blob: bfcdc4da254b9e92ba59f8ab0893ab182cc22942 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Instead modify 'pkg/analyzer/messages.yaml' and run
// 'dart run pkg/analyzer/tool/messages/generate.dart' to update.
// We allow some snake_case and SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE identifiers in generated
// code, as they match names declared in the source configuration files.
// ignore_for_file: constant_identifier_names
import "package:analyzer/error/error.dart";
class AnalysisOptionsErrorCode extends ErrorCode {
/// An error code indicating that there is a syntactic error in the included
/// file.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the path of the file containing the error
/// 1: the starting offset of the text in the file that contains the error
/// 2: the ending offset of the text in the file that contains the error
/// 3: the error message
static const AnalysisOptionsErrorCode INCLUDED_FILE_PARSE_ERROR =
"{3} in {0}({1}..{2})",
/// An error code indicating that there is a syntactic error in the file.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the error message from the parse error
static const AnalysisOptionsErrorCode PARSE_ERROR = AnalysisOptionsErrorCode(
/// Initialize a newly created error code to have the given [name].
const AnalysisOptionsErrorCode(
String name,
String problemMessage, {
super.hasPublishedDocs = false,
super.isUnresolvedIdentifier = false,
String? uniqueName,
}) : super(
name: name,
problemMessage: problemMessage,
uniqueName: 'AnalysisOptionsErrorCode.${uniqueName ?? name}',
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR;
class AnalysisOptionsHintCode extends ErrorCode {
/// An error code indicating that the enablePreviewDart2 setting is
/// deprecated.
static const AnalysisOptionsHintCode PREVIEW_DART_2_SETTING_DEPRECATED =
"The 'enablePreviewDart2' setting is deprecated.",
correctionMessage: "It is no longer necessary to explicitly enable Dart 2.",
/// An error code indicating that strong-mode: true is deprecated.
static const AnalysisOptionsHintCode STRONG_MODE_SETTING_DEPRECATED =
"The 'strong-mode: true' setting is deprecated.",
"It is no longer necessary to explicitly enable strong mode.",
/// An error code indicating that the enablePreviewDart2 setting is
/// deprecated.
static const AnalysisOptionsHintCode SUPER_MIXINS_SETTING_DEPRECATED =
"The 'enableSuperMixins' setting is deprecated.",
"Support has been added to the language for 'mixin' based mixins.",
/// Initialize a newly created error code to have the given [name].
const AnalysisOptionsHintCode(
String name,
String problemMessage, {
super.hasPublishedDocs = false,
super.isUnresolvedIdentifier = false,
String? uniqueName,
}) : super(
name: name,
problemMessage: problemMessage,
uniqueName: 'AnalysisOptionsHintCode.${uniqueName ?? name}',
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.INFO;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.HINT;
class AnalysisOptionsWarningCode extends ErrorCode {
/// An error code indicating that the given option is deprecated.
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode ANALYSIS_OPTION_DEPRECATED =
"The option '{0}' is no longer supported.",
/// An error code indicating a specified include file has a warning.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the path of the file containing the warnings
/// 1: the starting offset of the text in the file that contains the warning
/// 2: the ending offset of the text in the file that contains the warning
/// 3: the warning message
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode INCLUDED_FILE_WARNING =
"Warning in the included options file {0}({1}..{2}): {3}",
/// An error code indicating a specified include file could not be found.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the uri of the file to be included
/// 1: the path of the file containing the include directive
/// 2: the path of the context being analyzed
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode INCLUDE_FILE_NOT_FOUND =
"The include file '{0}' in '{1}' can't be found when analyzing '{2}'.",
/// An error code indicating that a plugin is being configured with an invalid
/// value for an option and a detail message is provided.
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode INVALID_OPTION =
"Invalid option specified for '{0}': {1}",
/// An error code indicating an invalid format for an options file section.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the section name
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode INVALID_SECTION_FORMAT =
"Invalid format for the '{0}' section.",
/// An error code indicating that strong-mode: false is has been removed.
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode SPEC_MODE_REMOVED =
"The option 'strong-mode: false' is no longer supported.",
"It's recommended to remove the 'strong-mode:' setting (and make your "
"code Dart 2 compliant).",
/// An error code indicating that an unrecognized error code is being used to
/// specify an error filter.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the unrecognized error code
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode UNRECOGNIZED_ERROR_CODE =
"'{0}' isn't a recognized error code.",
/// An error code indicating that a plugin is being configured with an
/// unsupported option and legal options are provided.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the plugin name
/// 1: the unsupported option key
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode UNSUPPORTED_OPTION_WITHOUT_VALUES =
"The option '{1}' isn't supported by '{0}'.",
/// An error code indicating that a plugin is being configured with an
/// unsupported option where there is just one legal value.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the plugin name
/// 1: the unsupported option key
/// 2: the legal value
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode UNSUPPORTED_OPTION_WITH_LEGAL_VALUE =
"The option '{1}' isn't supported by '{0}'. Try using the only supported "
"option: '{2}'.",
/// An error code indicating that a plugin is being configured with an
/// unsupported option and legal options are provided.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the plugin name
/// 1: the unsupported option key
/// 2: legal values
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode UNSUPPORTED_OPTION_WITH_LEGAL_VALUES =
"The option '{1}' isn't supported by '{0}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try using one of the supported options: {2}.",
/// An error code indicating that an option entry is being configured with an
/// unsupported value.
/// Parameters:
/// 0: the option name
/// 1: the unsupported value
/// 2: legal values
static const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode UNSUPPORTED_VALUE =
"The value '{1}' isn't supported by '{0}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try using one of the supported options: {2}.",
/// Initialize a newly created error code to have the given [name].
const AnalysisOptionsWarningCode(
String name,
String problemMessage, {
super.hasPublishedDocs = false,
super.isUnresolvedIdentifier = false,
String? uniqueName,
}) : super(
name: name,
problemMessage: problemMessage,
uniqueName: 'AnalysisOptionsWarningCode.${uniqueName ?? name}',
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorSeverity.WARNING;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.STATIC_WARNING;