules, `value` gets an inferred type of `Object?`,
// whereas it previously had a type of `dynamic`. But we don't need to fix
// it because `Object?` supports `toString`.
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
void m<T>(T Function(T) callback);
void test(C c) {
c.m((value) => value.toString());
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_add_explicit_parameter_type_unused() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
void m<T>(T Function(T) callback);
void test(C c) {
c.m((value) => 0);
// Under the new NNBD rules, `value` gets an inferred type of `Object?`,
// whereas it previously had a type of `dynamic`. But we don't need to fix
// it because it's unused.
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
void m<T>(T Function(T) callback);
void test(C c) {
c.m((value) => 0);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_add_required() async {
var content = '''
int f({String s}) => s.length;
var expected = '''
int f({required String s}) => s.length;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_add_type_parameter_bound() async {
/// After a migration, a bound may be made nullable. Instantiate-to-bounds
/// may need to be made explicit where the migration engine prefers a
/// non-null type.
var content = '''
class C<T extends num/*?*/> {}
void main() {
C c = C();
var expected = '''
class C<T extends num?> {}
void main() {
C<num> c = C();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_ambiguous_closure_parameter_in_local_variable() async {
var content = '''
Object f<T>(Object Function(T) callback, Object obj) => 0;
g() {
var y = f<Map<String, int>>(
(x) => x.keys,
(x) => x.last, 0));
var expected = '''
Object f<T>(Object Function(T) callback, Object obj) => 0;
g() {
var y = f<Map<String, int>>(
(x) => x.keys,
(x) => x.last, 0));
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_argumentError_checkNotNull_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_as_allows_null() async {
var content = '''
int f(Object o) => (o as int)?.gcd(1);
main() {
var expected = '''
int? f(Object? o) => (o as int?)?.gcd(1);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_assign_null_to_generic_type() async {
var content = '''
main() {
List<int> x = null;
var expected = '''
main() {
List<int>? x = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_assignment_to_promoted_var_can_undo_promotion() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
void test() {
var x = f();
while (x != null) {
x = f();
int/*?*/ f();
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
void test() {
var x = f();
while (x != null) {
x = f();
int? f();
// Prior to the fix for,
// migration would consider the LHS of `x = f()` to have context type
// non-nullable `int`, so it would add a null check to the value returned
// from `f`.
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_avoid_redundant_future_or() async {
// FutureOr<int?> and FutureOr<int?>? are equivalent types; we never insert
// the redundant second `?`.
var content = '''
import 'dart:async';
abstract class C {
FutureOr<int/*?*/> f();
FutureOr<int>/*?*/ g();
FutureOr<int> h(bool b) => b ? f() : g();
var expected = '''
import 'dart:async';
abstract class C {
FutureOr<int?> f();
FutureOr<int>? g();
FutureOr<int?> h(bool b) => b ? f() : g();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_back_propagation_stops_at_implicitly_typed_variables() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int v;
f(C c) {
var x = c.v;
print(x + 1);
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
int? v;
f(C c) {
var x = c.v!;
print(x + 1);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_call_already_migrated_extension() async {
var content = '''
import 'already_migrated.dart';
void f() {
var alreadyMigrated = '''
// @dart=2.12
extension Ext<T> on List<T> {
g() {}
var expected = '''
import 'already_migrated.dart';
void f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, migratedInput: {
'$projectPath/lib/already_migrated.dart': alreadyMigrated
Future<void> test_call_generic_function_returns_generic_class() async {
var content = '''
class B<E> implements List<E/*?*/> {
final C c;
B<T> cast<T>() => c._castFrom<E, T>(this);
abstract class C {
B<T> _castFrom<S, T>(B<S> source);
var expected = '''
class B<E> implements List<E?> {
final C c;
B<T> cast<T>() => c._castFrom<E, T>(this);
abstract class C {
B<T> _castFrom<S, T>(B<S> source);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_call_migrated_base_class_method_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
abstract class M<V> implements Map<String, V> {}
void f(bool b, M<int> m, int i) {
if (b) {
m['x'] = i;
void g(bool b, M<int> m) {
f(b, m, null);
var expected = '''
abstract class M<V> implements Map<String, V> {}
void f(bool b, M<int?> m, int? i) {
if (b) {
m['x'] = i;
void g(bool b, M<int?> m) {
f(b, m, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_call_migrated_base_class_method_nullable() async {
var content = '''
abstract class M<V> implements Map<String, V> {}
int f(M<int> m) => m['x'];
var expected = '''
abstract class M<V> implements Map<String, V> {}
int? f(M<int> m) => m['x'];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_catch_simple() async {
var content = '''
void f() {
try {} catch (ex, st) {}
var expected = '''
void f() {
try {} catch (ex, st) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_catch_simple_with_modifications() async {
var content = '''
void f(String x, StackTrace y) {
try {} catch (ex, st) {
ex = x;
st = y;
main() {
f(null, null);
var expected = '''
void f(String? x, StackTrace? y) {
try {} catch (ex, st) {
ex = x;
st = y!;
main() {
f(null, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_catch_with_on() async {
var content = '''
void f() {
try {} on String catch (ex, st) {}
var expected = '''
void f() {
try {} on String catch (ex, st) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_catch_with_on_with_modifications() async {
var content = '''
void f(String x, StackTrace y) {
try {} on String catch (ex, st) {
ex = x;
st = y;
main() {
f(null, null);
var expected = '''
void f(String? x, StackTrace? y) {
try {} on String? catch (ex, st) {
ex = x;
st = y!;
main() {
f(null, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_class_alias_synthetic_constructor_with_parameters() async {
var content = '''
void main() {
D d = D(null);
class C {
C(int i);
mixin M {}
class D = C with M;
var expected = '''
void main() {
D d = D(null);
class C {
C(int? i);
mixin M {}
class D = C with M;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_class_alias_synthetic_constructor_with_parameters_and_subclass() async {
var content = '''
void main() {
E e = E(null);
class C {
C(int i);
mixin M {}
class D = C with M;
class E extends D {
E(int i) : super(i);
var expected = '''
void main() {
E e = E(null);
class C {
C(int? i);
mixin M {}
class D = C with M;
class E extends D {
E(int? i) : super(i);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_class_type_param_bound_references_class() async {
var content = '''
class Node<T extends Node<T>> {
final List<T> nodes = <T>[];
class C extends Node<C> {}
main() {
var x = C();
var expected = '''
class Node<T extends Node<T>> {
final List<T> nodes = <T>[];
class C extends Node<C> {}
main() {
var x = C();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_class_with_default_constructor() async {
var content = '''
void main() => f(Foo());
f(Foo f) {}
class Foo {}
var expected = '''
void main() => f(Foo());
f(Foo f) {}
class Foo {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_code_inside_switch_does_not_imply_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i, int j) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
return j + 1;
return 0;
int g(int i, int j) {
if (i == 0) {
return f(i, j);
} else {
return 0;
main() {
g(0, null);
var expected = '''
int f(int i, int? j) {
switch (i) {
case 0:
return j! + 1;
return 0;
int g(int i, int? j) {
if (i == 0) {
return f(i, j);
} else {
return 0;
main() {
g(0, null);
// Note: prior to the fix for,
// we would consider the use of `j` in `f` to establish non-null intent, so
// the null check would be erroneously placed in `g`'s call to `f`.
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, warnOnWeakCode: true);
Future<void> test_comment_bang_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int/*!*/ i) {}
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {}
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_comment_question_implies_nullable() async {
var content = '''
void _f() {
int/*?*/ i = 0;
var expected = '''
void _f() {
int? i = 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_conditional_assert_statement_does_not_imply_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(bool b, int i) {
if (b) return;
assert(i != null);
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(b, i);
main() {
g(true, null);
var expected = '''
void f(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) return;
assert(i != null);
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(b, i);
main() {
g(true, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_conditional_dereference_does_not_imply_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(bool b, int i) {
if (b) i.abs();
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(b, i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) i!.abs();
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(b, i);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_conditional_expression_guard_subexpression() async {
var content = '''
void f(String s, int x, int/*?*/ n) {
s == null ? (x = n) : (x = s.length);
var expected = '''
void f(String s, int x, int? n) {
s == null ? (x = n!) : (x = s.length);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, warnOnWeakCode: true);
Future<void> test_conditional_expression_guard_value_ifFalse() async {
var content = 'int f(String s, int/*?*/ n) => s != null ? s.length : n;';
var expected = 'int f(String s, int? n) => s != null ? s.length : n!;';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, warnOnWeakCode: true);
Future<void> test_conditional_expression_guard_value_ifTrue() async {
var content = 'int f(String s, int/*?*/ n) => s == null ? n : s.length;';
var expected = 'int f(String s, int? n) => s == null ? n! : s.length;';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, warnOnWeakCode: true);
test_conditional_non_null_usage_does_not_imply_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(bool b, int i, int j) {
if (b) i.gcd(j);
void g(bool b, int i, int j) {
if (b) f(b, i, j);
main() {
g(false, 0, null);
var expected = '''
void f(bool b, int i, int? j) {
if (b) i.gcd(j!);
void g(bool b, int i, int? j) {
if (b) f(b, i, j);
main() {
g(false, 0, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_conditional_usage_does_not_propagate_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
assert(i != null);
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
void h(bool b1, bool b2, int i) {
if (b1) g(b2, i);
main() {
h(true, false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {
assert(i != null);
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
void h(bool b1, bool b2, int? i) {
if (b1) g(b2, i);
main() {
h(true, false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_conditionalExpression_typeParameter_bound() async {
var content = '''
num f1<T extends num>(bool b, num x, T y) => b ? x : y;
num f2<T extends num>(bool b, num x, T y) => b ? x : y;
num f3<T extends num>(bool b, num x, T y) => b ? x : y;
num f4<T extends num>(bool b, num x, T y) => b ? x : y;
void main() {
int x1 = f1<int/*?*/>(true, 0, null);
int x2 = f2<int/*!*/>(true, 0, null);
int x3 = f3<int>(true, null, 0);
int x4 = f4<int>(true, 0, 0);
var expected = '''
num? f1<T extends num?>(bool b, num x, T y) => b ? x : y;
num? f2<T extends num>(bool b, num x, T? y) => b ? x : y;
num? f3<T extends num>(bool b, num? x, T y) => b ? x : y;
num f4<T extends num>(bool b, num x, T y) => b ? x : y;
void main() {
int? x1 = f1<int?>(true, 0, null) as int?;
int? x2 = f2<int>(true, 0, null) as int?;
int? x3 = f3<int>(true, null, 0) as int?;
int x4 = f4<int>(true, 0, 0) as int;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_constructorDeclaration_factory_non_null_return() async {
var content = '''
class C {
factory C() {
C c = f();
return c;
C f() => null;
var expected = '''
class C {
factory C() {
C c = f()!;
return c;
C? f() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_constructorDeclaration_factory_simple() async {
var content = '''
class C {
factory C(int i) => C._();
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
factory C(int? i) => C._();
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_constructorDeclaration_named() async {
var content = '''
class C {
C.named(int i);
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
C.named(int? i);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_constructorDeclaration_namedParameter() async {
var content = '''
class C {
C({Key key});
class Key {}
var expected = '''
class C {
C({Key? key});
class Key {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_convert_required() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required String s}) {}
var expected = '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({required String s}) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_assignment_field() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int x = 0;
void f(C c) {
c.x = null;
var expected = '''
class C {
int? x = 0;
void f(C c) {
c.x = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_assignment_field_in_cascade() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int x = 0;
void f(C c) {
c..x = null;
var expected = '''
class C {
int? x = 0;
void f(C c) {
c..x = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_assignment_local() async {
var content = '''
void main() {
int i = 0;
i = null;
var expected = '''
void main() {
int? i = 0;
i = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_assignment_setter() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void set s(int value) {}
void f(C c) {
c.s = null;
var expected = '''
class C {
void set s(int? value) {}
void f(C c) {
c.s = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_field_read() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int/*?*/ f = 0;
int f(C c) => c.f;
var expected = '''
class C {
int? f = 0;
int? f(C c) => c.f;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_function_return_type() async {
var content = '''
int Function() f(int Function() x) => x;
int g() => null;
main() {
var expected = '''
int? Function() f(int? Function() x) => x;
int? g() => null;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_generic_contravariant_inward() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
void f(T t) {}
void g(C<int> c, int i) {
void test(C<int> c) {
g(c, null);
// Default behavior is to add nullability at the call site. Rationale: this
// is correct in the common case where the generic parameter represents the
// type of an item in a container. Also, if there are many callers that are
// largely independent, adding nullability to the callee would likely
// propagate to a field in the class, and thence (via return values of other
// methods) to most users of the class. Whereas if we add nullability at
// the call site it's possible that other call sites won't need it.
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
void f(T t) {}
void g(C<int?> c, int? i) {
void test(C<int?> c) {
g(c, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_generic_contravariant_inward_function() async {
var content = '''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
int g(int x) => f<int>(x);
void h() {
// As with the generic class case (see
// [test_data_flow_generic_contravariant_inward_function]), we favor adding
// nullability at the call site, so that other uses of `f` don't necessarily
// see a nullable return value.
var expected = '''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
int? g(int? x) => f<int?>(x);
void h() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_data_flow_generic_contravariant_inward_using_core_class() async {
var content = '''
void f(List<int> x, int i) {
void test(List<int> x) {
f(x, null);
var expected = '''
void f(List<int?> x, int? i) {
void test(List<int?> x) {
f(x, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_generic_covariant_outward() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
T getValue() => null;
int f(C<int> x) => x.getValue();
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
T? getValue() => null;
int? f(C<int> x) => x.getValue();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_generic_covariant_substituted() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C<T> {
T getValue();
int f(C<int/*?*/> x) => x.getValue();
var expected = '''
abstract class C<T> {
T getValue();
int? f(C<int?> x) => x.getValue();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_indexed_get_index_value() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => 1;
int f(C c) => c[null];
var expected = '''
class C {
int operator[](int? i) => 1;
int f(C c) => c[null];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_indexed_get_value() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int operator[](int i) => null;
int f(C c) => c[0];
var expected = '''
class C {
int? operator[](int i) => null;
int? f(C c) => c[0];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_indexed_set_index_value() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void operator[]=(int i, int j) {}
void f(C c) {
c[null] = 0;
var expected = '''
class C {
void operator[]=(int? i, int j) {}
void f(C c) {
c[null] = 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_indexed_set_index_value_in_cascade() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void operator[]=(int i, int j) {}
void f(C c) {
c..[null] = 0;
var expected = '''
class C {
void operator[]=(int? i, int j) {}
void f(C c) {
c..[null] = 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_indexed_set_value() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void operator[]=(int i, int j) {}
void f(C c) {
c[0] = null;
var expected = '''
class C {
void operator[]=(int i, int? j) {}
void f(C c) {
c[0] = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_inward() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i) => 0;
int g(int i) => f(i);
void test() {
var expected = '''
int f(int? i) => 0;
int g(int? i) => f(i);
void test() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_inward_missing_type() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i) => 0;
int g(i) => f(i); // TODO(danrubel): suggest type
void test() {
var expected = '''
int f(int? i) => 0;
int g(i) => f(i); // TODO(danrubel): suggest type
void test() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_local_declaration() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
int j = i;
main() {
var expected = '''
void f(int? i) {
int? j = i;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_local_reference() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {}
void g(int i) {
int j = i;
main() {
var expected = '''
void f(int? i) {}
void g(int? i) {
int? j = i;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_method_call_in_cascade() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void m(int x) {}
void f(C c) {
var expected = '''
class C {
void m(int? x) {}
void f(C c) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_outward() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i) => null;
int g(int i) => f(i);
var expected = '''
int? f(int i) => null;
int? g(int i) => f(i);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_data_flow_outward_missing_type() async {
var content = '''
f(int i) => null; // TODO(danrubel): suggest type
int g(int i) => f(i);
var expected = '''
f(int i) => null; // TODO(danrubel): suggest type
int? g(int i) => f(i);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_definitely_assigned_value() async {
var content = '''
String f(bool b) {
String s;
if (b) {
s = 'true';
} else {
s = 'false';
return s;
var expected = '''
String f(bool b) {
String s;
if (b) {
s = 'true';
} else {
s = 'false';
return s;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_discard_simple_condition_keep_else() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i) {
if (i == null) {
return null;
} else {
return i + 1;
var expected = '''
int f(int i) {
/* if (i == null) {
return null;
} else {
*/ return i + 1; /*
} */
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
Future<void> test_discard_simple_condition_keep_then() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i) {
if (i != null) {
return i + 1;
} else {
return null;
var expected = '''
int f(int i) {
/* if (i != null) {
*/ return i + 1; /*
} else {
return null;
} */
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
Future<void> test_do_not_add_question_to_null_type() async {
var content = '''
Null f() => null;
var expected = '''
Null f() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_do_not_propagate_non_null_intent_into_callback() async {
var content = '''
void f(int/*!*/ Function(int) callback) {
int g(int x) => x;
void test() {
// Even though `g` is passed to `f`'s `callback` parameter, non-null intent
// is not allowed to propagate backward from the return type of `callback`
// to the return type of `g`, because `g` might be used elsewhere in a
// context where it's important for its return type to be nullable. So no
// null check is added to `g`, and instead a cast (which is guaranteed to
// fail) is added at the site of the call to `f`.
// Note: tracks the fact that
// we ought to alert the user to the presence of such casts.
var expected = '''
void f(int Function(int?) callback) {
int? g(int? x) => x;
void test() {
f(g as int Function(int?));
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_downcast_dynamic_function_to_functionType() async {
var content = '''
void f(Function a) {
int Function<T>(String y) f1 = a;
Function b = null;
int Function<T>(String y) f2 = b;
// Don't assume any new nullabilities, but keep known nullabilities.
var expected = '''
void f(Function a) {
int Function<T>(String y) f1 = a as int Function<T>(String);
Function? b = null;
int Function<T>(String y)? f2 = b as int Function<T>(String)?;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_downcast_dynamic_to_functionType() async {
var content = '''
void f(dynamic a) {
int Function<T>(String y) f1 = a;
dynamic b = null;
int Function<T>(String y) f2 = b;
// Don't assume any new nullabilities, but keep known nullabilities.
var expected = '''
void f(dynamic a) {
int Function<T>(String y) f1 = a;
dynamic b = null;
int Function<T>(String y)? f2 = b;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_downcast_dynamic_type_argument() async {
// This pattern is common and seems to have this as a best migration. It is
// less clear, but plausible, that this holds for other types of type
// parameter downcasts.
var content = '''
List<int> f(List a) => a;
void main() {
var expected = '''
List<int?> f(List a) => a as List<int?>;
void main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_downcast_not_widest_type_type_parameters() async {
// Fails because a hard assignment from List<int/*1*/> to List<int/*2*/>
// doesn't create a hard edge from 1 to 2. Perhaps this is correct. In this
// example it seems incorrect.
var content = '''
void f(dynamic a) {
List<int> hardToNonNullNonNull = a;
List<int> hardToNullNonNull = a;
List<int> hardToNonNullNull = a;
List<int/*!*/>/*!*/ nonNullNonNull;
List<int/*?*/>/*!*/ nullNonNull;
List<int/*!*/>/*?*/ nonNullNull;
nonNullNonNull = hardToNonNullNonNull
nonNullNull = hardToNonNullNull
nullNonNull = hardToNullNonNull
var expected = '''
void f(dynamic a) {
List<int> hardToNonNullNonNull = a;
List<int?> hardToNullNonNull = a;
List<int>? hardToNonNullNull = a;
List<int> nonNullNonNull;
List<int?> nullNonNull;
List<int>? nonNullNull;
nonNullNonNull = hardToNonNullNonNull
nonNullNull = hardToNonNullNull
nullNonNull = hardToNullNonNull
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_downcast_to_null() async {
// This probably doesn't arise too often for real-world code, since it is
// most likely a mistake. Still, we want to make sure we don't crash.
var content = '''
test() {
var x = List.filled(3, null);
x[0] = 1;
var expected = '''
test() {
var x = List.filled(3, null);
x[0] = 1 as Null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_downcast_type_argument_preserve_nullability() async {
// There are no examples in front of us yet where anyone downcasts a type
// with a nullable type parameter. This is maybe correct, maybe not, and it
// unblocks us to find out which at a later point in time.
var content = '''
List<int> f(Iterable<num> a) => a;
void main() {
var expected = '''
List<int?> f(Iterable<num?> a) => a as List<int?>;
void main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_downcast_widest_type_from_related_type_parameters() async {
var content = '''
List<int> f(Iterable<int/*?*/> a) => a;
var expected = '''
List<int?> f(Iterable<int?> a) => a;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_downcast_widest_type_from_top_type_parameters() async {
var content = '''
List<int> f1(dynamic a) => a;
List<int> f2(Object b) => b;
// Note: even though the type `dynamic` permits `null`, the migration engine
// sees that there is no code path that could cause `f1` to be passed a null
// value, so it leaves its return type as non-nullable.
var expected = '''
List<int?> f1(dynamic a) => a;
List<int?> f2(Object b) => b;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_downcast_widest_type_from_unrelated_type_parameters() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C<A, B> implements List<A> {}
C<int, num> f(List<int> a) => a;
var expected = '''
abstract class C<A, B> implements List<A> {}
C<int, num?> f(List<int> a) => a;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_dynamic_dispatch_to_object_method() async {
var content = '''
String f(dynamic x) => x.toString();
var expected = '''
String f(dynamic x) => x.toString();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_dynamic_method_call() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int g(int i) => i;
int f(bool b, dynamic d) {
if (b) return 0;
return d.g(null);
main() {
f(true, null);
f(false, C());
// `d.g(null)` is a dynamic call, so we can't tell that it will target `C.g`
// at runtime. So we can't figure out that we need to make g's argument and
// return types nullable.
// We do, however, make f's return type nullable, since there is no way of
// knowing whether a dynamic call will return `null`.
var expected = '''
class C {
int g(int i) => i;
int? f(bool b, dynamic d) {
if (b) return 0;
return d.g(null);
main() {
f(true, null);
f(false, C());
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_dynamic_property_access() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int get g => 0;
int f(bool b, dynamic d) {
if (b) return 0;
return d.g;
main() {
f(true, null);
f(false, C());
var expected = '''
class C {
int get g => 0;
int? f(bool b, dynamic d) {
if (b) return 0;
return d.g;
main() {
f(true, null);
f(false, C());
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_dynamic_toString() async {
var content = '''
String f(dynamic x) => x.toString();
var expected = '''
String f(dynamic x) => x.toString();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_eliminate_dead_if_inside_for_element() async {
var content = '''
List<int> _f(List<int/*!*/> xs) => [for(var x in xs) if (x == null) 1];
var expected = '''
List<int> _f(List<int> xs) => [];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_enum() async {
var content = '''
enum E {
E f() => E.value;
int g() => f().index;
void h() {
for(var value in E.values) {}
E.values.forEach((value) {});
f().noSuchMethod(throw '');
f() == f();
var expected = '''
enum E {
E f() => E.value;
int g() => f().index;
void h() {
for(var value in E.values) {}
E.values.forEach((value) {});
f().noSuchMethod(throw '');
f() == f();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_exact_nullability_counterexample() async {
var content = '''
void f(List<int> x) {
void g() {
void h(List<int> x) {
// The `null` in `g` causes `f`'s `x` argument to have type `List<int?>`.
// Even though `f` calls a method that uses `List`'s type parameter
// contravariantly (the `add` method), that is not sufficient to cause exact
// nullability propagation, since value passed to `add` has a
// non-nullable type. So nullability is *not* propagated back to `h`.
var expected = '''
void f(List<int?> x) {
void g() {
void h(List<int> x) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_exact_nullability_doesnt_affect_function_args() async {
// Test attempting to create a bug from #40625. Currently passes, but if it
// breaks, that bug may need to be reopened.
var content = '''
class C<T> {
int Function(T) f;
void main(dynamic d) {
C<String> c = d;
int Function(String) f1 = c.f; // should not have a nullable arg
c.f(null); // exact nullability induced here
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
int Function(T)? f;
void main(dynamic d) {
C<String?> c = d;
int Function(String)? f1 = c.f; // should not have a nullable arg
c.f!(null); // exact nullability induced here
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_exact_nullability_doesnt_affect_function_returns() async {
// Test attempting to create a bug from #40625. Currently passes, but if it
// breaks, that bug may need to be reopened.
var content = '''
class C<T> {
T Function(String) f;
int Function(String) f1; // should not have a nullable return
void main(dynamic d) {
C<int> c = d;
c.f = f1;
c.f = (_) => null; // exact nullability induced here
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
T Function(String)? f;
int Function(String)? f1; // should not have a nullable return
void main(dynamic d) {
C<int?> c = d;
c.f = f1;
c.f = (_) => null; // exact nullability induced here
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_exact_nullability_doesnt_affect_typedef_args() async {
// Test attempting to create a bug from #40625. Currently passes, but if it
// breaks, that bug may need to be reopened.
var content = '''
typedef F<T> = int Function(T);
F<String> f1;
void main() {
f1(null); // induce exact nullability
int Function(String) f2 = f1; // shouldn't have a nullable arg
var expected = '''
typedef F<T> = int Function(T);
F<String?>? f1;
void main() {
f1!(null); // induce exact nullability
int Function(String)? f2 = f1; // shouldn't have a nullable arg
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_exact_nullability_doesnt_affect_typedef_returns() async {
// Test attempting to create a bug from #40625. Currently passes, but if it
// breaks, that bug may need to be reopened.
var content = '''
typedef F<T> = T Function(String);
int Function(String) f1; // should not have a nullable return
void main() {
F<int> f2 = f1;
f2 = (_) => null; // exact nullability induced here
var expected = '''
typedef F<T> = T Function(String);
int Function(String)? f1; // should not have a nullable return
void main() {
F<int?>? f2 = f1;
f2 = (_) => null; // exact nullability induced here
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_exact_nullability_in_nested_list() async {
var content = '''
f(List<int/*?*/> y) {
var x = <List<int>>[];
var expected = '''
f(List<int?> y) {
var x = <List<int?>>[];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_explicit_nullable_overrides_hard_edge() async {
var content = '''
int f(int/*?*/ i) => i + 1;
var expected = '''
int f(int? i) => i! + 1;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_expression_bang_hint() async {
var content = '''
int f(int/*?*/ i) => i/*!*/;
var expected = '''
int f(int? i) => i!;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
Future<void> test_expression_bang_hint_in_as() async {
var content = '''
int f(num/*?*/ i) => i as int/*!*/;
var expected = '''
int f(num? i) => i as int;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_expression_bang_hint_in_as_wrapped() async {
var content = '''
int f(num/*?*/ i) => (i as int)/*!*/;
var expected = '''
int f(num? i) => (i as int?)!;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
Future<void> test_expression_bang_hint_unnecessary() async {
var content = '''
int/*?*/ f(int/*?*/ i) => i/*!*/;
// The user requested a null check so we should add it even if it's not
// required to avoid compile errors.
var expected = '''
int? f(int? i) => i!;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
Future<void> test_expression_bang_hint_unnecessary_literal() async {
var content = 'int/*?*/ f() => 1/*!*/;';
// The user requested a null check so we should add it even if it's not
// required to avoid compile errors.
var expected = 'int? f() => 1!;';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
Future<void> test_expression_bang_hint_with_cast() async {
var content = 'int f(Object/*?*/ o) => o/*!*/;';
var expected = 'int f(Object? o) => o! as int;';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_expression_nullable_cast_then_checked() async {
var content = '''
int/*!*/ f(num/*?*/ i) => (i as int);
var expected = '''
int f(num? i) => (i as int);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_expression_wrapped_with_null_check_and_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
int/*!*/ f(int/*?*/ i) => (i)/*!*/;
var expected = '''
int f(int? i) => i!;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
Future<void> test_extension_null_check_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
class C {}
extension E on C/*!*/ {
void m() {}
void f(C c, bool b) {
if (b) {
void g() => f(null, false);
var expected = '''
class C {}
extension E on C {
void m() {}
void f(C? c, bool b) {
if (b) {
void g() => f(null, false);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_null_check_non_nullable_generic() async {
var content = '''
class C {}
extension E<T extends Object/*!*/> on T/*!*/ {
void m() {}
void f(C c, bool b) {
if (b) {
void g() => f(null, false);
var expected = '''
class C {}
extension E<T extends Object> on T {
void m() {}
void f(C? c, bool b) {
if (b) {
void g() => f(null, false);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_null_check_nullable() async {
var content = '''
class C {}
extension E on C/*?*/ {
void m() {}
void f(C c, bool b) {
if (b) {
void g() => f(null, false);
var expected = '''
class C {}
extension E on C? {
void m() {}
void f(C? c, bool b) {
if (b) {
void g() => f(null, false);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_null_check_nullable_generic() async {
var content = '''
class C {}
extension E<T extends Object/*?*/> on T/*!*/ {
void m() {}
void f(C c, bool b) {
if (b) {
void g() => f(null, false);
var expected = '''
class C {}
extension E<T extends Object?> on T {
void m() {}
void f(C? c, bool b) {
if (b) {
void g() => f(null, false);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_null_check_target() async {
var content = '''
extension E on int/*!*/ {
int get plusOne => this + 1;
int f(int/*?*/ x) => x.plusOne;
var expected = '''
extension E on int {
int get plusOne => this + 1;
int f(int? x) => x!.plusOne;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_extension_nullable_target() async {
var content = '''
extension E on int {
int get one => 1;
int f(int/*?*/ x) =>;
var expected = '''
extension E on int? {
int get one => 1;
int f(int? x) =>;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_nullableOnType_addsNullCheckToThis() async {
var content = '''
extension E on String /*?*/ {
void m() => this.length;
var expected = '''
extension E on String? {
void m() => this!.length;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_nullableOnType_typeArgument() async {
var content = '''
extension E on List<String> {
void m() {}
void f(List<String> list) => list.m();
void g() => f([null]);
var expected = '''
extension E on List<String?> {
void m() {}
void f(List<String?> list) => list.m();
void g() => f([null]);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_extension_nullableOnType_typeVariable() async {
var content = '''
extension E<T> on List<T> {
void m() {}
void f<U>(List<U> list) => list.m();
void g() => f([null]);
var expected = '''
extension E<T> on List<T?> {
void m() {}
void f<U>(List<U?> list) => list.m();
void g() => f([null]);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_nullableOnType_viaExplicitInvocation() async {
var content = '''
class C {}
extension E on C {
void m() {}
void f() => E(null).m();
var expected = '''
class C {}
extension E on C? {
void m() {}
void f() => E(null).m();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_nullableOnType_viaImplicitInvocation() async {
var content = '''
class C {}
extension E on C {
void m() {}
void f(C c) => c.m();
void g() => f(null);
var expected = '''
class C {}
extension E on C? {
void m() {}
void f(C? c) => c.m();
void g() => f(null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_on_generic_type() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
final T value;
extension E<T> on Future<C<T/*?*/>> {
Future<T> get asyncValue async => (await this).value;
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
final T value;
extension E<T> on Future<C<T?>> {
Future<T?> get asyncValue async => (await this).value;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_on_type_param_implementation() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
C _clone();
extension Cloner<T extends C> on T {
T clone() => _clone() as T;
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
C _clone();
extension Cloner<T extends C> on T {
T clone() => _clone() as T;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_on_type_param_usage() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
C _clone();
extension Cloner<T extends C> on T {
T clone() => throw Exception();
C f(C c) => c.clone();
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
C _clone();
extension Cloner<T extends C> on T {
T clone() => throw Exception();
C f(C c) => c.clone();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_override() async {
var content = '''
extension E on int {
int get plusOne => this + 1;
int f(int x) => E(x).plusOne;
var expected = '''
extension E on int {
int get plusOne => this + 1;
int f(int x) => E(x).plusOne;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_override_null_check_target() async {
var content = '''
extension E on int/*!*/ {
int get plusOne => this + 1;
int f(int/*?*/ x) => E(x).plusOne;
var expected = '''
extension E on int {
int get plusOne => this + 1;
int f(int? x) => E(x!).plusOne;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_extension_override_nullable_result_type() async {
var content = '''
extension E on int {
int get nullValue => null;
int f(int x) => E(x).nullValue;
var expected = '''
extension E on int {
int? get nullValue => null;
int? f(int x) => E(x).nullValue;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_extension_override_nullable_target() async {
var content = '''
extension E on int {
int get one => 1;
int f(int/*?*/ x) => E(x).one;
var expected = '''
extension E on int? {
int get one => 1;
int f(int? x) => E(x).one;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_final_uninitalized_used() async {
var content = '''
class C {
final String s;
f() {
g(String /*!*/ s) {}
var expected = '''
class C {
late final String s;
f() {
g(String s) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_formal_param_typed() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i;
C(int this.i);
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
int? i;
C(int? this.i);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_formal_param_typed_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int/*!*/ i;
C(int this.i);
void f(int i, bool b) {
if (b) {
main() {
f(null, false);
var expected = '''
class C {
int i;
C(int this.i);
void f(int? i, bool b) {
if (b) {
main() {
f(null, false);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_formal_param_untyped() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i;
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
int? i;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_formal_parameters_do_not_promote() async {
var content = '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
abstract class D {
final A x;
D(this.x) {
if (x is B) {
} else {
visitC(x as C);
void visitB(B b);
void visitC(C c);
var expected = '''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
abstract class D {
final A x;
D(this.x) {
if (x is B) {
visitB(x as B);
} else {
visitC(x as C);
void visitB(B b);
void visitC(C c);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_initialized_at_declaration_site() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i = 0;
var expected = '''
class C {
int i = 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_field_initialized_at_declaration_site_no_constructor() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i = 0;
var expected = '''
class C {
int i = 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_initialized_in_constructor() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i;
C() : i = 0;
var expected = '''
class C {
int i;
C() : i = 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_field_initialized_in_constructor_with_factories_and_redirects() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i;
C() : i = 0;
factory C.factoryConstructor => C();
factory C.factoryRedirect = D;
C.redirect : this();
class D extends C {}
var expected = '''
class C {
int i;
C() : i = 0;
factory C.factoryConstructor => C();
factory C.factoryRedirect = D;
C.redirect : this();
class D extends C {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_initializer_simple() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int f;
C(int i) : f = i;
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
int? f;
C(int? i) : f = i;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_initializer_typed_list_literal() async {
var content = '''
class C {
List<int> f;
C() : f = <int>[null];
var expected = '''
class C {
List<int?> f;
C() : f = <int?>[null];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_initializer_untyped_list_literal() async {
var content = '''
class C {
List<int> f;
C() : f = [null];
var expected = '''
class C {
List<int?> f;
C() : f = [null];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_initializer_untyped_map_literal() async {
var content = '''
class C {
Map<String, int> f;
C() : f = {"foo": null};
var expected = '''
class C {
Map<String, int?> f;
C() : f = {"foo": null};
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_initializer_untyped_set_literal() async {
var content = '''
class C {
Set<int> f;
C() : f = {null};
var expected = '''
class C {
Set<int?> f;
C() : f = {null};
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_not_initialized() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i;
var expected = '''
class C {
int? i;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_not_initialized_no_constructor() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i;
var expected = '''
class C {
int? i;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_overrides_getter() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
int get i;
class D implements C {
final int i;
D._() : i = computeI();
int computeI() => null;
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
int? get i;
class D implements C {
final int? i;
D._() : i = computeI();
int? computeI() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_type_inferred() async {
var content = '''
int f() => null;
class C {
var x = 1;
void g() {
x = f();
// The type of x is inferred as non-nullable from its initializer, but we
// try to assign a nullable value to it. So an explicit type must be added.
var expected = '''
int? f() => null;
class C {
int? x = 1;
void g() {
x = f();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_uninitalized_used() async {
var content = '''
class C {
String s;
f() {
g(String /*!*/ s) {}
var expected = '''
class C {
late String s;
f() {
g(String s) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_field_uninitalized_used_hint() async {
var content = '''
class C {
String /*?*/ s;
f() {
g(String /*!*/ s) {}
var expected = '''
class C {
String? s;
f() {
g(String s) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_firstWhere_complex_target() async {
// See
var content = '''
Iterable<Match> allMatches(String str) => 'x'.allMatches(str);
Match matchAsPrefix(String str, [int start = 0]) {
return allMatches(str)
.firstWhere((match) => match.start == start, orElse: () => null);
var expected = '''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
Iterable<Match> allMatches(String str) => 'x'.allMatches(str);
Match? matchAsPrefix(String str, [int start = 0]) {
return allMatches(str)
.firstWhereOrNull((match) => match.start == start);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_firstWhere_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
int firstEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.firstWhere((x) => x.isEven, orElse: () => null);
var expected = '''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
int? firstEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.firstWhereOrNull((x) => x.isEven);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_firstWhere_non_nullable_with_cast() async {
var content = '''
int firstNonZero(Iterable<num> x)
=> x.firstWhere((x) => x != 0, orElse: () => null);
var expected = '''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
int? firstNonZero(Iterable<num> x)
=> x.firstWhereOrNull((x) => x != 0) as int?;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_firstWhere_non_nullable_with_non_null_assertion() async {
var content = '''
int/*!*/ firstEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.firstWhere((x) => x.isEven, orElse: () => null);
var expected = '''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
int firstEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.firstWhereOrNull((x) => x.isEven)!;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_firstWhere_nullable() async {
var content = '''
int firstEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.firstWhere((x) => x.isEven, orElse: () => null);
f() => firstEven([null]);
var expected = '''
int? firstEven(Iterable<int?> x)
=> x.firstWhere((x) => x!.isEven, orElse: () => null);
f() => firstEven([null]);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_firstWhere_nullable_with_cast() async {
var content = '''
int firstNonZero(Iterable<num> x)
=> x.firstWhere((x) => x != 0, orElse: () => null);
f() => firstNonZero([null]);
var expected = '''
int? firstNonZero(Iterable<num?> x)
=> x.firstWhere((x) => x != 0, orElse: () => null) as int?;
f() => firstNonZero([null]);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_flow_analysis_complex() async {
var content = '''
int f(int x) {
while (x == null) {
x = g(x);
return x;
int g(int x) => x == null ? 1 : null;
main() {
// Flow analysis can tell that the loop only exits if x is non-null, so the
// return type of `f` can remain `int`, and no null check is needed.
var expected = '''
int f(int? x) {
while (x == null) {
x = g(x);
return x;
int? g(int? x) => x == null ? 1 : null;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_flow_analysis_simple() async {
var content = '''
int f(int x) {
if (x == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return x;
main() {
var expected = '''
int f(int? x) {
if (x == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return x;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_for_each_basic() async {
var content = '''
void f(List<int> l) {
for (var x in l) {
void g(int x) {}
main() {
var expected = '''
void f(List<int?> l) {
for (var x in l) {
void g(int? x) {}
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_for_each_variable_initialized() async {
var content = '''
int sum(List<int> list) {
int total = 0;
for (var i in list) {
total = total + i;
return total;
var expected = '''
int sum(List<int> list) {
int total = 0;
for (var i in list) {
total = total + i;
return total;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_expression() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i) {
var g = (int j) => i;
return g(i);
main() {
var expected = '''
int? f(int? i) {
var g = (int? j) => i;
return g(i);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_expression_invocation() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
void Function(int) f();
int/*?*/ Function() g();
int test(C c) {
return c.g()();
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
void Function(int?) f();
int? Function() g();
int? test(C c) {
return c.g()();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_expression_invocation_via_getter() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
void Function(int) get f;
int/*?*/ Function() get g;
int test(C c) {
return c.g();
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
void Function(int?) get f;
int? Function() get g;
int? test(C c) {
return c.g();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_expression_return() async {
var content = '''
void test({String foo}) async {
var f = () {
return "hello";
var expected = '''
void test({required String foo}) async {
var f = () {
return "hello";
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_typed_field_formal_param() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void Function(int) f;
C(void this.f(int i));
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
void Function(int)? f;
C(void this.f(int i)?);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_typed_field_formal_param_accepts_hint() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void Function(int) f;
C(void this.f(int i) /*?*/);
var expected = '''
class C {
void Function(int)? f;
C(void this.f(int i)?);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_typed_field_formal_param_inner_types() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int Function(int) f;
C(int this.f(int i));
int g(int i) => i;
int test(int i) => C(g).f(i);
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
int? Function(int?) f;
C(int? this.f(int? i));
int? g(int? i) => i;
int? test(int? i) => C(g).f(i);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_typed_formal_param() async {
var content = '''
void f(g()) {}
void main() {
var expected = '''
void f(g()?) {}
void main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_typed_formal_param_accepts_hint() async {
var content = '''
void f(g() /*?*/) {}
var expected = '''
void f(g()?) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_function_typed_formal_param_inner_types() async {
var content = '''
int f(int callback(int i), int j) => callback(j);
int g(int i) => i;
int test(int i) => f(g, i);
main() {
var expected = '''
int? f(int? callback(int? i), int? j) => callback(j);
int? g(int? i) => i;
int? test(int? i) => f(g, i);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_future_or_t_downcast_to_t() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:async';
void f(
FutureOr<int> foi1,
FutureOr<int/*?*/> foi2,
FutureOr<int>/*?*/ foi3,
FutureOr<int/*?*/>/*?*/ foi4
) {
int i1 = foi1;
int i2 = foi2;
int i3 = foi3;
int i4 = foi4;
var expected = '''
import 'dart:async';
void f(
FutureOr<int> foi1,
FutureOr<int?> foi2,
FutureOr<int>? foi3,
FutureOr<int?> foi4
) {
int i1 = foi1 as int;
int? i2 = foi2 as int?;
int? i3 = foi3 as int?;
int? i4 = foi4 as int?;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_generic_exact_propagation() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
List<T> values;
C() : values = <T>[];
void add(T t) => values.add(t);
T operator[](int i) => values[i];
void f() {
C<int> x = new C<int>();
void g(C<int> y) {
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
List<T> values;
C() : values = <T>[];
void add(T t) => values.add(t);
T operator[](int i) => values[i];
void f() {
C<int?> x = new C<int?>();
void g(C<int?> y) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_generic_exact_propagation_premigratedListClass() async {
var content = '''
void f() {
List<int> x = new List<int>();
void g(List<int> y) {
var expected = '''
void f() {
List<int?> x = new List<int?>();
void g(List<int?> y) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_generic_function_type_syntax_inferred_dynamic_return() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
Function() f();
Object g(C c) => c.f()();
// Note: even though the type `dynamic` permits `null`, the migration engine
// sees that there is no code path that could cause `g` to return a null
// value, so it leaves its return type as `Object`, and there is an implicit
// downcast.
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
Function() f();
Object g(C c) => c.f()();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_generic_typedef_respects_explicit_nullability_of_type_arg() async {
var content = '''
class C {
final Comparator<int/*!*/> comparison;
C(int Function(int, int) comparison) : comparison = comparison;
void test() {
comparison(f(), f());
int f() => null;
var expected = '''
class C {
final Comparator<int> comparison;
C(int Function(int, int) comparison) : comparison = comparison;
void test() {
comparison(f()!, f()!);
int? f() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_genericType_noTypeArguments() async {
var content = '''
void f(C c) {}
class C<E> {}
var expected = '''
void f(C c) {}
class C<E> {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_genericType_noTypeArguments_use_bound() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C<T extends Object> { // (1)
void put(T t);
T get();
Object f(C c) => c.get(); // (2)
void g(C<int> c) { // (3)
c.put(null); // (4)
// (4) forces `...C<int?>...` at (3), which means (1) must be
// `...extends Object?`. Therefore (2) is equivalent to
// `...f(C<Object?> c)...`, so the return type of `f` is `Object?`.
var expected = '''
abstract class C<T extends Object?> { // (1)
void put(T t);
T get();
Object? f(C c) => c.get(); // (2)
void g(C<int?> c) { // (3)
c.put(null); // (4)
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_getter_implicit_returnType_overrides_implicit_getter() async {
var content = '''
class A {
final String s = "x";
class C implements A {
get s => false ? "y" : null;
var expected = '''
class A {
final String? s = "x";
class C implements A {
get s => false ? "y" : null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_overrides_implicit_getter() async {
var content = '''
class A {
final String s = "x";
class C implements A {
String get s => false ? "y" : null;
var expected = '''
class A {
final String? s = "x";
class C implements A {
String? get s => false ? "y" : null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_overrides_implicit_getter_with_generics() async {
var content = '''
class A<T> {
final T value;
class C implements A<String/*!*/> {
String get value => false ? "y" : null;
var expected = '''
class A<T> {
final T? value;
class C implements A<String> {
String? get value => false ? "y" : null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_getter_in_interface() async {
var content = '''
class B {
int get x => null;
abstract class C implements B {
void set x(int value) {}
var expected = '''
class B {
int? get x => null;
abstract class C implements B {
void set x(int? value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_getter_in_interface_field() async {
var content = '''
class B {
final int x = null;
abstract class C implements B {
void set x(int value) {}
var expected = '''
class B {
final int? x = null;
abstract class C implements B {
void set x(int? value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_getter_in_interfaces() async {
var content = '''
class B1 {
int get x => null;
class B2 {
int get x => null;
abstract class C implements B1, B2 {
void set x(int value) {}
var expected = '''
class B1 {
int? get x => null;
class B2 {
int? get x => null;
abstract class C implements B1, B2 {
void set x(int? value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_getter_in_superclass() async {
var content = '''
class B {
int get x => null;
class C extends B {
void set x(int value) {}
var expected = '''
class B {
int? get x => null;
class C extends B {
void set x(int? value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_getter_in_superclass_substituted() async {
var content = '''
class B<T> {
T get x => throw '';
class C extends B<List<int/*?*/>> {
void set x(List<int> value) {}
var expected = '''
class B<T> {
T get x => throw '';
class C extends B<List<int?>> {
void set x(List<int?> value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_setter_in_interface() async {
var content = '''
class B {
void set x(int value) {}
abstract class C implements B {
int get x => null;
var expected = '''
class B {
void set x(int? value) {}
abstract class C implements B {
int? get x => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_setter_in_interface_field() async {
var content = '''
class B {
int x;
abstract class C implements B {
int get x => null;
var expected = '''
class B {
int? x;
abstract class C implements B {
int? get x => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_setter_in_interfaces() async {
var content = '''
class B1 {
void set x(int value) {}
class B2 {
void set x(int value) {}
abstract class C implements B1, B2 {
int get x => null;
var expected = '''
class B1 {
void set x(int? value) {}
class B2 {
void set x(int? value) {}
abstract class C implements B1, B2 {
int? get x => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_setter_in_superclass() async {
var content = '''
class B {
void set x(int value) {}
class C extends B {
int get x => null;
var expected = '''
class B {
void set x(int? value) {}
class C extends B {
int? get x => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_setter_in_superclass_substituted() async {
var content = '''
class B<T> {
void set x(T value) {}
class C extends B<List<int>> {
List<int> get x => [null];
var expected = '''
class B<T> {
void set x(T value) {}
class C extends B<List<int?>> {
List<int?> get x => [null];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_single_class() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int get x => null;
void set x(int value) {}
var expected = '''
class C {
int? get x => null;
void set x(int? value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_single_class_generic() async {
var content = '''
class C<T extends Object/*!*/> {
T get x => null;
void set x(T value) {}
var expected = '''
class C<T extends Object> {
T? get x => null;
void set x(T? value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_static() async {
var content = '''
class C {
static int get x => null;
static void set x(int value) {}
var expected = '''
class C {
static int? get x => null;
static void set x(int? value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_setter_top_level() async {
var content = '''
int get x => null;
void set x(int value) {}
var expected = '''
int? get x => null;
void set x(int? value) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_getter_topLevel() async {
var content = '''
int get g => 0;
var expected = '''
int get g => 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_hint_contradicts_exact_nullability() async {
var content = '''
void f(List<int> x) {
void g() {
// `f.x` needs to change to List<int?> to allow `null` to be added to the
// list. Ordinarily this would be propagated back to the explicit list in
// `g`, but we don't override the hint `/*!*/`.
// TODO(paulberry): we should probably issue some sort of warning to the
// user instead.
var expected = '''
void f(List<int?> x) {
void g() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_ifStatement_nullCheck_noElse() async {
var content = '''
int f(int x) {
if (x == null) return 0;
return x;
var expected = '''
int f(int x) {
return x;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_implicit_parameter_type_override_does_not_union() async {
var content = '''
abstract class A {
void f(int/*?*/ i);
abstract class B {
void f(int i);
class C implements A, B {
void f(i) {}
// Even though the parameter type of C.f is implicit, its nullability
// shouldn't be unioned with that of A and B, because that would
// unnecessarily force B.f's parameter type to be nullable.
var expected = '''
abstract class A {
void f(int? i);
abstract class B {
void f(int i);
class C implements A, B {
void f(i) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_implicit_return_type_override_does_not_union() async {
var content = '''
abstract class A {
int/*?*/ f();
abstract class B {
int f();
class C implements A, B {
f() => 0;
// Even though the return type of C.f is implicit, its nullability shouldn't
// be unioned with that of A and B, because that would unnecessarily force
// B.f's return type to be nullable.
var expected = '''
abstract class A {
int? f();
abstract class B {
int f();
class C implements A, B {
f() => 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_implicit_type_parameter_bound_nullable() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
f(T t) {
Object o = t;
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
f(T t) {
Object? o = t;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_infer_required() async {
var content = '''
void _f(bool b, {int x}) {
if (b) {
print(x + 1);
main() {
_f(true, x: 1);
var expected = '''
void _f(bool b, {required int x}) {
if (b) {
print(x + 1);
main() {
_f(true, x: 1);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_inferred_method_return_type_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
class B {
int f() => 1;
class C extends B {
f() => 1;
int g(C c) => c.f();
// B.f's return type is `int`. Since C.f's return type is inferred from
// B.f's, it has a return type of `int` too. Therefore g's return type
// must be `int`.
var expected = '''
class B {
int f() => 1;
class C extends B {
f() => 1;
int g(C c) => c.f();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_insert_as_prefixed_type() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:async' as a;
Future<int> f(Object o) => o;
var expected = '''
import 'dart:async' as a;
Future<int> f(Object o) => o as a.Future<int>;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_insert_type_with_prefix() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:async' as a;
a.Future f(Object o) {
return o;
var expected = '''
import 'dart:async' as a;
a.Future f(Object o) {
return o as a.Future;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_inserted_nodes_properly_wrapped() async {
var content = '''
class C {
C operator+(C other) => null;
void f(C x, C y) {
C z = x + y;
assert(z != null);
var expected = '''
class C {
C operator+(C other) => null;
void f(C x, C y) {
C z = (x + y)!;
assert(z != null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_instance_creation_generic() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
C(T t);
main() {
C<int> c = C<int>(null);
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
C(T t);
main() {
C<int?> c = C<int?>(null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_instance_creation_generic_explicit_nonNullable() async {
var content = '''
class C<T extends Object/*!*/> {
C(T/*!*/ t);
test(int/*?*/ n) {
C<int> c = C<int>(n);
var expected = '''
class C<T extends Object> {
C(T t);
test(int? n) {
C<int> c = C<int>(n!);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_instance_creation_generic_explicit_nonNullableParam() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
C(T/*!*/ t);
main() {
C<int> c = C<int>(null);
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
C(T t);
main() {
C<int?> c = C<int?>(null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_instance_creation_generic_implicit_nonNullable() async {
var content = '''
class C<T extends Object/*!*/> {
C(T/*!*/ t);
test(int/*?*/ n) {
C<int> c = C(n);
var expected = '''
class C<T extends Object> {
C(T t);
test(int? n) {
C<int> c = C(n!);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_instance_creation_generic_implicit_nonNullableParam() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
C(T/*!*/ t);
main() {
C<int> c = C(null);
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
C(T t);
main() {
C<int?> c = C(null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_instanceCreation_noTypeArguments_noParameters() async {
var content = '''
void main() {
C c = C();
class C {
int get length => 0;
var expected = '''
void main() {
C c = C();
class C {
int get length => 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_is_promotion_implies_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
bool f(Object o) => o is int && o.isEven;
main() {
var expected = '''
bool f(Object? o) => o is int && o.isEven;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_is_promotion_implies_non_nullable_generic() async {
var content = '''
int f<T>(T o) => o is List ? o.length : 0;
main() {
var expected = '''
int f<T>(T o) => o is List ? o.length : 0;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_isExpression_typeName_typeArguments() async {
var content = '''
bool f(a) => a is List<int>;
var expected = '''
bool f(a) => a is List<int>;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_isExpression_with_function_type() async {
var content = '''
void test(Function f) {
if (f is void Function()) {
var expected = '''
void test(Function f) {
if (f is void Function()) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_issue_40181() async {
// This contrived example created an "exact nullable" type parameter bound
// which propagated back to *all* instantiations of that parameter.
var content = '''
class B<T extends Object> {
B([C<T> t]);
abstract class C<T extends Object> {
void f(T t);
class E {
final C<Object> _base;
E([C base]) : _base = base;
f(Object t) {
void main() {
E e = E();
var expected = '''
class B<T extends Object> {
B([C<T>? t]);
abstract class C<T extends Object?> {
void f(T t);
class E {
final C<Object?>? _base;
E([C? base]) : _base = base;
f(Object? t) {
void main() {
E e = E();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_issue_41397() async {
var content = '''
void repro(){
List<dynamic> l = <dynamic>[];
for(final dynamic e in l) {
final List<String> a = (e['query'] as String).split('&');
var expected = '''
void repro(){
List<dynamic> l = <dynamic>[];
for(final dynamic e in l) {
final List<String> a = (e['query'] as String).split('&');
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_lastWhere_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
int lastEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.lastWhere((x) => x.isEven, orElse: () => null);
var expected = '''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
int? lastEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.lastWhereOrNull((x) => x.isEven);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_lastWhere_nullable() async {
var content = '''
int lastEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.lastWhere((x) => x.isEven, orElse: () => null);
f() => lastEven([null]);
var expected = '''
int? lastEven(Iterable<int?> x)
=> x.lastWhere((x) => x!.isEven, orElse: () => null);
f() => lastEven([null]);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_final_hint_instance_field_without_constructor() async {
var content = '''
class C {
/*late final*/ int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
var expected = '''
class C {
late final int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_final_hint_local_variable() async {
var content = '''
int f(bool b1, bool b2) {
/*late final*/ int x;
if (b1) {
x = 1;
if (b2) {
return x;
return 0;
var expected = '''
int f(bool b1, bool b2) {
late final int x;
if (b1) {
x = 1;
if (b2) {
return x;
return 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_final_hint_top_level_var() async {
var content = '''
/*late final*/ int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
var expected = '''
late final int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_hint_followed_by_underscore() async {
var content = '''
class _C {}
/*late*/ _C c;
var expected = '''
class _C {}
late _C c;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_hint_instance_field_with_constructor() async {
var content = '''
class C {
/*late*/ int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
var expected = '''
class C {
late int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_hint_instance_field_without_constructor() async {
var content = '''
class C {
/*late*/ int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
var expected = '''
class C {
late int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_hint_local_variable() async {
var content = '''
int f(bool b1, bool b2) {
/*late*/ int x;
if (b1) {
x = 1;
if (b2) {
return x;
return 0;
var expected = '''
int f(bool b1, bool b2) {
late int x;
if (b1) {
x = 1;
if (b2) {
return x;
return 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_hint_static_field() async {
var content = '''
class C {
static /*late*/ int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
var expected = '''
class C {
static late int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_late_hint_top_level_var() async {
var content = '''
/*late*/ int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
var expected = '''
late int x;
f() {
x = 1;
int g() => x;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_leave_downcast_from_dynamic_implicit() async {
var content = 'int f(dynamic n) => n;';
var expected = 'int f(dynamic n) => n;';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_libraryWithParts() async {
var root = '$projectPath/lib';
var path1 = convertPath('$root/lib.dart');
var file1 = '''
part 'src/foo/part.dart';
var expected1 = '''
part 'src/foo/part.dart';
var path2 = convertPath('$root/src/foo/part.dart');
var file2 = '''
part of '../../lib.dart';
class C {
static void m(C c) {}
var expected2 = '''
part of '../../lib.dart';
class C {
static void m(C c) {}
await _checkMultipleFileChanges(
{path2: file2, path1: file1}, {path1: expected1, path2: expected2});
Future<void> test_libraryWithParts_add_questions() async {
var root = '$projectPath/lib';
var path1 = convertPath('$root/lib.dart');
var file1 = '''
part 'src/foo/part.dart';
int f() => null;
var expected1 = '''
part 'src/foo/part.dart';
int? f() => null;
var path2 = convertPath('$root/src/foo/part.dart');
var file2 = '''
part of '../../lib.dart';
int g() => null;
var expected2 = '''
part of '../../lib.dart';
int? g() => null;
await _checkMultipleFileChanges(
{path2: file2, path1: file1}, {path1: expected1, path2: expected2});
Future<void> test_list_conditional_element() async {
var content = '''
void bar(List<String> l) {}
void test({String foo}) {
bar([if (foo != null) foo]);
var expected = '''
void bar(List<String> l) {}
void test({String? foo}) {
bar([if (foo != null) foo]);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_literal_null_without_valid_migration() async {
var content = '''
void f(int/*!*/ x) {}
void g() {
var expected = '''
void f(int x) {}
void g() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_literals_maintain_nullability() async {
// See #40590. Without exact nullability, this would migrate to
// `List<int?> list = <int>[1, 2]`. While the function of exact nullability
// may change, this case should continue to work.
var content = r'''
void f() {
List<int> list = [1, 2];
Set<int> set_ = {1, 2};
Map<int, int> map = {1: 2};
map[null] = null;
var expected = r'''
void f() {
List<int?> list = [1, 2];
Set<int?> set_ = {1, 2};
Map<int?, int?> map = {1: 2};
map[null] = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_local_function() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i) {
int g(int j) => i;
return g(i);
main() {
var expected = '''
int? f(int? i) {
int? g(int? j) => i;
return g(i);
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_local_function_doesnt_assign() async {
var content = '''
int f() {
int i;
g(int j) {
i = 1;
((int j) {
i = 1;
return i + 1;
var expected = '''
int f() {
late int i;
g(int j) {
i = 1;
((int j) {
i = 1;
return i + 1;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_local_function_expression_inhibits_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void call(void Function() callback) {
test(int i, int j) {
call(() {
i = j;
print(i + 1);
main() {
test(null, 0);
// `print(i + 1)` does *not* demonstrate non-null intent for `i` because it
// is write captured by the local function expression, so it's not
// guaranteed that a null value of `i` on entry to the function will lead to
// an exception.
var expected = '''
void call(void Function() callback) {
test(int? i, int j) {
call(() {
i = j;
print(i! + 1);
main() {
test(null, 0);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_local_function_inhibits_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void call(void Function() callback) {
test(int i, int j) {
void f() {
i = j;
print(i + 1);
main() {
test(null, 0);
// `print(i + 1)` does *not* demonstrate non-null intent for `i` because it
// is write captured by the local function expression, so it's not
// guaranteed that a null value of `i` on entry to the function will lead to
// an exception.
var expected = '''
void call(void Function() callback) {
test(int? i, int j) {
void f() {
i = j;
print(i! + 1);
main() {
test(null, 0);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_local_function_return() async {
var content = '''
void test({String foo}) async {
String f() {
return "hello";
var expected = '''
void test({required String foo}) async {
String f() {
return "hello";
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_localVariable_type_inferred() async {
var content = '''
int f() => null;
void main() {
var x = 1;
x = f();
// The type of x is inferred as non-nullable from its initializer, but we
// try to assign a nullable value to it. So an explicit type must be added.
var expected = '''
int? f() => null;
void main() {
int? x = 1;
x = f();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_localVariable_uninitalized_assigned_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
f() {
String s;
if (1 == 2) s = g();
String /*!*/ g() => "Hello";
h(String /*!*/ s) {}
var expected = '''
f() {
late String s;
if (1 == 2) s = g();
String g() => "Hello";
h(String s) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_localVariable_uninitalized_used() async {
var content = '''
f() {
String s;
if (1 == 2) s = "Hello";
g(String /*!*/ s) {}
var expected = '''
f() {
late String s;
if (1 == 2) s = "Hello";
g(String s) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_localVariable_uninitalized_usedInComparison() async {
var content = '''
f() {
String s;
if (s == null) {}
var expected = '''
f() {
String? s;
if (s == null) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_localVariable_uninitalized_usedInExpressionStatement() async {
var content = '''
f() {
String s;
var expected = '''
f() {
String? s;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_localVariable_uninitalized_usedInForUpdaters() async {
var content = '''
f() {
String s;
for (s;;) {}
var expected = '''
f() {
String? s;
for (s;;) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_localVariable_uninitalized_usedInForVariable() async {
var content = '''
f() {
String s;
for (;; s) {}
var expected = '''
f() {
String? s;
for (;; s) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_loop_var_is_field() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int x;
f(List<int/*?*/> y) {
for (x in y) {}
var expected = '''
class C {
int? x;
f(List<int?> y) {
for (x in y) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_loop_var_is_inherited_field_with_substitution() async {
var content = '''
class B<T> {
T x;
abstract class C implements B<int> {
f(List<int/*?*/> y) {
for (x in y) {}
var expected = '''
class B<T> {
T x;
abstract class C implements B<int?> {
f(List<int?> y) {
for (x in y) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_make_downcast_explicit() async {
var content = 'int f(num n) => n;';
var expected = 'int f(num n) => n as int;';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_many_type_variables() async {
try {
} catch (_) {
// When assertions are enabled, this test fails, so skip it.
// See
var content = '''
void test(C<int> x, double Function<S>(C<S>) y) {
class C<T> {
U f<U>(U Function<V>(C<V>) z) => throw 'foo';
var expected = '''
void test(C<int> x, double Function<S>(C<S>) y) {
class C<T> {
U f<U>(U Function<V>(C<V>) z) => throw 'foo';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, warnOnWeakCode: true);
Future<void> test_map_nullable_input() async {
var content = '''
Iterable<int> f(List<int> x) => => g(y));
int g(int x) => x + 1;
main() {
var expected = '''
Iterable<int> f(List<int?> x) => => g(y!));
int g(int x) => x + 1;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_map_nullable_input_tearoff() async {
var content = '''
Iterable<int> f(List<int> x) =>;
int g(int x) => x + 1;
main() {
var expected = '''
Iterable<int> f(List<int?> x) =>;
int g(int? x) => x! + 1;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_map_nullable_output() async {
var content = '''
Iterable<int> f(List<int> x) => => g(y));
int g(int x) => null;
main() {
var expected = '''
Iterable<int?> f(List<int> x) => => g(y));
int? g(int x) => null;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_extension_invocation() async {
var content = '''
extension on bool {
void f() {}
bool g<T>(T x) => true;
void main() {
var expected = '''
extension on bool {
void f() {}
bool g<T>(T x) => true;
void main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, warnOnWeakCode: true);
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_typeArguments_explicit() async {
var content = '''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
void g() {
int x = f<int>(null);
var expected = '''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
void g() {
int? x = f<int?>(null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_methodInvocation_typeArguments_explicit_nonNullable() async {
var content = '''
T f<T extends Object/*!*/>(T/*!*/ t) => t;
void g(int/*?*/ n) {
int x = f<int>(n);
var expected = '''
T f<T extends Object>(T t) => t;
void g(int? n) {
int x = f<int>(n!);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_methodInvocation_typeArguments_explicit_nonNullableParam() async {
var content = '''
T f<T>(T/*!*/ t) => t;
void g() {
int x = f<int>(null);
var expected = '''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
void g() {
int? x = f<int?>(null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_methodInvocation_typeArguments_inferred() async {
var content = '''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
void g() {
int x = f(null);
var expected = '''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
void g() {
int? x = f(null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_methodInvocation_typeArguments_inferred_nonNullable() async {
var content = '''
T f<T extends Object/*!*/>(T/*!*/ t) => t;
void g(int/*?*/ n) {
int x = f(n);
var expected = '''
T f<T extends Object>(T t) => t;
void g(int? n) {
int x = f(n!);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_methodInvocation_typeArguments_inferred_nonNullableParam() async {
var content = '''
T f<T>(T/*!*/ t) => t;
void g() {
int x = f(null);
var expected = '''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
void g() {
int? x = f(null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_migrate_reference_to_never() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:io';
int f() =>
exit(1); // this returns `Never` which used to cause a crash.
var expected = '''
import 'dart:io';
int f() =>
exit(1); // this returns `Never` which used to cause a crash.
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_migratedMethod_namedParameter() async {
var content = '''
void f(Iterable<int> a) {
a.toList(growable: false);
var expected = '''
void f(Iterable<int> a) {
a.toList(growable: false);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_multiDeclaration_innerUsage() async {
var content = '''
void test() {
// here non-null is OK.
int i1 = 0, i2 = i1.gcd(2);
// here non-null is not OK.
int i3 = 0, i4 = i3.gcd(2), i5 = null;
var expected = '''
void test() {
// here non-null is OK.
int i1 = 0, i2 = i1.gcd(2);
// here non-null is not OK.
int? i3 = 0, i4 = i3.gcd(2), i5 = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_multiDeclaration_softEdges() async {
var content = '''
int nullable(int i1, int i2) {
int i3 = i1, i4 = i2;
return i3;
int nonNull(int i1, int i2) {
int i3 = i1, i4 = i2;
return i3;
int both(int i1, int i2) {
int i3 = i1, i4 = i2;
return i3;
void main() {
nullable(null, null);
nonNull(0, 1);
both(0, null);
var expected = '''
int? nullable(int? i1, int? i2) {
int? i3 = i1, i4 = i2;
return i3;
int nonNull(int i1, int i2) {
int i3 = i1, i4 = i2;
return i3;
int? both(int i1, int? i2) {
int? i3 = i1, i4 = i2;
return i3;
void main() {
nullable(null, null);
nonNull(0, 1);
both(0, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_add_required() async {
var content = '''
void f({String s}) {
assert(s != null);
var expected = '''
void f({required String s}) {
assert(s != null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_add_required_function_typed() async {
var content = '''
void f({void g(int i)}) {
assert(g != null);
var expected = '''
void f({required void g(int i)}) {
assert(g != null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_no_default_unused() async {
var content = '''
void f({String s}) {}
main() {
var expected = '''
void f({String? s}) {}
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_no_default_unused_propagate() async {
var content = '''
void f(String s) {}
void g({String s}) {
main() {
var expected = '''
void f(String? s) {}
void g({String? s}) {
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_no_default_unused_required() async {
// The `@required` annotation overrides the assumption of nullability.
// The call at `f()` is presumed to be in error.
var content = '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required String s}) {}
main() {
var expected = '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({required String s}) {}
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_no_default_used_non_null() async {
var content = '''
void f({String s}) {}
main() {
f(s: 'x');
var expected = '''
void f({String? s}) {}
main() {
f(s: 'x');
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_no_default_used_non_null_propagate() async {
var content = '''
void f(String s) {}
void g({String s}) {
main() {
g(s: 'x');
var expected = '''
void f(String? s) {}
void g({String? s}) {
main() {
g(s: 'x');
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_no_default_used_null_option2() async {
var content = '''
void f({String s}) {}
main() {
f(s: null);
var expected = '''
void f({String? s}) {}
main() {
f(s: null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_no_default_used_null_required() async {
// Explicitly passing `null` forces the parameter to be nullable even though
// it is required.
var content = '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({@required String s}) {}
main() {
f(s: null);
var expected = '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
void f({required String? s}) {}
main() {
f(s: null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_named_parameter_with_non_null_default_unused_option2() async {
var content = '''
void f({String s: 'foo'}) {}
main() {
var expected = '''
void f({String s: 'foo'}) {}
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_named_parameter_with_non_null_default_used_non_null_option2() async {
var content = '''
void f({String s: 'foo'}) {}
main() {
f(s: 'bar');
var expected = '''
void f({String s: 'foo'}) {}
main() {
f(s: 'bar');
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_named_parameter_with_non_null_default_used_null_option2() async {
var content = '''
void f({String s: 'foo'}) {}
main() {
f(s: null);
var expected = '''
void f({String? s: 'foo'}) {}
main() {
f(s: null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_named_parameter_with_null_default_unused_option2() async {
var content = '''
void f({String s: null}) {}
main() {
var expected = '''
void f({String? s: null}) {}
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_non_null_assertion() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i, [int j]) {
if (i == 0) return i;
return i + j;
var expected = '''
int f(int i, [int? j]) {
if (i == 0) return i;
return i + j!;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_non_null_intent_propagated_through_substitution_nodes() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C {
void f(List<int/*!*/> x, int y) {
int/*?*/ g();
void test() {
f(<int>[], g());
var expected = '''
abstract class C {
void f(List<int> x, int y) {
int? g();
void test() {
f(<int>[], g()!);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_non_nullable_hint_comment_overrides_uncheckable_edge() async {
var content = '''
Iterable<int> f(List<int> x) =>;
int g(int/*!*/ x) => x + 1;
main() {
// TODO(paulberry): we should do something to flag the fact that g can't be
// safely passed to f.
var expected = '''
Iterable<int> f(List<int?> x) => as int Function(int?));
int g(int x) => x + 1;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_not_definitely_assigned_value() async {
var content = '''
String f(bool b) {
String s;
if (b) {
s = 'true';
return s;
var expected = '''
String? f(bool b) {
String? s;
if (b) {
s = 'true';
return s;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_aware_call_followed_by_if_null() async {
var content = '''
typedef MapGetter = Map<String, String> Function();
void f(Map<String, String> m) {}
void g(MapGetter/*?*/ mapGetter) {
f(mapGetter?.call() ?? {});
var expected = '''
typedef MapGetter = Map<String, String> Function();
void f(Map<String, String> m) {}
void g(MapGetter? mapGetter) {
f(mapGetter?.call() ?? {});
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_aware_call_tearoff() async {
// Kind of a weird use case because `f?.call` is equivalent to `f`, but
// let's make sure we analyze it correctly.
var content =
'int Function(int) g(int/*?*/ Function(int)/*?*/ f) => f?.call;';
var expected = 'int? Function(int)? g(int? Function(int)? f) => f?.call;';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_aware_getter_invocation() async {
var content = '''
bool f(int i) => i?.isEven;
main() {
var expected = '''
bool? f(int? i) => i?.isEven;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_aware_method_invocation() async {
var content = '''
int f(int i) => i?.abs();
main() {
var expected = '''
int? f(int? i) => i?.abs();
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_aware_setter_invocation_null_target() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
int f(C c) => c?.x = 1;
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
int? f(C? c) => c?.x = 1;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_aware_setter_invocation_null_value() async {
var content = '''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
int f(C c) => c?.x = 1;
main() {
var expected = '''
class C {
void set x(int value) {}
int? f(C? c) => c?.x = 1;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_check_in_cascade_target() async {
var content = '''
class _C {
f() {}
_C g(int/*!*/ i) => _C();
test(int/*?*/ j) {
var expected = '''
class _C {
f() {}
_C g(int i) => _C();
test(int? j) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_check_type_parameter_type_with_nullable_bound() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C<E, T extends Iterable<E>/*?*/> {
void f(T iter) {
for(var i in iter) {}
var expected = '''
abstract class C<E, T extends Iterable<E>?> {
void f(T iter) {
for(var i in iter!) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_null_in_conditional_expression() async {
var content = '''
void f() {
List<int> x = false ? [] : null;
var expected = '''
void f() {
List<int>? x = false ? [] : null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_nullable_use_of_typedef() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<T> = int Function(T);
F<String> f = null;
void main() {
var expected = '''
typedef F<T> = int Function(T);
F<String>? f = null;
void main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_operator_eq_with_inferred_parameter_type() async {
var content = '''
class C {
operator==(Object other) {
return other is C;
var expected = '''
class C {
operator==(Object other) {
return other is C;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_override_object_from_type_parameter() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
f(T t) {}
class D<T> extends C<T> {
f(Object t) {}
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
f(T t) {}
class D<T> extends C<T> {
f(Object? t) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_override_parameter_type_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
abstract class Base {
void f(int i);
class Derived extends Base {
void f(int i) {
i + 1;
void g(int i, bool b, Base base) {
if (b) {
void h(Base base) {
g(null, false, base);
var expected = '''
abstract class Base {
void f(int? i);
class Derived extends Base {
void f(int? i) {
i! + 1;
void g(int? i, bool b, Base base) {
if (b) {
void h(Base base) {
g(null, false, base);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_override_parameter_type_nullable() async {
var content = '''
abstract class Base {
void f(int i);
class Derived extends Base {
void f(int i) {}
void g(int i, Base base) {
var expected = '''
abstract class Base {
void f(int? i);
class Derived extends Base {
void f(int? i) {}
void g(int i, Base base) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_override_return_type_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
abstract class Base {
int/*!*/ f();
class Derived extends Base {
int f() => g();
int g() => null;
var expected = '''
abstract class Base {
int f();
class Derived extends Base {
int f() => g()!;
int? g() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_override_return_type_nullable() async {
var content = '''
abstract class Base {
int f();
class Derived extends Base {
int f() => null;
var expected = '''
abstract class Base {
int? f();
class Derived extends Base {
int? f() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_override_return_type_nullable_substitution_complex() async {
var content = '''
abstract class Base<T> {
T f();
class Derived extends Base<List<int>> {
List<int> f() => <int>[null];
var expected = '''
abstract class Base<T> {
T f();
class Derived extends Base<List<int?>> {
List<int?> f() => <int?>[null];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_override_return_type_nullable_substitution_simple() async {
var content = '''
abstract class Base<T> {
T f();
class Derived extends Base<int> {
int f() => null;
var expected = '''
abstract class Base<T> {
T f();
class Derived extends Base<int?> {
int? f() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_parameter_genericFunctionType() async {
var content = '''
int f(int x, int Function(int i) g) {
return g(x);
var expected = '''
int f(int x, int Function(int i) g) {
return g(x);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_postdominating_usage_after_cfg_altered() async {
// By altering the control-flow graph, we can create new postdominators,
// which are not recognized as such. This is not a problem as we only do
// hard edges on a best-effort basis, and this case would be a lot of
// additional complexity.
var content = '''
int f(int a, int b, int c) {
if (a != null) {
} else {
return null;
void main() {
f(1, null, null);
var expected = '''
int f(int a, int? b, int? c) {
/* if (a != null) {
*/ b!.toDouble(); /*
} else {
return null;
} */
void main() {
f(1, null, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, removeViaComments: true);
Future<void> test_prefix_minus() async {
var content = '''
class C {
D operator-() => null;
class D {}
D test(C c) => -c;
var expected = '''
class C {
D? operator-() => null;
class D {}
D? test(C c) => -c;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_prefix_minus_substitute() async {
var content = '''
abstract class C<T> {
D<T> operator-();
class D<U> {}
D<int> test(C<int/*?*/> c) => -c;
var expected = '''
abstract class C<T> {
D<T> operator-();
class D<U> {}
D<int?> test(C<int?> c) => -c;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_prefixes() async {
var root = '$projectPath/lib';
var path1 = convertPath('$root/file1.dart');
var file1 = '''
import 'file2.dart';
int x;
int f() => null;
var expected1 = '''
import 'file2.dart';
int? x;
int? f() => null;
var path2 = convertPath('$root/file2.dart');
var file2 = '''
import 'file1.dart' as f1;
void main() {
f1.x = f1.f();
var expected2 = '''
import 'file1.dart' as f1;
void main() {
f1.x = f1.f();
await _checkMultipleFileChanges(
{path1: file1, path2: file2}, {path1: expected1, path2: expected2});
Future<void> test_prefixExpression_bang() async {
var content = '''
bool f(bool b) => !b;
void g(bool b1, bool b2) {
if (b1) {
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
bool f(bool b) => !b;
void g(bool b1, bool? b2) {
if (b1) {
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_promotion_conditional_variableRead() async {
var content = '''
f({int i}) {
i = i == null ? 0 : i;
g(int j) {}
var expected = '''
f({int? i}) {
i = i == null ? 0 : i;
g(int j) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_promotion_ifNull_variableRead() async {
var content = '''
f({int i}) {
i ??= 3;
g(int j) {}
var expected = '''
f({int? i}) {
i ??= 3;
g(int j) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_promotion_ifNull_variableRead_alreadyPromoted() async {
var content = '''
f({num i}) {
if (i is int /*?*/) {
i ??= 3;
g(int j) {}
var expected = '''
f({num? i}) {
if (i is int?) {
i ??= 3;
g(int j) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_promotion_ifNull_variableRead_subType() async {
var content = '''
f({num i}) {
i ??= 3;
g(int j) {}
var expected = '''
f({num? i}) {
i ??= 3;
g(i as int);
g(int j) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_promotion_preserves_complex_types() async {
var content = '''
int/*!*/ f(List<int/*?*/>/*?*/ x) {
x ??= [0];
return x[0];
// `x ??= [0]` promotes x from List<int?>? to List<int?>. Since there is
// still a `?` on the `int`, `x[0]` must be null checked.
var expected = '''
int f(List<int?>? x) {
x ??= [0];
return x[0]!;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_propagate_non_null_intent_into_function_literal() async {
var content = '''
void f(int/*!*/ Function(int) callback) {
void test() {
f((int x) => x);
// Since the function literal `(int x) => x` is created right here at the
// point where it's passed to `f`'s `callback` parameter, non-null intent is
// allowed to propagate backward from the return type of `callback` to the
// return type of the function literal. As a result, the reference to `x`
// in the function literal is null checked.
var expected = '''
void f(int Function(int?) callback) {
void test() {
f((int? x) => x!);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_property_access_on_cascade_result() async {
var content = '''
int f(List<int> l) {
..firstWhere((_) => true).isEven
void g() {
var expected = '''
int f(List<int?> l) {
..firstWhere((_) => true)!.isEven
void g() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_quiver_checkNotNull_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:quiver/check.dart';
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
import 'package:quiver/check.dart';
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_redirecting_constructor_factory() async {
var content = '''
class C {
factory C(int i, int j) = D;
class D implements C {
D(int i, int j);
main() {
C(null, 1);
var expected = '''
class C {
factory C(int? i, int j) = D;
class D implements C {
D(int? i, int j);
main() {
C(null, 1);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_redirecting_constructor_ordinary() async {
var content = '''
class C {
C(int i, int j) : this.named(j, i);
C.named(int j, int i);
main() {
C(null, 1);
var expected = '''
class C {
C(int? i, int j) : this.named(j, i);
C.named(int j, int? i);
main() {
C(null, 1);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_redirecting_constructor_ordinary_to_unnamed() async {
var content = '''
class C {
C.named(int i, int j) : this(j, i);
C(int j, int i);
main() {
C.named(null, 1);
var expected = '''
class C {
C.named(int? i, int j) : this(j, i);
C(int j, int? i);
main() {
C.named(null, 1);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_regression_40551() async {
var content = '''
class B<T extends Object> { // bound should not be made nullable
void f(T t) { // parameter should not be made nullable
// Create an edge from the bound to some type
List<dynamic> x = [t];
// and make that type exact nullable
x[0] = null;
var expected = '''
class B<T extends Object> { // bound should not be made nullable
void f(T t) { // parameter should not be made nullable
// Create an edge from the bound to some type
List<dynamic> x = [t];
// and make that type exact nullable
x[0] = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_regression_40552() async {
var content = '''
void f(Object o) { // parameter should not be made nullable
// Create an edge from the bound to some type
List<dynamic> x = [o];
// and make that type exact nullable
x[0] = null;
var expected = '''
void f(Object o) { // parameter should not be made nullable
// Create an edge from the bound to some type
List<dynamic> x = [o];
// and make that type exact nullable
x[0] = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_regression_42374() async {
var content = '''
class C<R> {
R m(dynamic x) {
assert(x is R);
return x as R;
void main() {
var expected = '''
class C<R> {
R m(dynamic x) {
assert(x is R);
return x as R;
void main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_remove_question_from_question_dot() async {
var content = '_f(int/*!*/ i) => i?.isEven;';
var expected = '_f(int i) => i.isEven;';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_remove_question_from_question_dot_and_add_bang() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int/*?*/ i;
int/*!*/ f(C/*!*/ c) => c?.i;
var expected = '''
class C {
int? i;
int f(C c) => c.i!;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_remove_question_from_question_dot_method() async {
var content = '_f(int/*!*/ i) => i?.abs();';
var expected = '_f(int i) => i.abs();';
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_remove_question_from_question_dot_shortcut() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int/*!*/ i;
bool/*?*/ f(C/*?*/ c) => c?.i?.isEven;
var expected = '''
class C {
int i;
bool? f(C? c) => c?.i.isEven;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_removed_if_element_doesnt_introduce_nullability() async {
// Failing because we don't yet remove the dead list element
// `if (x == null) recover()`.
var content = '''
f(int x) {
<int>[if (x == null) recover(), 0];
int recover() {
return null;
var expected = '''
f(int x) {
int? recover() {
return null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_requiredness_does_not_propagate_between_field_formal_params() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
final bool x;{this.x});
C.two({@required this.x}) : assert(x != null);
test() =>;
var expected = '''
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
class C {
final bool? x;{this.x});
C.two({required bool this.x}) : assert(x != null);
test() =>;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_return_future_or_null_from_async_method() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:async';
Future<Null> f() async => g();
FutureOr<Null> g() => null;
var expected = '''
import 'dart:async';
Future<Null> f() async => g();
FutureOr<Null> g() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_setter_overrides_implicit_setter() async {
var content = '''
class A {
String s = "x";
class C implements A {
String get s => "x";
void set s(String value) {}
f() => A().s = null;
var expected = '''
class A {
String? s = "x";
class C implements A {
String get s => "x";
void set s(String? value) {}
f() => A().s = null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_single_file_multiple_changes() async {
var content = '''
int f() => null;
int g() => null;
var expected = '''
int? f() => null;
int? g() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_single_file_single_change() async {
var content = '''
int f() => null;
var expected = '''
int? f() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_singleWhere_non_nullable() async {
var content = '''
int singleEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.singleWhere((x) => x.isEven, orElse: () => null);
var expected = '''
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
int? singleEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.singleWhereOrNull((x) => x.isEven);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_singleWhere_nullable() async {
var content = '''
int singleEven(Iterable<int> x)
=> x.singleWhere((x) => x.isEven, orElse: () => null);
f() => singleEven([null]);
var expected = '''
int? singleEven(Iterable<int?> x)
=> x.singleWhere((x) => x!.isEven, orElse: () => null);
f() => singleEven([null]);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_soft_edge_for_assigned_variable() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
print(i + 1);
i = null;
main() {
var expected = '''
void f(int? i) {
print(i! + 1);
i = null;
main() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_tearoff_parameter_matching_named() async {
var content = '''
void f(int x, void Function({int x}) callback) {
callback(x: x);
void g({int x}) {
assert(x != null);
void h() {
f(null, g);
// Normally the assertion in g would cause g's `x` argument to be
// non-nullable (and thus required). However, since g is torn off and
// passed to f, which requires a callback that accepts null, g's `x`
// argument is nullable (and thus not required).
var expected = '''
void f(int? x, void Function({int? x}) callback) {
callback(x: x);
void g({int? x}) {
assert(x != null);
void h() {
f(null, g);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_testVariable_assignedNullableValue() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
int i;
setUp(() {
i = null;
test('a', () {
var expected = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
int? i;
setUp(() {
i = null;
test('a', () {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_testVariable_downstreamAllNonNull() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
int i;
setUp(() {
i = 1;
test('a', () {
var expected = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
late int i;
setUp(() {
i = 1;
test('a', () {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_testVariable_hasInitializer() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
int i = 1;
setUp(() {
i = 1;
var expected = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
int i = 1;
setUp(() {
i = 1;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_testVariable_usedAsNullable() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
int i;
setUp(() {
i = 1;
test('a', () {
f(int /*?*/ i) {}
var expected = '''
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
late int i;
setUp(() {
i = 1;
test('a', () {
f(int? i) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_this_inside_extension() async {
var content = '''
class C<T> {
T field;
extension on C<int> {
f() {
this.field = null;
extension on C<List<int>> {
f() {
this.field = [null];
var expected = '''
class C<T> {
T field;
extension on C<int?> {
f() {
this.field = null;
extension on C<List<int?>> {
f() {
this.field = [null];
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, warnOnWeakCode: true);
Future<void> test_topLevelFunction_parameterType_implicit_dynamic() async {
var content = '''
Object f(x) => x;
// Note: even though the type `dynamic` permits `null`, the migration engine
// sees that there is no code path that passes a null value to `f`, so it
// leaves its return type as `Object`, and there is an implicit downcast.
var expected = '''
Object f(x) => x;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_topLevelFunction_returnType_implicit_dynamic() async {
var content = '''
f() {}
Object g() => f();
var expected = '''
f() {}
Object? g() => f();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_topLevelVariable_type_inferred() async {
var content = '''
int f() => null;
var x = 1;
void main() {
x = f();
// The type of x is inferred as non-nullable from its initializer, but we
// try to assign a nullable value to it. So an explicit type must be added.
var expected = '''
int? f() => null;
int? x = 1;
void main() {
x = f();
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_topLevelVariable_uninitalized_used() async {
var content = '''
String s;
f() {
g(String /*!*/ s) {}
var expected = '''
late String s;
f() {
g(String s) {}
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_two_files() async {
var root = '$projectPath/lib';
var path1 = convertPath('$root/file1.dart');
var file1 = '''
import 'file2.dart';
int f() => null;
int h() => g();
var expected1 = '''
import 'file2.dart';
int? f() => null;
int? h() => g();
var path2 = convertPath('$root/file2.dart');
var file2 = '''
import 'file1.dart';
int g() => f();
var expected2 = '''
import 'file1.dart';
int? g() => f();
await _checkMultipleFileChanges(
{path1: file1, path2: file2}, {path1: expected1, path2: expected2});
Future<void> test_type_argument_flows_to_bound() async {
// The inference of C<int?> forces class C to be declared as
// C<T extends Object?>.
var content = '''
class C<T extends Object> {
void m(T t);
class D<T extends Object> {
void m(T t);
f(C<int> c, D<int> d) {
var expected = '''
class C<T extends Object?> {
void m(T t);
class D<T extends Object> {
void m(T t);
f(C<int?> c, D<int> d) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_complex() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<R> = Function(R);
class C<T> {
F<T> _f;
C(this._f) {
f(Object o) {
_f(o as T);
var expected = '''
typedef F<R> = Function(R);
class C<T> {
F<T?> _f;
C(this._f) {
f(Object? o) {
_f(o as T?);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_migrated_lhs_parameters() async {
var content = '''
import 'migrated_typedef.dart';
void main(F<int> f) {
var expected = '''
import 'migrated_typedef.dart';
void main(F<int?> f) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, migratedInput: {
'$projectPath/lib/migrated_typedef.dart': '''
// @dart=2.12
typedef F<R> = Function(R);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_migrated_lhs_rhs_parameters() async {
var content = '''
import 'migrated_typedef.dart';
void f1(F<int> f) {
f<int>(null, null);
void f2(F<int> f) {
f<int>(0, null);
void f3(F<int> f) {
f<int>(null, 1);
void f4(F<int> f) {
f<int>(0, 1);
var expected = '''
import 'migrated_typedef.dart';
void f1(F<int?> f) {
f<int?>(null, null);
void f2(F<int> f) {
f<int?>(0, null);
void f3(F<int?> f) {
f<int>(null, 1);
void f4(F<int> f) {
f<int>(0, 1);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, migratedInput: {
'$projectPath/lib/migrated_typedef.dart': '''
// @dart=2.12
typedef F<T> = Function<R>(T, R);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_migrated_rhs_parameters() async {
var content = '''
import 'migrated_typedef.dart';
void main(F f) {
var expected = '''
import 'migrated_typedef.dart';
void main(F f) {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, migratedInput: {
'$projectPath/lib/migrated_typedef.dart': '''
// @dart=2.12
typedef F = Function<R>(R);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_parameter() async {
var content = '''
typedef F = Function(int);
F/*!*/ _f;
f() {
var expected = '''
typedef F = Function(int?);
late F _f;
f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_return() async {
var content = '''
typedef F = int Function();
F _f = () => null;
var expected = '''
typedef F = int? Function();
F _f = () => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_return_type_formal() async {
var content = '''
typedef F = T Function<T>();
F _f = <T>() => null;
var expected = '''
typedef F = T? Function<T>();
F _f = <T>() => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_return_type_parameter() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<T> = T Function();
F<int> _f = () => null;
var expected = '''
typedef F<T> = T Function();
F<int?> _f = () => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_type_formal() async {
var content = '''
typedef F = Function<T>(T);
F/*!*/ _f;
f() {
var expected = '''
typedef F = Function<T>(T);
late F _f;
f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_type_formal_with_paramter() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<R> = Function<T>(T);
F<Object>/*!*/ _f;
f() {
var expected = '''
typedef F<R> = Function<T>(T);
late F<Object> _f;
f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_type_parameter() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<T> = Function(T);
F<int>/*!*/ _f;
f() {
var expected = '''
typedef F<T> = Function(T);
late F<int?> _f;
f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_type_parameter_non_null() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<T> = Function(T);
F<int>/*!*/ _f;
f() {
var expected = '''
typedef F<T> = Function(T);
late F<int?> _f;
f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_assign_null_type_return_value_nested() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<T> = T Function();
F<F<int>> f = () => () => null;
var expected = '''
typedef F<T> = T Function();
F<F<int?>> f = () => () => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_old_assign_null_parameter() async {
var content = '''
typedef F(int x);
F/*!*/ _f;
f() {
var expected = '''
typedef F(int? x);
late F _f;
f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_old_assign_null_return() async {
var content = '''
typedef int F();
F _f = () => null;
var expected = '''
typedef int? F();
F _f = () => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_old_assign_null_return_type_parameter() async {
var content = '''
typedef T F<T>();
F<int> _f = () => null;
var expected = '''
typedef T F<T>();
F<int?> _f = () => null;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_old_assign_null_type_parameter() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<T>(T t);
F<int>/*!*/ _f;
f() {
var expected = '''
typedef F<T>(T t);
late F<int?> _f;
f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_typedef_old_assign_null_type_parameter_non_null() async {
var content = '''
typedef F<T>(T t);
F<int>/*!*/ _f;
f() {
var expected = '''
typedef F<T>(T t);
late F<int?> _f;
f() {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_assert_is_statement_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(Object i) {
assert(i is int);
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(Object i) {
assert(i is int);
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_assert_statement_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
assert(i != null);
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {
assert(i != null);
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_binary_expression_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
i + 1;
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {
i + 1;
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_cascaded_indexed_set_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
class C {
operator[]=(int i, int j) {}
void f(C c) {
c..[1] = 2;
void g(bool b, C c) {
if (b) f(c);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
class C {
operator[]=(int i, int j) {}
void f(C c) {
c..[1] = 2;
void g(bool b, C? c) {
if (b) f(c!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_cascaded_method_call_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_cascaded_property_set_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int x = 0;
void f(C c) {
c..x = 1;
void g(bool b, C c) {
if (b) f(c);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
class C {
int x = 0;
void f(C c) {
c..x = 1;
void g(bool b, C? c) {
if (b) f(c!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_unconditional_method_call_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_method_call_implies_non_null_intent_after_conditions() async {
var content = '''
void g(bool b, int i1, int i2) {
int i3 = i1;
if (b) {
int i4 = i2;
if (b) {
test(int/*?*/ n) {
g(false, n, null);
var expected = '''
void g(bool b, int i1, int? i2) {
int i3 = i1;
if (b) {
int? i4 = i2;
if (b) {
test(int? n) {
g(false, n!, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_method_call_implies_non_null_intent_in_condition() async {
var content = '''
void g(bool b, int _i) {
if (b) {
int i = _i;
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void g(bool b, int? _i) {
if (b) {
int i = _i!;
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_non_null_usage_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i, int j) {
void g(bool b, int i, int j) {
if (b) f(i, j);
main() {
g(false, 0, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i, int j) {
void g(bool b, int i, int? j) {
if (b) f(i, j!);
main() {
g(false, 0, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_property_access_implies_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int i) {
if (b) f(i);
main() {
g(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {
void g(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) f(i!);
main() {
g(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_unconditional_usage_propagates_non_null_intent() async {
var content = '''
void f(int i) {
assert(i != null);
void g(int i) {
void h(bool b, int i) {
if (b) g(i);
main() {
h(false, null);
var expected = '''
void f(int i) {
assert(i != null);
void g(int i) {
void h(bool b, int? i) {
if (b) g(i!);
main() {
h(false, null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_use_of_field_formal_param_does_not_create_hard_edge() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i;
int j; : j = i + 1;
C.two() : i = null, j = 0;
var expected = '''
class C {
int? i;
int j; this.i) : j = i + 1;
C.two() : i = null, j = 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
test_unconditional_use_of_field_formal_param_does_not_create_hard_edge_generic() async {
var content = '''
class C {
List<int/*?*/> i;
int j; : j = i.length;
C.two() : i = null, j = 0;
var expected = '''
class C {
List<int?>? i;
int j;<int?> this.i) : j = i.length;
C.two() : i = null, j = 0;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_uninitialized_instance_field_is_nullable() async {
var content = '''
class C {
int i;
f() {
print(i == null);
var expected = '''
class C {
int? i;
f() {
print(i == null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_uninitialized_static_field_is_nullable() async {
var content = '''
class C {
static int i;
f() {
print(i == null);
var expected = '''
class C {
static int? i;
f() {
print(i == null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_uninitialized_toplevel_var_is_nullable() async {
var content = '''
int i;
f() {
print(i == null);
var expected = '''
int? i;
f() {
print(i == null);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_unnecessary_cast_remove() async {
var content = '''
_f(Object x) {
if (x is! int) return;
print((x as int) + 1);
var expected = '''
_f(Object x) {
if (x is! int) return;
print(x + 1);
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_use_import_prefix_when_adding_re_exported_type() async {
addPackageFile('http', 'http.dart', '''
export 'src/base_client.dart';
export 'src/client.dart';
addPackageFile('http', 'src/base_client.dart', '''
import 'client.dart';
abstract class BaseClient implements Client {}
addPackageFile('http', 'src/client.dart', '''
abstract class Client {}
var content = '''
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
http.BaseClient downcast(http.Client x) => x;
var expected = '''
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
http.BaseClient downcast(http.Client x) => x as http.BaseClient;
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected);
Future<void> test_weak_if_visit_weak_subexpression() async {
var content = '''
int f(int x, int/*?*/ y) {
if (x == null) {
} else {
var expected = '''
int f(int x, int? y) {
if (x == null) {
} else {
await _checkSingleFileChanges(content, expected, warnOnWeakCode: true);
class _ProvisionalApiTestPermissive extends _ProvisionalApiTestBase
with _ProvisionalApiTestCases {
bool get _usePermissiveMode => true;
// TODO(danrubel): Remove this once the superclass test has been fixed.
// This runs in permissive mode but not when permissive mode is disabled.
Future<void> test_instanceCreation_noTypeArguments_noParameters() async {
/// Tests of the provisional API, where the driver is reset between calls to
/// `prepareInput` and `processInput`, ensuring that the migration algorithm
/// sees different AST and element objects during different phases.
class _ProvisionalApiTestWithReset extends _ProvisionalApiTestBase
with _ProvisionalApiTestCases {
bool get _usePermissiveMode => false;
void _betweenStages() {