[vm/compiler] Use loop framework for AOT inline heuristics

Without proper execution counters, the inline AOT inliner
marks every call site "cold", effectively disabling inlining
altogether. This change introduces loop-based static heuristic
that assumes statements nested inside loops are executed more
frequently. This results in more inlining.

Conservative version is used for now which yields
more performance without increasing code size too much.
There is still a lot of performance left at the table
which we could exploit if we fine tune heuristics
regarding code size.


Change-Id: I86ba60f93bdab363cd22ab6bdbcf6688f2042fea
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/81187
Commit-Queue: Aart Bik <ajcbik@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Alexander Markov <alexmarkov@google.com>
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.cc b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.cc
index 9688cae..2b5574f 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.cc
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.cc
@@ -1600,6 +1600,10 @@
   return loop_info_ != nullptr && loop_info_->header() == this;
+intptr_t BlockEntryInstr::NestingDepth() const {
+  return loop_info_ == nullptr ? 0 : loop_info_->NestingDepth();
 // Helper to mutate the graph during inlining. This block should be
 // replaced with new_block as a predecessor of all of this block's
 // successors.  For each successor, the predecessors will be reordered
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
index 33d1434..0574f07 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/il.h
@@ -1360,6 +1360,7 @@
   LoopInfo* loop_info() const { return loop_info_; }
   void set_loop_info(LoopInfo* loop_info) { loop_info_ = loop_info; }
   bool IsLoopHeader() const;
+  intptr_t NestingDepth() const;
   virtual BlockEntryInstr* GetBlock() { return this; }
diff --git a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/inliner.cc b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/inliner.cc
index bdbf35a..f3f4a52 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/inliner.cc
+++ b/runtime/vm/compiler/backend/inliner.cc
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 // A collection of call sites to consider for inlining.
 class CallSites : public ValueObject {
-  explicit CallSites(FlowGraph* flow_graph, intptr_t threshold)
+  explicit CallSites(intptr_t threshold)
       : inlining_depth_threshold_(threshold),
@@ -264,9 +264,14 @@
     PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call;
     double ratio;
     const FlowGraph* caller_graph;
+    intptr_t nesting_depth;
     InstanceCallInfo(PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call_arg,
-                     FlowGraph* flow_graph)
-        : call(call_arg), ratio(0.0), caller_graph(flow_graph) {}
+                     FlowGraph* flow_graph,
+                     intptr_t depth)
+        : call(call_arg),
+          ratio(0.0),
+          caller_graph(flow_graph),
+          nesting_depth(depth) {}
     const Function& caller() const { return caller_graph->function(); }
@@ -274,8 +279,14 @@
     StaticCallInstr* call;
     double ratio;
     FlowGraph* caller_graph;
-    StaticCallInfo(StaticCallInstr* value, FlowGraph* flow_graph)
-        : call(value), ratio(0.0), caller_graph(flow_graph) {}
+    intptr_t nesting_depth;
+    StaticCallInfo(StaticCallInstr* value,
+                   FlowGraph* flow_graph,
+                   intptr_t depth)
+        : call(value),
+          ratio(0.0),
+          caller_graph(flow_graph),
+          nesting_depth(depth) {}
     const Function& caller() const { return caller_graph->function(); }
@@ -315,6 +326,32 @@
+  // Heuristic that maps the loop nesting depth to a static estimate of number
+  // of times code at that depth is executed (code at each higher nesting
+  // depth is assumed to execute 10x more often up to depth 3).
+  static intptr_t AotCallCountApproximation(intptr_t nesting_depth) {
+    switch (nesting_depth) {
+      case 0:
+        // Note that we use value 0, and not 1, i.e. any straightline code
+        // outside a loop is assumed to be very cold. With value 1, inlining
+        // inside loops is still favored over inlining inside straightline
+        // code, but for a method without loops, *all* call sites are inlined
+        // (potentially more performance, at the expense of larger code size).
+        // TODO(ajcbik): use 1 and fine tune other heuristics
+        return 0;
+      case 1:
+        return 10;
+      case 2:
+        return 100;
+      default:
+        return 1000;
+    }
+  }
+  // Computes the ratio for each call site in a method, defined as the
+  // number of times a call site is executed over the maximum number of
+  // times any call site is executed in the method. JIT uses actual call
+  // counts whereas AOT uses a static estimate based on nesting depth.
   void ComputeCallSiteRatio(intptr_t static_call_start_ix,
                             intptr_t instance_call_start_ix) {
     const intptr_t num_static_calls =
@@ -325,21 +362,26 @@
     intptr_t max_count = 0;
     GrowableArray<intptr_t> instance_call_counts(num_instance_calls);
     for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_instance_calls; ++i) {
-      const intptr_t aggregate_count =
-          instance_calls_[i + instance_call_start_ix].call->CallCount();
+      const InstanceCallInfo& info =
+          instance_calls_[i + instance_call_start_ix];
+      intptr_t aggregate_count =
+          FLAG_precompiled_mode ? AotCallCountApproximation(info.nesting_depth)
+                                : info.call->CallCount();
       if (aggregate_count > max_count) max_count = aggregate_count;
     GrowableArray<intptr_t> static_call_counts(num_static_calls);
     for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_static_calls; ++i) {
+      const StaticCallInfo& info = static_calls_[i + static_call_start_ix];
       intptr_t aggregate_count =
-          static_calls_[i + static_call_start_ix].call->CallCount();
+          FLAG_precompiled_mode ? AotCallCountApproximation(info.nesting_depth)
+                                : info.call->CallCount();
       if (aggregate_count > max_count) max_count = aggregate_count;
-    // max_count can be 0 if none of the calls was executed.
+    // Note that max_count can be 0 if none of the calls was executed.
     for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_instance_calls; ++i) {
       const double ratio =
           (max_count == 0)
@@ -404,12 +446,18 @@
     const bool inline_only_recognized_methods =
         (depth == inlining_depth_threshold_);
+    // In AOT, compute loop hierarchy.
+    if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
+      graph->GetLoopHierarchy();
+    }
     const intptr_t instance_call_start_ix = instance_calls_.length();
     const intptr_t static_call_start_ix = static_calls_.length();
     for (BlockIterator block_it = graph->postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
          block_it.Advance()) {
-      for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block_it.Current()); !it.Done();
-           it.Advance()) {
+      BlockEntryInstr* entry = block_it.Current();
+      const intptr_t depth = entry->NestingDepth();
+      for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
         Instruction* current = it.Current();
         if (current->IsPolymorphicInstanceCall()) {
           PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* instance_call =
@@ -417,7 +465,7 @@
           if (!inline_only_recognized_methods ||
               instance_call->IsSureToCallSingleRecognizedTarget() ||
               instance_call->HasOnlyDispatcherOrImplicitAccessorTargets()) {
-            instance_calls_.Add(InstanceCallInfo(instance_call, graph));
+            instance_calls_.Add(InstanceCallInfo(instance_call, graph, depth));
           } else {
             // Method not inlined because inlining too deep and method
             // not recognized.
@@ -433,7 +481,7 @@
           if (!inline_only_recognized_methods ||
               static_call->function().IsRecognized() ||
               static_call->function().IsDispatcherOrImplicitAccessor()) {
-            static_calls_.Add(StaticCallInfo(static_call, graph));
+            static_calls_.Add(StaticCallInfo(static_call, graph, depth));
           } else {
             // Method not inlined because inlining too deep and method
             // not recognized.
@@ -751,8 +799,8 @@
     // Create two call site collections to swap between.
-    CallSites sites1(caller_graph_, inlining_depth_threshold_);
-    CallSites sites2(caller_graph_, inlining_depth_threshold_);
+    CallSites sites1(inlining_depth_threshold_);
+    CallSites sites2(inlining_depth_threshold_);
     CallSites* call_sites_temp = NULL;
     collected_call_sites_ = &sites1;
     inlining_call_sites_ = &sites2;