blob: 9e90f33f3dcfec86b77492d0908d29698877c497 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the FooUTHORS file
// for details. Fooll rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class IncomingCallHierarchyTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
late final Uri otherFileUri;
/// Calls textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy at the location of `^` in
/// [mainContents] and uses the single result to call
/// `callHierarchy/incomingCalls` and ensures the results match
/// [expectedResults].
Future<void> expectResults({
required String mainContents,
String? otherContents,
required List<CallHierarchyIncomingCall> expectedResults,
}) async {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(mainContents));
if (otherContents != null) {
await openFile(otherFileUri, withoutMarkers(otherContents));
final prepareResult = await prepareCallHierarchy(
final result = await callHierarchyIncoming(prepareResult!.single);
expect(result!, unorderedEquals(expectedResults));
void setUp() {
otherFileUri = Uri.file(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'other.dart'));
Future<void> test_constructor() async {
final contents = '''
class Foo {
final otherContents = '''
import 'main.dart';
class Bar {
final foo = Foo();
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Container of the call
from: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Bar',
detail: 'other.dart',
kind: SymbolKind.Class,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfPattern(
otherContents, RegExp(r'class Bar \{.*\}', dotAll: true)),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Bar'),
// Ranges of calls within this container
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Foo'),
Future<void> test_function() async {
final contents = '''
String fo^o() {}
final otherContents = '''
import 'main.dart';
final x = foo();
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Container of the call
from: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'other.dart',
detail: null,
kind: SymbolKind.File,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: entireRange(otherContents),
selectionRange: startOfDocRange,
// Ranges of calls within this container
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(otherContents, 'foo'),
Future<void> test_implicitConstructor() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
void main() {
final foo = Fo^o();
final otherContents = '''
class Foo {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Container of the call
from: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'main',
detail: 'main.dart',
kind: SymbolKind.Function,
uri: mainFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfPattern(
contents, RegExp(r'void main\(\) \{.*\}', dotAll: true)),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(contents, 'main'),
// Ranges of calls within this container
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(contents, 'Foo'),
Future<void> test_method() async {
final contents = '''
class A {
String fo^o() {}
final otherContents = '''
import 'main.dart';
class B {
String bar() {
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Container of the call
from: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'bar',
detail: 'B',
kind: SymbolKind.Method,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfPattern(otherContents,
RegExp(r'String bar\(\) \{.*\ }', dotAll: true)),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'bar'),
// Ranges of calls within this container
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(otherContents, 'foo'),
Future<void> test_namedConstructor() async {
final contents = '''
class Foo {
final otherContents = '''
import 'main.dart';
class Bar {
final foo = Foo.named();
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Container of the call
from: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Bar',
detail: 'other.dart',
kind: SymbolKind.Class,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfPattern(
otherContents, RegExp(r'class Bar \{.*\}', dotAll: true)),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Bar'),
// Ranges of calls within this container
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(otherContents, 'named'),
class OutgoingCallHierarchyTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
late final Uri otherFileUri;
/// Calls textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy at the location of `^` in
/// [mainContents] and uses the single result to call
/// `callHierarchy/outgoingCalls` and ensures the results match
/// [expectedResults].
Future<void> expectResults({
required String mainContents,
String? otherContents,
required List<CallHierarchyOutgoingCall> expectedResults,
}) async {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(mainContents));
if (otherContents != null) {
await openFile(otherFileUri, withoutMarkers(otherContents));
final prepareResult = await prepareCallHierarchy(
final result = await callHierarchyOutgoing(prepareResult!.single);
expect(result!, unorderedEquals(expectedResults));
void setUp() {
otherFileUri = Uri.file(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'other.dart'));
Future<void> test_constructor() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
class Foo {
Fo^o() {
final b = Bar();
final otherContents = '''
class Bar {
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Target of the call.
to: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Bar',
detail: 'Bar',
kind: SymbolKind.Constructor,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Bar();'),
rangeStartingAtString(otherContents, 'Bar();', 'Bar'),
// Ranges of the outbound call.
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(contents, 'Bar'),
Future<void> test_function() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
void fo^o() {
final otherContents = '''
void bar() {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Target of the call.
to: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'bar',
detail: 'other.dart',
kind: SymbolKind.Function,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'void bar() {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'bar'),
// Ranges of the outbound call.
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(contents, 'bar'),
Future<void> test_implicitConstructor() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
class Foo {
Fo^o() {
final b = Bar();
final otherContents = '''
class Bar {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Target of the call.
to: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Bar',
detail: 'Bar',
kind: SymbolKind.Constructor,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'class Bar {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Bar'),
// Ranges of the outbound call.
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(contents, 'Bar'),
Future<void> test_method() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
class Foo {
final b = Bar();
void f^oo() {;
final otherContents = '''
class Bar {
void bar() {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Target of the call.
to: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'bar',
detail: 'Bar',
kind: SymbolKind.Method,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'void bar() {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'bar'),
// Ranges of the outbound call.
fromRanges: [
rangeOfString(contents, 'bar'),
Future<void> test_namedConstructor() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
class Foo {
Foo.nam^ed() {
final b = Bar.named();
final otherContents = '''
class Bar {
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResults: [
// Target of the call.
to: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Bar.named',
detail: 'Bar',
kind: SymbolKind.Constructor,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Bar.named();'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'named'),
// Ranges of the outbound call.
fromRanges: [
rangeStartingAtString(contents, 'named();', 'named'),
class PrepareCallHierarchyTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
late final Uri otherFileUri;
/// Calls textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy at the location of `^` in
/// [mainContents] and expects a null result.
Future<void> expectNullResults(String mainContents) async {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(mainContents));
final result = await prepareCallHierarchy(
expect(result, isNull);
/// Calls textDocument/prepareCallHierarchy at the location of `^` in
/// [mainContents] and ensures the results match [expectedResults].
Future<void> expectResults({
required String mainContents,
String? otherContents,
required CallHierarchyItem expectedResult,
}) async {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, withoutMarkers(mainContents));
if (otherContents != null) {
await openFile(otherFileUri, withoutMarkers(otherContents));
final results = await prepareCallHierarchy(
expect(results, isNotNull);
expect(results!, hasLength(1));
expect(results.single, expectedResult);
void setUp() {
otherFileUri = Uri.file(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'other.dart'));
Future<void> test_args() async {
await expectNullResults('main(int ^a) {}');
Future<void> test_block() async {
await expectNullResults('main() {^}');
Future<void> test_comment() async {
await expectNullResults('main() {} // this is a ^comment');
Future<void> test_constructor() async {
final contents = '''
class Foo {
[[Fo^o]](String a) {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Foo',
detail: 'Foo', // Containing class name
kind: SymbolKind.Constructor,
uri: mainFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(contents, 'Foo(String a) {}'),
selectionRange: rangeFromMarkers(contents)),
Future<void> test_constructorCall() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
main() {
final foo = Fo^o();
final otherContents = '''
class Foo {
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Foo',
detail: 'Foo', // Containing class name
kind: SymbolKind.Constructor,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Foo();'),
selectionRange: rangeFromMarkers(otherContents)));
Future<void> test_function() async {
final contents = '''
void myFun^ction() {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'myFunction',
detail: 'main.dart', // Containing file name
kind: SymbolKind.Function,
uri: mainFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(contents, 'void myFunction() {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(contents, 'myFunction')),
Future<void> test_functionCall() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart' as f;
main() {
final otherContents = '''
void myFunction() {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'myFunction',
detail: 'other.dart', // Containing file name
kind: SymbolKind.Function,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'void myFunction() {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'myFunction')),
Future<void> test_implicitConstructorCall() async {
// Even if a constructor is implicit, we might want to be able to get the
// incoming calls, so invoking it here should still return an element
// (the class).
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
main() {
final foo = Fo^o();
final otherContents = '''
class Foo {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Foo',
detail: 'Foo', // Containing class name
kind: SymbolKind.Constructor,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'class Foo {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Foo')),
Future<void> test_method() async {
final contents = '''
class Foo {
void myMet^hod() {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'myMethod',
detail: 'Foo', // Containing class name
kind: SymbolKind.Method,
uri: mainFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(contents, 'void myMethod() {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(contents, 'myMethod')),
Future<void> test_methodCall() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
main() {
final otherContents = '''
class Foo {
void myMethod() {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'myMethod',
detail: 'Foo', // Containing class name
kind: SymbolKind.Method,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'void myMethod() {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'myMethod')),
Future<void> test_namedConstructor() async {
final contents = '''
class Foo {
Foo.Ba^r(String a) {}
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Foo.Bar',
detail: 'Foo', // Containing class name
kind: SymbolKind.Constructor,
uri: mainFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(contents, 'Foo.Bar(String a) {}'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(contents, 'Bar')),
Future<void> test_namedConstructorCall() async {
final contents = '''
import 'other.dart';
main() {
final foo = Foo.Ba^r();
final otherContents = '''
class Foo {
await expectResults(
mainContents: contents,
otherContents: otherContents,
expectedResult: CallHierarchyItem(
name: 'Foo.Bar',
detail: 'Foo', // Containing class name
kind: SymbolKind.Constructor,
uri: otherFileUri.toString(),
range: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Foo.Bar();'),
selectionRange: rangeOfString(otherContents, 'Bar')),
Future<void> test_whitespace() async {
await expectNullResults(' ^ main() {}');