blob: f7f74286974c8b5c24262934cbe34662b5f12f8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Static implementation of smoke services using code-generated data.
library smoke.static;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:smoke/smoke.dart';
import 'src/common.dart';
typedef T Getter<T>(object);
typedef void Setter<T>(object, value);
class StaticConfiguration {
/// Maps symbol to a function that reads that symbol of an object. For
/// instance, `#i: (o) => o.i`.
final Map<Symbol, Getter> getters;
/// Maps symbol to a function that updates that symbol of an object. For
/// instance, `#i: (o, v) { o.i = v; }`.
final Map<Symbol, Setter> setters;
/// Maps a type to its super class. For example, String: Object.
final Map<Type, Type> parents;
/// For each type, a map of declarations per symbol (property or method).
final Map<Type, Map<Symbol, Declaration>> declarations;
/// Static methods for each type.
// TODO(sigmund): should we add static getters & setters too?
final Map<Type, Map<Symbol, Function>> staticMethods;
/// A map from symbol to strings.
final Map<Symbol, String> names;
/// A map from strings to symbols (the reverse of [names]).
final Map<String, Symbol> _symbols = {};
/// Whether to check for missing declarations, otherwise, return default
/// values (for example a missing parent class can be treated as Object)
final bool checkedMode;
Map<Symbol, Getter> getters,
Map<Symbol, Setter> setters,
Map<Type, Type> parents,
Map<Type, Map<Symbol, Declaration>> declarations,
Map<Type, Map<Symbol, Function>> staticMethods,
Map<Symbol, String> names,
this.checkedMode: true})
: getters = getters != null ? getters : {},
setters = setters != null ? setters : {},
parents = parents != null ? parents : {},
declarations = declarations != null ? declarations : {},
staticMethods = staticMethods != null ? staticMethods : {},
names = names != null ? names : {} {
this.names.forEach((k, v) { _symbols[v] = k; });
void addAll(StaticConfiguration other) {
_nestedAddAll(declarations, other.declarations);
_nestedAddAll(staticMethods, other.staticMethods);
other.names.forEach((k, v) { _symbols[v] = k; });
static _nestedAddAll(Map a, Map b) {
for (var key in b.keys) {
a.putIfAbsent(key, () => {});
/// Set up the smoke package to use a static implementation based on the given
/// [configuration].
useGeneratedCode(StaticConfiguration configuration) {
configure(new GeneratedObjectAccessorService(configuration),
new GeneratedTypeInspectorService(configuration),
new GeneratedSymbolConverterService(configuration));
/// Implements [ObjectAccessorService] using a static configuration.
class GeneratedObjectAccessorService implements ObjectAccessorService {
final StaticConfiguration _configuration;
Map<Symbol, Getter> get _getters => _configuration.getters;
Map<Symbol, Setter> get _setters => _configuration.setters;
Map<Type, Map<Symbol, Function>> get _staticMethods =>
read(Object object, Symbol name) {
var getter = _getters[name];
if (getter == null) {
throw new MissingCodeException('getter "$name" in $object');
return getter(object);
void write(Object object, Symbol name, value) {
var setter = _setters[name];
if (setter == null) {
throw new MissingCodeException('setter "$name" in $object');
setter(object, value);
invoke(object, Symbol name, List args, {Map namedArgs, bool adjust: false}) {
var method;
if (object is Type) {
var classMethods = _staticMethods[object];
method = classMethods == null ? null : classMethods[name];
} else {
var getter = _getters[name];
method = getter == null ? null : getter(object);
if (method == null) {
throw new MissingCodeException('method "$name" in $object');
var tentativeError;
if (adjust) {
var min = minArgs(method);
if (min > SUPPORTED_ARGS) {
tentativeError = 'we tried to adjust the arguments for calling "$name"'
', but we couldn\'t determine the exact number of arguments it '
'expects (it is more than $SUPPORTED_ARGS).';
// The argument list might be correct, so we still invoke the function
// and let the user see the error.
args = adjustList(args, min, math.max(min, args.length));
} else {
var max = maxArgs(method);
args = adjustList(args, min, max >= 0 ? max : args.length);
if (namedArgs != null) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'smoke.static doesn\'t support namedArguments in invoke');
try {
return Function.apply(method, args);
} on NoSuchMethodError catch (e) {
// TODO(sigmund): consider whether this should just be in a logger or if
// we should wrap `e` as a new exception (what's the best way to let users
// know about this tentativeError?)
if (tentativeError != null) print(tentativeError);
/// Implements [TypeInspectorService] using a static configuration.
class GeneratedTypeInspectorService implements TypeInspectorService {
final StaticConfiguration _configuration;
Map<Type, Type> get _parents => _configuration.parents;
Map<Type, Map<Symbol, Declaration>> get _declarations =>
bool get _checkedMode => _configuration.checkedMode;
bool isSubclassOf(Type type, Type supertype) {
if (type == supertype || supertype == Object) return true;
while (type != Object) {
var parentType = _parents[type];
if (parentType == supertype) return true;
if (parentType == null) {
if (!_checkedMode) return false;
throw new MissingCodeException('superclass of "$type" ($parentType)');
type = parentType;
return false;
bool hasGetter(Type type, Symbol name) {
var decl = _findDeclaration(type, name);
// No need to check decl.isProperty because methods are also automatically
// considered getters (auto-closures).
return decl != null && !decl.isStatic;
bool hasSetter(Type type, Symbol name) {
var decl = _findDeclaration(type, name);
return decl != null && !decl.isMethod && !decl.isFinal && !decl.isStatic;
bool hasInstanceMethod(Type type, Symbol name) {
var decl = _findDeclaration(type, name);
return decl != null && decl.isMethod && !decl.isStatic;
bool hasStaticMethod(Type type, Symbol name) {
final map = _declarations[type];
if (map == null) {
if (!_checkedMode) return false;
throw new MissingCodeException('declarations for $type');
final decl = map[name];
return decl != null && decl.isMethod && decl.isStatic;
Declaration getDeclaration(Type type, Symbol name) {
var decl = _findDeclaration(type, name);
if (decl == null) {
if (!_checkedMode) return null;
throw new MissingCodeException('declaration for $type.$name');
return decl;
List<Declaration> query(Type type, QueryOptions options) {
var result = [];
if (options.includeInherited) {
var superclass = _parents[type];
if (superclass == null) {
if (_checkedMode) {
throw new MissingCodeException('superclass of "$type"');
} else if (superclass != options.includeUpTo) {
result = query(superclass, options);
var map = _declarations[type];
if (map == null) {
if (!_checkedMode) return result;
throw new MissingCodeException('declarations for $type');
for (var decl in map.values) {
if (!options.includeFields && decl.isField) continue;
if (!options.includeProperties && decl.isProperty) continue;
if (options.excludeFinal && decl.isFinal) continue;
if (!options.includeMethods && decl.isMethod) continue;
if (options.matches != null && !options.matches( continue;
if (options.withAnnotations != null &&
!matchesAnnotation(decl.annotations, options.withAnnotations)) {
return result;
Declaration _findDeclaration(Type type, Symbol name) {
while (type != Object) {
final declarations = _declarations[type];
if (declarations != null) {
final declaration = declarations[name];
if (declaration != null) return declaration;
var parentType = _parents[type];
if (parentType == null) {
if (!_checkedMode) return null;
throw new MissingCodeException('superclass of "$type"');
type = parentType;
return null;
/// Implements [SymbolConverterService] using a static configuration.
class GeneratedSymbolConverterService implements SymbolConverterService {
final StaticConfiguration _configuration;
Map<Symbol, String> get _names => _configuration.names;
Map<String, Symbol> get _symbols => _configuration._symbols;
String symbolToName(Symbol symbol) => _names[symbol];
Symbol nameToSymbol(String name) => _symbols[name];
/// Exception thrown when trynig to access something that should be there, but
/// the code generator didn't include it.
class MissingCodeException implements Exception {
final String description;
String toString() => 'Missing $description. '
'Code generation for the smoke package seems incomplete.';