blob: 5e1d07d332a56a68dddcee082c79d6e31282807d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.selector;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/names.dart' show Names;
import '../elements/elements.dart' show Elements;
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/names.dart';
import '../elements/operators.dart';
import '../util/util.dart' show Hashing;
import 'call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
class SelectorKind {
final String name;
final int hashCode;
const SelectorKind(, this.hashCode);
static const SelectorKind GETTER = const SelectorKind('getter', 0);
static const SelectorKind SETTER = const SelectorKind('setter', 1);
static const SelectorKind CALL = const SelectorKind('call', 2);
static const SelectorKind OPERATOR = const SelectorKind('operator', 3);
static const SelectorKind INDEX = const SelectorKind('index', 4);
static const SelectorKind SPECIAL = const SelectorKind('special', 5);
int get index => hashCode;
String toString() => name;
static List<SelectorKind> values = const <SelectorKind>[
class Selector {
final SelectorKind kind;
final Name memberName;
final CallStructure callStructure;
final int hashCode;
int get argumentCount => callStructure.argumentCount;
int get namedArgumentCount => callStructure.namedArgumentCount;
int get positionalArgumentCount => callStructure.positionalArgumentCount;
int get typeArgumentCount => callStructure.typeArgumentCount;
List<String> get namedArguments => callStructure.namedArguments;
String get name => memberName.text;
LibraryEntity get library => memberName.library;
static bool isOperatorName(String name) {
if (name == Names.INDEX_SET_NAME.text) {
return true;
} else if (name == UnaryOperator.NEGATE.selectorName) {
return true;
} else if (name == UnaryOperator.COMPLEMENT.selectorName) {
return true;
} else {
return BinaryOperator.parseUserDefinable(name) != null;
this.kind, this.memberName, this.callStructure, this.hashCode) {
kind == SelectorKind.INDEX ||
(memberName != Names.INDEX_NAME &&
memberName != Names.INDEX_SET_NAME),
kind == SelectorKind.OPERATOR ||
kind == SelectorKind.INDEX ||
!isOperatorName(memberName.text) ||
memberName.text == '??',
kind == SelectorKind.CALL ||
kind == SelectorKind.GETTER ||
kind == SelectorKind.SETTER ||
isOperatorName(memberName.text) ||
memberName.text == '??',
// TODO(johnniwinther): Extract caching.
static Map<int, List<Selector>> canonicalizedValues =
new Map<int, List<Selector>>();
factory Selector(SelectorKind kind, Name name, CallStructure callStructure) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Maybe use equality instead of implicit hashing.
int hashCode = computeHashCode(kind, name, callStructure);
List<Selector> list =
canonicalizedValues.putIfAbsent(hashCode, () => <Selector>[]);
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
Selector existing = list[i];
if (existing.match(kind, name, callStructure)) {
assert(existing.hashCode == hashCode);
return existing;
Selector result =
new Selector.internal(kind, name, callStructure, hashCode);
return result;
factory Selector.fromElement(MemberEntity element) {
Name name = element.memberName;
if (element.isFunction) {
FunctionEntity function = element;
if (name == Names.INDEX_NAME) {
return new Selector.index();
} else if (name == Names.INDEX_SET_NAME) {
return new Selector.indexSet();
CallStructure callStructure = function.parameterStructure.callStructure;
if (isOperatorName( {
// Operators cannot have named arguments, however, that doesn't prevent
// a user from declaring such an operator.
return new Selector(SelectorKind.OPERATOR, name, callStructure);
} else {
return new, callStructure);
} else if (element.isSetter) {
return new Selector.setter(name);
} else if (element.isGetter) {
return new Selector.getter(name);
} else if (element.isField) {
return new Selector.getter(name);
} else if (element.isConstructor) {
return new Selector.callConstructor(name);
} else {
throw failedAt(element, "Can't get selector from $element");
factory Selector.getter(Name name) =>
new Selector(SelectorKind.GETTER, name.getter, CallStructure.NO_ARGS);
factory Selector.setter(Name name) =>
new Selector(SelectorKind.SETTER, name.setter, CallStructure.ONE_ARG);
factory Selector.unaryOperator(String name) => new Selector(
new PublicName(Elements.constructOperatorName(name, true)),
factory Selector.binaryOperator(String name) => new Selector(
new PublicName(Elements.constructOperatorName(name, false)),
factory Selector.index() =>
new Selector(SelectorKind.INDEX, Names.INDEX_NAME, CallStructure.ONE_ARG);
factory Selector.indexSet() => new Selector(
SelectorKind.INDEX, Names.INDEX_SET_NAME, CallStructure.TWO_ARGS);
factory name, CallStructure callStructure) =>
new Selector(SelectorKind.CALL, name, callStructure);
factory Selector.callClosure(int arity, [List<String> namedArguments]) =>
new Selector(SelectorKind.CALL,,
new CallStructure(arity, namedArguments));
factory Selector.callClosureFrom(Selector selector) =>
new Selector(SelectorKind.CALL,, selector.callStructure);
factory Selector.callConstructor(Name name,
[int arity = 0, List<String> namedArguments]) =>
new Selector(
SelectorKind.CALL, name, new CallStructure(arity, namedArguments));
factory Selector.callDefaultConstructor() => new Selector(
SelectorKind.CALL, const PublicName(''), CallStructure.NO_ARGS);
// TODO(31953): Remove this if we can implement via static calls.
factory Selector.genericInstantiation(int typeArguments) => new Selector(
new CallStructure(0, null, typeArguments));
bool get isGetter => kind == SelectorKind.GETTER;
bool get isSetter => kind == SelectorKind.SETTER;
bool get isCall => kind == SelectorKind.CALL;
bool get isClosureCall => isCall && memberName == Names.CALL_NAME;
bool get isIndex => kind == SelectorKind.INDEX && argumentCount == 1;
bool get isIndexSet => kind == SelectorKind.INDEX && argumentCount == 2;
bool get isOperator => kind == SelectorKind.OPERATOR;
bool get isUnaryOperator => isOperator && argumentCount == 0;
* The member name for invocation mirrors created from this selector.
String get invocationMirrorMemberName => isSetter ? '$name=' : name;
int get invocationMirrorKind {
const int METHOD = 0;
const int GETTER = 1;
const int SETTER = 2;
int kind = METHOD;
if (isGetter) {
kind = GETTER;
} else if (isSetter) {
kind = SETTER;
return kind;
bool appliesUnnamed(MemberEntity element) {
assert(name ==;
return appliesUntyped(element);
bool appliesUntyped(MemberEntity element) {
assert(name ==;
if (memberName.isPrivate && memberName.library != element.library) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Maybe this should be
// `memberName != element.memberName`.
return false;
if (element.isSetter) return isSetter;
if (element.isGetter) return isGetter || isCall;
if (element.isField) {
return isSetter ? element.isAssignable : isGetter || isCall;
if (isGetter) return true;
if (isSetter) return false;
return signatureApplies(element);
bool signatureApplies(FunctionEntity function) {
return callStructure.signatureApplies(function.parameterStructure);
bool applies(MemberEntity element) {
if (name != return false;
return appliesUnnamed(element);
bool match(SelectorKind kind, Name memberName, CallStructure callStructure) {
return this.kind == kind &&
this.memberName == memberName &&
static int computeHashCode(
SelectorKind kind, Name name, CallStructure callStructure) {
// Add bits from name and kind.
int hash = Hashing.mixHashCodeBits(name.hashCode, kind.hashCode);
// Add bits from the call structure.
return Hashing.mixHashCodeBits(hash, callStructure.hashCode);
String toString() {
return 'Selector($kind, $name, ${callStructure.structureToString()})';
Selector toCallSelector() => new Selector.callClosureFrom(this);